What functions will the riot police perform in the National Guard. Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

Russia has undergone the largest law enforcement reform since the transformation of the militia into a police force. Among other things, a National Guard of 350-400 thousand people is being created in the country, which will be able to detain Russians and shoot without warning. Now the bill is waiting for the approval of the State Duma, but the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov has already said that the guard will begin to operate before the adoption of the law.

"Paper" found out what the guardsmen will do, who will lead them, and why Russia needs hundreds of thousands of armed people who are personally subordinate to Putin.

On April 5, Vladimir Putin announced that a new power structure, the National Guard, was being created on the basis of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, Putin signed a corresponding decree, and the very next day the president submitted to the State Duma a bill on the creation of a guard. After that, the new department became the main topic of discussion in the media, relegating even the scandal with the Panamanian offshore companies to the background.

What will the National Guard do?

Judging by the bill, the range of tasks for the guards is very wide. Among them - the protection of public order, the fight against terrorism, extremism and organized crime, as well as "participation in the territorial defense" of Russia. As planned, the guard will be engaged in such a wide range of tasks that among them there is even the arrest of failed suicides.

At the same time, while experts do not really understand how the guard will solve its tasks without the right to operational-search work. Some experts - for example, former KGB officer and State Duma deputy Gennady Gudkov - believe that the new structure will receive these powers fairly soon.

Who can the guards shoot at and what powers are provided for them

Under the bill, the guards will be able to detain Russians, enter their homes, check documents, issue administrative protocols, use water cannons and armored vehicles, and even shoot without warning. True, the guards will be able to open fire without warning only if the “delay” threatens the life and health of a “citizen or soldier of the National Guard troops” or can lead to other serious consequences. It is forbidden to shoot only at women with "visible signs of pregnancy", the disabled and children. Except when they attack themselves.

But in fact, the guard does not have extraordinary powers, and the new structure simply combines the rights of employees of all departments that will enter it. Moreover, in terms of shooting at Russians, the FSB's capabilities are even wider.

Who will be taken to the guard and how many there will be

It is not yet known exactly, but the guard will number 350-400 thousand people. It will include the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, special forces such as OMON and SOBR, as well as private security. In addition, it will be possible to serve in the National Guard by conscription. The ranks of the guardsmen can also be replenished by the Cossacks. As Maria Shklyaruk, a researcher at the Institute for Law Enforcement Problems at the European University at St. Petersburg, said, “all the muscles of different law enforcement agencies are coming together.”

It is forbidden to shoot only at women with "visible signs of pregnancy", the disabled and children. Except when they attack themselves

At the same time, there will be no more law enforcement officers in Russia due to the appearance of the guard. Rather, on the contrary, it is possible that when they move to the National Guard, departments are waiting for reductions. In addition, simultaneously with the creation of the Guards, Putin decided to return Narcotics Control and the Migration Service to the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is already known that the staff of the latter due to reforms will be reduced by 30% (about 11 thousand people).

Who will command the guards and why they can be called "Putin's army"

According to the bill, Putin will personally lead the National Guard. But the guards also have a director, he is also its commander in chief. It was Putin's 60-year-old sparring partner Viktor Zolotov, who previously headed the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Even earlier, he worked as a locksmith, served in the KGB and guarded Anatoly Sobchak, Boris Yeltsin, Putin himself and Medvedev. Zolotov was in charge of Yeltsin's security during the famous tank ride in 1991.

Zolotov's acquaintances characterize him as a person "infinitely devoted" to Putin. In addition, they consider him modest, secretive, tough and demanding. Among the characteristics are also "real KGB" and "generalissimo". He got the last nickname for his love of promotion and new titles.

Among the speeches of Zolotov himself, there is little remarkable, but he managed to confess his sympathy for the NKVD, with which they immediately began to compare the National Guard being created. According to him, “the fighters and commanders of the NKVD troops covered themselves with unfading glory, defending Kyiv and Leningrad, Odessa and Sevastopol, Moscow and Stalingrad, fighting on the Kursk Bulge. It is impossible to overestimate their merits in the fight against the nationalist underground in the Baltic States and Western Ukraine in the first post-war years.”

It is also known that the son of the chief guardsman of the country, according to the tradition of Russian officials, turned out to be a successful businessman. For example, he owns real estate, the market value of which is hundreds of millions of rubles. Including a house 7 kilometers from Putin's residence in Valdai.

How oppositionists, security forces and Putin himself explain the creation of the National Guard

In a presidential decree, Putin wrote that the reform was being carried out "in order to ensure state and public security, protect the rights and freedoms of man and citizen."

Putin will personally lead the National Guard

But there are other versions. First, a new repressive body is being created in Russia, which will be personally subordinate to Putin and, in which case, without any hesitation, will open fire on the protesters. This version is partly confirmed by the data of political scientist Yevgeny Minchenko. He notes that the project of the national guard is already about four years old and it was originally assumed that the guard would just deal with riots and riots.

The second version partly repeats Putin's words and is the most utilitarian. According to it, the emergence of a new structure will unite the management of disparate units, help to cope with the budget deficit in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and more effectively fight crime. Retired FSB Major General Vasily Eremenko believes that, among other things, the National Guard will confront large terrorist groups. For example, the "Islamic State" banned in Russia.

The third version is directly related to the personality of its director. Some experts believe that the broad powers and the very appearance of the National Guard are the administrative success of Viktor Zolotov. Now Putin's sparring partner, who loves new titles, has the same status as a minister, has six deputies and is officially referred to as "Commander in Chief of the National Guard."

Another assumption about the essence of the reform

Power structures exist in order to provide security of the country's citizens.

In 2016 in the Russian Federation a separate structure was created, which has the name "National Guard".

This structure has certain functions, such as maintaining a safe situation for citizens in the country, as well as ensuring the implementation of their rights and freedoms. Previously, there was a certain unit in the internal troops, which was engaged in these functions. However, the government decided to separate the unit into a structure, the prototypes of which were the national guards, which have long existed in other countries.

Russian Federation - largest country in the world by area, therefore, in order to ensure safety in it, a large number of forces are needed. Everyone knows that the security of a country consists of two parts: external and internal, because it is necessary to protect the borders from attacks by other countries, as well as to ensure the safety of residents inside the country.

Of course, these functions should be handled by two different structures, and they should have different functions. Therefore, there has always been a unit that dealt specifically with the supervision of what is happening in society, but until 2016 it was part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Before the decision was made to create a national guard, in our country there were internal troops. Many citizens of our country are sure that in 2016, in fact, nothing has changed, and only the name has changed, but this is not so. The fact is that the internal troops were part of the Ministry of the Interior, that is, part of its structure.

And the National Guard is a separate organization, which is not even subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but to its own Federal Service, which is considered special. The guard has become much more features as well as more freedom that it can use in order to provide maximum security for citizens.

The activities of the National Guard are based on Constitution our country, and there is also a separate law that says only about these troops. The actions of the guards must necessarily fit within the framework established by law, and if they did not exist, then the organization could not be considered legal.

IN functional The National Guard includes not only the maintenance of law and order in the country, but also the protection of important objects for the country, the fight against any manifestations of extremism, as well as terrorism, law enforcement in the field of arms trafficking and ensuring a state of emergency if it is introduced. In addition to all these functions, the President can add to them what he sees fit, if necessary.

In order to ensure security, an organization must have clear structure, after all, if necessary, all employees must perform certain functions. The structure of the national guard of our country is practically copied from the once existing internal troops.

However, the existing structure is not ideal, so today there is its reform process. For example, they want to include such units as OMON and SOBR in the National Guard. It is worth noting that only people with higher education can get there.

The guard has its own military and civilian functions, for which it includes different types of employees. In total, the organization currently employs about three hundred thousand people.

The equipment of employees is similar to that of the internal troops, however, the guards have more different combat vehicles and types of weapons. In addition, they have special equipment, such as water cannons, which can only be used by employees of this organization.

Also they can detain people, enter their homes and vehicles without warning about it, which distinguishes them from police officers. They can also open fire on people if they feel the need to do so, detain suspected people right on the spot.

It is quite simple to recognize a member of the National Guard in our country, they the uniform is very similar to that of the police, and the emblem is a double-headed golden eagle on a red and white background. Such a bright emblem distinguishes the employee from the crowd.

There is no exact answer to the question why the National Guard was created in our country, the President did not give explanations on this matter. However, the guards have a narrower range of duties compared to the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, their main task is fight against terrorism and extremism, which is very relevant at the present time.

Fighters always have to be ready for a collision with weapons, so they have a more dangerous job, for which candidates pass a selection process that is more stringent than the selection in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These differences suggest that the creation of a separate structure was still necessary.

On March 27, military personnel, police officers and civilian personnel of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation celebrate their professional holiday in the Russian Federation.

I would like to tell you what this service is at the present time, the history of its development and the most striking and interesting moments during its existence.

In Russia, until the beginning of the 19th century, there were no special armed formations to maintain order and ensure the safety of the population, provide assistance to people in case of natural disasters, and perform other law enforcement tasks.

In the 16th-17th centuries, some of these functions were performed mainly by units of the archery army. Under Ivan the Terrible, formations of the so-called "residents" were created to protect Moscow. It was an army consisting of serving nobles, numbering about three thousand people. Subsequently, units of "residents" were placed in Kyiv, Belgorod, Kursk and some other cities.

Under Peter I, internal security in the state was provided mainly by formations of soldiers incapable of field service. They were called "garrisons", later - "garrison" and (or) "internal battalions" and were a reserve of field troops.

The development of internal troops can be divided

for four historical periods:

1. The initial period (1811-1917), which lasted more than a hundred years, from the creation of the internal guard troops, their reorganization into local troops and escort guards until the October Revolution of 1917.

2. The Soviet period (1917-1991) - the formation of the troops of the Cheka-OGPU-NKVD-MGB-MVD of the USSR, their formation, development and service and combat activities.

3. Modern period (from 1991 - 2016). - internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

4. The troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation were transformed from the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia while maintaining the structure of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Initial period Fundamental changes in the provision of internal order and escort service in Russia took place during the reign of Emperor Alexander I.

On March 27, 1811, Emperor Alexander I issued a Decree on the replenishment of garrison battalions, which became known as "provincial battalions" and were soon merged into a single structure - internal Russian guard.

On July 3, 1811, Alexander approved the Regulations for the internal guard, which determined its purpose and tasks. They were: the fight against robbers, robbers and other criminals; detention of fleeing criminals and deserters; combating the smuggling of smuggled and prohibited goods; ensuring order and security during, as we say now, mass events - fairs, folk festivals, church holidays; rendering assistance to the population in case of natural disasters - floods, fires and others, escorting prisoners, prisoners, recruits, the state treasury (large sums of money) and other law enforcement tasks.

The first commander of the internal guard was General E.F. Komarovsky, a professional military man, a participant in the Italian and Swiss campaigns (1799) of the Russian army under the command of A.V. Suvorov, then assistant to the St. Petersburg military governor. An experienced and talented administrator and military leader, E.F. Komarovsky led the internal guard for more than 17 years.

By royal decree of July 25, 1829, 5 linear battalions and 3 mobile companies were formed to protect the mining plants of the Urals and Nerchinsk, where gold and silver were mined, the St. Petersburg Mint. They were supported by the Ministry of Finance. We can say that these were the first units for the protection of important industrial facilities and escort of special cargo.

Radical transformations of the internal guard took place in the 60s of the XIX century in the course of the military reform being carried out in Russia. Then the district command and control system was introduced in the Russian army. The entire territory of the country was divided into military districts. In August 1864, the headquarters of the Separate Corps and the district of the internal guard were abolished, and the brigades and battalions were reorganized into the corresponding units of the local troops, which also included escort teams. Local troops were part of the corresponding military district.

The next stage in the reform of the internal security forces took place in 1886, when the escort teams were consolidated into escort guards. By order of the Military Department of May 16, 1886, it was ordered to form 567 (actually 530) teams for escort service on the basis of the existing stage, escort and local teams.

The recognition of the merits of the internal and escort guards before the people and the Fatherland was the celebration on March 27, 1911 of the 100th anniversary of the local troops and escort guards. In honor of the anniversary, a badge was established for presentation: to officers - from silver; the lower ranks are made of white metal.

After the February Revolution, local troops and guards voluntarily transferred to the service of the new government. On March 12, 1917, the chief inspector for the transfer of prisoners, Lieutenant-General N.I. Lukyanov, together with the officers of his office, swore "allegiance to the service of the Motherland and the Provisional Government", which he informed his subordinates in order No. 1.

Development of internal troops (1917 - 1991)

In 1917 the old army was disbanded. The escort guard has not undergone significant changes, continuing to perform its functions in a reformed form under the Soviet regime.

The October Revolution broke the old state institutions of power, but it soon became clear that it was impossible to manage the country without power structures. Already the first days of the existence of Soviet power showed that in order to establish a new system, not only the army, navy, and government bodies are needed, but also special forces to prevent counter-revolutionary actions within the country and fight against them, establish and maintain revolutionary order in the localities, protect important institutions, enterprises, railways, escort and protection of counter-revolutionary elements, criminals and other tasks. On May 28, 1919, a resolution of the Council of Workers 'and Peasants' Defense "On Auxiliary Forces" was adopted. Now these formations began to be called "troops of the internal protection of the Republic (VOKhR)". This event was a milestone in the construction of the internal troops of the Soviet state.

On September 1, 1920, on the basis of the troops of the internal security of the Republic and other formations, the troops of the internal service of the Republic (VNUS) were created. On January 19, 1921, the VNUS troops were transferred to the military department. The exceptions were the units serving the emergency commissions, as well as the railway and water police, which in all respects were subordinate to the Cheka, and later the GPU - OGPU. Along with the solution of special tasks, the troops were often involved in combat operations at the front. The success of the industrialization of the country, the growing importance of railway transport in the economy and defense of the USSR led in the late 20s and early 30s to the formation of such an integral part of the OGPU troops as the troops for the protection of important industrial facilities and railway structures.

By the end of the 1930s, there was a need to reorganize the command and control of the NKVD troops, which was due to the constant increase in the volume of tasks performed by them, the diversity and difficulty of control of the troops.

During the Great Patriotic War, along with guarding the rear of the army in the field, fighting enemy landings, saboteurs, nationalist gangs, units and formations of the internal troops took a direct part in the battles against the Nazi invaders. It is estimated that during the years of the war, 53 divisions and 20 brigades of the NKVD troops were part of the active army at different periods and participated in the battles. In addition, the NKVD of the USSR formed and transferred to the front 29 divisions. In January 1947, in order to increase the effectiveness of ensuring state security, operational units, and in April 1948, special units of the troops, were transferred from the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs to the jurisdiction of the USSR Ministry of State Security. As part of this department, they were until March 1953, and then were again reassigned to the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Important organizational measures for the construction of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs-MGB were carried out in 1951. During this period, the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the protection of especially important industrial enterprises and railways were abolished, and their functions were transferred to the paramilitary guards. The escort troops were also significantly reduced; they were reorganized, together with the internal troops, into escort and internal guards. On March 15, 1953, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of State Security were merged into a single Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. In this composition, they were until 1954, when the State Security Committee under the Council of Ministers of the USSR was formed. The formations and units of the internal and escort guards remained part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the border troops became subordinate to the KGB.

In January 1960, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR was abolished. Its functions are transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Union republics. The Main Directorate of Internal and Convoy Troops also ceased its activities. From that moment and for the next six years, there was no single body for command and control of internal troops in the country. In each union republic where troop directorates and departments were formed within the ministries of internal affairs, issues of troop development were resolved differently, based on local conditions. The lack of unity in the leadership of the troops had a negative impact on their service and combat activities. Therefore, in 1966, the Union-Republican Ministry for the Protection of Public Order of the USSR (MOOP USSR) was created.

As part of the newly created ministry (since November 25, 1968, it became known as the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR), the Main Directorate of Internal Troops was formed. On March 21, 1989, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR adopted the Decree "On the withdrawal of border, internal and railway troops from the Armed Forces of the USSR." The decree extended the order, conditions and terms of service, recruitment to the troops in the same way as for the Soviet Army and Navy, preserved the order of their material, technical and financial support.

Internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the present stage

The collapse of the Soviet Union put an end to the unified internal troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. In February 1992, the staff of the Main Directorate of the Commander of the Internal Troops (GUKVV) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia was approved. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the peacekeeping operations of the internal troops were limited to the North Caucasus region - North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Chechnya, Dagestan. In areas of emergency, the personnel of the internal troops served to protect public order and ensure public safety.

March 27 became the Day of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, which was established in 1996 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

In the post-Soviet period, in the second half of the 90s, the reform of troops of such a plan as the BB is being carried out in the Russian Federation. Their task, which they previously constantly performed in terms of carrying out security functions, escorting convicts, etc., was removed from them, but their rights were expanded in terms of protection and maintaining order in the country. Another reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs took place in 2008, according to which reorganization processes were carried out in the administration of the districts - they became regional.

Troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation

The formation immediately preceding the National Guard was the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, created in 1992. The troops included all the former formations of the Internal Troops of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs stationed on the territory of the RSFSR.

On April 5, 2016, President Vladimir Putin decided to form the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of Russia (Rosgvardiya), as well as to transform the internal troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs into the troops of the Russian National Guard.

The composition of the National Guard, according to the decree, includes special forces of OMON, SOBR, TsSN SOR and aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, private security of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The creation of the National Guard took place as part of a reform to improve the work of law enforcement agencies in Russia.

General of the Army Viktor Vasilievich Zolotov was appointed Director of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation - Commander-in-Chief of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation by Presidential Decree of April 5, 2016. On the same day, April 5, 2016, Vladimir Putin submitted draft laws on the National Guard and changes in a number of legislative acts. The activities of the Federal Service of National Guard Troops are managed by the President of the Russian Federation.

On January 16, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree establishing March 27 as the Day of the Russian National Guard Troops.

“To establish the Day of the National Guard Troops of the Russian Federation and celebrate it on March 27,” the decree says. The document notes that the date was set "in order to preserve the continuity of military traditions and increase the prestige of service in the troops of the National Guard of the Russian Federation."

Head of the Dorogobuzh MOVO - branch

FGKU "UVO VNG of Russia in the Smolensk region"

A power structure that performs a fairly wide range of tasks. These include the fight against terrorism, ensuring public order, participation in the detention of especially dangerous criminals, and escorting special cargo. Of course, the fighters of the Russian Guard are endowed with special powers that cause a stormy wave of discussions among the civilian population. Let's try to figure out what functions are assigned to the fighters, consider the powers and tasks performed.

Let's start with the fact that the National Guard is called a military structure subordinate to the state, created to ensure national security, protect the rights and civil liberties of the country's population.


According to the provisions of the law "On the National Guard of the Russian Federation", the employees of this department are endowed with the following powers:

  • detain persons if they are suspected of committing crimes;
  • open vehicles;
  • break into residential and commercial premises if it is required to comply with the law and prevent a threat to life;
  • build your own database;
  • block traffic and use civilian vehicles for official purposes;
  • detain citizens for up to 3 hours;
  • draw up protocols on committed offenses;
  • set up a cordon and block areas of the terrain, residential buildings and other objects;
  • create conditions for maintaining the legal regime in the course of counter-terrorist operations or in emergency zones.

Important! Any legitimate demands of the National Guard fighters are binding on civilians.

Functions and tasks

National guardsmen can take part in:

  • measures to protect public order and security together with other law enforcement agencies;
  • operations aimed at combating terrorist and extremist organizations;
  • protecting the integrity of the country;
  • protection of special cargoes and objects of special importance;
  • functions of state control in the field of work of private security companies and arms trafficking.

In addition, the Russian Guard can help border guards, by guarding the state border, perform the functions of private security, including objects / cargo belonging to private individuals on the basis of a contract.

Powers of the National Guard

The powers and tasks listed above are of a general nature. To understand the specifics of the activities of the National Guard troops, it is necessary to consider some points in more detail.

Stopping civil vehicles

In general, the tasks of the Russian Guard affect road safety to a minimal extent, so the powers of the employees of this department did not worry motorists much. However, the introduction of additional amendments to the current legislation, in particular, the law concerning state supervision of road traffic safety, made many car owners think. So there was a rumor that the fighters of the National Guard could stop vehicles belonging to civilians for inspection.

To exclude speculation, you need to refer to paragraph 29 of Art. 9, which regulates the general powers of the troops of the National Guard. It states that employees can stop vehicles if necessary to maintain traffic safety.

Powers of the Russian Guard in ensuring road safety

Note that in this professional area the duties of the National Guard are rather limited. In particular, ensuring road safety refers to supervisory functions directly within the department.

According to a government decree, the National Guard can monitor compliance with traffic rules by drivers working in the department. It follows that the National Guard can ensure traffic safety only among military vehicles; the powers of employees do not apply to civilian vehicles.

Who provides traffic safety

Within the military formations of the National Guard, a structural unit has been formed that performs the functions of a traffic police. Responsibilities for ensuring road safety are assigned to the following officials:

  • head of the traffic police of the National Guard troops;
  • head of the regional division;
  • head of the structural unit;
  • deputy chief;
  • senior inspector;
  • senior technician.

In addition to the management, the service also employs ordinary employees.

Can the National Guard check tuning

As mentioned above, control over changes in the design of vehicles is the responsibility of the law enforcement agency, but the authority applies only to military vehicles.

Can they shoot without warning

Yes they can. Employees of the National Guard may use service weapons without warning in cases of an armed attack, creating situations that carry a direct threat to the life of a member of the National Guard. In other cases, the fighters of the National Guard must introduce themselves and give civilians time to comply with legal requirements.

Important! Weapons are not used in mass gatherings or against women with visible signs of pregnancy, children and the disabled. Exception: if there is a direct threat to life.

Verification of documents

If there are legal grounds, the fighters of the Russian Guard can check documents in order to establish an identity, detain suspicious individuals.

Control over the activities of private security agencies

This refers to the formation of data banks in relation to persons who have received weapons and a certificate of a private security guard. The formation of databases will be carried out in full accordance with the provisions of the law on the preservation of personal data.

Set up a cordon in certain areas of the area

The National Guard may cordon off residential buildings, industrial premises, territories and water areas, if necessary to ensure the safety of the civilian population. When setting up a cordon, employees can block the movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

In 2016, the National Guard was formed in Russia. Now this organization has grown greatly, and it has tens of thousands of military personnel.

The troops are designed to ensure security within the state, to fight extremists and protesters.

You can often hear how the Russian Guard is called the "personal army" of the president, because. this structure is subordinate to the commander-in-chief, i.e. head of state. But is it really so?

Structure and powers

The structure includes the following special services:

  • SOBR;
  • OMON;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "PROTECTION" of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Center for Special Purposes of Rapid Response Forces and Aviation of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • Bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for supervision in the field of arms trafficking and private security activities;
  • National Guard.

Now the head of the structure is Viktor Zolotov, who has been personally working with the president for a long time.
This organization has a number of powers:

  1. Demand order from the population.
  2. Prevent the occurrence of crimes or infringement of the rights of citizens.
  3. Check the documents of the population if there is a reason to suspect people of committing illegal acts, being wanted, and other serious grounds.
  4. Demand from officials and the population to stop illegal actions.
  5. Protect the scene of the incident until the authorities arrive. Also, the guard may require citizens to leave the protected place.
  6. Accept, store or destroy seized/surrendered weapons.

These are only the main powers of the guard, and in fact its capabilities are much wider.

National Guard and police: what is the difference

In theory, each department should have its own specific name, and the functions of these organizations should not overlap.

However, the powers of the Russian Guard intersect with the activities of the police and the FSB (the fight against terrorism in the country and ensuring the integrity of the Russian Federation).

Representatives of the Russian Guard can drive cars with flashing lights. They are also allowed to use special equipment if necessary. Here are the main differences between this structure and the police:

  1. Subordination. The police are subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, while the troops of the Russian Guard are subordinate to the president of the country.
  2. Independence. In financial terms, the National Guard is an independent organization. It has all the financial functions of the police, and the annual turnover of the organization is about 20 billion. Also, the troops of the National Guard can control the circulation of weapons and are empowered to license security activities.
  3. Tasks. The police maintain order and apply sanctions to violators, then the guard is called upon to protect state integrity and order.
  4. The use of weapons. This is perhaps one of the main differences between the National Guard and the police. Employees of both structures have the right to use weapons. Only here in the law "On Police" it is clearly stated that the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can use weapons in order to protect citizens, in case of encroachment on their health and life. This clause is absent in the law on the Russian Guard, which significantly expands the capabilities of this structure.

How to get a job

To get a job in the National Guard, you need to pass a number of requirements:

  1. Health status. After passing the examinations, the conscript in the military registration and enlistment office receives a health category (A-D). Those who are fit for service and fit for service with minor restrictions are accepted for service in the Russian Guard, i.e. people with A and B health categories.
  2. Psychological health. Also, future employees must undergo a psychological selection. Based on the selection results, a person is assigned 1 of 4 fitness categories. Basically, people with categories 1 and 2 are hired, in rare cases - 3. The last category is considered not recommended.
  3. Additional requirements. In addition to these requirements, the future employee must have a sufficient level of physical fitness, education and qualifications.
    Both civilians and military personnel can become guardsmen. To do this, you need to apply to the commander of the unit. He makes the decision to accept. If a person who wants to get into the guard has no contradictions for the service, he is given referrals for medical examinations, mental tests and passing standards for physical fitness.


The salary of a guardsman depends on:

  • ranks and positions;
  • the amount of monetary allowances;
  • employee allowances;
  • material assistance to the guards.

Now the salary of an ordinary guardsman is 25,000 rubles a month, and an officer-rank guardsman earns about 55,000 rubles. These are averages and numbers may vary depending on the region of service.

It is important to note that in regions with adverse environmental and weather conditions, the salary of a guardsman is noticeably higher than the salary of an employee working in large cities.

To the complaints of military personnel about low wages, the command promises employees to significantly increase wages, but this will not happen soon.
It should be noted that Vladimir Putin recently increased funding for the National Guard, and military personnel can expect a salary increase of about 4-5% in the near future.

Benefits for military personnel

The guards themselves and their families have a number of state benefits:

  • health and life insurance;
  • free vacation;
  • receiving free medical services;
  • the possibility of obtaining a mortgage loan on preferential terms at a rate of less than 10%.

It is worth noting that the longer the service life of the guardsman, the better the benefits from the state. For example, an employee who has been in the service for less than 10 years will receive free rest for a period of 30 days. Employees over 20 years of age will be granted 45 days of rest. Also, the benefits are significantly affected by the personal merits of the employee: participation in hostilities, service in adverse conditions, etc.

The National Guard is a young structure that is developing at a tremendous pace. The organization was created only 3 years ago, and it already includes more than 350,000 employees (1/3 of the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs). Therefore, joining the National Guard is a profitable and promising goal. However, it should be understood that there are certain requirements for the health of employees, so not everyone will be selected.

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