Marina Snezhnaya my demonic boss 5. "My demonic boss" Marina Snezhnaya

My demonic boss Marina Snezhnaya

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Title: My Demon Boss

About the book "My demonic boss" Marina Snezhnaya

Marina Snezhnaya is a modern writer, a native of Ukraine. Works mainly in the genre of combat and love fantasy. Her book "My Demon Boss" is the first novel in a series called "Academy of Arcane Knowledge". The plot of the work is incredibly dynamic and full of many intriguing and exciting incidents. All characters are original, original and completely different from each other. The author's style of narration is simple and at the same time refined. Thanks to all this, reading the novel is interesting, easy and unconstrained.

It would seem that the answer to the question of who does not like handsome men is obvious. However, not all so simple. The protagonist of Marina Snezhnaya's book My Demon Boss, a young girl named Irina, tries not to come close to them after a failed marriage. Meanwhile, it is not for nothing that sometimes they advise not to promise. After all, you can never foresee what surprises life in a new place has prepared for you, as well as a new job. Especially if she is connected, like our heroine, with the protection of a magical portal. And everything seemed to be going well, if not for one tricky moment. The new boss turned out to be not only a stunningly handsome man, but also a demon to boot. And in the future, fate behaved in a completely unpredictable way. She opened up a completely new world for the heroine, in which, in order to avoid slavery, she is forced to conclude an agreement with her new boss and begin training at the Magic Academy.

A striking contrast is the main characters of Marina Snezhnaya's book "My Demon Boss". Irina is a wonderful girl, brought up in the best traditions of the institute of noble maidens, whose nature is full of all sorts of virtues and virtues. Astarte is a truly noble and generous person. At the same time, he has his own principles, which he never changes. As well as a firm life position, which he steadily adheres to. Zepar is a real demon in the flesh: selfish, conceited, domineering and insanely charming. Most of his actions are dictated by immense egoism, but individual manifestations of love and mercy are not at all alien to him. "My Demon Boss" is an incredibly exciting and at the same time dramatic work, which, due to its many ideological and artistic merits, will be interesting to read not only for young people, but also for the older generation.

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Marina Snezhnaya
My demonic boss. Academy of Secret Knowledge

© M. Snezhnaya, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

Chapter 1

From stuffiness, I was already melting along with a huge city spreading before my eyes. She walked along a wide avenue, almost with her tongue hanging out, like a stray dog. More than anything, I wanted to get rid of the black ugly hoodie that reached to the toes as soon as possible. Imagine how out of place I looked in the middle of summer in such clothes. Sweat poured off me. Under the black wig, his head itched unbearably, and the war paint flowed down his face.

Glancing briefly at myself in the mirror window, which I was just passing by, I almost recoiled. What a horror! But in this form, those whom my hubby could send after me will definitely not recognize me. Still would! It would be difficult to recognize in this fiend, as if just out of hell, a downtrodden gray mouse. And I involuntarily smiled at my reflection, stretching my black lips into a monstrous grin. Immediately, the heat and the ridiculous goth suit faded into the background. The soul was filled with real joy. I could hardly resist not starting to dance, scaring the passers-by who were already looking at me with disapproval.

I am free! Free! How wonderful to be free! Lines from a famous song appeared in my head, fully reflecting my state: “I am free, like a bird in the sky. I’m free, I forgot what fear means…” And although I still haven’t forgotten this very fear, and I’m unlikely to ever completely get rid of it… But even now my soul was becoming much easier, I was breathing deeply. Even if the air burns the lungs.

- I will never return to you, Andrey! I whispered like a spell.

I repeated these words over and over, dragging a small suitcase on wheels behind me. The only thing she took away, leaving her now ex-husband. Master of life. My tyrant and tormentor for three endless years. And even if not such a former one, but I knew that I would never return to him. And do not care that the money is only enough for a couple of months of life here in Moscow. I won't get lost. If necessary, I will distribute leaflets or yards of revenge. I was not afraid of any work. And nothing seemed humiliating after all that I experienced because of my missus. Her teeth clenched so tightly that they almost gnashed. Probably, my face now seemed completely intimidating, because the old pensioner walking towards me gasped and crossed herself. I forced myself to stretch my lips into a smile. Never again will I let thoughts of Andrey spoil my mood! Now I will be brave, confident, going through life with a smile and a fighting spirit!

For five whole minutes I walked briskly, keeping a triumphant smile on my face. And then the enthusiasm began to fade. All this, of course, is good. The euphoria of running away and all that. But I didn't even know where to go. There were no relatives or acquaintances in Moscow. And it's scary to imagine how much a hotel room or rented accommodation costs here. But you need to sleep somewhere. Do not go back to the station and do not sit on a bench in the park.

Biting my lip, I thought about asking one of the passers-by where I could rent an apartment cheaply. I lingered at some stop, reasoning that at the same time they would advise how to get to my destination. I don't know what made me look at the bulletin board. The feeling was strange. It was like being hit in the gut. As I approached, I didn't even look in that direction. But now the legs themselves carried to where a bright white spot hung an announcement. To be honest, there were a lot of them. And it was no different from the rest. Dark letters on white paper. But I didn't see anything else. It seemed to me that the noise of city transport and the conversation of people at the bus stop became quieter.

The announcement read as follows: “An employee is required, it is possible without work experience. With housing and a decent salary. Interview at…” I blinked, not believing my own luck. You can't imagine it on purpose! There were no other requirements. This job is just a salvation for me now. Especially with accommodation. Of course, thoughts of a catch immediately arose. Well, that doesn't happen in real life! And even if it happens, then there will be more than enough applicants for such an announcement. One chance in a thousand that they will take me.

And yet, as if spellbound, I tore off the leaflet with the address and looked thoughtfully at it for a while. It is strange that the compilers of the announcement did not leave a contact phone number. You can't call and ask what the job is. But I already knew for sure that I would go to the interview. I have no other choice. And, shaking my head, I went with a smile to one of the women standing at the bus stop.

It turned out that the right office, or whatever was at that address, was only a ten minute walk from here. You don't even have to go anywhere! City center, convenient fork. If I continue to be so lucky, it's time to think. Is it possible to expect a black streak in the near future? Although ... The last three years in my hometown can hardly be called anything but black. I must be lucky someday. So I quite deservedly can enjoy the charms of Fortune, who has turned her face to me again.

And yet, when it turned out that the address indicated not an office, but an apartment in an ordinary five-story building, I was alarmed. The house was old, but in fairly good condition. Clean courtyard, good-looking grannies on a bench at the entrance. Everything is pretty decent. In obedience to prudence, I still did not immediately climb on the rampage. Stopping near the bench, she politely greeted the three grannies. It was evident that they did not like my appearance, but the old women still answered the greeting.

- Can you tell me where the fifteenth apartment is?

“So here, baby,” said a completely gray-haired woman, similar to a dandelion because of her curly hair sticking out in all directions. - In this hallway. Climb up to the fourth floor...

- Thanks. Can you tell me who lives there?

“Mashka lives,” another one supported the conversation - thin as a chip, in a colorful scarf. - And who are you to her?

Increasingly suspecting that I was in the wrong place, I responded embarrassedly:

- No one. According to the ad I...

- Oh, it's understandable then! - the third grandmother was delighted, so plump that one occupied half the bench. Her companions had to share the rest of the place. She looks like she's going to leave. The apartment will be rented out.

And three pairs of eyes looked at me critically again, wondering what to expect from me as a neighbor. I can imagine what they thought of me when they saw the war paint and clothes in the style of "Count Dracula"! Sadly, I decided that I definitely did not get there. After all, I was looking for a job, not housing. Although ... And why, in fact, not? I also need housing. Suddenly here and the price will not bite too much. Thanking the grandmothers for their participation, I resolutely headed for the entrance. She pushed open the heavy door and dragged the suitcase up to the fourth floor with a sigh.

Puffing and puffing, I evened out my breathing for a while, standing near the cherished door. Quite decent, iron and, judging by the appearance, reliable. Then she pressed the bell and listened intently. Strange, but I didn't hear anything. No footsteps, no voices, no rustle. Either the soundproofing is excellent, or there is no one at home. Although, I think, in this case, the grandmother would have warned. They certainly keep track of who enters and who leaves the entrance. I barely had time to back away from the door I had pressed my ear against when it swung open. A woman in her thirties stood in the doorway. Black-haired, with a round, pleasant face, but a hard, heavy look. I felt uncomfortable, but I tried not to show it.

- Hello! I said as confidently as possible. - Are you Maria? I'm on the ad. I was told that you are renting an apartment ...

Dark brown eyes narrowed, then scanned me from head to toe.

- Not really, - after a pause, when I no longer knew where to go, she responded. - Where did you get my address?

I thought frantically about what to say. About grandmas at the entrance or about the ad? There was no doubt in my mind that there was a mistake in the ad. But something in the woman's face prevented me from thinking sensibly, I almost trembled with fear. I could not find an explanation for such a strange reaction, but this did not make her different. And I just handed her a piece of paper torn from the ad. A joyful smile appeared on the woman's face, which made me even more uneasy. She looked more like a grin. And the eyes became somehow predatory.

- Come on, Irina.

As I squeezed past the sidewalk hostess, I realized something strange. I didn't give her my name. A chill ran down his back. I turned to the door, seized by an incomprehensible desire to run headlong from the frightening woman. But the escape routes were blocked - the door slammed shut, and the key turned several times in the lock. The hostess hid it in the pocket of a long dark dressing gown and smiled even wider.

- How do you know my name? I asked with dead lips.

- Don't stop, come into the kitchen. Let's have a cup of tea, discuss everything, - instead of answering, the hostess said.

I wanted to be as far away from this apartment as possible, but I forced myself to go to a clean small kitchenette. I relaxed a little when I saw that there were no human remains or anything like that. Maybe she was imagining something for herself? And I'm not quite sure that she called my name. The woman giggled under her breath. It sucked in my stomach, but I did my best to keep my cool. The woman sat me down on a stool and started making tea.

Only after I took a sip of a delicious mint-smelling drink mixed with cookies did she say:

So, do you need a job? With lodging…

I nodded uncertainly.

Are you really looking for an employee? I said in disbelief.

“We are looking for, we are looking for, how,” Maria grinned.

Again I felt uneasy, and I asked:

- And you can ask: what kind of work is this? And the salary?

Will two thousand dollars a month suit you? - the hostess began with the answer to the second question.

I almost choked on my tea. I could only dream of such a sum! Much more cheerfully, I exclaimed:

- Of course, it will suit! .. And yet, what kind of work is this? I hope not the provision of intimate services.

No, well, what do you think? Some kind of incomprehensible apartment instead of an office. The salary is really good. There are no details about the nature of the work in the ad.

Maria laughed for some reason.

- No, believe me, everything is within the bounds of decency ... Although ...

I pricked up my ears, and the eyes of the hostess sparkled with a mischievous gleam.

“There will be many going in and out of this apartment. But don't worry, no one will touch you.

Lord, is it a crime? Suddenly, thieves' meetings are held here or contraband is stored? What am I going to get myself into?

“Irochka,” the woman unexpectedly covered my hand with hers and smiled. “Sorry about you. But, I think, between such as we, ceremonies are superfluous.

I wonder what "between the likes of us" means. And the first time I didn't think so! She actually said my name! I carefully yanked my hand out from under her palm and stood up resolutely.

“You know, I changed my mind. I'll probably go.

- Scared? Maria winked. - Well, in vain. Believe me, you are completely safe here. But if you leave ... Who knows? Your hubby has long arms. As soon as he wants to, he will get it from under the ground.

I sank back into my chair and stared at the landlady.

– Who are you?! Andrew sent you? I said in a trembling voice.

The woman laughed again and reasonably remarked:

But it was you who came to me, not I to you. So you found me.

I bit my lip, less and less understanding what was happening. Seeing that I was completely crushed, she finally took pity:

- Don't worry like that. I already said that nothing bad will happen to you here. You have no idea how much I've been waiting for you to show up.

- Were you waiting?

“Well, not exactly you,” Maria clarified. - Just like you and me.

– What is it?

- Witch.

A little more and I'll fall out of my chair. What was happening more and more resembled the theater of the absurd. A strange announcement, hostess, from somewhere knowing the details of my past, now a confession that she is a witch. And not only she… Does this woman think that I am the same?! Maybe my war paint confused her? The fact that the landlady is not friendly with brains was beyond doubt. But ... how does she know my name and what kind of relationship do we have with my husband? No, in principle, I can believe in the supernatural. There are all sorts of psychics. Maybe this Maria is one of them. But about myself… I know for sure that I don’t have any super-duper abilities.

"You're wrong," I managed. - I'm not a witch.

Maybe he'll let you go now? I didn't want anything anymore. Neither this money work, nor living. The last one especially.

“If you didn’t have such abilities, you wouldn’t have seen the ad.” The woman tilted her head to the side and smiled again. “There's a search spell bound there. Only reacts to witches.

“Okay, let's say,” I said, remembering that you need to talk with psychos especially carefully. You can't show that you don't share their beliefs. You can provoke an inadequate reaction. – What kind of work is this?

Now I’ll listen to another nonsense, politely nod and, under some pretext, retreat from here.

“My employer needs a Keeper. My contract is expiring and I don't want to continue it anymore. Tired, you know. And so I’ve been sitting here for the fifth year as an attached one.

- Okay. And this Guardian? What does he need from you?

Just live here.

- It's a joke? - I could not stand it.

"No," Maria grinned. "Okay, I won't hurt you anymore. And then you will definitely run away. She winked and added in a more serious voice, “The portal is tied to a witch. By itself, it cannot exist and self-destructs. And opening a new one is too energy-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary that the witch to whom he is tied does not go further than two kilometers from him. That is, you can leave the apartment, but it is strictly forbidden to move more than this distance.

- That is, I will be paid money only for the fact that I will be tied to this apartment, like a chain dog? I clarified.

- Yeah. Not a job, but a paradise, the woman laughed. - It just gets boring quickly. I've held out for so long. Couldn't find a new witch. In our world they are, you know, a rarity. The ones that are real. Charlatans are a dime a dozen.

Yes, stop, stop, stop! I even waved my hands. – You said “in our world”. Also tell me there are others.

“What do you think the portal is for?” Maria shrugged. “Those who have business in our world need to get here somehow. And come back too.

No, she's definitely crazy! Just in case, I clarified:

- So they will sign a contract with me? You are moving out of here, and the apartment will be at my disposal? And will I be paid another two thousand dollars a month for this?

- All right, Irina. And in your situation, you can't do better.

How did you find out about my situation? I asked gloomily.

“I told you.” She rolled her eyes in pain. - I'm a witch. Hereditary. Sometimes I see a person - and bam, I know different things about him. This doesn't always happen, of course. If the defense is worth it, then you will not see anything, no matter how hard you try.

“I wonder how to put up such protection,” I drawled thoughtfully, piercing her with an unkind look.

“The boss will bet, don’t worry,” Maria smiled. “As long as you work for him, no one will even put your head in your head.

- The boss is still some ... Hour by hour is not easier, - I muttered. “Listen, this isn’t a prank, is it?” A bunch of people will jump out here now shouting: “Hidden camera”?

The woman shook her head and said encouragingly:

- Well, make up your mind! An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime. You will work for a year or two, they will find a replacement, and you will go to all four sides. With money and the brightest prospects. The boss can even help your career in this world. He has good connections here.

- Can I see the contract?

I was in no hurry to give a definitive answer. She herself did not know why she was still sitting here, over a cup of cold tea, and listening to the ravings of the city madwoman.

I flinched as several sheets of paper appeared on the table as if out of thin air. A sticky trickle of sweat ran down his back. I even shook my head, as if I hoped that this would help clarify the stupid situation. Either the woman sitting in front of me is some kind of illusionist, or I, too, have gone crazy, and she is actually a witch. Rave! There are no witches! These are all fairy tales. And there are no portals.

- Damn, well, you got it already! Maria couldn't resist.

- Yes, you can see everything in the face! the woman barked, stood up and grabbed my arm. - Let's go to.

And she dragged me deep into the apartment. Seized with terror and the worst fears, I followed. Maybe she's a maniac and they'll kill me now. We moved down the hallway past a cozy living room crammed with the latest furniture and appliances, went into the bedroom and stopped at the closet next to the wardrobe. I chuckled nervously.

- Also, tell me that this is the portal!

Maria muttered something, ran her hand along the pantry door, and pushed it open. Before me appeared a tunnel sparkling with blinding white light, leading to no one knows where. And it finished off finally. With a pitiful sob, I fainted.

Chapter 2

When I woke up, I could not understand where I was. In an unfamiliar bright bedroom, I lay on a wide bed, on silk sheets. They even covered me with a veil embroidered with gilded patterns. Staring blankly at the stretch ceiling, I could hardly recall the events of the recent past in my memory. Hectic flight from his native Luzhinsk in the form of an informal goth girl, shaking on the train, looking for shelter in Moscow ... Announcement! This is how the chain of the strangest events in my life began!

I sat up abruptly in bed, looking around for the hostess, who turned out to be a witch. In the foreseeable space, this colorful person was not observed. But I heard soft voices from the kitchen. Immediately, an uneasy feeling came over me. As always, when it was about something bad, thoughts about her husband flashed. Did Andrew find me? No, bullshit. He could not know where I would go, even if he found out that I went to Moscow. I got out of bed as quietly as I could and tiptoed to the half-open door.

Passing the living room, I stopped near the arched entrance to the kitchen. The two people sitting at the table did not notice me yet. Maria, whom I already knew, was there. The second one… In complete stupefaction, I looked at the most attractive man I have ever seen. He sat in a casual, relaxed posture, his hands on the tabletop and occasionally drumming his fingers on it. With every movement, a golden ring with a huge black-and-red stone shimmered mysteriously. I couldn't take my eyes off those long thin fingers. At the sight of them, strange desires arose, in which it is a shame to admit even to oneself. I imagined those fingers slowly gliding over my skin and goosebumps running through my body.

Heck! For a long time already at the sight of a man I did not have such emotions! Even with Andrei at the beginning of our stormy romance, this was not the case. With difficulty, I tore my eyes away from the swarthy fingers that bewitched me. The stranger was dressed in an impeccably expensive dark gray suit with a silver tie and a black shirt. It's worth a fortune. I already know. Andrei has always paid much attention to clothing. And I had to take care of all the little things associated with maintaining it in decent shape. I remembered how, because of the slightest extra wrinkle on the ironed suit, a sharp blow fell on me, leaving the taste of blood in my mouth. I forced myself to take deep breaths and calm down. All this is in the past. I got rid of the monster that fettered me hand and foot for three whole years.

No wonder I was afraid to examine the stranger in more detail. As soon as my gaze lingered on a swarthy face with high cheekbones and slightly predatory features, my heart seemed to stop for a couple of seconds. And then it took off. He's great! An image of a black jaguar, a beautiful and deadly predator, flashed through my head. Danger was felt in every lazy movement of the man. And most of all, it was the eyes. Never seen so bright. Green, as if burning with golden fire. These happen in cats, but certainly not in ordinary people. Hair of a strange reddish hue completed the impression. Not red, not red. Black with red tint. It was as if bloody flames were erupting from them. Her hair framed her face in a bright halo, reaching to her shoulders.

Yes, you need to get yourself together! Even if I look at this specimen of male beauty, everything shakes inside me, I need to fight this. I've had enough of talking to handsome men. It doesn't bring anything good with it. I remembered the promise I made to myself before I ran away. Never again will I let any handsome man fool my brains as much as Andrey did! I still managed to calm the raging hormones a little and listen to the conversation. It is now more important than emotions.

Are you sure, Masha? came a low rumbling voice.

Heck! The sound alone sent a shiver through my body. What is the matter with me?! Completely lost her mind. I gritted my teeth and looked away. The mournful voice of the landlady was heard:

- Yes, boss. Sure. And I've been sitting here for so long. It's time to live your life.

- I'm really sorry. You were a wonderful Keeper, - the man sighed, and again everything exploded in me from the influx of emotions. With difficulty, I held back a groan. She even covered her mouth with her hand to prevent this manifestation of her absolute insanity.

“You only have to say a word,” Maria said hoarsely. And I will stay as long as you wish.

Silence reigned, and I decided to look away from the figurine of the Egyptian goddess Bast, which adorned the shelf of the decorative fireplace. I saw a man staring at Mary, who for some reason blushed. She no longer seemed impenetrably arrogant and self-confident, which appeared before me. Some pathetic, lost. And in the look there is such longing that it doesn’t even feel right. Only a complete idiot could guess the reason for such behavior. Yes, she is in love with this handsome man! However, I was not surprised. The opposite would be surprising.

- It's not worth it, Masha, - firmly defined lips with a sensual bottom curved into a slight smile. - Believe me, women should not expect anything good from my attention.

I trembled at the tone in which it was said. A chill ran down his back. Something so dangerous wafted from his words that with a vengeance I began to fight the attraction to him. But at least he is honest, unlike Andrei. Immediately warns that it is better not to mess with him. That inside lies a predatory and ruthless beast. At least, that's how I took his words. But Maria reacted completely differently. She leaned across the table and covered the man's hands with hers. Her dark eyes blackened even more, pupils dilated so much.

I would risk...

"I'm not," he said, removing his hands from under hers.

And at that moment, his head turned to me. And my floor was rapidly disappearing from under my feet, and my heart was pounding in my throat. The carefully erected wall crumbled pebble by pebble, and the eyes greedily looked around at the beautiful swarthy face, unable to tear themselves away from it. I heard the irritated voice of Maria, who also noticed my appearance:

- How long have you been standing here?

Despite the hostile tone, I was grateful to her. It sobered at least a little, and I managed to look away from the green whirlpools penetrating the very soul.

“No, I just came,” I croaked, and my own voice made me want to sink through the ground.

“Looks like this is your replacement,” a cold, indifferent voice of a man was heard. And it was also a little sobering.

When I nevertheless decided to look at him, he no longer looked in my direction, lazily studying some document lying in front of him. Weird. I swear I haven't been here before! The old worries returned again, receding a little under a flurry of stormy impressions from the contemplation of the green-eyed handsome man.

“Come in, Irina,” the man commanded without looking at me.

And this one knows my name?! Maybe he also considered all the ins and outs, like Maria? This made it all the more uncomfortable. But I forced myself to take a step, a second, a third. She entered the kitchen and sat down on the stool next to Maria. Oh, in vain ... Now the man was sitting opposite, and it was even more difficult not to look at him.

Has Maria brought you up to speed yet?

- Listen, tell me that this is all a joke! I pleaded. - Witches, portals ... This is ... this is nonsense!

Oh mommies! The green pools of eyes stared at me again, and I began to irrevocably and inexorably sink into them. Sighing convulsively, I closed my eyes. I wonder if he knows what impression he makes? If so, how can you be so calm? Although ... Surely the same bastard as Andrei! He enjoys a pretty appearance and takes everything he wants from life.

“No one is holding you, Irina,” the man replied slightly annoyed. - You can leave right now. True, you will not remember the last hours. Starting from the moment you saw the ad.

But this is very, very tempting! Just forget about this handsome man, one glance of which turns the soul, and about all this absurdity. Then came a bitter realization. I really have nowhere to go. A huge city where I am a stranger to everyone and no one needs me. And where Andrey's people can find me at any moment. There is no doubt that he will not leave me alone. I don’t know how the green-eyed man understood what was going on in my head – he silently pushed the papers towards me. And I automatically took them and tried to study them. It didn’t work out right away, the excitement was so strong. The letters danced before my eyes, not wanting to line up in understandable words. But still managed to read it from the fifth time. And the feeling of absurdity rolled over with a vengeance. It was the strangest contract I have ever seen. The mere name of the parties was worth it. Barely moving my lips, I read aloud:

- “Astarte on behalf of the lord of demons of the third world, the great Abigor, on the one hand, and the witch, named Irina Bardova, on the other hand ...” How do you know my last name? I squeaked in panic. “Is this some kind of demon lord joke?”

Maria chuckled mockingly, then burst out laughing. The green-eyed man interrupted her laughter with a wave of his hand. Then, a little wearily, he said:

– Irina, I have more things to do than you can imagine. Let's quickly finish the formalities. I thought Maria had already initiated you into everything. Yes, you are entering the service of me, and therefore of my master. All you need to do is maintain the portal. Everything. For this, you will be under my personal protection, receive regular payment with the money of your world and live here. If you need anything, just write on a piece of paper, say my name and throw it into the portal.

- What's your name? I stuttered.

He looked eloquently at the contract in my hand.

“Astarte, then,” I whispered. From this name, it was as if a hellish flame breathed into his face. I shuddered involuntarily.

“I don’t advise you to mention him without special need,” he grinned, and I again froze like a complete idiot, his smile made such a strong impression.

Judging by the imperturbable look of the green-eyed man, I did not make much of an impression on him. Although there was nothing strange about it. Such a person, I suppose, that every day, then a new passion! It only takes a finger to beckon. I wonder what kind of women he prefers? Blondes, brunettes? Red? Lord, what am I thinking?! I shook my head, driving away the annoying thoughts, and asked in a hoarse voice:

“So you are a demon?”

He nodded, and I squeezed my eyes shut again, hoping this was some kind of ridiculous, stupid dream. Here I wake up, and it turns out that I'm still on the train. And ahead of a new life, in which I decided not to make the same mistakes. Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, nothing had changed.

“Listen,” I decided to ask a new question. But I'm not a witch. I don't even have the ability.

Astarte almost groaned in annoyance, then looked pleadingly at Mary. She smiled and said:

“Sometimes abilities sleep. They need a push to open. But you have power, that's for sure. I already told you that if it wasn't, you wouldn't see the ad.

“All right,” I agreed with a sigh and plunged back into reading the contract.

According to its conditions, I was not supposed to move more than two kilometers from the portal, which Maria had already informed me about. It is forbidden to tell anyone about your work and the contract itself. This is followed by punishment. As well as for leaving the designated perimeter. And the punishment... At first I thought it was a joke. Lifetime slavery in the demon third world!

- It's in hell, isn't it? I asked with a slurred tongue.

“Hell and paradise were invented by people,” Astarte said coldly. “But you don’t need to bother yourself with the construction of other worlds. All you have to do is do your job.

Okay, I didn’t really want to bother myself with this ... I’m glad that the contract is only for a year. Then it can either be extended or broken. According to my desire. As far as I understood from a more than strange document, the portal leads to this very third demonic world. From it, entities that have received the permission of Astarte can pass to us. Anyone who has not received permission will not be able to pass. The portal will destroy it. It was comforting. So, there is no need to wait for some illegal demons. None of the neighbors leaving my apartment and entering it will see other entities. They will be temporarily disguised. Also pleases. And then, if there are guards of grannies at the entrance, this will not go unnoticed. They will also take for a woman of easy virtue. It is better not to contact entities. Yes, I didn’t really want to! If something threatens my life, Astarte's protection will work.

If you agree, sign.

The demon handed me something like a golden pen. There was no ink on it, and for some time I looked at the object in confusion.

“Poke your finger with it first,” Astarte explained, wanting to quickly go about his business.

His eyes were full of universal weariness. Hmm, apparently, I made an impression on him as a complete idiot. For some reason, this was depressing, although I understood that there was no logic in this. I should be glad I didn't get his attention. Given my reaction to it, all the promises to myself would have immediately sunk into oblivion. Taking a deep breath and deciding that there was nothing wrong with the contract, I poked my finger. It was not very painful, as if the feather also weakened the discomfort. I carefully scribbled my signature at the bottom of the contract and screamed. The inscription flashed with fire, and the puncture on the finger immediately healed. There was something creepy about it. To calm down, I reminded myself that it was only for a year. I do not intend to violate the contract, I am not going to leave the apartment without special need. It's hard to imagine a better shelter than this. And then ... Then I will go with the money, free as a bird, to all four directions.

Marina Snezhnaya

My demonic boss. Academy of Secret Knowledge

From stuffiness, I was already melting along with a huge city spreading before my eyes. She walked along a wide avenue, almost with her tongue hanging out, like a stray dog. More than anything, I wanted to get rid of the black ugly hoodie that reached to the toes as soon as possible. Imagine how out of place I looked in the middle of summer in such clothes. Sweat poured off me. Under the black wig, his head itched unbearably, and the war paint flowed down his face.

Glancing briefly at myself in the mirror window, which I was just passing by, I almost recoiled. What a horror! But in this form, those whom my hubby could send after me will definitely not recognize me. Still would! It would be difficult to recognize in this fiend, as if just out of hell, a downtrodden gray mouse. And I involuntarily smiled at my reflection, stretching my black lips into a monstrous grin. Immediately, the heat and the ridiculous goth suit faded into the background. The soul was filled with real joy. I could hardly resist not starting to dance, scaring the passers-by who were already looking at me with disapproval.

I am free! Free! How wonderful to be free! Lines from a famous song appeared in my head, fully reflecting my state: “I am free, like a bird in the sky. I’m free, I forgot what fear means…” And although I still haven’t forgotten this very fear, and I’m unlikely to ever completely get rid of it… But even now my soul was becoming much easier, I was breathing deeply. Even if the air burns the lungs.

- I will never return to you, Andrey! I whispered like a spell.

I repeated these words over and over, dragging a small suitcase on wheels behind me. The only thing she took away, leaving her now ex-husband. Master of life. My tyrant and tormentor for three endless years. And even if not such a former one, but I knew that I would never return to him. And do not care that the money is only enough for a couple of months of life here in Moscow. I won't get lost. If necessary, I will distribute leaflets or yards of revenge. I was not afraid of any work. And nothing seemed humiliating after all that I experienced because of my missus. Her teeth clenched so tightly that they almost gnashed. Probably, my face now seemed completely intimidating, because the old pensioner walking towards me gasped and crossed herself. I forced myself to stretch my lips into a smile. Never again will I let thoughts of Andrey spoil my mood! Now I will be brave, confident, going through life with a smile and a fighting spirit!

For five whole minutes I walked briskly, keeping a triumphant smile on my face. And then the enthusiasm began to fade. All this, of course, is good. The euphoria of running away and all that. But I didn't even know where to go. There were no relatives or acquaintances in Moscow. And it's scary to imagine how much a hotel room or rented accommodation costs here. But you need to sleep somewhere. Do not go back to the station and do not sit on a bench in the park.

Biting my lip, I thought about asking one of the passers-by where I could rent an apartment cheaply. I lingered at some stop, reasoning that at the same time they would advise how to get to my destination. I don't know what made me look at the bulletin board. The feeling was strange. It was like being hit in the gut. As I approached, I didn't even look in that direction. But now the legs themselves carried to where a bright white spot hung an announcement. To be honest, there were a lot of them. And it was no different from the rest. Dark letters on white paper. But I didn't see anything else. It seemed to me that the noise of city transport and the conversation of people at the bus stop became quieter.

The announcement read as follows: “An employee is required, it is possible without work experience. With housing and a decent salary. Interview at…” I blinked, not believing my own luck. You can't imagine it on purpose! There were no other requirements. This job is just a salvation for me now. Especially with accommodation. Of course, thoughts of a catch immediately arose. Well, that doesn't happen in real life! And even if it happens, then there will be more than enough applicants for such an announcement. One chance in a thousand that they will take me.

And yet, as if spellbound, I tore off the leaflet with the address and looked thoughtfully at it for a while. It is strange that the compilers of the announcement did not leave a contact phone number. You can't call and ask what the job is. But I already knew for sure that I would go to the interview. I have no other choice. And, shaking my head, I went with a smile to one of the women standing at the bus stop.

It turned out that the right office, or whatever was at that address, was only a ten minute walk from here. You don't even have to go anywhere! City center, convenient fork. If I continue to be so lucky, it's time to think. Is it possible to expect a black streak in the near future? Although ... The last three years in my hometown can hardly be called anything but black. I must be lucky someday. So I quite deservedly can enjoy the charms of Fortune, who has turned her face to me again.

And yet, when it turned out that the address indicated not an office, but an apartment in an ordinary five-story building, I was alarmed. The house was old, but in fairly good condition. Clean courtyard, good-looking grannies on a bench at the entrance. Everything is pretty decent. In obedience to prudence, I still did not immediately climb on the rampage. Stopping near the bench, she politely greeted the three grannies. It was evident that they did not like my appearance, but the old women still answered the greeting.

- Can you tell me where the fifteenth apartment is?

“So here, baby,” said a completely gray-haired woman, similar to a dandelion because of her curly hair sticking out in all directions. - In this hallway. Climb up to the fourth floor...

- Thanks. Can you tell me who lives there?

“Mashka lives,” another one supported the conversation - thin as a chip, in a colorful scarf. - And who are you to her?

Increasingly suspecting that I was in the wrong place, I responded embarrassedly:

- No one. According to the ad I...

- Oh, it's understandable then! - the third grandmother was delighted, so plump that one occupied half the bench. Her companions had to share the rest of the place. She looks like she's going to leave. The apartment will be rented out.

And three pairs of eyes looked at me critically again, wondering what to expect from me as a neighbor. I can imagine what they thought of me when they saw the war paint and clothes in the style of "Count Dracula"! Sadly, I decided that I definitely did not get there. After all, I was looking for a job, not housing. Although ... And why, in fact, not? I also need housing. Suddenly here and the price will not bite too much. Thanking the grandmothers for their participation, I resolutely headed for the entrance. She pushed open the heavy door and dragged the suitcase up to the fourth floor with a sigh.

Puffing and puffing, I evened out my breathing for a while, standing near the cherished door. Quite decent, iron and, judging by the appearance, reliable. Then she pressed the bell and listened intently. Strange, but I didn't hear anything. No footsteps, no voices, no rustle. Either the soundproofing is excellent, or there is no one at home. Although, I think, in this case, the grandmother would have warned. They certainly keep track of who enters and who leaves the entrance. I barely had time to back away from the door I had pressed my ear against when it swung open. A woman in her thirties stood in the doorway. Black-haired, with a round, pleasant face, but a hard, heavy look. I felt uncomfortable, but I tried not to show it.

- Hello! I said as confidently as possible. - Are you Maria? I'm on the ad. I was told that you are renting an apartment ...

Dark brown eyes narrowed, then scanned me from head to toe.

- Not really, - after a pause, when I no longer knew where to go, she responded. - Where did you get my address?

I thought frantically about what to say. About grandmas at the entrance or about the ad? There was no doubt in my mind that there was a mistake in the ad. But something in the woman's face prevented me from thinking sensibly, I almost trembled with fear. I could not find an explanation for such a strange reaction, but this did not make her different. And I just handed her a piece of paper torn from the ad. A joyful smile appeared on the woman's face, which made me even more uneasy. She looked more like a grin. And the eyes became somehow predatory.

- Come on, Irina.

As I squeezed past the sidewalk hostess, I realized something strange. I didn't give her my name. A chill ran down his back. I turned to the door, seized by an incomprehensible desire to run headlong from the frightening woman. But the escape routes were blocked - the door slammed shut, and the key turned several times in the lock. The hostess hid it in the pocket of a long dark dressing gown and smiled even wider.

- How do you know my name? I asked with dead lips.

- Don't stop, come into the kitchen. Let's have a cup of tea, discuss everything, - instead of answering, the hostess said.

I wanted to be as far away from this apartment as possible, but I forced myself to go to a clean small kitchenette. I relaxed a little when I saw that there were no human remains or anything like that. Maybe she was imagining something for herself? And I'm not quite sure that she called my name. The woman giggled under her breath. It sucked in my stomach, but I did my best to keep my cool. The woman sat me down on a stool and started making tea.

Only after I took a sip of a delicious mint-smelling drink mixed with cookies did she say:

So, do you need a job? With lodging…

I nodded uncertainly.

Are you really looking for an employee? I said in disbelief.

“We are looking for, we are looking for, how,” Maria grinned.

Again I felt uneasy, and I asked:

- And you can ask: what kind of work is this? And the salary?

Will two thousand dollars a month suit you? - the hostess began with the answer to the second question.

I almost choked on my tea. I could only dream of such a sum! Much more cheerfully, I exclaimed:

- Of course, it will suit! .. And yet, what kind of work is this? I hope not the provision of intimate services.

No, well, what do you think? Some kind of incomprehensible apartment instead of an office. The salary is really good. There are no details about the nature of the work in the ad.

Maria laughed for some reason.

- No, believe me, everything is within the bounds of decency ... Although ...

I pricked up my ears, and the eyes of the hostess sparkled with a mischievous gleam.

“There will be many going in and out of this apartment. But don't worry, no one will touch you.

Lord, is it a crime? Suddenly, thieves' meetings are held here or contraband is stored? What am I going to get myself into?

“Irochka,” the woman unexpectedly covered my hand with hers and smiled. “Sorry about you. But, I think, between such as we, ceremonies are superfluous.

I wonder what "between the likes of us" means. And the first time I didn't think so! She actually said my name! I carefully yanked my hand out from under her palm and stood up resolutely.

“You know, I changed my mind. I'll probably go.

- Scared? Maria winked. - Well, in vain. Believe me, you are completely safe here. But if you leave ... Who knows? Your hubby has long arms. As soon as he wants to, he will get it from under the ground.

I sank back into my chair and stared at the landlady.

– Who are you?! Andrew sent you? I said in a trembling voice.

The woman laughed again and reasonably remarked:

But it was you who came to me, not I to you. So you found me.

I bit my lip, less and less understanding what was happening. Seeing that I was completely crushed, she finally took pity:

- Don't worry like that. I already said that nothing bad will happen to you here. You have no idea how much I've been waiting for you to show up.

- Were you waiting?

“Well, not exactly you,” Maria clarified. - Just like you and me.

– What is it?

- Witch.

A little more and I'll fall out of my chair. What was happening more and more resembled the theater of the absurd. A strange announcement, hostess, from somewhere knowing the details of my past, now a confession that she is a witch. And not only she… Does this woman think that I am the same?! Maybe my war paint confused her? The fact that the landlady is not friendly with brains was beyond doubt. But ... how does she know my name and what kind of relationship do we have with my husband? No, in principle, I can believe in the supernatural. There are all sorts of psychics. Maybe this Maria is one of them. But about myself… I know for sure that I don’t have any super-duper abilities.

"You're wrong," I managed. - I'm not a witch.

Maybe he'll let you go now? I didn't want anything anymore. Neither this money work, nor living. The last one especially.

“If you didn’t have such abilities, you wouldn’t have seen the ad.” The woman tilted her head to the side and smiled again. “There's a search spell bound there. Only reacts to witches.

“Okay, let's say,” I said, remembering that you need to talk with psychos especially carefully. You can't show that you don't share their beliefs. You can provoke an inadequate reaction. – What kind of work is this?

Now I’ll listen to another nonsense, politely nod and, under some pretext, retreat from here.

“My employer needs a Keeper. My contract is expiring and I don't want to continue it anymore. Tired, you know. And so I’ve been sitting here for the fifth year as an attached one.

- Okay. And this Guardian? What does he need from you?

Just live here.

- It's a joke? - I could not stand it.

"No," Maria grinned. "Okay, I won't hurt you anymore. And then you will definitely run away. She winked and added in a more serious voice, “The portal is tied to a witch. By itself, it cannot exist and self-destructs. And opening a new one is too energy-consuming. Therefore, it is necessary that the witch to whom he is tied does not go further than two kilometers from him. That is, you can leave the apartment, but it is strictly forbidden to move more than this distance.

- That is, I will be paid money only for the fact that I will be tied to this apartment, like a chain dog? I clarified.

- Yeah. Not a job, but a paradise, the woman laughed. - It just gets boring quickly. I've held out for so long. Couldn't find a new witch. In our world they are, you know, a rarity. The ones that are real. Charlatans are a dime a dozen.

Yes, stop, stop, stop! I even waved my hands. – You said “in our world”. Also tell me there are others.

“What do you think the portal is for?” Maria shrugged. “Those who have business in our world need to get here somehow. And come back too.

No, she's definitely crazy! Just in case, I clarified:

- So they will sign a contract with me? You are moving out of here, and the apartment will be at my disposal? And will I be paid another two thousand dollars a month for this?

- All right, Irina. And in your situation, you can't do better.

How did you find out about my situation? I asked gloomily.

“I told you.” She rolled her eyes in pain. - I'm a witch. Hereditary. Sometimes I see a person - and bam, I know different things about him. This doesn't always happen, of course. If the defense is worth it, then you will not see anything, no matter how hard you try.

“I wonder how to put up such protection,” I drawled thoughtfully, piercing her with an unkind look.

“The boss will bet, don’t worry,” Maria smiled. “As long as you work for him, no one will even put your head in your head.

- The boss is still some ... Hour by hour is not easier, - I muttered. “Listen, this isn’t a prank, is it?” A bunch of people will jump out here now shouting: “Hidden camera”?

The woman shook her head and said encouragingly:

- Well, make up your mind! An opportunity like this comes once in a lifetime. You will work for a year or two, they will find a replacement, and you will go to all four sides. With money and the brightest prospects. The boss can even help your career in this world. He has good connections here.

- Can I see the contract?

I was in no hurry to give a definitive answer. She herself did not know why she was still sitting here, over a cup of cold tea, and listening to the ravings of the city madwoman.

I flinched as several sheets of paper appeared on the table as if out of thin air. A sticky trickle of sweat ran down his back. I even shook my head, as if I hoped that this would help clarify the stupid situation. Either the woman sitting in front of me is some kind of illusionist, or I, too, have gone crazy, and she is actually a witch. Rave! There are no witches! These are all fairy tales. And there are no portals.

- Damn, well, you got it already! Maria couldn't resist.

- Yes, you can see everything in the face! the woman barked, stood up and grabbed my arm. - Let's go to.

And she dragged me deep into the apartment. Seized with terror and the worst fears, I followed. Maybe she's a maniac and they'll kill me now. We moved down the hallway past a cozy living room crammed with the latest furniture and appliances, went into the bedroom and stopped at the closet next to the wardrobe. I chuckled nervously.

- Also, tell me that this is the portal!

Maria muttered something, ran her hand along the pantry door, and pushed it open. Before me appeared a tunnel sparkling with blinding white light, leading to no one knows where. And it finished off finally. With a pitiful sob, I fainted.

When I woke up, I could not understand where I was. In an unfamiliar bright bedroom, I lay on a wide bed, on silk sheets. They even covered me with a veil embroidered with gilded patterns. Staring blankly at the stretch ceiling, I could hardly recall the events of the recent past in my memory. Hectic flight from his native Luzhinsk in the form of an informal goth girl, shaking on the train, looking for shelter in Moscow ... Announcement! This is how the chain of the strangest events in my life began!

I sat up abruptly in bed, looking around for the hostess, who turned out to be a witch. In the foreseeable space, this colorful person was not observed. But I heard soft voices from the kitchen. Immediately, an uneasy feeling came over me. As always, when it was about something bad, thoughts about her husband flashed. Did Andrew find me? No, bullshit. He could not know where I would go, even if he found out that I went to Moscow. I got out of bed as quietly as I could and tiptoed to the half-open door.

Passing the living room, I stopped near the arched entrance to the kitchen. The two people sitting at the table did not notice me yet. Maria, whom I already knew, was there. The second one… In complete stupefaction, I looked at the most attractive man I have ever seen. He sat in a casual, relaxed posture, his hands on the tabletop and occasionally drumming his fingers on it. With every movement, a golden ring with a huge black-and-red stone shimmered mysteriously. I couldn't take my eyes off those long thin fingers. At the sight of them, strange desires arose, in which it is a shame to admit even to oneself. I imagined those fingers slowly gliding over my skin and goosebumps running through my body.

Heck! For a long time already at the sight of a man I did not have such emotions! Even with Andrei at the beginning of our stormy romance, this was not the case. With difficulty, I tore my eyes away from the swarthy fingers that bewitched me. The stranger was dressed in an impeccably expensive dark gray suit with a silver tie and a black shirt. It's worth a fortune. I already know. Andrei has always paid much attention to clothing. And I had to take care of all the little things associated with maintaining it in decent shape. I remembered how, because of the slightest extra wrinkle on the ironed suit, a sharp blow fell on me, leaving the taste of blood in my mouth. I forced myself to take deep breaths and calm down. All this is in the past. I got rid of the monster that fettered me hand and foot for three whole years.

No wonder I was afraid to examine the stranger in more detail. As soon as my gaze lingered on a swarthy face with high cheekbones and slightly predatory features, my heart seemed to stop for a couple of seconds. And then it took off. He's great! An image of a black jaguar, a beautiful and deadly predator, flashed through my head. Danger was felt in every lazy movement of the man. And most of all, it was the eyes. Never seen so bright. Green, as if burning with golden fire. These happen in cats, but certainly not in ordinary people. Hair of a strange reddish hue completed the impression. Not red, not red. Black with red tint. It was as if bloody flames were erupting from them. Her hair framed her face in a bright halo, reaching to her shoulders.

Yes, you need to get yourself together! Even if I look at this specimen of male beauty, everything shakes inside me, I need to fight this. I've had enough of talking to handsome men. It doesn't bring anything good with it. I remembered the promise I made to myself before I ran away. Never again will I let any handsome man fool my brains as much as Andrey did! I still managed to calm the raging hormones a little and listen to the conversation. It is now more important than emotions.

Are you sure, Masha? came a low rumbling voice.

Heck! The sound alone sent a shiver through my body. What is the matter with me?! Completely lost her mind. I gritted my teeth and looked away. The mournful voice of the landlady was heard:

- Yes, boss. Sure. And I've been sitting here for so long. It's time to live your life.

- I'm really sorry. You were a wonderful Keeper, - the man sighed, and again everything exploded in me from the influx of emotions. With difficulty, I held back a groan. She even covered her mouth with her hand to prevent this manifestation of her absolute insanity.

“You only have to say a word,” Maria said hoarsely. And I will stay as long as you wish.

Silence reigned, and I decided to look away from the figurine of the Egyptian goddess Bast, which adorned the shelf of the decorative fireplace. I saw a man staring at Mary, who for some reason blushed. She no longer seemed impenetrably arrogant and self-confident, which appeared before me. Some pathetic, lost. And in the look there is such longing that it doesn’t even feel right. Only a complete idiot could guess the reason for such behavior. Yes, she is in love with this handsome man! However, I was not surprised. The opposite would be surprising.

- It's not worth it, Masha, - firmly defined lips with a sensual bottom curved into a slight smile. - Believe me, women should not expect anything good from my attention.

I trembled at the tone in which it was said. A chill ran down his back. Something so dangerous wafted from his words that with a vengeance I began to fight the attraction to him. But at least he is honest, unlike Andrei. Immediately warns that it is better not to mess with him. That inside lies a predatory and ruthless beast. At least, that's how I took his words. But Maria reacted completely differently. She leaned across the table and covered the man's hands with hers. Her dark eyes blackened even more, pupils dilated so much.

I would risk...

"I'm not," he said, removing his hands from under hers.

And at that moment, his head turned to me. And my floor was rapidly disappearing from under my feet, and my heart was pounding in my throat. The carefully erected wall crumbled pebble by pebble, and the eyes greedily looked around at the beautiful swarthy face, unable to tear themselves away from it. I heard the irritated voice of Maria, who also noticed my appearance:

- How long have you been standing here?

Despite the hostile tone, I was grateful to her. It sobered at least a little, and I managed to look away from the green whirlpools penetrating the very soul.

“No, I just came,” I croaked, and my own voice made me want to sink through the ground.

“Looks like this is your replacement,” a cold, indifferent voice of a man was heard. And it was also a little sobering.

When I nevertheless decided to look at him, he no longer looked in my direction, lazily studying some document lying in front of him. Weird. I swear I haven't been here before! The old worries returned again, receding a little under a flurry of stormy impressions from the contemplation of the green-eyed handsome man.

“Come in, Irina,” the man commanded without looking at me.

And this one knows my name?! Maybe he also considered all the ins and outs, like Maria? This made it all the more uncomfortable. But I forced myself to take a step, a second, a third. She entered the kitchen and sat down on the stool next to Maria. Oh, in vain ... Now the man was sitting opposite, and it was even more difficult not to look at him.

Has Maria brought you up to speed yet?

- Listen, tell me that this is all a joke! I pleaded. - Witches, portals ... This is ... this is nonsense!

Oh mommies! The green pools of eyes stared at me again, and I began to irrevocably and inexorably sink into them. Sighing convulsively, I closed my eyes. I wonder if he knows what impression he makes? If so, how can you be so calm? Although ... Surely the same bastard as Andrei! He enjoys a pretty appearance and takes everything he wants from life.

“No one is holding you, Irina,” the man replied slightly annoyed. - You can leave right now. True, you will not remember the last hours. Starting from the moment you saw the ad.

But this is very, very tempting! Just forget about this handsome man, one glance of which turns the soul, and about all this absurdity. Then came a bitter realization. I really have nowhere to go. A huge city where I am a stranger to everyone and no one needs me. And where Andrey's people can find me at any moment. There is no doubt that he will not leave me alone. I don’t know how the green-eyed man understood what was going on in my head – he silently pushed the papers towards me. And I automatically took them and tried to study them. It didn’t work out right away, the excitement was so strong. The letters danced before my eyes, not wanting to line up in understandable words. But still managed to read it from the fifth time. And the feeling of absurdity rolled over with a vengeance. It was the strangest contract I have ever seen. The mere name of the parties was worth it. Barely moving my lips, I read aloud:

- “Astarte on behalf of the lord of demons of the third world, the great Abigor, on the one hand, and the witch, named Irina Bardova, on the other hand ...” How do you know my last name? I squeaked in panic. “Is this some kind of demon lord joke?”

Maria chuckled mockingly, then burst out laughing. The green-eyed man interrupted her laughter with a wave of his hand. Then, a little wearily, he said:

– Irina, I have more things to do than you can imagine. Let's quickly finish the formalities. I thought Maria had already initiated you into everything. Yes, you are entering the service of me, and therefore of my master. All you need to do is maintain the portal. Everything. For this, you will be under my personal protection, receive regular payment with the money of your world and live here. If you need anything, just write on a piece of paper, say my name and throw it into the portal.

- What's your name? I stuttered.

He looked eloquently at the contract in my hand.

“Astarte, then,” I whispered. From this name, it was as if a hellish flame breathed into his face. I shuddered involuntarily.

“I don’t advise you to mention him without special need,” he grinned, and I again froze like a complete idiot, his smile made such a strong impression.

Judging by the imperturbable look of the green-eyed man, I did not make much of an impression on him. Although there was nothing strange about it. Such a person, I suppose, that every day, then a new passion! It only takes a finger to beckon. I wonder what kind of women he prefers? Blondes, brunettes? Red? Lord, what am I thinking?! I shook my head, driving away the annoying thoughts, and asked in a hoarse voice:

“So you are a demon?”

He nodded, and I squeezed my eyes shut again, hoping this was some kind of ridiculous, stupid dream. Here I wake up, and it turns out that I'm still on the train. And ahead of a new life, in which I decided not to make the same mistakes. Unfortunately, when I opened my eyes, nothing had changed.

“Listen,” I decided to ask a new question. But I'm not a witch. I don't even have the ability.

Astarte almost groaned in annoyance, then looked pleadingly at Mary. She smiled and said:

“Sometimes abilities sleep. They need a push to open. But you have power, that's for sure. I already told you that if it wasn't, you wouldn't see the ad.

“All right,” I agreed with a sigh and plunged back into reading the contract.

According to its conditions, I was not supposed to move more than two kilometers from the portal, which Maria had already informed me about. It is forbidden to tell anyone about your work and the contract itself. This is followed by punishment. As well as for leaving the designated perimeter. And the punishment... At first I thought it was a joke. Lifetime slavery in the demon third world!

- It's in hell, isn't it? I asked with a slurred tongue.

“Hell and paradise were invented by people,” Astarte said coldly. “But you don’t need to bother yourself with the construction of other worlds. All you have to do is do your job.

Okay, I didn’t really want to bother myself with this ... I’m glad that the contract is only for a year. Then it can either be extended or broken. According to my desire. As far as I understood from a more than strange document, the portal leads to this very third demonic world. From it, entities that have received the permission of Astarte can pass to us. Anyone who has not received permission will not be able to pass. The portal will destroy it. It was comforting. So, there is no need to wait for some illegal demons. None of the neighbors leaving my apartment and entering it will see other entities. They will be temporarily disguised. Also pleases. And then, if there are guards of grannies at the entrance, this will not go unnoticed. They will also take for a woman of easy virtue. It is better not to contact entities. Yes, I didn’t really want to! If something threatens my life, Astarte's protection will work.

If you agree, sign.

The demon handed me something like a golden pen. There was no ink on it, and for some time I looked at the object in confusion.

“Poke your finger with it first,” Astarte explained, wanting to quickly go about his business.

His eyes were full of universal weariness. Hmm, apparently, I made an impression on him as a complete idiot. For some reason, this was depressing, although I understood that there was no logic in this. I should be glad I didn't get his attention. Given my reaction to it, all the promises to myself would have immediately sunk into oblivion. Taking a deep breath and deciding that there was nothing wrong with the contract, I poked my finger. It was not very painful, as if the feather also weakened the discomfort. I carefully scribbled my signature at the bottom of the contract and screamed. The inscription flashed with fire, and the puncture on the finger immediately healed. There was something creepy about it. To calm down, I reminded myself that it was only for a year. I do not intend to violate the contract, I am not going to leave the apartment without special need. It's hard to imagine a better shelter than this. And then ... Then I will go with the money, free as a bird, to all four directions.

Astarte smiled warmly at Maria.

- You are free, Masha.

She looked at him longingly, even tears sparkled in her eyes.

“I will miss you,” the woman admitted.

"Good luck," he said, and didn't look at her again.

Maria trudged to the exit, and I suddenly felt unbearably sorry for her. I can imagine how this handsome man exhausted her soul! How long was she here? Five years? All this time to lick on him, to suffer. And endure polite and condescending treatment. I involuntarily shivered and imagined with horror that the same thing awaits me. Then she clenched her teeth firmly. Oh no! Don't wait! From this day on, I declare a real war on hormones. Before I had time to think about it and call the little scoundrels to order, they jubilantly raised their banners.

Astarte straightened up to his full height, and I almost groaned: “Oh, moms!” His figure is rocking! Even a business suit couldn't hide the beauty of the demon's body. Well, what is it for me?! Or is this fate - to meet on the way those from whom it blows the roof, and then suffer? All this splendor was inexorably approaching me, as if in slow motion. When long, thin fingers cupped my chin, I completely capitulated. And a groan nevertheless escaped from parted lips, swallowing air heavily. I noticed a shadow of displeasure flickering across Astarte's face.

“I just want to put protection on you,” he explained in response to my half-mad look.

The shame was so strong that I managed to beat the impudent hormones with a cast-iron skillet and force me to get out. My cheeks burned with the desire to fall through the ground, and now I looked at the demon far from affectionately. For some reason he smiled, but I did not flinch, which was infinitely glad. But my joy did not last long. Bewitching lips suddenly began to approach my face.

“Oh, mothers…” this time I escaped.

And then a light touch burned his forehead, and a hot wave spread over his body. The place his lips touched was on fire.

"That's all," the demon said affectionately, letting go of my chin. Now you have my stamp on you.

I could only convulsively draw in air, unable to take a full breath. If a kiss on the forehead had such an effect on me, then what would happen if he touched his lips? It's better not to think about it...

“Well, Irina, you can start your duties,” the demon returned to a businesslike tone. - And I have to go.

Taking the contract with him, he moved towards the bedroom. Before I fully realized what I was doing, I trudged along behind him, as if tied. I'm sure there was as much anguish in my eyes as in Maria's as I watched him open the closet door and disappear into the glittering tunnel. The door slammed shut, making me jump. Without realizing what I was doing, I rushed in and flung it open again. Before me appeared the usual small pantry with a bunch of old trash. No glittering portal. But I already understood that all this did not seem to me. And the demon, and the glittering tunnel he entered. And something strange was going on in my heart, which I could not find an explanation for and which frightened me insanely.

As if lost, I wandered around the apartment, where I turned out to be a full-fledged mistress. Mary disappeared as if she had never been there. The wardrobe is empty. And I, in order to calm my soul-disturbing feelings, took my suitcase from the corridor and began to unpack, filling the closet. My eyes fell on a nearby mirror, and I cringed at the sight of my own reflection. My gothic makeup was dripping, my wig was disheveled, and I looked like I just came out of hell. Still a beauty! No wonder Astarte showed no interest in me. Although ... Where did I get that I would show otherwise? I am not pretty in my present form. Still, looking at this scarecrow in the mirror was unpleasant.

I pulled the wig off my head and threw it away in annoyance. Then she went to the bathroom. There, for a long time and with frenzy, she washed off makeup from her face, washed her hair and soaked in a hot, luxurious bath, where two could easily fit. Along with the mud, the monstrous nervous tension that had not let go since the escape also left. There was a calm calmness. Now everything will be all right. I got rid of you, Andrey...

Drying myself off, not at all embarrassed by my own nakedness, I went back to the bedroom. And who is there to be ashamed of? The apartment is now mine, even if only for a year. Thoughtfully combing my damp, ash-brown hair that reached my waist, I looked at my reflection. Slightly above average height, too fragile, which makes me seem younger than I really am. I am already nineteen, and the mirror reflects the same teenage girl who once naively and enthusiastically looked at the world with huge silver-gray eyes.

Joy and pride of parents. Modest, diligent, like a snowdrop, timidly peeking out from under the snow. Andrey liked to compare me with this flower at the beginning of our acquaintance. Brought up in such strictness that until the graduation class she didn’t go to discos and didn’t meet guys. They dragged me to the club only once, convincing me to lie to my parents and say that I would spend the night with a friend. Sometimes I think how life would have turned out if I had then refused Sveta's insistent invitation? But I so wanted to see at least one eye that alluring bright life, which I had been deprived of all this time!

I remembered the frightened girl, all the time trying to straighten the short blue dress, borrowed by Sveta. I was even persuaded to leave my hair loose, and not pull it off, as usual, in an old-fashioned braid. For the first time in my life, I put on makeup. True, I convinced Sveta that I did not want to look too bright. She applied a soft pink gloss to my lips and lightly tinted my eyelashes. But even that seemed unacceptable to me. How I was embarrassed by my appearance! And with what surprise she caught interested glances. No, guys have paid attention to me before. But they were afraid to approach, knowing that I would answer with a categorical “no” to any of their proposals.

Now, with my appearance, I seemed to have made it clear that I was interested in getting to know each other. And it made me want to sink into the ground. I was already seriously thinking about how to run away unnoticed, but Sveta was on the alert and tenaciously held her hand. She led me to her company. I expected mockery and the usual contemptuous glances at the "nerd" and touchy, as they called me at school. But no. The guys were very friendly. I was bombarded with compliments, treated to a cocktail. That was the first time I tried alcohol. I didn't even realize how stupid he was. The cocktail drank so easily that I myself did not notice how I drained the entire glass.

The guy sitting next to me, Vlad from a parallel class, immediately ordered me another one. His admiring, interested look was embarrassing, but the more I drank, the more I was possessed by some kind of reckless gaiety. Soon I was already laughing at his jokes and responding with smiles to compliments. And yet, when the guy's hand seemed to casually fall on my shoulders, I twitched nervously. He did not insist, only whispered softly:

- I liked you for a long time. I'm glad I had the opportunity to get to know each other better.

Catching Svetka's conspiratorial gaze directed at him, I suddenly guessed why I was dragged here. And I didn't like it. Noticing the change in my mood, Vlad ordered a new cocktail and made a toast to me. Everyone was supportive, and I had to drink. This glass was redundant. Everything swam around, and Vladov suddenly became two. With horror, I realized that I had drunk. So how do you get home like this? And I really wanted this! Stop this farce and get out of here as soon as possible. Sveta won't help, she's on Vlad's side.

“I want to leave,” I said in a hollow voice as his lips slid down my temple.

"I'm sorry," he said hoarsely, reluctantly tearing himself away from me. - You're so beautiful…

I? Beautiful? Never thought about it before. And she was far from the standards of beauty. Neither height nor figure resembled a model. Ordinary girl. Not ugly, of course, but not beautiful either. The realization that I was being tritely fooled did not leave me. Does he really think I'm such a fool? Thinks if I haven't dated guys yet, I'll melt at the first compliment?

I forced myself to get up, but then gasped, unable to stand on my feet. There was a friendly laugh.

- Well, you got it, Irish! - came the muffled voice of Light.

And everything swam before my eyes even more. Worst of all, it also made me dizzy. Unaccustomed to alcohol, the body wanted to get rid of the foreign substance as soon as possible.

Probably, something appeared on my face that Svetka jumped up and held her hand in front of him.

- Hey, girlfriend! Yes, you are completely white ... So, let's go for a walk. Vlad, help drag her to the toilet.

Didn't have to repeat. He willingly grabbed me by the waist and helped me up. Sveta walked beside him and scolded him:

- Well, why did you get her so drunk?

“I wanted you to relax a little,” he drawled guiltily. - She was so tight.

- Relaxed, it's called. Her parents will skin me.

Svetka Vlada did not let us go to the toilet with us. Left to guard outside the door. Then I vomited for a long time, and she held my hair back.

- How bad! I moaned.

“Next time, think before you drink so much,” Sveta chuckled. - Oh, my grief!

And for some reason I didn’t take offense at my friend. She suddenly realized that she didn't mean anything bad. Probably, she was worried about me, she wanted everything to be like people have. So that I not only think about studying. And Vlad was considered the first handsome man in our school. Many girls ran after him. But it was unexpected to find out that it turned out that I had attracted him all this time.

Then they washed me, forcing me to wash off my makeup. It became easier. Sveta wiped my face with a paper towel and sighed.

- Do you want to go home?

“Yeah,” was all I could say, looking at myself in the mirror with disgust.

All pale, with eyes somehow abnormal, staggering.

- Okay, I'll tell the guys now that we'll leave. And you wait outside. I'll explain everything to Vlad. Maybe let him guide us?

- No, what are you! I hurriedly waved my hands, almost falling and holding on only thanks to Sveta's quick reaction.

“Ugh…” she said disappointedly. “I was hoping that you would talk to him and that you would like him.

Hearing no answer, she sighed and left the closet. After waiting a few minutes, I stealthily slipped out after him. Neither Vlad nor Sveta was around, and I breathed a sigh of relief. I made my way to the exit, past the people writhing on the dance floor. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit me. The hair was frizzy. I looked around dazedly, not understanding where the wind came from. And then a bewitching voice was heard from behind, from which goosebumps ran through the body:

How nice you smell...

That this is true, I highly doubted. Is this after I just threw up? Yes, and alcohol from me reeked. But still it became interesting to look at this pervert, and I turned around. And then the ground quickly ran away from under his feet. I don't know why. From the amount taken on the chest or from the beauty of the guy. Tall, thin, with regular features and jet-black hair. Amber eyes, expressive and brilliant, looked in such a way that my breath caught. Compared to this guy, our first handsome Vlad seemed faded and inconspicuous.

“I’m Andrey,” he said quietly, continuing to stare at me.

And I, as if hypnotized, also looked at him and forgot about where I, in fact, was going.

“Irina,” I barely managed to squeeze out.

He smiled, and I realized that I was melting. Perhaps this is what is called love at first sight.

- Do you want to get out of here? - Andrei extended his hand, and I did not even doubt my decision.

The next day, Svetka scolded me for a long time and could not understand where I had gone. I stupidly smiled back and soared in the clouds.

Andrei and I then walked around the city all night. The alcohol quickly wore off from me in the open air, but I continued to feel drunk. This time from the presence of the most amazing man in the world. At least that's what I thought then. I was not embarrassed that he was ten years older than me and that my parents would not be delighted with this. Everything has lost its meaning...

I was torn from my memories by a mocking male voice:

“Old Astarte introduced a new uniform for the Guardians?” I approve!

Squealing, I only now realized that I was standing completely naked, and a demonic entity could come out of the portal at any moment. Which, in fact, happened.

Without even looking at the owner of the impudent voice, I rushed to the bed, grabbed the bedspread and wrapped it up to my neck. Only then, burning with shame, did she venture to look at the unexpected visitor. At the open closet door, behind which the portal shone, stood a tall, slender man in a tight-fitting white suit. The fabric is strange, reminiscent of snake skin. The waist was intercepted by a gilded belt with a sapphire plaque. A medallion of the same type hung on the chest, forming a single ensemble with the belt. High boots tightly fitted the legs almost to the hips.

As soon as I looked into the face of a stranger, my breath caught again. Is everyone in that demon world like that?! In this case, a fun year is definitely guaranteed for me! This one is even more beautiful than Astarte. True, only in terms of cuteness. I liked my boss a lot more anyway. I admired this as a piece of art, nothing more. And yet she couldn't take her eyes off the perfectly regular face with softly defined lips and straight nose, bright blue eyes and blond long hair reaching to the shoulder blades. With difficulty, I forced myself to stop staring at him. Remembering that according to the terms of the contract, it is better not to make contact with the entities, I said:

“Actually, I'm not supposed to talk to you.

The stranger's sharp thin eyebrow rose, giving his face a sly and even more attractive look.

"But you're talking," he drawled pointedly. And for some reason this tone alarmed me. “That means you deserve punishment.”

I frantically recalled the details of the contract in order to understand whether there was a punishment for such an offense. Realized that it wasn't. This was preferred, but not the rule. The blonde seems to have decided that since I'm new, you can make fun of me. The angelic man slowly approached, stalking like a wild animal. And it was hard not to admire the grace of his movements. He stood a step away from me when I resolutely extended my hand forward, the second continuing to convulsively squeeze the coverlet.

“There is no punishment for this!” So just go your own way.

The man cocked his head slightly to one side, but still stopped, lazily looking me up and down.

"You don't look like a witch." And for some reason I don’t feel the strength in you, ”he said in a velvety voice. Lips stretched into a predatory smile.

That's what he noticed! The unsettling thought came to me that this was indeed a monstrous mistake. And I will soon be driven from this work with a filthy broom.

“But Astarte is never wrong,” the blond said, straightening his head. “Has he already put protection on you?”

The question alarmed me so much that even my throat was dry. Oh, how I did not like the look of the blond demon! In the blue eyes, golden flashes also flickered. I wonder what would have happened if the boss had not put this very protection?

“You’re cute,” the man said, taking a sliding step towards me.

He was so close that I could feel the heat emanating from his body. From this, weakness rolled in, and his legs began to give way. However, the blonde immediately grabbed me by the waist and pulled me to him.

“Do you want to feel the real kiss of a demon?” He sighed, bringing his lips close to mine.

Everything swam before my eyes. A sweet languor spread through the body, thoughts raced feverishly in my head. As if one part of me was unbearably longing for this very demonic kiss, and the other wanted to run away from him like the plague.

“There is still protection,” the demon purred, lightly running his tongue over my bottom lip. Otherwise I could read your mind.

I shuddered, as if waking up, and the strange spellcasting state subsided. I tried to push the blond, but it was not there. His arms felt like steel chains despite his frail build.

“Don’t kick, witch. I will let you go when I want. I want to understand what kind of ability you have inside. It's strange that I don't feel your power at all...

So he's only interested in my abilities? I relaxed a little. Still, the demon's gaze was unsettling. Even though he no longer touches his lips, that's fine. I wouldn't say it was bad though. But still, the trembling went through. I clearly understood that my main feeling for this creature was fear. Unaccountable, deep. Judging by the blonde's face, he didn't find what he was looking for. He looked more and more puzzled.

- You are human. Ready to swear. A common person.

And then something strange happened. It felt like a warm wave was rushing into my body. It spread delightful sensations, especially in the lower abdomen. A soft moan escaped my lips, my eyes blurred. Some part of me knew it was all wrong. It's like I'm being manipulated against my will. I was breathing heavily and, if the tenacious hands had not continued to hold, I would have fallen a long time ago. And then sensual lips closed on mine and began to carefully explore. At first, the movements were light, but the kiss deepened with every second, became more and more passionate. Heck! The languor that took possession of my immobilized body became unbearable. Hands rose up and wrapped around the demon's neck. I didn't care if it was real or not. But at some point, I felt like something was coming out of me into the blond's mouth. Almost unconscious, ghostly. And the whole body is filled with weakness, intertwined with pleasure. Distractedly, I thought that I was drinking something. Energy or even life. But I couldn't do anything about it, and for some reason I didn't want to. As if blocked all instincts. And then my forehead began to burn. In the place where Astarte's lips touched today.

At the same moment, there was a sharp bang of the pantry door swinging open. The familiar figure of a red-haired demon appeared in the bursts of the radiant white flame of the portal. Looking sideways, I noticed that instead of the clothes of our world, he was wearing the same robe as the blond one. Only black. The medallion and belt are golden, adorned with rubies.

- Zepar! came a menacing growl.

The blond immediately released me and stepped back a few steps, a mocking smile on his face.

“Sorry, I couldn’t resist. You've left too much tidbit here. Such a sweet girl. Just the way I like it.

- Do you like to piss me off? Astarte growled.

- You know. Adore! The blond grinned.

“One more trick like that and you’ll regret it,” the demon said more calmly, but there was something in his tone that made even my skin go cold. The blond stopped smiling.

- Okay, okay, I'm leaving. So long, cutie, - finally throwing this mocking phrase at me, the blonde before my eyes turned out to be in a biker outfit and moved towards the exit.

I stared after him in a daze for a while, then turned my gaze to Astarte. For some reason it wasn't scary in his presence. On the contrary, there was a feeling of inexplicable security. And disturbed again raging hormones. The most terrible thing is that this demon didn’t even have to do anything for such a reaction of mine.

I shuddered under Astarte's intense, heavy gaze. He looked at me as if seeing me for the first time. Then it dawned on me that he might be confused by my masquerade. The demon moved slowly towards me, stopped three paces away, and crossed its arms over its chest. He frowned slightly.

“You look different,” he finally said. - At first I even thought that Zepar brought another girl here.

I was offended by the girl and even pursed my lips indignantly.

- Do I look like a whore? - I could not stand it.

Let him be a demon and all such a mega-cool, but what right does he have to insult me? Then I realized that I was standing in front of him completely naked, and the veil had fallen at the moment when I put my hands behind the blond's neck. How could I not notice this?! Damn, these demons are just crazy! Letting out a heart-rending cry, I picked up the orphanly lying coverlet from the floor and immediately wrapped myself up. If Astarte felt funny, he did not show it. He continued to look at me thoughtfully.

“On the contrary,” he deigned to reply. - Why are you like this? Did he manage to do something?

Now the paint flooded the neck and shoulders. I didn't know where to put my eyes, so I stared at the floor.

“No,” I squeaked half-strangled. - I just took a bath. Then she left. And here he...

“Be prepared for the fact that there will often be visitors here. Next time, don't walk around like this.

Is he mad at me? But why? I'm still new. Let's at least make a discount on it.

“Though Guardian Witches are usually left untouched,” he added softly. “I don't think this will happen again. And I warned Zepar.

– Who is he, this Zepar? I dared to ask, sighing with relief that he was no longer angry.

For some reason, my question again irritated Astarte.

I thought so myself, but the demon's reaction surprised me. And I ventured to take my eyes off his red boots and look into his face. It would be better not to do this. Her heart immediately sank down, and her stomach ached from the surging sensations. Where is Zeparu with his charms! I again drowned in emerald eyes and melted from the golden fire blazing in them. Strangely, Astarte looked away first. Not deeming it necessary to waste time saying goodbye, he disappeared into the portal. I sank helplessly onto the bed, and then leaned back. She looked at the ceiling for a long time and tried to calm down. Well, why should I think that everything is getting better and I can live quietly and calmly, fate throws out such tricks? And after all, she promised herself not to mess with handsome men anymore! So no, one by one they reappear in my path. They also turn out to be demons. Although sometimes such monsters hide under the human guise, it’s just right to run away from them to the ends of the world!

I sighed, remembering my life next to Andrei. At first, he was perfectly able to lead everyone by the nose. From me to my parents. He charmed even my stern dad, who wouldn’t let other guys get close to me with a cannon shot. With Andrey, they let me go for a walk without any fear. He invariably brought me home at the time indicated by my father, did not allow himself any encroachments. Gave flowers and gifts. And immediately after graduation, he proposed. There was a gorgeous wedding, for which Andrei also paid. I was envied by all the girls I knew, even Sveta. She constantly repeated that I owe my happiness to her. Like, if she had not persuaded me to go to the club that evening, I would not have met Andrey. And he was far from the last person in our city. His business flourished. Later I found out that he was also connected with crime. Andrei held many in his fist. But then I didn’t even want to think about where he got so much money from and how he got it.

The first time Andrei hit me was on our honeymoon when he took me to Paris. For the fact that a guest of the hotel where we stayed was staring at me with interest. And I supposedly smiled at him. In fact, I just looked in that direction. As soon as we went up to the room that evening, Andrei slapped me in the face. In response to my bewildered and offended look, he made this ridiculous accusation. Then he begged for forgiveness for a long time, kissed and drove to a frenzy with caresses. And he knew how to do it so that you forget about everything! And I forgave. True, after a long time she cried into the pillow, quietly and silently, trying not to notice him.

And then it happened more and more often. And it became harder and harder to forgive. Once I tried to leave him, but I realized that he would never let go. Locked up and assigned two muzzle turners to guard. And when, with sobs, I told my father about everything on the phone, begging to pick me up, I heard the answer that I least expected:

- He is your husband. And I got to know him well. If it really hurts, then you deserve it. But I think you're exaggerating. All women are prone to this.

And I no longer dared to ask for help from my parents. I didn’t understand one thing: how did he manage to charm everyone so much? Andrey's monstrous hypocrisy was astounding. In public, he seemed like a real angel. Polite, helpful, able to find an approach to any person. And at home he turned into a beast. He took a perverse pleasure in subjugating me. If I was submissive, I didn't beat. But it was worth at least a glance to show dissatisfaction, as he began to teach. He said that he would never let go, that I belonged only to him. And I understood that sooner or later, in another fit of jealousy, he would simply beat me to death.

Everything changed by a chance meeting with Sveta. We bumped into a clothing store, one of the places I was still allowed to go out. These three years we almost did not communicate with her. Andrey wanted my whole world to be focused on him, and forced me to break off relations with everyone. Sveta did not suspect what was the reason for such cooling on my part. So our meeting was awkward. And then I broke down and burst into tears in front of her eyes. She took me aside, and right there in the store, choking with tears, I told her everything. About how unbearable was my outwardly beautiful life, which everyone envied.

“You need to run away from him,” Sveta said after listening to everything.

- With pleasure. But how?! He controls all my expenses.

“I have some savings,” the friend said without hesitation.

We had a long discussion about possible rescue plans. More than once we met furtively, either in a beauty salon or in stores. Little by little we came up with a real plan. I gradually handed over to Sveta the things that I decided to take with me. She bought a suitcase, where we put it all, and left it in the storage room. Bought a wig, a creepy goth dress, and matching makeup. One day, a blonde with sad eyes and a minimum of makeup entered a clothing store in the fitting room. And a non-formal brunette came out, in which it was impossible to recognize the former me. Sveta saw me off at the station, wiping away her tears and wishing me a happy new life. Probably, only in such situations you understand what true friendship is. Leaving my native Luzhinsk, I regretted only one thing - that I would hardly ever see this kind and sincere person again.

When the pantry door swung open again, letting in another visitor from the demon world, I was dressed in jeans and a loose T-shirt, watching TV in the living room. A woman passing by did not even pay attention to me, as if no one was there. I breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Astarte did not lie. Nobody touches me anymore. Yes, and Zepar's attack is just an unfortunate, out of the ordinary situation. I'll get used to everything soon.

Humming softly, I prepared dinner for myself from the food in the fridge. Then, while eating vegetable stew, I caught myself smiling. For the first time in a long time. Carefree and joyful. Lazily noticed that the front door slammed again. Someone returned to go home through the portal. I didn't even have to open the door for them. Somehow they got through. Looks like the castle was magical.

When the familiar blond figure appeared in the doorway, the smile still played on my face.

"Good to see me, honey?" Zepar grinned.

The corners of my lips immediately crawled down, and I instinctively tensed.

- Tasty? he purred as he approached me. - Will you treat?

“I didn’t think the demons liked our food,” I muttered.

After I made sure that Astarte's protection protects from any danger, the blond no longer frightened me so much. But still, I instinctively feared him.

“Nothing human is alien to demons,” he grinned, unceremoniously sitting down on the stool next to me. He also moved closer, so that our bodies touched.

I involuntarily recoiled.

– Are you afraid? he breathed into my ear.

“I think the boss told you not to come near me.

"No," the blond's smile grew even wider. - He said: "One more such trick - and you will regret it." Such there will be no more outbursts.

Outraged, I could not find what to answer. She gasped for air, unable to find the right words. And the demon suddenly caught my lips with his and clung to them again. A convulsive cry drowned in his kiss. Luckily, he didn't use the spell again, and I could resist. With an incredible effort, they managed to push the impudent away. I jumped to my feet, knocking over the stool, and rushed to the bedroom. I don't know what I was going to do there. Maybe shout through the portal and call Astarte. And why doesn't he show up? Or has his defense failed?

Standing in front of the open door of an ordinary pantry, without any tunnels to another world, I peered there with annoyance. Behind me, I heard the quiet laughter of Zepar, who appeared after me.

“You can’t even activate the portal yourself!” I was right though. You don't have witch powers.

I turned abruptly and crossed my arms over my chest, trying to express everything I felt with my eyes.

"Don't you dare touch me!" I blurted out indignantly.

- What if I like it? He smiled as he slowly walked towards me.

His gait now resembled that of a cat like never before. Smooth mesmerizing movements. The biker's clothes were turning back into what I had seen on him before.

"You are so funny...

“Don’t come near…” I whispered, feeling the fear overwhelm me more and more.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me, baby,” he said, ignoring my request, being very close.

Then with a sharp movement he pulled me to him and pressed me against the wall. Bringing my arms over my head and holding them with one hand, he slowly stroked my other cheek.

"Did I scare you that much?" he breathed into my ear, sending goosebumps all over my skin.

Do you think I'm completely stupid? I squeaked. “You drank energy from me. Or life ... I don’t know what, but they definitely didn’t do anything good.

There was a low laugh.

- I just tried it ... And you are very tasty ... So fresh, clean ... But now I want something completely different.

Realizing what he meant, I rushed, trying to free myself from the grip of his hands. In vain. This only caused a new mocking laughter. Where is Astarte?! Why doesn't he appear to punish the one who most outrageously ignored his order? Or does the protection only work when my life is in danger or I am physically harmed? And what the preoccupied demon is going to do with me is not considered harm ?! The thought darkened my eyes and I opened my mouth to scream. Zepar immediately covered my lips with his, crushing resistance with a greedy kiss. And then I pretended to submit. Pretense, tested more than once on Andrey, came in handy at the right time. Stopping twitching, I carefully returned the kiss. Immediately I felt the grip loosen, and my hands were allowed to slide out. He probably expected me to hug him. But I pushed him in the chest with all my might, and with my leg, bent at the knee, charged him in the place that showed excessive activity. The demon gasped and released me. It only took him a few seconds to come to his senses. Where are our men before him. But this time was enough for me to scream desperately, throwing open the closet door:

- Astarte! Astarte, help!

I felt like an idiot at the same time, looking at old newspapers and other garbage collected here. Behind me, there were curses in a language I did not know. One could guess from the tone that it was a curse. Fortunately, the demon didn't try to grab me again. And a few seconds later, instead of a pantry, a portal flashed in front of me. From it came my red-haired boss with a gloomy and gloomy face. There seemed to be concern in his eyes. And it made my heart feel warmer. I threw myself on his neck, as if I were my own person. She even allowed herself to draw sobs on her shoulder, although there were no tears. But it was so nice to cling to his muscular chest, smelling of something inexpressibly pleasant. Probably demonic spirits. Astarte froze for a moment, but then barely noticeably pressed me to him.

- Everything is fine? he asked dully. - What's happened? Why did you call me?

Then his gaze, apparently, found Zepar pretending to be a tree, and he fell silent. And this scoundrel, instead of making excuses, mockingly said:

- Wow, you yourself are not averse to doing a little witch! Or just a human. Haven't figured it out yet. Does Lilith know?

Astarte growled in his gut, even I was scared. Although I understood that his rage was directed at the blond. The demon abruptly released me from his hands, almost tossed me aside.

This woman is under my command. Nothing else binds us. And hold your filthy tongue!

“If so, why are you against me having a little fun?” Zepar grinned. “Don’t worry, I won’t drain your witch.” I'll just have fun.

“You are allowed to hunt in the mortal world as much as you want,” Astarte said in a growling voice. - Have fun there. Leave my employees alone.

“But what if I want to have fun with her?” – insinuating tone said blond, narrowing his eyes. - Is it worth spoiling relations with me, Astarte? For some human?

I liked the conversation of the demons less and less. I was starting to get nervous. Involuntarily stepping back into the corner of the room, I watched the two men with rounded eyes, piercing each other with hateful looks. With horror, I realized that my desires were not taken into account. For one, I am a property that he cares about. And prestige does not allow him to give me to the impudent blond. And the second wants to annoy the other. I think that's why he put on the whole show. I already regretted that I had imprudently signed this contract. Maybe run away before it's too late? What if the punishment doesn't work? Naive... After all that I've seen, it's foolish to hope for it. I slowly slid down the wall, clasped my knees with my hands, buried my face in them and burst into tears from my own helplessness.

Suddenly, I realized that the furious altercation had stopped. Raising my head, I saw that both demons were looking at me in confusion. Zepar slightly raised an eyebrow and muttered:

- Okay, you're right. We argue over all sorts of nonsense. Like there's nothing else to do. See you soon, Astarte.

Of course, I was offended by the “trifle”, but I did not inflate this feeling. I breathed a sigh of relief as the blond, giving me one last thoughtful look, stepped through the portal and disappeared. Astarte continued to stand, and the expression on his face was difficult to decipher. But for some reason, everything inside was shrinking. And not out of fear.

Who is this Zepar? I broke the increasingly awkward silence. Is he more powerful than you in your hierarchy?

I thought he would either get angry or ignore me. But Astarte answered, turning to the window and looking at the city drowning in twilight:

“We are on an equal footing with him. Both occupy important positions in the court of the sovereign.

- And what posts? – rejoicing at his unexpected frankness, I inquired. For some reason I didn't want him to leave. I hoped that the conversation would delay him at least for a while.

“He is the archdemon steward, I am the archdemon guardian.

The word "archdemon" made an impression. Intuitively, I understood that they were probably more important than ordinary demons. But what was included in the duties of the manager and the guard, it was difficult to understand. Which I didn't hesitate to say.

I shrugged, even though he wouldn't see it.

“Not that… Just curious to know more about you…” I immediately realized that I was wrong and bit my lip.

Late. The demon, or rather, the archdemon, turned sharply. His eyes sparkled so that I was thrown into a fever.

"Don't be," he snapped. - And I have to go.

I watched longingly as he made his way to the pantry, and I so wished he would stop and turn around. As if sensing my desire, he paused at the very door. He turned around and glared at me.

“I'll talk to Zepar. But if he tries to attack you again, call right away.

“Good, good,” I said, unable to take my eyes off him.

He exhaled heavily and turned away sharply. He entered the sparkling tunnel and soon disappeared into it. I felt a chill engulf my body and I shivered. What is happening to me? Today I saw this man for the first time in my life. Why such strange sensations? The reluctance to part with him, this insane craving. God forbid fall in love again! I doubt this will end well. He's not even human. A demon for whom I am just a pawn, temporarily occupying a place on the chessboard. And yet a foolish heart rioted at the mere thought of him. And that made it really scary...

In the morning I decided to unwind a little, remembering that it was still allowed to leave the apartment. Even if the distance is no more than two kilometers. Having dressed in a light sundress, suitable for the closeness prevailing on the street, I left the apartment. Once again I was convinced that my house is in a very convenient place. Within the allowed space, there are many shops and even a small square. Having explored the entire territory, out of curiosity, I went a little further. Immediately, his head exploded in pain. There was a feeling as if I was attached to something by an invisible thread and now it is strongly stretched. So here's how it works! I hurried back a couple of steps, and the unpleasant sensation stopped.

After shopping at a nearby grocery store, I returned to my apartment and decided to treat myself to an apple pie. Still, housewarming must be celebrated, even in splendid isolation. The appetizing smell of a fresh pie soon spread through the kitchen, and he himself proudly towered on the table. Before I could cut off a piece, I heard footsteps from the bedroom. Another guest from another world has arrived. Deciding to ignore him, I poured myself some tea and settled down at the table. The hand with the knife hovering over the pie froze as soon as I saw Astarte appear on the threshold of the kitchen. Immediately the whole world ceased to exist. Like an idiot in love, I stared at him with my mouth open and couldn't get a word out. Even the banal "good afternoon."

How are you feeling, Irina? the demon asked, keeping a straight face.

“I-everything is good,” I stammered.

- Fine. I spoke with Zepar yesterday. I hope he doesn't bother you again.

He had already turned around to go about his business when I blurted out:

- Do you want a pie?

I thought that he would ignore it, but the demon abruptly turned around. A slight smile appeared on his face.

- Did you prepare it yourself?

I nodded, mesmerized by the play of light in his amazing cat eyes. I woke up only when he softly said:

Well, I have ten minutes. I will gladly take advantage of your offer.

I jumped up and rushed to pour tea for him. Then, with trembling hands, she cut off the cake and put it on a plate. Moved towards him. I winced as his hand gently covered mine. It felt like something exploded inside. Hormones again declared war on the mind. Unable to move, I looked, spellbound, into the beautiful face turned towards me and felt that I was falling into the abyss.

“You are trembling, Irina,” he said in a barely audible voice. - Why? Are you afraid of me?

My cheeks flushed. His assumption is very far from the truth. It is not clear why, but I was not afraid of him. Although there were more than enough reasons. He is a powerful demon, for sure, like Zepar, feeding on human energy. But for some reason, fear was the last thing I felt when I was around him. I was thinking about something completely different...

“No, I’m not afraid…” I breathed hoarsely.

I don’t know what he saw on my face, but he removed his hand. And I, on stiff legs, proceeded to my chair. She sank down on him and froze, unable to take her eyes off Astarte. He slowly took a bite of a piece of cake and smiled.

- Delicious.

“Thank you…” I was very pleased. So much so that a stupid smile crept onto his face. - Mom thinks that a woman should be able to cook. Otherwise, it is difficult to consider it complete.

“Apparently, your mother has conservative views on life,” Astarte remarked, taking a sip from his cup.

I winced involuntarily. Until now, it was painful from the involuntary betrayal of the parents. Instead of supporting me, they left me to my own fate. I did not stop loving them, but the former warmth was gone. Not wanting to think about them anymore, I turned the conversation to another topic:

- Tell me, why do portals need to be tied to witches? Wouldn't it be more convenient to create them wherever you want?

“More convenient, of course,” he said thoughtfully, stirring his tea with a spoon. - They used to do that. But from this there are holes in the world matter. When the whole danger of this was understood, they decided to reduce the harm. Create portals in convenient places for this. Binding allows you to extinguish harm through the use of the witch's energy. Gradually everyone got used to it. And only higher demons or archmages can create portals. And many people have to travel the worlds. So think of it as a kind of traffic fork.

Why do demons visit our world? I asked.

I thought he wouldn't answer. I shouldn't have known such things. Therefore, she was very surprised when Astarte nevertheless spoke:

- In order for our life to last almost forever, we need special nutrition.

– Human energy? I guessed.

- Not necessarily people. Other creatures come along as well. But using them for these purposes is prohibited by law. People…” He trailed off, not daring to continue.

“You think we are inferior,” I suggested, and felt offended.

He didn't answer, and I realized that it was.

“We still control the degree of use of energy resources,” he continued after a pause. “A normal demon can only eat like this twice a year.

What about Zepar? As far as I understand, this does not apply to him.

Astarte grimaced slightly when I mentioned the blond one.

- He's an archdemon. Approached both to our master and to the supreme. Zepar on special rights.

There is injustice everywhere!

I barely contained a chuckle. It turns out that I also have special rights? For some reason it didn't make me happy. Especially since even Astarte couldn't stop Zepar from hitting on me. He simply ignored his demand.

Why then did he do it?

“Played with you,” the demon snapped harshly. - He likes it.

“I thought that your protection would not allow me to be influenced,” I said.

- On such specific abilities as Zepar, protection, unfortunately, does not work. Now, if he tried to get into your thoughts or apply suggestion, then he would not succeed.

“So you don’t have those abilities?” For some reason, I felt relieved at the thought. I did not want Astarte to turn out to be the same as that blond impudent one. Although the red-haired one did not need such abilities. At the sight of him, everything burned inside me.

“Usually, succubi and incubi have the ability to arouse passion in the opposite sex. However, special security amulets can protect against their impact. Demons and arch-demons have this gift less often, but it is much more difficult to defend against it.

Remembering how everything inside melted from the desire for Zepar's touch, I shivered. Hearing that it was almost impossible to defend against this was not very comforting.

“It is characteristic that among the demons such a gift wakes up only in women,” Astarte grinned. “Zepar is one of a kind. Mystery of nature. And he takes full advantage of it.

- I don't even doubt it. He's a bastard," I muttered under my breath.

But Astarte heard and burst out laughing.

- I agree ... But I have to go. In addition to the fact that we penetrate into this world to meet special needs, we also keep order. Some entities enter here through illegal portals and do not want to obey the general rules. My department, among other things, is looking for them and returning them back.

And he got up with apparent reluctance.

- Thanks for the pie.

The sound of his roaring voice sent a warm wave through my body. And I was speechless again. How I didn't want him to leave! I was pleased to even just look at him, listen to his voice. Whatever he had to say, I could listen to for hours.

Coming out of the kitchen, Astarte suddenly turned around. I almost melted into a puddle from the thoughtful look thrown at me, as if caressing. Damn, does he like me too? This thought seemed too incredible to be true. And I hastily pushed her away. Moreover, the demon had already turned away, and soon the front door slammed shut behind him.

I furiously slapped my cheeks, reminding me that getting involved with handsome men is fraught. And with men in general. It hurts too much after that.

Well, at least Zepar did not appear that day. I certainly wouldn't be happy with him. Doing cleaning and other simple things, I caught myself waiting for the return of Astarte. For some reason, she even worried about him. Suddenly today he will face some especially dangerous fugitive criminal demon. Although it was hard to imagine someone who could compete with my boss. And yet, when a familiar tall figure appeared in the apartment, I could not hold back a sigh of relief. He smiled at me as he walked towards the portal, and I smiled happily in return. How nice it is from just one of his smiles! I want to fly on wings.

The next morning I decided to take a walk in the park, which I liked yesterday. There were few people here, and the sun was warm at half strength. So walking along the paths in the shade of branchy green trees was a real pleasure. I felt myself moving further and further away from the nightmare that my life in my hometown had become. Here, nothing reminded either of Andrei or of the past, and this had a healing effect.

Seated on a bench under the shade of a large old oak tree, I leaned back and closed my eyes, exposing my face to the sun's rays. A pleasant warmth spread through the body. I listened to the trills of birds, the soft talk of people walking nearby, the laughter of children. I felt absolute peace and tranquility. The sudden contrast seemed all the more monstrous. A chill ran down her back for no reason, and the hairs on the back of her head stirred. And there was an annoying and intent feeling of someone's evil gaze. I quickly opened my eyes and looked around. I did not notice anything suspicious, but the feeling did not let go. In an instant, the bright morning lost its charm, the sky seemed to darken. The oppressive threat was closing in from all sides, and I could not understand where it had come from. Previously, this happened only in the presence of Andrei. But he couldn't find me! Yes, and it's not here. I kept looking around, my palms sticky with sweat. I wanted to get away from here as soon as possible. In the saving comfort of the apartment, behind the magic door, where hardly anything could threaten me.

I quickly stood up and immediately cried out from a mocking voice behind me:

- Already leaving?

Feeling simultaneously relieved and indignant, I abruptly turned around and gave Zepar a displeased look. The demon stood leaning against a tree behind a bench and stared straight at me. This time he was wearing jeans and a light-colored T-shirt, emphasizing his magnificent figure. Blond hair tied in a ponytail. Needless to say, he looked amazing. But now, when I found out in what ways he usually achieves his goals, this man aroused in me only hostility.

“Yes, I’m leaving,” I said, and turned around to go to the house.

- Do you have any hurry? The voice came from behind again. - I suggest something more interesting.

- And what? – sarcastically inquired I, turning to him again.

- Keep me company. Zepar smiled charmingly, his blue eyes twinkling.

This time, his beauty caused only one desire - to stay away. I realized that Zepar belongs to the same type of man as my husband - a dangerous bastard who uses his attractiveness without a twinge of conscience. Cruel and ruthless bastard!

- No thanks. I have no desire to walk in your company.

The demon's smile dimmed somewhat, his eyes narrowed.

"I'm sorry I can't get you to be more accommodating."

- Listen! - I could not stand it. - Can't you communicate with women in normal ways? Like not a freak. Why use these abilities of yours?

- Astarte told? Zepar grinned. “Although I’m more interested in something else now. Do you find me attractive?

“I just said you weren’t ugly,” I teased.

Knowing that in a crowded place he was unlikely to attack, I felt much more confident.

“Daring little man,” he muttered. “I wish I could teach you how to deal with those much taller than you.

- Teach someone else. I'm fine as it is.

With these words, I headed towards the house. I decided that I would no longer pay attention to this impudent type. No footsteps were heard behind me. Apparently, yesterday Astarte was very persuasive in a conversation with him. And yet, the fact that the blond was following me worried me a lot. What does he want from me? With his appearance and abilities, any girl will go crazy with joy, he just needs to look. And he's following me. Or the proverb about the forbidden fruit justifies itself again? Most likely, it is, but it is not encouraging.

Relieved, I closed the door behind me and sat on the couch, deciding what to do next. Before I had time to reach for the remote control from the TV, my shoulders were covered with someone's hot hands.

- You're right. Walking wasn't such a good idea, Zepar purred in my ear. - It's much more convenient.

Heck! I twitched, freeing myself from the grip. And how did he manage to sneak up like that? I didn't even hear the door slam. This is where I got cold. She remembered that if the demons wanted to, they could hide behind magical protection. And no one will see them. This bastard just followed me all this time, and I didn’t even notice!

“Listen, leave me alone! I protested, turning around.

He stood behind the sofa, looking at me with a mocking smile.

- When you get angry, you have such a funny face! I need to piss you off more.

I choked on my words, trying to say what I thought of him. Then a sensible thought knocked on my head - it’s not worth angering the reptile. You can expect anything from him. So I said coldly:

“I thought Astarte talked to you.

“I talked,” Zepar did not deny, walking around the sofa and arrogantly settling next to me. Then he pulled me up to him and in a businesslike way hugged my waist. This time it was not possible to escape, and I, seething with indignation, could only drill him with a hating look.

"Then why are you following me?"

"I don't know," he blurted out suddenly.

It was hard to tell if he was serious or mocking again. Zepar gently tugged a curl of my hair out of my high ponytail behind my ear.

Chapter 1

I fell asleep with a smile on my lips, feeling that for the first time in my life I was truly happy. She inhaled the scent of her beloved man, felt the taste of his skin, to which she pressed her lips. I wanted to fall asleep every night and wake up next to my beautiful demon in the morning. And I consoled myself with sweet dreams that someday it would be so. Even in a dream, I felt how tightly and securely his arms were sheltering from the whole world. And in the morning, how I didn’t want to open my eyes and realize that the fairy tale was over!

I groaned in protest, not wanting to emerge from the languid bliss of sleep, where I dreamed of something bright and inexpressibly pleasant.

I understand that it's early... But you need to quietly deliver you to the Academy... - insisted the most charming voice in the world.

And I reluctantly opened my eyelids, caught Astarte's gentle smile and the warm look of emerald eyes, in which golden highlights got lost. She smiled back and reached out her hand, brushing her cheek to make sure he was real. Just a few seconds and the spell of last night was finally dispelled. I understood that Astarte simply would not allow a return to this. As promised, he gave me only one night. His heart sank painfully, and several tears rolled out of his eyes one after another.

Don't you love enough to take the risk? I said softly, pulling away and sitting up in bed. - I understand everything ... Yes, and where did you get that you love? Just a passion that you have already quenched. I understand everything ... I'll get dressed now.

Astarte abruptly grabbed his shoulder and dragged him back to the bed, knocking him over on his back. He loomed overhead, staring with a mixture of fury and pain.

Do not you understand?

Just understand, - with difficulty holding back a new stream of tears, I blurted out. “I was told that demons rarely have deep feelings for someone. You already loved so much that you didn't care at all. To the threat from Lilith. Then the risk seemed justified to you, right?

What are you talking about? - his eyebrows moved to the bridge of his nose.

About your dead wife,” I snapped. - A beautiful elven princess. I think her name was Talissia.

Someone's tongue is too long, - grumbled Astarte, and I immediately rushed to protect the butler Hayden.

No, it's just that someone isn't hiding the truth from me.

What truth?

Astarte released me and stretched out beside me on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. I turned my head towards him, admiring the perfect profile, and said bitterly:

That you loved so much that after her death you forbade yourself to love at all. You still keep her room the same, as if she is alive and will someday return.

Ira, when I married Talissia, I did not yet know that Lilith would stop at nothing.

So be it ... - it became doubly painful from the fact that he did not even object to how much he still loves her. - But she continues to be the only woman for you that you truly loved ... I'm sorry, - she herself was ashamed of these accusations. What right do I have to nominate them? Astarte never promised me anything. I was the one who got him into bed last night, not him me. It's time to accept that I'm just another girl in his life, warming the bed one night.

She got up from the bed, took out the uniform of the student of the Academy of Arcane Knowledge from the belt and began to dress. When I glanced at Astarte, I saw that he was watching me, lying on his side and leaning on his elbow. There was a strange pained look in his eyes. I was already fully dressed and now combing my hair frantically, standing in front of a full-length mirror. Then I heard the low voice of my archdemon:

I could not dissuade you in the opinion that has already developed. That would be easier.

For whom? I turned to him, holding the comb in my hand.

For you.

Believe me, I will prefer the most bitter truth, and not constant doubts, - I objected and bit my lip, feeling my heart skip a beat at the mere sight of him. - Tell me about her. If I mean anything to you...

Blackmailer,” he chuckled mirthlessly, and I smiled back weakly.

It's just that it's really important to me...

Astarte got up and dressed quickly, avoiding looking at me. I could not take my eyes off his magnificent body, again returning to tonight, when it merged with mine into a single whole. Dark hair with a red tint shimmered in the light of the first rays of sunlight breaking through the partly open curtain. Already fully dressed, he went to the window and fixed his eyes on the awakening world. He spoke distantly and calmly, as if holding back the slightest glimpse of emotions with all his might. I sat down in one of the chairs, tucking my legs under me, and began to listen.

Thalissia was my attempt to free myself from Lilith. She seemed completely different. Gentle, sincere, pure. Even outwardly, the complete opposite of the damned demoness. She's also beautiful, but in a different way. In the company of Talissia, I rested my soul. With her childish spontaneity, she made all problems seem insignificant. It was worth seeing her smile, all bitter thoughts disappeared ... I hoped that if I marry her, Lilith will finally understand that there will be no return to the past. He will stop chasing him with his manic obsession, leave him alone ... How naive I was, - bitterness was heard in his voice. - My fatal mistake was to tell her that I love Talissia. I love so much that I can no longer look at any woman. A naive attempt to provoke resentment and hatred that could save Lilith from loving me. I thought it would be better to hate than to love. Three months after the wedding, I was sure that I had achieved what I wanted. I worked, spent evenings and nights with my charming wife. Enjoyed peace and freedom, when no one wants every minute, every second to own you completely. Not only in body, but also in soul. When he tries to become your whole world, regardless of whether you want it yourself.

I shuddered involuntarily, realizing to what extent the possession of the great demoness reached. Afraid even to breathe, so as not to frighten off the frankness of Astarte, she listened to his confession further.

Then Lilith decided to prove to me that I had chosen the wrong life partner for myself. I wanted to be disappointed in Talissia. Probably, from that moment my personal scores with Zepar began.

With Zepar? - I could not stand the startled exclamation. - What's he got to do with it?

Astarte turned to me and gave me a wry smile.

This couple is ready for anything for each other. If you think that there is someone dearer to Zepar than his sister, you are sadly mistaken. He is ready for her even to meanness. It is a pity that I did not foresee such a scenario and allowed Talissia to attend balls and other entertainments of the capital. On the contrary, I was glad, idiot, that she would not be bored while I was busy with work. This charming bastard did nothing to turn my wife's head. Few people can resist him, you probably already understood this yourself, - cold hostility was read in his eyes. - To be honest, I'm surprised that you still do not look at him with a devoted look and are not ready for anything for him.

How far have they gone? I said in a barely audible voice, amazed to the core that Zepar was also involved in all this.

Farther than you can imagine,” Astarte responded harshly. - She lost her head so much that she hung herself around his neck in front of everyone. When everything became known to me, I took her away from the capital. He also almost ceased to appear in the world. Tried to open her eyes to what our handsome archdemon is. Useless. Every night she sobbed into her pillow, instead of her former love for me, now she felt hatred. For having separated from the object of her passion.

I'm so sorry, I muttered. She herself sincerely wondered how Talissia could prefer the noble Astarte to the windy Zepar. I myself would never do that. Yes, if I had the opportunity to become his wife, I would consider myself the happiest woman in the universe!

I had to connect her parents, who nevertheless managed to influence their daughter. Remind that since she uttered her marriage vows, she must remain faithful to them. The light elves are much stricter with this than we are. Talissia resigned herself and outwardly became an obedient wife again. But something in her was broken forever. There was no that sincerity, liveliness, spontaneity, as before. I felt that my company was a burden to her. I tried to surround with care, love, hoping that you can still return. Lilith didn't give me that chance. It pissed her off that I didn't give up Thalissia even after her betrayal. And one evening, returning from work, I found my wife dead. On that day, they sent her sweets, supposedly from me.

I took a deep breath and clasped my fingers with all my might.

It's terrible... How did you survive it?

For about a month I could not see anyone at all. Lord Wylene helped me a lot then. We became friends during his work in my department as a consultant. More than once they covered each other during sorties into the rift. He managed to find exactly the words I needed to hear. Thanks to him, I realized that the feeling that poisoned after the death of Talissia was not love at all ...

But what? - I was amazed, ceasing to understand anything.

Guilt. For using an innocent girl to get rid of Lilith. And eventually became the cause of her death.

I do not understand ... - I whispered. - You did love her.

Astarte somehow strangely smiled, not taking his eyes off me.

At one time I really thought so. But the feeling he had for Talissia was rather a mixture of admiration and tenderness. Yes, I took them for love, because there was nothing to compare with. You're right about demons. We are almost incapable of experiencing deep feelings of this kind. Therefore, it is so easy to be deceived, mistaking passion or admiration for love ... Only when I saw one fragile mortal girl with huge sad eyes ...

I held my breath, feeling my heart almost jump out of my chest.

It was like an explosion, like a flash of something that I did not even consider myself capable of. She seemed the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. The most desirable... You can't imagine what I felt when I saw you in Zepar's arms. At first, I lost the ability to understand anything at all. I didn't know who you were, confused by the disguise in which you appeared before me for the first time. I saw a magical creature, it is not clear where it came from in that apartment. In the arms of the one I hate the most in the world. I could have killed him then... I don't know how I managed to restrain myself. Luckily, he was smart enough to get out as soon as possible. And then I looked at you, completely naked, covered only by long hair, reminiscent of moonlight.

Astarte ... - I said dully. - Are you really...

Yes, I love you, my incredulous witch, - he smiled mirthlessly. - Although I tried more than once to convince myself that this is just a passion. Unrestrained, sweeping away everything in its path. I tried to fight ... At that moment, when I realized that I was ready to let go, if only you remained alive and happy ... When I realized that your life is more important to me than mine ... Then I realized that I really love. And it's scary, Ira. You can't imagine how scary that is.

I got up from the chair and approached him, gently wrapped my arms around his waist and pressed my cheek against his chest.

Thank you for telling me about this ... - so much tenderness has accumulated in my heart now that I couldn’t even speak normally. Everything hurt in my chest. But now I knew for sure that I would never give it up. Even ready to risk her life in order to be with him. Indeed, without Astarte, this very life means less than a grain of sand in the endless ocean of the desert, spreading beyond the fence of the house.

It only complicated everything, - he sighed, hugging so carefully and gently, as if he was afraid to break. - Understand, it's easier for me to suffer and see you with another ... - his teeth gnashed. “Seeing with Zepar… than letting Lilith feel threatened by you. I have to pretend that I don't feel anything for you. You'll have to give up.

And you don't want to ask me what I prefer? I pulled away, looking seriously into his face.

You reckless little girl,” the archdemon said tenderly, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. - Precisely because I know what you prefer, I won't let you.

Are you just going to let her ruin our lives? I exclaimed in pain. "You won't even try to fight?"

You have no idea how much I thought about this.” He rubbed his forehead. I've been looking for a way out, but haven't found it yet. But believe me, if Lilith even once stumbles, even once gives a reason to hook her on the hook ... - his gaze became hard. - I can take advantage of her oversight. For now, everything should remain the same. You will be just my employee, and I will try not to show how I really feel about you. I ask only one thing. Never doubt my feelings again...

I smiled at him, trying to put everything I feel into that smile. Then she wrapped her arms around Astarte's neck and reached for her lips. He passionately returned the kiss, squeezing in his arms almost to the point of pain. And again, everything lost its meaning, except for the contact of our hands, lips, bodies burning with passion. I don't know how much time passed before he finally found the strength to break away from me. Breathing heavily, he looked with a clouded, exciting look, deeply reverberating in me.

Have to go…

Okay, I said dully.

We sneaked out of Astarte's house like thieves. I was wearing a cloak with a hood, hiding the upper part of my face. Astarte was afraid even of the servants, not completely sure of anyone except Hayden. We sat side by side all the way to the Academy. He hugged me by the shoulders, but I felt that in spite of everything, insanely happy. There were no more doubts about his feelings, which means that I will be able to survive everything else.

Chapter 1

The women's team that won the "Military Training" competition went to the city in full force. Three teachers of the Academy accompanied the students, not wanting to leave them without vigilant supervision. My roommate long and tediously persuaded me to go with them. But after what I had to endure on this busy day, not only did I not want to go to the city. Generally leave the room. But I soon realized that I could not be within four walls.

Sitting on her bed, she stared blankly at the wall and remembered the last look cast by her boss. My heart ached painfully. How much I wanted to see him again, to finally be convinced of what I already guessed from that look! The torment was aggravated by bitter doubts - what if everything was just a fantasy? Wishful thinking was accepted. Almost immortal, powerful handsome archdemons like him can't love people like me. For him, I'm just an unlucky employee, in which abilities were discovered that seemed interesting to him. And he loves someone else. The one that has long since left the world of the living.

I remembered the beautiful elf depicted in the portrait in his house. After such an ideal, how can you pay attention to a completely ordinary me? To top it off, I constantly manage to get into trouble and bring the boss to white heat. Well, why do I need him? And without me, there are probably enough problems!

Sighing, I decided that in vain I didn’t go with the girls to the city in vain. That would at least take a little break. But what is there to regret now? I did not find anything better than to replace a fun pastime with a run. At least a little will allow you to put in order chaotic thoughts. I thought about asking Coren to keep me company, but then winced. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. Even with a kind and helpful guy.

Within ten minutes, the legs slowly carried around the circle of the sports ground. A cool breeze enveloped his face, bringing with it the scents of the nearby park. By focusing on proper breathing, I allowed myself to let go of my anxieties and doubts. Let it be just for half an hour. The huge moon of this world, a rich bluish hue, illuminated everything around with an unreal radiance. For a moment, it even seemed that I was left alone in this whole world alien to me. And now this feeling was not frightening, but filled with peace. Sometimes being alone with nature and yourself is the best medicine!

But no matter how hard she tried not to think about what she cared about, the attractive face of Astarte appeared again and again before her eyes. You need to find the strength in yourself to endure the worst of torture - to work side by side with him and not show a shadow of what I feel. I only hope that while I am studying at the Academy, there will not be so many tasks. Otherwise, it will hardly be possible to hold back. In the presence of my demonic boss, everything turned upside down in me, and I completely lost the ability to think sensibly. I decided that the only thing that could help not to disgrace myself was to remind myself that it was he who did not want our relationship. Astarte made this clear. Until I figure out what it is that makes him do this to me, I must not forget about pride.

It's good that Zepar did not get more. His presence was very unsettling and made it difficult to focus on what is really important. Studying, obtaining the knowledge and skills necessary for further work. I understand that the jaded archdemon wants to have fun, but I myself was not enthusiastic about the role of his toy. Yes, it's been two weeks. I hope he lost all interest in me.

The eye caught a black shadow rushing behind a distant target, and extraneous thoughts immediately disappeared. I stopped abruptly, peering into the darkness intently. A chill ran down my spine, and my heart sank from the premonition of an unknown danger. This feeling grew stronger with every second. Even if that shadow could only seem to be, but I did not want to risk it. I turned around and ran in the opposite direction, towards the park, from where the muffled voices of the guys walking there could be heard. A menacing growl behind her made her stumble and sprawl on the ground. It seemed that the strands on the back of the head that had escaped from the tail rose up on their own. Probably, at that moment I fully understood what the expression “hair stirred with fear” means.

Immediately, a monstrous suspicion swept through the alarmed bird. Andrey?! Did some incomprehensible way my werewolf ex-husband found even here? I understand that the assumption is absurd, but now I could not think of any other explanation. She turned her head carefully, peering into the darkness, and let out a low cry. Near the target, clearly outlined by the circle of light from the bluish moon, stood a huge dog. Or even a wolf. Judging by the size, it could well be the second. The monstrous mouth, studded with sharp teeth, gapes open, the growl that I just heard escapes from it. And the eyes… God… Two fiery red clots bored into me, causing almost panicky horror. Until the animal moves. It just stared at me, the black fur on its neck bristling. But I perfectly understood - it is worth making at least one sharp movement or running - it will immediately pounce. I propped myself up on my elbows, moving smoothly and carefully. Then she stood up, her eyes fixed on the monstrous dog.

What to do?! Unfortunately, not a soul around! Even if I scream and they hear me, they are unlikely to have time to come to the rescue in time. Maybe turn into Lady Tygreen? Not a very good idea, I cut the thought off. What will change in my position? Apart from the appearance of the curator, nothing from her physical abilities will be transmitted. Yes, and with this I will only open my abilities to my hubby. Or still not Andrew? But then who? The fact that the dog stood and looked, as if waiting for someone's command, led to not very comforting thoughts. I had no idea what was going on at all, so I could not build a better model of behavior.

Summon one of the archdemons with seals? Probably the smartest idea ever! Even if later it turns out that fear has big eyes and I just imagined the monster. At that very moment, the dog seemed to come to life, his eyes blazed even brighter. With a blood-curdling howl, it rushed towards me. The distance between us was shrinking so fast that it seemed unbelievable. I screamed and instantly forgot about everything in the world, I rushed away. On the way, with a trembling hand, she touched her forehead and shouted:

Painfully long seconds passed, but nothing happened, and the monster's breathing behind him became louder and louder. I even felt a scorching heat on my back, as if I breathed in hellish flames. For some reason, Astarte was in no hurry to help, and, forgetting about pride and the desire to never mess with the arrogant blond demon again, I rubbed my neck.

Zepar! - choking and almost wheezing, I squeezed out, no longer able to even scream from the horror that fettered my body.

At the same moment, a silvery glow flashed, and I buried myself in a man's chest. She raised her head and managed to notice the joy that flashed across the beautiful face of the demon, which was immediately replaced by anxiety. I was thrown violently behind me. The black dog, around which red flashes now burned, soared into the air and at that moment rushed to the place where I had just stood. Clawed paws left deep furrows in Zepar's tunic, and then the dog was thrown from the demon with a fiery flash. So strong that the monster flew ten meters! It fell to the ground and whimpered, and then vanished into thin air.

Staring at the place where the revived monster from nightmares had just lay with completely stunned eyes, I tried to stop clattering my teeth. Fear stubbornly refused to let go.

The blond-haired man, dressed in a dark blue suit, slowly approached. I saw bloodstains coming out of the deep furrows on his chest, now looking black.

Are you injured? - I asked with horror, having finally found the ability to speak. Perhaps it helped to worry about someone else.

Nothing, - he smiled, carelessly throwing back a lock of hair from his cheek. - He'll live now. Demons have good regeneration. How are you?

Zepar stood a step away from me. It was clear from the tense face that it was hard to restrain himself so as not to come even closer.

Now everything is in order ... - I breathed. - Thank you!

No matter what you think about the impudent demon, but when help was needed, it was he who provided it. The fact that Astarte did not do this caused not very pleasant sensations. Maybe he was too busy? Yet this suggestion did not lessen the bitterness.

Zepar wanted to say something else, but suddenly turned around sharply and stared in the direction of the targets, where I first saw the dog.

What's there? - I was alarmed, involuntarily going up to him myself and grabbing his elbow. In a moment of danger, she instinctively wanted to be closer to someone who could protect.

The archdemon covered my hand with his and squeezed lightly, continuing to look in the same direction.

I let out a convulsive sigh and pressed myself against the demon's chest. For some reason, it seemed that Andrey would now jump out of hiding and attack me. Zepar's body twitched slightly at my touch. Then they gave me a smile that made my heart skip a beat. The demon even stopped paying attention to the one who was hiding in the darkness. He looked so that his breath intercepted.

I nodded, trying to cope with the emotions that now covered. Damn, I don't like Zepar! I don't even like him very much. Except externally. But now something in me seemed to yearn for him. Either from the fear experienced in the soul, a complete leapfrog is going on, or my attitude towards the demon turned out to be much more complicated than I expected. But now I really was drawn to him. As a man, a protector. And he seemed to feel it, literally devouring his eyes. To cope with embarrassment and destroy the incomprehensible state, I abruptly pulled away. She heard Zepar's barely perceptible sigh and, trying not to look at him, asked:

Do you understand what is actually happening? What was this dog? Werewolf?

But now someone will explain everything to you, - Zepar's voice seemed now the same: calm and mocking. - Dairen, I already said that I noticed you. How much longer are you going to hide? Accept the consequences of your actions like a man!

My eyes widened as a redhead slowly stepped out from behind the target after these words. He was shaking with rage mixed with fear. He looked only at Zepar.

Dairen?! This is exactly what I didn't expect! Despite everything she had experienced, she was even relieved. It wasn't Andrew. Here at the Academy, he really can't get me! The opening turned out to be the most pleasant thing that happened that evening.

The guy took a few steps towards Zepar and stopped. I saw how wary he looked at the archdemon.

Closer, - Zepar demanded somehow predatory, piercing him with blue eyes sparkling with golden fire.

Dairen twitched, but remained where he was, as if paralyzed by a chilling terror. The archdemon waved his hand, then clenched his fist, as if pulling something towards him. Dairen was dragged towards him, despite the fact that he tried to slow down with his legs and frantically flailed his arms.

No, you wouldn't dare! - having lost all dignity, he yelled. - Don't you dare touch me! My father is you!

I advise you to shut up, puppy! Zepar smiled kindly. The way the tone didn't match the smile made me shudder. You have no idea how furious I am right now!

Dairen shut up and swallowed nervously. Under the long piercing gaze of the archdemon, he still could not stand it and stammered:

I didn't mean to... I was just trying to scare...

Truth? Zepar raised an eyebrow slightly. - Scare, you mean? - And he eloquently ran his hand over the torn camisole. - I think if Irina had been in my place, everything would have ended much worse. Do you realize what happens for unauthorized murder in our world?

I didn't want to kill her... - he choked out a breath. - I just couldn't stop the dog. I didn't expect it to be like this...

If you don’t know how to control your pets, maybe you just haven’t grown up to such a privilege yet? Zepar frowned. - I'll take my dog ​​with me.

No, you don't dare! - Dairen perked up, looking at the archdemon with hatred. - This is a gift from my father!

I think your daddy will be interested to know how you dispose of his gift. Hellhound is not a toy, boy. And obeys only an iron grip. Yours is still weak. However, - he mockingly chuckled, - I doubt that just yet.

Hell Hound? I murmured, watching their conversation with astonishment.

Zepar turned to me and his expression instantly changed. In a completely different tone, soft and gentle, he explained:

Sometimes creatures from the rift are used as additional protection or for other purposes ... - he did not expand on the latter, and I thought it best not to ask. It shifted right there. - Usually, such dogs are used for this role. They are the best to train. A very expensive and valuable gift by the way. Not every archdemon is able to extract such a creature from the rift and attach it to another person. And you need to use such a dog with extreme caution. In any case, he will not rush at the owner, the binding magic will interfere. But on others… Creatures from the rift sensitively capture emotions. To give them orders, you need to control yourself well. Our mutual friend, unfortunately, does not possess this quality. Zepar turned back to Dairen and hissed, "So I don't think your father would mind me interfering."

The redhead twitched as Zepar raised his hand again and wrinkled his brow. You could see from his face how terribly nervous he was now. The fiend reappeared in the air in front of Dairen, snarling menacingly and baring its fangs. The archdemon seemed to be completely unimpressed. A few seconds - and the dog, whining and spinning around its axis, began to dissolve in the air, engulfed in flashes of fire.

Not! Dairen yelled. - Don't you dare! My father gave me to study!

Now you have to manage on your own, - Zepar grinned, lowering his hand. - I think you already have enough advantages over other students. And without a personal sniffer dog.

Now I understand how Dairen was able to easily find my scent on the last mission. And without a werewolf of his own team. She breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that now you should not be afraid of such a surprise from the redhead. And yet, what a bastard! Well, this is how much you need to fly off the coils to set a hellish dog on me! It's scary to imagine what would have happened if Zepar hadn't intervened!

And what am I to do with you, huh? the archdemon said lazily, looking around at Dairen, who was biting his lips. - And you know ... it seems that he came up with it. I also have an interesting pet. I have no doubt that you will be curious to meet him.

The redhead became alert and involuntarily took a step back, fortunately, the magic of the archdemon no longer fettered him.

I give you a head start, Dairen, - Zepar exclaimed cheerfully. And from this fun even I shuddered. - I think a minute is more than enough. Forward!

You will be responsible for this! - barked the redhead.

I will answer, I will definitely answer, - the archdemon promised, not losing his presence of mind at all. "Time's up, Dairen.

The guy howled, then took off and rushed away, towards the park. Like me, he sought salvation among other students.

What are you going to do with it? I asked, feeling a vague uneasiness.

Nothing, no matter what he tries to do to you, - the blond grinned predatory. - So ... scare ... slightly ... - the last word sounded menacing, and I swallowed nervously.

When a new monster loomed in front of Zepar in fiery flashes, I could not help screaming in fright. Where is the infernal dog?! Compared to that, he looked like an innocent little dog. A huge snake no less than five meters long, with bloody scarlet fiery scales and a neck that swells like a cobra, curled into a ball with a hiss. I immediately moved away as far as possible, feeling how everything inside was shaking with horror. Although I understood that Zepar would not allow this creature to rush at me, I could not overcome my fear.

Is that your pet-tom? I said with difficulty.

Nice creature, right? Zepar said looking at the monster tenderly. - I named her Lilith. Just don't tell my sister," he grinned. - But they are so similar in character that I could not resist.

I stared at him in complete shock, not knowing how to react.

Lilith, play with the boy! the archdemon asked kindly. The snake soared a couple of meters, stuck out a disgusting forked tongue, from which sparks emanated. Then she rushed after the fleeing Dairen.

I covered my face with my hands, unable to see what would happen next.

How sensitive you are, - the mocking voice of the archdemon was heard.

Please stop this! I pleaded, not daring to open my eyes. - This is too much!

Too much? Zepar asked coldly. I felt that he was now standing very close. The heat from his body felt every cell. “Too much is setting the hellhound on a defenseless girl. Even worse… On you!

Something in the last words sounded so overwhelming that I still took my hands away from my face. I caught a tense, furious look, and I winced.

He tried to hurt you,” Zepar said in a broken voice. “If only I had shown up a second later…”

I shuddered again, I also vividly imagined what could happen.

But could you heal me? I said uncertainly.

What if the wounds were too serious? What if the dog just gnawed your throat? Even the archdemons can't heal the dead,” Zepar muttered muffled, looking with an incomprehensible expression. Why didn't you call earlier? I waited until the very end...

I called Astarte, - I said in a barely audible voice.

Zepar's eyebrows twitched slightly to the bridge of his nose, then he shuddered for some reason.

What? - alarmed, I asked. In an instant, what threatened me ceased to seem so significant. - What about him?

As far as I know, he and Nebiros are now visiting a place where such a connection does not work.

What place? I didn't lag behind. Grasping Zepar by the hand, she repeated pleadingly: - What?

I let out a half-strangled wheeze, imagining that Astarte is now in a place full of such monsters. And I think hell dogs and cobras are not the worst thing that could be waiting for him there!

Don't worry, - he said with incomprehensible bitterness, holding my hand. - He's a big boy. Will cope.

Why did he go there? I can't think of anything else right now, I blurted out.

So it was necessary, Irina. Don't fill your pretty head with that.

Heart-rending screams suddenly came from the park, and I emerged from the captivity of monstrous nightmares that filled my brain.

Looks like my Lilith is the star of tonight, Zepar grinned. - Would you like to have a look?

I imagined a huge snake running among the dazed students, and shuddered.

Do not want. Stop her!

A little more, my love, - objected Zepar. - Our red-haired friend should feel the punishment well.

What if she kills him? I asked gloomily.

It's worse for her, - something in his tone made her shudder. - I gave the command to play, not to kill.

An enraged Lady Tygreen swept past, heading towards the scene. After running a few meters, she braked and turned around.

I could have guessed that this is your handiwork! she barked, glaring at Zepar with an unkind look.

He smiled disarmingly, and the curator almost choked with rage.

Do you even realize what you're doing?! This is Viraisa! They are almost impossible to control! Lord Feynis and Mistress Dualne are trying to stop this creature! Their magical attacks last only a few seconds. Then she breaks them! Are you out of your mind to set this on students?!

Zepar rolled his eyes, then chuckled.

Okay, I won't disturb my dear Laura... - and then his voice became simply loud, blocking the terrible screams coming from the direction of the park. - Lilith! To me!

There was a hiss that cut through to icy goosebumps, and then the fiery scales of a snake crawling in our direction flashed. Lady Tygreen jumped out of the way, looking at Zepar with involuntary respect.

How did you manage to tame her so much? It's impossible! Even Nebiros couldn't manage… - she broke off and glanced at me, realizing that it was not worth belittling the merits of her idol to the student.

The archdemon smiled enigmatically and shrugged. Then he said impudently, obviously mocking:

She's also a woman. And in the end, none of them could resist me.

I pursed my lips, barely holding back an angry remark. He, as if sensing my mood, turned around and his smile became wider.

Yes, yes, think about it, my beauty ...

After making sure that Zepar removed the infernal snake completely, Lady Tygreen rushed to the park. Probably estimate the size of the destruction. I wearily sank straight to the ground and pulled my knees to my chest. Then she looked at the archdemon and unexpectedly smiled to herself.

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