Why self-development is important. Where to start self-development

Personal self-development is a popular topic in today's practical psychology. Do you think that you have achieved only a little in your life? Are you even afraid to seem like a failure? Do you want to develop certain skills in order to start a business, increase income? Have you decided to live your life to the fullest? Most now, under the word self-development, they do not have a concrete idea. Many people watch videos, read articles, books - they consume a lot of information, where to start personal self-development, but nothing happens. After all, development includes not only information loading, theoretical knowledge, but also formulation, achievement of goals, growth through the right environment, development of skills, their practical consolidation, which allows you to gradually raise your level.

Genuine personal self-development is if everything that you have learned, you confirm with deeds, in practice.

What is human self-development

There is an opinion that it is self-development through self-destruction that is genuine and the most effective, literally overturning. Is it true that the more a person suffers, the more he develops? Is it really necessary for self-development to slide down the social ladder, quit work, school, go into bad habits - in fact, do everything that is opposite to development?

Here we mean self-destruction at a deeper level - the destruction of your ego, false attitudes, movement towards your own, leaving your comfort zone, rebuilding your own. People who have received really high development, those whom we can call self-actualized - often had their own negative experience, dark areas of personal history, when they literally sank to the bottom, plunged into their shadow, and thereby integrated their personality into a single whole. After all, the direction of self-actualization often differs from development according to the norms of society, which are instilled everywhere, in every social institution, and cloud the true meanings of a particular person.

Practically for a modern young person, self-development through self-destruction can be expressed in leaving the university, where, as he feels, he does not receive the really necessary knowledge, and go to work, live separately, engage in exhausting sports - to confront the real world, force use hidden resources to the limit. In the process of such an experience, unnecessary, other people's scenarios are eliminated, there is a chance to find out who you are real and find, to start acting in the direction necessary for self-development.

Self-development as its global goal has self-actualization - coming to a state where the personality has become everything that it could become. And since this goal is ideal, not fully achievable - that is, some kind of abstraction, a higher need, a vector along which it moves throughout life.

Self-actualization is, first of all, the achievement of an internal harmonious state in being with oneself, elimination or acceptance and independence from the assessments of others, great freedom and personal responsibility without being tied to a rigid, neurotic framework and guarantees of tomorrow from the outside world.

Self-development and self-improvement, where to start

Almost all directions leading a person to self-development argue that personal development is impossible without awakening one's own will, proactivity. It is fundamentally wrong to blindly follow the leader or force yourself to follow some method. This can be traced even from the word itself, of which "self" is a part, which emphasizes the importance of choosing one's own direction.

Where to start personal self-development? Before starting self-development, a person usually needs time, a certain amount of his own mistakes and conclusions. It is worth listening to the opinions of others, but categorically it is impossible to follow them completely. Their own mistakes allow a person to move to the next level of understanding through experience, and this is radically different from listening to the advice of others.

To jump high, you need to sit down strongly. We come out of mistakes already by other people. It is necessary to pay attention here not to how many and what mistakes were made, but how the person got out of them, did he draw conclusions from them and what, did he realize the reasons for what was happening, and will he continue to live on the basis of the conclusions made?

Unfortunately, often a person seems to walk in a spiral, steps on the rake that he carries with him, making the same mistakes, self-development cannot begin. However, if a breakthrough nevertheless occurs, an awareness of the need for change and, most importantly, desire comes - this becomes the first, fundamental building block in the process. Following a sincere desire, everything else is applied along the way. The big path, as it is rightly said, begins with a small step.

To start this path, you should decide what exactly you want, what is the purpose of your self-development. To outline it as clearly as possible - write down on paper what you want to achieve, in what plane you want to develop. This goal should correspond to internal motives, and not imposed from the outside attitudes.

The correctness of goal setting can be checked through the power of desire. The stronger your motivation, if it is literally insurmountable, does not pass, even when faced with strong obstacles, does not fade over time, but only intensifies - it means that the goal is defined correctly, according to your true values, and it is she who can bring you deep satisfaction. Weak or fading often speaks of an incorrectly chosen or formulated goal.

Next, you need to follow the goal, taking at least a minimum of steps in its direction every day. So, if you have prescribed what you need to develop, work every day with the method you have chosen. If you strive to be kinder, more fulfilling, more harmonious, approach this ideal image every day through deeds.

It is very important to systematize efforts and not to scatter, not to run from side to side. When you have chosen to move in one direction, follow it. Many people are rushing about and scattering their efforts, as a result, they do not achieve concrete results anywhere. If, having chosen a direction, you have been following it for a long time, you do not need to turn off, develop in a different direction. These are just negative programs that try to turn you off the path - for example, the fear of getting a significant result or fear will not cope with the increased responsibility and freedom. Keep moving towards your chosen goal until you win.

Further, when you, for example, develop confidence, having achieved your original goal - a wider picture of what you need unfolds in front of you, you will understand yourself better and will work more productively and accurately. Take at least one step a day - the more we do, the more energy comes in.

Work on ourselves, on what relates to our inner content, extends to others as well. A harmonious, full-fledged, confident person who loves himself and others, who knows how to act to the end - certainly builds a successful and happy reality around himself.

Self-development, be it extremely practical or highly spiritual, is a natural state of a person, although most people stop studying in educational institutions, not getting used to and not liking the efforts leading to growth. Therefore, it is so common - a person tries to choose a system that will allow him, without changing himself, to feel security. However, any growth goes through great difficulties, which are brought either by the external world, if the personality is characterized by an external one, or, with an internal locus, the person sets himself before himself.

The development of one's personality is the most logical path and channel for investing time, money, physical, psychological and spiritual strength, since as a result of it, a person acquires the asset that remains with him forever. Moreover, having stepped on this path and having received a positive experience, it will be impossible to stop - knowledge and skills will multiply themselves, giving rise to an even greater desire to move on. You begin to see your hidden possibilities and new horizons, your views change, the old problems seem already negligible, you more and more easily discard outdated attitudes, regenerating your personality. All other goals, except for self-actualization, gradually disappear, the main, higher person in the development of oneself is brought to the forefront - that is, in fact, for which we live our life. It is impossible to achieve complete self-actualization; striving for it is already a result.

Self-development plan

We all know that personal self-development does not exist without purposeful efforts, but we still often stop at theory, literally eating information and overloading it, not going further, without getting the cherished results. For significant growth, you need a self-development program, a plan that will help you stay on track.

A self-development program will allow you to break down a large, distant ideal goal into separate subgoals, specific tasks, operations, the achievement of which is easy to track. It will save you from misunderstanding where to go next, and freezing on stages.

First, you need to understand why you need self-development, to narrow down the understanding of this word specifically for you. After all, self-development for different people means different: push-ups, squats and jogging in the morning, learn a foreign language, read tongue twisters and improve your speech.

Why do you need self-development? Set a specific goal for what exactly you want to improve. For example, if it's health, start by studying health materials, books, and videos. You can realize this through sports by choosing and planning a training methodology. Or maybe your path is through yoga, meditation. Find relevant materials or sign up for a club.

Looking to improve your business skills to become a successful entrepreneur? Study this information.

First, there is always an understanding of why you need self-development. Many have not decided on its purpose, which is why they are constantly looking for and trying to take everything, to be in time everywhere, in the end, nothing happens.

So, you have determined the goal for which you will begin to develop. The next point is to develop yourself so that as a result you get specific skills for life. This is self-development, as a result of which you become more harmonious, happy, joyful.

For example, if the focus of your attention on health is health promotion, the choice and application of a specific method. Even a simple daily morning exercise, exercise, will eventually give results, as opposed to just reading books about health.

When you want to develop your business and have received a specific recommendation to choose a niche, try to complete the first steps, test the market, launch a pilot project.

The point of the second step is to turn all the information that you have absorbed into a certain skill when you start to act. The best option is when you immediately find application of the knowledge gained, then it does not flow away, but really nurtures your personality.

Self-development becomes simple, interesting and understandable, you no longer have uncertainty, there is no dispersion of forces in different directions without a visible result.

You will evolve as quickly as you often follow a series of actions leading to a goal. The best, outstanding results are promoted by daily activities, literally 7 days a week, all the time.

You will agree with me that every person who wants to achieve success must develop. Only constant self-development and personal growth make it possible to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.

A person has only two paths: either progress or degradation; pure conservatism contradicts the essence of the laws of the universe

Alfred North Whitehead

To begin with, in order to understand what is self-development of a person, we must clearly define several basic concepts.

Personality is a set of habits and preferences developed sometime in the past, which are conditioned by acquired experience and sociocultural experience, as well as a set of psychophysical traits and characteristics of a person. All this determines the daily behavior of a person, his relationship with society and nature.

Personal development is a very important and at the same time complex process, which includes concepts such as self-knowledge and self-development.

Self-knowledge is the study of one's personal mental and physical characteristics, understanding oneself. Self-knowledge begins in infancy and then continues throughout the entire conscious life. In simple terms, this is knowing yourself in order to understand who I am, why I live and what I want.

Self-development is a process of all-round personality development, which is expressed in the independent study of something and the application of this knowledge in practice, all this is carried out without any external control. Self-development has three forms: self-affirmation, self-improvement, self-actualization.

Self-affirmation is a specific activity within the framework of self-development to discover and confirm one's certain personality traits, character traits, ways of behavior and activity. The spheres of self-affirmation can be practically all types of life activities that acquire personal significance for a person: for someone it is work or study; for some it is sport, art or science.

Self-improvement is the most adequate form of self-development, which assumes that a person himself strives to be better, strives for a certain ideal, acquires those traits and qualities of a personality that he does not yet have, masters those types of activities that he did not possess.

Self-actualization a person's ability to become what he should be, i.e. fulfill your mission, yours.

If we now analyze all the above definitions, it turns out that we develop and improve the set of developed habits and preferences that were formed under the influence of society, our experience and acquired knowledge, a set of psychophysical traits and social masks. As a result of personality development, we receive personal growth and a change in our reality around.

Personal self-development - an individual path

You will agree with me that most people, passing the frame at the age of 25-30, cease to be content with the skills and abilities that they have and begin to think about personal self-development. If you look at childhood and adolescence, then here development occurs under the influence of external factors (social foundations). You need to go to kindergarten, then to school, technical school, institute, and everywhere you are taught. They make a person out of you who could tirelessly 5 days a week, 365 days a year. But when we become adults, we realize (again, to a few) that we have acquired many unnecessary habits, complexes and everyday worries. You start to think that life for the next years will consist of two stages: work and retirement. Everything is somehow gray, gloomy or something, but I want a rainbow to appear, there was more fun, joy, love.

And just by the age of 23, I already realized that I had a choice: to go further with the flow, as everyone swims, or to try to break out of the cycle and routine of gray days. Sadly, but the first option is preferred by the majority, and I followed the second and discovered a wonderful way of personal self-development.

There is a huge number of theories and methods of personality development, that without preparation, many questions immediately arise: "", "Which way of self-development is more effective?", "Is it better spiritual or physical development?" And those people who want to start practicing should understand one thing, that self-development of a person is an individual path. Yes, you can take knowledge, apply it, analyze it, but you have to build a system that will give you results yourself. All people are different, with different starting positions and therefore the paths are endless. Therefore, there is no right path of self-development of a personality, which was suitable for absolutely everyone, but everyone must understand himself, understand who he is and what he wants, and then start his own path of self-development.

What is the meaning of personality self-development?

Here I have prepared a very good parable for you.

The journalist asked the master:
- What did you usually do before you became Enlightened?
- I used to chop wood and carry water from the well.
- And now that you have become Enlightened, what are you doing?
- What can I do? I chop wood and carry water from a well.
The journalist was naturally surprised:
- Then what is the difference then?
The master smiled:

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- Big difference. Now everything happens naturally. Previously, it was a duty that I had to do, reluctantly, forcing myself. I did it because I was ordered to do it. My teacher told me to chop wood, and I did chop, although deep down I didn’t want to do it. Now I am chopping wood, knowing the associated joy. This is no longer a duty, but an understanding. It's getting colder, winter is coming, we will need firewood. The teacher is getting old, he needs more warmth. For the same love, I carry him water from the well. The difference is huge. No reluctance, no resistance. I respond to a current need, and I find joy in it.
Moral: Finding yourself the way you want is impossible - you can only create yourself. The point of self-development and internal search is not to radically change the external indicators of life (although they will certainly change). The main value is in the inner understanding. And even if the conditions of your life from the outside remain unchanged for some time, for you personally, these are two different lives. And over time, the difference between these two lives will disappear. The choice is yours.

It is in the inner understanding of who I am, why I live here and my place on the planet that the meaning of personality development lies. When, thanks to self-knowledge and self-development, a person achieves an inner understanding, then by itself will come inner peace, a sense of harmony, a feeling of happiness, and why are there still so many chasing.

And the very self-development of the personality gives us an advantage over unconscious development, because the path that the Universe, God, the Higher Mind has prepared for us, we are able to go more quickly, i.e. more consciously.

Personal self-development problems

The path of self-development is very difficult and has no end point.

The Problem of Ignorance

Ignorance encouraged to people could not find out where the cause of his suffering was.

Lyon Feuchtwanger. Goya, or the hard path of knowledge

Ignorance is the rejection of any new information or its complete denial without first studying it.

Argument: "I already know everything!" So say many people who can be called ignorant, although they consider themselves very "smart" people. Let's remember what Socrates says: "I know that I know nothing." How does this happen? Some say they know everything, while others say nothing.

So the first group is people who think that they know everything because of this they fall under the egregor of ignorance. They fill themselves with any information, stuff themselves to capacity with it and, like sacks of potatoes, begin to walk around and say that look, I'm so smart, I know a lot of things. The whole tragicomedy of life of such people lies in the fact that they leave no room for something new, they program themselves for the completeness of knowledge. Such people stop in their development. What for? They are just as smart already. But self-development of personality , as well as the development of the entire Universe cannot stop. This is contrary to the foundations of the entire universe. And it turns out that such people are not exalted over others, but, on the contrary, lag behind everyone.

This problem of self-development is very relevant and does not allow many to understand that one can only approach perfection, but not achieve it. And in order to do this, you must constantly empty your knowledge vessel and fill it with new, newer and more necessary knowledge. This is what Socrates is talking about. To know something, you have to be nothing.

Lazy problem

Laziness anddepression is a signaling system that says that you are not living your ownlife.

Vladimir Dovgan

You will believe me if I say that laziness itself does not exist. Yes, this is just a derivative of your limited desires. When there is nothing to strive for, then all the internal energy that is given to you to fulfill your life mission simply starts to stagnate. Then all this begins to ferment and it turns out something similar to kvass, only we call it laziness.

Therefore, if you do not have your innermost desires and goals, then you will become a lazy person. Can you call yourself lazy? Yes, so often many people say: "Something laziness attacked me today." And how could she not attack, because there is nothing to do at all. It remains to lie on the couch, watch a zombie box and suck on a beer, so that there is not enough energy for anything at all. Fall from laziness to degradation of a person, and many do not understand this. They begin to play with this laziness and now, imperceptibly, they become alcoholics, drug addicts, murderers, or just the dregs of society.

But what to do if laziness attacked you. The first option is to do nothing. Life itself will give you a kick so that you realize the beauty of this situation. The second option is to delve into your subconscious to understand what you want. If you can't do it alone, then try to change your environment and find people with ambitious goals. I think you figured out how to get rid of laziness? Just. It needs to be knocked out with real desires and set goals.

The Habit Problem

It's easier to give up big goals than small habits.

Azekeander Kumor

Our habits are repetitive actions. Habits are good, and there are bad habits that destroy us physically, emotionally and mentally.

As a rule, only bad and harmful habits enter our life when we live completely unconsciously. Alcoholism and smoking are the most intrusive. One has only to try, as we already have a new bad habit. And they appear on the same occasion as laziness, when there are no desires, aspirations, when you just stand in one place and do not want to move somewhere. You are simply sucked into the hydrogen gas by another addiction.

And then suddenly, a person realizes that he wants to change something in life. At first, of course, he will need to learn about, and then, in order not to slip and change faster, get rid of old unnecessary habits and build in those that will help him on the path of self-development. It will be very difficult in the beginning. But as soon as you change one of your habits, the second, then for you this process will look no more difficult than turning on the TV using the remote control.

So, by changing your habits, you change your life.

Doubt Problem

The beginner will surely end with doubts; the one who begins his journey in doubt will end it in confidence.

Francis Bacon

All new knowledge we question and rightly so. After all, we are meeting with something unknown, new. But many stop at the Level of Doubt. Even an addiction may appear - to doubt everything.

This problem of self-development makes a person stand in one place and barely breathe. "I know the formula for success!" - Desire rejoices, but Doubt says skeptically: "Where is the guarantee that this formula works?" Well, how long will you doubt it? Let's check everything already.

People who have been engaged in self-development for a long time know that doubt only steals time and does not give any advantages. Launching your doubts into your desires, goals, actions is like developing cancer cells in a healthy body. Never let your doubts take over your desires. Many concentrate on something negative and get it. At the heart of doubt and creating in your thoughts the result back to the desired one. Understand that doubt is just a lack of information. Just get it and doubt will disappear.

Therefore, learn more and test everything in practice, and then you will have no doubts.

Basic principles of self-development

So, we will probably start with the most basic and irreplaceable principle of self-development.

Study and study again ...

If you generally remember the definition of self-development, then it talks about the study of various knowledge and their application in practice. So there is a lot of knowledge and in order for this to be real knowledge, you need to check everything on your own skin. Yes, we can read various, take all kinds of online courses, go to various trainings for personal growth, take individual lessons, but in order for the knowledge to be true, we must pass it through ourselves, through our worldview and experience. Knowledge without practice is worthless. And practice is constant mistakes, and our own.

“And now do not believe everything I have said, because I am a Buddha, but check everything by your own experience. Be your own guiding light " - allegedly the last words of Gautama (who is Buddha).

What conclusions can be drawn from these words?

Any guru can be delusional. The best guru for yourself is you.

The acquired knowledge is secondary and practically useless.

Only one's own experience is primary.

Here's an interesting observation. There are a lot of motivating quotes, pictures and so on on social networks. We read them, but for some reason they do not help us. Because this is just knowledge, and even then not ours, which we absolutely do not transform into our experience.

Let's say Bruce Lee's statement: "Discipline is not self-restraint, it is a way to discard all unnecessary." I have problems with discipline and when I started to train it, I thought that this was really some kind of limitation, and then after learning about this expression and passing it through my life experience, I realized that Bruce was really right. Now discipline is an assistant for me, not an enemy.

And we must remember that the Truth is within us. You will not be full of someone else's mind. And if you want to achieve the main goals of self-development, then only your experience and your own mistakes will help you in this.

I am the creator of my reality

Self-development is a process of personality change. And it should be based on the understanding that everything in this life is changing, and also that it is we who are changing it. If everything was decided for us and there was already a predetermined fate, then the meaning of life and the whole Universe in general would lose its significance. In general, the whole mechanism of the Universe, in my understanding, is based on self-knowledge and self-development. This can even be said to be universal principles.

Without understanding the management of the internal and external world, there is generally no point in engaging in self-development. And that's exactly what they do. They think that everything is a foregone conclusion and lie quietly on the couch and watch the next blockbuster, while others -

Be better today than yesterday

Only step by step, day after day, working on ourselves, we can achieve the goal. Therefore, it is necessary to become at least a little bit better every day than yesterday. And in this you will be helped by various analytical measurements of the subgoals of your main goal.

Let's say I like to do push-ups. I have push up program in 15 weeks and I am guided by it more, I began to do push-ups or not, what is my total result, what is it for a week, and maybe for today. And it becomes easier because I am better today than I was yesterday. Let it be one push-up, but it is already getting closer to my goal.

Take off all the restrictions

As a rule, by the age of 20, so many deceitful attitudes have been built into a person that it interferes with self-development. It is not for nothing that in many philosophical teachings they practice the purification of consciousness and mind. Cannot be poured into an already filled container. Therefore, when we learn something new, we need to forget everything that you knew before. Perhaps this is what will speed up your self-development, but you move away from it, you do not want to accept it with your mind and heart and put it into practice. Necessary every timestep out of your comfort zoneto understand whether it has improved you or not.

  • Self-development: self + development. That is, self-development.
  • Self-improvement: self + improvement. That is, self-improvement.
  • Development: the formation or acquisition of new properties, skills and opportunities.
  • Improvement: improvement, harmonization, bringing to the ideal what is.

According to the dictionaries, development and improvement are synonyms. Consequently, the words self-development and self-improvement should have the same meaning, and, in the overwhelming majority of cases, they are used this way.

But, there is still a difference between improving what is and acquiring new properties. Therefore, we will try not to confuse these such similar concepts.

On the Internet, there is an attempt to explain the difference from a moral and ethical position. Allegedly, you can develop any abilities you want, and only good, creative ones can be improved.

I think it's drawn purely on an emotional wave. This is an attempt to give the word "perfection" an extremely positive meaning, as if, for example, a killing machine could not be perfect. What can prevent you from improving any abilities, if they already exist?

Self-development, what is it, what you need to know and what to develop

What is self-development

Self-development is a person's activity aimed at satisfying his need for obtaining new qualities.

The need for self-development belongs to the ideal (spiritual) needs. As in the pyramid of needs of P.V. Simonov, and in the most popular pyramid of needs according to Maslow, self-development is at the very top step, as the highest.

This need represents the idea that it is necessary to develop oneself, and is the main driving force on the path of cognition, thus ensuring the evolutionary growth of a person.

I believe that in order to sufficiently understand what self-development is, in order to determine an adequate place for it in one's own life, it is enough to take for oneself as a basis only that this is a person's activity aimed at satisfying his need for obtaining new qualities.

What is self-development

Self-development happens:

  • Physical.
  • Emotional.
  • Intellectual.
  • Spiritual.

These types of self-development resonate well with the types of paths of spiritual development that exist in the form of spiritual schools, well described in the book of Peter Uspensky "The Fourth Way":

  • The path of the fakir is to work with the physical body.
  • The path of a monk is to work with the psycho-emotional sphere.
  • The path of the yogi is to work with the intellect.

The fourth way I here call spiritual, as it unites and harmonizes all human capabilities at the same time, allowing you to be guided by unique and non-standard solutions.

Self-development: methods and directions

The need for self-development is an ideal (spiritual) phenomenon, but the manifestations of this idea can be at any level, depending on the chosen direction.

Any school of the spiritual path can be considered the most extreme form of self-development. Only the spiritual path of the "cunning person", the so-called "fourth way", allows a person to live in an ordinary environment. The rest require self-denial and strict adherence to the traditions of the school.

Mentioning the paths of spiritual development here does not at all mean that everyone must necessarily follow them. In a sense, each person is engaged in self-development, often without even thinking about the name of what he is doing.

Unconsciously, a person chooses the direction that resonates with his inner world. Sometimes the direction of self-development is dictated by the need to acquire new skills to satisfy any needs, be it biological needs (for food, safety, material benefits), social (to occupy a certain place in a social group, to receive respect and attention) or ideal (spiritual, cultural, aesthetic, meaning of life, etc.). And in this case, too, a person does not always make a choice consciously. Often, circumstances develop in such a way that the choice of the direction of self-development is, as it were, predetermined.

The most effective, but also the most dangerous, is the conscious choice of direction. The effectiveness of a conscious choice of direction is due to the image of the expected future and the formation of a fairly definite goal in this regard. The danger is the giving of excessive importance and a distorted understanding of the meaning, when all efforts are spent on something that, in essence, is not self-development. Hence, some people have erroneous choices of direction, lack of results and the associated disappointment.

Why self-development is important

Ideal needs are the most important thing that distinguishes us humans from the rest of the living world. Self-development, along with spiritual, cultural and aesthetic needs, is an integral part of a normal healthy person. Even people with extremely low levels of ambition and people with extremely low levels of intelligence can find ideal needs.

The importance of self-development lies precisely in the fact that, giving it at least some minimal attention, a person still remains a person. Otherwise, either the person is seriously ill, or it is not a person.

Why engage in self-development

Only deliberate self-development exercises are highly effective and bring significant results. The effectiveness of conscious self-development is tens of thousands of times greater than the latent self-development of "life with the flow." This difference is like the difference between a walking person and sitting on a chair evenly. He who goes will definitely come somewhere. And the seated one?

Engaged in self-development, a person fulfills a mission that carries the meaning of life, which, in turn, is outside of life. It is safe to say that the meaning of life has an evolutionary meaning. And this is clearly related to development.

At the same time, the cessation of all efforts for self-development puts a person in a state of a completed program. And this is nothing more than the end of life. Whether it will end physically or not is not important. It is important that instead of life, only existence remains without meaning and purpose.

Why does a person need self-development

A simple thought follows from previous reflections: a person needs self-development in order to be a person, not a biorobot.

Self-development is necessary in order to at least keep pace with the times and be ready for changes in the world around us. We are not yet talking about a total change of ourselves. But the world is constantly changing, the living environment and activities are changing. In order to compete in life, at work, in business, you need to comply.

Why self-development

The answer for what self-development is for is very simple: for happiness. For different people, this can be completely different information, but it is always associated with its acceptance by a specific person as a success. Improving self-esteem is always associated with the influx of tremendous energy for creativity. It is thanks to this energy that a person is able to reach the most incredible heights in the field of his activity. Achievements, in turn, generate the very flows of energy that make a person happy. The circle is closed. But the basis is all the same self-development. It was thanks to work on oneself that success became possible, which brought energy for further development.

Self-development and its tasks

  • The most basic task of self-development is to maintain the constant evolutionary growth of a person throughout his life.
  • Ensure human competitiveness in society.
  • Provide a competitive advantage in the interspecies struggle for human survival.
  • Provide tools in the process of self-actualization of a person.
  • Maintain the level of a person's self-worth.
  • Maintain an adequate level of self-esteem.

Self-development and its stages

I would not break self-development into any stages because of its exceptional individuality and, in most cases, multiplicity. As well as the reasons why a person takes the path of self-development, so the stages that a person goes through on this path have many options and interdependencies.

Only the stages of one cycle of self-development can be distinguished, as a completed gestalt:

  1. Awareness of the need for change.
  2. Formation of an image of a desirable future.
  3. Finding and exploring ways to get what you want.
  4. Choosing a path or method.
  5. Directly actions associated with the acquisition of new qualities.
  6. Application of results in life.

Acquiring new qualities, a person automatically generates new requests, which are included in the cycles of self-development and are realized depending on the person's abilities for self-development.

What sign characterizes self-development

A person is the author of his own life, this is the most basic sign of self-development. The author of his own life in practice realizes its transformations, freedom of choice, determination of goals and plans in life, is engaged in self-education, subordinates himself to his goals and desires.

What self-development gives

Self-development gives a person's life fullness and meaning.

Self-development as the highest form of development

Self-development as a type of development

Types of human development:

  • Physical development: influence on the body, its weight, strength, proportions.
  • Physiological development: effects on the nervous system, digestion, cardiovascular system, childbirth, etc.
  • Mental development: sensations, perception of the environment, thinking, memory, feelings, imagination. Development of value orientations, abilities, interests.
  • Social development: entering society and various social relations, social status.
  • Spiritual development: self-awareness, self-knowledge, self-development, purpose in life, responsibility to others and to oneself, understanding the nature of the universe and striving for constant moral improvement.

As a rule, self-development is referred to as spiritual development. I want to note that self-knowledge, and self-development, and spiritual development are among the ideal needs of a person. But self-development as an activity is applicable to any type of development, characterized primarily by a person's initiative.

Therefore, it is more correct to talk about self-development not as a form of development, but as a form. Including self-development is a form of spiritual development.

Self-development and self-knowledge

Self-knowledge is a structural component of a person's self-awareness. This is the process of knowing yourself, your potential, your moral, intellectual, personal qualities and character traits.

The need for self-knowledge, along with other ideal needs, is the fundamental quality that distinguishes humans from animals.

Each person had questions "who am I", "what is the meaning of my existence", answers to which are usually not accepted from outside. Only through self-knowledge can a person begin to answer these questions, although usually no one is satisfied with the answer, and this search is endless, since the inner universe of a person is inexhaustible.

Only through self-knowledge is it possible to gain psychological maturity and inner harmony, psychological and mental health of a person. In addition, the only way for self-development and self-realization is through self-knowledge.

Self-development and self-knowledge are closely intertwined and interdependent phenomena, and it makes no sense to consider them separately.

Self-development and self-education

Self-education is the actualization of the need for self-development. This is a method through which self-development is realized, which consists in self-study and mastering any skills.

Self-education is applicable to any kind of human development. With the advent of the information age, its importance has increased thousands of times. Traditional education in many areas is hopelessly lagging behind the rapidly changing demands of the times. At the same time, a person's ability to educate himself allows him to possess the newest knowledge and skills necessary to maintain his own efficiency at a sufficient level.

The fact that self-education is selective and based on the internal mechanism of self-actualization makes it very effective and efficient. The results obtained in the process of self-education are of very high value for a person.

The advantages of self-education include the ability to move at your own pace, according to your own plan or without it, not to waste time and money on unnecessary things and learn from the best.

Learning to educate yourself is a significant achievement on the path of self-development.

Self-development and self-realization

Self-realization - the need for the practical application of their talents, knowledge and desires. If a person follows the path of self-development, then self-realization is the place and way of transforming the results into any plus reinforcement: either fame, or power, or money, or warmth, love and respect.

There are many options for self-realization, depending on the type of activity, gender and age. To some extent, you can realize yourself both in providing yourself with basic needs, and in obtaining the necessary social status, as well as on a spiritual, creative and cognitive path. As an example, this is literary, artistic or any other creativity, family, sports or professional plan.

Self-development is the most important aspect in the life of any person, but, unfortunately, not everyone is aware of this. Immersed in the daily routine, many of us do not find the time and desire to learn something new, and this often leads to depressing consequences. Nevertheless, in order to achieve real success in your personal life, profession and other areas, constant development is simply necessary.

The main directions of human self-development

If we take into consideration certain directions of personality self-development, then we can distinguish several main paths:

  • Mental development- the individual comprehends new knowledge, which gradually form in him an erudite personality, as well as an interesting interlocutor.
  • Aesthetic self-improvement- in-depth study of art. This can include visits to museums, galleries, exhibitions, theaters and other similar places that have a significant impact on the formation of taste and personal opinion.
  • Physical development- keeping the body in good shape. Exercise not only has medical benefits for the body, but also improves the appearance.
  • Moral- a person studies the norms of tact, good taste. Such knowledge needs to be improved throughout life. Moral guidelines and values ​​form a full-fledged personality.
  • Professional self-development- technical capabilities are subject to rapid growth, introducing new ideas into the life of society. That is why it is important to remain competitive in the labor market.

Spiritual self-development as a path to oneself

It is also very important to remember that spiritual self-development has a special value in a person's life. Everyone has their own idea of ​​what spirituality is, and if you analyze the many of these definitions, you can come to the conclusion that people understand several qualities by spirituality: awareness, unconditional love, faith.

A person who is experiencing spiritual growth inevitably faces a change in the picture of the surrounding picture of the world. Such a person manages to find inner balance and see the world and himself in it as he is.

Psychology of personality self-development

Having decided to start the path to yourself through self-development, you will get rid of a lot of life's troubles. It is quite difficult to solve any personal difficulties if you do not have an idea of ​​how to do the right thing and where to go. Starting to cognize the world that surrounds us, we cognize ourselves. Most of us do not live a conscious life, but simply move "with the flow." In turn, a person who is used to self-development avoids many problems, because he has knowledge in various spheres of life, and, often, this saves him from wrong actions and judgments.

To achieve good results in a particular area, it is difficult to do without a specific plan, and this is especially true in the topic of self-development. When you clearly understand what you want from life, and how you can achieve it, then you can say that a significant part of the task has been completed. Set goals and go towards them - this is the path of development.

What most often interferes with personal growth

1. Lack of self-confidence

Often we do not dare to do many things, often for only one reason - we do not believe that in the end we will have a positive result. Meanwhile, self-confidence is of great importance, and it is she who helps to overcome the most serious difficulties. In this case, doubts act in a completely different way - they ruin our aspirations at the root and do not allow us to get what we want.

2. Laziness

A successful person is not used to putting things off for later. At the same time, lazy people tend to postpone most of the tasks until tomorrow, and often end up completely “forgetting” about their plans. If you mentally constantly look for reasons to reschedule work for another day, then it will not bring anything good. Realize that tomorrow does not exist - you only have today. Your life is a moment in the present.

3. Delaying the implementation of ideas

Even if you have grandiose plans, they mean nothing and bring you nothing until you start to implement them. Moreover, if you have an idea that doesn't work, it can even hurt you. Putting off doing things for another day leads to stress, fear and anxiety - subconsciously, you remember a certain incompleteness, and this does not allow you to "breathe freely."

How to make a plan for self-development

First of all, it is important for you to realize what exactly you want to achieve, in which specific areas you need to improve. So where do you start?

1. Analysis

Analyze the various areas of your life, and honestly admit to yourself what exactly does not suit you, what skills you are deprived of. It's important to be objective. Now let's carry out an "audit" in the main aspects.

2. Health, physical data

It is possible that you should get rid of any bad habits, get in good physical shape, switch to proper nutrition, devote more time to sports.

3. Spirituality

Work on this area is necessary if you need to get rid of irritability, anger, anger, envy and other negative emotions.

4. Material sphere

If you are not completely satisfied with your financial situation, then you need to work in this direction. It is possible that you will need to change the field of activity, attend any courses or trainings. result.

5. Social sphere

It is very important to develop the right communication skills that will help you in building your personal life, overcoming conflict situations, in relation to the environment.

6. Personal growth

Perhaps you should pay attention to the development of intelligence, attention, memory, abstract thinking.

After analyzing all these areas, think about which one needs the most careful study, and focus on it first. When you manage to achieve the desired results, move on to another aspect. You should not try to take on everything at once - this way you risk not achieving what you need.

Books are of great importance on the path to new knowledge. You can choose the literature you need both in print and in the form of audio books. Sometimes, a good book can be a great substitute for quality training, because you will have the opportunity to return to the material covered over and over again and study individual points as much as you wish. Recently, many books on self-development have appeared, and we decided to cover this topic in detail in our other article -. Surely, you can learn a lot of interesting and useful information from the information provided.

List of popular science films and documentaries for self-development that will change your life

BBC - He and She - Relationship Secrets

The project explores gender differences. The experiments involved ten people - five men and five women. The purpose of the experiments is to establish in what key aspects the representatives of the opposite sexes differ.

The participants in the experiments will have to pass tests that cover various areas of life. In addition, tests for the perception of sounds, coordination of the ability to remember what was seen and much more are assumed. Research is carried out by experienced specialists who can provide a lot of information based on the subjects' handwriting and many other features. The project will not do without a lie detector ...

BBC - Body Chemistry, Hormonal Hell

The film includes various interviews with renowned British scientists, which detail the impact of continuous hormone production on a person. According to studies, progress forces a person to break the usual biorhythms. From year to year we do not get enough sleep, we devote a lot of time to work, and in general, we significantly break our own regime. What do we end up with? Constant stress, depression, cancer and much more. Perhaps breaking this vicious circle and changing something?

Air force. Human brain

The documentary film tells about how the human brain has to solve a number of difficult tasks every day, not inferior in this to the most powerful computers. Once in any environment (queue, public transport, etc.), we involuntarily begin to form a definite opinion about certain people, make guesses and assumptions. The project will tell about how exactly we establish contact with other people, how our inner world is formed and what happens to our brain. You will find out what hidden possibilities your mind has, and how you can reveal them.

BBC. The mind of man

Why is one person familiar with the sense of danger, while another practically pays no attention to it? How does accumulated experience help us in life? How do children manage to master complex movements? Why do we act one way or another in unsafe situations? The answer to all these questions is hidden in our minds. Our brain is forced to work every second, and, often, we do not even realize it. We do not even suspect how extensive our capabilities are for detailed knowledge of the world around us. The film answers questions about how the human brain works and how we can use this knowledge most effectively.

Test your brain. Test 1 "

Would you like to know how exactly the sound vibrations of the eardrum and the image on the retina of the eye form the visual series of the reality around us? How does our mind work? By what principle does it select from a large amount of data only those that are most needed at the present time? Our senses have evolved over millions of years, so why can they still be tricked quite easily today? Experienced psychologists, physiologists and neurologists are ready to cover these and many other topics. Find out what secrets your mind is hiding!

"Peaceful warrior"

A film based on real facts. So, the plot focuses on Dan Millman, a highly talented and successful college gymnast, daydreaming about how one day he will perform at the Olympics. The guy's outlook changes dramatically after he meets a mysterious man who calls himself Socrates. It turns out that the stranger has serious capabilities, and is able to open a truly incredible world for Dan. Having survived a severe trauma, the gymnast, with the help of Socrates and a certain girl, comes to the understanding that he still has a lot to comprehend.

"Corporation Food"

A documentary that explores the production of various products. You will learn about how nearly all the grocery products you see on store shelves are made, and you will learn that many of them are unnecessarily overpriced. However, many of the products sold pose a serious threat to your health.

You will learn about how industrial meat production takes place - how inhumane it looks, albeit economically. Also, you will probably be surprised by the production of vegetables and grains. You will learn a lot of interesting things about organizations that produce food products that are dangerous to human life.

"The great mystery of water"

Surely, you understand that water is not just a colorless liquid with which we quench our thirst. In this project, you will be told all the secrets of Water - you will find out that it is the carrier of many data! She is able not only to remember, but also to demonstrate her emotions! The famous scientist in Japan, Emoto Masaru, spent a long period to thoroughly study Water, and he managed to make stunning discoveries! Also, talented scientists from other countries took part in Masaru's experiments, and, for sure, these studies will be able to surprise you.


Sean Monson's documentary touches on controversial topics of human abuse of the animal kingdom, as well as the commercial exploitation of wildlife resources.

Bullfights, fur farms, poultry farms, slaughterhouses, whale hunting and much more are no longer a rarity. But is there in our time at least some kind of moral justification for a person who becomes the initiator of the suffering of other living beings only for the sake of the interests of his own species? Earthlings have long lost contact with the surrounding nature, and this has already begun to bring sad consequences.

Placebo. Solve the mystery "

The project will tell about the most amazing stories that happened in medical practice. These incredible cases will be discussed in Ireland by several experienced scholars. You will learn a lot about the phenomenon that doctors call "placebos." This word means self-healing, for which a person needed only faith and the power of thought. In studies of the placebo effect, a significant breakthrough has recently been made that has been a shock to the entire medical world. What is the main secret of this amazing effect?

"Forks instead of scalpels"

Colin Campbell has conducted extensive studies that will tell how exactly diet affects the likelihood of being diagnosed with serious diseases such as cancer, diabetes and others. The study turned out to be truly large-scale - it was carried out for several years, covering one hundred thousand people. As a result of many experiments carried out, which took into account a number of variable factors, it was concluded that a person who consumes large quantities of animal food is seriously susceptible to serious ailments. Why this is happening, and what other stunning facts the scientist gives, you will learn from this project.


The picture clearly demonstrates to us how beautiful our planet is, as well as what horrific consequences it had to endure after the destructive impact of humanity. The Earth has long suffered from deep scars caused by various wars, industrial production, and global environmental problems. The viewer will finally know what the real situation is on our planet. The creators of the project have visited many countries in order to maximally convey the features and beauty of the Earth - for sure, you will be surprised how beautiful nature is in some remote corners of the world, and how much harm is done by human activities.

"Secret 1"

In 2006, the Secret project was demonstrated for the first time. Many years have passed since then, but the picture is still making its triumphant march across the Earth, covering many countries. Millions of people who watched the film made interesting conclusions for themselves that dramatically influenced their lives. It is difficult to find a person whom this project has left indifferent. So, what changes have occurred in the outlook and life of the viewers who took The Secret seriously? Can a popular documentary really change fate?


"Master of the World" Nikola Tesla

A film that tells the story of one of the greatest scientists and inventors in the history of mankind. It is about an amazing genius known as Nikola Tesla. A lot of time has passed since the time of his life and death, but to this day there is reason to believe that in many fields this scientist has never been surpassed. At the beginning of the twentieth century in Central Siberia, many people witnessed a fantastic spectacle, which was almost impossible to explain. However, there was a person who knew what happened, because he was directly related to what happened ...

"Why We Burn Our Life" Denis Borisov

Many of us do not notice how we spend precious years of our lives on drinking, social networks and other things that only consume time, but do not give any development. The author of the project is ready to tell you how to start the fight against destructive types of activity that harm our development. How to find the right motivation for this confrontation and is a person able to give up in a short time a pastime that was interesting to him for a long period? Advice will undoubtedly be of great benefit to people who find it difficult to resist unhealthy temptations.

"The Hunter's Iron Will" Denis Borisov

In his project, Denis Borisov will teach you how to achieve significant results in "building" your own body. You will learn about the most important strategies to help you on your path to success. It has long been known that not all people who decide to go to the gym get the desired results. Why it happens? Could it be a lack of motivation, or are these people just missing out on something really important? This video covers absolutely all areas of human life. Why can some people make significant progress in working on themselves and achieving their goals, while others do not succeed? Denis Borisov is ready to cover this topic in detail.

"About treason and betrayal" Denis Borisov

The word "treason" is fraught with much more negative meaning than it might seem at first glance. Is there a difference between treason and betrayal? Why do some people still decide on such actions in relation to their loved ones? Why do some guys and girls start cheating on their lovers? Why are politicians ready to cheat on their voters? Why is this phenomenon so common in friendships? Where does the real betrayal begin? The author of the project will teach you how to understand these issues, as well as use the information received to your advantage.

About Our Consciousness by Dan Dennett

The basis of the documentary project was the philosophy of Dan Dennett, who spent a significant period of his life trying to prove that we are not able to fully understand our consciousness. In addition, according to the philosopher, consciousness often lies to us. These theories are widely known in the philosophical literature, but most of Dennett's colleagues do not support his statements. Be that as it may, the hypothesis also has adherents. Despite the rather harsh criticism, the philosopher does not deviate from his theory, and is ready to tell about its key aspects to a wide audience.

How to Be Happy by Dan Gilbert

Dan Gilbert, who wrote Stumbling on Happiness, confidently challenges the claim that we cannot be happy if we don't get what we truly desire. The philosopher is convinced that a person can well find a feeling of real happiness, even when events in his life unfold in a completely different way than he wanted. At first glance, it seems that this hypothesis is completely unfounded, but Gilbert is ready to convince you of the truth of his words, giving very convincing arguments. So how do you find happiness in spite of everything?

Why We Make Bad Decisions Dan Gilbert

Surely, you have more than once encountered unpleasant situations that were the consequences of your wrong decisions. At such moments, a person realizes that if he acted even a little differently, the result would be much more positive. Many in such cases say that “such is the fate” and do not believe that the negative outcome could have been prevented, but in reality everything is different. We can really improve our lives significantly if we learn not to be led by many factors and make the right decisions. In his project, Dan Gilbert will tell you how you can come to this.

“Sign language. Body language shapes your personality "

A fascinating project in which experienced social psychologist Amy Cuddy shares with her listeners information about the impact body language can have on a person's life. According to the speaker, it is this aspect that largely predetermines how others perceive us, how we feel ourselves and who we become in the end. Also, Cuddy will show you special poses that you can use when conducting a dialogue with this or that interlocutor. According to the psychologist, there are certain gestures that can help us achieve success. In addition, there are poses that act repulsive to others, and this is also very important to know about.

How to Learn Anything in 20 Hours by Josh Kaufman

It is often difficult for us to take up the development of new knowledge because we believe that this may take too long, and because of this, it is likely that the case will be left halfway through. In turn, the author of this project is convinced that one should not be afraid of new horizons, because a person can master many disciplines, hobbies and other things, having devoted only 20 hours of his life to this. At first glance, such a statement seems simply incredible, but Josh Kaufman is ready to prove the opposite. Undoubtedly, this extraordinary technique will be useful for many of us!

"The Magic of Thought" by Keith Berry

Keith Berry has no doubts that the human mind is capable of deceiving the body, and in her project she clearly demonstrates this hypothesis. Once you start watching the movie, you will witness some incredible and slightly shocking psychological stunts. According to Berry, for her, mind magic is a kind of magic that is based on amazing methods of reading minds. The author of the project is convinced that using the power of words, non-verbal communication and other techniques, we can achieve stunning results. So how do you learn to manipulate someone else's mind?

"How to Learn Any Language in 6 Months" by Chris Lonsdale

"What Happens in the Heads of Lovers" by Helen Fisher

Professor Helen Fisher, who is the author of several books and many scientific articles, gained popularity after conducting a series of painstaking studies of the behavior of people in love. The anthropologist is convinced that humans have a dual strategy of reproduction. Fischer will also tell you about three patterns of behavior that are ingrained in the human brain. These are aspects such as attraction, romantic love and affection. The professor tells why we choose certain people as partners, and what stages the relationship of lovers goes through.

10 New Facts About Orgasm by Mary Roach

The plot of this documentary project focuses on the research carried out by Mary Roach - the writer has taken up the study of Nature in the most romantic sense of the word. Roach tried to find out as much as possible about the phenomenon of orgasm through many conversations with doctors and scientists. The writer's works are a wonderful chance to discover new facets of your body. After watching the movie, you will learn about such facts as the menstruation of babies, orgasm with eyebrow stimulation, the Lazarus reflex in deceased people and other amazing phenomena. Everything you need to know about orgasm is included in Roach's project.

"The Truth About Health"

From this film you will learn that our body is constantly changing, and this has certain consequences. Different parts of the body have a clearly defined service life, which can change under the influence of certain factors. Also, for sure, you will be interested to know that there is not a single atom left in your body from those that were present at our conception. However, there is something in us that is invariable - this is information. Find out the whole truth about your own health and how to keep it longer.

Interesting and useful sites for self-development

For self-development, you can not only watch documentaries and get acquainted with the relevant literature. There are many useful sites that can help you reveal new facets of your personality. Let's take a look at some of them.

Coursera- everyone can find here useful courses that can be taken online. The educational platform works with materials from the world's leading universities.

Universarium- the participants of this large-scale project can get an excellent education by working with the most experienced teachers in Russia and the best domestic universities.

Khan academy- This educational site is completely free. It offers its users over four thousand small lectures covering various disciplines.

Udemy- a resource for those who really want to enrich their own knowledge. The site has been used by over ten million students from around the world. The program included over forty thousand exciting courses.

UNIWEB- the site is engaged in online training for students, collaborating with the best universities. The purpose of the platform is to spread a quality language among Russian-speaking students.

University without borders- with the help of this resource, users can exchange their knowledge. The Russian-speaking audience fully receives valuable and useful information, regardless of the place of study or work, economic and social status and other aspects.

HTML Academy- the platform will prove to be an extensive source of knowledge for users who want to comprehend all the intricacies of web development.

Lumosity- an indispensable site for those who wish to develop their mental abilities. With the help of a special application, you have the opportunity to take an individual training course that will be useful for you.

Eduson- the resource offers quality online training for students who want to succeed in business. The courses are conducted by renowned professors and established businessmen.

Wikihow- Thousands of users of the World Wide Web have worked on this colorful resource, wanting to create the most useful step-by-step guide. An integral part of the wiki community, thanks to which you can learn a lot of relevant information and learn something new.

HSE Internet School- for those who are interested in courses related to the socio-economic profile, history, mathematics and other subjects.

Lingualeo- learning English can be not only effective, but also fun! By visiting this site, which has already attracted over 12 million people, you will be convinced of this.

Memorado- the creators of this free application call it rather capaciously: "gym for the brain." In this game you will find a large number of different levels containing puzzles of varying degrees of difficulty.

Duolingo- a free site that will help you with language learning and translations. The platform is designed in such a way that after passing through the material, users themselves help with translating articles and various documentation.

4brain- a free resource for those who have long wanted to develop the skills of speed reading, extraordinary thinking, oral counting, and so on.

Brainexer- a platform that includes a large number of tests and exercises for attention, memorization, etc. You can pass the tests even if you don't register on the site. Note that the site was created in English, but there is also a translation into Russian.

Memrise- the site uses the most advanced methods of working with memory in order to help visitors to the resource remember any information with the greatest efficiency.

All10- With this online trainer, you will learn how to blindly type on the keyboard using all ten fingers. The platform will keep your statistics, as well as show the performance rating of other visitors to the resource.

Project gutenberg- in this electronic library you can find many masterpieces of world literature. The site began its existence over forty years ago.

Yandex school- a lot of electronic lectures, the main purpose of which is high-quality training of specialists for the IT industry.

Curious- on this platform, students, teachers and simply talented people have the opportunity to share their own experience with others. In addition, everyone can find additional income on the site.

Sentences- with the help of the resource, you will learn to memorize English words faster. also note that the platform includes a system that promotes greater learning efficiency, and also tracks the level of language proficiency.

Intuit- a large Russian Internet university, which provides an excellent opportunity to get a higher (or second higher) education. In addition, here you can improve your qualifications and undergo professional training.

Lectorium- the platform contains a large number of lectures in Russian that cover a variety of topics. Also here you can find interesting video materials from various scientific conferences.

You can achieve certain results in self-development playfully - in the literal sense of this expression! It is enough to have access to the World Wide Web, and this will allow you at least every day to perform new interesting tasks that will have a beneficial effect on your skills and various areas of life. With these games, you will achieve significant improvements in concentration, memory, and more. To do this, it is enough to drive the phrase "Games for self-development" into the search engine. You can easily download many of them to your smartphone and devote time to them outside the home - on trips, queues, and so on. You will find many interesting games on some of the sites that we recommended you in this article.

Self-development methods

Check out blogs about self-development

Self-development blogs are regularly updated with new relevant information, and if you periodically look through them, you will certainly be able to find something valuable for yourself. Pick a few blogs that really captivate you and check back periodically for content updates. Of course, it is also worth paying attention to new sites.

Attend trainings and courses for personal growth

Most often, motivation arises when we see examples of other people who have managed to achieve the desired results. By attending various trainings and courses, you will learn more about these people and increase your chances of becoming one of them.

Learn new things and work on yourself

It is impossible to achieve any development without doing painstaking work on yourself. Only by comprehending something new, we take a step forward on the path to our improvement. Analyze all areas of your life and identify your "weak point". Do not be afraid to admit to yourself that some aspects need improvement.

Video online: 10 quick methods of self-development

It is difficult to imagine human existence without personal self-development. This is an important part of our life, constant work done on ourselves and improving our own life.

Self-development is an important part of our life. From birth to death, a person and his soul are constantly learning something, changing themselves, improving. Every day to become better than yesterday - this is how the motto of a real person who wants to achieve success in life should sound. It is impossible to reach maximum heights and find yourself without personal self-development.

We all insist relentlessly that we need to change, but for some reason, only a few begin to do even the slightest

steps for this.
Why is that? Someone finds it difficult to change their regime, habits, others are justified by the lack of time, and the third lacks motivation. Most people simply do not know how to start correctly, but practical and will definitely help you.

In fact, not everything is so simple, of course. And if you look at the subtle plane of a person who is tirelessly moving forward and someone who cannot bring himself to take even a step, then you can find a huge difference in the state of their subtle bodies and energy channels or chakras... First, there may be "holes" in a person's cocoon through which a huge drain of energy goes. No matter how hard a person tries, he cannot be filled with energy. Hence, of course, there is a breakdown, all the "reluctance", even if you force yourself to do something, you quickly go out. In addition to everyday affairs, there is no longer any strength for more. Over time, they become a burden. Secondly, the work of the chakras is very important. More on this below.

You can go through a chakra diagnostics from a photo right now and find out the state of your energy.

The main human enemies on the path to self-development.

Our main goal is to change our own lives, but in order to achieve it, we must get rid of the worst enemies who constantly interfere with us. Namely:

  • wrong routine and habits;
  • lack of time;
  • lack of motivation.

We need to fix these three major problems that hinder ours, and then the result will not be long in coming. It's not an easy process, but it's worth it.

Changing your own routine and habits. How to keep up with everything?

The chaotic regime of life is one of the main problems of the modern world. Many things that a person does not always have time to do due to improper allocation of their time end in failures and drive people into. But most of us are used to living this way, and a habit, especially a bad one, is the thing that is very difficult to get rid of. But nothing is impossible, and the solution, as a rule, is located in the most unexpected place.

A person must develop in himself a number of necessary habits that can change his life, and this is what

an important stage in personal self-development. In three weeks, each of us is able to get used to a new rhythm, you just need to start.

But, as a rule, not only the beginning and the fear of not getting the desired result scare people. Let's go back to the subtle plan and let's see what else distinguishes people who always quickly achieve goals and continue to move forward towards personal self-development. Why are they so successful?

If you read the article about, then you can see the regularity between personal self-development and the state of the Alive chakra, which, in addition to the material world, cash flow, our "do", is also mainly for our WILL! That is, if the chakra is Alive in excellent condition, then the person has a great Will, the desire to constantly “do” and improve his life! Everything is burning in his hands. Money comes easily, as if by itself, as a result of its development.

If the chakra is clogged, does not work at full capacity, then there is no big deal, big money, and there is no need to talk about great will. What kind of self-development and striving forward is there, everything ends only with thoughts and a maximum of reading articles for self-development. And as soon as it comes to "doing", that's it, the will is no longer enough. But it's easy to fix! Go through the diagnostics from the photo and you will know the reason for your insolvency in life.

Suppose that everything is fine with you, in order, energy is not draining, you are cheerful, cheerful, happy and strive to improve your life further.

What habits need to be developed at the first stage in three weeks?

  1. Oddly enough, but it is positive thoughts that are one of the important steps on the path to self-development. Light feelings can radically change life for the better.
  2. Daily regime... This is something that most people completely ignore, and in fact its observance guarantees order and success in business. Go to sleep before 12 am and wake up at 6-7 am. By observing this golden rule, you will soon notice that you have begun to do much more, as your productivity has increased. Plan your day, soon it will quickly become a habit and you will notice how your life is changing.
  3. Develop. Read books, spend less time on social networks, learn new and useful things. New should also be selective and metered. We have already written about this on our website. Find out how it works.
  4. Do not forget that a person is not only a physical body. Being engaged in self-development, it is impossible not to start with esoteric knowledge. There are many interpretations of this knowledge, but we will consider that esotericism is knowledge about the spiritual nature of a person and the natural possibilities of everyone to create on the subtle plane, changing the physical world. We will not go deep into this today, just order a video by mail and today you will try how you can change the physical world with your thoughts. Right away during simple practices, you will see how it works. (If, of course, you will do, and not just listen)

Do not forget that personal self-development begins with these simple but effective habits that should become a part of your life. If everything works out for you (and it cannot be otherwise), then you will notice a surge of strength and energy, get a lot of extra time, and success will not keep you waiting long.

The role of motivation in self-development.

No matter how many articles you read, it is difficult to achieve any results without motivation. It is she who is the key on the path to self-development, your impetus, allowing you not to give up in case of failure. Well, where can I get it, this motivation?

White papers can only help if you really want to. But it happens that a person has read the material, lit up, said to himself "I will definitely start tomorrow." But tomorrow will never come, you need to start right away: if you wanted something, you began to strive for it. Read motivational, which has answers to many of your questions.

Self-realization is also a strong motivation. Become better, prove to yourself and others that you can change. The main thing to remember is that there are always failures and not everything comes at once, but you never need to give up, and then you will get everything you strive for.

Self-development is the main path to success.

Each person must develop, become better than yesterday. Otherwise, what is the point of living if you always stand in one place and do not strive for anything?

I, Manoilo Oksana, are a practicing healer, coach, spiritual trainer. You are now on my site.

Order your diagnosis from me by photo. I will tell you about you, the causes of your problems and suggest the best ways out of the situation.

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