Unusual modern inventions. The greatest inventions of mankind

In the world of high technologies, more and more attention is paid to robots and their ability to significantly improve human life. In addition to robot assistants, transport plays an important role in our life. This fall, the automotive giants presented concepts that can once and for all solve the problem of urban congestion and reduce the risk of accidents. We have selected five high-tech innovations worthy of your attention.

/ Inventions

Today, the market offers a huge selection of tools and cosmetics for professionals in the beauty business. We chose one of the major stores that keeps abreast of quality novelties, and chose those that seemed to us the most interesting.

/ Inventions

We offer all beauty industry professionals the latest review of creative innovations from the market leader in the distribution of professional tools for hairdressers, cosmetologists, tanning salons, as well as furniture and equipment for beauty salons. With Hitek products, you will be one step ahead of your competitors.

/ Inventions

Progress does not stand still and every day the world is replenished with countless useful devices that help brighten up our lives and overcome everyday difficulties. This spring, scientists gave us the opportunity to feel like real superheroes, taught us to find a common language with babies and helped the blind to feel the beauty of the world around us.

/ Inventions

Although it seems that scientists around the world are focused exclusively on the creation of brand new mobile phones, the development of technologies in other areas is also in full swing. In our top 5 again got the innovation of Elon Musk, whose name now and then flashes in the news about the achievements of researchers. In addition to his plans to build an advanced subway, we will also tell you about other amazing inventions. And we will start with the most important thing - with a device that can save lives.

/ Inventions

Although February was not marked by such a variety of events in the world of innovation as January, scientists have prepared for us a lot of interesting innovations this month. We will tell you about 5 original inventions: from a space rocket to headphones-translators!

/ Inventions

The progressive future has already arrived, corporations are releasing the most powerful computers and smartphones, Elon Musk again surprises everyone around, and new technologies can literally save the lives of millions of people. Read more in our selection of hot tech news for October 2017.

Zoshchenko: I came up with an interesting idea: a story for children

A story for children from the cycle: Cunning and smart

One dog, named Lyoshka, saw a sausage on the chest of drawers. And there was no one at home.

Our dog got courage and decided to pull off this sausage.

And she wanted to eat this sausage so much that even her eyes lit up and saliva flowed.

Here the dog sees the sausage, but cannot get it, because the chest of drawers is high, and she herself is small, a little more than a cat.

She is small, but quite cunning. She thought a little, like a professor, and this is what she came up with.

First, she pulled out the bottom drawer of the dresser with her teeth.

Then I climbed up on this drawer and pulled out the second drawer a little.

Climbing up on the second drawer, she pulled the third drawer out quite a bit.

And then it turned out something like a ladder.

And our dog calmly and without anxiety climbed this ladder, took out a sausage and ate it without a trace.

Then the owners came. They were angry that the sausage had disappeared and wanted to beat the dog. But when they found out how the dog got the sausage, they did not beat her. They just laughed and said:

Oh, what a smart dog we have! Even we are not sorry that she ate the sausage.

You read a story for children - An interesting idea - by Mikhail M Zoshchenko, from children's stories: Cunning and smart (brave).

Every year or decade there are more and more scientists and inventors who give us new discoveries and inventions in various fields. But there are inventions that, once invented, change our way of life in the most enormous way, moving us forward on the path of progress. Here are just ten great inventions that have changed the world we live in.

List of inventions:

1. Nails

Inventor: unknown

Without nails, our civilization would surely collapse. It is difficult to establish the exact date of the appearance of nails. Now the approximate date of the creation of nails is in the Bronze Age. That is, it is obvious that nails could not have appeared before people learned how to cast and form metal. Previously, wooden structures had to be built using more complex technologies, using complex geometric structures. Now the construction process has become much easier.

Until the 1790s and early 1800s, iron nails were made by hand. The blacksmith would heat a square iron bar and then beat it on four sides to create the sharp end of the nail. Machines for making nails appeared between the 1790s and the early 1800s. Nail technology continued to evolve; After Henry Bessemer developed the process to mass-produce steel from iron, the iron nails of yesteryear gradually fell out of favor, and by 1886, 10% of nails in the US were made from mild steel wire (according to the University of Vermont). By 1913, 90% of the nails produced in the US were made from steel wire.

2. Wheel

Inventor: unknown

The idea of ​​a symmetrical component moving in a circular motion along an axis existed in ancient Mesopotamia, Egypt and Europe separately at different time periods. Thus, it is impossible to establish who and where exactly invented the wheel, but this great invention appeared in 3500 BC and became one of the most important inventions of mankind. The wheel facilitated work in the areas of agriculture and transportation, and also became the basis for other inventions, ranging from carriages to clocks.

3. Printing press

Johannes Gutenberg invented the manual printing press in 1450. By 1500 twenty million books had already been printed in Western Europe. In the 19th century, a modification was made, and the iron parts replaced the wood ones, which speeded up the printing process. The cultural and industrial revolution in Europe would not have been possible were it not for the speed with which the printing press made it possible to distribute documents, books and newspapers to a wide audience. The printing press allowed the development of the press, and also gave people the opportunity to educate themselves. The political sphere would also be unthinkable without millions of copies of leaflets and posters. What can we say about the state apparatus with its endless number of forms? All in all, a truly great invention.

4. Steam engine

Inventor Story by: James Watt

Although the first version of the steam engine dates back to the 3rd century AD, it was not until the early 19th century with the advent of the industrial age that the modern form of the internal combustion engine emerged. It took decades of design, after James Watt made the first drawings, according to which the combustion of fuel releases high-temperature gas and, as it expands, puts pressure on the piston and moves it. This phenomenal invention played a decisive role in the invention of other mechanisms such as automobiles and airplanes that changed the face of the planet we live on.

5. Bulb

Inventor: Thomas Alva Edison

The invention of the light bulb was developed during the 1800s by Thomas Edison; he is credited with the title of the main inventor of a lamp that could burn for 1500 hours without burning out (invented in 1879). The idea of ​​the light bulb itself does not belong to Edison and was expressed by many people, but it was he who managed to choose the right materials so that the light bulb burned for a long time and became cheaper than candles.

6. Penicillin

Inventor: Alexander Fleming

Penicillin was accidentally discovered in a petri dish by Alexander Fleming in 1928. The drug penicillin is a group of antibiotics that treats several infections in humans without harming them. Penicillin was mass-produced during World War II to rid military personnel of STDs and is still used as the standard antibiotic against infections. It was one of the most famous discoveries made in the field of medicine. Alexander Fleming received the Nobel Prize in 1945, and newspapers of the time wrote:

"To defeat fascism and liberate France, he made more whole divisions"

7. Phone

Inventor: Antonio Meucci

For a long time it was believed that Alexander Bell was the discoverer of the telephone, but in 2002 the US Congress decided that Antonio Meucci had the right to primacy in the invention of the telephone. In 1860 (16 years earlier than Graham Bell), Antonio Meucci demonstrated an apparatus that could transmit voice over wires. Antonio called his invention Telektrofon and applied for a patent in 1871. This set the stage for one of the most revolutionary inventions that almost everyone on our planet has in their pockets and on their desks. The telephone, which later also developed as a mobile phone, has had a vital impact on mankind, especially in the fields of business and communication. The expansion of audible speech from inside one room to the whole world is a feat unparalleled to this day.

8. Television

Zworykin with an iconoscope

Inventor: Rosing Boris Lvovich and his students Zworykin Vladimir Konstantinovich and Kataev Semyon Isidorovich (not recognized as a discoverer), as well as Philon Farnsworth

Although the invention of television cannot be attributed to one person, most people acknowledge that the invention of modern television was the merit of two people: Vladimir Kosma Zworykin (1923) and Philo Farnsworth (1927). It should be noted here that in the USSR Kataev Semyon Isidorovich was engaged in the development of a TV using parallel technology, and Rosing described the first experiments and principles of operation of electric television at the beginning of the 20th century. Television was also one of the great inventions that has evolved from mechanical to electronic, from black and white to color, from analog to digital, from primitive models without a remote control to intelligent, and now all to 3D versions and small home theaters. People usually spend about 4-8 hours a day watching TV, and this has greatly affected family and social life, as well as changed our culture beyond recognition.

9. Computer

Inventor: Charles Babbage, Alan Turing and others.

The principle of the modern computer was first mentioned by Alan Turing and later the first mechanical computer was invented in the early 19th century. This invention has really done amazing things in more areas of life, including the philosophy and culture of human society. The computer has helped launch high-speed military aircraft, put spacecraft into orbit, control medical equipment, create visual images, store vast amounts of information, and improve the functioning of cars, telephones, and power plants.

10. Internet and World Wide Web

Map of the entire computer network for 2016

Inventor: Vinton Cerf and Tim Berners-Lee

The Internet was first developed in 1973 by Vinton Cerf with the support of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). Its original use was to provide a communications network to research laboratories and universities in the United States and to expand overtime. This invention (along with the World Wide Web) was the main revolutionary invention of the 20th century. In 1996, over 25 million computers were connected via the Internet in 180 countries, and now we even had to switch to IPv6 to increase the number of IP addresses, since IPv4 addresses were completely exhausted, and there were about 4.22 billion of them.

The World Wide Web, as we know, was first predicted by Arthur C. Clarke. However, the invention was made 19 years later in 1989 by CERN employee Tom Berners Lee. The web has changed the way we think about various areas, including education, music, finance, reading, medicine, language, etc. The web is potentially superior all the great inventions of the world.

One squirrel wanted to fly through the air. “All day,” he thinks, “I’ve been jumping from branch to branch like crazy, but I can’t fly. What a disgrace!” A squirrel sits on a tree and mourns.

A bird flies and asks a squirrel:

- Why are you so strange today - sitting and not jumping?

Belka says:

– What is my interest in jumping? Birds fly, people fly, bugs fly, various midges, flies and mosquitoes also fly. Flying ants, fish, mice and those fly. And I just can't fly. And I want to fly a little. And then I live, as in a forest, and I don’t see anything interesting.

The bird says:

– I would take you with me to fly, but you are heavy. Only twelve birds can lift you into the air.

Belka says:

- Then call me twelve birds, let them ride me through the air, otherwise I will go crazy from boredom.

The bird chirped - chirp chirp - and immediately eleven more birds flew in.

The squirrel found twelve ropes and tied each bird by its leg. Then she took six ropes with birds in one paw and six ropes with birds in the other paw.

The birds fluttered their wings and flew away.

Birds are flying, and under them a squirrel is flying - holding on to the ropes and trembling with fear. Shouting to the birds

- Sister birds, enough! Take me down. I have dizziness.

The birds say:

- Oh no. Since you wanted to fly, we will lift you up to the very clouds and spin there all day until you fall ill. Especially since you're stealing testicles from our nests. Here you will know how to steal.

The birds fluttered their wings and rose even higher.

And the squirrel hangs under them and from fear “mother” cannot say.

And out of fear, our squirrel released six ropes with birds from one paw. And those birds flew away.

And the other six birds, which the squirrel held by the ropes, felt that it was hard for them, and gradually began to go down.

And then our quick-witted squirrel released two more ropes from its paw. And then two more birds flew away.

And on four birds, our squirrel rather smoothly descended to the ground. And there she immediately climbed a tree.

And she began to jump on a tree and have fun.

Another smart squirrel

And another squirrel, named Squirrel-plate, jumping from branch to branch, saw a mushroom under a tree.

“I don’t understand,” thought Squirrel, “why our forest animals do not want to use this mushroom in the right way.”

“Firstly,” said Squirrel, “a mushroom can serve as a good table. I'd rather eat at this table than on a branch. I can fall from a branch, and I can drop food. And here, how convenient. Secondly, - said the squirrel, - it is very uncomfortable when it rains: I get wet and catch a cold. I am constantly coughing and sneezing. And if I take a large mushroom with a thin stem, it will completely replace the umbrella. Wow, it's nice when it's raining. Thirdly, - said Squirrel, - the mushroom will help me in one more thing. When the sun is very hot, I don't like it, because I'm wearing a fur coat. I want to be cool. And let me have a mushroom instead of a shady arbor. Finally, said the squirrel, I can jump from the tree with this mushroom. He will be my parachute.

And the squirrel, climbing a tall tree, jumped down, holding a mushroom in its paw. And she was very happy and pleased that she came up with such a great idea.

One dog, named Leshka, saw a sausage on the chest of drawers. And there was no one at home.

Our dog got courage and decided to pull off this sausage.

And she wanted to eat this sausage so much that even her eyes lit up and saliva flowed.

Here the dog sees the sausage, but cannot get it, because the chest of drawers is high, and she herself is small, a little more than a cat.

She is small, but quite cunning. She thought a little, like a professor, and this is what she came up with.

First, she pulled out the bottom drawer of the dresser with her teeth.

Then I climbed up on this drawer and pulled out the second drawer a little.

Climbing up on the second drawer, she pulled the third drawer out quite a bit.

And then it turned out something like a ladder.

And our dog calmly and without anxiety climbed this ladder, took out a sausage and ate it without a trace.

Then the owners came. They were angry that the sausage had disappeared and wanted to beat the dog. But when they found out how the dog got the sausage, they did not beat her. They just laughed and said:

Oh, what a smart dog we have! Even we are not sorry that she ate the sausage.

Visiting the clown

One clown lived outside the city. He had a cottage there with a big fence.

And all the people passed by and did not see anything special.

Once a clown invited me to visit him.

He said:

- Come to visit me, and you will see a lot of interesting things. I have trained animals. They all do some work around the house and do not sit idle.

And so I went to visit this clown.

I open the gate, enter the garden and see a striking picture.

Elephant watering flowers. A bear with a tray goes and brings lemonade to the owner. Saw-fish cuts firewood. The monkey on the roof cleans the pipe. A woodpecker nails a board that has fallen off with its nose. And at the porch on the stairs are two huge lions waving their tails.

The owner says:

- Go boldly. Do not be afraid. All my animals are trained - they will not touch you.

And I sat down with the owner at a table, and the bear brought cocoa on a tray.

The owner asked:

- Well, do you like me?

I speak:

- Really like. It is especially beautiful that you have a fountain in your pond.

Clown says:

– No, I have a whale swimming there and playing tricks with water.

I drank cocoa and began to say goodbye to the owner.

The owner says:

- Some other time, come back, I'll show you what's going on inside my house. There I have hares washing dishes. Squirrels clean their boots. Crabs crack nuts. Cats open doors. Dogs sit in chairs. Foxes sleep in beds. So I have nowhere to go - I sit all day in the garden and drink lemonade.

I said goodbye to the clown and went to the exit. It was already dark. A giraffe with a lantern illuminated my path. A goose pecked at my leg when I accidentally stepped on the garden bed. The bear opened the gate.

And I went outside and went home.

funny stories

stupid story

Petya was not such a small boy. He was four years old. But his mother considered him a very tiny child. She fed him with a spoon, took him for a walk by the hand and in the morning she dressed him.

Once Petya woke up in his bed. And my mother began to dress him. So she dressed him and put him on his legs near the bed. But Petya suddenly fell. Mom thought he was naughty, and again put him on his feet. But he fell again. Mom was surprised and put him near the crib for the third time. But the child fell again.

Mom got scared and called dad on the phone at the service.

She told dad

- Come home soon. Something happened to our boy - he can't stand on his legs.

Here dad comes and says:

- Nonsense. Our boy walks and runs well, and it cannot be that he falls down with us.

And he immediately puts the boy on the carpet. The boy wants to go to his toys, but again, for the fourth time, he falls.

Papa says:

“We need to call the doctor as soon as possible. Our boy must have fallen ill. He probably ate too much candy yesterday.

They called the doctor.

A doctor comes in with glasses and a tube.

The Doctor says to Petya:

- What news is this! Why are you falling?

Petya says:

I don't know why, but I'm falling a little.

Doctor says to mother:

- Come on, undress this child, I'll examine him now.

Mom undressed Petya, and the doctor began to listen to him.

It would seem that any invention must be brilliant. But the desire to come up with something unusual sometimes leads to such absurd inventions that it turns out to surprise by 200%, but not everyone wants to use such an innovation.

The most useless inventions

Probably this man was very fond of women, if it occurred to him to invent tights for 3 legs. Indeed, it is a pity for women who throw away 1/6 of their salary for the purchase of tights because of the slightest tightening or “running” loop. So three-legged tights appeared, which in 1997 were patented in the USA. And they are not for female mutants. They are worn like ordinary tights, and the “third leg” is hidden on the belt. If the tights are torn on one leg, it is enough to replace the “damaged leg” with a third stocking, and everything will be in order.

And why is the subway cap patented in Japan not funny? Put it on your head, pulled it over your eyes, and rest while the train goes. And in order not to oversleep your stop, there is a special slot in it, where a sign with the name of the desired station is inserted. A good neighbor-passenger will always wake you up if the owner of such a hat suddenly falls asleep.

Alarm clock for those who are constantly late for work. In appearance, it is no different from the usual alarm clock. But a small button the size of a match head is located among the needles densely stuck into the body. Even for a normal person it is problematic to press it. But what about those who spent a stormy night the day before, or whose hands are shaking after a fun feast?

In America, they patented a rotating ice cream. The balls inside the cup are constantly moving. It remains only to stick out your tongue and hope that at least a drop of goodies will reach the “destination”.

Among the inventors-eccentrics there are really talented people who have left "their mark" in the world of discovery.

The most famous inventions

Among the inhabitants of different countries of the world conducted a survey on the most famous invention of mankind. Oddly enough, most of the inhabitants of the planet did not attach much importance to those inventions that "shook" the world.

The first place was taken by such an invention as letters. They are made up of words and sentences. This is the language of communication, without which it is impossible to imagine the existence of man. No inventions or technologies could come into being if there were no letters, signs, language.

Anesthesia. It is impossible to imagine how even the simplest operation can be carried out without it. The term "anesthesia" belongs to an ancient Roman physician and pharmacologist who lived in the 1st century AD. He managed to isolate narcotic extracts from the mandrake root, which had an analgesic effect.

"Laughing gas", or nitrous oxide, which relieves pain after a few inhalations, was invented by the English chemist Humphry Davy. And the invention of anesthesia using diethyl ether belongs to Dr. Morton. From that moment on, surgery learned to control pain.

Antibiotics have protected humanity from epidemics and deadly diseases. The inventor of penicillin, the first antibiotic, was Alexander Fleming, who patented this miraculous drug in 1928.

How did the invention of the computer change the world?

In the 50s, scientists invented "computers" resembling huge machines, the main task of which was to correctly calculate the trajectory of space flights. These inventions were called computers. Steve Jobs became a computer genius, a legendary man, who patented 230 inventions in the field of information technology. Thanks to his genius, not only portable computers appeared, but also iPod players and iPhone mobile phones.

The computer has become not only a means of collecting and processing information. This is not only a way to transfer any data to almost all parts of the world. This invention is irreplaceable in process control. With the help of computers, automated control of production processes, automatic robots, mechanisms for calculating control and measurement data takes place.

They are of great importance in the field of medicine when making diagnoses and examining the body, during the most complex operations, up to the transplantation of the heart and other human organs.

Computers are indispensable in the military-technical field. Calculating the flight paths of spacecraft and satellites, launching them into space, studying the bowels of the earth, predicting natural disasters and observing changes in nature, searching for and extracting minerals, the ability to control the operation of nuclear power plants - this is a tiny part of the opportunities that a person received with the invention of a computer.

The most significant invention in human history

It is rather difficult to single out the most significant invention. Scientists have come to the conclusion that this is not a rocket, not a light bulb, not television or radio, not the Internet and not an iPhone. This is a book. Because the flight of spaceships and aircraft, the mastery of electrical or atomic energy, and much more became possible thanks to the invention of the book. Neither the advent of the computer, television or high technology could replace the book. It is the most ancient, reliable carrier and keeper of any information, which does not need any external energy. It still fulfills its main task - to educate and educate people.

Perhaps the most notable know-how was the invention of the wheel. Some units with wheels are truly impressive, for example, the fastest motorcycles can accelerate to 100 kilometers per hour in 2.5 seconds. .
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