Lithuanian map detailed from the satellite. Lithuania card in Russian

Lithuania is a state in Northern Europe, in the Baltic States, which has access to the Baltic Sea in the West.

On a detailed map of Lithuania, it is possible to detect the border of the country with four states: with Latvia in the north, Belarus - in the Southeast, Poland and Russia (Kaliningrad region) - in the south-west.

Lithuania is an exporter of oil and gas, dairy products, pharmaceutical preparations.

Lithuania on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Lithuania on the map of the world is located in Northern Europe, in the Baltic region, washing the waters of the Baltic Sea and its Curonian Bay in the West. The country has stretched out in the latitudinal direction of 370 km, and in the meridional - 280 km. The total length of the borders is 1273 km, and the length of the coastline is only 99 km.


Lithuania is not fossil. There are only significant reserves of limestone, clay, quartz and gypsum sand; Oil reserves on the shelf of the Baltic Sea and iron ore in the south are insignificant.


Lithuanian relief is flat and hilly, most of the country is located on the western outskirts of the Eastern European Plain. The highest point of Lithuania is the Hill Auchstomas (294 meters), relating to the Oshmyan hill.


Lithuania has a thick river network with short plain rivers - only 19 rivers of countries have a length of more than 100 km. The longest river - Nyamunas with a length of 937 km (of them in the territory of Lithuania - 475 km), which flows into the Baltic Sea Curza Bay.

On the territory of Lithuania there are about 3,000 lakes with mainly glacial origin and occupying 1.5% of the country. The largest lake - Drukshya (44.79 km²), located in the territories of Lithuania and Belarus, in the eastern part of the country.

The country is dominated by lowland, transitional and rollers, which account for 6% of the country's territory.

Flora and fauna

In Lithuania, the turf-podzolic and ferrous-carbonate soils are most common.

About a third of the country's territory occupies forest vegetation, among which pine, spruce, birch, alder, oak, oak predominate.

In total, the vegetation world of Lithuania has 10,600 species of plants. Often there are a chamber, St. John's wort, Pupil, Morozha, Rock, Khoshshi.

The Lithuanian fauna consists of 68 species of mammals, 203 species of birds, 7 species of reptiles, 13 types of amphibians and about 60 species of fish. In local forests and mammalian fields, boars, roebles, foxes, wolves, hares; And from birds - nightingales, sitsy, finch, frozard. In the inland water bodies dwells the roach, hero, bream, perch.

Particularly protected areas of the country include about 300 national and regional parks, reserves and reserves. Auksttytsky National Park is the oldest country national park, which includes picturesque forests and hills with 126 lakes scattered on them. On the Lithuanian map in Russian National Park is located in the eastern part of the country.


Lithuanian mild continental climate in the center and in the eastern part, mild marine on the coast. The Baltic Sea has a significant impact of the climate of the whole country, making it less continental: severe frosts in winter and exhausting in the summer are rare for Lithuania. The average annual temperature of +6 ° C. Winter soft and snowy, no more than 3 months, the average January temperature ranges from -1 ° C on the sea coast to -6 ° C in the continental part. Summer is cool and rainy, durability of 3 months, the average temperature of July from +16 ° C to +19 ° C. 540 - 930 mm of precipitation falls per year, the largest number of which is observed on the south-west coast of the Baltic Sea.

Lithuanian map with cities. Administrative division of the country

The territory of Lithuania is divided into 10 counties:

  • Vilnius,
  • Kaunassky,
  • Klaipeda,
  • Marijampolsky,
  • Panevowsky,
  • Tauragsky,
  • Telshyai
  • Utena
  • Siaulian.

The largest cities of Lithuania

  • Vilnius - The capital and largest city of Lithuania, in which the fifth part (546 thousand people) of the country's population lives. On the Lithuanian map with cities in Russian, the city is located in the south-east of the country. Vilnius - Transport, Tourist and Economic Center of Lithuania, specializing in mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and food industry. The old town with a tower of Gedimin, the cathedral area, the Church of Saints John is the most important attraction of Vilnius.
  • Kaunas - The second most important city is the country located in its central part. In Kaunas there are many enterprises of the textile industry, as well as the Kaunas HPP. Kaunas castle, built in the 13th century - the main attraction of the city. The population of Kaunas is 301 thousand people.
  • Siaulia - City in the north of Lithuania. The main role in the economy of Šiauliai is occupied by trade, production of beverages and confectionery, leather industry. The city contains a large Siaulia University and Siaulia Drama Theater. There are 108 thousand inhabitants in Siaulia.

Where is Lithuania on the world map. A detailed map of Lithuania in Russian online. Lithuanian satellite map with cities and resorts, roads, streets and houses. Lithuania on the world map - the Eastern European state, the capital of which is Vilnius. The western part of the country is washed by the Baltic Sea.

Lithuanian map in Russian with cities detailed:

Lithuanian cities maps:

Lithuania - Wikipedia

Lithuanian population:2 826 534 people. (2017)
The capital of Lithuania: Vilnius city
The largest cities of Lithuania: Vilnius, Klaipeda, Kaunas.
Lithuanian telephone code: 370
National domain of Lithuania: .lt, .eu.

Maps of Lithuania.

Landmarks of Lithuania:

What to see in Lithuania: Old Town of Vilnius, Trakai Castle, Neringa, Gedimin Tower, National Park, Kurisk Kit, Church of St. Anne and Bernardinian Church, Kaunas Castle, Park and Museum Amber in Palanga, Aukshtitsky National Park, Lisves Alley, Mount Crosses, Karnava, Cathedral of St. Stanislav , Old part of Kaunas city, Europe Park, IX Fort of the Koven Fortress, city Druskininkai, Outragia Brama, Mount Witch, Palace of the Grand Prince Lithuanian, Old Town of Klaipeda, Dzuque National Park, Ethnographic Museum of Rumshishkes, Church of St. Gertruda in Kaunas, Museum of Watch in Klaipeda , Museum of devils in Kaunas, Presidential Palace in Vilnius, Zoo in Kaunas, Botanical Garden in Palanga.

Lithuania climate: On the larger territory of the country - the climate is moderate, distinguishing four seasons. On the west coast - climate sea, soft. Despite the fact that all seasons in Lithuania are clearly pronounced, because of the influence of the Baltic, there are no frosts in winter and the strong heat in the summer. The average temperature of July is +22 C. Thermometer's winter column does not fall below -9 C.

Lithuanian relief Mostly plain, places - hilly, the larger area is occupied by sand dunes. In Lithuania, it is very good to the unique nature and in every way they seek to maintain this wealth. therefore Lithuania - This is the country of national parks. The largest and most famous of them are the National Park of the Kursk Kosh, the Dzukinsky National Park, the oldest National Park of Lithuania - the Aukstati and Historical and Cultural Park, the pride of Lithuania - Trakai. In this park there are also tracan lakes, which are about 60.

Most excursions in Lithuania Deals with the history of the attractions of the largest cities. Especially remarkable the capital of Lithuania - Vilnius founded in 1323. Its streets still keep in themselves the charm of the Middle Ages, and on the castle grief you can see the ruins of the Gedimine Tower.

The second largest city is Kaunas - Cultural and creative center, where artists, poets and writers created their masterpieces. Most of their creations, as well as information about the authors and history of the city, can be found in Kaunas museums. In addition to museums in Kaunas, there is also a town hall and the Kaunas castle.

In summer Lithuania It becomes a popular beach holiday country. A very famous and environmentally friendly resort of Lithuania - Nearing. Tourists come here not only to relax, but also for the treatment and prevention of various diseases. There are also known resorts such as Palanga and Klaipeda with clean sandy beaches.

Lithuania is the largest in size and number of the state located on the eastern shore of the Baltic Sea. In the north of her neighbor is Latvia, in the southwest - Kaliningrad region of Russia and Poland, and in the south-east - Belarus.

Lithuania on the world map

Most of the Lithuanian territory refers to the plain type and retains the traces of an ancient glaciation. The highest point of the country is the hill of Joojupine, whose height above sea level is 294 m.
In the state of the state flows 758 rivers, the greatest of which - Vilia and Neman. As for the lakes, there are about three thousand them in Lithuania, the largest of them is located on the border of the three countries - Latvia, Belarus and Lithuania, and is called Druksyi.
The climate here is quite quantitative and wears the nature of the transitional type to the continental one. Winter, as a rule, not very cold: The average temperature is about -4.5 ... -50c. Summer is cool and sunny, the thermometer column in July most often stops at + 170c.
Territorially Lithuania is divided into 10 counties, which, in turn, form the territories of local governments of 9 different cities and 43 districts. In total, 3 categories of settlements are distinguished in the country: cities, towns (towns) and villages. The largest cities are the following: Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipeda, Siauliai and Peneshezhis.

Lithuanian map in Russian

The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. So many historical monuments have been preserved in this old city that he was taken under UNESCO constant patronage. Among the most famous local attractions can be called the following: Old Arsenal, Ruins of the Old Castle, Gedimin Square, Artillery Bastion, New Arsenal, City Hall, Vyarkia Palace. According to the number of churches, Vilnius occupies one of the first places in the whole of the Baltic States, the largest share among them falls on the Catholic churches.
The ancient capital of Lithuania is Trakai, where you can see one of the most impregnable European fortresses, perfectly preserved to the present day. The natural sights of the city are the unique Ice Landscape and the National Historical and Cultural Reserve, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 8,200 hectares.
The city of Kaunas takes the second place in Lithuania. Among its tourist attractions include such architectural facilities as Gothic House of Pyarkunas, Kaunas Castle, Palace of Prince Masonic and City Hall. The number of city museums reaches several dozen, the greatest expositions are presented at the Museum of Aviation, the Museum of Medicine and Pharmaceuticals, the Zoological Museum, the original Museum of the devils and the Museum of Sports.
Klaipeda is an unimportant port that is located on the shores of the Curonian Gulf. As a result of World War II, the city has suffered a lot, but historians and archaeologists managed to partially restore the castle in the Curonian Spit, the quarters of the ancient stone warehouses, the building of the magistrate and theater.
The unique natural world served as the basis for creating several reserves in Lithuania, the largest and visited of which are "Chapkälyai", "Kamanos" and Zhuvintas. Used photographs from Wikimedia © Foto, Wikimedia Commons

(Republic of Lithuania)


Geographical position. Lithuania is a country in northeastern Europe. In the north, it is bordered by Latvia, in the south and east - with Belarus, in the south-west, with Poland and the Kaliningrad region of Russia. In the West is washed by the Baltic Sea.

Area. The territory of Lithuania takes 65,301 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative division. The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The largest cities: Vilnius (597 thousand people), Kaunas (434 thousand people), Klaipeda (208 thousand people). In administrative terms, Lithuania is divided into 11 cities of republican subordination and 10 counties.

Political system

Lithuania is a republic. Head of State - President. Head of Government - Prime Minister. Legislative authority - Model seam.

Relief. Most of the territory occupies the lowland plain, in the West and East Sobron.

Geological structure and minerals. One of the most important natural resources of Lithuania is amber, there are reserves of peat and building materials.

Climate. Climate transitional from marine to continental, continentality increases from west to east. The average temperature of January -8 ° C, July + 17 ° C.

Inland waters. For Lithuania, a branched river network is characterized, the river belongs to the Baltic Sea basin. The largest river - Namunas (Neman). In Lithuania, there are about 3 thousand lakes, which occupy 1.5 percent of the territory of the republic. The deepest Tauragon (60.5 m).

Soil and vegetation. Soil podzolic. 25% of the country's territory occupy forests, 17% - meadows and pastures, 7% - swamps.

Animal world. Representatives of taiga and large forests are characteristic of the fauna: Holy Rusak, Fox, Wolf, Elk, Noble and Spotted Deer, Caban, Retal Dog, Mink, Beaver, Lynx, Cork, Otter, et al. Rivers rich in fish: bream, pike, perch , eel, trout, roach, etc.

Population of about 3.6 million people, population density 55 people per quarter. km. Ethnic groups: Lithuanians - 80%, Russians - 8.6%, Poles - 7.7%, Belarusians - 1.5%, Ukrainians - 1.2%. Languages: Lithuanian, Russian, Polish.


The bulk of the population is Catholics.

Brief historical essay

The first feudal state, established on the territory of modern Lithuania, was the Grand Distribution of Lithuania. Educated in the middle of the XIII century, the Principality included during the reign of Prince Gediminas Lithuanian and Belarusian lands, as well as part of the territory of modern Ukraine.

The struggle of the Lithuanian princes against the Knights of the Teutonic Order ended with the defeat of the latter in 1410 in the Grunwald battle. In 1569, the Grand Principality of Lithuanian entered, according to the Lublin Treaty, the compulsory question.

In 1795, Lithuania was annexed by Russia and remained as part of the Russian Empire until 1918.

After the country's occupation by the German troops during the First World War in December 1918, the Soviet regime was established in the country, which, however, was overthrown in the fall of 1919.

In 1926, as a result of a military coup, the dictator of Woldemaram, which was replaced by the estimation in 1929.

In July 1940, Soviet troops were introduced into the country, and Lithuania became a republic as part of the USSR.

In 1941, Lithuania was occupied by German troops, and the Soviet government was restored after the liberation of the country in 1944

In 1990, Lithuania first among the republics of the Soviet Union announced its independence, which was recognized by the Soviet government in 1991.

Short economic essay

Lithuania is an industrial-agricultural country. Leading industry industries: engineering and metalworking (instrument, machinery, shipbuilding, electrical engineering, etc.), chemistry and petrochemistry (production of artificial fibers, mineral fertilizers, etc.), light (knitted, cotton, etc.), food (meat - Military, butterfly, fish, etc.). Oil refining industry. Production of building materials. Art crafts (products from amber, ceramics, etc.) are developed. The main branch of agriculture and animal husbandry (milk-meat cattle breeding and bacon pigs, poultry farming). Cereal crops (barley, rye, wheat), fodder crops. Lena-dollar, sugar beets, potatoes and vegetable crops are also grown. Export: Mechanical Engineering, Food, Light Industry.

Monetary Unit Lit

Short essay of culture

Art and architecture. The attractions of the country are the Baltic Beaches in Palanga, the famous amber museum is also located there.

Vilnius. Gediminas Tower; Gothic church of St. Anna; The acute brother-arch of the gate in the old town, in which there is a miraculous icon of the Ostroy Mother of God. Under Vilnius-medieval castle in the city of Trakai. Kaunas. The remains of the castle of the XIV century; Church of Vitautas in the style of Lithuanian Gothic (XV century); Monastery XVII century; Museum of Zhmujdzinaviusus, more known as the "Museum of the devil"; The largest collection of Churlenis paintings.

Literature. E. Megateliis (1919-1997) - Poet, author of the collections of "Lyrics", "Man", etc., as well as lyrical prose, intelligent verses, and journalistic and autobiographical essays; J. Aviyus (r. 1922) -Pistee, depicting the dramatic fate of heroes in the difficult moments of the history of the Lithuanian society ("Glass Mountain", "Village at a crossroads", "Lost").

Lithuanian map from the satellite. Explore Lithuanian Satellite Card online in real time. A detailed map of Lithuania is based on high-resolution satellite images. In the maximum approximation, the Lithuanian satellite map allows you to study the streets, individual homes and sights of Lithuania. Map of Lithuania from the satellite easily switches to a normal map mode (scheme).

Lithuania - Eastern European country whose coast is washed by the Baltic Sea. The capital of Lithuania is Vilnius. The official language on which the majority of the population says is Lithuanian, but almost everyone is explicitly explicitly express in Russian and English.

Lithuania is a country with a rich historical heritage. Begin to get acquainted with the country is better from the capital, which is a very ancient city. The old historical center of Vilnius still retained the charm of the Middle Ages. Also in Vilnius there are such historical monuments as the Gediminas Tower, the Cathedral, the Town Hall, etc. But the true property of Lithuania is the Trakai castle, which stands on the island surrounded by the lakes in the picturesque town of Trakai.

The beach holidays on several seaside resorts are popular in Lithuania. For example, in Nening - Lithuanian resort in the Curonian Spit. Also popular resorts are Palanga and Klaipeda.

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