Venus is one of the planets in the solar system. How to remember the planets of the solar system? Geocentric and heliocentric systems

Until recently, astronomers believed that such a concept as a planet refers exclusively to the solar system. Everything that is outside it is unexplored cosmic bodies, most often stars of very large scales. But, as it turned out later, the planets, like peas, are scattered throughout the universe. They are different in their geological and chemical composition, may or may not have an atmosphere, and all this depends on the interaction with the nearest star. The arrangement of the planets in our solar system is unique. It is this factor that is fundamental for the conditions that have formed on each individual space object.

Our space house and its features

In the center of the solar system is the star of the same name, which is included in the category of yellow dwarfs. Its magnetic field is enough to hold nine planets of various sizes around its axis. Among them there are dwarf stony cosmic bodies, vast gas giants that reach almost the parameters of the star itself, and objects of the "middle" class, which include the Earth. The positions of the planets in the solar system do not occur in ascending or descending order. We can say that with respect to the parameters of each individual astronomical body, their arrangement is chaotic, that is, the large alternates with the small.

SS structure

To consider the location of the planets in our system, it is necessary to take the Sun as a reference point. This star is located in the center of the SS, and it is its magnetic fields that correct the orbits and movements of all surrounding space bodies. Nine planets revolve around the Sun, as well as an asteroid ring that lies between Mars and Jupiter, and the Kuiper Belt, located outside of Pluto. In these intervals, individual dwarf planets are also distinguished, which are sometimes attributed to the main units of the system. Other astronomers believe that all these objects are nothing more than large asteroids, on which, under no circumstances, life can arise. They attribute Pluto itself to this category, leaving only 8 planetary units in our system.

The order of the planets

So, we will list all the planets, starting with the one closest to the Sun. In the first place are Mercury, Venus, then Earth and Mars. After the Red Planet, a ring of asteroids passes, behind which a parade of giants consisting of gases begins. These are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The list is completed by the dwarf and icy Pluto, with its no less cold and black satellite Charon. As we said above, several more dwarf space units are distinguished in the system. The location of dwarf planets in this category coincides with the Kuiper belts and asteroids. Ceres is in an asteroid ring. Makemake, Haumea and Eris are in the Kuiper belt.

terrestrial planets

This category includes cosmic bodies, which in their composition and parameters have much in common with our home planet. Their bowels are also filled with metals and stone, either a full-fledged atmosphere is formed around the surface, or a haze that resembles it. The location of the terrestrial planets is easy to remember, because these are the first four objects that are directly next to the Sun - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars. Characteristic features are small size, as well as a long period of rotation around its axis. Also, of all the terrestrial planets, only the Earth itself and Mars have satellites.

Giants made of gases and hot metals

The location of the planets of the solar system, which are called gas giants, is the most distant from the main star. They are located behind the asteroid ring and stretch almost to the Kuiper belt. There are four giants in total - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Each of these planets consists of hydrogen and helium, and in the region of the core there are metals heated to a liquid state. All four giants are characterized by an incredibly strong gravitational field. Due to this, they attract numerous satellites to themselves, which form almost entire asteroid systems around them. SS gas balls rotate very quickly, therefore whirlwinds and hurricanes often occur on them. But, despite all these similarities, it is worth remembering that each of the giants is unique in its composition, size, and gravity.

dwarf planets

Since we have already considered in detail the location of the planets from the Sun, we know that Pluto is the farthest, and its orbit is the most gigantic in the SS. It is he who is the most important representative of dwarfs, and only he from this group is the most studied. Dwarfs are those cosmic bodies that are too small for planets, but also large for asteroids. Their structure can be comparable to Mars or Earth, or it can be just rocky, like any asteroid. Above, we have listed the brightest representatives of this group - these are Ceres, Eris, Makemake, Haumea. In fact, dwarfs are found not only in the two SS asteroid belts. Often they are called satellites of gas giants, which were attracted to them due to the huge

It's hard to believe, but once the Cosmos was completely empty. There were no planets, no satellites, no stars. Where did they come from? How was the solar system formed? These questions have troubled mankind for centuries. This article will help to give some idea of ​​what the Cosmos is and will reveal interesting facts about the planets of the solar system.

How it all began

The Universe is the entire visible and invisible Cosmos, together with all existing cosmic bodies. Several theories have been put forward:

3. Divine intervention. Our Universe is so unique, everything in it is thought out to the smallest detail, that it could not arise by itself. Only the Great Creator is capable of creating such a miracle. Absolutely not a scientific theory, but it has the right to exist.

Disputes about the causes of the true origin of outer space continue. In fact, we have an idea of ​​the solar system, which includes a burning star and eight planets with their satellites, galaxies, stars, comets, black holes and much more.

Amazing discoveries or interesting facts about the planets of the solar system

Outer spaces beckon with their mystery. Each celestial body keeps its own mystery. Thanks to astronomical discoveries, valuable information about heavenly wanderers appears.

Closest to the sun is Mercury. There is an opinion that it was once a satellite of Venus. But as a result of a cosmic catastrophe, the cosmic body separated from Venus and acquired its own orbit. A year on Mercury is 88 days, and a day is 59 days.

Mercury is the only planet in the solar system where you can observe the movement of the Sun in the opposite direction. This phenomenon has a completely logical explanation. The speed of rotation of the planet around its axis is much slower than the movement in its orbit. Due to such a difference in speed regimes, the effect of changing the movement of the Sun arises.

On Mercury you can observe a fantastic phenomenon: two sunsets and sunrises. And if you move to the meridians 0˚ and 180̊, then you can witness three sunsets and sunrises per day.

Venus goes next to Mercury. Lights up in the sky during sunset on Earth, but you can observe it for only a couple of hours. Because of this feature, she was nicknamed "Evening Star". Interestingly, the orbit of Venus lies inside the orbit of our planet. But it moves in the opposite direction, counterclockwise. A year on the planet lasts 225 days, and 1 day is 243 Earth days. Venus, like the Moon, has a phase change, transforming either into a thin sickle or into a wide circle. There is an assumption that some types of terrestrial bacteria can live in the atmosphere of Venus.

Earth- truly a pearl of the solar system. Only on it there is a huge variety of life forms. People feel so comfortable on this planet and do not even realize that it is rushing along its orbit at a speed of 108,000 km per hour.

The fourth planet from the Sun is Mars. He is accompanied by two companions. A day on this planet is equivalent in duration to the earth - 24 hours. But 1 year lasts 668 days. Just like on Earth, the seasons change here. Seasons cause changes in the appearance of the planet.

Jupiter- the largest space giant. It has many satellites (more than 60 pieces) and 5 rings. It is 318 times the mass of Earth. But, despite its impressive size, it moves quite quickly. It turns around its own axis in just 10 hours, but it overcomes the distance around the Sun in 12 years.

The weather on Jupiter is bad - constant storms and hurricanes, accompanied by lightning. A striking representative of such weather conditions is the Great Red Spot - a whirlwind moving at a speed of 435 km / h.

hallmark Saturn, certainly are his rings. These flat formations are made up of dust and ice. The thickness of the circles ranges from 10 - 15 m to 1 km, the width from 3,000 km to 300,000 km. The rings of the planet are not a single whole, but represent formations in the form of thin spokes. Also, the planet is surrounded by more than 62 satellites.

Saturn has an incredibly high rate of rotation, so much so that it is compressed at the poles. A day on the planet lasts 10 hours, a year - 30 years.

Uranus, like Venus, it moves around the star counterclockwise. The uniqueness of the planet lies in the fact that it "lies on its side", its axis is tilted at an angle of 98˚. There is a theory that the planet took this position after a collision with another space object.

Like Saturn, Uranus has a complex ring system, consisting of a combination of an inner and outer group of rings. In total, Uranus has 13 of them. It is believed that the rings are the remains of the former satellite of Uranus, which collided with the planet.

Uranus does not have a solid surface, a third of the radius, approximately 8,000 km, is a gaseous shell.

Neptune is the last planet in the solar system. It is surrounded by 6 dark rings. The most beautiful shade of the sea wave to the planet is given by methane, which is present in the atmosphere. Neptune makes one revolution in its orbit in 164 years. But around its axis it moves quite quickly, and the day passes for
16 hours. In some places, the orbit of Neptune intersects with the orbit of Pluto.

Neptune has a large number of moons. Basically, they all rotate in front of the orbit of Neptune and are called internal. There are only two outer satellites accompanying the planet.

You can see it on Neptune. However, outbreaks are too weak and occur throughout the planet, and not exclusively at the poles, as on Earth.

Once in space, there were 9 planets. This number also included Pluto. But due to its small size, the astronomical community has identified it as a series of dwarf planets (asteroids).

These are interesting facts and amazing stories about the planets of the solar system that are revealed in the process of exploring the black depths of the Cosmos.

Astrophysics - comparatively young science. But it was she who began to study interesting facts about the planets of the solar system, everything about their structure and composition. Distinguished from astronomy, she is engaged in physical composition of celestial bodies.

The sky has always been the object of close attention and interest of mankind. The stars have been observed since the time of the mythical Atlantis. The structure of celestial bodies, the trajectories of their movement, the change of seasons on Earth - all this was attributed to the influence of stars. Many theories were confirmed, others were discarded. Over time, they discovered that the Earth not the only planet in our galaxy.

In contact with

List of celestial bodies

Turning to the description of the interesting features of each, you need to list all the small and large solar system planets. A table indicating the position from the sun will be placed just below. Here we restrict ourselves to alphabetical enumeration:

  • Venus;
  • Earth;
  • Mars;
  • Mercury;
  • Neptune;
  • Saturn;
  • Jupiter;
  • Uranus.

Attention! It is noteworthy that the top three included bodies on which, according to science fiction writers, people will settle over time. Scientists doubt this option, but everything is subject to science fiction.

Curious facts

Everyone saw the film "Carnival Night", so there is no need to retell the plot. But even in terms of the celebration of the New Year, which is discussed in the film, there should be a report on the topic: "Is there life on Mars?"

What happened to the lecturer and the report itself is well known to the audience. The news often contains information about Mars.

Astronomical information also includes the fact that it rotates on the fourth, if you count the trajectory from the Sun, belongs to the terrestrial group etc.


Interestingly, all the names of the nearest planets are named after the ancient Roman gods. Mars is the god of war in ancient mythology. There is some confusion as many consider him to be a god of fertility. Both of them are right. The Romans considered him the god of fertility, who could both destroy and save the crop. Then, already in ancient Greek mythology, he received the name Ares (Mars) - the god of war.

Attention! The Red Planet - Mars acquired its unofficial name due to the high content of iron on the surface, which gives it a reddish tint. The god received his formidable name in the mythology of Greece for the same reason. The reddish hue resembled the color of blood.

Few people know that the first spring month is named after the god of fertility. It sounds the same in almost every language. Mars - March, Mars - March.

Mars is considered one of the most interesting planets in the solar system for children:

  1. The highest point on earth three times lower than the highest point of Mars. Mount Everest is over 8 km high. Mount Olympus (Mars) - 27 km.
  2. Due to weaker gravity on Mars you can jump three times higher.
  3. Like Earth, Mars has 4 seasons. Each lasts 6 months, and the whole a year is 687 earth days(2 earth years -365x2=730).
  4. It has its own Bermuda Triangle. Of every three satellites launched towards it, only one returns. Two disappear.
  5. Moons of Mars (two of them) revolve around it at about the same speed towards each other. Because orbital radii are different, they never collide.


An inexperienced user will immediately answer that the hottest planet in the solar system is the first from the sun - Mercury. However our Earth's twin Venus will easily give him a head start. Mercury has no atmosphere, and although it 44 days heated by the Sun, the same number of days it spends on cooling (Year on Mercury - 88 days). Venus due to the presence of an atmosphere with a high content of carbon dioxide keeps the temperature constant.

Attention! Located between Mercury and the Earth, Venus is almost constantly under a "greenhouse" cap. Temperatures hover around 462 degrees. For comparison, lead melts at 327 degrees.

Venus Facts:

  1. She has no satellites, but itself so bright that it can cast a shadow.
  2. A day on it lasts more than a year - 243 Earth days(year - 225).
  3. 3. All planets in the solar system rotate counterclockwise. . Only Venus spins the other way.
  4. The wind speed can reach 360 km/h.


Mercury - first planet from the sun. Consider interesting information about him:

  1. Despite being dangerously close to a hot neighbor, he there are glaciers.
  2. Mercury boasts geysers. Because there is no oxygen They are made up of pure hydrogen.
  3. American research satellites spotted the presence of a small magnetic field.
  4. Mercury is eccentric. Its trajectory has an ellipse, the maximum diameter of which is almost twice the minimum.
  5. Mercury is wrinkled and, since it has a minimum thickness of the atmosphere. As a result the inner core is cooling, shrinking. Therefore, his robe was covered with wrinkles, the height of which can reach hundreds of meters.


Saturn, despite the minimum amount of light and heat, not covered by glaciers, since its main components are gases: helium and hydrogen. It is one of the ringed planets in the solar system. Galileo, who first saw the planet, suggested that the rings are a trace of the movement of two satellites, but they rotate very quickly.

Curious information:

  1. Shape of Saturn oblate ball. This is due to the rapid rotation of the celestial body around its axis. Its diameter in the widest part is 120 thousand km, in the narrowest - 108 thousand km.
  2. It ranks second in the solar system in terms of the number of its satellites - 62 pieces. At the same time, there are giants larger than Mercury, and there are very little ones with a diameter of up to 5 km.
  3. The main decoration of the gas giant are its rings.
  4. Saturn is 760 times larger than Earth.
  5. Its density is second only to water.

Researchers have proposed an interesting interpretation of the last two facts in teaching children:

  • If you create a bag the size of Saturn, then it would fit exactly 760 balls, the diameter of which is equal to the globe.
  • If a giant bathtub comparable to its size was filled with water, then Saturn would float on the surface.


Of particular interest is Pluto.

Until the end of the twentieth century, it was considered the most farthest planet from the sun, but in connection with the discovery of the second asteroid belt beyond Neptune, in which fragments were found with a weight and diameter exceeding Pluto, since the beginning of the 21st century it has been transferred to the status of dwarf planets.

An official name for bodies of this size has yet to be invented. At the same time, this "fragment" has five of its satellites. One of them - Charon, in its parameters is almost equal to Pluto itself.

There is no blue sky planet in our system, except for Earth and… Pluto. In addition, it is noted that Pluto has a lot of ice. Unlike the ice sheets of Mercury, this ice is frozen water, since the planet is quite far from the main body.


But the most interesting planet is Jupiter:

  1. He has rings. Five of them are fragments of meteorites approaching him. Unlike the rings of Saturn, they do not contain ice.
  2. The moons of Jupiter were named after the mistresses of the ancient Greek god, after whom it is named.
  3. It is the most dangerous for radio and magnetic devices. Its magnetic field can damage the instruments of a ship that tries to approach it.
  4. The speed of Jupiter is also curious. The days on it are only 10 hours, and the year is the time during which the orbit around a star, 12 years.
  5. The mass of Jupiter is several times greater than the weight of all the other planets revolving around the Sun.


Interesting facts.

  1. The South Pole - Antarctica, contains almost 90% of all ice on the globe. Almost 70% of the world's fresh water is also located there.
  2. longest mountain range is under water. Its length is more than 600,000 km.
  3. The longest range on land is the Himalayas (over 2500 km),
  4. The Dead Sea is the second deepest point in the world. its bottom located at 400 meters below ocean level.
  5. Scientists suggest that our celestial body used to have two moons. After a collision with him, the second crumbled and became an asteroid belt.
  6. Many years ago, the globe was not green-blue, as in today's images from space, but purple, due to the large number of bacteria.

These are not all interesting facts about the planet Earth. Scientists can tell more than one hundred curious, sometimes funny information.


The simplest interpretation of this term is attraction.

People walk on a horizontal surface because it attracts. The thrown stone sooner or later still falls - gravity action. If you are unsure of riding a bicycle, then you fall - gravity again.

The solar system and gravity are interconnected. celestial bodies have their own orbits around the star.

Without gravity, there would be no orbits. All this swarm flying around our luminary would have scattered in different directions.

The attraction is also manifested in the fact that all the planets are round. Gravity depends on distance: several pieces of any substance are mutually attracted, resulting in a ball.

Table of length of day and years

It is clear from the table that the farther the object is from the main luminary, the shorter the day and the longer the years. Which planet has the shortest year? On Mercury it is only 3 earth months. Scientists have not yet been able to confirm or refute this figure, because not a single terrestrial telescope will be able to constantly observe it. The proximity of the main luminary will certainly disable the optics. The data are received by means of space research vehicles.

The length of the day also depends on body diameter and its rotation speed. The white planets of the Solar System (terrestrial type), whose names are presented in the first four cells of the table, have a rocky structure and a rather slow speed.

10 interesting facts about the solar system

Our solar system: The planet Uranus


The giant planets located beyond the asteroid belt are mostly gaseous, due to which they rotate faster. At the same time, the entire quadruple has poles and an equator rotate at different speeds. On the other hand, since they are located at a greater distance from the star, they take quite a long time to complete the orbit.

All space objects are interesting in their own way, and each of them contains some kind of mystery. Their study is a long and very entertaining process, which every year reveals new secrets of the Universe to us.

The cosmos is incomprehensible, its scale and magnitude are hard to imagine. The sky hides so many mysteries that, having answered one question, scientists are faced with twenty new ones. Even answering how many planets are in the solar system is quite difficult. Why? It's not easy to explain, but we'll try. Read on: it will be interesting.

How many planets are in the solar system according to the latest data

Until 2006, in all school textbooks and astronomical encyclopedias, they wrote in black and white: there are exactly nine planets in the solar system.

But the American mathematician Michael Brown was one of those who made even people far from science talk about space. The scientist initiated a revision of the concept of "planet". According to the new criteria, Pluto has dropped out of the planetary list.

The poor fellow was enrolled in a new class - "dwarf planetoids." Why did it happen? According to the fourth parameter, a planet is considered to be a cosmic body whose gravity dominates the orbit. Pluto is only 0.07 of the mass concentrated in its orbit. For comparison: the Earth is 1.7 million times heavier than anything that gets in its way.

The same class included Haumea, Makemake, Eris and Ceres, which was previously considered an asteroid. All of them are part of the Kuiper belt - a special cluster of space objects, similar to the asteroid belt, but 20 times wider and heavier.

Anything beyond the orbit of Neptune is called a trans-Neptunian object. In the early 2000s, scientists discovered Sedna, a planetoid with an unusually remote and elongated orbit around the Sun. In 2014, another object with similar parameters was discovered.

The researchers wondered: why are the orbits of these cosmic bodies so elongated? It was assumed that they are affected by a hidden massive object. Michael Brown and his Russian colleague Konstantin Batygin mathematically calculated the trajectory of the planets known to us, taking into account the available data.

The results stunned scientists: the theoretical orbits did not match the real ones. This confirmed the assumption of the presence of a massive planet "X". We also managed to find out its approximate trajectory of movement: the orbit is elongated, and the nearest point to us is 200 times the distance from the Earth to the Sun.

Scientists believe that the potential ninth planet is an ice giant, whose mass is 10-16 times the Earth.

Mankind is already watching the proposed region of space, where an unknown planet will appear. The probability of an error in the calculations is 0.007%. This means virtually guaranteed detection between 2018 and 2020.

For observation, the Japanese Subaru telescope is used. Perhaps the observatory in Chile with the LSST telescope will come to its aid, the construction of which is planned to be completed in three years, in 2020.

Solar system: location of the planets

The planets of the solar system are divided into two groups:

  • The first includes relatively small space bodies that have a rocky surface, 1–2 satellites, and a relatively small mass.
  • The second is giant planets made of dense gas and ice. They absorbed 99% of the matter in solar orbit. They are characterized by a large number of satellites and rings that can be observed from Earth only near Saturn.

Let's take a closer look at the planets in the order of their location from the Sun:

  1. Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. Presumably at an early stage in history, a strong collision with some object tore off most of the surface. Therefore, Mercury has a relatively large iron core and a thin crust. The Earth year on Mercury lasts only 88 days.

  1. Venus is a planet named after the ancient Greek goddess of love and fertility. Its size is almost comparable to the Earth. She, like Mercury, has no satellites. Venus is the only one in the solar system that rotates counterclockwise. The temperature on the surface reaches 400 degrees Celsius. Perhaps this is due to the greenhouse effect, which creates a super-dense atmosphere.

  1. The earth is our only home so far. The uniqueness of the planet, if you do not take into account the presence of life, lies in the hydro and atmosphere. The amount of water and free oxygen exceeds that of any other known planet.

  1. Mars is our red neighbor. The color of the planet is due to the high content of oxidized iron in the soil. Here is Olympus. No kidding, this is the name of the volcano, and its dimensions correspond to the name - 21 km high and 540 km wide! Mars is accompanied by two moons that are believed to be asteroids captured by the planet's gravity.

Between the terrestrial planets and the gas giants is the asteroid belt. This cluster is relatively small from 1 m to 100 km in diameter of celestial bodies. Previously, it was believed that there was a planet in this orbit that collapsed as a result of a catastrophe. However, the theory was not confirmed. It is now believed that the ring of asteroids is nothing more than an accumulation of matter left after the formation of the solar system. Roughly speaking - unnecessary rubbish.

  1. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It is 2.5 times heavier than the other planets. Due to the high pressure, storms of hydrogen and helium rage here. The largest eddy reaches 40-50 thousand km in length and 13 thousand km in width. If a person were at the epicenter, if he survived in the atmosphere, the wind would tear him to pieces, because his speed reaches 500 km / h!

  1. Saturn is considered by many to be the most beautiful planet. Known for its rings, which are made up primarily of water ice and dust. Their width on a cosmic scale is incredibly small - 10–1000 meters. The planet has 62 moons - 5 less than Jupiter. It is believed that about 4.5 billion years ago there were more of them, but Saturn swallowed them up, which is why the rings formed.

  1. Uranus. Due to the nature of the rotation, this ice giant is called a "rolling ball". The axis of the planet relative to the orbit around the Sun is tilted by 98 degrees. After the impeachment, Pluto became the coldest planet (‒224 degrees Celsius). This is due to the relatively low temperature of the core - approximately 5 thousand degrees.

  1. Neptune is a blue-colored planet, which is explained by the large amount of methane in the atmosphere, which also contains nitrogen, ammonia and water ice. Remember we talked about the winds on Jupiter? Forget it, because here its speed is more than 2000 km / h!

A little about the outsider

Most likely, Pluto was not very offended that he was expelled from the planetary family. By and large, what difference does it make what people think on a distant Earth. But, one way or another, it is necessary to say a few words about the recently ninth planet from the Sun.

Pluto is the coldest place in the system. The temperature here is close to absolute zero and drops to -240 degrees Celsius. It is six times lighter and three times smaller than the Moon. The largest moon of the planet Charon is one third of the size of Pluto. The remaining four satellites revolve around them. Therefore, it is possible that they will be reclassified as a binary planetary system. By the way, the bad news - the New Year on Pluto will have to wait 500 years!

What do we end up with? According to the latest data, there are eight planets in the solar system, but, according to mathematical calculations, there should be a ninth. If you think that calculations are nothing, here's a fact for you: Neptune was discovered by mathematicians in 1846, and they could only see it up close in 1989, when the Voyager 2 spacecraft flew by. With all the scale of our house, we are just grains of sand in the space of space.

solar system- these are 8 planets and more than 63 of their satellites, which are being discovered more and more often, several dozen comets and a large number of asteroids. All cosmic bodies move along their clear directed trajectories around the Sun, which is 1000 times heavier than all the bodies in the solar system combined. The center of the solar system is the Sun - a star around which planets revolve in orbits. They do not emit heat and do not glow, but only reflect the light of the sun. There are currently 8 officially recognized planets in the solar system. Briefly, in order of distance from the sun, we list them all. And now some definitions.

Planet- this is a celestial body that must satisfy four conditions:
1. the body must revolve around a star (for example, around the Sun);
2. the body must have sufficient gravity to have a spherical or close to it shape;
3. the body should not have other large bodies near its orbit;
4. the body should not be a star

Star- This is a cosmic body that emits light and is a powerful source of energy. This is explained, firstly, by the thermonuclear reactions occurring in it, and secondly, by the processes of gravitational compression, as a result of which a huge amount of energy is released.

Planet satellites. The solar system also includes the Moon and the natural satellites of other planets, which all of them have, except for Mercury and Venus. More than 60 satellites are known. Most of the satellites of the outer planets were discovered when they received photographs taken by robotic spacecraft. Jupiter's smallest moon, Leda, is only 10 km across.

is a star, without which life on Earth could not exist. It gives us energy and warmth. According to the classification of stars, the Sun is a yellow dwarf. The age is about 5 billion years. It has a diameter at the equator equal to 1,392,000 km, 109 times larger than the earth. The rotation period at the equator is 25.4 days and 34 days at the poles. The mass of the Sun is 2x10 to the 27th power of tons, approximately 332950 times the mass of the Earth. The temperature inside the core is about 15 million degrees Celsius. The surface temperature is about 5500 degrees Celsius. According to the chemical composition, the Sun consists of 75% hydrogen, and of the other 25% of the elements, most of all helium. Now let's figure out in order how many planets revolve around the sun, in the solar system and the characteristics of the planets.
The four inner planets (nearest to the Sun) - Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars - have a solid surface. They are smaller than four giant planets. Mercury moves faster than other planets, being burned by the sun's rays during the day and freezing at night. Period of revolution around the Sun: 87.97 days.
Diameter at the equator: 4878 km.
Rotation period (turn around the axis): 58 days.
Surface temperature: 350 during the day and -170 at night.
Atmosphere: very rarefied, helium.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

More like the Earth in size and brightness. Observation of it is difficult because of the clouds enveloping it. The surface is a hot rocky desert. Period of revolution around the Sun: 224.7 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12104 km.
Rotation period (turn around the axis): 243 days.
Surface temperature: 480 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: dense, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 0.
The main satellites of the planet: 0.

Apparently, the Earth was formed from a gas and dust cloud, like other planets. Particles of gas and dust, colliding, gradually "raised" the planet. The temperature on the surface reached 5000 degrees Celsius. Then the Earth cooled down and became covered with a hard stone crust. But the temperature in the depths is still quite high - 4500 degrees. Rocks in the bowels are molten and pour out to the surface during volcanic eruptions. Only on earth there is water. That's why life exists here. It is located relatively close to the Sun to receive the necessary heat and light, but far enough away so as not to burn out. Period of revolution around the Sun: 365.3 days.
Diameter at the equator: 12756 km.
The period of rotation of the planet (rotation around the axis): 23 hours 56 minutes.
Surface temperature: 22 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: mostly nitrogen and oxygen.
Number of satellites: 1.
The main satellites of the planet: the Moon.

Due to the similarity with the Earth, it was believed that life exists here. But the spacecraft that landed on the surface of Mars found no signs of life. This is the fourth planet in order. Period of revolution around the Sun: 687 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 6794 km.
Rotation period (rotation around the axis): 24 hours 37 minutes.
Surface temperature: -23 degrees (average).
Atmosphere of the planet: rarefied, mostly carbon dioxide.
How many satellites: 2.
Main moons in order: Phobos, Deimos.

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are made up of hydrogen and other gases. Jupiter is more than 10 times larger than Earth in diameter, 300 times in mass and 1300 times in volume. It is more than twice as massive as all the planets in the solar system combined. How much planet Jupiter does it take to become a star? It is necessary to increase its mass by 75 times! The period of revolution around the Sun: 11 years 314 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 143884 km.
Rotation period (turn around the axis): 9 hours 55 minutes.
Surface temperature of the planet: -150 degrees (average).
Number of satellites: 16 (+ rings).
The main satellites of the planets in order: Io, Europa, Ganymede, Callisto.

This is the number 2 largest of the planets in the solar system. Saturn draws attention to itself thanks to a system of rings formed from ice, rocks and dust that orbit the planet. There are three main rings with an outer diameter of 270,000 km, but their thickness is about 30 meters. The period of revolution around the Sun: 29 years 168 days.
Diameter of the planet at the equator: 120536 km.
Rotation period (turn around the axis): 10 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: -180 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: mostly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 18 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titan.

Unique planet in the solar system. Its peculiarity is that it revolves around the Sun not like everyone else, but "lying on its side." Uranus also has rings, although they are harder to see. In 1986, Voyager 2 flew 64,000 km and had six hours of photography, which it successfully completed. Orbital period: 84 years 4 days.
Diameter at the equator: 51118 km.
The period of rotation of the planet (rotation around the axis): 17 hours 14 minutes.
Surface temperature: -214 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: mostly hydrogen and helium.
How many satellites: 15 (+ rings).
Main satellites: Titania, Oberon.

At the moment, Neptune is considered the last planet in the solar system. Its discovery took place by the method of mathematical calculations, and then they saw it through a telescope. In 1989, Voyager 2 flew by. He took amazing photographs of the blue surface of Neptune and its largest moon, Triton. The period of revolution around the Sun: 164 years 292 days.
Diameter at the equator: 50538 km.
Rotation period (turn around the axis): 16 hours 7 minutes.
Surface temperature: -220 degrees (average).
Atmosphere: mostly hydrogen and helium.
Number of satellites: 8.
Main moons: Triton.

On August 24, 2006, Pluto lost planetary status. The International Astronomical Union has decided which celestial body should be considered a planet. Pluto does not meet the requirements of the new formulation and loses its "planetary status", at the same time, Pluto passes into a new quality and becomes the prototype of a separate class of dwarf planets.

How did the planets appear? Approximately 5-6 billion years ago, one of the gas and dust clouds of our large Galaxy (the Milky Way), which has the shape of a disk, began to shrink towards the center, gradually forming the current Sun. Further, according to one of the theories, under the influence of powerful forces of attraction, a large number of dust and gas particles rotating around the Sun began to stick together into balls - forming future planets. According to another theory, the gas and dust cloud immediately broke up into separate clusters of particles, which compressed and condensed, forming the current planets. Now 8 planets revolve around the sun constantly.

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