Who does Kolya Basque live with now? Who is Nikolai Baskov dating? Student years

Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera singer who has remained at the peak of popularity for many years. The performer, whose mentor was the great, received the unofficial titles “golden voice of Russia” and “natural blond”.

An artist always has something to please fans of his talent. In addition to classical works, his repertoire consists of popular hits “Hurdy Organ”, “Let Me Go”, “I Will Give You Love” and others.

Childhood and youth

Nikolai Baskov was born in Russia, but at one time lived abroad. When the boy was 2 years old, dad Viktor Baskov completed his studies at the Frunze Military Academy and, together with his family, left for the GDR, where he was obliged to serve further.

The elder Basque worked for 5 years in Dresden and Königsbrück. Victor began his military career as a platoon commander, then rose to the rank of assistant divisional commander. Later, Basque Sr. graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Mom Elena Nikolaevna is a mathematics teacher by training; in Germany she worked on television as an announcer.

Nikolai Baskov began to master music at the age of 5; the boy studied musical notation at home with his mother. Kolya started going to school in Germany, but after the 1st grade he continued his studies in Kyzyl, at the same time entering a music institution.

As a child, Basque had never been so relaxed in public. As the singer recalls, his debut on stage was extremely unsuccessful. When the boy was in 2nd grade, he was asked to present a poem at a matinee. But the future artist was afraid of the large audience, burst into tears and ran away.

From 2nd to 7th grades Nikolai Baskov studied in Novosibirsk. It was during that period that his career on stage began. Kolya performed at the Young Actor's Musical Theatre. The boy toured with the troupe in Switzerland, the United States, Israel and France.

At that time, Nikolai came to the understanding that his future life would be connected with creativity. In 1996, Basque was enrolled in the Gnessin Academy of Music. He was taught vocals by Honored Artist of Russia Liliana Shekhova. In parallel with his studies at Gnesinka, the student received master classes from.


In his youth, Basque became a laureate of the prestigious competition in Spain “Grande Voce”, and was nominated three times for the Ovation Award as the “Golden Voice of Russia”. In 1997, the artist became a laureate of the debut All-Russian competition for young romance singers called “Romansiada”. And then the talented singer received First Prize at the All-Russian Competition for Young Opera Artists. At the same time, Nikolai was invited to perform the part of Lensky in the production of Eugene Onegin, which was performed at the Bolshoi Theater.

Nikolai Baskov's collection of awards is growing rapidly. In 1999, the artist won Second Prize at the Grande Voce competition in Spain. A year later, the man is already appearing in videos. Participation in the video for the song “In Memory of Caruso” contributed to the speedy conquest of the Russian musical Olympus. The video was then in first place in the Russian charts on radio and television.

Baskov’s career was no longer limited to academic halls; the number of the singer’s fans began to grow at a stunning pace. Records with songs sold millions of copies. As a result, Nikolai Baskov becomes the first and only singer in the Russian Federation who can sing both in pop style and in a more complex genre with a reference to the classics - crossover.

Nikolai Baskov and Alsou with her husband at the “Song of the Year” festival

Each new song by Baskov becomes a hit and soars to the top of the Russian charts.

In 2002, the artist made his debut on the stage of the national festival “Song of the Year” with the musical compositions “Heavenly Forces” and “Hurdy Organ”, which immediately received the status of hits. The musician's videos are broadcast on prestigious music channels. The artist has repeatedly received national music awards “Ovation”, “Golden Gramophone”, “MUZ-TV”, “Style of the Year”.

Nikolay Baskov - “Hurdy Organ”

At the same time, the artist began releasing albums, creating 1-2 discs per year until 2007. First of all, these are the collections “Dedication”, “I’m 25”, “Never Say Goodbye”, “To You Alone”. The next album, “Romantic Journey,” appeared in Nikolai’s repertoire in 2011. The latest album to date is the collection “Game”.

At the dawn of the 2000s, Basque worked as a soloist of the opera troupe at the Bolshoi Theater. At the same time, Nikolai completed his studies at Gnesinka, specializing in opera and chamber singing. He entered graduate school, but already at the Moscow Conservatory named after Pyotr Tchaikovsky. After 3 years, the singer completes it with honors. In 2003, Nikolai Baskov left his native troupe and began working in theaters in Nizhny Novgorod and Yoshkar-Ola.

In the year of the millennium, a meeting took place in Baskov’s creative biography that radically changed his future life. The singer met a legendary figure in the field of opera, the greatest soprano of the century, Montserrat Caballe. The couple performed several performances together, after which Caballe advised the artist to improve his vocals. Basque became the only student of the great singer, who was also her colleague on stage.

Caballe and Basque sang together on famous European stages. The foreign press often emphasized the exclusive timbre of the Russian artist’s voice, his excellent technique, the widest range, artistry and sense of style, which is extremely important in show business.

Nikolay Baskov and Montserrat Caballe

Nikolai spent many years as a student of Montserrat in Barcelona. He participated in many city performances. In the Spanish capital, he even sang with the daughter of the famous mentor Marty Caballe. During this period, Basque performed works of world classics, gave many pop concerts, where he sang musicals, arias, and Neapolitan works.

In 2012, the Russian capital hosted the world premiere of A. Zhurbin’s opera “Albert and Giselle,” which was written specifically for Baskov and at his request. Naturally, Basque himself performed the main role of Albert.

Nikolai Baskov and Taisiya Povaliy - “Let me go”

In addition, the man recorded several successful duets with recognized pop figures, and. The songs “Let Me Go” and “You Are Far Away,” performed by Baskov and Povaliy, became hits.

Next, Baskov sang the song “Nikolai” with the singer Natalie, which also became very popular. It is curious that the singer herself wrote this composition specifically for this performance. The last partner of the “golden voice of Russia” was Baskov’s beloved.

Sofia Rotaru and Nikolai Baskov - “Raspberry Blossoms”

The artist regularly tours cities in Russia and neighboring countries. In 2009, Nikolai Baskov was awarded the title "People's Artist of the Russian Federation" by decree of the head of state. Soon after this, the singer received the title “People’s Artist of Moldova.”

In 2014, Basque delighted the audience with yet another hits and new videos for the songs “Zaya, I love you” and “I will kiss your hands.” By the way, today the celebrity has participated in dozens of video clips.

Nikolai Baskov on the program “Evening Urgant”

In 2016, the artist starred in a number of videos for the songs “I’ll Hug You”, “I’ll Give You Love”, “Cherry Love”, and also came to the “Evening Urgant” program, in which he participated in a parody video of the one that blew up the Internet. crazy Japanese hit “The Story Of Pen Pineapple Apple Pen”.

Basque becomes a guest of the “Blind Audition” of the show “The Voice”. Members of the jury of the popular television project “saw through” Baskov in the very first minute, who failed to disguise his magnificent voice. In the same year, Nikolai opened his own music production center.

In addition to his musical career, the artist is actively promoting himself on television. Few people remember that in the summer of 2003, it was Baskov who began hosting the television reality show “Dom-1” on the TNT channel. A little later he is replaced by . Since 2005, Nikolai Baskov has become the permanent host of the popular music program “Saturday Evening,” which airs on the Rossiya TV channel.

It’s not for nothing that they say that if a person is talented, then he is talented in everything. Basque is not only a stage star, but also starred in more than a dozen films, mostly musicals, the most memorable being “Cinderella.” Here Basque played the prince, and the actress played the part. Also on this list are the musicals “Morozko”, “The Snow Queen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Wedding Ring” and others.

On the 30th anniversary season of the popular television show “What? Where? When?" The club decided to assemble a team of stars, which included Alexander Zhurbin, human rights activist and Nikolai Baskov. This team became the best in the spring series of games in 2005, and Baskov unexpectedly showed himself to be a skilled expert and deservedly became the best player of the star team.

In 2012, the man played in KVN. In the “STEM with a Star” competition, Baskov helped the “SOK” team from Samara, incredibly believably getting into the role of an ordinary car mechanic Kolya.

Nikolai Baskov in KVN

Personal life

In 2001, the singer married the daughter of his own producer, part-time entrepreneur Boris Shpigel. 5 years later, on April 24, 2006, Nikolai Baskov became parents and their son Bronislav was born. However, living together failed: after 7 months, the divorce process began, ending six months later.

A few months later, Basque announced his engagement to the famous beauty. But in March 2011, the couple announced their separation in official sources.

That same year, the singer began an affair with a ballerina and socialite, which lasted until 2013.

After a while, Baskov began to court producer and singer Sophie Kalcheva, whose affair continued until 2017. The lovers called their relationship a guest relationship, since they did not come together to live together, but they spent all their free time together, going on vacation to warmer climes.

After breaking up with Sophie, Nikolai hid the details of his personal life for some time, but rumors immediately appeared on the Internet about the singer’s affair with a fashion model and sports TV presenter. In the summer of 2017, the couple officially announced their upcoming wedding celebration.

The wedding was planned to be held in the capital of Chechnya in October 2017. The singer talked about his feelings for his chosen one, his readiness for family life and the birth of children. But after a while, the public learned that Victoria would not become the wife of the “golden voice of Russia” - they finally broke up. Now Baskov and Lopyreva maintain friendly relations.

Nikolay Baskov now

In 2017, Nikolai Baskov decided to make some changes to his image. Thanks to visiting the gym, the singer lost a fair amount of weight. Now, with a height of 174 cm, his weight has become much less than 80 kg. IN "Instagram" the artist posted a photo with his hair dyed, commenting on the photo with the phrase: “I’m tired of being blonde.” Fans reacted positively to the changes in the appearance of their idol, wishing him a speedy marriage.

In 2018, Nikolai Baskov surprised fans with unexpected collaborations. In February, the pop idol performed the hit “Fantaser” with the band’s musicians. Within six months, the number of views of the video for this song reached 7 million.

Group "Disco Accident" and Nikolai Baskov - "Fantaser"

In August, information about a new composition by Nikolai Baskov and “Ibiza” appeared on the Internet. The advertised video was created according to the comedian's script. The intrigue was fueled by the screening of Kirkorov’s previous sensational video, “The Color of Mood is Blue,” filmed in a similar style.

Philip Kirkorov and Nikolai Baskov - “Ibiza”

In the new video, in addition to the performers, stars of Russian show business appeared in the frame. In the first 24 hours, the clip, which contained obscene language, scenes of violence and primitive humor, took a leading position in the “Trending” tab on YouTube, and was watched by 1 million people.

The video, as well as the subsequent performance of the song on New Wave, caused a stir in society. The public was dissatisfied with the change in the image of the People's Artists of the Russian Federation. There was even talk on the Internet about depriving the singers of such a high title. The artists had to release a musical “apology” to fans. They posted the clip on YouTube.

In addition to scandalous projects, the singer held a benefit performance in the television studio of Andrei Malakhov on the TV show “Hello, Andrei!”, and also presented a disc of sacred music “I Believe” on the stage of the concert hall of the State Kremlin Palace. The concert was attended by the State Academic Russian Choir named after A.V. Sveshnikov and a symphony orchestra conducted by conductor Yuri Medyanik.


  • 2000 - “Dedication”
  • 2000 - “Encore”
  • 2001 - “Masterpieces of the passing century”
  • 2001 - “I’m 25”
  • 2004 - “Never Say Goodbye”
  • 2004 - “Let me go” (with T. Povaliy)
  • 2005 - “Best Songs”
  • 2007 - “For you alone”
  • 2011 - “Romantic Journey”
  • 2016 - “Game”

    At the moment, Nikolai Baskov is completely free and he is an enviable bachelor. Nikolai Baskov was married to Svetlana, has a son, divorced from his wife. After that, there was a long affair with Oksana Fedorova, which did not end well. At social parties, Nikolai Baskov periodically squeezes first one girl, then the second, but nothing serious. The last companions of Nikolai Baskov were Daria German, singer Natalie and Anastasia Volochkova. But all this was for the sake of PR or to a drunken tune.

    Nikolai Baskov has a billionaire from Switzerland, Atanasia (not Anastasia), her husband died and seems to have left an inheritance. She is about 50 years old. She gives Baskov gorgeous gifts.

    Nikolai Baskov himself has no official relationship with anyone, but recently he was seen with this rich woman.

    It's probably easier to say who he isn't dating. Nikolai is such Nikolai that not so long ago he met with a lady who was good enough to be his grandmother, although she was very rich, she bought Kolya a car and something else very useful.

    Now he seems to be dating Kalchikova.

    At the moment, Nikolai Baskov is dating Sofia Kalcheva - this is the latest news about his chosen ones. Nikolai met with Atanasia back in 2013 - two years ago. Kolya and Sofia are heading towards a wedding, according to rumors from the couple’s friends.

    If you believe the latest issue of the thick

    that Komsomol truth - he is having an affair not only with a billionaire but also with singer Natalie

    (God, what a man!) who has two children and a husband (???!)... and even has a photo...

    Nikolai Baskov is not dating anyone, he loves himself very much, he collected all the flowers at the concert, including those not intended for him, and imagines himself as the king of pop. music all over the planet. But seriously, of course, Basque can and does date a woman, this is, of course, his personal business.

    Nikolai Baskov has a girlfriend. She is incredibly rich and she is from Switzerland.

    His girlfriend's name is Atanasia. She is much older than the celebrity. There are rumors that her ex-dead husband left her an inheritance.

    There are persistent rumors about Nikolai Baskov, as well as about Philip Kirkorov, that they are both lovers of men, not women. Moreover, they confirm this with their behavior and personal life. But they don’t yet know exactly who Nikolai Baskov is dating.

    Yes, with whomever he meets.. Only recently there was information (launched by Nikolai himself) that he was going to marry Anastasia Volochkova.. Now here is the singer Natalie and the Swiss billionaire.. In my opinion, Nikolai Baskov is a typical SELF-SEXUAL, he loves so much his beloved self, that he doesn’t need anyone - neither a woman nor a man... And he loves PR, and for PR he will even date a bald hedgehog..

For almost two years, Nikolai Baskov appeared in the world with the beautiful Oksana Fedorova. And he even gave the ex-Miss Universe an engagement ring. It seemed that things were heading towards a wedding, although many suspected the couple of a PR affair.

Believe me, I live honestly and openly: yes - yes, no - no. Although I am a public person, I try to cultivate sincere feelings in myself. Kolya and I didn’t have a PR affair, these were real feelings,” Oksana Fedorova shared with the KP correspondent after the breakup with Baskov. - Everyone can play in life, but you can’t play with feelings.

We broke up with Oksana because I was not ready to give up my freedom even for the sake of such a luxurious woman. She wanted a family, but I was not ready for this,” Baskov told KP about the reasons for the breakup with Fedorova.

The 33-year-old beauty did not grieve for long over the breakup with Baskov. As KP ​​has already written, Fedorova recently found a loved one. True, she doesn’t really want to advertise it yet. The beauty’s friends told Komsomolskaya Pravda that Fedorova’s new lover’s name is Andrei, he is 38 years old and an FSB officer. They say that Oksana is not averse to starting a family with a new friend. And even, if rumors are to be believed, she plans to marry him.

“Natural blond” returned to his first love

It turns out that Nikolai Baskov was not bored alone for long. Shortly before the international competition “New Wave” in Jurmala, the singer admitted to KP that he would come to the Riga seaside with a new girl. Like, he had already introduced her to Oksana Fedorova. However, Nikolai appeared alone on the “New Wave”.

As employees of the Riga Neuburgs Hotel, where the singer was staying, told KP, Baskov’s suite was booked for two surnames. On Baskov and his new girlfriend, who for some reason could not fly to Riga with Nikolai.

As it turned out, the artist’s new girlfriend was his first love, a classmate at Gnesinka, the granddaughter of the legendary singer Maria Maksakova and the daughter of actress Lyudmila Maksakova, 34-year-old Masha Maksakova.

Masha, or as Baskov affectionately calls his friend Manyunya, and Nikolai met when they were 17 years old. This was the first relationship in their lives. First love. After studying, each of them had their own creative and personal life. Nikolai got married, then divorced. Masha also met the man she loved, gave birth to two children, whom she is now raising alone. Music brought Maksakova together with Baskov. In April they performed at the Vienna Philharmonic. Maria Maksakova is now a very successful opera diva, she is the prima of the Mariinsky Theater, Gergiev’s favorite. They say that the Basque is pleased that he has again found a woman who shares with him not only personal, but also creative interests. People around the tenor say that Nikolai and Masha spend almost all their time together. And Basque was very upset that his beloved could not fly with him to Jurmala.

Now, as a matter of principle, I don’t comment on my personal life,” the tenor answered “KP” when asked about his affair with Maksakova. - I already had a sad experience: in my relationship with Oksana Fedorova, close attention from the press also played a significant role. Publicity in your personal life complicates relationships.

I really wanted to fly to Jurmala, but the Mariinsky Theater is currently on tour in Finland. Because of my work in the theater, I couldn’t make it to Riga,” Baskov’s new girlfriend Maria Maksakova admitted to KP.

Nikolai Baskov is a Russian pop and opera star, a legendary actor, professor, host of many television programs, People's Artist of Russia and Ukraine. Artist of arts in Moldova. He was born on October 15, 1976 in the Balashikha district of the Moscow region.

Childhood and parents

Although Nikolai Baskov is considered a full-blooded Russian, he had to live abroad for a long time. At the time when little Nikolai was only 2 years old, his dad graduated from the Frunze Military Academy and moved his family to the GDR, where he was sent to serve.

In childhood

Baskov’s dad worked in Dresden and Königsbrück for a very long time. He started as a simple commander of a military detachment and rose to the position of deputy commander-in-chief of a division. A little later, Nikolai’s father graduated from the Institute of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces.

The mother of the future singer, Elena, was a mathematics teacher by profession. For a long time she worked as a television announcer in Germany. From early childhood, Nikolai dreamed of becoming a famous singer. Starting at the age of 5, he learned musical notes with his mother. The future Russian pop star began going to first grade in the GDR, and went to second grade in Kyzyl. In addition to simple studies, Basque began classes at a music school.

The rise of a musical career

To the surprise of all music teachers, Basque wins several awards. In 1999, the artist received a second award at a competition in Spain called Grande Voce. And in 2000, the famous singer began filming his first videos.

In young age

He shot his very first video for the song “In Memory of Caruso.” And soon this video reached the highest level of the Russian musical Olympus. In addition, this video received first place in the Russian hit parade. From that moment on, Baskov’s musical passion began to go beyond the walls of academic halls, and he began to gain fans.

Discs with recordings of his songs were snapped up by huge publications. In the end, Nikolai becomes the first performer of songs in Russia who could perform the Crossover and Pop styles. Any of his songs was a hit of the year and won first places in music competitions, and videos were shown on the most popular, elite music channels.

Nikolai Baskov was awarded the national prize several times: “Ovation”, “MUZ-TV”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Style of the Year”, as well as “Singer of the Year”. In 2001, Nikolai joined the Bolshoi Theater opera troupe. Following this, he received a Gnesinka diploma (chamber and opera singing group) and began studying at the Moscow Conservatory of Pyotr Tchaikovsky.

Three years later, Basque leaves graduate school with a gold medal. Nikolai did not stay long at the Bolshoi Theater. As soon as he left this theater, he began working in the Yoshkar-Ola theater and Nizhny Novgorod. At the same time, the singer began to delight viewers on Russian television.

Film and television

At the beginning of July 2003, young Nikolai appears on TV. For about three months he was the host of the “House – 1” program on TNT.

in 2005, the famous artist began hosting the entertainment program “Saturday Evening” on the Russia-1 channel. In 2012, he released his personal television show called “Nikolai Baskov’s Marriage Agency.” At the same time, a completely new project, “Home Video of Stars,” was released on the MTV channel, which he also hosted.

And in 2010, Baskov wanted to voice someone. He voiced Ken, the doll from the children's cartoon Toy Story. The Great Escape." In 2013, he was invited to voice the funny cartoon “Real Squirrel”.

As a result, from 2002 to 2014, Nikolai Viktorovich took part in 14 projects (TV series, musicals and feature films). Baskov’s film debut is the role of the Prince in the New Year’s performance “Cinderella”. It should be said that Nikolai Baskov simply stunned all television viewers with such a role.

Star colleagues

After graduating from the Moscow Conservatory, young Nikolai had one unexpected acquaintance, after which his whole life changed. He meets the famous opera singer and the strongest soprano of the 20th century, Montserrat Caballe.

From the beginning, he performed several times with the orchestra, and then Senorita Caballé expressed her opinion to him about the change in his vocal profile. Of the many opera singers, Caballe liked the Basque. Together with Montserrat Caballe, Basque performed opera compositions in many countries.

In the spring of 2009, by order of the head of state Dmitry Anatolievich Medvedev, the singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia. Also, a little later, he received the honorary award of People's Artist of Moldova.

Over the course of his entire musical career, 12 discs with songs by Nikolai Baskov have been released. But besides this, he could be seen on screen several times in some role. He starred in 12 television projects. Most of all, the audience remembers the musicals: “Cinderella”, “The Snow Queen”, “The Golden Key”, “Wedding Ring”, “Little Red Riding Hood”.

Failures in a musical career

Nikolai’s first performance on stage was in second grade, and it was unsuccessful for him. He was then asked to recite a poem at a New Year's party. However, little Kolya was unable to do this: during the raising of the curtain, he became very excited, cried and ran backstage.

But still, this embarrassment did not break Baskov, and already in the seventh grade he signed up for acting classes. He performed on the stage of the Young Actor's Musical Theater, headed by A. Fedorov. With the Basque troupe he toured almost all foreign countries.

Already at that time, the singer understood that art was his future. It was not easy, but Nikolai went through all the obstacles and achieved success. In 1997, Basque won the first All-Russian competition for young romance singers “Romansiada”. And already in 1998 he was awarded the prize of the All-Russian Opera Singing Competition.

Since 2011, the singer began to actively engage in the activities of a teacher and became a professor at the vocal department of Moscow State University for the Humanities named after M. A. Sholokhov, and already in 2016 he received the same position at Moscow State Pedagogical University at the Institute of Arts.

As for the singer’s creative activity, it rapidly went up. Basque performs leading roles in leading operas known all over the world, writes and performs new hits in duets with other famous Russian and foreign performers, and the news about the opening of a music production center was also unexpected. Nikolai is also active as a TV presenter.

For example, in 2016 he became the host of the television project “Saturday Evening.” And in 2018, the singer became a member of the “Putin Team,” a team that shares the views of Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Personal life and wife of Nikolai Baskov

In 2001, the young artist married Svetlana Shpigel, who was the daughter of his producer, popular entrepreneur and figure Boris Shpigel. In April 2006, their son Bronislav was born. But soon their family life began to decline, and in the fall of that year they filed for divorce.

They were completely divorced only after 6 months. A few months after the divorce, the singer told everyone that he was going to marry the most attractive woman in Russia, Oksana Fedorova.

With Oksana Fedorova

The relationship between Nikolai and Oksana was open, but still there was no talk about marriage before that.

Nikolai Baskov is a world-famous opera singer and musical performer. His discs sell millions of copies in many countries. He acts in films, hosts television shows and various celebrations, is involved in charity work, and has recently been teaching at the university. The Basque is a welcome guest at any party, because his character, enthusiasm and many ideas will always make a meeting with this person unforgettable.

All photos 13

Nikolai Baskov - biography

The singer was born on October 15, 1976 in Balashikha, but his family did not live there for long. Dad Viktor Vladimirovich was forced to move to the GDR due to duty with his wife and child. He came a long way to become deputy division commander. Due to the elder Baskov's military service, the family often moved. In addition to Germany, little Kolya managed to live in Novosibirsk, from where he moved to Moscow.

The mother of the future star, Elena Nikolaevna, trained as a mathematics teacher, but worked as a television announcer and devoted all her time to her family. Kolya has been interested in music since childhood. And he started studying at the age of 5. His mother supported him in every possible way.

The first experience of performing on the school stage, which occurred in the second grade, was not a success.

According to the artist’s recollections, it ended in fear and tears. After some time, Nikolai Baskov’s family moved to Russia. This is where his stage career began. Already in the seventh grade, he began performing as part of the Young Actor Musical Theater troupe. The troupe went on tour to various parts of the world, including Israel, America and some European countries.

In 1996, Basque began studying at the Academy of Music. Gnesins. At that time, Kolya was given vocal lessons by Liliana Shekhova. In 1997, he became a prize-winner of the Grand voce vocal competition. At the same time, Nikolai received the main award three times in the Ovation Award, where he became the “golden voice”, as he is traditionally presented today at concerts and events.

After some time, Basque takes first place in the competition for young opera performers.

He also plays the role of Lensky in P. I. Tchaikovsky’s “Eugene Onegin,” where he becomes the youngest performer during the entire existence of this opera.

In 1999-2000, Nikolai Baskov gained even greater popularity. His video “In Memory of Caruso” conquered the Russian musical Olympus. From this moment on, the artist’s music discs begin to sell like hot cakes.

In 2000, when the singer had already successfully graduated from Gnesinka, a truly fateful meeting took place in his life with his mentor and already legendary opera singer Montserrat Caballe, whose first and only student he is to this day.

World-class star Montserrat dotes on her student, and Basque calls her “second mother.” In 2001, Nikolai received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

The singer also began his career as a host of television programs and programs, as well as a showman, during these years. Since the summer of 2003, he has been hosting the “Home” project on TNT. From 2005 to this day, Basque has been the permanent host of the music program “Saturday Evening.” In addition, he hosts other programs: “Home Video of Stars” (2012), “Big Little Star” (2015), “Million from Prostokvashino” (from 2015 to the present day).

In the spring of 2009, the singer was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation, and then he was awarded the same title by Moldova, Ukraine and the Chechen Republic. In addition, he became the owner of various titles and awards, including the Belarusian Order of Francis Skaryna, the gold medal of the Peace Foundation, the medal “For Services to the Fatherland” II degree, as well as some others.

In 2011-2012, Nikolai Viktorovich actively conquered the American stage with the classical repertoire. His concert is broadcast on PBS Television and subsequently recorded on a CD entitled "Romantic Journey". And at the beginning of 2012, the singer performed at the Beacon Theater in New York.

In addition to “Romantic Journey”, during his creative career Basque has released 12 discs, shot more than 20 videos, and has repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone award, MTV, MUZ-TV and many others.

The singer tries to combine the opera stage and the stage. And he does it well. So, in addition to classical music classes, he becomes a participant and hosts many music festivals. Kolya sang a duet with various world and Russian stars.

Nikolai Baskov managed to leave his mark in cinema. He repeatedly participated in the filming of New Year's musicals, and also played himself in several popular television series and “Our Russia: Eggs of Destiny”, “Reverse Turn”. In addition, he repeatedly became a dubbing actor. Characters from the cartoons “Savva” speak in his voice. Heart of a Warrior", "Real Squirrel".

Nikolai Baskov - personal life

In 2001, the singer married Svetlana, the daughter of his producer Boris Shpigel. The wedding was magnificent and bright. The couple remained in this marriage for 8 years, and on April 24, 2006 their son Bronislav was born. By this time, things were not going smoothly between Nikolai and Svetlana. And at the end of autumn 2006, the couple began divorce proceedings, and six months later they completely ended the relationship.

After family life, Basque appeared more than once with a variety of beauties and shared piquant photos from his personal life. One of the longest romances during this period was the relationship with Miss Universe - 2002 Oksana Fedorova. The romance was very bright, but ended in a public separation several years later. The singer from the stage informed all spectators about this event in the life of the couple.

After Oksana, he was seen with a spectacular blonde and various other girls. Spicy photographs and details about the affair with Anastasia Volochkova appeared online.

Photos from the vacation of two stars in the Maldives blew up the Internet and caused the most controversial opinions.

Today Nikolai Baskov has a new lover - Sophie Kalcheva. They have been together since September 2014. But the couple began to advertise their relationship only recently. Sophie has an adult son, with whom the singer gets along well. The chosen one's parents also received him very warmly.

But the couple is not talking about marriage yet.

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