Galina Dolgova castling 2 shah full version.

Castling. Shah Galina Dolgova

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Title: Castling. Shah

About the book Castling. Shah" Galina Dolgova

And what do you know about a life full of misfortunes and misadventures? When there is no way out and no way to escape, everything seems incredibly long and slow. In his book Castling. Shah ”Galina Dolgova will tell the reader the story of a woman whom fate has never spared. Run away? Well, maybe in another world. The novel will surprise the reader with strange and extraordinary decisions. The author is a master of intrigue and there will be plenty of it in this book.

The main character is an unhappy woman who has already dropped her hands. At 36, she could not find her soulmate, did not marry. Perhaps the reason for everything is the shortcomings of her appearance - half of the girl's face is disfigured. She is an orphan and has no support from anyone close to her. She just lives out her time, sometimes dreaming of just disappearing from this world. But trials are not given in vain. One day, the heroine wakes up in the company of young girls who are half her age. And in a completely unfamiliar place. It's not on the map. The dream came true - the woman left her world, but ended up in another - magical, filled with oddities and dangers.

It turned out that she became the chosen one - one of those who have unique magical abilities. And this is only the first time that Galina Dolgova turns the plot of the book Castling. Shah" into a radically new direction. The main character becomes the chosen one, thousands of eyes are turned to her. She is unique. Moreover, the woman was literally given her husband. And not just any, but a kind of aristocrat - the heir to the throne of the new world! As explained, one of the tasks chosen is the birth of strong, healthy and powerful children. A whole mission was entrusted to her.

As the most experienced and oldest of all the selected girls, the heroine of the novel did not waste a single minute. She understands that just like that, for nothing, you can’t get anything - her former life taught her more than one lesson on this topic. A woman seeks to know all the details of her existence in the new world. And she will know. Will the heroine rejoice at her impending fate, or will she long to escape it?

Galina Dolgova's book Castling. Shah” reveals the whole essence of human nature. Fear and desire appear. Greed is intertwined with passion and faith in beauty. The intrigue does not let go until the last pages. But who will the girl turn out to be in the end: a pawn in the great chess game of the king or a queen who will not break and give up under all the onslaughts of fate?

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Galina Dolgova

Castling. Shah

© Dolgova G., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

* * *

Start. Somewhere in the World

The man looked at him with concern.

- Well?

“You were allowed to play the Game again.

- Fine!

- You rejoice early, - beautiful lips twisted in a smile, - last time you cheated, therefore, this time there are restrictions for you.

- And what? – turquoise eyes without pupils and irises narrowed slightly.

- Pretty serious, - the same eyes, only bright silvery, looked at the interlocutor with displeasure, - the exact opposite of what happened at the previous Competition. You had men, warriors, with abilities and knowledge, with commands and the help of local gods. Now it's the other way around. Girls over eighteen, who can't do anything, without abilities, without strength, from a closed world, and they must never shed blood and are virgins.

– What for foolishness?!

– What did you want? Did you think the Council would turn a blind eye to your bullshit all the time? Four human girls from the same city within one year must go to four different worlds from the Fan of Worlds. The ways to get there are different. During the transition, it is allowed to invest knowledge of one language. Everything.

- Why virgins?

- What were you taught? - the silver-eyed man looked at his interlocutor with displeasure. “They should be as unattached to their world as possible. And blood, any blood, is a connection. The girls must not go back.

- Why?

– To fulfill the conditions.

What about the mission, the goal?

No mission, no purpose.

- I.e? This doesn't happen...

“So it is,” silvery eyes chuckled, “the main goal is to survive. Do you think a maladjusted human girl can do anything in the world of magic? Yes, she should at least stay alive!

So just survive...

- No, it's not easy. There is another condition. Exactly after ten years of their stay in the other world, each of the survivors will be asked one question, and only if they all answer yes, you will be allowed to create worlds again and inhabit them.

- And what is the question? – turquoise-eyed frowned.

- Is she happy?

– O God!

- Yeah.

- And if not?

- You will be deprived of the power of the demiurge for ten thousand years, locked in one of the dead worlds. You understand that after what you did last time, in the twelve worlds, the demiurges had to change the entire pantheon of gods and completely reprogram evolution. Only the intercession of our great mother gave you the last chance. Not a small one already, you know, after all, that the winners of the Game get an area where they can experiment, and you illegally received as many as six areas by dishonest play. Many people are unhappy with this.

- Can I choose the girls myself? – grimly asked turquoise-eyed.

- Yes. But the world, the city and the year will be appointed by the Council of Demiurges. Tomorrow.

- Understandably…

- Well, since it’s clear, I’m waiting for tomorrow, brother, don’t be late.

- Yes.

Leaving, the turquoise-eyed grinned. They really underestimate him. Maybe girls should be without powers and abilities, but no one stipulated that they would not be able to get them. It is so? We need to think everything over. Who, how and where to send. Well, hardly anyone will notice the minimal interference, especially when you consider that the demiurge of the Fates is his beloved sister.

- Shall we play? A slight smile flickered across her beautifully defined lips.

* * *

- Yes!

– Way and the world?

– Desired transition, the world of Hervès.

- Lifeline?

– Preservation of personal identity. Rebalancing.

- Get started!

Snow-white cereal outside the window takes off in a whirlwind of a hurricane wind and, falling in handfuls, beats out the window like small grains of sand. In the light of a street lamp, they are clearly visible, you can watch the chaotic whirling for hours, sit in the dark and listen to the howling of a snowstorm behind the glass. Cold drifts through the cracks in the frames, and small snowdrifts form on the windowsill, which do not even think of melting.

An empty bottle of vodka lies on its side on the table, next to it is the second one, one-third empty. Three glasses, two filled to the brim. The dim light of a solitary candle is reflected in the glass and in the glossy surface of the photograph, from which two women look with displeasure, as if reproaching me for my misbehavior. Next to the glasses are two slices of bread, and instead of salt, there are bitter tears on them.

“Please, Lord, I beg you… I can’t do this anymore… Take me away!” Kill! Release me from this burden... I can't do it myself, but at least you have mercy... I'm tired! I don’t have strength… I can’t-u-u… – my voice breaks into a howl, and my head falls helplessly into my hands, –… more.

The word is like breathing, almost indistinguishable even in silence. Darkness. The rescue…

* * *

“…probably a mistake. Milord will be furious! It's a nightmare, not a set! One children! Master, look at this! She is black! Is it a demon? And this? The old one!

Unpleasantly itchy voices overhead irritated, causing a desire to brush aside and return again to where there is peace and silence. And the fact that the old, and even terrible, I know without them. They didn't tell me anything new. I'm used to it, I don't even react when they throw ridicule in my face.

“Maybe she won’t wake up?” Meanwhile, the unknown voice continued to hysteria. - Let's say that it could not stand the transfer, and we will throw the body into a ravine?

This is what I didn't like. And in general, some kind of strange dream, it’s too much ... I hardly opened my eyes, expecting that this would dispel alcoholic hallucinations and I would see my usual apartment - yellow wallpaper, a clock on the wall, beige curtains with a pattern of large poppies ... The eyelids trembled and with difficulty raised themselves to immediately swing open sharply. What yellow wallpaper? What are poppies?

Directly in front of me was a solid wall of gray stone. The hematite columns shimmered mysteriously, reflecting the scattered light that dispersed the twilight of the room, and the smoky torches completed the picture of something medieval and gothic. Some images were running along the walls, and I even seemed to distinguish figures of people among them, that's just ... something was wrong in them. What kind of nonsense? Yes, I abused yesterday, but not to the same extent!

His heart was beating wildly, threatening to burst out of his chest. God, the same ... this just can not be? This is a dream? Delirium of inflamed consciousness? Panic literally collapsed, threatening to bury under him, but the next words sharply brought to life, forcing him to instantly pull himself together. And fear, like a wave, rolled back. I was seized with calmness and some kind of excitement.

- Or maybe, better, right away ... yourself ...

This phrase brought me out of a state of thoughtful contemplation, and I almost jumped on the spot. Well, I do not! Whatever it is, I will definitely not allow myself to be killed. And the fact that the strangers were talking about the murder, there was no doubt for a moment.

Groaning indicatively, I stretched and, turning abruptly, got up, which immediately gave me an attack of nausea. Nothing, I can handle it. The main thing is that unknown comrades do not have time to get rid of them on the sly ... By the way, who is this with us there?

His eyes widened, a picture of incredible absurdity appeared. In the Temple - and such a grandiose and gloomy room simply could not have been anything else - among an incredible number of candles, slowly fading mysterious signs and pentagrams, girls were lying right on the floor on the rays of an eight-pointed star. Naked girls. Quickly counted - there were seven of them. Well, apparently, and also in terms of stiffness and cold, I was just the eighth. And in front of me, picture frozen, stood two. One is of indeterminate age, tall, straight and thin, with bright blue eyes, but at the same time with a gray beard almost to the waist and in a dark gray robe. The second is about fifty, plump, bald, with a thin reddish beard in the same robe. And I was ready to give a tooth that the nasty voice that offered to kill me belonged to him.

“Hello,” I muttered, embarrassed by my nakedness, realizing that no one would speak to me first. Where am I and what's going on...

They didn't let me agree.

- O sky! She's also ugly…” moaned the plump one. “Master, maybe before it’s too late…”

“Enough,” snapped the thin one, making both the plump and us flinch. But it was precisely this tone and the force that sounded in his voice that made it possible to habitually hold back the flow of tears.

© Dolgova G., 2015

© Design. Eksmo Publishing LLC, 2015

* * *

Start. Somewhere in the World

The man looked at him with concern.

- Well?

“You were allowed to play the Game again.

- Fine!

- You rejoice early, - beautiful lips twisted in a smile, - last time you cheated, therefore, this time there are restrictions for you.

- And what? – turquoise eyes without pupils and irises narrowed slightly.

- Pretty serious, - the same eyes, only bright silvery, looked at the interlocutor with displeasure, - the exact opposite of what happened at the previous Competition. You had men, warriors, with abilities and knowledge, with commands and the help of local gods. Now it's the other way around. Girls over eighteen, who can't do anything, without abilities, without strength, from a closed world, and they must never shed blood and are virgins.

– What for foolishness?!

– What did you want? Did you think the Council would turn a blind eye to your bullshit all the time? Four human girls from the same city within one year must go to four different worlds from the Fan of Worlds. The ways to get there are different. During the transition, it is allowed to invest knowledge of one language. Everything.

- Why virgins?

- What were you taught? - the silver-eyed man looked at his interlocutor with displeasure. “They should be as unattached to their world as possible. And blood, any blood, is a connection. The girls must not go back.

- Why?

– To fulfill the conditions.

What about the mission, the goal?

No mission, no purpose.

- I.e? This doesn't happen...

“So it is,” silvery eyes chuckled, “the main goal is to survive. Do you think a maladjusted human girl can do anything in the world of magic? Yes, she should at least stay alive!

So just survive...

- No, it's not easy. There is another condition. Exactly after ten years of their stay in the other world, each of the survivors will be asked one question, and only if they all answer yes, you will be allowed to create worlds again and inhabit them.

- And what is the question? – turquoise-eyed frowned.

- Is she happy?

– O God!

- Yeah.

- And if not?

- You will be deprived of the power of the demiurge for ten thousand years, locked in one of the dead worlds. You understand that after what you did last time, in the twelve worlds, the demiurges had to change the entire pantheon of gods and completely reprogram evolution. Only the intercession of our great mother gave you the last chance. Not a small one already, you know, after all, that the winners of the Game get an area where they can experiment, and you illegally received as many as six areas by dishonest play. Many people are unhappy with this.

- Can I choose the girls myself? – grimly asked turquoise-eyed.

- Yes. But the world, the city and the year will be appointed by the Council of Demiurges. Tomorrow.

- Understandably…

- Well, since it’s clear, I’m waiting for tomorrow, brother, don’t be late.

- Yes.

Leaving, the turquoise-eyed grinned. They really underestimate him. Maybe girls should be without powers and abilities, but no one stipulated that they would not be able to get them. It is so? We need to think everything over. Who, how and where to send. Well, hardly anyone will notice the minimal interference, especially when you consider that the demiurge of the Fates is his beloved sister.

- Shall we play? A slight smile flickered across her beautifully defined lips.

* * *

- Yes!

– Way and the world?

– Desired transition, the world of Hervès.

- Lifeline?

– Preservation of personal identity. Rebalancing.

- Get started!

Chapter 1

Snow-white cereal outside the window takes off in a whirlwind of a hurricane wind and, falling in handfuls, beats out the window like small grains of sand. In the light of a street lamp, they are clearly visible, you can watch the chaotic whirling for hours, sit in the dark and listen to the howling of a snowstorm behind the glass. Cold drifts through the cracks in the frames, and small snowdrifts form on the windowsill, which do not even think of melting.

An empty bottle of vodka lies on its side on the table, next to it is the second one, one-third empty. Three glasses, two filled to the brim. The dim light of a solitary candle is reflected in the glass and in the glossy surface of the photograph, from which two women look with displeasure, as if reproaching me for my misbehavior. Next to the glasses are two slices of bread, and instead of salt, there are bitter tears on them.

“Please, Lord, I beg you… I can’t do this anymore… Take me away!” Kill! Release me from this burden... I can't do it myself, but at least you have mercy... I'm tired! I don’t have strength… I can’t-u-u… – my voice breaks into a howl, and my head falls helplessly into my hands, –… more.

The word is like breathing, almost indistinguishable even in silence. Darkness. The rescue…

* * *

“…probably a mistake. Milord will be furious! It's a nightmare, not a set! One children! Master, look at this! She is black! Is it a demon? And this? The old one!

Unpleasantly itchy voices overhead irritated, causing a desire to brush aside and return again to where there is peace and silence. And the fact that the old, and even terrible, I know without them. They didn't tell me anything new. I'm used to it, I don't even react when they throw ridicule in my face.

“Maybe she won’t wake up?” Meanwhile, the unknown voice continued to hysteria. - Let's say that it could not stand the transfer, and we will throw the body into a ravine?

This is what I didn't like. And in general, some kind of strange dream, it’s too much ... I hardly opened my eyes, expecting that this would dispel alcoholic hallucinations and I would see my usual apartment - yellow wallpaper, a clock on the wall, beige curtains with a pattern of large poppies ... The eyelids trembled and with difficulty raised themselves to immediately swing open sharply. What yellow wallpaper? What are poppies?

Directly in front of me was a solid wall of gray stone. The hematite columns shimmered mysteriously, reflecting the scattered light that dispersed the twilight of the room, and the smoky torches completed the picture of something medieval and gothic. Some images were running along the walls, and I even seemed to distinguish figures of people among them, that's just ... something was wrong in them. What kind of nonsense? Yes, I abused yesterday, but not to the same extent!

His heart was beating wildly, threatening to burst out of his chest. God, the same ... this just can not be? This is a dream? Delirium of inflamed consciousness? Panic literally collapsed, threatening to bury under him, but the next words sharply brought to life, forcing him to instantly pull himself together. And fear, like a wave, rolled back. I was seized with calmness and some kind of excitement.

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