Who is a gref by nationality. Information about the criminal activities of Gref German Oskarovich

The biography of German Oskarovich Gref is well known to everyone who follows the current situation in Russia. This is an influential statesman who in...

Gref German Oskarovich: biography, family, personal life, photo

By Masterweb

15.09.2018 22:00

The biography of German Oskarovich Gref is well known to everyone who follows the current situation in Russia. This is an influential statesman who currently holds the post of chairman of the board of Sberbank. Previously, he headed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. Considered one of the highest paid and most successful top managers in the country. His path to the financial Olympus was long and thorny. At various times, he led large private and state-owned companies, including Transneft, Lukoil, Yandex, Gazprom.

Childhood and youth

The biography of German Oskarovich Gref begins in 1964, when he was born in the small village of Panfilovo. This unattractive place is located near Pavlodar. The date of birth of German Oskarovich Gref is February 8. His parents were ethnic Germans who were resettled in the Kazakh steppes from the Donbass. It happened in 1941, when the Great Patriotic War began: the reason was their nationality. German Oskarovich Gref was the youngest child in the family, besides him, his parents raised their older brother Evgeny and sister Elena.

Herman Oskarovich's parents came from an intelligent and educated family. Their names were Emilia Filippovna and Oscar Fedorovich. Mother worked as an economist, and father worked as an engineer. Recently, one can often hear the opinion that German Oskarovich Gref is a Jew. It is worth emphasizing that this information is fundamentally wrong. This conclusion can be reached if you carefully study his biography. German Oskarovich Gref is German by nationality, at least ethnically.

At the age of one and a half, grief happened in his family: his father died, after which his mother was left alone with three children in her arms. Their grandmother helped with their upbringing. She taught Herman modesty, restraint and accuracy, made sure that he mastered the German language perfectly, since everyone in the family spoke Russian.


The next stage in the biography of German Oskarovich Gref is studying at school. His teachers are remembered as a disciplined and obedient student who practically did not give his mother any trouble. It is noteworthy that he not only distinguished himself by good academic performance in studying a variety of subjects, but also loved to play sports. At school he was even the captain of the football team.

After receiving a secondary education, German Oskarovich Gref entered the Institute of International Relations in the capital. But he failed to finish his studies, he was expelled for unknown reasons. After that, he was immediately taken into the army. He served in the special forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR.

Returning to the "citizen", German Oskarovich Gref again became a student, since getting a higher education was one of the highest priority goals in his life. This time he decided to conquer the Faculty of Law at the Law State University of Omsk. During his studies at the university, he showed himself as an active public figure, was a Komsomol organizer. Then for the first time in his life he became interested in politics.

He managed to graduate from the university with honors. Here he remained as a teacher.

Acquaintance with Anatoly Sobchak

In 1990, German Oskarovich Gref, whose photo is shown below, becomes a graduate student at Leningrad State University. This moment marks a turning point in his career, as Anatoly Sobchak, the future first popularly elected mayor of St. Petersburg, became his supervisor.

Gref made a good impression on Sobchak, who actually became his "godfather" in modern politics. Soon, from the university, he got a job with his supervisor at the mayor's office of St. Petersburg. Here the hero of our article quickly got used to it, met the future leaders of the country - Dmitry Medvedev and Vladimir Putin, who were also assistants and associates of Sobchak at that time.

Work in government

The next radical change in the biography of German Oskarovich Gref occurred due to perestroika. The concept of the state development of the modern country was formed in the new government of Russia. For this, a special committee for economic development was created. A promising economist in it immediately got the position of head.

In this position, German Oskarovich Gref showed his best qualities. He showed himself to be a specialist capable of making the most promising and accurate forecasts in the economy, and besides, in a simple and accessible form, presenting them to his immediate superiors, which his associates liked.

He worked as an economic strategist for seven years, after which his career took off. In 1998, he was made deputy head of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation. A year later, Gref heads the Center for Strategic Research, and is a member of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market.

Ministerial portfolio

In 2000, his old, so to speak, comrade in the workshop, Putin, with whom they knew from work in the St. Petersburg mayor's office, wins the election. Gref is invited to the new government, handing over the portfolio of the Minister of Trade and Economic Development.

Gref holds this high and responsible position until 2007, retaining his place under five different prime ministers, which few people managed to do among officials of such a high rank. This once again proves that in his post he was a true professional who knew where to go and what to do.

Experts note many achievements in his work. For example, it was under Gref that the lobbying of the program for Russia's entry into the WTO began, the large-scale reform of taxation and the electric power industry was resumed, which brought the country to a qualitatively new level. At that time, the state economy began to be considered along with economically developed countries, received a high investment rating, and became a truly market economy.

At that time, Gref, in addition to a responsible position in the government, also led several large holdings. He was a member of the board of directors of Aeroflot, Gazprom, Rosneft and Transneft.


When in 2007 the government completely resigned on the eve of the next presidential election, Gref finally said goodbye to his portfolio, transferring the affairs to Elvira Nabiullina.

German Oskarovich himself, on the recommendation of the supervisory board of Sberbank, was appointed to the post of chairman of the board of the largest bank in the country and direct manager of a credit institution. He remains in this post today.

Good luck in your new position

It is worth noting that in this position Gref achieved noticeable and tangible results. Most importantly, his credit institution has become client-oriented, expanding its base of potential depositors and users many times over. In absolute terms, this made it possible to increase profits by 74%. Gref also carried out a large-scale rebranding of his organization, it was after his appointment as the head of Sberbank that technologically advanced and convenient systems of remote service channels appeared. All this has made the financial institution one of the most influential not only in Russia, but also in Central and Eastern Europe.

Certain efforts were made by his team to develop and form the internal corporate culture of employees. For example, since then, every year, Gref publishes a list of books that he recommends for mandatory reading to all managers of his organization without exception.

Renewal of powers

Finding the contacts of German Oskarovich Gref, of course, is not so easy. After all, he is a very busy man. The most real chance to contact him is to contact the Sberbank board itself.

In the spring of 2015, it became known that Gref's powers as president of this financial institution would be extended. At the moment, information has been confirmed that he will remain in charge of Sberbank until at least 2019. Perhaps, after that, the term of office will be extended again, as has happened more than once.

In parallel, the economist has recently been a member of the board of directors of Yandex. The shareholders of one of the world's largest search engines appreciated the knowledge and skills of the hero of our article, so they decided that they would be useful for the development of their Internet company. In the first place, the industry of legislative regulation is counting on Gref's help.


At the same time, Gref cannot do without scandals in his post, although it must be emphasized that they are infrequent. However, in 2016, at the Gaidar Forum, the banker, to the surprise of many others, gave a negative assessment of Russia's current position in the international economic market.

Gref noted that Russia is gradually turning into a "downshifter country", which is falling further and further into the abyss, moreover, it is being technologically enslaved in front of most other advanced countries of the world.

The deputies of the State Duma reacted sharply and painfully to such a statement. Noting that such unpatriotic statements did not allow him to continue to lead the largest bank in the country, they demanded to immediately write a letter of voluntary resignation.

The situation was resolved, Gref still continues to lead Sberbank.

Personal life

During his life, the economist was married twice. His first chosen one was Elena Velikanova, his classmate. Feelings for her arose at the time of school youth. Young people were close friends, and immediately after receiving secondary education, they signed at the registry office.

In 1982, their first child was born, who was named Oleg. When the young man was 17 years old, he became a student at the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg State University. However, he did not want to stay in the northern capital for a long time; in his third year, he transferred to the law faculty of Moscow State University.

In the 90s, Gref's marriage broke up for reasons that he himself does not like to talk about, so those around him can only guess what went wrong in his family. This happened even before Gref became Minister of Economic Development.

Second marriage

The second time German Oskarovich married in 2004. The famous designer Yana Glumova became his chosen one. She is the founder of the Khoroshevskaya progymnasium. According to her first education, Yana is close to her husband, as she also graduated from the Faculty of Economics.

The wedding was so chic that it shocked many deputies of the State Duma. The people's representatives were indignant at the fact that the wedding took place in the unique Peterhof reserve in the throne room, the rent of which is several million rubles. Children also appeared in the second marriage: German Oskarovich Gref had daughters in 2006 and 2008.

In 2015, Gref was again at the center of a scandal, which this time was connected with his personal life. The head of the site of the human rights organization GayRussia.Ru, Nikolai Alekseev, made an implausible statement that Gref himself was allegedly a representative of non-traditional sexual orientation. At the end of the year, posters with provocative inscriptions "Volodin and Gref are not gays" appeared on a large number of capital buses. They were promptly dismantled, and the action itself was immediately associated with provocations by Western opponents.

Economist's fortune

According to the authoritative economic publication Forbes, Gref is currently ranked sixth in the list of the highest paid top managers in the country. His annual income is estimated by experts at thirteen and a half million dollars. This includes salary, bonuses, share payments and long-term benefits.

In the last year, his annual income has decreased by about two million dollars.

Activity recently

In 2017, Gref's scandalous speech appeared on the Internet. It was made at the St. Petersburg Economic Forum. Everything that happened on the stage was broadcast on the Russia-24 channel. However, Gref apparently forgot about this, saying that he did not consider it necessary to give the broad masses access to legal information. In his opinion, thinking people pose a danger and even a threat to government circles, which find it more difficult to resort to manipulation methods.

At the moment, the economist intends to optimize the area of ​​mortgage lending, he is also engaged in returns to pre-crisis indicators in his work in the lending department.

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The bank's subsidiaries provide various services to customers, including property, liability, and life and health insurance services provided by insurance companies LLC IC Sberbank Insurance and LLC IC Sberbank Life Insurance, as well as insurance companies that are partners of the bank or in other insurance companies. You can find out more about the insurance programs of IC Sberbank Insurance LLC and IC Sberbank Life Insurance LLC by clicking on the link.

The Ombudsman Service receives requests from clients with various questions regarding these services. We have tried to answer the most common of them.

First of all, it is worth noting that the execution of a life or health insurance contract is exclusively voluntary and does not affect the decision to issue or not issue a loan. At the same time, you can cancel the insurance contract within 14 days 1 and return the insurance premium paid by you upon conclusion of the contract. The conditions and procedure for the return of the insurance premium are determined by the terms of the insurance contract.

1. If I repaid the loan early, does the insurance associated with it terminate?

Unless otherwise provided by the terms of the insurance contract, in case of early repayment of the Loan Debt, the Insurance contract continues to be valid for the Insured person until the end of the period specified in it or until the Insurer fulfills its obligations to pay insurance compensation upon the occurrence of an insured event.

2. If the loan has already been repaid, then what is the point of the insurance program?

The insurance coverage is valid for the entire period of insurance, even in case of early repayment of the loan. The sum insured is determined by the terms of the insurance contract.

3. I heard that life insurance is accepted for tax purposes?

This is true, life insurance can be used to receive a tax deduction for personal income tax in the amount of up to 15,600 rubles (13% of the limit of 120,000 rubles taken into account for these purposes). You can find out more about tax deductions and their receipt at the following.

4. Is it mandatory to draw up a life insurance contract when applying for a loan?

Life insurance is not a prerequisite, however, the availability of insurance can be taken into account as an additional factor, for example, Sberbank takes into account this type of insurance and provides an opportunity to reduce the interest rate if you have drawn up a life and health insurance contract for the borrower under mortgage lending agreements. Your decision to conclude a life insurance contract or to refuse to conclude a life insurance contract does not affect the probability of issuing a loan in any way.

5. Is it possible to return the paid insurance premium or part of it if I refuse to participate in the insurance program after the early repayment of the loan?

This possibility depends on the conditions specified in the insurance contract.

1 so-called. the "cooling off period" may be longer depending on the terms of the contract.

Arrests and recovery of funds

You can find detailed information about the reasons for the arrest or recovery of funds on accounts and answers to frequently asked questions by clicking on the link.

The bank's ability to influence the situation in the work with enforcement proceedings is limited by the current legislation. The Bank acts solely as an executor and is obliged to immediately carry out the actions specified in the received executive document on the client's accounts. If the bank has reasonable doubts about the authenticity of the document (and not about the legitimacy of its content), the bank may, within 7 calendar days, take measures aimed at certifying the authenticity of the document, while it is obliged to block transactions on the client's accounts indicated in the document until completion of the check.

Therefore, if a client is faced with the problem of debiting funds under an executive document, the bank does not always have the opportunity to resolve the situation on its own - in some cases, the solution lies outside the bank's responsibility.

1. If you find yourself in a situation where your salary or pension is debited both at the place of work or in the pension fund, and from a bank account, then you need to provide documents confirming this fact to the department of bailiffs leading proceedings in your case, to change the procedure for collecting money from you.

2. If you receive social payments that cannot be levied, we recommend that you open a separate nominal account for crediting these payments. You can find out more about this service and the conditions for its use at the link.

3. The bank cannot independently terminate or suspend the recovery or cancel other measures for enforcement proceedings. The basis may be the appropriate decision of the court, bailiff. Also, the executive document may be withdrawn by the claimant himself. At the same time, the bank cannot return the funds already collected, this question must be addressed to their recipient.


Among the appeals received by the Ombudsman Service, a significant number are related to the consequences of fraudulent actions of third parties in relation to Sberbank clients. There are a large number of types of fraud, however, in general, they can be divided into two main groups:

1. Fraud using various technical means:

2. Fraud without the use of technical means in relation to the client, often referred to as "social engineering" - the client is fraudulently obtained data, the disclosure of which makes it possible to access and dispose of funds.

As you can see, all these methods rely to some extent on a lack of attention and / or a frivolous attitude to confidential information and means of access. By providing confidential information to scammers, you are actually giving them access to your funds.

To reduce the risk of fraud against you, it is enough to follow a number of simple security measures that are posted on the Sberbank website in the "Security Measures" section:

link .

  • Phishing - conducting mailings (letters, SMS messages) with a link leading to fake (phishing) pages of sites and applications disguised as official ones in order to fraudulently obtain personal access tools.
  • With the use of virus software - malicious programs or their components that imitate user actions or transmit necessary information to fraudsters in order to gain access to funds.
  • Do not tell anyone, including bank employees, your confidential data: SMS passwords and PIN / CVV codes from bank cards;
  • Check the details of the operation in SMS messages with a confirmation password;
  • Do not follow links from unfamiliar resources in order to exclude virus infection of your devices;
  • Use only official bank applications from the AppStore, Google Play, WindowsStore stores;
  • Use an antivirus or install the Sberbank Online mobile application with an antivirus for Android phones;
  • Never connect other people's phones to the Mobile Bank service;
  • Inform the bank about the change of your mobile phone number connected to the "Mobile Bank" service;
  • Do not call back the phone numbers indicated in SMS messages.

If you have any doubts or concerns, please contact the Sberbank Contact Center using the official numbers, the numbers of which are located on the back of the Sberbank card or on the Sberbank website.

Despite the significant distribution of stories describing unauthorized access to customer accounts, in practice, the vast majority of cases are related to the disclosure of confidential data and means of access by the client himself. The bank's ability to protect the client's funds in such cases is limited.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with more detailed information on ensuring the safety of your own funds when using the products and services of the bank at the following link.

Case Study Examples

1. Termination of the insurance contract

Client's message: The client applied to the Ombudsman Service with a question about the return of part of the insurance premium in connection with the early repayment of the loan.

Service Expertise: At the request of the client, the bank entered into a life and health insurance contract in relation to him, providing for the return of the insurance premium in full in case of cancellation of the insurance contract within 14 calendar days from the date of signing the application by the client, or if the insurance contract in respect of the client is not was concluded.

The audit showed that when concluding the insurance contract, there were no erroneous actions on the part of the bank, no application for cancellation of the insurance contract from the client was received by the bank within 14 calendar days from the date of filing the application for concluding the contract. The contract does not provide for a partial refund of the insurance premium.

Service Solution: Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, no grounds were identified for satisfying the client's requirements.

At the same time, during a telephone conversation with an expert, the main reason for the client's desire to cancel the insurance contract was revealed - he suggested that early repayment of the loan leads to the termination of the insurance contract due to the disappearance of the insurance risk. The expert provided explanations that the insurance program continues to operate in full on the conditions established by the contract. Thus, the client remains under the financial protection of the insurance program until the end of its validity for the sum insured initially determined in the contract (in the amount of the loan) despite its full repayment.

2. Unlawful write-off of funds for enforcement proceedings

Client's message: The client contacted the Service with a question about the ongoing write-off of funds from the accounts of the enforcement proceedings, despite its cancellation by the bailiffs.

Service Expertise: The audit showed that several enforcement proceedings are being carried out against the client, within the framework of which funds are regularly debited from the accounts.

At the time of the client's request, the bank received only one decision to terminate enforcement proceedings, which was executed on the next business day after its receipt. No other cancellation orders were received by the bank. Thus, the write-off of funds is carried out in accordance with the requirements in the framework of other enforcement proceedings.

Service Solution: No errors were found in the actions of the bank. The Bank cannot independently terminate the collection of enforcement proceedings without the appropriate grounds provided for by the current legislation (Federal Law No. 229-ФЗ dated 02.10.2007 "On Enforcement Proceedings").

The client was provided with information about the enforcement proceedings in force against her, within which funds are written off, as well as the contact details of the bailiffs who initiated the said enforcement proceedings.

The client applied to the specified bailiff and provided the Ombudsman Service with a decision to cancel the enforcement proceedings, after which the enforcement proceedings on the client's accounts were terminated.

3. Transfer by erroneous details

Client's message: The client contacted the Service with a question about the possibility of returning funds transferred using erroneous details.

Service Expertise: The audit showed that the transfer was made through the Sberbank Online mobile application using an erroneously indicated phone number (an error in one digit). Payment confirmation was made by the client, despite the different name and patronymic of the recipient, displayed in the Sberbank Online system just for the purpose of confirming the correctness of the payment.

According to the Civil Code (Article 854), the bank is not entitled to dispose of the clients' funds without their consent, therefore, the bank does not have the right to independently return the transferred funds. The service sent a notification to the recipient that this payment was transferred by mistake, with a request to confirm the possibility of debiting these funds for their subsequent return to the sender.

Service Solution: The client was provided with information on the actions taken and recommendations for further actions. 1.5 weeks after the submission of this response, the bank received the consent of the recipient of funds, after which the funds were returned to the sender.

4. Reducing the rate under the loan agreement

Client's message: The client applied to the Ombudsman Service with a question about reducing the interest rate on an existing mortgage loan, as well as about participating in the Assistance Program for Certain Categories of Mortgage Borrowers (as part of the state support program).

Service Solution: Making decisions on these issues does not fall within the competence of the Ombudsman Service, therefore, the client's appeal was transferred for work to the authorized division of the bank. The client was informed about this fact and the reason for the transfer of the appeal.

5. Challenging a transaction through an international payment system

Client's message: The client applied to the Ombudsman Service with a question about a refund for booking a hotel room.

Service Expertise: Money was debited from the client's card account to pay for a hotel room. Previously, the client was denied a refund by the bank due to the lack of grounds for initiating a claim cycle in the international payment system.

Service Solution: During the phone call, the Service's expert asked questions about the details of the situation. The client reported that she canceled the hotel reservation and, in fact, did not use the service. The expert informed the client that confirmation that the booking was canceled is required in order to start the refund procedure. An agreement was reached with the client to provide a screenshot. Further, the bank initiated a claim cycle of the international payment system, following the results of consideration of the bank's application, the funds were returned to the client.

6. Error in the address of the insured collateral for a mortgage loan

Client's message: The client applied to the Ombudsman Service with a request to check the correctness of the calculation of the penalty under the mortgage agreement.

Service Expertise: The audit showed that the client concluded a mortgage agreement, one of the clauses of which is the client's obligation to insure the property pledged to the bank, according to the specified list of risks.

After the expiration of the previous insurance policy, the client issued a new policy through the Sberbank Online mobile application. During the execution of the policy, the client made a mistake in indicating the address of the property (street name), so the policy was not taken into account by the bank.

Service Solution: The Ombudsman's Service initiated the necessary measures to enter the correct address in the insurance contract and recalculated (cancelled) the penalty under the loan agreement.

7. Early repayment of the loan

Client's message: The client applied to the Ombudsman Service with a question about the recalculation of overpaid interest under the loan agreement in connection with its early repayment.

Service Expertise: A consumer loan agreement was drawn up with the client, the repayment of which was carried out in accordance with the agreement. The client decided to issue a partial early repayment of the loan and for this purpose applied to the bank's contact center.

During a conversation with an employee of the contact center, the client asked the question to which account he needs to transfer funds for early repayment of the loan. The client was provided with an answer to this question, however, the contact center employee did not provide information on the need to apply for partial early repayment of the loan through a bank branch, or to carry out this operation through the Sberbank Online application.

Russian statesman, president and chairman of the board of Sberbank of Russia, former Minister of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation (2000-2007). Chairman of the Board of the Center for Strategic Research. Member of the Yandex Board of Directors.


German Gref is married for the second time. His wife Yana Golovina- designer. Their wedding took place in the throne room at Peterhof. From this marriage, a daughter was born in 2006, and a second child in 2008.

Since 2008, the mother of Gref's wife, Tatyana Golovina, has been running the Rus sanatorium in Gelendzhik, owned by a state-owned company. "Transneft". Since 2008, the sanatorium "Rus" has transferred its accounts to Sberbank.

Gref's son from his first marriage Oleg, who graduated from Moscow State University in 2004, works as vice president of a consulting company accredited by Sberbank "NEO Center", which was seen in a number of corporate conflicts of Sberbank.

Older brother Evgeny Gref- businessman in Omsk, co-owner of the Technosophy, Siberia-ceramics chain stores, Geomart and Letur shopping centers. In 2008, Sberbank issued him a loan in the amount of 500 million rubles.

Older sister of German Gref Elena Peredriy after graduating from the pedagogical institute, she married Sergei Peredriy, and moved to live in Nakhodka. Owns a large stake in the bank "Primorye" family owned Sergei Darkin, who has been the Governor of Primorsky Krai since 2001, and since 2012 - Deputy Minister of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.

Daughter of Herman Gref's sister, Olga Tyshchenko works as the chief specialist of the HR department of Sberbank. Niece (brother's daughter) Evgenia Gref has been with the company since 2009 Krasnov design serving Sberbank. The owner of the company - Boris Krasnov in 2011 was involved in a criminal case - racketeering, a number of the accused in this criminal case were arrested.

Parents: Oscar Gref and Emilia Gref (dev.Koch). The family of G. Gref's father was exiled to Kazakhstan in 1941 from Donbass, the mother's family was expelled from Leningrad. Gref's father was an engineer, he developed the power supply system for his village. He died when Herman was only one and a half years old. The grandmother helped raise the children. Mother worked in the village council as an economist, was considered a good specialist and organizer. According to some reports, her father, a professor of philology, came to Russia at the beginning of the century to St. Petersburg to teach Greek philosophy.


German Gref was born on February 8, 1964 in the village of Panfilovo, Irtysh district, Pavlodar region, Kazakh SSR, in a family of ethnic Germans. He studied at school for threes and fours, he didn’t particularly shine with talents.

In 1981-1982 he worked as a legal adviser to the district agricultural department of the Irtysh district of the Pavlodar region.

In 1982-1984 he served in the Armed Forces of the USSR, in parts of the special forces of the internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Having benefits after the army, he entered Omsk State University.

In 1990, he graduated from the Faculty of Law of Omsk State University with a degree in jurisprudence. One of Herman's teachers was Burbulis.

In 1990 he moved to St. Petersburg, where in 1990-1993 he studied at the graduate school of the Faculty of Law Leningrad University, but did not defend his dissertation in those years. He defended himself in 2011 in Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation on the topic: "Development and Prospects for Structural Institutional Reforms in the Russian Economy". In the 90s, Herman met the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak And Vladimir Putin who worked at City Hall.

1991: Served as legal adviser to the Administration's Economic Development and Property Committee Petrodvorets(Saint Petersburg).

In 1992, he worked as the head of the Petrodvorets District Agency of the Property Management Committee of the Administration of the City of St. Petersburg, Chairman of the Property Management Committee - Deputy Head of the Administration of the Petrodvorets District of St. Petersburg.

1994 - Deputy Chairman - Director of the Department of Real Estate, First Deputy Chairman of the Committee for the Management of City Property of the Administration (KUGI) of St. Petersburg. Activities in the KUGI (from 1994 to 1997) were severely criticized by the opposition media. He was accused of the failure of the reform of housing and communal services in St. Petersburg, a sharp increase in rents and the illegal privatization of historical sites in the city.

In 1997, he became vice-governor, chairman of the City Property Management Committee of the Administration (KUGI) of St. Petersburg, member of the board of directors JSC "Lenenergo".

1998 Works as a member of the Board of the Ministry of State Property of the Russian Federation, First Deputy Minister of State Property Russian Federation.

1999 - Member of the Board of the Federal Commission for the Securities Market, Head "Center for Strategic Research". When forming the cabinet Kasyanov, German Gref was invited to the post of Minister of Economic Development created especially for him.

This ministry arose through the merger of the Ministry of Trade of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. German Gref lobbied for Russia's entry into the World Trade Organization ( WTO). He was a member of the board of directors of many state-owned companies ( "Gazprom", "Svyazinvest" and etc.).

On February 24, 2004, the Kasyanov government was dismissed, Gref also resigned from the post of minister. As a minister, Gref served on the boards of directors and supervisory boards of a number of companies with state participation as a representative of the state.

On July 3, 2000, he was appointed manager from the Russian Federation in European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

In early March 2004, a government was formed Fradkov, in which German Oskarovich again headed the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation. On May 7, just two months later, this government resigned. newly elected V.Putin appointed Mikhail Fradkov as Prime Minister again, and in Fradkov's second government, German Gref retained his portfolio.

Minister of Economy and Trade German Gref was considered one of the brightest representatives liberal wing in the government. He was a supporter of radical market reforms and the withdrawal of the state from business.

It was for the implementation of these ideas that V. Putin invited him to the government. In the government, however, Gref had to maneuver between various power groups more than other liberals. He has been called the most controversial figure in the liberal government.

In the field of economics, among his merits is the creation free economic zones, consistent support for electricity reform and tax reform (for example, before leaving his ministerial post, German Gref predicted a target VAT rate of 15% instead of the current 18%).

Gref's confrontation with Alexei Kudrin, who suggested not rushing with tax reform, but ex-premier Kasyanov pushed Gref to be more radical.

The conflict of interest sometimes escalated so much that Gref, despite the special confidence of the president, resigned more than once, but the president refused him.

As a minister, Gref actively participated in the promotion Sochi as the venue for the 2014 Olympics. Under him, the Ministry of Economic Development oversaw the federal target program "Development of the city of Sochi as a mountain-climatic resort until 2014", which was later transferred to the Ministry of Regional Development.

On September 12, 2007, Prime Minister Fradkov asked Vladimir Putin to resign the government. The president accepted the resignation of the government and together with the government Gref also resigned.

From October 2007 to the present German Gref — Chairman of the Board Sberbank of Russia. former head of the bank Andrey Kazmin was transferred to work in Russian Post, which caused dissatisfaction with the leading managers of the bank, who voted against Gref.

The costly rebranding of Sberbank, carried out by Gref in the conditions of the economic crisis, caused a wave of indignation in the media. In addition, being a supporter of the idea of ​​privatizing state-owned banks, G. Gref is in favor of reducing the share CB in the authorized capital of the bank up to 50% + 1 share from the current 57.6%. However, while the Russian government is in no hurry to privatize Sberbank.

In October 2011, German Gref was noted by Forbes magazine as one of the nine most unusual Russian businessmen - crazy people, eccentrics and eccentrics.

2014: at a meeting in Public Chamber on energy issues, Gref stated: " Sanctions added to the negative, but let's not blame everything on the sanctions. We have a lot of our own problems, we would have had either zero or negative growth next year without any sanctions. Therefore, the question is in us, not in sanctions".

German Gref denied the information that appeared on the Internet about speculation allegedly carried out by his bank in the foreign exchange market. He assured that twice a day he sends to the Central Bank a complete detailed report on his operations in the international interbank Forex market, where large banks buy currency for their needs.

Thus, he came into conflict with the head of the Ministry of Economic Development Alexey Ulyukaev who stated: " All participants in the foreign exchange market speculate. One way or another, they open currency positions in order to earn money. I guess it's called speculation".

On August 10, 2015, the Government Office redirected the deputy's request Vyacheslav Tetekin (CPRF) V Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Earlier, on August 4, the deputy sent a letter to the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev in connection with the refusal of the head of the Russian Sberbank German Gref to recognize Crimea part of Russia.

"According to media reports, the head of the Russian Sberbank, German Gref, in an interview with the German radio station WDR 5, said that the department he heads did not plan and does not plan to enter the Crimean peninsula while it is part of the Russian Federation. In particular, when asked by the moderator why there are no representative offices of the Russian Sberbank in Crimea, Mr. Gref replied: “Because Crimea is the territory of Ukraine, from the point of view of the international financial sector, and we adhere to this position. Sberbank Crimea is not Russia", - wrote Tetyokin.

German Gref is equally fluent in Russian and German, loves Goethe and the German Expressionists.


In May-June 2010, it became known that Gref became the owner of 0.0007% of ordinary shares OJSC "Sberbank of Russia", while its share in the authorized capital of the bank amounted to 0.0006%. Previously, G. Gref did not own the bank's shares. In October 2011, he increased his share of ordinary shares to 0.003%, and his participation in the bank's authorized capital to 0.0031%.

In 2013, he entered the top 5 of the Forbes list (5th place) of the most expensive managers in Russia. His income over the past year amounted to $ 15 million. The share of shares in Sberbank of Russia, owned by G. O. Gref: 0.003096% (the price of the package is $ 2.19 million).

Scandals, rumors

While still the head of the State Property of St. Petersburg, German Oskarovich was involved in four criminal cases at once. Moreover, all these cases were associated with millions of dollars: In one case, Gref was suspected of illegally privatizing the palace Prince Gorchakov, in the materials of another - they were accused of taking a bribe, but the criminal case was closed, since the only witness was killed. The third criminal case was connected with Gref's interference in the activities of the joint-stock company, and, finally, the fourth - with the "black" redistribution in the real estate market of St. Petersburg.

The media wrote a lot about a strange story: a week before the resignation of the Fradkov government, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, still headed by Gref, invested in a project for the production of integrated circuits at one of the factories near Moscow. The project itself is ordinary, but the amount is amazing - one billion euros, and the fact that the project was approved in just a week.

According to a number of media outlets, German Gref is associated with "close business relations" with the recipients of the money, so a billion euros was considered a "severance pay" for the minister.

Gref is often charged with non-traditional sexual orientation. "The head of the Savings Bank of Russia Gref is a person of homosexual orientation", - the leader of Gay Pride said about him Nikolay Alekseev.

Many scandals arose already when Gref was a banker. So, the electronic system of Sberbank installed last year - the most expensive and largest in Russia - fell several times. Moreover, the latest failure coincided with the launch of new and widely advertised software. The reason was an extremely expensive, and at the same time, incompatible product from different manufacturers.

In 2008-2009, the entrepreneur Vachevsky received a number of loans from Sberbank totaling more than 700 million rubles. The money was not returned on time and the accounts payable were recognized as a "problem asset". The problem was entrusted to the appropriate department of the Central Russian Bank of Sberbank.

In the summer of 2012, an intermediary came to the Vachevsky - Denis Vasekha, who said that he had serious connections in Sberbank and offered him to "settle" the debt for 100 million rubles. Vachevsky agreed for the sake of appearances, but he turned to FSB with an extortion claim. Further conversations with Vasyakha and Sberbank employees were under the control of operatives and were recorded. Upon receiving a copy of the payment for the transfer of the first tranche of 60 million rubles, the extortionist was detained right at the head office of Sberbank on Vavilov Street in Moscow. Later, his accomplices, bank managers, were also arrested.

Formally, Sberbank took a neutral position in the case of the detention of its managers. But, according to some reports, he gave them tacit support. At the end of last year, the head of Sberbank German Gref appealed to the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the metropolitan police with a statement about initiating a criminal case against Konstantin Vachevsky for embezzling 700 million rubles, but the Ministry of Internal Affairs refused to initiate a case. As a result, the management of Sberbank was forced to admit that the credit institution was harmed by the actions of its own regional managers.

According to experts, the problems of Sberbank of Russia are caused not so much by low-quality software, or fraudsters in regional branches, but by the complete incompetence of top management.

As you know, German Gref, not an economist by education, and before his appointment did not work in banking structures for a single day, but he changed all the top managers in the bank. Instead, business partners, or simply Gref's relatives, were appointed to responsible positions in the bank or its affiliated structures.

All close relatives of German Oskarovich are very well arranged: his wife, Yana Golovina, conducts a joint business with her ex-wife Dmitry Kozak and top manager of the corporation AFK Sistema. His sister is a business partner of the ex-governor of Primorsky Krai Sergei Darkin. Her husband was vice governor of Primorsky Krai, but resigned in 2006 in connection with a housing finance audit scandal. It turned out that utility bills received from the population of the region were transferred to the accounts of the governor's wife Larisa Belobrova, Vice Governor Sergei Peredria and his wife Elena Peredriy.

Gref's older brother is one of the largest retailers in Omsk, having loans from Sberbank for any amount and on the most favorable terms. The niece organizes corporate parties at exorbitant prices for bank employees, and even the mother-in-law at one time entered into a working conflict with the daughter of the Saratov governor Pavel Ipatov.

German Gref's son Oleg is a co-owner of the NEO Center consulting company, which is a partner appraiser at Sberbank. A number of high-profile scandals are associated with this firm, first of all, with the deliberate underestimation of the value of pledged assets by NEO Center and their sale for next to nothing in favor of the Gref family. All these schemes, unlike ATM software, work flawlessly.

German Gref is an outstanding Russian figure, a person of the state level. He is currently the head of Sberbank, and before that he was the Minister of Economy and Trade Development. Currently, he also holds the official post of chairman of the main bank and is included in the boards of many reputable domestic companies.

To achieve this level, Gref went through a thorny path, starting to work as an average legal consultant, and eventually reaching almost to the very top. He is a successful entrepreneur and politician, and is also included in the list of the highest paid state managers.

Height, weight, age. How old is German Gref

It is not surprising that the majority of the population wants to know as much as possible about such important people for the state as Gref German Oskarovich. Any details from the life of people of this level are of great interest to people. Including his height, weight, age. How old is German Gref - information is publicly available. The politician was born in one of the Kazakh settlements, and today he is already 54 years old. The man is 180 centimeters tall and weighs 76 kilograms.

Note that Herman's nationality is a little non-standard for a Russian politician - he is an ethnic German. More than once there have been rumors that he is actually a Jew, but this is not true. Herman is a handsome man, and looking at German Gref's photos in his youth and now, you only find confirmation of this.

Biography of German Gref, head of Sberbank

The future official was born in Kazakhstan, in a village called Panfilovo. Father - Oscar Gref - worked as an electrical engineer, and mother - Emilia Gref - served as an economist. The man also has an older brother - Eugene and a sister - Elena.

Little Gref was an exemplary student and a good son. After graduation, the guy went into the army, and then entered the Omsk Law School. He studied there so well that after completing his studies, he was offered a teaching position at the same university.

The biography of German Gref, the head of Sberbank, changes when in 1998 he received the post of deputy head in the Ministry of State Property. A promising employee annually moved up the career ladder, and at the same time received authority and recognition from colleagues. He was the head of officials at Gazprom and the Securities Council. And when Putin became president, Gref got a seat in the government, taking a post in the Ministry of Economy and Trade Development.

Gref received his next promotion about ten years ago, heading Sberbank.

It is interesting that this man did not become arrogant. He is always open to communication with the common people. Anyone has the opportunity to write a letter to German Gref Sberbank.

Personal life of German Gref

In his native village called Panfilovo, he fell in love for the first time. His chosen one was a classmate named Lena. Romance broke out between them almost immediately, and therefore, as soon as they graduated from school, they decided to get married. In these relations, Herman had his firstborn - a son named Oleg. But, unfortunately, the couple could not save the family for a long time and divorced. Only at the beginning of the 2000s did German Gref's personal life finally go smoothly. At that time, he had already become a well-known politician when he finally decided to marry a second time. Yana Golovina, a famous Moscow designer, became his next wife. She was able to give Herman two children.

Gref is very fond of classical literature and music. And he instills a love for it in his kids too.

Family of German Gref

Interestingly, the family of German Gref are Catholics. Therefore, they raised their children in accordance with all Catholic canons. From childhood, Herman's parents taught him and older children not only Russian, but also German, because the latter is the language of their ancestors, which, in their opinion, children must also know. Although both Herman's father and mother worked, the mother still managed to pay more attention to her offspring, because the father of the family was responsible for supplying the entire village with electricity.

The man died when Herman was still a one and a half year old baby, it seems that he did not really remember his father. Then my grandmother began to help with the upbringing.

Children of German Gref

In total, the politician has three children from two women. In her first marriage with classmate Elena, she gave him a son, who was named Oleg. Young parents simply adored their boy. But they did not live together for long, and soon they had to get a divorce.

The second and last wife at the moment gave birth to a man of two babies. It doesn’t matter after the divorce or not, but the children of German Gref have never been left without fatherly love and care, despite the fact that he holds a high position and is very often busy with work. Gref closely follows their studies, takes part in their upbringing, shares the joy of success. He wants to give his best, like any good father.

The ex-wife of German Gref - Elena Velikanova

It often happens that young people enter into early marriages and only later, having more sensibly assessed their feelings, they realize that they made a mistake. Rarely do families like this live happily ever after. The same thing happened with the politician. The ex-wife of German Gref, Elena Velikanova, as already mentioned, studied with German in the same class.

The guy was in love with her throughout her school life and the couple got married almost immediately after they graduated from high school. But they did not take into account that they were not ready for life together and the problems that appear sooner or later. Because their relationship did not last long.

German Gref's wife - Yana Gref

German Gref's wife, Yana Gref, became one in 2004. The difference between the spouses is almost ten years. The wedding ceremony was lavish and luxurious, so much so that it was discussed on the net for another whole year. The event took place in the Great Hall of Peterhof. And this small detail gave rise to many rumors and gossip, not of the most positive nature. Many were shocked and even outraged that such a valuable architectural monument was rented out.

Yana has a degree in economics, but she almost did not work in her specialty, being carried away by interior design. Today she is also the owner of a private metropolitan school.

German Gref blue?

Due to the fact that German Gref is such a significant figure in the state, it is not surprising that his life was constantly accompanied by a variety of rumors. Once it even got to the point that on the network you could find articles on the topic that Herman had a non-traditional sexual orientation. It remains only to guess what prompted the author to write such an article. But at the same time, a person with Gref's position always attracts attention.

Perhaps this was just a network "duck" in order to stir up interest in the person of politics. And they did not come up with anything better than to declare that he is gay.

Instagram and Wikipedia German Gref

The head of Sberbank of Russia is an experienced analyst and a good strategist. He was able to optimize the activities of most departments and companies of which he was an employee. Despite his busy work schedule, he is an exemplary family man. This indisputable fact can be confirmed, among other things, by Instagram and Wikipedia by German Gref.

There you can find a lot of very different information about this person. Gref also has profiles on social networks - Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, Twitter. But it is worth mentioning that only the activities of Sberbank are described there, and topics related only to economics and politics are described.

In chapter

The electronic systems of the largest bank in the country are increasingly experiencing failures. Against this background, German Gref's "spiritual quest" raises more and more questions. Lectures by barefoot yogis don't go well with high technology and the Orthodox worldview of most Sberbank depositors. Isn't it time for its leadership to call the priest to cast out demons? Or at least print a good math textbook instead of a Mormon book?

History of data leakage from Sberbank got a sequel. Documents related to software development turned out to be open access on the Internet - a real gift for hackers. Cybersecurity experts believe that this is not about hacking, but about the human factor. Most likely, sensitive information "leaked" into the network through the fault of one of the employees. It cannot be ruled out that this was revenge. And one cannot help but assume that the next time the bank may “lose” data on customer accounts.

People who call themselves programmers Sberbank, discuss on Internet forums low salaries, outdated work computers and incompetent bosses who work hard for no reason. Such reviews can be found about any large organization, but in the case of Sber, it seems that the dismissive attitude towards technical professionals comes from the very top. How can I remember the recent words German Gref about the fact that mathematicians and programmers will be in demand less and less over time, and specialized mathematical schools will not be needed at all? But what does he offer in return?

The head of Sberbank is actively trying to influence the education system in Russia. He talks about this almost more than about the economy. " We are trying to reproduce the old Soviet absolutely useless education system, we are stuffing a huge amount of knowledge into children", once said Gref at the Gaidar Forum. It remains only to understand what knowledge he considers necessary. To do this, just look at corporate university» Sberbank- a unit that, apparently, is designed to correct the "mistakes" of the state education system. Not only bank employees are trained in this at the university, it actively implements its ideas throughout the country.

Sber publishes and donates “bestsellers” of Western business literature to universities. The initiative is not bad, but there is one problem. The first work in the list of published Sberbank books are The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People", author - Stephen Covey, a Mormon from the US state of Utah. It is likely that this set of platitudes, thickly mixed with moralizing and sectarian slogans, has become mandatory for managers of the largest bank in Russia. By the way, a few years ago, the CIO of Sberbank (now former) Victor Orlovsky admitted approximately that the readiness to “believe” in this institution is valued more than professionalism and knowledge: “ People work here who do not understand everything, do not know everything, but are ready to learn. If work is not a religion for a person, write “lost". Is it any wonder then that from the IT department Sberbank Is there one leak after another?


Mathematical schools are needed not only to train participants in international Olympiads. The very existence of such schools makes it possible to improve the teaching of mathematics in non-core educational institutions. A good mathematical preparation forms a person's qualitative thinking. It seems in terms of German Gref, for staff Sberbank it's too much. After all, it will be difficult for a literate and rational person to work for a meager salary in a tightly bureaucratized structure. The head of Sberbank, in fact, does not hide his doubts about the ability to effectively manage people.

« In the Jewish culture, Kabbalah, which gave the science of life ... It was a secret teaching for three thousand years, because people understood what it was like to remove the veil from the eyes of millions of people and make them self-sufficient", - said German Gref at the international economic forum in St. Petersburg a couple of years ago. " As soon as all people understand the basis of their I and self-identify, it will be extremely difficult to manage, that is, manipulate them. People don't want to be manipulated when they have knowledge", - added the head of Sberbank. Journalists then joked that before Gref's performance, someone had injected "truth serum."

This year he brought a yogi to SPIEF Jaggi Vasudeva, whom followers call Sadhguru. A gray-bearded Indian in a turban spent several hours talking to economists about how they should cope with the challenges of the times. " Human society, religion, states - all this will collapse, and that's good! This will do more good than harm.", - broadcast Sadhuguru. Many listeners were taken aback by these words. A person who has been brought up in the Christian tradition cannot rejoice in destruction. Before that, a dumbfounded part of the public probably perceived yoga solely as physical exercises, but in reality this is not so.

« Yoga as a spiritual practice is a real harm", - said at one time the archpriest Dmitry Smirnov. « For a yogi, the highest achievement is when the soul leaves the body and, as they say, goes to the Astral. And what is it? This is suicide! From the point of view of Christianity, suicide is the most serious sin, which, moreover, cannot be repented.", said the priest.

But questions about the performance Jaggi Vasudeva at an economic forum, atheists may also have problems. The very fact that Gref invited not someone from Silicon Valley, but an “overseas old man”, who became famous for his long sitting on the mountain, to talk about life in the new digital era speaks volumes. By the way, some part of the public followed not the speech of the Indian mystic, but his luxury watches, and speculated about income Sadhguru. Catching the glances of the listeners, Jaggi Vasudev seemed to be embarrassed by his huge gilded "alarm clock" and pulled back his sleeve so as not to distract people from thoughts about the frailty of everything earthly.

Spit in Russia

How much did it cost Sberbank visit Jaggi Vasudeva to the economic forum, remained a mystery. The cost of the "seminar" held by the Indian mystic for employees of a credit institution is also unknown. The video of this event is easy to find on the Internet, the expressions on the faces of bank clerks are difficult to describe. Probably, at one time bank employees sat on sermons with the same faces " Uralsib”, the history of the collapse of which is worth recalling. In 2007, the capitalization of this bank approached 8 billion dollars, by 2015 it collapsed to 170 million dollars. The bank got into reorganization, which cost the state 81 billion rubles, and also changed the owner. There were several reasons for this, but one of the sources of Uralsib's problems was the esoteric search for its former owner. Nikolai Tsvetkov.

With Tsvetkov, apparently, everything also began with yoga and visits to Altai shamans. Then the owner and head of the bank began to introduce therapeutic starvation among employees according to the system Paul Bragg, then, together with his deputies, he became interested in numerology and “ontological management”, and ended up with mandatory training for bankers in an occult organization “ Sun Light". Uralsib has been moving into nirvana for several years, but the outflow of professionals from it began simultaneously with the introduction of the first esoteric practices. What if in Sberbank Are there similar processes going on? It is difficult to find another reasonable explanation for the failures of the Gref team, which happen almost every week.

Problems " Uralsib”, including the esoteric eccentricity of the former owner, cost the Deposit Insurance Agency (read: the state) tens of billions of rubles. What price will the Russian economy one day have to pay for occult exercises German Gref? After all, we are talking about a bank, 50% of which belongs to the state represented by CB, and whose income is provided by its clients. Sberbank makes money on the elderly, who do not withdraw their pensions from the cards and allow the bankers to spin the rest, and also on the young people who overpay on their mortgages. The average resident of Russia cannot do without the services of this "monopolist" at all.

What else to call Sberbank, if after the "cleansing" of the industry by a follower of Gref Elvira Nabiullina, he controls almost half of the deposits of individuals and 40% of retail lending in Russia? What happens: the average Russian (80% of the inhabitants of the Russian Federation consider themselves Orthodox), participates in the publication of Mormon books and finances the lectures of an Indian mystic? German Gref as if trying to copy the image of the founder of Apple Steve Jobs, who was also fond of Hindu beliefs. But the legendary inventor created his business from scratch with his own money, and the head of Sberbank pays for the visits of Indian gurus with income from the money of Russian grandmothers.


Archpriest Vladimir Vigilyansky,

Rector of the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University:

“The very idea of ​​​​inviting a mystic to the forum, who would argue that not everything in this world fits into the rational framework of economic laws, that besides money there is something else worth remembering, is not at all bad. But the choice of German Gref is, of course, a spit on Russia and the Russian mentality. In this sense, how can one ignore the accumulated experience of the Christian direct experience of man's union with God? Christian mysticism is a unique wealth that gives our civilization answers to the most intricate questions of human existence. Maybe we should have looked for a spiritual thinker or theologian in our Christian community?”

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