Zinc acid. Salicylic zinc acid

_______________________Good day, dear readers! _________________________

Today my small review will be devoted to my little helper (and big fellow) in the fight for a beautiful face.

Manufacturer country: Russia

Place of purchase: Social pharmacy - 30 rubles

Appearance (packaging): glass jar with plastic lid

Volume: 25 g

Aroma: does not smell

From the manufacturer:


per 100 g.
Active substances:
Salicylic acid - 2 g
Zinc oxide - 25 g
Potato starch - 25 g
Vaseline - 48 g

Salicylic acid has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and zinc oxide has drying properties.

My impressions:

In consistency, it is actually a paste, thick and white.

I keep it in the refrigerator so that it doesn't lose its properties.

Although all sorts of inflammation on my face are not frequent guests, as they say, "bullshit happens", so I always have this paste in my fridge.

Salicylic acid is fat-soluble, having this property, it will help dissolve sebaceous plugs, which have caused the appearance of "sore" subcutaneous acne.

I apply it on the cleansed inflammation with a thick layer (sometimes at night, sometimes during the day), on the first day the inflammation dries up, and on the second and third it noticeably decreases, and then it does not exist at all.

I apply the paste only pointwise, as it contains a large amount of petroleum jelly, which can clog my slightly enlarged pores.

Previously, I tried to squeeze out all this, but nothing but a red face, and then red spots, it did not bring me.

If you apply this paste on acne marks, then the skin in this place begins to peel off, and due to renewal, it becomes lighter (but I have a better remedy for acne spots)

I erase the paste with a dry cotton pad, and then I wash my face with gel or foam.

_______________________________Thank you for attention!_________________________________

_______________________________ Beautiful skin for everyone! ___________________________________

(48%) and starch (25%). It is used for problem skin, eczema, acne and acne and other skin diseases of both humans and pets.

The original composition (zinc oxide, starch and petroleum jelly) was proposed by the German physician O. Lassar.

Release form: dark glass jars 25 g., Closed with a plastic lid.

Type of medicine: thick white paste, has a slight smell of oil

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Excerpt Characterizing Salicylic Zinc Acid

We moved deeper into the hall, passing along the edges of some huge white slabs with letters engraved on them.
- It doesn't look like runes. What is this, Sever? - I could not resist.
He smiled amiably again:
- Runes, only very ancient. Your father did not have time to teach you ... But if you want, I will teach you. Just come to us, Isidora.
He repeated what I had already heard.
- No! - I immediately snapped. - That's not why I came here, you know, Sever. I came for help. Only you can help me destroy Karaffa. After all, it is your fault in what he does. Help me!
The North became even more sad ... I knew in advance what he would answer, but did not intend to give up. Millions of good lives were put on the scales, and I couldn't just give up fighting for them.
- I have already explained to you, Isidora ...
- So explain more! I interrupted him sharply. - Explain to me how you can sit quietly with folded hands when human lives are extinguished one after another through your own fault ?! Explain how such scum as Karaffa can exist, and no one has a desire to even try to destroy him ?! Explain how you can live when this happens next to you? ..

Zinc is an element of a secondary subgroup of the second group, the fourth period of the periodic system of chemical elements of D. I. Mendeleev, with atomic number 30. It is designated by the symbol Zn (Latin Zincum). The simple substance zinc under normal conditions is a brittle transition metal of bluish-white color (it tarnishes in air, becoming covered with a thin layer of zinc oxide).

In the fourth period, zinc is the last d-element, its valence electrons 3d 10 4s 2. Only electrons of the external energy level participate in the formation of chemical bonds, since the d 10 configuration is very stable. In compounds for zinc, the oxidation state is +2.

Zinc is a chemically active metal, has pronounced reducing properties, and is inferior in activity to alkaline earth metals. Shows amphoteric properties.

Interaction of zinc with non-metals
When heated strongly in air, it burns with a bright bluish flame to form zinc oxide:
2Zn + O 2 → 2ZnO.

When ignited, it reacts vigorously with sulfur:
Zn + S → ZnS.

Reacts with halogens under normal conditions in the presence of water vapor as a catalyst:
Zn + Cl 2 → ZnCl 2.

Under the action of phosphorus vapors on zinc, phosphides are formed:
Zn + 2P → ZnP 2 or 3Zn + 2P → Zn 3 P 2.

Zinc does not interact with hydrogen, nitrogen, boron, silicon, carbon.

Interaction of zinc with water
Reacts with water vapor at red heat to form zinc oxide and hydrogen:
Zn + H 2 O → ZnO + H 2.

Interaction of zinc with acids
In the electrochemical series of metal voltages, zinc is found before hydrogen and displaces it from non-oxidizing acids:
Zn + 2HCl → ZnCl 2 + H 2;
Zn + H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 + H 2.

Reacts with dilute nitric acid to form zinc nitrate and ammonium nitrate:
4Zn + 10HNO 3 → 4Zn (NO 3) 2 + NH 4 NO 3 + 3H 2 O.

Reacts with concentrated sulfuric and nitric acids to form zinc salts and acid reduction products:
Zn + 2H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 + SO 2 + 2H 2 O;
Zn + 4HNO 3 → Zn (NO 3) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

The interaction of zinc with alkalis
Reacts with alkali solutions to form hydroxo complexes:
Zn + 2NaOH + 2H 2 O → Na 2 + H 2

when fusion forms zincates:
Zn + 2KOH → K 2 ZnO 2 + H 2.

Interaction with ammonia
Forms zinc nitride with gaseous ammonia at 550–600 ° C:
3Zn + 2NH 3 → Zn 3 N 2 + 3H 2;
dissolves in an aqueous solution of ammonia, forming tetraamminezinc hydroxide:
Zn + 4NH 3 + 2H 2 O → (OH) 2 + H 2.

Interaction of zinc with oxides and salts
Zinc displaces metals in the voltage series to the right of it from solutions of salts and oxides:
Zn + CuSO 4 → Cu + ZnSO 4;
Zn + CuO → Cu + ZnO.

Zinc (II) oxide ZnO - white crystals, when heated, acquire a yellow color. The density is 5.7 g / cm 3, the sublimation temperature is 1800 ° C. At temperatures above 1000 ° C, it is reduced to metallic zinc by carbon, carbon monoxide and hydrogen:
ZnO + C → Zn + CO;
ZnO + CO → Zn + CO 2;
ZnO + H 2 → Zn + H 2 O.

Does not interact with water. Shows amphoteric properties, reacts with solutions of acids and alkalis:
ZnO + 2HCl → ZnCl 2 + H 2 O;
ZnO + 2NaOH + H 2 O → Na 2.

When fusion with metal oxides forms zincates:
ZnO + CoO → CoZnO 2.

When interacting with nonmetal oxides, forms salts, where it is a cation:
2ZnO + SiO 2 → Zn 2 SiO 4,
ZnO + B 2 O 3 → Zn (BO 2) 2.

Zinc (II) hydroxide Zn (OH) 2 - a colorless crystalline or amorphous substance. Density 3.05 g / cm 3, at temperatures above 125 ° C decomposes:
Zn (OH) 2 → ZnO + H 2 O.

Zinc hydroxide exhibits amphoteric properties, easily dissolves in acids and alkalis:
Zn (OH) 2 + H 2 SO 4 → ZnSO 4 + 2H 2 O;
Zn (OH) 2 + 2NaOH → Na 2;

also easily dissolves in aqueous ammonia to form tetraamminezinc hydroxide:
Zn (OH) 2 + 4NH 3 → (OH) 2.

It is obtained in the form of a white precipitate when zinc salts interact with alkalis:
ZnCl 2 + 2NaOH → Zn (OH) 2 + 2NaCl.

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