Born 1 numbers. Characteristic by the number of month when a person was born

Favorable numbers: 31, 22, 28, 10, 19, 10, 1, 4.
Adverse numbers: 20, 29, 25, 24, 11, 15, 7, 2, 16, 8.
Good days: Sunday; Monday. Some numbers enhance good luck, it is 10; 28 and 19.
Good luck stones: Yellow diamond, topaz of yellow color and all stones of this shade. To enhance the effect, it is advisable to wear stones in direct contact with the body.
Colors: light yellow, golden
Ailments you are subject to: Eye and heart disease, there is also a tendency to elevated blood pressure, so when making in the field of these bodies and systems, it is recommended to be periodically examined and not forget about the prevention of diseases of the heart.

Useful to eat: Oranges, honey, saffron, ginger, carnation. Of these components, you can make delicious and useful tonic drinks.

Numerology is an ancient science of the influence of the number on the nature and fate of a person. Having studied horoscope by date of birth, You can learn all the underwater stones of your existence under the influence of a certain number of birth.
In the dysfunction on the horoscope days - 29, 25.24, 20, 16, 15, 11, 8, 7, 2 should not begin important cases. But, if this is impossible to avoid, then you can protect yourself, putting the stone, bringing you good luck - topaz and a yellow-colored diamond. In a horoscope of a horoscope - 31, 28, 22, 19, 13, 10, 4, 1 and days - Monday and Sunday, you can begin any important business. Success will bring golden and light yellow color in clothing.

People who born 1 numbers are prone to heart disease and eyes with eyes and pressure. Permanent movement to the goal, the achievement of high results affects health. Therefore, you need to learn to leave all things behind my back, throw out the thought of work and just relax and relax - it will be the best prevention of heart disease, vessels and eyes. It is useful to eat oranges, ginger, honey, seasoning with saffron dishes, and use carnation in food. These products and spices are well raised by life tone and support health with vitamins.

Number 1 - the beginning of everything. People born under the influence of this number of unconditional leaders, activists and creatively gifted personals. They are endowed with innovative and inventive qualities. They are confident in themselves, strictly convinced of their rightness and have a huge gift of convictions. They themselves on the mind, do not like advice and restrictions. They themselves establish the rules and seek to subordinate them to others.

Work in the team does not suit them, these are the leaders, the role of ordinary performers is not for them. All these features are poured by dictatorial manifestations in character. Their ambitiousness and unshakable decisiveness carries them on all sails on life waves to achieve their goals. They are stubborn and wayward, so you are difficult to get along in the team.

A child born 1 day is very demanding and will not calm down until his needs are satisfied. With age, this feature does not leave, so not everyone can get along with such a person. People born in the day with Number 1 can achieve any high post, get to the most tops of the career ladder. Strengthen this potential certain lines on the palm.

Emotional features

The ambitiousness of these people sometimes does not know the boundaries, and leaded by this quality, they send their entire potential to achieve their goals. For this reason, the area of \u200b\u200blove relationships turns out to be losing. About romance does not have to dream. Any hobby of such people is often superficially and short-lived. Even in love relationships, people born under the influence of the 1st day show their ambitious and leadership aspirations. The object of their hobbies should be not particularly demanding to stay next to as long as possible.

Intimate relations

Sex for them is satisfaction, first of all, your needs. Through sex, they argue their leadership position. Horoscope recommends to be tolerant.

The concern for the partner for them is not an important component of the relationship, so the marriage is rarely happy with them, unless the partner shows the maximum of patience, understanding and respect for their personal needs.


Increased demanding to people, high ambitions, the desire to subjugate is rather shortcomings than dignity. Will to victory, purposefulness, determination are worthy qualities. But it's good if they are mitigated, patientity, understanding, which, unfortunately, is missing people who born 1 number.

The number 1 gives a person a rich palette of personal qualities. These are gifted people, with many outstanding qualities with both creative and high mental abilities, and in aggregate with decisiveness and purposefulness, can achieve great achievements in life. Only it would be nice to form these serious "iron" qualities into the framework of spiritual warmth and openness to the surrounding people.

The profession that you will choose should open up opportunities for finding new methods, unexpected solutions, intellectual breakthroughs. Otherwise, your flexible mind, resourcefulness, ingenuity and courage will be wondering.

Disconnection and routine are devoted for you. While the work requiring fantasy, determination and positive attitude - will fit perfectly. Therefore, if you, let's say, are interested in technology, you can create exclusive car models in your garage, but do not hold back and month as a collector on the conveyor.

You will not work as a seller in the store with fixed prices, but you can achieve the vertices of mastery in the real estate trading, where the factories is required, mobility, the speed of the reaction and the ability to convince. According to this principle, it is necessary to choose a specialty in any field, be it science, finance, medicine or education. The main thing is that one day is not an exact copy of the other.

Effect of birthday number to choose a partner and family life

Character features corresponding to the number of birthday 1, adequately affect the choice of a partner for family life. The leader needs a "slave". That is, a clever, capable, competent and independent person, ready, however, follow you without reasoning. And - exclusively voluntarily.

Your life will never be measured and calm. You are a peculiar, variety - your "urgent bread", you often change the direction and an image of action under the influence of circumstances. And your partner must be ready for this. Otherwise, it will surely come the day when you have to choose between the family and the matter of your life.

Welcome! Below you read and find a lot of interesting things about yourself, about your hidden reserves and potential. This information will help deeper to understand your strengths and what should work.

People, born 1 numbers, endowed with uncommon abilities. For them, their personal social realization is important and it is important to find the sphere of life where they will have the opportunity to create and create something unique inherently inherent in life. These are people innovators and leaders who can freeze their ideas of other people, lead them behind them.

These people are usually optimistic and active, adventure and inventive, with many interesting ideas. They easily begin new projects. Always strive to stand out from the crowd. Easy and gladly transmit everything that they know and share experiences.

They often have to personally pierce the road in life. They have talent to reach vertices of skill. They can work, both alone and with equal partners, but do not tolerate authoritarian pressure on themselves.

Freedom is the main component of their lives.

Travelers, cognizers in the world of all new, discoverers. They can be included in the experiments, they agree to it quite easily. The holiday of life and fireworks is for them!

They are much more difficult to be in the situation of stagnation than in the bunch of a wide variety of events of life. All life is an amazing adventure that opens in front of people, born 1 numbersIf they managed to believe and discover the wonderful patronage of the Higher Forces in their fate.

People in touch with them are faster to move towards their evolution. In such people inherent in the magic power of thought, the power of the word and the latitude of the heart. Their energy is configured to the materializing ability of the Universe. There are many roads in front of them.

Believe in yourself and in your creative potential. Learn not to wait for the benefit, but to act for the benefit of everyone. Learn to forgive. Find the case. Develop creative abilities. Examine the laws of materialization of thought. Boldly go through life forward, mastering new ways and roads, and then boldly lead people. Increase your self-esteem. Learn to meditate and soothe thoughts. We are more often in nature to gain strength and energy.

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People who have creative potential and intellectual abilities are born on March 1. The zodiac sign of the fish is incredibly artistic. Representatives of the element of water want to carry beauty and love to this world. In addition, such personalities are distinguished by the active intelligence and toastness of the mind. They cannot realize all the incredible power of the Spirit, which, but with the disclosure of their talents, these people will be able to achieve happiness and well-being in life.

Description of people born March 1

Personalities Born on the first day of spring are real estates and beauty connoisseurs. They do not like boring people and fight in every possibleness of the surrounding world. With inspiration, they satisfy their life with paints and from the most common trifles create something beautiful and original. Often they are enjoyed by the embodiment of fantasies into reality, which leads them to the separation from reality. Creative nature does not recognize the realities of life. They do not want to deal with finance and homemade troubles. They are only interested in what is associated with creativity.

People born on March 1 do not seek to wealth and power. They do not listen to drawing orders and do not accept stereotypes. Such personalities do not come up with rules for themselves and give life to flow in an unknown course, which in many cases is correct. They are always true to their instincts and in many cases rely on their own flair. With the individual work of the fish will be free in their actions and will not submit others.

Persons celebrating his birthday in early March are characterized by indecisive and some shyness. These qualities prevent them from revealing their potential and creative abilities, so they must learn to be bolder. Envious and unfriendliers can also be a problem in the lives of creative personalities. Do not block into yourself and reflect the attacks by enemies of fish will be able only with the developed power of will. By ensuring a prosperous life, they will be able to enjoy creativity and go to their hobbies.

Persons who born in the early spring seek to transform not only the world, but also themselves. They always try to look absolutely, because of what they are often docked on their appearance. Such natures forget about the improvement of the inner world and personal development, as the outer shell becomes more important for them. But this lack helps them to manipulate the necessary people and achieve the desired.

On March 1, the following celebrities were born: Frederick Chopin, Jack Deleneport, Jensen Eklz, Valery Kravchenko, Anna Semenovich, Albina Romanova.

Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac

Fishes are endowed with nature a high level of creative abilities and the ability to play on the stage. They are often workaholics, because full of ambitions and the desire to make their lives better. Own ideas and projects of persons celebrating the birthday of March 1, make them self-confident and vouch to risk and accomplish the feats.

If such an idea seizes such personalities, they will spend most of their time on its development. Talented nature possess intuition, affecting friends and enemies, as this feature is more like a real foresight. People born on March 1, the ability to predict the consequences makes it possible to avoid failures.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign:

People who appeared in this world in early March helps logic in the work, but they do not use it in matters of personal relationships. Usually they are neat and punctual in any activity and calculate daily plans for moments. But they do not always behave correctly towards friends or acquaintances, often late in meetings or ignoring agreements.

Fish love everything related to aesthetics. They care about their appearance, so they always look attractive and effectively. When necessary, they show charm not only in romantic, but also in business relationships. Aesthetic feelings of fish are reflected in their creative activity. They always put an external appearance on the first place, but it does not prevent them from being educated and polite with others. The same qualities they want to see in loved ones, as they do not like to be near the rude and evil personalities.

People born on March 1 prefer to spend time in the company of friends with whom they feel comfortable. They easily solve various questions, but hate when problems arise in relationships with closeness.

Representatives of the watermark are too demanding towards their relatives who have to put up with the arrogance and arrogance of fish. Such personalities should learn tolerance in relation to the loved persons so that harmony reigned in family life.

Sensual and romantic representatives of strong sex are born on March 1. Male sign of the zodiac fish is distinguished by spirituality, musicality and creativity. Such personalities are idealists and dreamers. It is easy and comfortable to communicate with them.

Among the main qualities of the representatives of the watermark should be noted good nature, unfortunately and mercy. They try to improve the world in all its manifestations. In talented persons of others attract intelligence, activity and artistry. Fish do not tolerate monotony and events. Everyday responsibilities are in their second plan, and the main thing for them is the development of creative abilities.

Polite and tactful fish do not allow themselves to be aggressive towards women, although negative emotions often fill them due to the fact that the chosen is often not matching expectations. Such men can easily fall in love, but it is quite difficult to build a flat relationship for them. They strive for unattainable ideals and carefully looking for a partner, which should have a bright temperament.

The main qualities of women

Women born on the first day of March, are feminine, charming and romantic personalities. Representatives of the element of water always follow their appearance. With their subtle taste for clothing, they easily create an elegant and unique image to which it is impossible not to pay attention.

Tenderness and sophistication are characteristic of person from the date of birth on March 1. Fish zodiac sign is characterized by charismatic and mystery. Such a person finds inspiration in beauty and art. As it often hovers in the clouds surrounding her frivolous. But in difficult situations, intellectual nature is persistence and hard.

Women born in the early spring attract a strong floor with their mysteriousness, defenselessness and vulnerability. The atmosphere of mystery, forming around such a lady, is their main goat. It's not so easy to achieve delicate and attractive nature. Fish do not go on their emotions and know how to properly use their fragility and softness.

Love and compatibility with other signs

People who appeared on the first day of spring are characterized by charm and ability to captivate the hearts of others. They are distinguished by the readiness and friendliness. Fisies always overwhelm the feelings that they want to express in front of others. These natures themselves are looking for decisive partners with a sharp mind that cause admiration for others. Representatives of the water element are ready to do everything for their halves, but at the same time they do not want to part with freedom and independence.

In personal relationships, fish appear by passionate and loving satellites. They will readily respond to requests and wishes of the object of their love. Such personalities are looking for strong partners who are too idealized. The ability to accept the shortcomings of his companion as proper will help in the development of long relations with romance that appeared on March 1.

Which zodiac sign is suitable for individuals born in early spring:

In rare cases, fish can consist in harmonious relations with devices and caperpashers. Their views on life and desires often disagree, but with the right distribution of responsibilities and responsibilities, strong and long alliances of representatives of the earthly element and birthday women are provided on March 1.

Who on the horoscope does not fit the fish, so these are Aries, twins and lions: with them a watermark, you can not hope to reciprocate in feelings and for the prospects for a happy marriage.

Career and suitable professions

Persons celebrating the birthday of March 1, look at the world through the eyes of artists. They value all aspects of life events and phenomena. But these people are also practical and logical. In the work they follow the mind, which does not allow themselves in love relationships. Fish can forget about insignificant promises or meetings, but in working activity they always have everything according to plan. They do not allow their emotionality to affect the work, so self-discipline is important for them.

Suitable areas of activity for people born on the first day of spring:

Friendly and ambitious persons can create their own projects and develop them safely. Communicability helps them in communicating with people and establish trust relationships with both business partners and subordinates. Fish can be engaged in different types of creativity, as individual activities are closer to them than collective work.

Health and Possible Diseases

Fish of the first decade usually have good health. But they do not listen to the councils of doctors and neglect the correct day of the day, healthy diet and exercise, which is why they may have problems.

With frequent snacks, both people born on March 1, diseases associated with the gastrointestinal tract appear. Such persona does not pay attention to primary symptoms that are often flowing into chronic diseases. Sometimes they themselves prescribe a treatment that brings even more harm.

Suppression of excessive emotionality can lead to a nervous breakdown or psyche disorder. An irritated nervous system causes an internal disharmony of fish that changes their perception to the real world and spoils the pictures arising in their imagination. They plunge into the world of fantasies, running away from gray and cruel reality.

People born in the early March, one should surround themselves with optimistic persons who will be returned to them a positive look at the world. Creative nature must learn to relax and give yourself the opportunity to relax from work. Psychotherapy sessions will help to maintain mental state. Also for fish will be useful yoga, and with regular sports, they will always be in a good mood.

ATTENTION, only today!

Strengths: responsibility, demanding, purposefulness

Weaknesses: Lack of flexibility, uncertainty

  • Women born on January 1, are distinguished by such qualities: wisdom, practicality, dedication, deep inner world
  • Men born on January 1 are endowed with such features character: leadership, thrift, caution, freedom-

General characteristics born January 1

Zodiac sign born January 1 - Capricorn. These are targeted, discreet, responsible and soft personality. They do not resort to radical methods to achieve goals and solve problems. Active actions prefer expectant tactics, choose a slow and proven path.

Born on this day easily converge with others. They do not allow the development of conflicts in disputes and disagreements. Do not trust a new acquaintance, because of what they seem closed, pieces on emotions by personalities. Their circle of friends is limited to several buddies, which they know from childhood or junior.

Such people do not imagine life without purpose. From the young years they know what they want to get from life. Therefore, put the target and stubbornly go to it. Always act according to the planned plan. They are afraid to suffer defeat, because of what they refrain from rampant deeds and spontaneous solutions. Many times pay for education and improvement of professional skills. Love to learn and expand the horizons.

Characteristics of women born January 1

Such women are wise, practical and purposeful individuals. They do not advertise their successes and are not looking for approval by others. Successful in a career, which is the fruit of painstaking labor and perseverance. Dream of stability and strong family.

These ladies have a deep inner world, which contributes to the wiping of creativity and psychology. They respect and appreciate moral values. We strive for ordering and material well-being.

Characteristics of men born January 1

Such men are purposeful, economical and careful. For them, the main thing in life is a career and self-realization. To achieve the goal, they go to self-sacrifice. In the soul love freedom and do not tolerate pressure, so it is difficult for them to build strong trusting relationships with people.

These men are endowed with pronounced leadership qualities. They strive for victories. Painly perceive failures, which can shake confidence in their abilities. Respect people who are higher in rank.


Born on this day is not an easy fate. Their life resembles the whirlpool of events, which absorbs them from early childhood. Fortune to these people unfair, so success and material well-being they achieve their painstaking labor.

Next to them always turn out to be ill-wishers, competitors, envious who want to take their place. It interferes with new friends, build romantic relationships and enjoy a happy family life.

What do you like

  • To plan
  • Set real goals and implement them
  • Get new knowledge
  • Travel
  • Engage in creativity, science, entrepreneurship
  • Organize holidays
  • Learn other people

What do not like

  • Risk your position
  • Make rampant deeds
  • Take frivolous solutions
  • Lose
  • Analyze your mistakes
  • Stand on achieved
  • To waste money

Love horoscope

Born January 1 Capricorn shy and hidden in relations. Sensitivity and vulnerability are hidden behind the outer coldness and indifference. They are hard to confess in love and the first to get closer to the beloved. In partners, they choose more emotional and strong personalities.

In marriage such women are excellent mistresses and mothers, and men are faithful and caring family mans.


Born January 1 Capricorns form a strong and harmonious union with calves, lions and representatives of their zodiac sign. Complex relations are folded with racks, firing, aquarius and Aries.

The most suitable partner for born January 1

For love and marriage, people born on such days are best suited:

January: 7, 10, 13
February: 2, 13, 17, 24, 29
March: 6, 15, 22, 31
April: 2, 12, 26, 27
May: 5, 6, 8, 10, 22
June: 8, 10, 11, 17
July: 15, 22, 30
August: 2, 8, 19, 24, 27, 28
September: 2, 3, 4, 5, 23
October: 2, 5, 11, 12, 26
November: 2, 5, 16, 26, 30
December: 3, 9, 23, 31

Business horoscope

For such people, work is the main thing in life. They responsible choose a profession. Phasepno build a career, overcoming emerging difficulties. Do not choose easy ways to achieve success. They are stubborn and diligent in work.

Founded on this day, independent and enterprising. The best professional areas of activity for them are advocacy, teaching, business and management.

Negative features are the risk fear and the lack of excitement. In pursuit of stability, they miss the chance to achieve success and self-realize.

Horoscope health

Born January 1 is closed and hidden. Holding emotions and the desire to keep everything under control lead to stress and nervous overstrain. Such people are inclined to depressions and overwork. Who is not able to cope with inner fears and tension, the topics of health recommends to visit the psychotherapist.

A weak point in the body of born on the first day of the year is a digestive system. To avoid serious diseases, it is necessary to monitor the mode and diet.

Such people are prone to completeness. Diet and moderate physical exertion will help support physical form. The best effect will have morning charging, swimming or walking. In the diet, it is necessary to limit the flour, sweets and animal fats. It is necessary to give preference to low-fat varieties of meat, vegetables and fruits.

Do not place unnecessary requirements, learn to relax and relax
Emotional tension and impulsiveness interfere with implement planned plans and achieve success in work.

Training patience
To build a career and take the desired position, you need to gradually move forward. Management will notice and evaluate composure, responsibility and perseverance.

Trust your own feelings
Do not be ashamed of the manifestation of feelings and be afraid of relationships. A loved one will enable harmony, romance, a sense of confidence and spiritual equilibrium.

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