Summary of direct educational activities on femp. In the kindergarten preparatory group Educational online games for mathematics “Composition of numbers - light bulbs”

Lesson 1

Program content

Continue learning to form the number 6 from ones.

Introduce number 6.

Clarify the techniques for dividing a circle into 2–4 and 8 equal parts, learn to understand the relationship between the whole and the parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).

Develop the ability to move in accordance with symbols in space.

Demonstration material. Basket, dummies of fruits (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, onion, eggplant), 2 plates, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, circle, 1/4 part of a circle, scissors, truck, tree silhouette, “route” diagram (see Fig. 3).

Handout. Sets of colored pencils, white aspen (or maple) leaves cut out of paper, circles, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 6.

Part I. Game exercise “Harvest”.

Children lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 5 on the table in front of them and name them in order.

The teacher shows the children a basket and takes turns putting 5 vegetables in it. Then he asks: “How many vegetables are in the basket? What number can be used to denote this number?

Children show the number 5.

The teacher adds a sixth vegetable and asks to count the vegetables in the basket. Then he asks: “What number can be used to represent the number six? That's right, number six. (Shows a card with the number 6. The children find it with them.) What does the number six look like?

The teacher reads a poem about the number six:

"Six" is like a castle
And a cool ram's horn,
For a gymnast's somersault jump
And on the viola curl.

A. Usachev

Children call the numbers in order and circle the number 6 with their finger.

Part II. Game exercise “Laying out the harvest.”

The basket contains fruits (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant).

The teacher invites the children to place fruits and vegetables on plates, then count the fruits and indicate their number with a number.

Part III. Game exercise “Colorful leaves”.

The teacher gives the children the task: “Make the number six using pencils of different colors. How many pencils are there in total? How many pencils of what color did you take? How did you come up with the number six?

The teacher offers to paint the aspen leaf in any color.
Physical education lesson “Autumn Leaves”

To the music, children with leaves in their hands perform dance movements according to the instructions of the teacher (spinning, squatting, running). When the music ends, they attach the leaves to the silhouette of the tree.

Part IV. Game exercise “Let’s help the driver bring vegetables and fruits to the fruit and vegetable base.”

The teacher reviews with the children the movement pattern of the car: arrows indicate the direction of movement, and numbers indicate stops (see Fig. 3).

1 – stop “Vegetable Field”;

2 – stop “Fruit Garden”;

3 – stop “Fruit and vegetable base”.

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The teacher and the children discuss the features of the route (start and direction of movement). Then the children transport the truck in accordance with the diagram (cards with numbers are laid out on the floor indicating stops) and at each stop they load vegetables and fruits and take them to the fruit and vegetable base.

Part V Game exercise “Fruit pie”.

The teacher asks the children: “What can be made from fruits?” (Bake a pie.)

The teacher shows the children a round pie and offers to divide it into two equal parts. Then he asks: “How many parts have you divided the circle into? What can you call each part? What is greater: the whole or one half? Which is smaller: half or the whole?”

The teacher asks the children to divide each part into two more equal parts: “How many parts are there in total? What can you call each part? Which is greater: a whole or one-fourth? Which is smaller: one fourth or a whole?”

The teacher invites the children to show 2/4 of the circle and finds out how 2/4 can be called differently. (Half.) Then he asks to find and show 3/4 of the circle (lay it out in front of you) and asks: “Which is larger: a whole or three-quarters? How many quarters are there in total? Now divide every fourth part in half. (As shown by the teacher.) How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? Which is greater: a whole or one-eighth? Which is smaller: one eighth or a whole? How many eighths are there in each quarter (half, whole)? How many guests can we serve with our pie?

Lesson 2

Program content

Introduce the composition of the numbers 7 and 8 from units.

Introduce number 7.

Clarify the techniques for dividing a square into 2, 4 and 8 equal parts; teach to understand the relationship between the whole and parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).

Reinforce ideas about triangles and quadrilaterals.

Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Geometric shapes (all types of triangles and quadrangles), planar images of Dunno, Pencil, Znayka, Samodelkin, 2 boxes, 9 cards with images of different tools (saw, hammer, drill, etc.), cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Handout. Sheets of square paper, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Part I. Game exercise “Let’s put things in order.”

The teacher draws the children's attention to the geometric shapes located on the flannelgraph and clarifies their name. He offers to help Dunno arrange the figures in two rows: in the top row - triangles, in the bottom - quadrangles.

Two children complete the task.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children: “Was the task completed correctly? What figures are in the top row and why were they chosen? (These are triangles. They have three angles and three sides.) What figures are in the bottom row and why were they chosen?” (These are quadrilaterals. They have four corners and four sides.)

Then the children help Dunno put things in order: put triangles and quadrangles into 2 boxes.

Part II. Game exercise “Let's help Dunno divide a sheet of paper.”

Children have square sheets of paper. The teacher places a square on the flannelgraph and asks: “What shape do the sheets of paper look like?”

Dunno asks the children to help divide the sheet of paper between him and Pencil into equal rectangles. The teacher clarifies how this can be done. (Fold a piece of paper in half, align opposite sides and corners, make a fold and cut along it.)

After completing the task, the teacher asks: “How many parts did you get? Are they the same size? How can I check this? (Putting one part on top of another.) What can you call each part? What's bigger: a whole or a half? Which is smaller: half or whole? What can you say about the size of half and one half?”

Then Dunno asks the children: “How to divide a sheet of paper if more guests come and there are four of us?”

The teacher discusses division techniques with the children. Children divide each half of the sheet in half again so that they get square sheets. Then he clarifies: “How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? What is larger: the whole square or part of it? Which is smaller: one fourth or a whole?”

“How can we divide a sheet of paper if more guests come and there are eight of us?” - Dunno asks again.

The teacher discusses division techniques with the children. Children divide each half of the sheet in half again so that they get rectangular sheets.

After completing the task, he asks the children questions: “How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? What is larger: the whole square or part of it? Which is smaller: one eighth or a whole? Which is greater: one-fourth or one-eighth?” (According to the answer, children show parts of the rectangle.)

Part III. Game exercise “How many of us?”

Znayka and Dunno call 7 children with different names. Children call names. Then the teacher asks: “How many children came to the board? How many names have you heard? What number did we make? How did we make up the number seven? What number represents the number seven? Find the number seven in the number row on the board. What does the number seven look like?

The teacher reads a poem:

“Seven” – a scythe and a poker,
And an ordinary leg.

A. Usachev

Children lay out rows of cards with numbers from 1 to 7 on their tables and circle the number 7 with their finger.

Part IV. Game exercise “Let's help Dunno make up a number.”

There are 9 cards on the flannelgraph depicting different instruments.

Dunno asks the children to help his friend Samodelkin make the number 8 using different tools.

The called child completes the task. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many instruments did you count out? How many instruments did you take? How did you come up with the number eight?

Part V Game exercise “Week, line up.”

The teacher calls 7 children to the board and invites them to take one card from the table with numbers from 1 to 7.

The teacher asks the children how many days there are in the week, asks them to list them and, at a signal, form a line, forming a week.

The rest of the children check whether the task is completed correctly.

The game exercise is repeated 2-3 times, changing children and the day of the week for its education.

Lesson 3

Program content

Continue learning to form the numbers 7 and 8 from ones.

Introduce the number 8.

Reinforce the sequential naming of the days of the week.

Develop the ability to compose a thematic composition based on a model.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), an oval divided into parts (see Fig. 4), 8 circles of different colors, 8 cards of different colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 8.

Handout. Sets of colored pencils, cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), ovals divided into parts, cards with numbers from 1 to 8, a bird sample from parts of an oval.

Part I. Game exercise “Let’s collect a seven-flowered flower.” The teacher pronounces the magic words from the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

The teacher invites the children to assemble a magic flower from 7 colored pencils so that the same color is not repeated twice. After completing the task, the teacher asks: “How many colored pencils did you take in total? How many color pencils are there in your flower? How did you come up with the number seven?

Part II. Relay game “Who can get to the house faster?”

The teacher lays out 8 cards of different colors on the floor (they represent bumps) and asks the children to count them: “How many bumps are there on the floor? How many hummocks of what color? What number is made up? How did you come up with the number eight?

Children are divided into 2 teams. The teacher invites them to get to the house along the hummocks without stepping on a hummock of the same color twice.

Children check whether the task is completed correctly.

Part III. Game exercise “Find the number”.

There is a number row on the board.

Number "eight" - two rings,
Without beginning and end.

The called child finds the number 8 on the board. The teacher asks the children what else it might look like. The children, together with the teacher, draw it in the air and find the corresponding card with the number 8.

The teacher asks the children: “What number does the number eight represent? Count out the same number of pencils. How many pencils did you count? Why did you count out eight pencils?” (The number eight represents the number eight.)

Part IV. Game exercise “Name the day of the week.”

The teacher gives the children tasks:

– What day of the week is it today? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week was yesterday?

– We leave in a hot air balloon on Monday, and land two days later on the third. What day of the week will it be? (Wednesday.)

– Using cards with circles, make a week, starting with Wednesday. Name each day of the week.

The called child performs the last task on the board.

Part V Didactic game "Columbus Egg".

The teacher invites the children to look at the “Columbus egg” on the board: count its parts and make a picture on their tables based on the model.

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Lesson 4

Program content

Introduce the composition of the number 9 from units.

Introduce the number 9.

Improve the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order from any number.

Develop your eye.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name its sides and angles.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Ball, cards with images of animals (wolf, fox, hare, bear, elk, boar, hedgehog, squirrel, lynx, cat, dog, rabbit), cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 4 chairs, 4 cards with images of circles of different sizes .

Handout. Circles of different colors (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, pencils, circles of different sizes (the size corresponds to the circles on the cards from the demonstration material).

Part I. Didactic game "Count further."

Children stand in a circle and call numbers in order from 1 to 10, passing the ball to each other. The latter returns the ball to the teacher.

The game is repeated 3 times with the number and direction of the count changing.

Part II. Game exercise “Zoo”.

On the board are cards with pictures of animals: wolf, fox, hare, bear, moose, wild boar, hedgehog, squirrel, lynx, cat, dog, rabbit.

The teacher asks the children: “What animals are called wild? Which ones are homemade? Let's add wild animals to our zoo."

Children select cards with pictures of wild animals. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many animals are there in our zoo? What number represents the number nine? Find the number nine in the number line. What does she look like? What number does the number nine resemble? (Children find the number 6 and put the card next to the number 9.) What is the difference between the numbers nine and six?

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Merry Count”:

The number "nine", or nine,
Circus acrobat,
If it gets on your head,
The number six will become nine.

The teacher asks: “How many animals are there in our zoo? What number did you make up? How did you come up with the number nine?

Part III. Game exercise “Plan of the Zoo”.

The teacher asks the children to count as many circles of different colors as there are animals in the zoo, and arrange the circles in a row on a piece of paper.

After completing the task, the teacher clarifies: “How many circles did you take in total? How many circles of what color? How did you come up with the number nine?

Then the teacher asks the children to place circles on the territory of the “zoo” (on sheets of paper):

– red circle in the center of the sheet;

– green circle in the upper left corner;

– yellow circle in the upper right corner;

– blue circle in the lower right corner;

– blue in the lower left corner;

– two circles at the top of the sheet;

- two circles at the bottom of the sheet.

Children tell where this or that animal will live.

Part IV. Game exercise “Excursion to the Zoo”. Cards with images of circles of different sizes are laid out on 4 chairs.

Masks. The teacher tells the children that these are turnstiles through which you can enter the zoo. He asks the children to remember the size of the circles on the turnstile and find “tokens” (circles) of the appropriate size on the table.

Children go through the turnstiles by matching the “tokens” with the circles on the cards. Then the teacher makes riddles about animals, and the children find picture clues on the board.

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger.


A ball is rolling through the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

He looks like a shepherd.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep.


Lesson 5

Program content

Improve your ability to form the number 9 from ones.

Develop an understanding of the independence of the counting result from its direction.

Give an idea of ​​the weight of objects and compare them by weighing them on the palms; learn to denote comparison results in words heavy, light, heavier, lighter.

Develop the ability to group geometric shapes by color and shape.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 5 cards with the number 1, a tape on which nine units are written in different colors, wooden and metal balls of the same size, 2 cans of water.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, sheets of paper with images of three circles, sets of geometric shapes (squares, rectangles and diamonds in red, green and blue), trays.

Part I. Game exercise “Fun Counting”. The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “From One to Ten” (“Merry Counting”):

Here is one, or one,
Very thin, like a knitting needle,

But this is number two.
Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.

And look behind the deuce -
The number three appears.

Three is the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance
On paper the number is five.

She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

Number six – door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here is the seven - a poker.
She has one leg.

Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine, or nine, -
Circus acrobat...

One child is at the board, and the rest of the children in their seats lay out cards with the corresponding numbers. Then they say the numbers in order.

The teacher clarifies: “The numbers represent numbers. People need numbers to count objects.”

Part II. Game exercise "Let's make numbers."

Children have sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

The teacher shows the children five cards with the number 1. He offers to count the units and show the corresponding card with the number.

Then the teacher asks the children: “What number did I make? (Five.) How many units did I use to make the number five?

The teacher shows the children a tape on which nine units are written in different colors, asks them to count them and show a card with the corresponding number. Then he asks: “How many units did I use to make the number nine?”

Part III. Musical pause.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to split into two teams using a rhyme:

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.

The children who left the circle at the words of the counting rhyme form the first team; the rest of the children are the second team.

Children perform various movements to the music. At the end of it, they stand in two ranks opposite each other. One of the teams counts the children in the other team from left to right and right to left.

Then the teacher asks: “How many children are in the team? Did the number of children change when you counted them from right to left?”

The second team performs the same task.

The teacher concludes: “The number of children has not changed. The number does not depend on which direction we counted.”

Part IV. Game exercise “Which is heavier, which is lighter?”

The teacher shows the children metal and wooden balls of the same size and asks them to determine which ball is heavier (lighter).

First, children determine the weight of the balls by eye, and then weigh them on their palms (2-3 children).

The teacher invites two children to put the balls into jars of water. Then he asks: “Why did one ball drown and the other float on the surface of the water? What material is the heavy ball made of? What material is the light ball made of?

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: “Metal is heavier than wood, it sinks, but wood floats, it is lighter.”

Part V Didactic game “Each figure has its own house.”

Children have sheets of paper with images of three circles and sets of quadrangles (squares, rectangles, diamonds in red, green and blue).

The teacher invites the children to look at the figures and asks: “How can you name all the figures in one word? (Quadrangles.) What quadrilaterals do you have on your tray? Arrange all shapes that are similar in shape into three circles. Name the shapes in each circle.

Place shapes of the same color in three circles. Name the shapes in each circle and their color.”

The teacher discusses options for completing the task with the children.

Lesson 6

Program content

Introduce the composition of the number 10 from ones.

Introduce the number 0.

Continue learning to find the previous number to the named one, the next number to the named one.

Clarify ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of weight when comparing them.

To form ideas about temporary relationships and learn to denote them with words: first, then, before, after, earlier, later e.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, a nesting doll, pictures depicting the seasons, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, 9 circles of the same color, a magnetic board, 3 opaque buckets with different amounts of millet.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 0 to 9, colored circles (12 pieces for each child).

Part I. Game exercise “Name the number.”

Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher reminds: “A number has two neighbors: one number is one less, it is the previous one, the other is one more, it is the next one. State the previous number of five.”

The teacher passes the ball to the child, who calls the number 4 and returns the ball to the teacher.

The teacher offers 3-4 more similar tasks to determine the previous and subsequent numbers to the one named.

Part II. Game exercise “Collecting multi-colored beads.”

Children have sets of colored circles. The teacher invites them to make beads for a nesting doll from 10 multi-colored beads.

At the end of the task, the teacher clarifies: “How many beads did you take? How many beads of what color? How did you come up with the number ten? How many ones are in the number ten?

Part III. Game exercise “How much is left?”

There is a number row on the board (from 1 to 9).

The teacher invites the children to lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 9 on the table. Then he draws their attention to the board on which there are 9 circles of the same color, asks them to count them and show the corresponding card with the number.

The teacher begins to remove one circle at a time from right to left, and the children show with a number how many circles are left. When there is not a single circle left, the teacher explains: “There is a number that shows that there is not a single object here. This is number zero."

The teacher shows a card with the number 0, traces it in the air with the children and places it in a row in front of the number 1. Then reads the poem:

Zero is like a hundred objects -
From bracelets to berets:
Round table, ring, watch,
For a slice of sausage,
Drum, steering wheel, dryer...
And on the bald top of my head.

How many arms does a cat have?
How many feathers does a mole have?
How many legs does a snake have?
Does a squirrel have scales?

Children justify their answer.

Part IV. Game exercise “Mishkina porridge”.

There are three buckets with different amounts of millet on the table. The teacher reminds the children of N. Nosov’s story “Mishkina Porridge” and asks them to help the boy find a bucket with the right amount of millet: it should not be the heaviest and not the lightest. (“How to find the right bucket of millet?”)

The teacher invites the children to take two buckets and compare them by weight, weighing them in their hands. Then he clarifies: “Which bucket is heavier? Which one is easier? Place a heavy bucket on the table. Now compare the light bucket with the third bucket. Place the heavy bucket on the table, and compare the light bucket with the first and second bucket in pairs and arrange them in increasing order by weight, naming the weight of each bucket of millet. Of the three buckets, choose not the heaviest and not the lightest.”

Part V Game exercise “What first, what then?”

Pictures depicting the seasons are hung on the board. The teacher reads excerpts from poems to the children and asks them to guess what time of year they are talking about and find the corresponding illustrations.

Snowstorms have arrived to us,
They covered the cracks with snow.
There is frost on the window,
I painted it with ice.


Admire it
Spring is coming
The cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

I.Nikitin. Spring

The teacher asks the children which illustration they put first and which one later.

Summer, summer has come to us,
It became dry and warm!
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.

V. Berestov. Summer

The teacher asks the children after what time of year summer begins and where the corresponding illustration should be located.

Autumn drops gold,
The cold is driving away the birds...
Goodbye, forest and meadow,
We are flying to the warm south.

O. Ivanenko. Autumn

The teacher specifies the location of the illustration in the row. Children name the seasons in order.

Part VI. Didactic game “Name the neighbors.” The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them and identify the neighbors of a given time of year, using prepositions before And after or words earlier And Later. (Spring is earlier than summer, and autumn is later...)

I'm made of heat
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You all have me. I…

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...


Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.


She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
With a magic wand
Will wave
Snowdrop in the forest
It will bloom.


Lesson 7

Program content

Continue learning to form the number 10 using ones.

Introduce the symbol for the number 10.

Strengthen counting skills forward and backward within 10.

Give an idea of ​​a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position in speech.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, envelopes with tasks, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, cards with images of different numbers of objects (up to 10 objects), triangles, quadrangles, a magnetic board, a picture with the image of a Lumberjack made up of different polygons (see Fig. 5).

Handout. Sheets of paper, colored pencils, polygons (various types of triangles, square, rectangle, rhombus).

Game situation “Let's help Ellie get home” (based on the work of A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”).

Part I. The teacher reminds the children of an excerpt from a fairy tale in which the girl Ellie and her friend Totoshka ended up in another country after a hurricane. The teacher invites the children to help her return home. Together with his children, he considers a plan to return home:

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that Ellie’s path is marked on the plan with numbers, and in the group – with envelopes with tasks. Children find the number 1 on the plan, and in the group - an envelope with the number 1.

The teacher invites the children to complete the game exercise “Count on,” during which they count from one to ten, passing the ball to each other.

Part II. The teacher invites the children to find the number 2 on the plan and determine in which direction the arrow should be drawn (from left to right from the lower left corner to the lower right corner). Children find an envelope with the number 2 in the group.

The teacher introduces the children to the task: the little people of the Land of Winks ask them to “sew” ten caps of different colors for them.

Children draw 10 triangular caps of different colors on sheets of paper. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many hats have you “sewn”? How many of which color? How did you come up with the number ten? How many residents have we helped?

Part III. The teacher invites the children to find the number 3 on the plan and draw an arrow from number 2 to number 3, determining the direction of movement. Children open an envelope with the number 3.

The child places cards with numbers from 1 to 9 on a typesetting canvas. Children name them in order.

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Merry Count”:

Said the cheerful round zero
(Shows a card with the number 0.)
To a neighbor unit:
- With you next to me, let me
Stand for me on the page.

She looked him over
With an angry, proud look:
- You, zero, are worth nothing,
Don't stand next to me!

The teacher puts a card with the number 0 in front of one and generalizes: “There are only ten numbers, but you can make a lot of numbers.”

Zero answered: - I admit,
That I'm worth nothing
But you can become ten
If I'm with you.

You're so lonely now
Small and thin
But you will be ten times larger,
When I stand on the right.

The teacher puts cards with the numbers 1 and 0 after the number 9 and asks the children: “How many digits does the number ten represent? What are these numbers called?

The called child finds a card with a picture of 10 objects and places it next to the number 10. The teacher specifies the location of the numbers and reminds that if 0 comes after 1, then these numbers indicate the number 10.

Part IV. The teacher invites the children to find the number 4 on the plan, determine the direction of movement, draw an arrow to it from the number 3 and find an envelope with the number 4.

The teacher invites the children to assemble a Lumberjack from geometric shapes.

There are triangles and quadrangles on the board in two rows. The teacher asks the children: “What figures are located in the first row? What do they have in common? (Triangles have three sides and three angles—that's all triangles.) What figures are in the second row? What do they have in common? What word can be used to name all these figures? (Quadrangles.) How many angles do the figures have? What word can you call these figures? (These figures have many angles - they are polygons.)

The teacher shows a picture of a Lumberjack (see Fig. 5) and clarifies what polygons it is made of.

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Using the model, children assemble a Lumberjack from polygons on a sheet of paper and trace it along the outline with a pencil.

Part V The teacher invites the children to find the number 5 on the plan, determine the direction of movement and draw an arrow to it from the number 4. The children find an envelope with the number 5.

The teacher invites the children to name the numbers in reverse order from 10 to 1, passing the ball to each other. After completing the task, he says that Ellie can now return home and thanks her for her help.

Lesson 8

Program content

Learn to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to get acquainted with numbers from 1 to 9.

Clarify your understanding of a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices.

Strengthen ideas about the seasons and months of autumn.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. 2 sets of cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (two colors), 3 yellow and 3 dark yellow circles, pictures of a fox and a cat, a square made of counting sticks, a picture of a fox made of polygons, a model “Seasons” "

Handout. Counting sticks (4 pieces for each child), 3 yellow and 3 red circles (for each child), plasticine, envelopes with geometric shapes.

Part I. Game exercise “Make a number”.

The teacher reminds the children of the plot of A. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Golden Key”. Then he lays out 3 yellow circles on the flannelgraph and says that these are 3 gold coins belonging to the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. The teacher clarifies: “How many coins are there in total? How many coins of what color? How did you come up with the number three? (One, one and one more.)

The teacher tells the children that Alice the fox and Basilio the cat are trying to divide the coins between themselves. The teacher replaces the last circle with a dark yellow circle and asks: “How many coins does Alice have? How many coins of what color? How did Alice get three coins? ( Two and one coin.)

Children place the corresponding numbers under the coins.

“Basilio the cat suggests dividing the coins differently: one yellow coin and two dark yellow ones,” continues the teacher. – How many coins does Basilio have? How many coins of what color? How did Basilio get three coins?” (One yellow and two dark yellow.)

Children put out the numbers 1 and 2.

The teacher continues: “Alice the Fox claims that two and one will be three and one and two will also be three. Is Alice right? (Children express their guesses.)

Part II. Game exercise “Let's help the cat Basilio and the fox Alice divide three coins.”

The teacher gives the children the task: “Make the number three using yellow and red circles: place circles of one color on the left and the other on the right.”

After completing the task, the teacher asks the children how they made up the number 3 (2 and 1, 1 and 2).

Then the teacher invites the children to divide 3 coins equally between the cat Basilio and the fox Alice. The teacher listens to the children's answers and concludes: “You cannot divide three coins equally, since the number three consists of the numbers two and one or one and two.”

Part III. Outdoor game “Whose team will assemble faster?”

Children are divided into two units of 10 people each. Each child takes one card with a number from 0 to 9. (Each section of the card has its own color.) The rest of the children are the judging team.

Children perform various movements to music. With the end of the music, the links are built in order (from 0 to 9). The judging team checks the correct formation of the children.

Then the children change roles and cards and the game is repeated 2-3 times.

At the end of the game, the teacher asks each unit to indicate the number of players using a number. The teacher discusses with the children what numbers they used to represent the number 10 and on which side of the unit 0 is located.

Part IV. Didactic game "Tangram".

Children have 4 counting sticks and a piece of plasticine. The teacher invites the children to compare the lengths of the sticks and connect them using plasticine. Then he clarifies: “What figure did you get? (Square.) What does a square have? (Sides and corners.) How many sides does a square have? How many angles?

The teacher shows the same model of a square and explains (at the same time showing) that the point where the sides of the square connect is called the vertex. The teacher asks the children to show and count the vertices of the squares.

“What else can you call a square? – the teacher clarifies. “That’s right, a polygon (quadrangle).”

The teacher invites the children to take out the figures for the game “Tangram” from the envelopes and asks: “What are the names of the figures? How else can they be called in one word? What do these figures have? (Sides, corners, vertices.) Now let's assemble the fox Alice from geometric shapes. (Shows a sample.) What polygons did you use to make the fox?”

Part V Game exercise “Seasons”.

The teacher shows the children the “Seasons” model: a square divided into 4 parts (seasons), colored red, green, blue and yellow. The yellow part is divided into 3 more parts, colored light yellow, yellow and yellow-brown.

The teacher asks the children: “How many seasons are there in total? Name them in order. (Shows the seasons on the model, specifying the color and their names.)

Show autumn on the model. How many parts is this season divided into? Why do you think there are three parts? What months of autumn do you know? The last month of autumn is November. Name the months of autumn in order." (September October November.)

The teacher shows the months on the model.

Officially, when entering school, a child is not required to be able to count, read and write. However, most children enter first grade having mastered these skills. By helping a preschooler understand the method of counting within 20, parents make it easier for him to start his studies. Learning the composition of prime numbers occurs during the game, in various everyday situations. This allows adults to unobtrusively and clearly teach oral arithmetic and stimulate the child’s interest in learning about the world around them.

A preschooler's writing and counting skills will be very useful to him in first grade.

How to clearly explain to a preschooler the composition of a number?

To successfully master mathematics at school, you should try to teach your son or daughter the simplest arithmetic before entering school. You need to start with the representation of numbers and their graphic designation - numbers. There are only ten of the latter - from 0 to 9, and the number 10 consists of the numbers 1 and 0, which indicate the amount of something (candies, cubes, apples).

You can learn the number series up to 10 back and forth through games and practical activities in a few evenings. In order for the baby to immediately understand how it is formed, it is important to explain that each subsequent number differs from the previous one in the direction of increasing (when counting from 0 to 9) or decreasing (when counting in the opposite direction). This will teach him to distinguish between ordinal and cardinal numbers (for example, the fourth in a number line or four objects).

Fun and effective learning to count

Dear reader!

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In the company of loving parents, learning to count and form numbers turns into an exciting activity. In order for the child to be able to assimilate and clearly appreciate everything that the elders explain, you will need:

  • counting sticks;
  • scores (they can be attracted by playing shop);
  • cubes;
  • homemade cards;
  • number houses;
  • toys or candy;
  • buttons of different colors.

Lesson 1: concept of number composition

The abacus will help you learn all the numbers. You can apply them while playing the store

Toys, children's dishes, cubes, and other identical household items will help develop a child's interest in mathematics. The study begins with the number 2, asking the child to put a cube on the table and specifying what needs to be done to make them two. Usually a 5-6 year old child is able to guess what is going on. A younger child can be given a hint.

The exercise should be reinforced using other objects. It is important for the child to remember that the number 2 in any case includes two units, regardless of what items make it up (2 cans, 2 books, 2 pieces of soap, and so on). Let him place on the table 2 items that he likes (pebbles, cubes, berries, chestnuts or nuts).

  • lay out 3 coins one at a time (at different distances or “in a column”);
  • add one to two coins (put two coins together, and one at a distance);
  • add two to one coin.

After the child has mastered the “three” (understands that three coins together is the same as two coins with one, and has practiced putting them together), you can teach the number 4 in a playful way. Checkers and a board will help here. You should invite the little student to place 4 white checkers on the board, and then ask the question: how many checkers will remain if you replace one white checker with a black one? How many of them will there be in total if you line up 2 white and 2 black checkers? It is important for the child to understand that the number 4 will be obtained with any rearrangement.

Involving a preschooler in solving everyday problems will help teach the correct composition of numbers. For example, ask him to lay out the forks for a family dinner. First, you can give him one device and ask how many more he needs for the family. After thinking, the child will be able to give the correct answer. Studying the cards together will also allow you to quickly master the composition of the number.

Lesson 2: working with cards

You can easily make cards with numbers yourself

At this stage, it is important to connect 2 types of cards (purchased or made independently). It is desirable that in the first version they consist of two halves. An object can be drawn on one side, and 2,3,4,5 or more copies of it on the other. The halves can be united by a “+” sign, or it can be done separately.

The second version of the cards is a set of pictures where objects are depicted as a single set, without division. When your child can match numbers and numbers, you can make a third set of cards with digital images. There should be enough cards so that he can imagine the same number in different versions (for example, 5 is 1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1).

Lessons with cards are held in a relaxed manner. The child should be shown a card that shows, for example, 6 snowflakes and asked to collect the same number of snowflakes from the proposed pictures. It is important to switch roles sometimes. The child gives adults tasks, corrects their intentional mistakes, and learns to control the actions of other people. Similar work is being done with digital cards. The child must learn to select several options for the composition of the proposed number.

Lesson 3: connecting number houses

Number houses can be drawn in a notebook or made from colored paper; the child will put the necessary cards with numbers in the windows of the house

Number houses help strengthen mental counting skills. They are presented in textbooks, but you can draw pictures yourself. Each house has a roof and several apartments located in 2 rows. The height depends on the number to which the combinations are selected. For example, for a double, 2 floors are enough (1+1, 2+0), for a triple, 3 (1+2.2+1.3+0) and so on.

You can draw houses with your child, showing at the same time why and how to fill them. A number from 2 to 10 is written in a triangle on the roof. The child is explained that there are as many residents living in two apartments on the same floor as indicated on the roof (for example, 5 residents). Let one person live in one of the apartments on the lowest floor, then with the help of counting sticks the kid determines that there are 4 residents in the second one.

As the child climbs the floors and populates them, he will determine the composition of the pairs (1 and 4, 2 and 3, 3 and 2, 4 and 1). To consolidate the result, you can hang sheets of houses around the apartment so that the child learns to fill them in with a pencil. When the baby masters composition 10, you can move on to a more complex program.

Options for number houses that can be easily printed or made by analogy:

Option 2:

Mastering the second ten numbers

Explaining to a child in an accessible form how to obtain numbers greater than 10 is not always easy. First, it is important to master mental counting to 20, to show your child how to write all the numbers he has learned. The question of why and why 7+4 is written as 11 will definitely arise. It is important to explain on paper that for convenience, large numbers are counted by 10. Adding 7 and 3 is ten, but you need to add 4, that is, one is missing. It turns out that the result is 7 + 3 and one more, that is, 11.

Another visual exercise can be done with nuts, candies, and construction kit parts. You should count 15 items and write down their number in numbers. Then decompose them into 10 and 5 and show that ten in a two-digit count is written as one, and 5 is the number of ones. It is also worth doing by counting 20 objects and showing that it includes 2 tens, and the number 21 is the same, plus one more.

Teaching numeracy to first graders

If you start teaching a child at the age of 4-5, then by the time he reaches school he will be able to easily operate with two dozen. Sometimes parents are in no hurry, believing that this is the responsibility of the school. Soon after entering first grade, they will have a question about how to explain the composition of a number to their child. Most of his peers come to school prepared, and teachers focus on them, so he will have to catch up at an accelerated pace.

It is better to work with a first-grader in the same way as with a preschooler. You need to give him the opportunity to work with the parts (commands) of the number. For this purpose, problems are suitable where the total number of objects and the quantity of one type are known, and it is required to determine the number of objects of another type. For example, 5 cutlery, 2 of them are forks, and you need to find spoons.

If you hang cards throughout the house, you can repeat numbers or letters at any time and place.

Number houses, drawing segments in cells, and composing numbers using counting sticks are also relevant for first-graders. You can play by asking your child to guess how many candies are clutched in his fist. You should intrigue the child: “if you add 2 more toffees that I hold in my hand, you will get as many as I have in my hand.”

When a student is bad at counting, one can assume problems with memory, concentration, and developmental problems. A consultation with a psychologist, speech therapist, teacher, or pediatrician will allow you to determine the cause.

Learning to count is largely a creative process. The son plays football - count the goals together, the daughter feeds the pigeons - count the birds, compare which ones and how many more. If your child likes to draw, you can ask him to draw a certain number of balls, cars and other objects. If you sculpt, create a given number of figures. Along the way, it’s worth asking “tricky” questions: “can I take one pencil from you, how many do you have left now?” and others like that.

There is no need to force your child to count; this will only discourage him from learning. Each lesson should take no more than 15 minutes in a calm, trusting atmosphere. You can fasten them on walks, counting trees, houses, and vehicles. Additionally, you should include educational cartoons, photos and videos, which are widely available on the Internet. It is important for parents to be consistent and patient. Only then will their child learn to operate with simple and complex numbers.

Clinical and perinatal psychologist, graduated from the Moscow Institute of Perinatal Psychology and Reproductive Psychology and Volgograd State Medical University with a degree in clinical psychology

Irina Aleksandrovna Pomoraeva, Vera Arnoldovna Pozina

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts. System of work in the kindergarten preparatory group

Library of the program “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”

under the general editorship of N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

Pomoraeva Irina Aleksandrovna - Methodologist at the Educational and Methodological Center for Vocational Education in Moscow, teacher of methods of mathematical development at Pedagogical College No. 15, Honored Teacher of Russia

Pozina Vera Arnoldovna - Methodist, teacher of methods of mathematical development at Pedagogical College No. 4, excellent student of public education


This manual is addressed to educators working on the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL”, edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, for organizing work in mathematics in a preparatory school group.

The manual discusses issues of organizing work on the development of elementary mathematical concepts in children 6-7 years old, taking into account the patterns of formation and development of their cognitive activity and age-related capabilities.

The book provides an approximate planning of mathematics work for the year. The structure of the classes allows you to combine and successfully solve problems from different sections of the program. The proposed system of work, which includes a set of tasks and exercises, various methods and techniques of working with children (visual-practical, playful, verbal), helps preschoolers master the ways and techniques of cognition, and apply the acquired knowledge in independent activities. This creates the prerequisites for the formation of a correct understanding of the world, allows for a general developmental orientation of learning, connection with mental, speech development and various types of activities.

Game situations with elements of competition, reading passages of fiction motivate children and direct their mental activity to find ways to solve assigned problems. The method of work does not involve direct teaching, which can negatively affect the child’s comprehension and independent performance of mathematical tasks, but implies the creation of situations of community, collaboration, and provides all children with an equal start, which will allow them to study successfully at school.

The proposed work system allows teachers to take into account the specifics of the activities of the educational institution and its priorities. The volume of material gives educators the opportunity to realize their creative potential and take into account the characteristics of a specific group of children.

The knowledge gained in the course of organized educational activities on the formation of elementary mathematical concepts must be consolidated in everyday life. To this end, special attention should be paid to enriching role-playing games with mathematical content and creating a subject-development environment that stimulates the development of independent cognitive activity of each child.

When working with children both in a preschool institution and at home, you can use the workbook “Mathematics for preschoolers: Preparatory group for school” (M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2012).

The manual includes: a list of didactic games, additional material, recommendations for organizing a developmental environment. They reflect the modern positions of psychologists, teachers and methodologists, which make it possible to expand the content of work with children of the seventh year of life.

Further in the manual, for convenience of presentation, instead of the term “direct educational activity,” we will often use the term “occupation,” which is familiar to teachers. However, the term “class” should not mislead teachers: it does not imply lesson-type classes. The teacher’s task is not to turn mathematics into a lesson, but to use forms of work with children appropriate to their age, indicated in the approximate basic general educational program of preschool education “FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL” edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M . A. Vasilyeva.

Program content


Development of general ideas about sets: the ability to form sets on given grounds, to see the components of sets in which objects differ in certain characteristics.

Exercises in combining, complementing sets, removing parts or individual parts from a set.

Consolidating the ability to establish relationships between individual parts of a set, as well as the whole set and each of its parts based on counting, pairing objects or connecting objects with arrows.

Improving quantitative and ordinal counting skills within 10. Introducing counting within 20.

Getting to know the second ten numbers.

Consolidating an understanding of the relationships between numbers in the natural series (7 is greater than 6 by 1, and 6 is less than 7 by 1), the ability to increase and decrease each number by 1 (within 10).

Consolidating the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order (oral counting), the next and previous number to the one named or indicated by a number, and determine the missing number.

Introducing the composition of numbers from 0 to 10.

Forming the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger one from two smaller ones (within 10, on a visual basis).

Introduction to coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 kopecks, 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles (distinguishing, setting and exchanging coins).

Formation of the ability to visually compose and solve simple arithmetic problems on addition (the smaller is added to the larger) and subtraction (the subtracted is less than the remainder); When solving problems, use action signs: plus (+), minus (—) and the equal sign (=).


Consolidating the ability to divide an object into 2-8 or more equal parts by bending the object (paper, fabric, etc.), as well as using a conventional measure; correctly designate parts of a whole (half, one part of two (one second), two parts of four (two fourths), etc.); establish the ratio of the whole and the part, the size of the parts; find parts of a whole and a whole from known parts.

Formation of initial measurement skills. Consolidating the ability to measure the length, width, height of objects (straight line segments) using a conventional measure (checked paper).

Strengthening children's ability to measure the volume of liquid and granular substances using a conditional measure.

Formation of ideas about the weight of objects and methods of measuring it. Consolidating the ability to compare the weight of objects (heavier - lighter) by weighing them on the palms of your hands. Getting to know the scales.

Development of the idea that the result of measurement (length, weight, volume of objects) depends on the size of the conditional measure.


Clarification of knowledge about geometric shapes, their elements (vertices, angles, sides) and some of their properties.

Formation of ideas about a polygon (using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral), a straight line, a straight segment.

Consolidating the ability to recognize figures regardless of their spatial position, depict, arrange on a plane, arrange by size, classify, group by color, shape, size.

Consolidating the ability to model geometric shapes; make one polygon from several triangles, and one large rectangle from several small squares; from parts of a circle - a circle, from four segments - a quadrangle, from two short segments - one long, etc.; construct figures based on verbal descriptions and listing their characteristic properties; create thematic compositions from figures according to your own ideas.

Consolidating the ability to analyze the shape of objects as a whole and their individual parts; recreate objects of complex shape from individual parts using contour patterns, descriptions, and presentation.

Orientation in space

Formation of the ability to navigate on a limited surface (sheet of paper, blackboard, notebook page, book, etc.); place objects and their images in the indicated direction, reflect in speech their spatial location (above, below, above, below, left, right, left, right, in the upper left (lower right) corner, in front, behind, between, next to, etc. .).

Getting to know the plan, diagram, route, map. Development of the ability to model spatial relationships between objects in the form of a drawing, plan, diagram.

Formation of the ability to “read” the simplest graphic information indicating the spatial relationships of objects and the direction of their movement in space: from left to right, from right to left, from bottom to top, from top to bottom; independently move in space, focusing on conventional designations (signs and symbols).

Time orientation

Formation of elementary ideas about time: its fluidity, periodicity, irreversibility, sequence of days of the week, months, seasons.

Consolidating the ability to use words and concepts in speech: first, then, before, after, earlier, later, at the same time.

Development of a “sense of time”, the ability to save time, regulate one’s activities in accordance with time; distinguish the duration of individual time intervals (1 minute, 10 minutes, 1 hour).

Formation of the ability to determine time using a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Approximate distribution of program material for the year

I quarter


Lesson 1

Lesson 2

Lesson 3

Lesson 4

Introduce number 3.

Lesson 5

Introduce number 4.

Lesson 6

Introduce the number 5.


Lesson 1

Introduce number 6.

Develop the ability to move in space in accordance with symbols.

Lesson 2

Introduce number 7.

Lesson 3

Introduce the number 8.

Lesson 4

With the composition of the number 9 from ones.

With the number 9.

Develop your eye.

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

With the composition of the number 10 from units.

With the number 0.

Continue learning to find .


Lesson 7

Lesson 8

Continue to get acquainted with numbers from 1 to 9.


Lesson 1

Learn to form the number 4 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10.

Develop the ability to analyze the shape of objects and their individual parts.

Improve your understanding of the weight of objects and the ability to determine whether objects weigh the same or not, regardless of their appearance.

Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Lesson 2

Learn to form the number 5 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.

Improve the ability to build a serial series based on the weight of objects.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper and reflect in speech the spatial arrangement of objects in words: top, bottom, left, right.

Lesson 3

Learn to form the number 6 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 15.

Introduce the measurement of quantities using a conditional measure.

Develop the ability to navigate in space using symbols and diagrams.

Lesson 4

Learn to form the number 7 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to introduce the formation of numbers of the second ten within 20.

Lesson 5

Learn to form the number 8 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen counting skills in forward and backward order within 15.

Practice measuring the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 6

Learn to form the number 9 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Improve counting skills within 20.

Practice measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.

Continue to develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 7

Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the ability to identify the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10.

Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure.

Lesson 8

Strengthen ideas about the quantitative and ordinal value of numbers within 10.

Strengthen the ability to form the number 10 from units.

Skills in measuring the size of objects; introduce the dependence of measurement results on the value of the conditional measure.

Develop the ability to move in space in a given direction.

Ability to model objects using familiar geometric shapes.

II quarter


Lesson 1

Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles and 1, 5, 10 kopecks.

Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.

Clarify ideas about polygons and how to classify them by type and size.

Lesson 2

Continue to introduce coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles.

Form ideas about time, introduce the hourglass.

Lesson 3

Continue to introduce coins in denominations of 1, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.

Develop a sense of time, learn to regulate your activities in accordance with the time interval.

Develop the ability to recreate objects of complex shape from individual parts using contour patterns.

Lesson 4

Continue to clarify ideas about coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.

Learn to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.

Introduce clocks, teach how to set the time on a clock model.

Continue learning to determine the shape of objects and their parts.

Lesson 5

Continue learning to measure the volume of bulk solids using a conventional measure.

Continue to introduce clocks, teach how to set the time on a clock model.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Reinforce ideas about polygons; introduce its special cases: pentagon and hexagon.

Lesson 6

Introduce the rules for measuring liquid substances using a conventional measure.

To consolidate an understanding of the relationships between numbers in the natural series, the ability to increase (decrease) a number by 1 within 10.

Develop a sense of time; learn to distinguish the duration of time intervals within 5 minutes.

Develop the ability to model geometric shapes.

Lesson 7

Improve the ability to decompose a number into two smaller ones and make a larger number from two smaller ones within 10.

Reinforce ideas about the sequence of times and months of the year.

Develop the ability to construct geometric figures using verbal descriptions and listing characteristic properties.

Exercise the ability to combine parts into a whole set, compare the whole and part of the set.

Lesson 8

Strengthen the ability to decompose a number into two smaller numbers and make a larger number from two smaller ones within 10.

Develop the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers to the named one.

Reinforce ideas about the sequence of days of the week.

Develop the ability to modify geometric shapes.


Lesson 1

Learn to write arithmetic problems involving addition.

Strengthen the ability to see geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Lesson 2

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3

The ability to measure the volume of liquid substances using a conventional measure.

Ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4

Learn to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Introduce coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles, their collection and exchange.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention and logical thinking.

Lesson 5

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Continue introducing the clock and setting the time on the clock layout.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Lesson 6

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve your understanding of the sequence of numbers within 20.

Develop the ability to divide a whole into 8 equal parts and compare the whole and its parts.

Develop the ability to determine the location of objects relative to each other.

Lesson 7

Develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to draw them on a sheet of paper.

Strengthen the ability to name the previous, subsequent and missing numbers, indicated by a number.

Lesson 8

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition and subtraction problems.

Improve your understanding of the parts of the day and their sequence.

Practice using words correctly in speech: first, then, before, after.

Strengthen the ability to see the shapes of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects.


Lesson 1

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic addition problems.

Practice counting objects according to the model.

Learn to measure the length of straight line segments using squares.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Strengthen the ability to name the winter months.

Improve the ability to form numbers from units.

Practice creating thematic compositions from geometric shapes.

Lesson 3

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week and correctly use the words in speech: earlier, later, first, then.

Continue to develop the ability to determine a straight line segment and measure its length in cells.

Develop ideas about the size of objects.

Lesson 4

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Expand your understanding of the weight of objects.

Strengthen the ability to modify geometric shapes.

Improve the ability to navigate in a squared notebook and complete tasks according to verbal instructions.

Lesson 5

Continue learning to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Improve skills in measuring the height of objects using a conventional measure.

Continue to introduce watches and teach how to tell time with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Lesson 6

Learn to compose and solve arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction.

Develop ideas about geometric shapes and the ability to sketch them on a sheet of checkered paper.

Develop logical thinking.

Lesson 7

Improve counting skills by changing its base.

The ability to move in space in a given direction in accordance with symbols.

Lesson 8

Learn to independently compose and solve addition and subtraction problems.

Understanding of the quantitative and ordinal values ​​of a number, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which is in order?”, “In which place?”.

Improve your ability to model geometric shapes.

Develop attention and imagination.

III quarter


Lesson 1

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve arithmetic problems within 10.

Improve the ability to divide a circle into 8 equal parts, correctly label parts, compare the whole and its parts.

Exercise the ability to determine time on a clock with an accuracy of 1 hour.

Develop attention.

Lesson 2

Strengthen your understanding of the relationships between adjacent numbers within 10.

Improve your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention.

Lesson 3

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Improve the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Improve your ability to orientate yourself on a sheet of squared paper.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the seasons and months of the year.

Lesson 4

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice the ability to form a number from two smaller numbers and decompose a number into two smaller numbers.

Reinforce ideas about coins in denominations of 1, 2, 5, 10 rubles.

Develop the ability to orientate yourself on a sheet of squared paper.

Practice the ability to determine the weight of objects using scales.

Lesson 5

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to combine parts of a set, compare the whole and its parts based on counting.

Improve the ability to see the shapes of familiar geometric figures in surrounding objects.

Lesson 6

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week.

Develop the ability to model spatial relationships between objects on a plan.

Develop spatial perception of shape.

Lesson 7

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Improve the ability to design three-dimensional geometric shapes.

Practice counting forward and backward within 20.

Lesson 8

Practice solving arithmetic problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Improve counting skills by changing the counting base within 20.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Lesson 1

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop the ability to measure the length of objects using a conventional measure.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 2

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop the ability to consistently name the days of the week, months and seasons.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 3

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 4

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve addition problems within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop the ability to create objects of complex shape from individual parts according to imagination.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 5

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Strengthen the ability to form a number from two smaller ones and decompose it into two smaller numbers within 10.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 6

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Strengthen ideas about three-dimensional and flat geometric shapes.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 7

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.

Lesson 8

Continue to teach yourself how to compose and solve problems involving addition and subtraction within 10.

Practice your ability to navigate on a sheet of squared paper.

Improve the ability to navigate in the surrounding space relative to yourself and another person.

Develop attention, memory, logical thinking.


Work to consolidate the material covered.


Lesson 1

Program content

Practice dividing a set into parts and combining its parts; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.

Skills in ordinal counting within 10, the ability to answer the questions “How much?”, “Which one?”, “In which place?”.

Ideas about the relative arrangement of objects in space (in a row): left, right, before, after, between, before, behind, next to.

Ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Demonstration material. Cards with circles drawn on them (from 1 to 7), Dunno's things (hat, boots, etc.), doll furniture or room layout, doll, bear, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids.


Part I. Game "Live Week".

The teacher calls seven children to the board and invites them to take cards with circles drawn on them (from 1 to 7). Children perform various movements to the music, as instructed by the presenter. At the end of it, they line up, forming a week: the first to stand is the child who has one circle drawn on the card (Monday), the second is the child who has two circles on the card (Tuesday), etc. The check is carried out by roll call naming the days of the week .

The game is repeated 2-3 times with a change of participants.

Part II. Didactic game “Who left?”

Ten children come to the board and line up. The rest count them in order, remember the sequence of construction and close their eyes. At this time, one of those standing in the line leaves. Children open their eyes and determine who left and where the person who left stood.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with children changing in the line.

Part III. Game exercise “Let's help Dunno find things.”

On a flannelgraph there is a model of Dunno's room (you can use doll furniture). Dunno's things lie in different places in the room: a hat near the closet, one shoe next to the chair, the other behind the bed, etc.

The teacher tells the children that Dunno is going to visit Pencil, but cannot find his things. The teacher invites the children to help Dunno. Children name the location of each item: “The hat is near the closet,” etc. Dunno thanks for the help.

Part IV.

The teacher tells the children that a doll has come to visit them and invites them to play with it. He puts 3 cubes and 3 pyramids on the table and asks: “How many cubes? How many pyramids? What can you say about the number of pyramids and cubes?

The teacher puts the cubes and pyramids together and asks: “How many toys does the doll have in total? (Children count toys.) Six toys. How many pyramids? What is more: toys or pyramids? How many cubes? What is less: cubes or toys? The group of toys (generalizing gesture) is larger than the group of pyramids, its parts (shows). A group of toys is larger than a group of cubes, a part of it.”

The teacher invites the doll to play with the bear, and the children equally divide the toys between them (consider different options for equality). The correctness of the task is checked based on the score.

Lesson 2

Program content

Practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group; improve the ability to establish a relationship between a set and its part.

The ability to divide a circle and a square into 2 and 4 equal parts, compare and name them.

The ability to distinguish and name familiar geometric shapes.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Doll, bear, bunny, 3 cubes, 3 pyramids, 3 cars, 5 circles of the same color, 2 baskets, 2 sets of building materials (with flat and three-dimensional geometric shapes - in accordance with the program content).

Handout. Envelopes containing 1/4 of a circle or square, a box with the remaining parts of the figures, squares of the same color (5 pieces for each child).


Part I.

There are 5 circles of the same color on the flannelgraph. Children determine their number.

Children, together with the teacher, count the circles in reverse order (from 5 to 1). Then the teacher asks: “What did we do when we counted from five to one?” (Decreased by one.)

Part II.

The teacher suggests completing a similar task using squares of the same color. Children count the squares, remove one at a time and determine how many are left. Together with the teacher, they call the numbers in reverse order. (Five, four, three, two, one.)

Part III. Relay game “Who can decompose the building material faster?”

Children are divided into two teams by counting first or second. The first team must find all flat figures in the basket and transfer them to another basket, and the second - all three-dimensional figures.

In the process of checking the task, children show and name the figures.

Part IV. Didactic game “Make the whole from its part.”

Children have envelopes with parts of geometric shapes. The teacher offers to create a whole geometric figure by selecting the missing parts from the box.

After completing the task, the children determine what shapes they got and how many parts they consist of.

Then the teacher asks the children: “What can you call each part of your figure? What is greater: the whole or one second (one fourth) part? What is less: one second (one fourth) part or the whole?”

Part V Game exercise “Collecting toys for a doll.”

The teacher tells the children that a doll has come to visit them and invites them to play with it. He puts three groups of toys on the table (3 cubes, 3 pyramids, 3 cars) and asks: “How many cubes? How many pyramids? How many cars? What can you say about the number of pyramids, cubes and cars? (Cubes, pyramids, cars equally, three each.)

The teacher puts cubes, pyramids and cars together and asks: “How many toys does the doll have in total? (Children count toys.) That's right, nine toys. How many pyramids? What is more: nine toys or three pyramids? Which is smaller: three pyramids or nine toys? (Toys and blocks, toys and cars are compared in a similar way.)

The teacher concludes: “The group of toys (generalizing gesture) is larger than the group of pyramids (shows) and larger than the group of cubes, its part.”

Then the teacher invites the doll to play with the bear and the bunny, and the children equally divide the toys between them. The correctness of the task is checked based on the score.

Lesson 3

Program content

Introduce numbers 1 and 2 and learn to denote numbers with numbers.

Practice counting skills forward and backward within 10.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, determine the sides and corners of the sheet.

Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, dummies of mushrooms (1 porcini mushroom and 2 aspen mushrooms), 10 triangles of the same color, pattern sample.

Handout. Cards with numbers 1 and 2, rectangles of the same color (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, colored pencils.


Part I. Game exercise “Count the mushrooms.”

There are dummies of mushrooms on the teacher’s table: 1 porcini mushroom and 2 aspen mushrooms.

The teacher asks the children the names of the mushrooms and finds out whether they are edible or not. Then he asks: “How many porcini mushrooms?” Who knows what number can be used to represent the number one?”

The teacher shows a card with a picture of the number 1, places it next to the porcini mushroom and asks: “What does the number one look like? Find a card with the number one and circle it with your finger.”

Clarifies: “The number one means the number one.”

Similarly, the teacher introduces children to the number 2.

Part II. Didactic game “Find the same amount.”

The teacher shows the number. Children find the appropriate number of objects in the group and justify their choice. (One watch, two vases, two paintings...)

The teacher clarifies: “The number one (two) shows the number one (two).”

The teacher names the number of objects, the children show the corresponding number.

Part III. Game exercise “Count the figures.”

There are 10 triangles of the same color on the flannelgraph. Children determine their number. Then the teacher asks: “How many triangles will remain if we remove one triangle each time?”

Children, together with the teacher, count the triangles in reverse order (from 10 to 1). The teacher clarifies: “What did we do when we counted from ten to one?”

Part IV. Working with handouts.

Children have ten rectangles. The teacher offers to complete a similar task. Children count the rectangles, remove one at a time and determine how many are left. Together with the teacher, they call the numbers in reverse order. (Ten, nine,

Part V Didactic game “Remember and complete” (auditory dictation).

Children have sheets of paper and colored pencils. The teacher clarifies the name of the sides and corners of the sheet.

Then he gives the children tasks:

1) draw a straight line along the top side of the sheet with a red pencil (along the bottom side with a green pencil, along the left side with a blue pencil, along the right side with a yellow pencil);

2) draw a circle in the upper left corner with a red pencil (in the lower left corner - with a blue pencil, in the upper right corner - with a yellow pencil, in the lower right corner - with a green pencil);

3) put a dot in the middle of the sheet with a red pencil.

Children check the correctness of the task using the teacher’s model.

The teacher clarifies: “What and where did you draw?”

Children name the details, their color and location.

Lesson 4

Program content

Introduce number 3.

Learn to name the previous and subsequent numbers for each number in the natural series within 10.

Improve the ability to compare 10 objects (by length, width, height), arrange them in ascending and descending order, and indicate the comparison results with appropriate words.

Practice the ability to move in a given direction.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with images of various objects (on a card from 1 to 3 objects), cards with numbers from 1 to 3, 10 cylinders of different heights and 1 cylinder equal in height to one of the 10 cylinders, a pipe, stars.

Handout. Cards with different numbers of circles, cards with circles (from 1 to 10 circles; see Fig. 1), cards with mazes, pencils, 10 multi-colored strips of different lengths and widths, 1 strip of paper (for each child), cards with numbers from 1 to 3 (for each child), stars.


Part I. Game exercise “Count sounds (objects, movements).”

In front of the children are cards with numbers from 1 to 3. The teacher suggests finding a card with the number 1 and putting it in front of you. Then he asks: “What number can be designated by this figure? What’s the only thing in a group?”

The teacher asks the children to find a card with the number 2 and put it next to the number 1: “What number does the number two represent? Why do people have two?” (Two eyes, two ears...)

The teacher shows a card with a picture of three objects and asks the children how many objects are on the card. Then he shows a card with the number 3 and clarifies that the number 3 means the number 3.

“What does the number three look like? - the teacher asks the children. - Find a card with the number three and circle it. Now put the number three next to the number two and name the numbers in order.”

Then the teacher invites the children to play: “Indicate with a number the number of sounds heard (objects on the card, movements seen).” Each time the teacher clarifies what number the children used to indicate the number of sounds (objects, movements) and why.

Part II. Game exercise “Name the previous and next number.”

Each child has a card with a picture of circles (from 1 to 10) and a set of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

Rice. 1

The teacher explains to the children: “Each number has two neighboring numbers: the youngest is one less, it stands in front and is called the previous number; the higher one is greater by one, it comes after and is called the subsequent number. Look at your cards and determine the neighbors of your number.”

Children determine the previous and subsequent numbers to the number of circles shown on the card and cover the empty squares with a card with a certain number of circles.

After completing the task, the children explain: what is the previous (next) number to the number indicated on the card and why these numbers were called neighbors.

Part III. Game exercise “Lay out and talk about the length and width of the strips.”

Children have 10 stripes of different lengths, widths and colors. The teacher, together with the children, finds out the differences between them. Gives tasks: “Arrange the strips, starting with the shortest and ending with the longest, and name the length of each of them. What can you say about the length of the adjacent stripes: red and brown? (The red stripe is longer than the brown one.) What can you say about the length of the brown and green stripes? (The brown stripe is longer than the green one.) The brown stripe is shorter than the red one, but longer than the green one.

Now lay out the strips of different widths: from the widest to the narrowest from left to right (see Fig. 2), and tell us how you arranged them.” (The teacher clarifies the layout rules.)

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that each subsequent strip decreases by the same amount, and suggests checking this with a strip of paper. Children apply a strip of paper to the first strip on the right, determine how much the width of the strips differs, mark this value with a fold line and cut off the resulting measure. Then they apply the measure to all the strips and make sure that the width of each strip differs by the same amount.

Rice. 2

Part IV. Game exercise “Put the cylinders in a row.”

Cylinders of different heights are randomly placed on the carpet. The teacher suggests arranging the columns in a row: from lowest to highest. Preliminarily clarifies the rules for arranging objects in height.

Children take turns performing the task: each child, choosing the next cylinder, pronounces his actions (“I choose the lowest one from the remaining cylinders, compare it with all the cylinders and put it next to it.”)

One child gets a cylinder of the same height as the previous one. The teacher notices that the cylinders are the same in height and checks this with the children. Then he suggests removing the extra cylinder.

After completing the task, children talk about the height of each cylinder in the row.

Part V Game exercise “Find a way out of the maze.”

The teacher suggests looking at the labyrinth, finding a way out of it and drawing it with a pencil. While completing the task, children comment on their actions and correct mistakes.

Children who successfully complete the task receive stars.

Lesson 5

Program content

Introduce number 4.

Strengthen ideas about the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

Strengthen the ability to compare two objects in size (length, width) using a conditional measure equal to one of the objects being compared.

Develop the ability to indicate in speech your location relative to another person.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Dolls (one of them with a pigtail), cards with numbers from 1 to 4, cards with images of clothing and shoes (from 3 to 5 items on a card), 2 ribbons of different lengths, measures (a cardboard strip equal to the length of the doll’s short ribbon , stick, rope, etc.).

Handout. Cards with numbers from 1 to 4 (for each child), pencils of different colors (5 pieces for each child), cars, sets of bars (for each pair of children), strips of paper (1 piece for each pair of children).


Part I. Game exercise “Let's help the dolls find the numbers.”

The dolls ask children to guess which numbers they show (within 3). Children guess, find the same ones and lay out the cards on the table. Then the numbers are called in order.

The dolls show the children four cards with the number 1, ask them to determine what number they made and explain how they made it.

The teacher asks the children what number can be used to represent the number four. The dolls help find the number and ask the children what it looks like. Children find cards with the number four, place them next to other cards and call out the numbers in order.

Part II. Game exercise “Make the number correctly.”

The teacher invites the children to make up a number using pencils of different colors. He shows the children cards with pictures of items of clothing or shoes and asks them to determine what number can be used to indicate the number of items, and to compose this number using pencils.

The game exercise is repeated 3-4 times.

After each task, the teacher asks the children: “What number can be used to indicate the number of objects on the card? How many pencils did you take in total? How many pencils of what color did you take?”

Part III. Game exercise “Tie a bow for the doll.”

The teacher shows the children a doll with one braid and offers to change her hairstyle by making two braids with bows. The teacher explains: “There is already one ribbon. What needs to be done to cut another ribbon of the same length?

Children express their suggestions. The teacher leads them to the need to use a conditional measure. Children, together with the teacher, consider conditional measures and choose a cardboard strip. By direct comparison, they check the equality of the lengths of the cardboard strip and the ribbon. Using a cardboard strip, the called child measures and cuts the tape to the required length. Another child compares the ribbons in length, makes sure they are equal (children indicate the equality of the ribbons with words: “Same in length”) and, together with the teacher, tie bows for the doll.

Part IV. Game exercise “Building roads for cars.”

The teacher tells the children that the dolls want to go to visit by car, but for this they need to build a road. Children perform the task in pairs on the carpet. During the exercise, the teacher asks them questions: “What parts will we use to build the road? (From bars.) How wide must the road be for a car to pass on it? (A little more than the width of the car.) How to determine the width of the car? (Make a strip of paper equal to the width of the machine.)

Children make a standard gauge for the width of the machine by folding a strip of paper. Then they make a road, drive a car along it and make sure that the task is completed correctly.

Part V Game exercise “Where is the object located?”

The teacher invites the children to complete the following tasks: “Determine where the closet is located (clock, board, doll corner...) relative to you. Where is the board relative to me? (The closet is to your left.)

The exercise can be carried out in the form of a competition between two teams; tasks can be given by children (leaders) following the example of the teacher.

Lesson 6

Program content

Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 6 from units.

Introduce the number 5.

Strengthen the ability to consistently name the days of the week.

Continue to develop the ability to see the shape of familiar geometric shapes in surrounding objects.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Basket with items: compass, watch, thermos, mug, telephone, ball of rope, box, flag; backpack, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, cards with images of various objects (from 1 to 5 objects).

Handout. Sets of geometric shapes, “leaves” of trees of different colors (8 pieces for each child), cards with numbers from 1 to 5.


Game situation “Hike into the forest.”

Part I. Game exercise “What does it look like?”

The teacher draws the children's attention to the basket with objects. He takes them out one by one and asks the children to determine what geometric figure this or that object resembles. Children show the corresponding geometric shapes.

Part II. Game exercise “Getting ready for a hike.”

The teacher invites the children to pack their things for the hike and specifies what they need to take with them.

On the table there is a compass, a basket, a backpack, a watch, a thermos, a mug, a computer, and a telephone. The teacher gives the children the task of choosing six items that they will need on the hike. Then he clarifies: “How many items did you take? What number did you make up? How did you come up with the number six?

Part III. Game exercise “Collect an autumn bouquet.”

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

Came without paints
And without a brush
And repainted all the leaves.


There are “leaves” of trees of different colors on the floor. The teacher invites the children to use them to compose the number 6 so that the same color is not repeated twice.

Then the teacher asks the children: “How many leaves are in your bouquet? How many leaves of what color? How did you come up with the number six?

Part IV. Game exercise “Putting the numbers in a row.”

The teacher reads a poem to the children. Children show the corresponding number cards and place the cards on the board.

Numbers lined up
We count everything:
Nose - one (Show numbers.)
And there is only one head. (Show numbers.)
Eyes - two (Show numbers.)
And two ears. (Show numbers.)
The three of us are always heroes, (Show numbers.)
And there are also three pigs. (Show numbers.)
There are four corners in the room, (Show numbers.)
Four legs at the table. (Show numbers.)

A. Usachev

The teacher asks the children: “How many fingers are on one hand?”

The teacher shows a card with the number 5 and explains: “This is the number five, it means the number five. Find a card with the number five and circle it with your finger.”

And then I went to dance
On paper the number is five.
She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

Children, as instructed by the teacher, show the “hand” and “leg” of the number 5.

The teacher supplements the number series with a card with the number 5. Children name the numbers in order. They then lay out the numbers in order on their table, find similar numbers (numbers 5 and 2) and explain how they are different.

Then the teacher invites the children to find a card on the board with a picture of five objects (on the board there are cards showing from 1 to 5 objects) and says:

Five fingers exactly on the hand,
And five is a mark in the diary.

Part V

The teacher asks the children: “What day is it today? On the same day, the schoolchildren went on a hike and returned two days later on the third. What day of the week will the schoolchildren return from the trip?”

The teacher offers the children 2-3 more similar tasks.

Lesson 1

Program content

Continue learning to form the number 6 from ones.

Introduce number 6.

Clarify the techniques for dividing a circle into 2-4 and 8 equal parts, teach to understand the relationship between the whole and the parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).

Develop the ability to move in accordance with symbols in space.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Basket, dummies of fruits (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, cucumber, zucchini, tomato, onion, eggplant), 2 plates, cards with numbers from 1 to 5, circle, 1/4 part of a circle, scissors, truck, tree silhouette, “route” diagram (see Fig. 3).

Handout. Sets of colored pencils, white aspen (or maple) leaves cut out of paper, circles, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 6.


Part I. Game exercise “Harvest”.

Children lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 5 on the table in front of them and name them in order.

The teacher shows the children a basket and takes turns putting 5 vegetables in it. Then he asks: “How many vegetables are in the basket? What number can be used to denote this number?

Children show the number 5.

The teacher adds a sixth vegetable and asks to count the vegetables in the basket. Then he asks: “What number can be used to represent the number six? That's right, number six. (Shows a card with the number 6. The children find it with them.) What does the number six look like?

The teacher reads a poem about the number six:

"Six" is like a castle
And a cool ram's horn,
For a gymnast's somersault jump
And on the viola curl.

A. Usachev

Children call the numbers in order and circle the number 6 with their finger.

Part II. Game exercise “Laying out the harvest.”

The basket contains fruits (apple, pear, orange, tangerine, peach, pomegranate) and vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, eggplant).

The teacher invites the children to place fruits and vegetables on plates, then count the fruits and indicate their number with a number.

Part III. Game exercise “Colorful leaves”.

The teacher gives the children the task: “Make the number six using pencils of different colors. How many pencils are there in total? How many pencils of what color did you take? How did you come up with the number six?

The teacher offers to paint the aspen leaf in any color.

Physical education lesson “Autumn Leaves”

To the music, children with leaves in their hands perform dance movements according to the instructions of the teacher (spinning, squatting, running). When the music ends, they attach the leaves to the silhouette of the tree.

Part IV. Game exercise “Let’s help the driver bring vegetables and fruits to the fruit and vegetable base.”

The teacher reviews with the children the movement pattern of the car: arrows indicate the direction of movement, and numbers indicate stops (see Fig. 3).

1 - stop “Vegetable Field”;

2 - stop “Fruit Garden”;

3 - stop "Fruit and vegetable base".

Rice. 3

The teacher and the children discuss the features of the route (start and direction of movement). Then the children transport the truck in accordance with the diagram (cards with numbers are laid out on the floor indicating stops) and at each stop they load vegetables and fruits and take them to the fruit and vegetable base.

Part V Game exercise “Fruit pie”.

The teacher asks the children: “What can be made from fruits?” (Bake a pie.)

The teacher shows the children a round pie and offers to divide it into two equal parts. Then he asks: “How many parts have you divided the circle into? What can you call each part? What is greater: the whole or one half? Which is smaller: half or the whole?”

The teacher asks the children to divide each part into two more equal parts: “How many parts are there in total? What can you call each part? Which is greater: a whole or one-fourth? Which is smaller: one fourth or a whole?”

The teacher invites the children to show 2/4 of the circle and finds out how 2/4 can be called differently. (Half.) Then he asks to find and show 3/4 of the circle (lay it out in front of you) and asks: “Which is larger: a whole or three-quarters? How many quarters are there in total? Now divide every fourth part in half. (As shown by the teacher.) How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? Which is greater: a whole or one-eighth? Which is smaller: one eighth or a whole? How many eighths are there in each quarter (half, whole)? How many guests can we serve with our pie?

Lesson 2

Program content

Introduce the composition of the numbers 7 and 8 from units.

Introduce number 7.

Clarify the techniques for dividing a square into 2, 4 and 8 equal parts; teach to understand the relationship between the whole and parts, name and show them (half, one-half, one-fourth, one-eighth, etc.).

Reinforce ideas about triangles and quadrilaterals.

Strengthen the ability to consistently identify and name the days of the week.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Geometric shapes (all types of triangles and quadrangles), planar images of Dunno, Pencil, Znayka, Samodelkin, 2 boxes, 9 cards with images of different tools (saw, hammer, drill, etc.), cards with numbers from 1 to 7.

Handout. Sheets of square paper, scissors, cards with numbers from 1 to 7.


Part I. Game exercise “Let’s put things in order.”

The teacher draws the children's attention to the geometric shapes located on the flannelgraph and clarifies their name. He offers to help Dunno arrange the figures in two rows: in the top row - triangles, in the bottom - quadrangles.

Two children complete the task.

At the end of the work, the teacher asks the children: “Was the task completed correctly? What figures are in the top row and why were they chosen? (These are triangles. They have three angles and three sides.) What figures are in the bottom row and why were they chosen?” (These are quadrilaterals. They have four corners and four sides.)

Then the children help Dunno put things in order: put triangles and quadrangles into 2 boxes.

Part II. Game exercise “Let's help Dunno divide a sheet of paper.”

Children have square sheets of paper. The teacher places a square on the flannelgraph and asks: “What shape do the sheets of paper look like?”

Dunno asks the children to help divide the sheet of paper between him and Pencil into equal rectangles. The teacher clarifies how this can be done. (Fold a piece of paper in half, align opposite sides and corners, make a fold and cut along it.)

After completing the task, the teacher asks: “How many parts did you get? Are they the same size? How can I check this? (Putting one part on top of another.) What can you call each part? What's bigger: a whole or a half? Which is smaller: half or whole? What can you say about the size of half and one half?”

Then Dunno asks the children: “How to divide a sheet of paper if more guests come and there are four of us?”

The teacher discusses division techniques with the children. Children divide each half of the sheet in half again so that they get square sheets. Then he clarifies: “How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? What is larger: the whole square or part of it? Which is smaller: one fourth or a whole?”

“How can we divide a sheet of paper if more guests come and there are eight of us?” - Dunno asks again.

The teacher discusses division techniques with the children. Children divide each half of the sheet in half again so that they get rectangular sheets.

After completing the task, he asks the children questions: “How many parts did you get? What can you call each part? What is larger: the whole square or part of it? Which is smaller: one eighth or a whole? Which is greater: one-fourth or one-eighth?” (According to the answer, children show parts of the rectangle.)

Part III. Game exercise “How many of us?”

Znayka and Dunno call 7 children with different names. Children call names. Then the teacher asks: “How many children came to the board? How many names have you heard? What number did we make? How did we make up the number seven? What number represents the number seven? Find the number seven in the number row on the board. What does the number seven look like?

The teacher reads a poem:

“Seven” - a scythe and a poker,
And an ordinary leg.

A. Usachev

Children lay out rows of cards with numbers from 1 to 7 on their tables and circle the number 7 with their finger.

Part IV. Game exercise “Let's help Dunno make up a number.”

There are 9 cards on the flannelgraph depicting different instruments.

Dunno asks the children to help his friend Samodelkin make the number 8 using different tools.

The called child completes the task. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many instruments did you count out? How many instruments did you take? How did you come up with the number eight?

Part V Game exercise “Week, line up.”

The teacher calls 7 children to the board and invites them to take one card from the table with numbers from 1 to 7.

The teacher asks the children how many days there are in the week, asks them to list them and, at a signal, form a line, forming a week.

The rest of the children check whether the task is completed correctly.

The game exercise is repeated 2-3 times, changing children and the day of the week for its education.

Lesson 3

Program content

Continue learning to form the numbers 7 and 8 from ones.

Introduce the number 8.

Reinforce the sequential naming of the days of the week.

Develop the ability to compose a thematic composition based on a model.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), an oval divided into parts (see Fig. 4), 8 circles of different colors, 8 cards of different colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 8.

Handout. Sets of colored pencils, cards with circles (from 1 to 8 circles), ovals divided into parts, cards with numbers from 1 to 8, a bird sample from parts of an oval.


Part I. Game exercise “Let’s collect a seven-flowered flower.” The teacher pronounces the magic words from the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”:

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.

The teacher invites the children to assemble a magic flower from 7 colored pencils so that the same color is not repeated twice. After completing the task, the teacher asks: “How many colored pencils did you take in total? How many color pencils are there in your flower? How did you come up with the number seven?

Part II. Relay game “Who can get to the house faster?”

The teacher lays out 8 cards of different colors on the floor (they represent bumps) and asks the children to count them: “How many bumps are there on the floor? How many hummocks of what color? What number is made up? How did you come up with the number eight?

Children are divided into 2 teams. The teacher invites them to get to the house along the hummocks without stepping on a hummock of the same color twice.

Children check whether the task is completed correctly.

Part III. Game exercise “Find the number”.

There is a number row on the board. The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Merry Count”:

Number "eight" - two rings,
Without beginning and end.

The called child finds the number 8 on the board. The teacher asks the children what else it might look like. The children, together with the teacher, draw it in the air and find the corresponding card with the number 8.

The teacher asks the children: “What number does the number eight represent? Count out the same number of pencils. How many pencils did you count? Why did you count out eight pencils?” (The number eight represents the number eight.)

Part IV. Game exercise “Name the day of the week.”

The teacher gives the children tasks:

What day of the week is it today? What day of the week will be tomorrow? What day of the week was yesterday?

We leave in a hot air balloon on Monday and land two days later on the third. What day of the week will it be? (Wednesday.)

Using the circle cards, make a week, starting with Wednesday. Name each day of the week.

The called child performs the last task on the board.

Part V Didactic game "Columbus Egg".

The teacher invites the children to look at the “Columbus egg” on the board: count its parts and make a picture on their tables based on the model.

Rice. 4

Lesson 4

Program content

Introduce the composition of the number 9 from units.

Introduce the number 9.

Improve the ability to name numbers in forward and reverse order from any number.

Develop your eye.

Strengthen the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name its sides and angles.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Ball, cards with images of animals (wolf, fox, hare, bear, elk, boar, hedgehog, squirrel, lynx, cat, dog, rabbit), cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 4 chairs, 4 cards with images of circles of different sizes .

Handout. Circles of different colors (10 pieces for each child), sheets of paper, pencils, circles of different sizes (the size corresponds to the circles on the cards from the demonstration material).


Part I. Didactic game "Count further."

Children stand in a circle and call numbers in order from 1 to 10, passing the ball to each other. The latter returns the ball to the teacher.

The game is repeated 3 times with the number and direction of the count changing.

Part II. Game exercise “Zoo”.

On the board are cards with pictures of animals: wolf, fox, hare, bear, moose, wild boar, hedgehog, squirrel, lynx, cat, dog, rabbit.

The teacher asks the children: “What animals are called wild? Which ones are homemade? Let's add wild animals to our zoo."

Children select cards with pictures of wild animals. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many animals are there in our zoo? What number represents the number nine? Find the number nine in the number line. What does she look like? What number does the number nine resemble? (Children find the number 6 and put the card next to the number 9.) What is the difference between the numbers nine and six?

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Merry Count”:

The number "nine", or nine,
Circus acrobat,
If it gets on your head,
The number six will become nine.

The teacher asks: “How many animals are there in our zoo? What number did you make up? How did you come up with the number nine?

Part III. Game exercise “Plan of the Zoo”.

After completing the task, the teacher clarifies: “How many circles did you take in total? How many circles of what color? How did you come up with the number nine?

Then the teacher asks the children to place circles on the territory of the “zoo” (on sheets of paper):

Red circle in the center of the sheet;

Green circle in the upper left corner;

Yellow circle in the upper right corner;

Blue circle in the lower right corner;

Blue in the lower left corner;

Two circles at the top of the sheet;

Two circles at the bottom of the sheet.

Children tell where this or that animal will live.

Part IV. Game exercise “Excursion to the Zoo”. Cards with images of circles of different sizes are laid out on 4 chairs.

disguises. The teacher tells the children that these are turnstiles through which you can enter the zoo. He asks the children to remember the size of the circles on the turnstile and find “tokens” (circles) of the appropriate size on the table.

Children go through the turnstiles by matching the “tokens” with the circles on the cards. Then the teacher makes riddles about animals, and the children find picture clues on the board.

Less tiger, more cat
Above the ears there are brushes-horns.
Looks meek, but don't believe it:
This beast is terrible in anger.


A ball is rolling through the forest,
He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice.

He looks like a shepherd.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep.


Lesson 5

Program content

Improve your ability to form the number 9 from ones.

Continue to get acquainted with numbers from 1 to 9.

Develop an understanding of the independence of the counting result from its direction.

Give an idea of ​​the weight of objects and compare them by weighing them on the palms; learn to denote comparison results in words heavy, light, heavier, lighter.

Develop the ability to group geometric shapes by color and shape.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, 5 cards with the number 1, a tape on which nine units are written in different colors, wooden and metal balls of the same size, 2 cans of water.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 1 to 9, sheets of paper with images of three circles, sets of geometric shapes (squares, rectangles and diamonds in red, green and blue), trays.


Part I. Game exercise “Fun Counting”. The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “From One to Ten” (“Merry Counting”):

Here is one, or one,
Very thin, like a knitting needle,

But this is number two.
Admire what it's like:

The deuce arches his neck,
The tail is dragging behind her.

And look behind the deuce -
The number three appears.

Troika - the third of the icons -
Consists of two hooks.

After three come four,
Sharp protruding elbow.

And then I went to dance
On paper the number is five.

She extended her hand to the right,
The leg was bent sharply.

Number six - door lock:
There is a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Here is the seven - a poker.
She has one leg.

Eight has two rings
Without beginning and end.

Number nine, or nine, -
Circus acrobat...

One child is at the board, and the rest of the children in their seats lay out cards with the corresponding numbers. Then they say the numbers in order.

The teacher clarifies: “The numbers represent numbers. People need numbers to count objects.”

Part II. Game exercise "Let's make numbers."

Children have sets of cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

The teacher shows the children five cards with the number 1. He offers to count the units and show the corresponding card with the number.

Then the teacher asks the children: “What number did I make? (Five.) How many units did I use to make the number five?

The teacher shows the children a tape on which nine units are written in different colors, asks them to count them and show a card with the corresponding number. Then he asks: “How many units did I use to make the number nine?”

Part III. Musical pause.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites them to split into two teams using a rhyme:

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk.

The children who left the circle at the words of the counting rhyme form the first team; the rest of the children are the second team.

Children perform various movements to the music. At the end of it, they stand in two ranks opposite each other. One of the teams counts the children in the other team from left to right and right to left.

Then the teacher asks: “How many children are in the team? Did the number of children change when you counted them from right to left?”

The second team performs the same task.

The teacher concludes: “The number of children has not changed. The number does not depend on which direction we counted.”

Part IV. Game exercise “Which is heavier, which is lighter?”

The teacher shows the children metal and wooden balls of the same size and asks them to determine which ball is heavier (lighter).

First, children determine the weight of the balls by eye, and then weigh them on their palms (2-3 children).

The teacher invites two children to put the balls into jars of water. Then he asks: “Why did one ball drown and the other float on the surface of the water? What material is the heavy ball made of? What material is the light ball made of?

The teacher leads the children to the conclusion: “Metal is heavier than wood, it sinks, but wood floats, it is lighter.”

Part V Didactic game “Each figure has its own house.”

Children have sheets of paper with images of three circles and sets of quadrangles (squares, rectangles, diamonds in red, green and blue).

The teacher invites the children to look at the figures and asks: “How can you name all the figures in one word? (Quadrangles.) What quadrilaterals do you have on your tray? Arrange all shapes that are similar in shape into three circles. Name the shapes in each circle.

Place shapes of the same color in three circles. Name the shapes in each circle and their color.”

The teacher discusses options for completing the task with the children.

Lesson 6

Program content

Introduce the composition of the number 10 from ones.

Introduce the number 0.

Continue learning to find the previous number to the named one, the next number to the named one.

Clarify ideas about the weight of objects and the relativity of weight when comparing them.

To form ideas about temporary relationships and learn to denote them with words: first, then, before, after, earlier, later e.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, a nesting doll, pictures depicting the seasons, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, 9 circles of the same color, a magnetic board, 3 opaque buckets with different amounts of millet.

Handout. Cards with numbers from 0 to 9, colored circles (12 pieces for each child).


Part I. Game exercise “Name the number.”

Children stand in a semicircle. The teacher reminds: “A number has two neighbors: one number is one less, it is the previous one, the other is one more, it is the next one. State the previous number of five.”

The teacher passes the ball to the child, who calls the number 4 and returns the ball to the teacher.

The teacher offers 3-4 more similar tasks to determine the previous and subsequent numbers to the one named.

Part II. Game exercise “Collecting multi-colored beads.”

Children have sets of colored circles. The teacher invites them to make beads for a nesting doll from 10 multi-colored beads.

At the end of the task, the teacher clarifies: “How many beads did you take? How many beads of what color? How did you come up with the number ten? How many ones are in the number ten?

Part III. Game exercise “How much is left?”

There is a number row on the board (from 1 to 9).

The teacher invites the children to lay out cards with numbers from 1 to 9 on the table. Then he draws their attention to the board on which there are 9 circles of the same color, asks them to count them and show the corresponding card with the number.

The teacher begins to remove one circle at a time from right to left, and the children show with a number how many circles are left. When there is not a single circle left, the teacher explains: “There is a number that shows that there is not a single object here. This is number zero."

The teacher shows a card with the number 0, traces it in the air with the children and places it in a row in front of the number 1. Then reads the poem:

Zero is like a hundred objects -
From bracelets to berets:
Round table, ring, watch,
For a slice of sausage,
Drum, steering wheel, dryer...
And on the bald top of my head.

How many arms does a cat have?
How many feathers does a mole have?
How many legs does a snake have?
Does a squirrel have scales?

Children justify their answer.

Part IV. Game exercise “Mishkina porridge”.

There are three buckets with different amounts of millet on the table. The teacher reminds the children of N. Nosov’s story “Mishkina Porridge” and asks them to help the boy find a bucket with the right amount of millet: it should not be the heaviest and not the lightest. (“How to find the right bucket of millet?”)

The teacher invites the children to take two buckets and compare them by weight, weighing them in their hands. Then he clarifies: “Which bucket is heavier? Which one is easier? Place a heavy bucket on the table. Now compare the light bucket with the third bucket. Place the heavy bucket on the table, and compare the light bucket with the first and second bucket in pairs and arrange them in increasing order by weight, naming the weight of each bucket of millet. Of the three buckets, choose not the heaviest and not the lightest.”

Part V Game exercise “What first, what then?”

Pictures depicting the seasons are hung on the board. The teacher reads excerpts from poems to the children and asks them to guess what time of year they are talking about and find the corresponding illustrations.

Snowstorms have arrived to us,
They covered the cracks with snow.
There is frost on the window,
I painted it with ice.


Admire it
Spring is coming
The cranes are flying in a caravan,
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams in the ravines are noisy.

I.Nikitin. Spring

The teacher asks the children which illustration they put first and which one later.

Summer, summer has come to us,
It became dry and warm!
Straight along the path
The feet walk barefoot.

V. Berestov. Summer

The teacher asks the children after what time of year summer begins and where the corresponding illustration should be located.

Autumn drops gold,
The cold is driving away the birds...
Goodbye, forest and meadow,
We are flying to the warm south.

O. Ivanenko. Autumn

The teacher specifies the location of the illustration in the row. Children name the seasons in order.

Part VI. Didactic game “Name the neighbors.” The teacher asks riddles, the children guess them and identify the neighbors of a given time of year, using prepositions before And after or words earlier And Later. (Spring is earlier than summer, and autumn is later...)

I'm made of heat
I carry the warmth with me,
I warm the rivers
"Take a bath!" - I invite you.
And love for it
You all have me. I… (summer).

In the morning we go to the yard -
Leaves are falling like rain,
They rustle underfoot
And they fly, fly, fly...


Powdered the paths
I decorated the windows.
Gave joy to children
And I went for a sledding ride.


She comes with affection
And with my fairy tale.
With a magic wand
Will wave
Snowdrop in the forest
It will bloom.


Lesson 7

Program content

Continue learning to form the number 10 using ones.

Introduce the symbol for the number 10.

Strengthen counting skills forward and backward within 10.

Give an idea of ​​a polygon using the example of a triangle and a quadrilateral.

Strengthen the ability to navigate in space using symbols on the plan, determine the direction of movement of objects, and reflect their spatial position in speech.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, envelopes with tasks, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, cards with images of different numbers of objects (up to 10 objects), triangles, quadrangles, a magnetic board, a picture with the image of a Lumberjack made up of different polygons (see Fig. 5).

Handout. Sheets of paper, colored pencils, polygons (various types of triangles, square, rectangle, rhombus).


Game situation “Let's help Ellie get home” (based on the work of A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”).

Part I. The teacher reminds the children of an excerpt from a fairy tale in which the girl Ellie and her friend Totoshka ended up in another country after a hurricane. The teacher invites the children to help her return home. Together with his children, he considers a plan to return home:

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that Ellie's path is indicated on the plan with numbers, and in the group - with envelopes with tasks. Children find the number 1 on the plan, and in the group - an envelope with the number 1.

The teacher invites the children to complete the game exercise “Count on,” during which they count from one to ten, passing the ball to each other.

Part II. The teacher invites the children to find the number 2 on the plan and determine in which direction the arrow should be drawn (from left to right from the lower left corner to the lower right corner). Children find an envelope with the number 2 in the group.

The teacher introduces the children to the task: the little people of the Land of Winks ask them to “sew” ten caps of different colors for them.

Children draw 10 triangular caps of different colors on sheets of paper. Then the teacher clarifies: “How many hats have you “sewn”? How many of which color? How did you come up with the number ten? How many residents have we helped?

Part III. The teacher invites the children to find the number 3 on the plan and draw an arrow from number 2 to number 3, determining the direction of movement. Children open an envelope with the number 3.

The child places cards with numbers from 1 to 9 on a typesetting canvas. Children name them in order.

The teacher reads an excerpt from S. Marshak’s poem “Merry Count”:

Said the cheerful round zero (Shows a card with the number 0.)
To a neighbor unit:
- With you next to me, let me
Stand for me on the page.

She looked him over
With an angry, proud look:
- You, zero, are worth nothing,
Don't stand next to me!

The teacher puts a card with the number 0 in front of one and generalizes: “There are only ten numbers, but you can make a lot of numbers.”

Zero answered: - I admit,
That I'm worth nothing
But you can become ten
If I'm with you.

You're so lonely now
Small and thin
But you will be ten times larger
When I stand on the right.

The teacher puts cards with the numbers 1 and 0 after the number 9 and asks the children: “How many digits does the number ten represent? What are these numbers called?

The called child finds a card with a picture of 10 objects and places it next to the number 10. The teacher specifies the location of the numbers and reminds that if 0 comes after 1, then these numbers indicate the number 10.

Part IV. The teacher invites the children to find the number 4 on the plan, determine the direction of movement, draw an arrow to it from the number 3 and find an envelope with the number 4.

The teacher invites the children to assemble a Lumberjack from geometric shapes.

There are triangles and quadrangles on the board in two rows. The teacher asks the children: “What figures are located in the first row? What do they have in common? (Triangles have three sides and three angles - that's all triangles.) What figures are in the second row? What do they have in common? What word can be used to name all these figures? (Quadrangles.) How many angles do the figures have? What word can you call these figures? (These figures have many angles - they are polygons.)

The teacher shows a picture of a Lumberjack (see Fig. 5) and clarifies what polygons it is made of.

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Using the model, children assemble a Lumberjack from polygons on a sheet of paper and trace it along the outline with a pencil.

Part V The teacher invites the children to find the number 5 on the plan, determine the direction of movement and draw an arrow to it from the number 4. The children find an envelope with the number 5.

The teacher invites the children to name the numbers in reverse order from 10 to 1, passing the ball to each other. After completing the task, he says that Ellie can now return home and thanks her for her help.

Lesson 8

Program content

Learn to form the number 3 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Continue to get acquainted with numbers from 1 to 9.

Clarify your understanding of a polygon, develop the ability to find its sides, angles and vertices.

Strengthen ideas about the seasons and months of autumn.



"Composition of the number 10 from two smaller numbers"

Aprelskaya V.V.

Learn to form the number 10 from two smaller numbers and decompose it into two smaller numbers.

Strengthen the ability to identify the previous, subsequent and missing number to the one named or indicated by a number within 10.

Practice the ability to measure the length and width of objects using a conventional measure.

Continue to develop your orientation skills on a sheet of squared paper.

Didactic visual material

Demonstration material. A ball, cards with numbers from 0 to 9, a “piece of fabric” (sheet of paper) equal to 6 measures in length and 4 measures in width, a strip of paper (measure), 10 circles of the same color (pies), 2 plates.

Handout . Counting sticks, 10 circles of the same color, 10 triangles of the same color, checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the code is given (see Fig. 12), pencils.


Part I. Game exercise “Name the number.”

The teacher asks the children: “Which number is called the previous one?(Number less than one.) What number is called the next one?(Number greater than one.)

Then the teacher throws the ball to the children one by one and asks them to name the previous and subsequent numbers to the numbers 2 (7, 9, 5...) and the missing numbers in the following rows: 1,..., 3; 5, 6, …, 8; 8, …, 10.

Part II. Game exercise “Emergency telephone numbers”.

The cat's house caught fire:
Flames, sparks, smoke in a column.
Meow, meow - from the window.
“Help,” the cat asks.
It is necessary to call “01” when you see smoke.

Children use numbers to write down the telephone number of the fire department on the board.

The teacher says: “In order to save a cat, you need to stretch a piece of dense fabric, the length of which is six measures and the width is four measures.”

The teacher clarifies the rules of measurement and reminds that when measuring length, the measure is moved from left to right, and when measuring width, from bottom to top.

The called children measure the length and width of the “cut of fabric”, the rest monitor the correctness of the task, count the measures and lay out the corresponding number of counting sticks on their table.

Then the teacher asks: “What is the length of the piece of fabric? What is the width of the fabric cut? Is your piece of fabric the right size to save a cat?”

Children justify their answer.

The teacher reads a poem:

If you are in trouble,
Phone number “02” was dialed.
The police will come to you
He will help everyone, he will save everyone.

Children put the police phone number on the board.

Physical education lesson “Doing exercises”

The teacher reads a poem, and the children perform the appropriate movements.

Good morning

Ten, nine,(Clap your hands.)
Eight, seven,
(Clap on knees.)
Six, five,
(Clap your hands.)
Four, three,
(Clap on knees.)
Two, one.
(Clap your hands.)
We are with the ball
We want to play.
(Jumping in place.)
Just need it
We need to find out
(Walk in place.)
Ball who
Will catch up.

Part II (continuation). The teacher reads a poem:

If mom gets sick,
Don't worry and don't cry.
Dial "03" quickly
And the doctor will come to mom.
If anything happens
The ambulance will come.

L. Zilberg

Children put the ambulance phone number on the board.

The teacher tells the children that Little Red Riding Hood brought grandma 10 pies (circles) and offers to help the girl put them on two plates. Together with the children, he discusses how to decompose the number 10 into two smaller numbers, and writes down the possible options on the board using numbers (9 and 1, 8 and 2, 7 and 3, 6 and 4, 5 and 5, 4 and 6, 3 and 7, 2 and 8, 1 and 9).

Part III. The teacher tells the children that Little Red Riding Hood also brought 10 fruits (apples and pears) and put them in one vase. Children make up the number 10 using circles and triangles (as they wish). All answer options are discussed and indicated by numbers on the board.

Part IV. Game exercise “Transmitting encryption for the ambulance.” The children have checkered notebooks on which the beginning of the encryption is given (see Fig. 12).

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There is the same drawing on the board. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the sequence of locations of dots and lines, clarifies the intervals between them and offers to continue the “ciphering”.

The teacher reads the code: “Thank you, help has been provided.” The teacher checks the correctness of the task, evaluates it and offers to draw a smiling or non-smiling sun. Then he asks you to guess the riddle:

I'll turn the magic circle
And my friend will hear me.


The teacher once again clarifies the emergency phone numbers through which urgent information can be transmitted.

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