Chechen security forces in Syria. Kadyrov - about the war against "evil spirits" and the Chechen security forces in Syria

12 servicemen of the Defense Ministry unit stationed at the Khankala military base near Grozny have been dismissed from service for refusing to go to Syria, Chechen sources said. According to them, all the dismissed are local residents.

On December 6, an amateur video was published on the Internet, indicating that military police were sent to Syria from a suburb of Grozny. A consolidated detachment of military personnel stationed in Chechnya will perform military police functions in Syria and guard the Russian air base in Khmeimim, Kommersant on December 8 received a source at the military base in Khankala. 500 servicemen of the combined military police detachment were sent from Chechnya to Syria, a source in the republican law enforcement agencies said on December 9.

Since September 30, 2015, Russian aviation has been attacking targets in Syria. According to official figures, the strikes are on the positions of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) banned in Russia by the court and recognized as a terrorist organization. In Syria, there is a Russian naval base in Tartus and an air base in Khmeimim.

12 residents of Chechnya refused to go to Syria to participate in hostilities, local sources said

The fact that a group of contract soldiers who served in a military unit in Khankala refused to go to Syria to carry out combat missions was reported by a source in the Chechen Interior Ministry.

"In total, there were 12 refuseniks. All of them were dismissed from military service. The contract with them was terminated ahead of schedule," the source said.

At the same time, he noted that there are much more people who want to go on a business trip to Syria than those who do not want to go there.

"There are a lot of volunteers. First of all, this is due to the fact that increased salaries and various benefits have been promised," the source said.

All those dismissed from service for refusing to go to Syria are local residents, a source working at the Khankala base as a civilian worker said.

"A few days ago, a drill review of the combined military police battalion was held, which was sent to Syria. A group of military men refused to go on a business trip to a "hot spot", for which they were fired from service. 12 local residents refused to go on a business trip, "said this source.

The man also said that representatives of the leadership of the republic and Mufti Salah Mezhiev came to the military base, who spoke to the soldiers and announced the importance of their mission for the Islamic world.

After posting on the Internet a video about sending Chechen military personnel to Syria in Chechnya, an investigation was launched into the fact of disclosure of this information, and the sending of the military was suspended, the Chechen military registration and enlistment office reported.

“As far as I know, the video about the dispatch of a combined detachment of the Defense Ministry unit to Syria caused a serious scandal. An official check was launched on this fact at the end of last week, and the dispatch of military personnel was suspended,” said an officer of the military commandant’s office of the republic.

A criminal case has been opened in Chechnya over the appearance on social networks of a video about sending military personnel to Syria, Rosbalt reported today, citing Chechen sources. According to him, as part of the investigation of the case, five people were detained, including one officer.

When and how many troops will be sent from Chechnya to Syria is still unknown, he said. "So far we are talking about one battalion," the representative of the military registration and enlistment office added.

Earlier, the power structures of the republic reported that the backbone of the military personnel sent to Syria from Chechnya were former fighters of the West and East GRU special forces battalions disbanded several years ago, who were transferred to the military police unit at the end of November.

Among the critics of sending the military to Syria are those who refer to the norms of religion

It is worth noting that the sending of military personnel from among the inhabitants of Chechnya to Syria caused a negative reaction among part of the population of the republic.

"In Syria, Muslims are destroying each other with the support of other countries. A believing Muslim is forbidden the blood and property of another Muslim, and everyone who has gone to Syria or intends to go to Syria should remember this," Mikhail from Grozny told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent in particular.

“The only reason why our guys can go to Syria or somewhere else is to participate in some kind of peacekeeping or humanitarian mission, but in no way participate in hostilities on someone’s side. This is unacceptable both morally and religious point of view,” believes a former employee of one of the republican departments, who introduced himself as Adlan.

The imam of one of the Chechen mosques Khasan also agrees with him, criticizing those military men who go to Syria for the sake of the promised increased remuneration.

"And those who succumbed to ISIS propaganda ("Islamic State" (IS, formerly ISIS) was recognized as a terrorist organization and banned by the court in Russia - note of the "Caucasian Knot"), and those military men who go to Syria for the sake of money commit a huge sin before the Almighty ", said the imam.

However, not everyone agrees with such opinions.

"In the comments, netizens actively support the operation [transfer of military personnel from Chechnya to Syria] and wish them good luck! Because they know these guys will not let you down, they will only show their worth!" - in particular, the user of the social network lpdorochenko wrote in a comment to one of the messages on Ramzan Kadyrov's Instagram.

The military themselves, leaving Chechnya for Syria, in a video distributed on December 6, say: “We are not going there to harm”, “Everything is with the permission of Allah. We all rely on him”, “I am going with the permission of Allah so that I can be useful.”

Recall that in February, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, announced the work of the Chechen special forces in Syria. According to him, the special forces operate in the rear of the militants of the Islamic State terrorist organization, banned in Russia by a court, collecting information on the number of terrorists and identifying targets for bombing. Chechen fighters were trained in the center of special forces near Tsentoroi, the head of Chechnya claimed. Later, the authorities of the republic announced that in the rear of the Syrian militants there were not Chechen special forces, but "self-organized groups of young people who risk their lives and suffer losses."

Sending police officers to Syria does not contradict the law, since the December amendments to the law allow Interior Ministry employees to conclude short-term military contracts to "suppress the activities of international terrorist organizations outside of Russia," military experts interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" said.

"Enemies of Kadyrov were actually sent to Syria"

Sending Interior Ministry officers to Syria does not contradict Russian law, says Novaya Gazeta observer Pavel Felgenhauer. "This is a business trip - and anyone can be sent on it. Theoretically, a person can refuse. But usually they don't do that," Felgenhauer told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

Pavel Felgenhauer suggested that the Chechen security forces who left for Syria "are paid crazy foreign currency travel allowances." "Now in Chechnya there is a queue of people who want to go to Syria. I assume that travel allowances will be allocated from the federal budget. According to my calculations, the daily allowance reaches $100 for each security official," Felgenhauer said.

The tasks of the Chechen security forces will include "ensuring the security of local Syrian Sunnis," Felgenhauer said. "Chechens are needed in Syria in order to have the presence of Russian Muslim troops in the region, and Sunnis at that. There were agreements with Ankara that the Chechens would protect the Sunni population from possible Shiite excesses. Russia will continue to balance between Iran and Turkey," Felgenhauer said.

At the same time, Pavel Felgenhauer stressed that, according to his information, "the so-called 'Kokievites' and 'Yamadayevites', who are subordinate to the federal center, were sent to Syria." “Kadyrov’s enemies were, in fact, sent to Syria. Kadyrov, of course, doesn’t like this very much, because it’s not his people who are getting stronger. He seeths with indignation and refuses everything – they say there are no Chechens in Syria. and the Kadyrovites will take part in the Syrian conflict," Felgenhauer said.

"Yamadayevtsy" - former fighters of the "Vostok" battalion, which until May 2008 was headed by Sulim Yamadayev. "Kokievtsy" (Kakievtsy) - former fighters of the "West" battalion. Until 2007, this battalion was headed by Said-Magomed Kakiev. On December 8, the Kommersant newspaper reported that a combined detachment was sent to Syria, consisting of fighters from the East and West special forces battalions of the Russian Defense Ministry. The Vostok and Zapad battalions, which were part of the GRU structure, were disbanded, the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, recalled on the same day.

"Policemen got the opportunity to work for the Ministry of Defense"

The editor-in-chief of the Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine, reserve colonel Viktor Murakhovsky, believes that the information about the dispatch of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Chechnya does not correspond to reality.

"Employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can take part in international operations only under the auspices of the UN and nothing else", Viktor Murakhovsky told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

However, military journalist Alexander Goltz did not agree with Murakhovsky's point of view. At the same time, he stressed that on December 14, the State Duma of Russia adopted in the second and third readings a bill amending the law "On military duty and military service", which will allow concluding contracts for military service for a period of only six months.

Such contracts can be concluded for participation in operations "in times of emergency or in activities to maintain or restore peace and security, to suppress international terrorist activities outside the territory of Russia," Alexander Golts said.

"After the adoption of this law, the police can, for example, go on long vacation and sign a contract with the Ministry of Defense for this time," Alexander Golts emphasized.

The State Duma deputies approved the amendments to the federal law "On Amendments to the Federal Law "On Military Duty and Military Service" in the second and third readings at a meeting on December 14. The amendments allow military personnel and other categories of citizens to conclude short-term contracts. As noted in the document, the ability to conclude such contracts "will make it possible to quickly solve short-term, but important tasks related to participation in peacekeeping operations and the fight against terrorist and extremist organizations." posted on the website of the State Duma of Russia.

Alexander Golts also drew attention to the fact that Ramzan Kadyrov said that the leadership of Chechnya is not engaged in the formation of battalions to be sent to Syria.

"In this situation, it is quite difficult to establish the reliability or unreliability of this information about the dispatch of Chechen security forces to Syria," Alexander Golts told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

In turn, the president of the independent scientific center "" Evgeny Satanovsky in a conversation with a correspondent " caucasian knot“He stated that he does not trust the information about the dispatch of Chechen security forces to Syria. “However, only the Chechen leadership and those who are in special companies know for sure whether the police are really sent to Syria,” said Yevgeny Satanovsky.

The "Caucasian Knot" publishes news about the influence of the war in the Middle East on the situation in the regions of the Caucasus on the thematic pages "Syria on fire" and "Caucasus at gunpoint of the Caliphate". In the "Handbook" section, there is also a reference "Natives of the Caucasus in the ranks of the IG" (recognized as a terrorist organization in Russia, activity is prohibited by a court decision).

This material was published on the BezFormata website on January 11, 2019,
below is the date when the material was published on the site of the original source!
photo: In the public "Avarii Astrakhan" they published a photo of how workers are dismantling a pedestrian crossing along Boeva ​​Street next to a diesel locomotive repair plant.
Newspaper Volga
15.02.2020 Minister of Social Development and Labor of the Astrakhan Region Oleg Petelin held another reception of citizens in the Enotaevsky district
Ministry of Social Development and Labor
15.02.2020 At the moment, ordinary light bulbs have already been replaced on several streets with energy-saving ones. By order of the head of the administration, work is underway to modernize street lighting in all districts of the city.

The governor of the Astrakhan region, Igor Babushkin, appointed Olga Vladimirovna Stepanishcheva as the head of the regional tariff service.

On December 14 last year, the Russian president stood before reporters and boasted that sending police units from the North Caucasus to Syria was his personal initiative, and the reason was that the Syrians trust them, since the police are Sunni Muslims.

Thus, since the beginning of the Syrian revolution, there are already three Chechen combat groups in the country. The first group arrived on Syrian territory at the very beginning of the conflict in order to fight against the regime and its allies together with the revolutionary groups. The second fought alongside the Islamic State ( banned in the Russian Federation - approx. ed.) and shared the latter's beliefs, while a third group loyal to Moscow and the Chechen president arrived in Syria to fight alongside Russian troops.

Chechen fighters on the side of the forces of the Syrian revolution

At the start of the Syrian revolution, groups of Chechen militants rushed to respond to what they call "a call for global jihad." They came to Syria to fight with the rebels against the Syrian regime and its allies, and are distinguished by their extensive military experience gained during the fight against Russia.

These groups were taken in by the Syrians in opposition-controlled areas and participated with them in important battles on the Syrian coast in 2013 and 2014, achieving some victories for the Syrian opposition. Foreign Policy magazine () called these militants who joined the Syrian opposition "Ichkerians". These are militants who support the self-proclaimed state of Ichkeria and formed the “Soldiers of the Caucasus” group, which is believed to be part of the “Hayat Tahrir ash-Sham”, which later became known as “Dzhebhat al-Nusra” ( banned in the Russian Federation - approx. ed.) and is associated with al-Qaeda ( banned in the Russian Federation - approx. ed.). In addition, Chechen fighters have created an independent battalion "Soldiers of Sham" in Syria, commanded by Emir Muslim al-Shishani. Before al-Shishani moved to Syria, he fought in Chechnya against Russian troops along with the well-known jihadist leader Khattab. Also operating in Syria is the Ansar al-Sham group, which is led by another Chechen leader, Abu Musa al-Shishani, who speaks fluent Arabic.

© AP Photo, militant social media account via AP video Chechen militant Omar al-Shishani fighting for the Islamic State

Despite the decrease in the number of members of this group of Chechen militants at the present time, at the very beginning they took a hostile position towards the Islamic State, believing that fame and money were the motives for joining a number of Chechens in this organization. They participated in repelling the aggression of IS militants against the Syrian opposition on the coast. So, as a result of the fighting, two Chechen fighters were killed by ISIS. In addition, this Chechen group is notable for hostility towards the so-called “Kadyrovtsy”, Chechens loyal to Moscow. As one of the founders of the group "Soldiers of the Caucasus" Timur Makhauri said: "The war in Syria will end, and we will need to find another war, but we will continue to persecute the "Kadyrovites" anywhere in the world."

Chechens in the "Islamic State" fight with Russia or spy on its interests

On November 13, five Islamic State militants carried out a terrorist attack inside the walls of a military airfield in Deir ez-Zor. This operation was described as something new, since the leaders of the organization had never used the appearance of their Chechen fighters so that they could enter a building under the guise of Russian soldiers.

In an attempt to consider the details of the joining of some Chechens to the Islamic State, it should be noted that most of those who fought in the same ranks with IS militants belong to the Jaish al-Muhajirin wal-Ansar faction. (an organization banned in Russia - ed. note), which was created as an independent group to fight the Syrian regime. Thus, joining IS should be seen as an attempt to enlist the support of the Arab militants of the Caucasus Emirate group ( banned in the Russian Federation - approx. ed.) in the fight against Russia, while IS was drawn to the Chechens by their reputation as the most powerful fighters in the world, distinguished by their physical ability, ferocity in battle, and moral support to other groups.


Chechen detachments will bring victory to Russia

Enab Baladi 15.08.2017

Putin became a hostage of Kadyrov?

Le Figaro 02.08.2017

Putin is fighting the forces of Islam

Newsweek 08/13/2017

They destroyed Grozny, they will destroy Syria too

Shaam News Network November 29, 2017

Chechen response to the Syrian question

El-Dorar 01/17/2018 The reputation of Chechen fighters in the Islamic State is based on their military experience gained in the first and second Chechen wars. This experience they use today, fighting in the ranks of the militants of the IS, as a former member of the organization noted. For the same reason, the civilian population of Syria and Iraq is much more afraid of tall Chechen fighters than other foreign fighters.

Speaking about the experience of cooperation between Chechen fighters and the Islamic State, it is necessary to mention Tarkhan Batirashvili, nicknamed Abu Umar ash-Shishani, who went down in history by taking the oath to the leader of the Islamic State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. The man with a Christian background grew a red beard before joining Chechen militant groups fighting against the Syrian regime in 2013, but swore allegiance to the Islamic State that same year. It was he who contributed to the increase in the role of Chechen fighters in the organization after he took the highest military positions in it, becoming one of its main leaders. He was killed in July 2016 during the fighting in Iraq.

Chechens who are members of the "Islamic State" consider their countrymen, who are called "Kadyrovites", their enemies, and these feelings are mutual, as Chechen President Ramzan Kadyrov said on his Instagram page. He noted, in particular, that the "Islamic State" seeks to destroy Muslim countries and distort the image of Islam in front of the world, which began to consider this religion the greatest evil.

The standoff between the two sides took on a new dimension when, in December 2015, IS militants executed a Chechen on charges of spying for Russian intelligence. The terrorist organization released a video in which this man says the following words: “I arrived in the territory of the caliphate on the orders of Russian intelligence and I want to confess my true intentions.”

Although Kadyrov denied all accusations that the Chechen was a spy, four months after his execution in February 2016, the unexpected happened: the Chechen leader acknowledged the existence of spies from Chechnya who had infiltrated the Islamic State and served Russian interests. “Thanks to their spies, the Russian air force has successfully destroyed terrorist bases in Syria. These spies collected information that the Russian air force used to determine the targets of their bombings,” Kadyrov said.


Daily Mail 11.12.2017

Putin solves the Syrian conflict

InoSMI 30.03.2017

Long-range air strike in Syria

RIA Novosti 07/21/2016 This was followed by an incident when Kadyrov returned the families of members of the Islamic State organization from Syria to Russia, which served as another proof that some Chechens were able to infiltrate the group. On November 9, Kadyrov moved a group of 44 women and children from Syria to the Chechen capital, Grozny, according to the Russian news agency Sputnik (). These families were detained by the Syrian Democratic Forces after the liberation of Raqqa.

Russia Sends Chechens to Fight in Syria and Other Tasks

With the beginning of the Russian intervention in Syria in September 2015 and the establishment of control over some areas in this country, Moscow began to need additional human resources to be located at the airfields and in institutions that were captured by Russian troops. For this reason, Russia has chosen Chechen fighters who speak Arabic and even a Syrian dialect, and has created secret units consisting of more than a thousand fighters who have received extensive training from the Russian military intelligence forces. She then selected from among them those who had previously participated in the hostilities and sent them to Syria to help Russian troops in ground operations and guard their headquarters.

The presence of Chechen fighters loyal to Moscow came to light when a video leaked online showing some 500 fighters waiting to be sent to Syria. On January 24, 2017, Kadyrov admitted that he sent a group of Chechens from Chechnya to Syria, the so-called Russian military police. As the Chechen leader said, he sent the West and East special forces battalions to Syria to ensure security in Aleppo, as well as to protect the Russian Khmeimim base in Syria.

As Russia asserted its influence in the Middle East, it had to hide the real numbers of its human losses and, therefore, use Chechen soldiers, especially since it has a dismissive attitude towards the inhabitants of the Caucasus region due to past wars. As North Caucasus journalist Grigory Shvedov told Foreign Policy, it would be easier for Putin to sacrifice the Chechens and other peoples of the North Caucasus than the Russians. The issue also has a religious dimension. Thus, Moscow sent Sunni Muslims to Syria to win the hearts of Syrians who suffered attacks by Shiite militias subordinate to Iran. Russia does not appear to have given up on the Sunnis, as happened in Aleppo, where they showed up during prayers at the mosque and at the military facility where they are based.

Kadyrov Offers His Services to Russia on Syrian Territory

“I swear by Allah, many people dream of going there, starting with our ruler. People envy those who go there, like you,” Mufti of Chechnya Salakh Mezhiev said, meaning that he envies the Chechen soldiers fighting in Syria. On top of that, he noted that Kadyrov asked Russian President Vladimir Putin to send him to Syria because he dreams of going there to protect Muslims.

© RIA Novosti, Sergey Uzakov

Despite the fact that the ruler of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, has a history of opposing Russian authorities, today he uses his power and iron fist to serve Russia's interests. He is a close ally of President Putin and has always supported Russia's foreign policy.

Thus, Syria was no exception, and Kadyrov offered his support to the Russian leadership in that country. He did not limit himself to “blessing” the Russian military intervention in Syria, which began in 2015. He didn't mind "fighting the scum" in Syria, as he put it. In early 2017, Kadyrov sent his closest adviser, Adam Delimkhanov, and Mufti of Chechnya, Salakh Mezhiev, to Syria. Both men met with Syrian President's brother Maher al-Assad and other representatives of the Syrian regime. It was stated that this visit took place in order to maintain peace and order in Aleppo and to protect the civilian population from terrorists.

In addition, in the interests of Moscow, Kadyrov used the supply of humanitarian aid to Syria from the Regional Public Fund named after Akhmat Kadyrov, intended for Syrians in Damascus, Latakia and Tartus. The fund will also restore one of the oldest Umayyad mosques in Aleppo, which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List but was destroyed by the Islamic State.

In reality, Kadyrov used not entirely transparent methods, sending Chechen fighters to Syria or providing financial assistance under the Kadyrov Foundation's projects. Thus, the activities of the fund were sponsored thanks to the obligatory contributions of Chechen citizens. It is known that the Russian military recruited Chechen homosexuals through blackmail. The Russian newspaper Meduza reported, citing a story by a Chechen named Ruslan, that members of the Russian Federal Security Service showed him a secret video revealing his close relationship with another man and threatened to publish it if he refused to work for them in Syria.

The materials of InoSMI contain only assessments of foreign media and do not reflect the position of the editors of InoSMI.

Siloviki announced the dispatch of 500 troops from Chechnya to Syria

500 servicemen of the combined military police detachment were sent from Chechnya to Syria, a source in the republican law enforcement agencies told the "Caucasian Knot". The servicemen were sent to Syria on a "voluntary-compulsory" basis, residents of Chechnya believe.

As the "Caucasian Knot" wrote ", on December 6, an amateur video was published on the Internet, indicating that the military policesent to Syria from the suburbs of Grozny . At the same time, data on the number of troops sent to Syria were not received. The servicemen, according to the video, were in combat gear at the site of the Khankala airfield.

A consolidated detachment of military personnel stationed in Chechnya will perform the functions of military police in Syria andguard the Russian air base in Khmeimim , a source at the military base in Khankala said on December 8.

"A consolidated detachment of military police has been sent to Syria"

According to a source in the republican power structures, a total of 500 troops were sent from Chechnya to Syria. The source noted that "mainly military personnel of the Russian Defense Ministry units from among local residents were sent to Syria."

"In particular, a combined detachment of the military police was sent to Syria. These are fighters who served in units of motorized rifle brigades of the Russian Defense Ministry stationed in Khankala and Borzoi," a source in power structures told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

At the same time, he drew attention to Ramzan Kadyrov's statement of December 8. The head of Chechnya, commenting on the message about the dispatch of military personnel to Syria, recalled that "there are no East and West battalions in Chechnya" ( On December 8, the newspaper Izvestia reported on the dispatch of fighters from the East and West battalions to Syria. - Approx. "Caucasian Knot")".

"The Vostok and Zapad battalions, which were part of the GRU structure, do not exist today, these units were disbanded and converted to companies. Nevertheless, the main backbone of the military personnel sent to Syria were precisely the fighters who once served in these units," the source in law enforcement agencies said.

According to him, "we are also not talking about sending only Chechens to Syria." "In addition to the Chechens, military personnel of other nationalities were sent to Syria from Chechnya. The military sent to Syria will not participate in hostilities, they have other tasks and functions. In particular, this is the protection of the Russian Khmeimim air base," a source in law enforcement agencies said.

A video of the dispatch of a military police patrol from Khankala to Syria was posted on YouTube on December 6. The military police, according to the video, were in combat gear at the site of the Khankala airfield.The author of the video asked the servicemen to comment on their departure to Syria, to which they answered him in Chechen: “We are not going there to harm”, “Everything is with the permission of Allah. we will return like this" and "With the permission of Allah, I will go so that I will be useful."On the sleeves of many people in red berets (a red beret is a special distinction of the military police of Russia), one can see black armbands of patrols of the Military Police of the RF Armed Forces.

"There is a civil war going on in Syria, the Chechens have nothing to do there"

In turn, residents of Chechnya, interviewed by the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent, suggested that the servicemen were sent to Syria "on a voluntary-compulsory basis."

"My good friend was sent to Syria along with other servicemen from Chechnya. He was given an apartment several years ago. And now, according to him, they have threatened to take away his apartment if he does not voluntarily go to Syria," the worker told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent one of the republican departments, Adlan.

Shakhman, a resident of Grozny, said in an interview with the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent that he negatively assesses the decision to send military personnel from Chechnya to Syria.

“How can you send our guys to war, especially where Muslims are fighting on both sides? Why should they act as cannon fodder in Syria? I am categorically against this,” Shahman said.

"Why don't our mufti, our clergy tell the truth? Why didn't anyone say that it is forbidden for a Muslim to kill another Muslim, and even a non-believer, if there are no good reasons for this? There is a civil war in Syria, and our guys have absolutely nothing to do there, on whose they wouldn't come out on the side," Imran, a student of one of Grozny's universities, told the "Caucasian Knot" correspondent.

In February, the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov announced the work of the Chechen special forces in Syria . According to him, the special forces operate in the rear of the militants of the Islamic State terrorist organization, banned in Russia by a court, collecting information on the number of terrorists and identifying targets for bombing. Chechen fighters were trained in the center of special forces near Tsentoroi, the head of Chechnya claimed. Later the authorities of the Republic announced that that in the rear of the Syrian fighters there are not Chechen special forces, but "self-organized groups of young people who risk their lives and suffer losses."

Recall that Russian aviation since September 30, 2015strikes targets in Syria . According to official figures, the strikes are on the positions of the Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) banned in Russia by the court and recognized as a terrorist organization. In Syria, there is a Russian naval base in Tartus and an air base in Khmeimim.

News about the impact of the war in the Middle East on the situation in the regions of the Caucasus "Caucasian Knot" places on thematic pages

"Thus, the lives of the servicemen themselves were endangered, information about the movement of units of the Ministry of Defense was made public. A criminal case was initiated on this fact," the agency's source said. The interlocutor of the agency refused to say on which article the investigation was launched
Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

A criminal case has been opened on the fact of the appearance in social networks of a video about the preparation of military police officers stationed in Chechnya to be sent to Syria, the Rosbalt agency reports, citing a source familiar with the situation.

According to him, during the pre-investigation check, it was found that the commanders did not conduct appropriate explanatory work with their subordinates, as a result, they filmed for personal use. One of its participants forwarded the video to several friends, who posted it on social networks.

"Thus, the lives of the servicemen themselves were endangered, information about the movement of units of the Ministry of Defense was made public. A criminal case was initiated on this fact," the source said. He refused to say under which article the investigation was launched.

Another agency source from the Chechen Republic claims that five people, including one officer, were allegedly detained as part of a criminal case.

12 residents of Chechnya refused to go to Syria and were dismissed from military service

Recall that a video about the preparation of the so-called Chechen special forces to be sent to Syria was published on the Web (in particular, on video hosting YouTube) in the beginning of December. The video is currently unavailable. It depicted Chechen-speaking soldiers being blessed by the clergy to take part in the Syrian operation.

Information about the dispatch of "Chechen special forces" to Syria was quickly spread by the media. A Kommersant source at a military base in Khankala, not far from Grozny, said that a combined detachment of fighters from the East and West special-purpose battalions of the Russian Defense Ministry stationed in Chechnya went on a business trip to the Arab Republic.

It was noted that in Syria, this unit will perform the functions of the military police, guard the Russian Khmeimim airbase and operate exclusively in the territories liberated by the Syrian army.

On December 9, a source in the power structures of Chechnya told the "Caucasian Knot" that 500 servicemen of the combined military police detachment had been sent from the republic to Syria. 12 servicemen of the Defense Ministry unit stationed at the Khankala military base near Grozny refused to go and were dismissed from military service, a source in the Chechen Interior Ministry told reporters on December 13. According to him, the contract with these servicemen was terminated ahead of schedule." Another source, who works at the Khankala base as a civilian worker, specified that all those dismissed from service for refusing to go to Syria are local residents.

The head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, commenting on reports about the sending of Chechen contract soldiers to the Middle East, assured that at the moment none of the Chechen special forces are performing combat missions in Syria.

At the same time, a year ago - in early February 2016 - Kadyrov, in an interview with the Rossiya 1 TV channel, said that special forces from Chechnya were operating in Syria, which, according to journalists, "ensures the success of Russian aviation on the ground." The head of Chechnya also claimed that in the ranks of terrorists from the group "Islamic State" (IS, ISIS, DAISH, banned in the Russian Federation), they managed to create an extensive network of agents, where the best fighters of the republic were sent, who collect information on the number of militants, determine targets for bombardments and record their results.

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