Victory Day symbols: St. George ribbon, front-line one hundred grams, red carnations. Extracurricular activity "symbols of the great victory"

Municipal autonomous educational institution

secondary school number 2

r.p. Red Bucky

Extracurricular activity:

"Symbols of the Great Victory"

Compiled by: V.V. Baidakova,

primary school teacher

MAOU SOSH №2 r.p. Red Bucky

Red Bucky


"Symbols of the Great Victory"

Age: 7-8 years old.

Regulations of the event: 35-40 minutes.

Explanatory note: the theme of the Great Patriotic War is most relevant today, on the eve of the 70th anniversary of Victory Day. Children of primary school age are poorly informed about the events of that time, they have an insufficiently developed sense of patriotism.

The event is compiled on the basis of materials collected in the course of students' research activities, using the technology of collective cooperation, the latest computer technologies, which make information most accessible for perception and assimilation by younger students.

This development is a stage that will encourage children to continue their research work, to read books about the Great Patriotic War.

Target: to acquaint with the symbols of the Great Victory and make a holiday card using these symbols.


    educational: to expand the knowledge of students about the Great Patriotic War, about the symbols of Victory;

    developing: develop the skills and abilities of finding the necessary information, develop communication skills, speech;

    educational: to foster a sense of patriotism, sympathy and respect for the elderly, to instill love for the Motherland.

Personal universal learning activities

The student will have:

    a broad motivational basis for educational activity, including social and external motives;

    educational and cognitive interest in new educational material and ways to solve a new problem.

The student will have the opportunity to form:

    the internal position of the student at the level of understanding the need for learning, expressed in the predominance of educational and cognitive motives and the preference for a social way of assessing knowledge;

    competence in the implementation of the foundations of civic identity in actions and activities.

Regulatory universal training activities

The student will learn:

    accept and save a learning task;

    plan your actions in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation;

    distinguish between the way and the result of the action;

    carry out step-by-step and final control over the result.

    show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation;

    transform a practical task into a cognitive one.

Cognitive universal learning activities

The student will learn:

    search for the necessary information to complete educational tasks in an open information space, including the controlled space of the Internet;

    build messages in oral and written form;

    build logical reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

    to sum up the analyzed events under the concepts of different levels of generalization (world, state, region, district, village).

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    find, record and process information about the native land using ICT tools;

    build reasoning, including the establishment of cause-and-effect relationships;

    to carry out logical operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison and classification of the studied objects according to independently selected criteria.

Communicative Universal Learning Activities

The student will learn:

    build a monologue statement, master the dialogical form of communication;

    adequately perceive and transmit information in a given format, negotiate and come to a common decision in joint activities.

The student will have the opportunity to learn:

    to argue their position and coordinate it with the positions of partners in cooperation in developing a common solution in joint activities;

    ask questions necessary for organizing your own activities and cooperation with a partner;

    exercise mutual control and provide the necessary assistance in cooperation.


    a computer;

    interactive kit "SMART";

    audio and video resources (songs - "Take your greatcoat", "Victory Day"; video - video about Vov, "Immortal regiment" in Krasnobakovsky district, fireworks on May 9 on Red Square, changing of the guard at the eternal flame);

    document camera.

Preliminary preparation:


    selects material from various sources (methodological literature, fiction, the Internet);

    consults with history teachers;

    makes a presentation in SMART Notebook 10 software;

    selects handouts for collective and creative work of children in groups;

    prepares room decoration;

    coordinates the work of children in groups, helps to work with information, consults and helps to prepare the performance of the groups;


    unite in groups (5 groups of 4-5 people);

    in groups, they select information on one of the symbols of the Great Victory (at the choice of students);

    prepare reports on the materials of the project;

    learn poems about the Great Patriotic War;

    select postcards for the organization of the exhibition "Postcards for the Victory Day";


    • assist children in collecting information about the symbols of the Great Victory, preparing reports, learning songs and poems;

Pedagogical cooperation:


    selects poems on military topics;

    music worker:

    organizes musical accompaniment;

    an employee of the regional museum of local lore:

    conducts an excursion on the theme: "70 years of Victory";

    high school students (2 people):

    are preparing a speech about F.F. Sinyavin.

Timing of the event.

    Organizational moment - 1 min.

    The main part - 28 min.

    Conversation on the topic - 8 min.

    Group messages - 20 min.

    Collective creative work - 8 min.

    Conclusion, reflection - 3 min.

Event progress:

    Organizational moment.

Children sit in the classroom in groups at their desks.

1 slide (A musical intro plays (the song "Take the Greatcoat" performed by Boris Ivanov).

Teacher: Dear Guys! Today we have gathered here on the eve of a significant date ... Exactly 70 years ago, our people won a victory in the Great Patriotic War over Nazi Germany.

2 slide

    Main part.

    Conversation on the topic.

Teacher: Recently we visited the regional museum of local lore. You have learned a lot about the Great Patriotic War.

3 slide

Teacher: Tell me, when did the Great Patriotic War start?

4 slide

Teacher: How many years did it last?

Children: 4 years.

Teacher: That's right guys. Exactly 1418 days and nights our people waged a liberation war.

Teacher: Why is this war called the Patriotic War?

Children: All people stood up to defend their country.

Teacher: All the inhabitants of our huge country: men, women, old people and even children, stood up to defend the Motherland. For every city, street, house - our soldiers, not sparing their lives, fought to free the land from the hated enemy.

Teacher: Guys, when did the war end?

5 slide

Teacher:On May 9, 1945, the long-awaited victory came. Today we dedicate our extracurricular event "Symbols of the Great Victory" to this bright date.

6 slide(video sketches from the times of Vov).

Teacher: Guys, we have no right to forget those soldiers who died in order for us to live now. We must remember everything ...

Children read a poem by R. Rozhdestvensky "Remember":

Student 1:

Through the centuries, through the years -

About those who will never come again -


Student 2:
Carry your dream through the years

And fill with life!
But those who never come again - please,


Teacher:Every year on May 9, parades are held throughout the country. People gather in the main squares of cities, villages, congratulate veterans, honor the memory of the victims.

7 slide (Video "Immortal Regiment". Red Bucky. May 9, 2014)

Teacher:Since 2014, the Immortal Regiment campaign has been held in our country, the purpose of which is to preserve the people's memory of the participants in the Great Patriotic War. Those guys whose great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers fought will take part in this action.

(Students line up with portraits of veterans.)

2 students talk about their great-grandfathers - participants in the Great Patriotic War.

Student 1:

My great-grandfather's name was Aleksey Matveyevich Khrenov. He fought on the Stalingrad and Kuban fronts. On one of them he was wounded in the leg and was treated for a long time in the hospital. Great-grandfather was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War and many medals.

Student 2:

My great-grandfather, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War - Kunitsyn Boris Dmitrievich. He was a participant in the hostilities on the Volkhov and Belarusian fronts, participated in the liberation of Poland. Was wounded 4 times. Awarded with military and jubilee awards.


Today, next to us live those who saw the terrible military events with their own eyes. They need our attention and care. Every year there are fewer and fewer of them. What can you and I do for them on the eve of the Great Holiday?

Children: Help with the housework, invite to the parade, say gratitude for the Victory, give flowers, make a greeting card.

Teacher: I agree with you. In order for you and me to be able to make a postcard, we need to get acquainted with the symbols of the Great Victory. C the spruce of our event is to learn about the symbols of victory and each group to make a postcard for the veteran.


Teacher: Take a look at the greeting cards on display at the booth. What symbols did the artists use to create postcards? (Victory Parade, Monument to the Unknown Soldier, Victory Banner, Eorgievskaya ribbon, hero star, eternal flame, fireworks, flowers.)

Each group found information about the Victory symbol and will now tell us about it.

    Groups report

The presented material is approximate, the teacher coordinates the preparation of the groups' performances, but the children can present their material on this symbol.

1st group

9 slide

St. George Ribbon- This is a two-color black and orange ribbon, which got its name from the Order of St. George - the patron saint of the Russian army. The colors of the ribbon are deeply symbolic. Some believe that black and orange stripes represent smoke and flames on the battlefields, reflecting the courage and valor of warriors shown in battle, eternal glory. These are the colors of the Russian coat of arms: a black eagle and a golden crown, according to others.

The ribbon has become a symbol of celebration, memory and respect for veterans and heroes who fell in battles for the Motherland.

Teacher: Let us also attach the St.George ribbon to our chest and continue this relay race.

High school students help children attach ribbons to their clothes (the group prepares in advance with the parents).

(Musical accompaniment backing track "Victory Day" - music David Tukhmanov, lyrics by Vladimir Kharitonov )

Children read Tatiana Papantonio's poem "St. George's Ribbon":

Student 1:

I will tie a ribbon on the May holiday, -

This symbol is from Victory.

I am proud of my Fatherland,

Fathers and grandfathers gave the world.

Student 2:

Black will remind you of the smoke of war

And orange is fire and flame.

Nowadays there is happiness in spring-

The sky is peaceful now over us.

Group 2.

10 slide

Eternal flame was lit in 1967 in Moscow at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier in memory of those who did not return from the battlefields. Fire erupts from the middle of a bronze star placed in the center of a black square. At the Eternal Flame at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a permanent guard of honor from the Presidential Regiment has been established. The eternal flame burns in large parks in large cities. Every year on May 9, during the Victory Day celebrations, flowers are laid on the memorial.

11 slide(video: changing of the guard at the eternal flame).

The student reads the poem "Eternal Flame" by Maxim Dreaming:

The "eternal flame" kicked up in the wind -
Memory of those who did not return from the war.
People come to bow to him
And pray for those who died in battles.

Group 3.

12 slide

Firework - solemn greetings during holidays or military parades.It is a symbol of victory, joy, success, and celebration.The fireworks displayed on postcards for May 9 symbolizes a shell exploding in the sky.. The first festive fireworks were given in Moscow on August 5, 1943 in honor of the troops that liberated the cities of Orel and Belgorod.

13 slide ( Video of the fireworks on May 9 on Red Square ).

Children read N. Ivanova's poem "What a holiday?"

Student 1:

There is a festive fireworks in the sky,
Fireworks here and there.
Congratulates the whole country
Glorious veterans.
Student 2:

And blooming spring
Gives them tulips
Gives a white lilac.
What a glorious May day?

4 group.

14 slide

Lilacs and carnations can be called symbols of victorious May.

Lilac considered a symbol of Victory. It was the lilacs that the girls gave to the warriors - the winners. The trains with the troops returning from Berlin were greeted with bouquets of lilacs at the stations. This is the most popular flower of Victory May.

Red clove - is a symbol of innocent blood shed during the Great Patriotic War. Carnations speak of admiration for a person, that we will always remember him. In Russia, this flower has also always been considered a symbol of heroes. Throughout the post-war period, it was carnations that were handed over to the war heroes on May 9.

A student reads a poem by Elena Butorina " Carnations sparkle with dew on Victory Day ... ":

Red carnations - like our veterans !!!
That do not bend under the weight of fate
And they never surrender on the battlefield !!!
"Flowers of Fire"! "Flowers of Love"! "Flowers of Struggle"!

5 group.

15 slide

"Golden Star" - it is the identification mark of the armed forces of the state. It is necessary in order to distinguish your fighters and equipment from the enemy from afar. The highest military award during the Great Patriotic War was the Gold Star medal. She was awarded to the Heroes of the Soviet Union . More than 11 thousand soldiers of the army and navy received this high rank.

Teacher: The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was also given to our fellow countryman, from Krasnobak Fyodor Fedorovich Sinyavin. The street where our school is located was named after him.

16 slide

High school students will tell you about his feat.

High school student 1: I'm walking down Sinyavin Street ...

Before the war, there was no such thing.

And at home! How glorious the houses are!

And what they gave across the river! ..

High school student 2: Fedor Fedorovich Sinyavin went to the front on the sixth day of the war and fought on the Volkhov front. In one of the first battles, FF Sinyavin's company repulsed the attacks of two battalions of the Nazis for 8 hours. Sinyavin was wounded 6 times, but continued to fire from a machine gun. He managed to destroy about 300 enemies. Fyodor Fyodorovich died a heroic death at the beginning of 1942, defending Leningrad.

High school student 1:

F.F. Sinyavin was awarded the highest title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was awarded the Star of a Hero medal posthumously.

Teacher: Well done boys! You have done a lot of research and collected material about the symbols of Victory Day. And now we will start with you the practical part of our work - making a postcard.

2 - 3 students work on the SMART Board and make up a postcard.

17 slide

    Collectively - creative work of children.

Children in groups make an applique from ready-made elements (St. George's ribbon, eternal flame, lilac branch, carnation, fireworks, hero's star). Paste in congratulations to veterans.

Teacher: Now the groups will show what postcards they have.

Each group shows a postcard and reads a greeting. The teacher projects a postcard onto an interactive whiteboard using a document camera. As a result, postcards of all groups are displayed on the interactive whiteboard.


Teacher: You guys are great! I would like to say a huge thank you to you and your parents, high school students, all those who helped us hold this event. We will be able to present the postcards that we have made to the veterans who will come to the Victory Parade on May 9. They will be very pleased to receive a handmade gift. After all, the most important thing for them now is our care and attention.

Reflection(voting system works)


Take the remotes in hand and press the button with the letter "A" if your answer is "yes" and the button with the letter "B" if your answer is "no".

1. Did you enjoy today's event?

2. Did you enjoy working in groups?

3. Would you like to continue your research and find information about other symbols of Victory?

18 slide


May love forever shine in the world

The spring garden blooms without fear!

And may no one know forever

Military roads from heaven to hell.

Let the people of the big Universe remember

Let the children know from adults

With what measure they paid priceless.

For happiness and peace on the planet.


    The Great Patriotic War: 1941-1945: Encyclopedia for schoolchildren / Comp. I. A. Damaskin, P. A. Koshel; Will enter, an article by O. A. Rzheshevsky. - M .: OLMA-PRESS, 2000

    Gorky residents are heroes of the Soviet Union. Volgo-Vyatka book publishing house. Bitter. 1972 .


Poems for a postcard.

Thanks for the Great Victory!
For the sky with the world over your head!
Thank you for the bright Victory
For the faith that you bring us with you!


On Victory Day, we want to wish
Forget about all the bad weather -
Meet the years in good health,
If you cry - then only from happiness!

On the anniversary of the great Victory
We sincerely want to wish you
Good health, so that troubles can be avoided,
We say thank you for everything!

May your sky be clear
The star does not extinguish the joys.
And the roar of tanks and guns
Will die forever.


Thank you with all our heart
To you on Victory Day, veterans,
May there be peace in my heart
And life will heal your wounds!

On the eve of one of the most important holidays for every Russian, "HP" asked about it.

St. George ribbon - both gunpowder and fire,
And the bitterness of tears, and the joy of Victory Day.
Not just a proud symbol, but a silk shoulder strap,
For the kind peace that our grandfathers got us.

Author - Natalie Samoniy.

Vladimir Burlakov, editor-in-chief of Novorossiysk Rabochy:

- For me, this is a thin book by my father Mikhail Grigorievich Burlakov "In the days of war", published in early 1942. Our troops then retreated on all fronts, and he was confident and convinced the readers that victory would be ours.

Natalia Duyunova, teacher, pensioner:

- For me, this is the image of a veteran - with such beautiful gray hair, with wrinkles, in orders and medals, with sad and very wise eyes, but happy and with a bouquet of lilacs. I worked at school for many years, and every year I agitated my students on May 9 to go to the parade, take part in honoring veterans, lay flowers with them and be sure to be photographed for memory. Each child must have a photo with the veteran in the photo album. They are a whole era, a living legend, these are our heroes. And children should know about their feat and about the price at which happiness on Earth is won.

Ivan Potapenko, Deputy Chairman of the Novorossiysk City Executive Committee in the 1980s-1990s:

- Of course, this is the Victory Banner. I saw him in the museum, they took us to the institute. It is, of course, not the same as shown on TV, it is shabby, dilapidated ... But this is greatness! My father fought, he was wounded on the Southern Front. He was an artilleryman and for one feat he received two military awards at once: medals "For Combat Valor" and "For Courage". He was carrying ammunition to the battery, and a German shell hit the cart, and the horse was killed. Father harnessed to the cart and dragged the shells to his own.

Sergey Panchenko, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences:

- Since childhood, for the boys of my generation, such a symbol has been the Order of Victory - the star. As for the St. George ribbon, I think the people accepted it because it unites the Russian, Soviet and modern Russian army. She personifies all the victories of our great-grandfathers, grandfathers and contemporaries, their awards - from St. George's Cross to the Order of Glory. Now the St. George ribbon has become a fashionable thing, but in any case, it has not lost its sacred meaning. Although I do not approve when some people tie a ribbon on a dog's collar, for example.

Nikolay Zagorodny, Chairman of the City Council of Veterans:

- Our veterans are a real, living symbol of the Great Victory. Now in Novorossiysk, 196 participants of the Great Patriotic War are still alive, of whom no more than twenty are still able to travel by transport, share their memories and life experiences with young people. These great people are the best generation that has ever lived on Earth. How many hardships they endured with honor, with what dedication they approached the Great Victory step by step! And at the same time they remained clean, unclouded, not angry. Our veterans have collected the best qualities that only the Russian people have. And we must not forget for a second what feat they performed. I would like to quote lines from a poem by Nikolai Zinoviev: “He is both more terrible and more beautiful than all the celebrated years. One such holiday in Russia. And, thank God, that one. "

Olga Mazurenko, teacher, class teacher of 2 "B" class of school number 27 in the village of Myskhako:

- For me, the symbol of Victory is our great history, our memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War and our monuments.

For Victory Day this year, my students and I, together with their parents, have created a documentary film "From line to line."

The idea arose after talking with her compatriot - she is the director of a weekend school for Russian-speaking children in Ireland. It turned out that the children there have very poor knowledge of the Great Patriotic War and the role of the Soviet people in the Great Victory. In our film, the guys talk about what monuments are located in the hero city and its environs, with what events they are associated, a whole historical panorama is given.

Moreover, it is very valuable that this film covers memorial sites located in the mountains of the village of Myskhako (for example, a mass grave with a red star, made by local sculptor Alexander Kamper), and many other memorial points that are little known, say, to guests of our city.

By the way, our project is open to all residents, this film, according to our plan, can be replenished. And there are new reporters who have expressed a desire to continue the story started by the children.


More precisely, the truth about her. In short, we are raking up the mess that liars and demagogues have made.

The other day, a man who considers himself a communist reproached me: “You replaced the symbols of Victory with your ribbon, and now you want the neighbors to swear allegiance to this fake” - it was said about the occasion.

And he cited Nevzorov's exemplary performance as proof, which can be considered the quintessence of all the lies on this matter. Below is the excerpt of the recording and the text, and the full version can be read and viewed:

“The definition of the ribbon that people tie on themselves on May 9 as Colorado , according to the color of the coloring of the Colorado potato beetle, I really gave it once on the air of Channel Five. Naturally, I have nothing against May 9. But if you are so serious about it, if it is extremely important for you, then you should be extremely neat and serious, including in symbolism .

St. George ribbon, was not known in the Soviet Army ... The Order of Glory was established only in 43, especially popular, not even famous at the front , the award must have a certain historical path in order for it to become popular and famous, and on the contrary, General Shkuro, General Vlasov, many the highest ranks of the SS supported the cult of the St. George ribbon ... It was a tape of both the Vlasovites and the highest ranks of the SS.

Understand, no matter how we relate to the Soviet state, but the color of victory, and we must take this calmly and courageously, victory color - red ... The red was raised banner over the Reichstag , under the red banners people went to the Patriotic War, not under any other. And the one who treats this holiday attentively and with pain, probably, should be precise in the observance of this symbolism too ”.

Now let's take this nonsense out. By the way, we can say “thank you” to Alexander Glebovich for the fact that he has so succinctly and sensibly summed up almost all the main distortions, omissions and outright lies about the St. George ribbon.

And I know, of course, that in the Soviet system of awards and badges there was no concept of "St. George's ribbon".

But do we want to plunge into the jungle of faleristics every time like: “the ribbon is a silk reps ribbon of golden orange color with three longitudinal black stripes applied on it with a 1 mm wide edging”?

Therefore, for simplicity of presentation, let's conditionally call it "St. George's Ribbon" - after all, everyone understands what we are talking about? So…

Victory symbol

Question: When did your St. George ribbon become a symbol of Victory?

Medal "For Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945."

It looked like this:

and like this:

Soviet naval guards at the Victory parade

Guards tape on the postage stamp of the USSR ( 1973 year !!!)

and, for example, like this:

Guards ribbon on the Guards naval flag of the destroyer "Thundering"

Order of Glory

My friend Minaev, do not forget about my former profession. After all, I was once a reporter. That is, I have to be absolutely shameless and unprincipled.
And further:
Look, this is amazing, because you are completely cynical in answering the questions around which everyone usually starts picking their fingertips and saying that it was just such a time.

Yes, there was no such time. We all sat, to one degree or another, on the gold chains of various oligarchs, we were boasted, we were outbid. We tried to knock it down, taking with us, if possible, the gold chain.

And finally, to dot the i's, another quote:
"That Berendey hut, which was built on the ruins of my homeland, is not any shrine for me"
Therefore, when listening to discussions about orders, about glory, about war and exploits, about Colorado beetles and "a serious attitude to symbolism" - do not forget (just for the sake of objectivity) WHO is talking about all this.

"Vlasovskaya Ribbon"

Like many inspired liars, Nevzorov, looking for numbers to confirm his speculations, forgot about common sense.

He himself said that the Order of Glory was established in 1943. And the guards tape - even earlier, in the summer of 1942. And the so-called "Russian Liberation Army" was only officially established six months later, and operated mainly in 43-44, while officially subordinate to the Third Reich.

Tell me, can you imagine that the official military orders and insignia of the Wehrmacht coincided with the awards of the enemy army? So that German generals create military units and officially secure the use of the insignia of the Soviet army in them?

It is reliably known that the "Russian Liberation Army" fought under the tricolor, and used a kind of parody of the St. Andrew's flag as a symbol.

The land fleet in the steppes of Ukraine turned out, as you can see, not at all an anecdote ... :)

And it looked like this:

And that is all. They received awards from the German Wehrmacht in accordance with the regulations established by it.

Order of the Patriotic War

During the war, this order were awarded 1.276 million people , including about 350 thousand - the order of the 1st degree.

Think about it: over a million too! It is not surprising that he became one of the most popular and recognizable symbols of the Victory. It was this order - together with the Order of Glory and the medal "For Victory", they were almost always seen on the front-line soldiers returning from the war.

It was with him that they returned (for the first time during the Soviet era!) Orders of different degrees: the Order of the Patriotic War (I and II degrees) and later - the Order of Glory (I, II and III degrees), which has already been discussed.

Order "Victory"

The name speaks. And why he became one of the symbols of victory later, after the 45th year, is also understandable. One of the three main symbols.

His ribbon combines the colors of 6 other Soviet orders, separated by white gaps half a millimeter wide:

  • Orange with black in the middle - Order of Glory (along the edges of the tape; the same colors hated by Nevzorov and some modern "communists")

  • Blue - Order of Bohdan Khmelnitsky

  • Dark red (burgundy) - order of Alexander Nevsky

  • Dark blue - order of Kutuzov

  • Green - Order of Suvorov

  • Red (central section), 15 mm wide - Order of Lenin (the highest award in the Soviet Union, if someone does not remember)

Let me remind you of the historical fact that Marshal Zhukov was the first to receive this order (he was twice a holder of this order), the second went to Vasilevsky (he was also twice a holder of this order), and Stalin had only No. 3.

Today, when they like to rewrite history, it will not be harmful to remember with what respect these orders, which were awarded to the allies, are kept abroad:

  • The Eisenhower Award is in the Memorial Library for the 34th President of the United States in his hometown of Abilene, Kansas;

  • Marshal Tito's award is on display at the May 25 Museum in Belgrade (Serbia);

  • Field Marshal Montgomery's Award is on display at the Imperial War Museum in London;

You can evaluate the wording for the award from the statute of the order yourself:
"The Order of Victory, as the highest military order, is awarded to senior officers of the Red Army for the successful conduct of such military operations on the scale of several or one front, as a result of which the situation radically changes in favor of the Red Army."
Victory symbols

And now let's make as simple as three kopecks and obvious conclusions.

Tens of millions of soldiers are returning home from the front. There is a certain percentage of senior officers, a little more of junior command personnel, but mostly privates and sergeants.

Everybody has a medal "For Victory". The Order of Glory - for many, and some of them also have 2-3 degrees. It is clear that full cavaliers are especially honored, it is their portraits in the press and at meetings, concerts and other public events - there they, too, with all their orders.

The Navy Guards, too, naturally wear their insignia with pride. Like, the guards are not bastard!

So what, pray tell, is it surprising that the main, the most popular and recognizable are three symbols: the Order of Victory, the Order of the Patriotic War and the Ribbon of St. George?

Who is not satisfied with the St. George ribbon on today's posters? Well, let's all come here, we'll watch the Soviet ones. We will see how the history was changed.

"Come on!"

One of the most famous posters. Drawn shortly after the Victory. And it already contains the symbolism of this Victory. There was a little background.

In 1944, Leonid Golovanov on his poster "Let's get to Berlin!" depicted a laughing warrior. The prototype of the smiling hero on the march was a real hero - the sniper Golosov, whose front-line portraits formed the basis of the famous sheet.

And in 1945, the legendary "Glory to the Red Army!" Appeared, in the upper left corner of which the artist's previous work is quoted:

So, here they are - the true symbols of Victory. On the legendary poster.

On the right side of the chest of the Red Army soldier is the Order of the Patriotic War.

On the left - the Order of Glory ("unpopular", yeah), the medal "For Victory" (with the same St. George's ribbon on the block) and the medal "For the capture of Berlin."

The whole country knew this poster! They still recognize him. More popular than him, perhaps, only "The Motherland Calls!" Irakli Toidze.

Now someone will say: "It is not difficult to draw a poster, but it was not so in life." Okay, here's to you"in life"

Ivanov, Victor Sergeevich. Photo of 1945.

Here's another poster. What is the star edged with?

Okay, this is the end of the 70s, someone will say that it is not true. Let's take something from the Stalinist years:

Well? "Vlasovskaya Ribbon", Yes? Under Stalin? Seriously?!!

How did Nevzorov lie? "The ribbon was not known in the Soviet Army."

Well, we see how she "was not known." Already under Stalin, it became both a symbol of the Red Army and a symbol of Victory.

And here is a poster from the Brezhnev era:

What's on the fighter's chest? Only one "Unpopular and even little-known order," as far as I can see. And nothing more... Incidentally, this emphasizes that the soldier is a private. There is no cult of "commanders", it was a feat of the people.
(By the way, most posters are clickable).

And here is another one for the 25th anniversary of the Victory. 1970 is spelled out on the poster:

And the glorious date is written "A ribbon not known in the Soviet army", which"Is not a symbol of Victory."

Look at what's going on! Our current government is what it is! And until 1945 it reached out, and in the 60s its "Fakes" slipped, and in the 70s!

And here again they are for their own! Again "their" ribbon:

"Postcard of the USSR on May 9
"May 9 - Victory Day"
Planet Publishing House. Photo by E. Savalov, 1974 year .
Order of the Patriotic War II degree "

And here's another one again:

In 2015, the Novosibirsk City Hall Art Council, of which I am a member, discussed the Novosibirsk brandbook for celebrating Victory Day. Round date. Along with the federal symbols of a white dove on a blue sky, Novosibirsk was ready to offer its own.

Municipal brandbook inspired respect: digitalthe image of the seventieth anniversary, the flower of Victory, the tree of Victory, the slogan ... The design was great. But something caused a sense of disharmony. Going to the meeting of the Artistic Council, I began to delve into the meanings ...

In the Novosibirsk brand book, a hybrid of a tulip and a poppy was presented as a Victory flower, and a weeping willow as a tree. I discovered the meaning of the words: tulip - "inhuman execution during the war in Afghanistan", the most common flower of Turkish ornamentalism, a symbol of Turkey ... our common Great Patriotic War, and in the Second World War, began to use Poroshenko's Kiev. The poppy was used deliberately to give the holiday a different meaning. I couldn't remember where I saw that weeping willow in Novosibirsk, which became the Novosibirsk symbol of Victory ..

It so happened that with the students we were just defining the topics of research reports for the annual scientific student conference. Why not analyze the symbolism of May 9th? The idea of ​​how to do this came up fairly quickly. Of course - postcards! Old postcards for May 9.

The first poster with the Victory Day

Postcards with the Victory Day appeared quite late, and began to be produced in large quantities for the 20th anniversary of the Victory. The basis of the postcard symbols was laid by the Victory posters. I went to the second-hand section of an antique store, bought up all the victory cards I had. Among them were postcards of the 60s, 70s, the last Soviet pre-perestroika postcards - the mid-80s. I brought them to the students.

The handwritten lines on the back of the postcards turned out to be unexpectedly interesting: the pioneers are writing to the veteran, their comrades are writing, everyone is still alive. But at the same time, a shrill change of syllable, appeal, construction of a phrase, life priorities was felt.

Then they tried to buy modern postcards. It turns out they only appear in kiosks after Easter and have been on sale for less than a month. Their choice is not rich. Together with the Soviet symbols, the content went away. The style of the postcards has changed in the same way as the context of the film "Anna Karenina" with Elizaveta Boyarskaya has changed in comparison with the film with Tatyana Samoilova in the title role.

The outcome of the student analysis was predetermined. Old postcards unambiguously testified to the slogans and symbols of the Victory suffered through suffering. The main achievement of the students, I believe, is the original understanding of the materials, as well as the no less original emotional presentation of the presentation report based on the research results. I can say that in our teaching audience, after the completion of the report, there was an unplanned minute of silence ...


Dimensions, mm

Publisher, city

Publishing year

"USSR Victory

Hood. N. Zakharzhevsky

"Soviet artist",

"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. A. Samsonov

"Soviet artist",


Hood. D.Zyuzkov

"Soviet artist", Moscow

"Happy Holidays!"

Hood. E. Larichev

Hood. A. Lyubeznov

"Happy Holidays!"

Hood. V.Kozlovsky

"Fine Art", Moscow


Photo by E. Savalov, ed. I. Pechersky

"Planet", Moscow

"Glory to the victorious people!"

Hood. L. Klopov

"Fine Art", Moscow


Hood. A. Lyubeznov

"Poster", Moscow


Hood. I. Dergilev

Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, Moscow

Hood. A. Adashev

Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, Moscow


Hood. S. Kazantsev

Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, Moscow


Hood. V. Voronin

"Poster", Moscow

Hood. E. Kvavadze

"Poster", Moscow

Hood. V. Kireev

"Poster", Moscow


Hood. V. Grenko, photo by R. Yakimenko

"Radiansvka Ukraine", Kiev

Hood. I. Dergilev

Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, Moscow

"Happy Holidays!"

Hood. A. Lyubeznov

"Poster", Moscow

"Happy Holidays!"

Hood. E. Milchakov

"Poster", Moscow

Hood. D. Chernyaev

"Poster", Moscow

"Happy Holidays!"

Hood. G. Renkov

Publication of the USSR Ministry of Communications, Moscow

"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. A. Markin

"Poster", Moscow

Hood. V. Beltyukov

"Soviet Artist", Kalinin

Hood. O. Konyashin

"Soviet Artist", Kalinin

Hood. E. Dergileva

"Poster", Moscow


"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. A. Lyubeznov

"Poster", Moscow


Hood. B. Tuayev

"Poster", Moscow

Hood. B. Tuayev


Hood. A. Baikov

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow


Hood. V. Averyaskin

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow


Hood. V. Averyaskin

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

Hood. A. Savin

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow


Hood. V. Khmelev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. V. Khmelev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. V. Khmelev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

"Happy Victory Day!"

Hood. Yu.I. Kosorukov

"Voenizdat", Moscow


Hood. V. Chmarov

Pravda, Moscow


Hood. V. Vachugov

Pravda, Moscow


Hood. A. Lyubeznov

"Poster", Moscow

"Holy Peremogi!"

Hood. B.M. Voitovich



Hood. R. Dostyan

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow


Hood. E. Kvavadze

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow


Photo by I. Dergilev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

Photo by I. Dergilev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

Hood. P. Navdaev

USSR Ministry of Communications Publishing House, Moscow

The substitution of symbols changes the system of assessment, values ​​and leads away from the historical truth. The symbols of Victory should be recorded as the state flag and anthem, unless, of course, we want to lose the memory of our Victory.

The presence of ideology forced several generations of Soviet artists to very carefully use pictorial means in the development of symbolism. Be it the Victory Day, the red day of the calendar, even the New Year and March 8.

From those first postcards of the Victory, my Soviet collection began. During these two years, the number of postcards in it has grown, and has gone over 5 thousand ...

In the spring, along with the blossoming of the gardens, a solemn holiday comes to us, which, simultaneously with pride for our ancestors, fills the hearts of people with grief and grief for the dead. This is the day of the victory over Nazi Germany, which we celebrate every year on May 9.

What awaits us on this day? Familiar melodies, military newsreels, articles about battles and, of course, familiar to all symbols of victory. What is on their list and what do they remind us of? Next, we'll look at:

  • Victory Banner.
  • Order "Victory".
  • St. George ribbon.
  • Battle of Stalingrad.
  • The "Motherland Calls!" Statue.
  • Eternal flame.
  • Red carnation.
  • "Katyusha".

Victory Banner

Of course, the very first on the list, which includes symbols of victory, is the flag hoisted in the spring of 1945 over the Reichstag. The first in the center of Berlin were the troops of the First Belorussian Front. It was then that nine assault banners were made from ordinary red material. All of them corresponded to the state flag of the USSR. Interestingly, German material taken from one of the shops in Berlin was used for the manufacture of these flags. The sickle, hammer, star on the banners, as well as all the inscriptions on them, were applied by hand and through a stencil.

Assault flags were handed over to all rifle divisions. Among them was the one that had No. 5 and after that became the Banner of Victory.

Despite the fact that fierce battles were already going on in the German capital, initially it was not decided over which building the symbol of the defeat of Nazism should be erected. The answer to this question was given by Stalin, who pointed to the main object of Berlin - the Reichstag.

05/01/1945, the assault flag belonging to the 150th Order of Kutuzov II degree of the Idritsa Rifle Division, proudly ascended over the last stronghold of the enemy. Soldiers Meliton Kantaria, as well as Mikhail Egorov and Alexei Berest put it on one of the columns near the dome. And it is not for nothing that this flag is the first to be included in the list, which contains the symbols of victory. The Victory Banner was erected over the Reichstag after fierce battles that lasted for 24 hours. And only the third assault on the building was crowned with success for our troops.

Interestingly, the flags were erected by Soviet soldiers in various places in this building. However, they did not last long, as they were dropped by the defending fascists. And only at the final stage of the assault, the flag was hoisted at the very top near the dome.

The younger generation, who is just getting acquainted with the symbols of Victory Day, can view photographs that recorded the moment when the red banner appeared over Berlin. But interestingly, most of them are not genuine. The photographs are staged, taken on 05/02/1945 on the instructions of TASS after the capture of the Reichstag.

The Victory Banner received the status of a symbol after the adoption of the corresponding law by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in 2007. This document instructs to store the flag forever and create appropriate conditions for this. This law also approved the symbol of the Banner of the Great Victory itself. It is a rectangular panel made of red material. On both sides of this flag is a white five-pointed star. This symbol is allowed to be used for celebrations dedicated to the celebration of May 9th.

Currently, the original of the Victory Banner is in the storage of the Central Museum of the Armed Forces. Over the years, the satin from which the canvas was sewn has become fragile. That is why the flag is placed only horizontally. Its exact copy, repeating everything, even the smallest details, can be seen in the glass showcase of the museum's exhibition hall.

Order "Victory"

Considering the symbols of victory, it is impossible not to mention this award, which in the Soviet Union was awarded only to persons of the highest command echelon. Only those military commanders who made a significant contribution to the most decisive military operations for the country could become the owner of such an order. That is why such symbols of victory are quite rare. Only 17 people were awarded the Order of Victory. Moreover, three of them received it twice, and one was posthumously deprived.

These orders are important and significant symbols of the great victory. This is the highest award for those who fought against fascism during the Second World War. Moreover, the Order "Victory" was awarded not only to representatives of the Soviet command. 5 allies of foreign states, who made an invaluable contribution to the defeat of Nazism, were also worthy of this award.

The decree on the foundation of the order, which became the highest insignia, was signed in 1943. Several people worked on the creation of a sketch of the award. The final version, created by the artist Kuznetsov, was approved by Stalin himself. It was an order with the image of the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower and the laconic inscription "Victory". The whole picture was framed by the branches of a tree - a symbol of the victory of the laurel.

In addition to its importance, this sign was the most expensive in terms of money. The Order "Victory" was made from platinum and gold. Diamonds were used as inclusions. Initially, it was conceived to use real rubies in the design of the order, but it turned out to be an overwhelming task for jewelers to select these stones in the same range. As a result, real rubies were replaced with artificial ones.

And today the Order "Victory" is considered not only a symbol of Victory Day, but also a unique creation of jewelry art.

St. George Ribbon

What other symbols of victory exist? One of them is the St. George's two-color ribbon, which in former times adorned the St. George cross and the St. George medal. A similar symbol of courage and honor was worn by the sailors-guards, who were part of the crew of the ship, on the mast of which the St. George flag fluttered.

Today this ribbon is a symbol of the victory of our people over the fascists. With minimal changes, it became a constituent element of the USSR award system. Here it was called the Guards Ribbon, considering it a sign of special distinction.

During the Soviet period, the St. George ribbon was used in the design of the block of the medal "For Victory over Germany" and the Order of Glory. In addition, her images were on the banners belonging to ships and guards military units.

This symbol of victory - the St. George Ribbon - has two colors. Its black and yellow-orange stripes mean nothing more than smoke and flame. The ribbon in itself is a sign of the warrior's personal prowess on the battlefield.

After 1945, it acquired another meaning. For our people, the St. George Ribbon is a symbol of victory, which made it possible to free the world from Nazism.

Stalingrad battle

This battle is also an integral symbol of victory for us. After all, the hostilities that the Soviet troops undertook in the defense of the city became a turning point in the course of the entire war, forcing the Nazis to lose their strategic initiative.

The significance of the Battle of Stalingrad is great not only for our people. This is a colossal land clash, the results of which were waiting for Japan and Turkey, Spain and Iran, Sweden and Portugal. These countries decided which side to lean towards. Our allies - the USA and England, France and Greece, India, China and Yugoslavia - were also in tense anticipation. The whole world watched this battle with anxiety and tension. Indeed, the fate of many peoples depended on the outcome of the actions of the Soviet Army.

Hitlerite Germany developed Operation Blau, which involved the creation of two "claws" from Army Groups A and B, which were to join up at Astrakhan, simultaneously capturing Stalingrad, Baku, the Caucasus, and come to the oil they needed to refuel their tanks. However, it was in this city of Stalin that the Soviet Army managed to defeat the enemy. He stood up as an insurmountable wall in front of the aggressor, who was no longer up to Iran, not up to India and not up to Baku.

The Motherland Calls Statue!

What symbols of victory appeared after the end of the war? One of them is a sculpture that was installed in 1967 on the Mamayev Kurgan in the city of Volgograd. It is made in the form of the figure of a woman holding a sword raised high in her right hand. The sculpture conveys the image of a mother who calls her sons to fight the enemy.

There is nothing surprising in the fact that this monument is located in Volgograd. Indeed, in the recent past it was called Stalingrad. It was in these places that a major battle took place, which became a turning point in the course of the entire war with the Nazis. Fierce battles were fought on the Mamayev Kurgan itself. In military documents, this place is listed as "height 102". It was here that over 30 thousand Soviet soldiers were buried, who fought for 140 days.

The sculpture, which at the time of its construction (October 1967) was considered the tallest in the world, was at one time included in the famous Guinness Book of Records. It is believed that she personifies the image of Nike, the goddess of victory, who was worshiped by the ancient Greeks.

The 52 m high monument took eight years to build. 3400 tons of metal structures and 5500 tons of concrete were used for it.

Eternal flame

We all know this symbol of victory. It burns regardless of natural conditions, constantly and continuously. The eternal flame is the personification of the eternal memory of the soldiers who gave their lives to save the Motherland, for the sake of peace and freedom throughout the earth.

The first such symbol of victory appeared in our country in 1955. The eternal flame was lit at the mass grave of our soldiers, which was located in the village. Pervomaiskom near Tula. Two years later, a similar symbol appeared in Leningrad. Here the Eternal Flame was lit at the monument to the Fighters of the Revolution, located on the Champ de Mars.

In 1966, the Memorial to the Unknown Soldier was created in Moscow. And here also the Eternal Flame appeared, which is still a symbol of victory.

The memorial is indeed the grave of an unknown soldier, whose remains were discovered in a forgotten mass grave near Zelenograd. There were no documents with the buried, and the presence of a belt indicated that he was not a deserter. There were no commander insignia on the soldier's military uniform, that is, he was a simple soldier who remained nameless for everyone. The reburial of his ashes was carried out on 03.12.1966. On this day, hundreds of thousands of people came out to say goodbye to the soldier on Gorky Street, realizing that this nameless hero could be their loved one, who disappeared during the war years.

In 1997, the President of Russia issued a decree according to which Post No. 1 from the Lenin Mausoleum was moved to the Alexander Garden to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

Red clove

The vivid history of this flower, which at all times was considered a symbol of courage, victory and courage, began in the 3rd century. BC. It was in those distant times that the ancient Greek philosopher Theophrastus, who founded botany and plant geography, called the carnation “the flower of Zeus”. This plant was also known in Ancient Rome. There, the carnation was the flower for the winners.

This plant was brought to Europe by the crusaders in memory of the French king Louis IX who healed the soldiers, but died from the plague. And then the carnation began to be considered a symbol of courage, victory, and also a talisman from wounds. With this flower in their buttonhole, the Parisian Communards went to battle and died. And today carnations lie in a scarlet carpet in the Pere Lachaise cemetery. It is here in Paris that the Wall of the Communards is located.

For us, a red carnation is a symbol of victory. It recalls the feat of the soldiers who died and survived in the war, as well as the blood they shed. Red serves as the color of the Victory Banner. In addition, he personifies the courage, honor and bravery of the Russian people.


This flower is a symbol of death, as well as sacrifice and rebirth. There is a belief that scarlet poppies appear on the fields of past battles, growing out of the blood of dead soldiers. In the south of Russia, this plant blooms in May. The steppe, covered with a red carpet resembling the color of blood, makes a very strong impression on every person.

That is why we believe that poppy is a symbol of victory. After all, this is a holiday, from which tears appear in our eyes at the memories of those who paid the most dear ones with their lives for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.

The poppy is used to commemorate those who did not return from the battlefield. His image resembles the trail of a bullet and blood escaping from it. All this allows you to convey the depth of memory and the pain that is inevitably associated with war.


This rocket launcher also serves as a symbol of victory. 06/21/1941, the day before the Nazis invaded the territory of the USSR, the Soviet government adopted a decree on the start of production of multiple launch rocket systems, which were later affectionately called "Katyusha". It was a very effective weapon capable of striking enemy equipment and manpower. Jet mortars also had a serious psychological impact. With only one salvo, 16 132-mm shells or 32 82-mm shells fell on the enemy's head. All these missiles were fired from the installation almost immediately, which made it possible to literally plow the surrounding area with shells within a few seconds. At the same time, the rockets raised such a deafening howl that the German soldiers were horrified. Survivors during such a shelling simply could not offer any resistance. They were psychologically depressed, stunned, or shell-shocked.

For the first time, "Katyushas" began to be used in battle on 07/14/1941. Then a battery of these rocket mortars with just one salvo was able to destroy several echelons carrying fuel, ammunition and armored vehicles at the Orsha station.


The list of victory symbols is quite extensive. In addition to those listed above - the Banner and the Order of Victory, the St. George Ribbon and the Battle of Stalingrad, the statue in Volgograd, the Eternal Flame, bright red flowers and the Katyusha rocket launcher, here you can include the T-34 tank and the Battle of Moscow, the Motherland -mother is calling! " etc.

Marshal G.K. Zhukov is also a significant symbol of the victory of our people. This military leader loved his homeland and soldiers, he did his job perfectly. It was not for nothing that in the post-war years he was called the "Marshal of Victory".

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