Armchair EGE in the literature of Kim.

Professional categories for teachers were introduced in the first half of the 1990s: 16 discharges, the 14th corresponded to the highest category ... modified and improved this system until now, but almost always the procedure for certification causes teachers at least anxiety, and someone - Real fear and panic. How to make sure that the certification objectively confirms the pedagogical and personal maturity of the teacher, and did not serve as a punishing sword? His considerations were shared by a well-deserved teacher of Russia, a candidate of psychological sciences Alexander Snegov.

Return labor education to schools is the requirement of life itself. But now in the curriculum instead of labor lessons technology. By the topics close, in practice - a boring theoretical subject. And children need a practical experience of this work with real instruments. It is necessary for the country, because after three or four years the market will experience an acute shortage of young and ready-to-face personnel. What should I change for this? The answer is in the article by Vladimir Semenikhin.

Being sports is as prestigious and fashionable how to be well-read and witty. At least this is the case in England schools. And in Japan, more than 40% of high school students are engaged in sports at least nine hours a week ... At the same time, in Russian schools, "walk the Fizru" is not amusement, there would be a convincing excuse or certificate. About why foreign educators manage much more efficiently to motivate schoolchildren to strain not only winding, but also the muscles, I thought Sergey Rykov.

Good day, dear applicants. Many of you are interested in what was behind the scene of the early exam, 2016. This was preceded by dozens of messages in my personal VKontakte and I will open the veil of mystery, I will tell you about your impressions on checking the second part and we will analyze with you the real version of the second part and tell you about what a planning exam looks like on the history of this year

Impressions of the early stage

Let's start with my impressions in the first part, which I confess, I saw a glimpse. But a quick run by an option I can say the following: the booming exam was not difficult. Joiest it in real tasks. As you know, this year, the structure of all work was rejected in the root - removed the test part and shut off the tasks of the current first. According to the rapid analysis of the option, the first five tasks and No. 7-9, 11 were given without any difficulties to those who worked out the dates and worked with official documents, including the dates list from the FII. Surprises as I think for a prepared person would not find here

Next you meet the next type of tasks: work with a card and an illustrative material. From the cards, I can remember the map of the settlement of tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs, there was a card on the era of feudal fragmentation, the Kursk battle, the socio-economic development of Russia in the XIX century ... Something, of course, could cause difficulties, but did without surprises from compilers , by type of merchants / names of factories and factories, as last year

"Pictures" pleased the majority of applicants. The only thing that caused a comrade, the most famous children's song of which is attached below. Who recognized, write in the comments 🙂 you needed to choose 2 positions and the composer with which he / she collaborated (-A-). Waiting for your assumptions. Otherwise: Vysotsky, Tsoi, the main monuments of architecture of the XVIII century, posters of times 20-30 years of the XX century

Well, now we turn to the analysis of the tasks of the second part:

Tasks №20-22: Front-of-Egystyle 2016

№20. What period in the history of the USSR is speaking in the article? Name, using knowledge from the course of history, two main opposition I.V. Stalin directions among the party elite of the described time. What were the peculiarities of their views?

№21. Name the purpose of repression, organized by I.V. Stalin against authoritative party and government leaders. Give at least two facts and phenomena associated with this process in the army.

№22. Indicate at least five reasons that SA believes Kislitsyn, led to the destruction of intrapartean opposition to Stalin

Test solution

So how can this task be performed? Naturally, reading the text 🙂 Kirov's murder, for knowledgeable boys and girls, already says that this is the 1930s. The groups are secretly highlighted in the text: S. Sirtsova and Tryerina (supporters of the liberalization of the Soviet Union and moderate transformations). Well, we will touch on the "party boyars", we will tell who it will get 2 points for the twentieth job

Purpose: Establishing a centralized system of state power and management of folk masses

Facts and phenomena:
1) many representatives of the Red Army were repressed (example: Tukhachevsky, Blucher)
2) During the years of the Soviet-Finnish war, a serious blow to the country's defense

  1. Fetishization WCP (b)
  2. Infantilism
  3. Out of the people
  4. Ambitiosity of party members
  5. Human values

We will continue to work on the option in the following articles, it is already quite - very soon if this article receives a response. Put the huskies, share articles on social networks, so you help the project and then the booming exam on the history of 2016 we will analyze as soon as possible. Until soon meetings, Ivan Nekrasov was with you. So far!

Want to deal with all the topics of the course of history? Sign up for training at Ivan Nekrasov School with a legal guarantee of passing an exam for 80+ points!

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Tsecop tsebud, tsely tserBe tsedrag tseon, pro tsefool tsellulose tselloofan, tsediet tselOMASTER, tsenTNER tsestalk tseremonia.


Q.stern q.panty q.fraud q.ferblat q.rK, Pan q.novka, q.nGA q.anit, q.clone, q.lindre q.mBAL q.tadel q.tata, q.pHRINE, q.rkul, Kvar. q.t.


TSIc, tSIgan, on tSIkidney tSIfilms tSIpa tSIkat.

(1) In ancient Greece, agriculture was the main source of human existence. (2)<…> Urban residents often had the farm outside the city and used the fact that it gave. (3) At the same time, the relief of Greece did not favor agriculture: about three-quarters of the territory occupied mountains and plots that are affordable for agriculture.

Specify two proposals in which the main information contained in the text is correct. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) approximately three quarters territory Ancient Greece occupied Mountains and plots that are lowest for agriculture.
2) Agriculture, despite the fact that relief did not contribute to development agriculturewas main in Ancient Greece.
3) B. Ancient Greece Urban residents often used fruits of agricultural activities.
4) Main the source of human existence in Ancient Greece It was agriculture, although reliefwas unfavorable for agriculture.
5) Main the source of the existence of urban residents Ancient Greece It was agriculture.

Performing this task, first of all try, not reading text, find two identical approval. If you find it difficult to catch the thought of text at once, highlight keywords, as we did. Look at the selected words. Obviously, the keywords completely coincided in 2 and 4 sentences. In 1 there is no fruit of agriculture, in 3 and 5 there is no relief.
Now check your version by reading the text, and make sure of your right.

Answer: 24.

Which of the words below (words combinations) should stand at the place of pass in the second (2) of the text of the text? Write this word (combination of words).
And although
If a
If only

This task does not need an explanation. Or you are the carrier of the Russian language or not. Obviously, only the word is suitable even.

Answer: Even.

Read the fragment of the vocabulary article in which the word value is given. Determine the value in which this word is used in the first (1) sentence of the text. Write down the figure corresponding to this value in the listed vocabulary fragment.

Source, -a; m.
1) What gives rise to. where something comes from. I. Light. I. all angry.
2) Written monumentThe document on the basis of which a scientific study is built. Sources for the history of the edge. Use all available sources.
3) he who gives some intelligence about whom He is reliable and. Information from the faithful source.
4) Water jetleaving on the surface from under the ground. Healing and. Hot and. I. Mineral water.

So, we have a sentence "In ancient Greece, agriculture was the main source The existence of a person. "And the dictionary is an interrupting word source. This task concerns multivalued words. You need to determine in which value of the word is implemented in this text. Highlight the keyword in each paragraph (a scientific one-categorical one). Hedgehog is clear that the source of existence can not be a written monument or those who gives information. Options 2 and 3 disappear. Water jet, in principle, can be a source of existence. But the text does not have a speech about water. But agriculture gives rise to normal life. Ancient Greeks.

Answer: 1.


In one of the words below, an error is made in the staging of the emphasis: the letter denoting the shock vowel sound is incorrectly highlighted. Write this word.


This is a slight question. Everyone knows that the correct "call". In general, if 4 questions cause you difficulty, acquire our orthoepic simulator, and you will be happy. For an hour you remember all the right stresses.

Answer: Call.

In one of the proposals below, the selected word is incorrect. Correct the lexical error
to the highlighted word paronym. Write down the selected word.

Soon, cellular subscribers will be able to pay for the subway from their phone.
Humanism as a concept and the way of being of a person who arose in the Renaissance era passes through the history of mankind.
My classmate dressed Santa Claus costume and congratulated the inhabitants of the town.
Even in the era of practical people, those who fight with injustice appear.
Friendly relationships may be between people close in spirit.

To answer the fifth question, the test you need to get acquainted with the 2016 paronimic minimum, posted on the FII website. Recall, paronyms, it is similar, but still different words. Their values \u200b\u200bcan almost coincide, and they can and are very different. In order to catch the difference, you need to know the values \u200b\u200bof all words from a paronimic minimum.
Here the word "dressed" is incorrectly used. Although we often say so, it still put on it. Dress up a person, wear clothes and shoes. Easy to remember: "Wear clothes, dress hope."

Answer: put on.

In one of the above words, an error is made to form a word form. Correct the error and write down the word correctly.

Have their sisters
Drink from saucers
No sapog
More richer
About five hundred people

This task concerns the form of words. Rules governing the choice of the word form, a lot. They are studied in the stylistics courses of the Russian language and culture of speech. In school textbooks, these rules emerge episodically, so full responsibility for preparing for this task lies on the school teacher and, of course, on you. If you understand that you do not know such a material, urgently start doing. Our site has a webinar record on this topic. Buy a subscription to access to webinars and records and look at the lecture, because it is not possible to quickly explain why this answer is here.

Answer: Soccer.

Set the correspondence between grammatical errors and suggestions in which they are allowed: to each position of the first
Column pick up the corresponding position from the second column.

Grammatical errors

B) improper consumption of the core form of nouns with the pretext

E) error in building a sentence
with homogeneous members


1) Reservations are created as for supporting, so I. To restore the number of rare animal species, endangered.

2) All who She listened to the performance of the professor, once again he was surprised by the brightness, originality and a depth of his speech.

3), it creates an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of the moon.

4) Wait for you when you are present.

6) Article A. Baushev turned the attention of the Kursk Governor who wished to get acquainted with the young author.

7) I'm surprised askedWhat is the fortress.

not only nobility and honesty, but Humanity and sweatshirt.

9) All the work of the writer E. Nosov is a big wise book that helps people be kinder, generous to the soul.

This is a really complicated task. And, please note, the material is not included in school textbooks. Classification of grammatical errors - university material. So, if you want this topic to learn seriously, take a handbook on practical stylist for phylphs and journals. Fortunately, not all kinds of errors chose in FIPI. So at least in the first approximation you can explore this topic before the exam. Again, you can see the records of our webinars in the Webinars section.

A) violation of communication between the subject and faithful.
Are looking for:
a) the discrepancies of the main offer and see whether those subject and tamers are consistent in each pair (these are those who are those who ... many of those who are .... all who);
b) abbreviations, define the keyword and see whether it is consistent with the faithful and number;
c) Geographical names, we define the genus of nouns by a generic sign (the river - it is, the city is, etc.), we look at whether it is consistent with the faithful by the family.
d) the words whose genus do not know (chimpanzees, kakada, veil, etc.), we look, whether these words are agreed with the faithful by the family. A list of such words in the same stylist reference books or we have prepared for the examination 2016.

Of all the above in the sentences we only find the design all who ... in 2 sentences. We look carefully: " Everything , who listened Professor's performance, once again was It is surprised by the brightness, originality and depth of his speech. "Color highlighted the basics of 2 sentences. At the heart of the main proposal, the" everything was "is not agreed into the number.

A - 2. Do not forget after the decision to delete these options in the kima, so that they do not interfere with you.

B) improper consumption of a cable form of a noun with a pretext.
We are looking for derivatives prepositions. Especially often come across thanks, according to, contrary. These prepositions require a dipping case. We look, are there any such words in the proposed offers. Bingo! Proposition 5: "Contrary to the recommendations of the doctors athlete did not reduce the load during training." We look, in what case the word "recommendations". What? Recommendations. PODE PADEEZH, A D.B. dative.

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adapted turnover

First of all, find offers in which there is a height turnover. Their M.B. some. Recall the Questions of the Decreation: what making? What made?

We have 2 sentences with particle turns:
3) Being low above the horizon, It is created an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe sizes of the moon.
4) Once in the house of unfamiliar people, Wait for you when you are present.

We emphasize the foundations: "Create a view" and "wait." We are convinced that the proposals are not impersonal. If you see impersonal, there is exactly the error. Contracting turnover cannot be used in impersonal proposals. Now we look at the action described in the hardwood, did the one who is named is called. The view cannot be low above the horizon. You are waiting for you, you can be in the house of unfamiliar people. Error in 3 sentences.

D) misconception of a proposal with an indirect speech
Look for other people's words in quotes and words "said", "asked," thought, "wrote", etc. I have no quotes. But the word "asked" is.

7) I'm surprised asked what Where is the fortress.
Words "Where is the fortress?" Not changed, they must be decorated as direct speech, but the author of the proposal made a hybrid from direct and indirect speech.

E) error in building a sentence with homogeneous members
First, take offments in which there are homogeneous members in general. And pay attention to the presence of double unions in offers (not only ..., but also ..., like ... and ...., not so much ..., how much ..., etc.)
Offers 2, 5, 3, 7 we already dropped out. In 4, 6 there are no homogeneous members. Carefully look at the remaining suggestions:

1) Reservations are created as for supporting , so I. To restore the number of rare animal species, endangered.
8) in the Famovsky society are valued not only nobility and honesty, but Humanity and sweatshirt.
9) all the work of the writer E. Nosov and there is a big wise book that helps people be kindly, generous soul.
We look at the meaning of homogeneous members and we are convinced that they do not correlate as part and integer, the genus and the species, did not turn out to be verbs of different types or with different management. We look at the unions. So. Unions "not only ..., and ..." or "not only ..., and ..." and does not happen. Here is our mistake.

Answer: 25378.


Determine the word in which the unstressed alternating vowel root is missing. Write this word by inserting the missed letter.

Samples ..
Velos .. after

To answer this question must be remembered. Here is the root of the Bir Bir. Bir spelled, because there is suffix A.

Answer: To do.

Determine the range in which one and the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missed letter.

Oh .. thought, by .. followed - the prefixes from and under do not change
PR .. backlived, pr..grada - learn the values \u200b\u200bof the prefixes of prefixes. Attached - "Attachment" value, barrier - a value close to re
and..tere, Ra..ZhOG - Exterpassed - Deaf C Before Deaf T, Razheg - Walking B Before Call
poses .. yesterday, r..zpened - posture, time - unchanged consoles
For..Rul, under ... - Shot - the prefix ends on the vowels, at the root and, find it - the Russian prefix ends in a consonant.

Answer: Consider a day

Doctor ..
frustration ..
Unfinished ..y
Smile ..y

This and 11 task is best to perform, pronouncing words. If you are the carrier of the language, most likely hear the correct option. But, of course, it is possible to learn that the suffixes of Chive and Liv are written with and and repeat all the rules on the suffixes of verbs.

Answer: Heal.

Write down the word in which the letter E.

Fastened ..
Starting ..
Unquisition .. "
Feed ...

It was necessary to remember that the verbs "shave" and "strost" refer to 1 solving.

Answer: Wave out

Determine the proposal in which it is not written with the word. Open brackets and write this word.

M. Gorky received every day (not) less than five to six letters.
Air, still (not) became hot, pleasantly refreshing.
(Not) Suli Crane in the sky, give a blue in hand.
(Not) the right, but pleasant features of the face were attached similarity to the mother.
Ambolism is (not) the desire to be honest, and the thirst for power.

Performing this task so as not to get confused, first number offers or put brackets:

1. M. Gorky received every day (not) LESS Five-six letters.
2. Air, still (not) room, nice refreshing.
3. (not) Suli Crane in the sky, give a blue in hand.
4. (not) the correct but Pleasant features of the face attached infection with the mother.
5. Ambigid is (not) the desire to be honest, but Thirst for power.

Now we argue. Read all selected words and define. Are they all used without not. Everything is here, but often the correct answer can be detected at this stage.
Look, do we have pronouns (except negative). There are no such. Recall, the pronouns are not written separately. For negative rule.
There is no words with hyphens (not always separate with them). There are no such.
Now let's see if there are no unions a and but. There is! In 4 and 5 sentences. We know that under the union and not written separately, but with but - it is poured. We have the right answer, but still need to check all other options.
1. The value of the degree is separate.
2. Communion with a dependent word - separately.
3. Not with the verb - separately

Answer: Wrong.

Determine the proposal in which both highlighted words are picked. Open brackets and write these two words.

1. (C) continued It was mostly silent conversation, and it was difficult for me to understand, for (what) she came.
2. (by) how this person holds, it can be seen that he (in) everything used to be first.
3. White lake (from) is charming, that (s) the circle of it is a thick diverse vegetation.
4. It's hard to even imagine What ()it happened to me if (if) a steamer was late.
5. (by) how L.N. was concentrated Tolstoy, his loved ones could guess, (for) how much his brain works intensively.

Again, numbers or delimit the proposals and begin to argue.

First, find the words that are exactly written through the hyphen (it is easier). But here there are no such.
Find the words "during (and)" and "continued (s)." They are often given, and they are always written separately, regardless of meaning. There is such. Proposition 1 can be deleted.
Look, whether there is words that (if), then (as well) and so (s). With them, too, everything is simple. See if it is possible to remove the particle. There is such a sentence 4. It is possible to remove a particle or rearrange: what would not happen to me. We highlight the 4th.
Now you have to think about it in meaning. There is how this person holds (that manner, that way). There is how Tolstoy is tense. And there is no reason for the reason. 2 and 5 drop out. It remains 3. About (from) you can argue, but everything else we know for sure. This task is solved by the exclusion method.

Answer: Ott-Brugov

Specify the number (s), in the place of which N.

In some pictures of Rembrandt, there is a subsided (1) festive: even shining (2) Silhouettes of people at sun out (3) with warm and breath of lighting.

1 - N + N (root goes back to the old - lin - a stick for torture).
2. Communion with the prefix - NN
3. Brief Communion - N

Answer: 3.

Arrange the punctuation marks. Specify two proposals in which you need to put one comma. Write down the numbers of these proposals.

1) Summarizing words can stand either before homogeneous members or after them.
2) U V.I. Surikova was a phenomenal art memory and a laughing priest he wrote from memory.
3) You comply with the gate and see the dazzling and pristine whiteness of snow.
4) I am excited by the house and paintings in it and its inhabitants.
5) Your inner world is tuned fine and true and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life.

Let's lay signs:

1) Summarizing words can stand or before homogeneous members, or after them. - homogeneous members with a repeated union.
2) U V.I. Surikova was a phenomenal art memory, and he wrote a laughing priest. - Separate 2 simple sentences, SSP
3) You comply with the gate and see the dazzling and pristine whiteness of snow. - There are no signs, and in different rows of homogeneous.
4) I looked at the house and paintings in it with excitement, and its inhabitants. - Again repetitive unions, but now 3 homogeneous member and 2 commas.
5) Your inner world is tuned fine and true and responds to the most imperceptible sounds of life. - Again and in different rows of homogeneous. The compiler has no fantasy test.

Answer: 12.


All Events (1) thought (2) and experienced by F.I. Tyutchev (3) enjoyed them in artistic images (4) raised to the height of philosophical generalization.

We have 2 involved turns after the defined words. The comma 2 is not placed between homogeneous with a single union of I. Ear.

Answer: 134.

Put the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers in which the commas should stand in the sentences.

By literary creativity, V.I. Dal (1) sure (2) Creation of "Living dictionary considered the main thing
Great Russian language. First word for this book (3) according to the memories of contemporaries(4) He recorded in eighteen years.

Introductory word and introductory expression are allocated with commas on both sides. To recognize the introductory words, learn them. .

Answer: 1234.

Put the punctuation marks: Specify the number (s), on the site of which (s) in the sentence should stand the comma (s).

A.S. Pushkin with a young wife stopped at Dhemut (1) a hotel (2) of which (3) at the time was considered the most famous in St. Petersburg.

In this task, the apparent is always introduced by the pronoun "which" that is not in the first place in the pressing. This is a lung task. As a rule, before the word "which" and after it, the commas does not happen. But it is better to make a parsing and draw a scheme if you doubt.

Answer: 1.


Arrange the punctuation marks: Specify all the numbers on the site of which the commas should stand in the sentence.

[ Sergeev went ashore ] (1) but ((2) When the pier on a huge pile of oranges saw an unfamiliar Chinese ) (3) [ then suddenly shrill and clearly felt ] (4) (how far from him is homeland ) .

This is a difficult task. Be sure to make a syntactic analysis and draw a diagram or at least break down brackets on the suggestion to deal with each union.
We should alert the design but when, because it often looks like the joint of the unions connecting the offers.
Before but always jeep.
Will commas between but and when is controversial. If we assume that it connects 1 and 3 sentences (as we did), then you need to try to remove the apparent and read the offer without it: Sergeyev went ashore, but he suddenly felt and clearly felt ... at all sounds crookedly. Since the apparent is not removed painlessly, commas between between but and when we do not put.
However, there is another way of reasoning. What if it connects not to suggestions, and uniformly taled: Sergeev came out, but felt "? Then the comma is needed. If it does not participate in the connection of the proposals, it is not necessary to apply the rule about the joint of the unions.
We still stopped in the first version, part of the Union then prevents the offer to be solid. If someone suggests their arguments in favor of the 2 comma, hear with great attention. Write in the comments.
The commas 3 and 4 are needed anyway. They share sentences, and there is no reason to install them.

Answer: 134.


Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Specify response numbers.

2) The narrator disagree with the opinion of Lazar Borisovich that only knowledge of life will help become a real writer.

5) This writer must be a real worker who knows and understands life in all its manifestations.

Many alerted p. 4, because The text did not say straight that the narrator wants to enter the university to become a writer. But from the text it is clear that the pharmacist knows the boy for a long time and, most likely, knows about the intentions of the boy to enter the university. See Proposal 10. Slipping point, but still choose 4.

Answer: 345.


Which of the listed statements are faithful? Specify numbers.

1) The sentences 4-6 describes the appearance of a person.
2) The offers 7-9 contain a description.
3) Proposals 30-32 contain reasoning.
4) Proposals 52 and 53 are opposed to content.
5) The proposals 55, 56 contains reasoning.

(4) he washed a student peeper. (5)On his widespread nosebarely held pensna on a black rope. (6) Pharmacist was low, chunky and very ulcer. - Obviously, there is a description of a person.

(7) somehow i went To Lazari Borisovich in a pharmacy for powders for aunt Marusi. (8) she has migraine began. (9)Rubbiapowders for Aunt Marusi, Lazar Borisovich Talked with me. - Listed the actions of characters, no descriptions.

(30)He must So much to know that it is even scary to think. (31) He mustto understand everything! (32) He mustwork, like an ox, and do not chase for glory! - We are talking about doubt, and not about real actions, no descriptions: this is reasoning.

(52) And the pharmacist was right. (53) I realized that I almost don't know anything and did not think about many important things. - The boy agrees with the pharmacist, there is no oppression.

(55) I knew that never and anyone i will not believewho is would be to me nor said, what is this a life - with her love, the desire to truth and happiness, with its boots and distant noise of water among the night - deprived of meaning and mind. (56)Everyone of us should Fight for the approval of this life everywhere and always until the end of your days. - It's not about real actions, but about hypothetical and must, reasoning about the sense of life confirm the hypothesis: here reasoning.

Answer: 135.


From proposals 1-6, write out phraseologism.

(1) Sometimes a rural pharmacist comes to visit the uncle. (2) The name of this pharmacist Lazar Borisovich. (3) At first sight It was a rather strange pharmacist. (4) He wore a student pressure. (5) On his widespread nose, it was barely held a pension on a black shell. (6) Pharmacist was a low, chunky and very ulcer.

We are looking for stable expressions. Here is one thing, do not confuse.

Answer: Speed-winning.

Among the proposals 1-6 find such that is connected with the previous one with pretty pronoun. Write the number of this offer.

(1) Sometimes a rural pharmacist comes to visit the uncle. (2) called of this Pharmacist Lazar Borisovich. (3) at first sight this isthere was a rather strange pharmacist. (four) It I wore a student pressurope. (5) on his A wide nose was barely held by Pensne on a black shell. (6) Pharmacist was a low, chunky and very ulcer.

We supply all the pronouns and everything that seems to them. We look, what word answers the questions of whose? whose? whose? Such a word in 5 sentences. Here without options. But his word is not always a possessive pronoun. Please note: a proposal may be near the parental. For example: only his And saw! Question whose? No longer suitable.

Read the reference fragment based on the text that you analyzed by performing tasks 20-23. This fragment discusses the language features of the text. Some terms used in the reviews are missed. Insert
At the points of passes (A, B, B, G) numbers corresponding to the terms of the terms from the list. Write down in a table under each letter
The corresponding digit. The sequence of numbers write down in the response form No. 1 to the right of the number 24 number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Each digit is written in accordance with the forms given in the Blanche

"The speech of the author is emotional, the end is convincing. So, trails: (a) _________ ("Strange pharmacist", "stinging man") and
(B) _________ (Proposition 39), reception - (c) _________ (proposal 12) - not only create an external image of the pharmacist, but also help to understand its character, views, ideas about the place of a person in life. Understand the ratio of the pharmacist of Lazar Borisovich to a young interlocutor helps such a syntactic means of expressiveness, as (d) _________ (for example, supply 48, 49). "

List of terms:
1) a number of homogeneous members
2) Questions
3) irony
4) introductory words
5) Lithota
6) Metaphor
7) Exclamation Proposals
8) opposition
9) Epitheet

To perform this task first we are looking for a hint. In the text with passes can be Terms: trails, syntax, lexic agent, admission.This is the tips. If you decide to comply with the compliance, you will have to choose from 9, but from 2-4 terms.

Tips Dana:
"The speech of the author is emotional, the end is convincing. So, paths: (A) _________ ("Strange pharmacist", "ulcer man") and
(B) _________ (offer 39), reception - (c) _________ (proposal 12) - not only create an external image of the pharmacist, but also help to understand its character, views, ideas about the place of a person in life. Understand the attitude of the pharmacist of Lazar Borisovich to the young interlocutor helps syntactic expressiveness, as (d) _________ (for example, Proposals 48, 49) ".

We are determined with terms:

1) A number of homogeneous members - syntax
2) Questions - STICCS
3) irony - trail
4) Introductory words - syntax
5) Lithot - Trope
6) metaphor - trail
7) Exclamations - syntax
8) opposition - Reception
9) epithet - trail

Download terms matching table

It is immediately clear that the reception can only be opposed. You can even not watch text. AT 8.
Now choose:
"Strange pharmacist", "ulcer man" - either irony or litt, or metaphor, or epithet. The littie disappears immediately, there is no accurate, the litt is extremely rarely found in the texts. Metaphor and irony are associated with the transfer by value, there are no transfers here. There remains epithet. A - 9.

(39) For life to impregnate you!. The metaphor, irony and litt remained. Loosts again immediately disappear. Irony is not there, but there is a metaphor. B - 6.

(48) I'm glad! (49) You see!
In these 2 short sentences are looking for a number of homogeneous members, introductory proposals, question words and exclamation proposals. In order to identify exclamation marks, it is not necessary to finish school at all. Of course, G - 7.

Answer: 9687.


Write an essay on the read text.
Word one of the problems supplied by the author of the text.

1) Lazar Borisovich was a rural pharmacist, although all his life was dreaming of literary creativity and even printed some of his works.
2) the narrator does not agree with the opinion of Lazar Borisovich that only knowledge of life will help become a real writer.
3) A rural pharmacist comes to the house to relatives of the narrator.
4) the narrator graduated from the gymnasium and was going to enter the university to further become a writer.
5) This writer must be a real worker who knows and understands life in all its manifestations.

Thesis is here only 2, but they are about the same thing.

Of course, this text and the importance of choosing a life path, and the complexity of this choice.
And at the end there is about the meaning of life, but it will already be very attracted for the ears.

Nevertheless, we would stop on theses from the task 20. There is clearly expressed by the author's position for K3.
What to bring arguments. We need examples of real writers who have studied life. Ideal suitable Roman "How Steel Hard" and the biography of his author. You can take M. Gorky "Childhood", "In People". As a negative example of Ryukhin from the "Master and Margarita" (a little stretched, but will go). The second example may be the biography of any writer, who, in your opinion, studied life, and then wrote about her. For example, Vladislav Krapivin created the "Karavella" squad, built with the children of the yacht, taught members of the fencing squad, went hiking. Of course, it was easy for him to write for children. "Boy with a sword" - a novel about the detachment life. A.S. Makarenko writes the novel "Pedagogical poem" about the re-education of minors of offenders in the children's labor colony, the creator and leader of which in the 20s of the twentieth century was the author himself. The famous story of the same paustic "telegram" is written in real history, which Konstantin Georgievich learned by traveling around the country. Remember Writers who have passed war and wring about war. Examples - weight.

The national examination on the "history" discipline does not apply to the number of mandatory in the composition - this subject is formed by the selection of a graduate. According to official statistics of past years, the story chooses about the fifth of schoolchildren. First of all, it is students who have chosen a future profession in jurisprudence, linguistics, design and architecture.

This subject cannot be attributed to the number of lungs - examination questions require excellent memory and develop a large array of information. Studies of past years suggest that the average score for this discipline ranges from 45 to 55. The number of students who could not cope with the tasks made to the national examination are quite large and amounts to about 10% of the total number.

The history of history is considered difficult - 10% of students can pass it!

Demo version of ege 2016

Dates ege on history

Starting period

  • March 23, 2016 (cf) - the main exam
  • April 22, 2016 (PT) - Reserve

The main stage

  • June 16, 2016 (Thu) - the main exam
  • June 24, 2016 (PT) - Reserve

Changes in the history exam

In 2016, the tasks were completely excluded from the history exam, in which students had to make the choice of one response from the four proposed. A number of tasks on the knowledge of dates, processes, historical figures and facts from the history of culture, as well as to work with text historical sources added to the first part of the examination ticket. The second part adds a task to write a brief historical essay. The time of the exam compared to 2015 was increased.


The time to the history exam, in 2016, is 235 minutes. During this time, students will have to solve 25 tasks, of which 19 - with a brief answer, and 6 - with the deployed.

  • Part 1 (tasks 1-19) - Serve to check basic and complicated knowledge on the subject. The solution of each of them should take 3-7 minutes;
  • Part 2 (tasks 20-24) - Characterized by a higher level of difficulty and require a learning formulation of the correct answer to enter a special sheet. On the execution of each of these tasks is allocated for 5-20 minutes;
  • Part 2 (Task 25) - Historical Essay (VIII - the beginning of the XXI century; The examiner can independently choose three periods in the history of Russia, which will appear in the essay). You can spend 40-80 minutes to this task.

To get a good evaluation for the writing, you will need:

  1. Specify the main data events of periods;
  2. Mention a number of historical personalities and explain their role in the above events;
  3. Comply with causal relationships;
  4. Assessing how this period was influenced by the history of Russia;
  5. Properly use historical terminology;
  6. Avoid actual errors;
  7. Comply with the presentation for readers.

For the successful cottage of the exam in history, prepare for the writing of the essay!

Each of the items will be assessed separately, and a total of 11 primary scores can bring an essay. By the way, the minimum test score that needs to be gained according to this subject is 32 (which is 13 primary points from 53 maximum). Time that is given to students for testing - 235 minutes.

How to prepare?

A large number of tasks implies a competent distribution of time to their solution. This consists of one of the main difficulties of this discipline. Schoolchildren are difficult to configure themselves to pass the test in stressful conditions, and the number of questions can cause panic even with a well-trained student. To solve this problem and successfully prepare for the delivery of this subject, a demo version of testing should be developed.

Materials you can download on our website are fully consistent with the real exam for its complexity, editors and structure. Competent and systematic preparations for the exam on history will give you the opportunity to not spend the precious time exam for studying the instructions for the ticket and immediately set up to the correct interpretation of questions.

A) violation of communication between the subject and faithful.

a) the discrepancies of the main offer are apparent and see whether those subject and tamers are consistent in each pair (this

designs such as those who ... many of those who .... all who);

b) abbreviations, define the keyword and see whether it is consistent with the faithful and number;

c) geographical names, we define the genus of nouns by the generic sign (the river - she, the city - it is, etc.), we look

whether it is consistent with the faithful by the family.

d) the words whose genus do not know (chimpanzees, kakada, veil, etc.), we look, whether these words are agreed with the faithful by the family.

Of all the above in the sentences we only find the design all who ... in 2 sentences. We look carefully:

"Everything , ktoslushal professor's performance, once again wassurprised by brightness, originality and his speech depth. "Color

the basics of 2 proposals are highlighted. The main proposal is based on "everything was" not agreed into the number.

BUT - 2. Do not forget to delete the options after the solution in Kimheti, so that they do not interfere with you.

B) improper consumption of a cable form of a noun with a pretext.

We are looking for derivatives prepositions. Especially often come across thanks, according to, contrary . These prepositions require a dative

case. We look, are there any such words in the proposed offers. Bingo! Proposition 5: "Contracted by doctors

the athlete did not reduce the load during training. "We look, in what case the word" recommendations ". What? recommendations.

PODE PADEEZH, A D.B. dative.

B - 5.

C) incorrect construction of a sentence with an adapted turnover

First of all, find offers in which there is a height turnover. Their M.B. some. Recall the Issues of Deepprice:

what do you do? What made?

We have 2 sentences with particle turns:

3)Being low above the horizon created invalid representation About the sizes of the moon.

4)Once in the house of unfamiliar people , wait for When you appear.

We emphasize the foundations: "Create a view" and "wait." We are convinced that the proposals are not impersonal. If a

see impersonal, there is exactly the error. Conditional turns to use in impersonal offers can not. Now look

so that the action described in the accomplice turnover did the one who is called in the subject. Representation can not be

low above the horizon. You are waiting for you, you can be in the house of unfamiliar people. Error in 3 sentences.

IN - 3.

D) misconception of a proposal with an indirect speech

Look for other people's words in quotes and words "said", "asked," thought, "wrote", etc. I have no quotes. But the word "asked" is.

7) I'm surprised asked what Where is the fortress.

Words "Where is the fortress?" not changed, they must be decorated as direct speech, but the author of the offer made a hybrid from

direct and indirect speech.

G - 7.

E) error in building a proposal by homogeneous members

First, take offments in which there are homogeneous members in general. And pay attention to the presence in

proposals of double unions (not only ..., but also ..., like ... and ...., not so much ..., how much ..., etc.)

Offers 2, 5, 3, 7 we already dropped out. In 4, 6 there are no homogeneous members. Carefully look at the remaining suggestions:

1) Reservations are created asfor maintaining so forrecovery the number of rare species of animals that were under

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