Test Intellect G.Aizenka (test IQ). First option

Test Aizenka is a premises complex of various questions intended to determine the level of user IQ. The passage of the test takes about 30 minutes. The application is interactive and compatible with the Windows operating system.


Software is used to determine the intellectual abilities of a person. Apply the Aizenka test in various conditions: home use to identify personal IQ, use in educational institutions among students or in a corporate environment for employees of the company. The program allows you to estimate the level of intelligence and ability to various types of thinking at the subject. Also, the test can be used as an intelligent simulator, which will very much before entering an educational institution or before passing the interview.


The Aizenka test does not have special innovations and non-standard issues. The program takes the basis of standard and normal tests on IQ. Collection of tests contains a variety of tasks. The specified question has one correct answer that you want to dial in the input field. 30 minutes was allocated to the passage of this test, so you need to be focused and fast, without going into long reflections. The results can be printed on the printer.


The Aizenka test does not have a rich base of questions that will be updated, and is rather suitable for short-term use. Questions will be repeated and waiting for new questions does not make sense.
Also, the program does not indicate user errors, and simply issues results. Why a particular answer turned out to be faithful / incorrect an application will not explain.


Software does not have a standard emulator and distributed as an archive. It will be enough to download the distribution and unzip into the desired folder. This option will save time with installation, and the program itself does not take up much space.


  • assessment of user intellectual abilities;
  • standard classic issue package created based on most IQ tests;
  • the passage of the test takes half an hour;
  • installation does not require installation into the system;
  • the test results can be seal;
  • at the end of the test, the software does not analyze, does not indicate the errors made and does not give any explanations;
  • compatibility with many versions of Windows operating systems;
  • the presence of the Russian interface.

Verbal Test Intellect G.Aizenka (test IQ)

Scale: intelligence Level (IQ)

Purpose of dough

The technique is designed to evaluate intellectual abilities, the definition, to what extent test has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years, having an education not lower than the average.

Instructions for test

Performance is given exactly 30 minutes. Do not delay too long over one task. Perhaps you are on a false path and better go to the next task. But do not give up too easy; Most tasks can be solved if you - show some perseverance. To continue to reflect on the task or refuse to attempts and go to the next one - tells common sense. Remember at the same time that by the end of the task series becomes more difficult. Every person is able to solve a part of the assigned tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks for half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letters or words. Sometimes you need to choose from several features, sometimes you yourself must come up with an answer. Answer write in the specified location. If you are not able to decide, the task is not to write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure of it, then the answer is still idle.

The test does not contain "tricky" tasks, but always have to consider several solution paths. Before embarking on the decision, make sure that you correctly understood what is required of you. You will lose weight in vain if you take a decision without understanding what the task is.


The points indicate the number of letters in the missed word. For example, (....) Means that the missed word consists of four letters.
To solve some tasks, you will need to use the sequence of the letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter "E".


1. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fabric (....) State of matter

2. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Go (...) Cat

3. Decide anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.


4. Find the overall end for all listed words.

5. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (...) Monk

6. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sleep (...)

7. Exclude the unnecessary word.


8. Find a common start for the three following words.

9. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Spring (...) Mock

10. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ne (...) Ol

11. Exclude an excess word.


12. Find a common start for the following three words.

13. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

That (...) At

14. Find a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Battle (....) Rugan

15. Exclude the unnecessary word.


16. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ball (...) Food

17. Find the overall ending for the following words.

18. Exercise unnecessary word.


19. Find the overall ending for all listed words.

20. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fish (....) Inclined surface

21. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Dick (....) Ec

22. Exclude an excess word


23. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Mound (...) Rotating rod

24. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

25. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sa (..) He

26. Exclude the unnecessary word.


27. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Part of clothes (......) Lifting mechanism

28. Insert a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Y (....) B

29. Exclude the unnecessary word.


30. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

31. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

32. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (....) Tenderness

33. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Carpet (...) Summer

34. Exclude the unnecessary word.


35. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

36. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Kab (...) Oshko

37. Exclude the unnecessary word.


38. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Self-dollar care (.....) Young branch

39. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

40. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Preposition (.....) Belt zes

41. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

C (...) Window

42. Exclude the unnecessary word.


43. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Finger bone (......) Spider-shaped

44. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ha (...) Rail

45. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

46. \u200b\u200bExclude the unnecessary word.


47. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

48. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

G (...) Rya

49. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

50. Exclude the unnecessary word.


Processing and interpretation of test results

The key to the test

1. Gas.
2. Fight.
3. Belly. (All other words indicate sports games: hockey, tennis, football.)
4. Spruce.
5. Lama.
6. Row.
7. Pushkin. (All other words - singers surnames: Sobinov, Shalyapin, Caruso.)
8. Black.
9. Key.
10. Juice. .
11. Flower garden. (All other words indicate the means of communication: mail, radio, telegraph.)
12. Water.
13. Pier.
14. Brand.
15. Cherry. (All other words contain the letter A: orange, cabbage, zucchini, pear.)
16. Bes.
17. Ol.
18. Chair. (All other words indicate flowers: buttercup, tulip, violet, rose.)
19. Ohm.
20. Skat.
21. Image.
22. Walnut. (All other words denote dog breeds: Shepherd, Bulldog, Poodle.)
23. Shaft.
24. There is.
25. Paradise.
26. Paris. (All other words - the names of the rivers: Thames, Volga, Niger.)
27. Gate.
28. Treasure.
29. Belgrade. (The remaining words contain the letter O: Oslo, Tokyo, Toronto.)
30. Aka.
31. Ina.
32. Lask.
33. Cat.
34. Dolphin. (Other words - Eagle, Sparrow, Lark.)
35. From.
36. Onions.
37. Einstein. (Other words - the names of famous writers: Dickens, Chekhov, Balzac, Tolstoy.)
38. Escape.
39. Ena.
40. reason.
41. Tol.
42. TV. (Other words - Mosquito, Termitic, Mosquito.)
43. Falang.
44. Mac.
45. Point.
46. \u200b\u200bSemaphore. (Other words - goat, beaver, horse.)
47. Phan.
48. Horn.
49. Ol.
50. Violin. (Other words - brother, sister, mother, granddaughter.)

Processing test results

Set the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding schedule. Then swipe the vertical to the intersection with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, swipe the horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your ki (intelligence coefficient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating about your specialities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the results of the results are not reliable enough.


Verbal Intelligence Test Aisenka (test IQ) / Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. p.35-46

Scale:intelligence Level (IQ)

Purpose of dough

The technique is designed to evaluate intellectual abilities, the definition, to what extent test has non-standard thinking. For the study of people from 18 to 50 years, having an education not lower than the average.

Instructions for test

Performance is given exactly 30 minutes. Do not delay too long over one task. Perhaps you are on a false path and better go to the next task. But do not give up too easy; Most tasks can be solved if you - show some perseverance. To continue to reflect on the task or refuse to attempts and go to the next one - tells common sense. Remember at the same time that by the end of the task series becomes more difficult. Every person is able to solve a part of the assigned tasks, but no one is able to cope with all the tasks for half an hour.

The answer to the task consists of one number, letters or words. Sometimes you need to choose from several features, sometimes you yourself must come up with an answer. Answer write in the specified location. If you are not able to decide, the task is not to write the answer at random. If you have an idea, but you are not sure of it, then the answer is still idle.

The test does not contain "tricky" tasks, but always have to consider several solution paths. Before embarking on the decision, make sure that you correctly understood what is required of you. You will lose weight in vain if you take a decision without understanding what the task is.


The points indicate the number of letters in the missed word. For example, (....) Means that the missed word consists of four letters.
. To solve some tasks, you will need to use the sequence of the letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter "E".


1. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fabric (....) State of matter

2. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Go (...) Cat

3. Decide anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.


4. Find the overall end for all listed words.

5. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (...) Monk

6. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sleep (...)

7. Exclude the unnecessary word.


8. Find a common start for the three following words.

9. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Spring (...) Mock

10. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ne (...) Ol

11. Exclude an excess word.


12. Find a common start for the following three words.

13. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

That (...) At

14. Find a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Battle (....) Rugan

15. Exclude the unnecessary word.


16. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ball (...) Food

17. Find the overall ending for the following words.

18. Exercise unnecessary word.


19. Find the overall ending for all listed words.

20. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Fish (....) Inclined surface

21. Find a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Dick (....) Ec

22. Exclude an excess word


23. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Mound (...) Rotating rod

24. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

25. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Sa (..) He

26. Exclude the unnecessary word.


27. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Part of clothes (......) Lifting mechanism

28. Insert a word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Y (....) B

29. Exclude the unnecessary word.


30. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

31. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

32. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Animal (....) Tenderness

33. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Carpet (...) Summer

34. Exclude the unnecessary word.


35. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

36. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Kab (...) Oshko

37. Exclude the unnecessary word.


38. Insert the word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Self-dollar care (.....) Young branch

39. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

40. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Preposition (.....) Belt zes

41. Insert the word that would serve as the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

C (...) Window

42. Exclude the unnecessary word.


43. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Finger bone (......) Spider-shaped

44. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ha (...) Rail

45. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

46. \u200b\u200bExclude the unnecessary word.


47. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

48. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

G (...) Rya

49. Find the overall ending for all subsequent words.

50. Exclude the unnecessary word.


Processing and interpretation of test results

The key to the test

1. Gas.
2. Fight.
3. Belly. (All other words indicate sports games: hockey, tennis, football.)
4. Spruce.
5. Lama.
6. Row.
7. Pushkin. (All other words - singers surnames: Sobinov, Shalyapin, Caruso.)
8. Black.
9. Key.
10. Juice. .
11. Flower garden. (All other words indicate the means of communication: mail, radio, telegraph.)
12. Water.
13. Pier.
14. Brand.
15. Cherry. (All other words contain the letter A: orange, cabbage, zucchini, pear.)
16. Bes.
17. Ol.
18. Chair. (All other words indicate flowers: buttercup, tulip, violet, rose.)
19. Ohm.
20. Skat.
21. Image.
22. Walnut. (All other words denote dog breeds: Shepherd, Bulldog, Poodle.)
23. Shaft.
24. There is.
25. Paradise.
26. Paris. (All other words - the names of the rivers: Thames, Volga, Niger.)
27. Gate.
28. Treasure.
29. Belgrade. (The remaining words contain the letter O: Oslo, Tokyo, Toronto.)
30. Aka.
31. Ina.
32. Lask.
33. Cat.
34. Dolphin. (Other words - Eagle, Sparrow, Lark.)
35. From.
36. Onions.
37. Einstein. (Other words - the names of famous writers: Dickens, Chekhov, Balzac, Tolstoy.)
38. Escape.
39. Ena.
40. reason.
41. Tol.
42. TV. (Other words - Mosquito, Termitic, Mosquito.)
43. Falang.
44. Mac.
45. Point.
46. \u200b\u200bSemaphore. (Other words - goat, beaver, horse.)
47. Phan.
48. Horn.
49. Ol.
50. Violin. (Other words - brother, sister, mother, granddaughter.)

Processing test results

Set the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding schedule. Then swipe the vertical to the intersection with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, swipe the horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your ki (intelligence coefficient). The most reliable and reliable results indicating about your specialities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the results of the results are not reliable enough.


Verbal Intelligence Test Aisenka (test IQ) / Almanac of psychological tests - M., 1995. p.35-46

1. Test Intellect G.Aizenka (test IQ).

To solve some tasks, you will need to use the sequence of the letters of the Russian alphabet without the letter "E".

Test material.

1. Select the desired figure of four numbered.

2. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Converters (...) Ka

3. Decide anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.

4. Insert the missing number.

5. Insert the missed word.

Baggore (dew)

Garage (....) Tobacco

6. Insert the missed number.

7. Continue a number of numbers.

8. Decide the anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.



9. Select the desired figure from numbered.

10. Select the desired figure of six numbered.

11. Insert the missing letter.

12. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Me (...) Olad

13. Insert the missed number.

14. Insert the missing number.
8 5 14
15. Insert the missing number.

16. Insert the missing letters.

17. Select the desired figure out of six numbered

18. Select the desired figure from numbered.

19. Insert the missed number.

20. Insert the missed number.

21. Insert the missed word.

Flag (Alt) tin

Jamb (....) Mirage

22. Insert the word that would serve the end of the first word and the beginning of the second.

Ip (...) Yy

23. Decide the anagram and eliminate the unnecessary word.

24. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Hand (.....) Bunch

25. Insert the missing letter.

G z L.
26. Insert the missed letters.

27. Select the desired figure of six numbered.

28. Select the desired figure from numbered.

29. Select the desired figure out of six numbered.

30. Insert the missed word.

Book (Stork) Salad

Threshold (....) Omelet

31. Insert a word that would mean the same as words standing outside brackets.

Card game (....) Threaded Rod

32. Insert the missed number.

33. Insert the missed word.

Tray (Clay) Boat

Olympus (....) Boat

34. Decide the anagram and eliminate the lipstick word.


35. Insert the missing letter and missed number.

36. Insert the word that would mean the same as she standing outside the brackets.

Bay (....) Part of the face

37. Insert the missed word.

Pie (field) tear

Market (....) Siege

38. Select the desired figure from six numbered

39. Select the desired figure from six numbered

40. Select the desired figure of four numbered

The key to the test.

  1. TEA.

  2. SUITCASE. (All other words refers to the dishes: a plate, spoon, cup).

  3. 11. (Subtract the number on the floor from the sum of the numbers on the windows.)

  4. TOAD. (The first letter of the missed word is the last letter of the previous word; the second letter of the missed word is the fourth letter of the preceding word; the third letter of the missed word is the third letter of the words; the fourth letter of the missed word is the fourth letter of the next word).

  5. 21. (Fold all the numbers standing outside brackets.)

  6. 3. (Each number is obtained if adding 2 to the previous one and the result is divided by 2: 4 + 2 \u003d 6; 6: 2 \u003d 3.)

  7. DOUGH. (All other words indicate home furnishings: table, sofa, chair.)

  8. 6. (Circle, Triangle and Square can be both an external and inner figure and can be black, white or shaded. Each of these features occurs only once in a number or in a column).

  9. 5. (There are three figures that differ in the way the line inside the rectangle was carried out, and three small figures inside - a cross, a rhombus and a black spot. On each rectangle there are two such figures.)

  10. I. (letters are located in the reverse alphabetical order alternately in two on the third and three to the fourth.)

  11. SHOCK.

  12. 54. (Numbers in the left half of the circle are three times more opposing them numbers in the right half of the circle.)

  13. 11. (In each row, the third number is the sum of half the first number with doubled second.)

  14. 27. (The number in brackets is the difference between numbers outside the brackets!)

  15. M and I. (the word "doubt" is read counterclockwise.)

  16. 2. (The circle can be without lines, can have a horizontal or vertical line. And small mugs inside the circle can be in one of three positions. In addition, they have different hatching.)

  17. 2. (The third figure of each horizontal series consists of those elements of the figures of their row that are not common to them.)

  18. 18. (Early the number of 2, 3, 4, 5, 5 correspond to the correspondence, each time adding 2.)

  19. 76. (double the sum of the numbers standing outside the brackets.)

  20. LEATHER. (The first letter of the missed word is - this is the last letter of the previous word; the second letter of the missed word is the second letter of the previous word; the third letter of the missing word is the fifth letter of the following word; the fourth letter missed the words is the fourth letter of the next word.)

  21. LAD.

  22. SKUNK. (The remaining words indicate the types of ships: barge, yacht, boat.)

  23. BRUSH.

  24. C. (Rows are constructed from the letters of the Russian alphabet, respectively, after 2, 3 and 4 letters).

  25. E and E. (word unity, read clockwise.)

  26. 2. (There are three types of main figures, each of which has either + or an arrow or x.)

  27. 1. (There are three types of vases, three types of stems and three forms of colors. The vase can be white, black or shaded. Each of these signs is found only once in a row or column.)

  28. 1. (Spikes directed outward, are considered for +1; spikes aimed in inward, - over -1. In each horizontal row, the latter figure is considered as the sum of the two previous figures: 4-2 \u003d 2, -1 + 5 \u003d 4, 2 + 2 \u003d 4.)

  29. GROTTO. (The first and second letters of the missed word are, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the previous word, and the third and fourth letters of the missed word are, respectively, the first and fifth letters after the next word.)

  30. SCREW.

  31. 64. (Early in the Cube number 1,2,3 and 4, respectively.)

  32. PORT. (The first and second letters of the missed word is, respectively, the fifth and first letters of the previous word, and the third and fourth letters of the missed word is, respectively, the fifth and third letters of the subsequent word.)

  33. TUESDAY. (The remaining words indicate parts of the house: wall, roof, window.)

  34. W /7. (Letters go in alphabetical order through one well, alternately in a numerator and denominator. The numbers corresponding to the sequence number of these letters in the alphabet are located in a similar way.)

  35. LIP.

  36. DEW. (The first and second letters of the missing word are, respectively, the first and fourth letters of the previous word, and the third and fourth letters of the missed word are respectively the second and third letters of the subsequent word.)

  37. 1. (In each row and in each column there are three different types of balls, three shapes of the head, three forms of boots and three hands. Those forms and positions that are not in the first two figures of the third row should be in the missed figure.)

  38. 6. (There are three style skins, three hands, three types of shoes.)

  39. 1. (The second and third figures of each row contain one of the elements that are inside the first figure turned 90 degrees.)
Processing test results.

Set the number of correctly solved problems on the horizontal line of the corresponding schedule. Then swipe the vertical to the intersection with the diagonal line. From the intersection point, swipe the horizontal line to the left. The point on the vertical axis corresponds to your ki (intelligence coefficient). The most reliable and reliable results, testifying to your abilities, are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, outside these limits, the results of the results are not reliable enough.

2. A short-tentative test (test Cote V.N. Bazin, E.F. Werederlica).

Purpose of the test.
Determining the integral indicator of common abilities.
Instructions for test.
You are offered a few simple tasks. Read carefully this page and do not turn it off.

Meet the tasks and correct answers to them:

  1. "Fast"
    1 - heavy, 2 - elastic, 3 - secret, 4 - light, 5 - slow.
Correct answer: 5

  1. Petrol It costs 44 cents per liter. How much costs 2.5 liters?
Correct answer:110 cents or 1.1 dollars.

  1. Miner-minor. These two words are:
    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar, or opposite by meaning.
Correct answer: 3.

The test that you will be offered now contains 50 questions. For test execution, you are given 15 minutes. Answer as many questions as you can, and do not waste much time on one question. If necessary - use paper for recording. About what you do not understand, ask now. During the test, the answers will not be answered to your questions.

After the team "Started!" Turn the page and start working.

After 15 minutes, on the command, immediately stop executing tasks, turn the page and postpone the handle.

Focus. Put the handle to the right of yourself. Wait for teams.

Test material.

  1. The eleventh month of the year is:
    1 - October, 2 - May, 3 - November, 4 - February.

  2. "Severe" It is the opposite of the meaning:
    1 - sharp, 2 - strict, 3 - soft, 4 - hard, 5 - uncontrollable.

  3. Which of the words below are excellent from others:
    1 - defined, 2 - dubious, 3 - confident, 4 - trust, 5 - faithful.

  4. Answer Yes or Not.
    Reduction "N.E." means: "AD ARR" (new era)?

  5. Which of the following words are excellent from others:
    1 - Sing, 2 - Call, 3 - Chat, 4 - Listen, 5 - Talk.

  6. Word "impeccable" It is the opposite of the word according to its meaning:
    1 - unrefined, 2 - obscene, 3 - incorruptible, 4 - innocent, 5 - classic.

  7. Which of the words below refers to the word "chew" as smean and nose:
    1 - Sweet, 2 - Language, 3 - Smell, 4 - Teeth, 5 - Clean

  8. How many words from the following words are completely identical?
Sharp. M.C. Sharp M.C.
Filder E.h. Filder E.N.
Connor M..G. Conner. M.G.
Woesner O.W. Woerner O.W.
Soderquist P.E. SODERQUIST B.E.

  1. "Clear" It is opposite to the word:
    1 - obvious, 2 - obvious, 3 - unambiguous, 4 - distinct, 5 - dim.

  2. The entrepreneur bought several used cars for 3,500 dollars, and sold them for $ 5,500 earning $ 50 per car. How many cars did he sell?

  3. The words "knock" and "STOCK" Have:

  4. Three lemon cost 45 cents. How much costs 1.5 dozen.

  5. How many of these 6 pairs are fully the same?
5296 5296
66986 69686
834426 834426
7354256 7354256
61197172 61197172
83238224 83238234

  1. "Close" It is the opposite Word:
    1 - friendly, 2 - friendly, 3 - someone else, 4 - native, 5 - other.

  2. What number is the smallest:
    6 0,7 9 36 0,31 5 ?

  3. Establish the words suggested below in such a manner so that the proper proposal is. As an answer, write down the last two letters of the last word.
some leaves are the guests after finally stayed

  1. Which of the five drawings below is most different from others?

  1. Two fishermen caught 36 fish. The first caught 8 times more than the second. How much caught the second?

  2. "Go up" and "revive" Have:
    1 is a similar value, 2 - the opposite, 3 - neither similar nor the opposite.

  3. Arrange the words offered below in this order to approve. If it is correct, then the answer will be if incorrectly - N.
Moss turns of the stone is gaining overgrown.

  1. Two of the phrases below have the same meaning, find them:
    1. Hold your nose in the wind.
    2. There is no empty bag.
    3. Three doctors are no better than one.

    5. At seven nannies child without eyes.

  2. What number should be instead of a sign "?":
    73 66 59 52 45 38 ?

  3. The duration of the day and night in September is almost the same as in:
    1 - June, 2 - March, 3 - May, 4th - November.

  4. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the final will be:
All advanced people - party members.
All advanced people occupy major posts.
Some party members occupy major posts.

  1. The train passes 75 cm for 1/4 s. If he will drive at the same speed, then what distance does it go for 5 s?

  2. If we assume that the first two statements are correct, then the latter:
    1 - right, 2 - incorrect, 3 - vaguely.
Bore as many years as Masha.
Masha younger Zhenya.
Boris younger than Zhenya.

  1. Five mini-kilogram meat minced meat packs are 2 dollars. How many kilograms of minced can be bought for 80 cents?

  2. Distributed and stretch. These words:
    1 - similar in meaning, 2 - opposite, 3 - nor similar or opposite.

  3. Divide this geometric figure of a straight line into two parts so that, folding them together, you could get a square:

  1. Suppose the first two statements are true. Then the last will be:
    1 - right, 2 - incorrect, 3 - vaguely.
Sasha greeted Masha.
Masha greeted the Dasha.
Sasha did not say hello to Dasha.

  1. The car worth 2,400 dollars was designed during the seasonal sales by 33 1/3%. How much did the car cost during the sale?

  2. Three of the five figures need to be connected in such a way that an inaccessible trapezium is possible:

  1. The dress requires 2 1 / 3m. Fabrics. How many dresses can be sewed from 42 m?

  2. The values \u200b\u200bof the following two proposals:
Three doctors are no better than one.
The more doctors, the more diseases.

  1. Increase and expand. These words:
    1 - similar, are opposite, 3 - neither are similar or opposite.

  2. The meaning of two english proverbs:
    1 - similar, 2 is the opposite, 2 - neither is similar or the opposite.
Boil better than two anchors.
Do not put all the eggs in one basket.

  1. Grocers bought a box with oranges for $ 3.6. There were 12 dozen in the box. He knows that 2 dozens will ruin even before he sells all oranges. At what price does he need to sell oranges to make a profit in 1/3 of the purchase price?

  2. Claim and pretentious. These words in their meaning:
    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither are similar or opposite.

  3. If the potato should have cost 0.0125 dollars, then how many kilograms could be bought for 50 cents?

  4. One of the members of the row is not suitable for others. What number you would replace it:
    1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/8 1/4 1/8 1/6.

  5. Reflective and imaginary. These words are:
    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither similar. neither opposite.

  6. How many across it makes a portion of 70 m long and 20 m wide?

  7. The following two phrases are valid:
    1 - similar, 2 - opposite, 3 - neither are similar or opposite.
Good things cheap, bad roads.
Good quality is provided by simplicity, bad complexity.

  1. Soldier, shooting a goal, struck her at 12.5% \u200b\u200bof cases. How many times did the soldiers shoot to hit it a hundred times?

  2. One of the members of the row is not suitable for others. What number would you put in his place:
    1/4 1/6 1/8 1/9 1/12 1/14?

  3. Three partners in the joint-stock company (AO) decided to share the profit equally. T. invested in the case 4500 dollars, K. - 3500 dollars, P. - 2000 dollars. If the profit is $ 2,400, then how much less profit will receive something in comparison with how if the profit was divided proportional to deposits?

  4. What two of the following proverbs have similar meaning:
    1. Kui iron while hot.
    2. One in the field is not a warrior.
    3. Forest cut, chains fly.
    4. Not all that is gold, which glitters.
    5. Non-type court, but on business looked?

  5. The value of the following phrases:
    1 - Similarly, 2 - the opposite, 3 - neither is similar or the opposite.
Forest cabin chips fly.
A big deal is not without loss.

  1. Which of these figures is most different from others?

  1. In the printed article of 24,000 words. The editor decided to use the font of two sizes. When using a large font on the page 900 words smaller - 1200 are fond of page. The article should take 21 full page in the journal. How many pages should be printed with a smaller font?

Interpretation of test results

Analysis of the results is advisable to start with the definition of the level of general mental abilities. To do this, the number of properly solved problems (IP) is correlated with the scale of levels.

The magnitude of the indicator of IP

General mental abilities

13 and less



below the average




above average

30 and more


The set level is a multiparameter indicator of common abilities. This technique allows you to select these parameters and analyze them.

Abilities of generalizing and analyzing material Installed on the basis of the execution of tasks for proverbs. These tasks require abstraction from a specific phrase and transition to the interpretation area of \u200b\u200bmeanings, establishing their intersections and a new return to specific phrases.

Flexibility of thinking As a component of common abilities is also determined to fulfill the tasks for the proverbs. If the test associations are chaotic, then we can talk about the rigidity of thinking (for example, such tasks as №11).

Inertia thinking and switchability - These are important characteristics of general ability to trainee. For their diagnostics there is a special location of tasks in this test. The alternation of various types of tasks in the text may impede their solution to persons with inert links of past experience. Such faces with difficulty change the elected way of work, do not tend to change the course of their judgments, switch from one type of activity to another. Their intellectual processes are sediments, the pace of work is slowed down.

Emotional components of thinking and distractions Received according to the tasks that can reduce the test indicator at the subjects (24, 27, 31, etc.). Emotionally reactive subjects begin to smile and contact the experimentant instead of being directed to the object, that is, the task.

Speed \u200b\u200band accuracy of perception, distribution and concentration of attentiondefined by the tasks No. 8 and 13. They reveal the ability to work with a wide variety of material in a short time, allocate basic contents, compare figures, signs, etc.

Language consumption literacy It can be analyzed based on the execution of tasks for the ability to use the language. Task number 8 involves elementary knowledge of a foreign language (within the alphabet).

Orientation It is established thanks to the analysis of the task testing strategy for solving. Some subjects decide all the tasks in a row. Others are only those that are easy for them and are solved by quickly. Determining the ease of solution is very individual. Here, moreover, the tenders are tested. Some of them browse the task test printed on this sheet and select the mathematical tasks first, which have numerical content, while using this strategy, prefer verbal tasks.

Spatial imagination It is characterized by solving four tasks involving operations in two-dimensional space.

Thus, the cat technique can be used to study a relatively large number of components of common abilities. With its help, the learnability and business qualities of a person are quite reliably predicted.

  • For example, if the subject did not fulfill the tasks number 10, 13, then it needs to be recommended exercises developing concentration and distribution of attention.

  • If the test does not cope with the tasks of type 2, 5, 6, then in this case it will help reading the sensitive dictionaries, dictionaries of the winged expressions and words, proverbs and sayings, dictionaries of foreign words and bilingual dictionaries, and also useful linguistic tasks.

  • If the test is poorly performed numerical tasks, the collections of puzzles are useful for the development of the appropriate property.

  • In the case when the subject caused problems of the task, requiring a spatial view, a training concentration on a variety of objects is important, with the subsequent transformation of their images in the presentation.

Options for answers to questions: "Yes," no. The first answer that came to your mind is right. Your answers - "Yes" - plus, "no" - minus - fix on a piece of paper.

    Do you often feel craving for new impressions to experience severe sensations?

    Do you often feel what you need friends who can understand you, encourage, express sympathy?

    Do you consider yourself a careless person?

    Is it true that you are very difficult to answer "no"?

    Do you think about your business slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

    Do you always hold back your promises, even if it is not profitable for you?

    Do you often have downs and mood rises?

    Are you usually acting and saying, and whether there is no time to think about thinking?

    Did you ever have the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no serious reason for this?

    Is it true that on the dispute you are able to decide on everything?

    Do you confuse when you want to get acquainted with the person of the opposite sex that you are sympathetic?

    Does it happen that, getting angry, do you get out of yourself?

    Do you often act under the influence of a minute mood?

    Do you often bother you about what you should not have something to do or talk?

    Do you prefer reading books with people?

    Easy to offend you?

    Do you like to visit the company?

    Do you sometimes have such thoughts that you would like to hide from other people?

    It is true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything burns in their hands, and sometimes you feel strong lethargy?

    Do you prefer to have smaller friends, but especially close to you?

    Do you often dream?

    When you scream on you, do you meet the same?

    Do you often disturb your feeling of guilt?

    Are your habits are good and desirable?

    Are you able to give free to your own feelings and have fun to have fun in a noisy company?

    Do you consider yourself a person excited and sensitive?

    Do you consider you alive and cheerful?

    After the case is done, do you often come back to him mentally and thinks that could do better?

    Are you usually silent and discreet when you are among the people?

    Are you sometimes gossip?

    Does it happen that you do not satisfy because different thoughts climb into the head?

    Is it true that you are more pleasant and easier to read about what interests you in the book, although it is possible to learn more and easier to find out about it?

    Do you have a strong heartbeat?

    Do you like work requiring constant attention?

    Does it happen that you "throws in a shiver"?

    Is it true that you always talk about familiar people just good, even when you are sure that they will not recognize about it?

    Is it true that you are not pleased to be in the company where they are constantly fooling over each other?

    Are you irritable?

    Do you like the work that requires speed of action?

    Is it true that you do not rarely give rest of the thought of different troubles and "horrors" that could happen, although everything ended well?

    Do you go slow and leisurely?

    Have you ever been late for a date, work or study?

    Do you often dream nightmares?

    Is it true that you are such an amateur to talk that never miss a convenient chance to talk with an unfamiliar person?

    Do you worry any pain?

    Would you disappear if you couldn't see your friends for a long time?

    Can you call yourself a nervous person?

    Are there any familiar among your friends that you obviously do not like?

    Can you say that you are confident man?

    Does the criticism of your drawbacks or your work hurt?

    Is it difficult to get real pleasure from the party?

    Does your feeling worry that you are worse than others?

    Would you make a recovery in a boring company?

    Does that you talk about things in which you do not understand at all?

    Do you worry about your health?

    Do you like to jerk over others?

    Do you suffer from insomnia?

Test processing ("key").

Long scale.

Answer "Yes" to questions: 6, 24, 36.

The answer is "no" for questions: 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

Count the sum. If the result is from 4 and more points, it means that you have the so-called social desirability: you were not answered as it really is, and since you would like or as accepted in society. In other words, your answers are not reliable. If the result is less than 4 points, your answers are sincere. Please continue.

If the answer is "key" coincides with your answer, you add one point yourself. If it does not coincide, - zero points.

Expravel scale.

Answer "Yes" to questions: 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 37, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

The answer is "no" for questions: 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 41, 51.

Count the sum.

Scale emotional stability.

Answer "Yes" for questions: 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 23, 28, 52 , 55, 57.

Count the sum.

Draw the axis of the coordinates: the horizontal axis - the "scale of an extroversion", the vertical axis - the "scale of emotional stability". Each scale from 1 to 24 is intersect at point 12. Mark your indicators on the axes. Find the intersection point. The point can lie on the axis if one of the scales is 12.

The result you received is your predominant temperament type. On an extroversion scale you can see the type of identity orientation: extrovert or introvert.

Psychological characteristics of temperament types



Phlegmatic person


Type of nervous system

Strong unbalanced

Strong balanced moving

Strong balanced inert


Active. Fast man, gusty.

The person is alive, movable, the bess-tro responding to surrounding events.

Slow, unperturbed person.

Positacity in view, pose.

Behavior in society

The leader, easily setting up the contact, but hardly supports. Im-pulsive, split to conflicts.

In the center of attention, enjoy respected, easy to install contacts

It struggles with difficulty, but easily supports acquaintance.

Prefers to be aside.


Prone to stormy emotional flashes, sharp change of mood. Unbalanced.

Really easily easily experiences failures and trouble.

The weak external expression of the do-shepherd state. More or less permanent mood.

Easily wounded man, inclined deeply experience even a mistakeless failure, but externally restrained.

It is capable of being given a case with exceptional passion. Quickly turns on to work.

It turns into work quickly, but it brings to the end if there is an interest. Prefers all new.

Slowly turns on to work, but it is capable of withstanding significant loads.

Quickly overwhelmed. Harak thoroughly planning and self-contact role, so there are few mistakes in his work.

Loud, sharp, is rude.

Live, emotional.

Calm, measured, with pauses.

Quiet, can decrease before the whisper.

Quickly remembers, quickly forgets.

Good, grabs on the fly.

Remembers slowly, remembers long.

I remember quickly due to the high gestivity to Ana Lisa.


Developed a latch, quickly focuses.

Developed switching, distribution, quickly focuses

Developed stability.

Cognitive sphere can develop.

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