Wrong wedding of Ivan Krasko. Ivan Krasko: biography, personal life, family, wife, children - photo Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

It was already mentioned above that actress Natalya Shevel became famous to the general public not thanks to her talent. As an actress, Natalya has not yet shown herself in any way in the roles that she had the opportunity to play. What made the young woman famous was her affair and subsequently her marriage with the beloved actor Ivan Krasko.

What is Natalya Shevel famous for?

Ivan Krasko was exactly 84 years old at the time of his affair with Natalya. However, Natalya herself was married, but her first marriage was not very successful. The age difference between the spouses is really huge - more than 60 years! Most of the friends and relatives of both Ivan and Natalya consider this marriage a misalliance, and the girl’s mother did not even come to her daughter’s wedding. However, the social circle did not accept this marriage, Natalya is condemned and slandered about her, assuring that she connected her life with Ivan solely out of convenience.

The spouses themselves were and are quite indifferent to such rumors. They enjoy each other's company and travel a lot. Ivan is pleased with his young wife and looks at her with adoration. After the wedding, which took place in 2015, the newlyweds spent their honeymoon on a romantic voyage to Venice. Photos from the wedding of Krasko and Shevel were published by many publications; they can easily be found on various resources about celebrities.

Little is known about the biography of Natalya Shevel (Krasko) herself. Natalya herself was brought from the outback to the northern capital, St. Petersburg, by her first husband, with whom her marriage was more than short-lived. Natalya acts in episodic roles, studies at one of the humanitarian universities in St. Petersburg, but has not yet received a diploma, enjoying the delights of marriage. Photos of Natalia can be seen on Instagram and VKontakte: Shevel has personal pages on these social networks. Detailed information about the biography and personal life of Ivan Krasko can be obtained from Wikipedia: the popular online directory will offer you extensive material about the actor beloved by many.

The wedding ceremony of the famous actor Ivan Krasko is being discussed on the Internet. The 84-year-old artist married his 24-year-old student Natalya on September 9, breaking several wedding traditions.

Bloggers, looking at the photo from the ceremony in the registry office, considered that it was incorrect, since the groom chose a uniform instead of a tuxedo or suit. Also, many were confused by the bridal bouquet, which the star’s newly-made wife was supposed to hold. In fact, the flowers are in the hands of happy Ivan.
According to domestic media, Krasko and his beloved Natalya Shevel exchanged vows in St. Petersburg. This wedding became perhaps the most anticipated event in the city: as soon as the bride and groom got out of the car, they were immediately surrounded by reporters.
After the wedding, Ivan and Natalya went for a walk and a photo shoot, and then they will go to the Actor’s House, where guests and a festive banquet will be waiting for them.

Let us remember that Krasko and Shevel met at the St. Petersburg Institute of Humanitarian Education, where Ivan taught a course and Natalya was his student. Even before going to the registry office, Shevel took the surname of her future husband on all social networks. As Krasko said in an interview, before the wedding the girl did not let him close to her for moral reasons. However, Natalya did not confirm his words.
“It seems to me that it is not entirely correct to talk about this. “Ivan Ivanovich sometimes gives interviews and doesn’t understand what he’s saying,” the actress became embarrassed. – I don’t really want to go into details. There is closeness between us, but only spiritual. And if we talk about physical intimacy, then let's look at it from a philological point of view. What is sex? Sex is a relationship between two sexes, a relationship between the sexes. Kissing or touching is already sex. Did Ivan Ivanovich kiss me? Of course he kissed me. Did he hug me? Of course he hugged me. So sex happened."

By the way, the housing issue in the newly-made family has still not been resolved: all the apartments that Krasko owns were given to his children from previous marriages, so the couple still has nowhere to live. “We have a room, not really ours, while we will live with Ivan Ivanovich’s daughter-in-law and his grandson Kirill,” Natalya shared her plans for the near future.

The bride's mother was furious at the news of the wedding and even refused to go to the ceremony. However, Shevel took this fact calmly. “Mom worries about me, but she never stopped me from doing what I want. She will always love me, no matter what,” Krasko’s new wife is sure. Only those closest to the bride and groom were invited to the celebration. Natalya went to the registry office in a beautiful white dress. The newlyweds will not have a honeymoon: the theater season begins, and on September 12 Krasko is playing in the play.

It is noteworthy that while Ivan dreams of a daughter, Natalya admits that she does not see herself in the role of a mother. “Until I understand that I’m really ready... A child is very serious. They have children when they lack intelligence. It doesn’t cost anything to get pregnant and give birth – it’s easier than a steamed turnip. But I understand very well that I can’t even have a cat. I really want a cat, I love animals. But there is no home. And here’s a child!” – said the girl.

Meanwhile, Krasko’s third ex-wife, Natalya Shchepinskaya, who is raising 13-year-old sons Ivan and 11-year-old Fyodor from the artist, categorically stated that the new chosen one is only interested in Ivan’s money. “Well, Krasko doesn’t have millions. He doesn’t have any fortune to covet,” Natalya assured. And the artist’s bride can’t count on living space in St. Petersburg.

The young wife of the legendary artist Ivan Krasko, Natalya, spoke in a frank interview about her common-law husband, who was 20 years older than her. They lived together with his children, and his wife often visited them, from whom he had not formally filed a divorce. As a result, the woman returned to the family, and Natalya had to leave. A little more than a month has passed since the wedding of actor Ivan Krasko with 24-year-old aspiring actress Natalya Shevel. Natasha’s first marriage still haunts many. Information appeared that she allegedly cheated on her husband with someone else, and only then Ivan Krasko appeared on the horizon.

“Roman and I got married for love. But what can you know about marriage at 19 years old? People change with age. So we didn’t see eye to eye,” explained Natalya. As a result, their relationship fizzled out. It was then that Natasha met Igor. He was a musician and 20 years older, officially not free, but his wife lived elsewhere. Raised two children. “I didn’t cheat on Roman. When I fell in love with someone else, I doubted and suffered for six months. But then she packed her things and left,” the Komsomolskaya Pravda website quotes Natalya.

Periodically, Igor’s wife came to visit to see the children. As a result, she began to appear more and more often, and then decided to return to the family altogether, because formally she and her husband did not have time to divorce. Then Natalya had to leave the home where she lived almost like a Swedish family with her beloved man.

After breaking up with Igor, Natalya met Ivan Krasko. “I probably wouldn’t repeat many of my mistakes now. But all previous relationships gave me experience, wisdom, knowledge of life and family relationships. Many people tell me that I seem older than my years. I am able to understand and appreciate such a person. My husband is the smartest, honest, noble, talented. There is nothing else like it in the world,” said Natalya.

She spoke out regarding criticism of her and Ivan’s impressive age difference. “It’s interesting: they judge me behind my back, but in personal letters they write only good words: “well done, smart girl.” They ask for advice. Many people who have a similar situation took heart. For them, our wedding became a signal to action. Our unequal marriage is just an indicator that love has no boundaries,” Natalya noted.

Meanwhile, few people know that both Natalya and Ivan Krasko were married to their previous partners. On this occasion, she said: “Roman and I got married at one time, Ivan Ivanovich and Natalya Nikolaevna too. None of us formalized the debunking. We recently went to the priest in Vartemäki to consult about this situation. And the father blessed us. After all, real marriages are made in heaven, not on paper.”

Love for all ages

The news was a real sensation: the 84-year-old actor Ivan Krasko got married on a 24 year old student Natalia Shevel. Vicious passion, thirst for glory, subtle calculation, a demon in the ribs? Only the couple themselves know what made them tie the knot of Hymen.

Once upon a time there was a girl. Every day after school she came running to play by the sea. Admire the huge barges or just read a book to the sound of the waves. Most of all she liked the story about Assol. Hundreds of ships called at the port of Sevastopol, but none of them had either scarlet sails or the long-awaited Gray, who would have taken her far, far away.

Right by the sea

The girl grew up, but the dream did not change. Unless, over time, a second one appeared - to become an actress. Only on stage could she try on the fates of heroines from fictional, unreal worlds. But the school theater studio did not provide room for creativity, and she wanted to create, to cultivate goodness and faith in miracles in human souls. After graduating from school, there was only one decision - to enter the theater! But there was not a single suitable university in the area, and Natasha could not go to another city, and even study for a fee: she was raised by her mother, and the family simply did not have that kind of money.

Natalia's dream since childhood is to enter the theater

So the romantic Assol became a student at the Industrial Pedagogical College. There she met her future husband: Roman was not at all like a hero from fairy tales, but it was time to forget these sentimental nonsense. After all, family, like profession, is a serious matter. This was the opinion of my electrician husband, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​moving to live abroad. After graduating from college, Natasha tried for the second time to enter a paid university, at least to the directing department. But from my husband I heard the same thing as from my mother: there is no money for education. There is nothing to do - I went to the pedagogical university.

For almost three years, Natasha drove away the thoughts that she and Roman were not suitable for each other at all: their dreams and goals were too different. She wrote poems to him, but he never took them seriously. The family's move to St. Petersburg extended their marriage for a short time: it was more convenient to fight for survival in the metropolis together. While Roman was earning a living, Natalya walked the streets of St. Petersburg, went to cafes, and visited theaters and clubs. Gradually, she became imbued with the bohemian spirit of the St. Petersburg capital, made new acquaintances, some of them turned out to be close - so much so that one day Roman could not stand it and kicked his romantic wife out the door. The divorce was finalized only a few months later. But Natalya did not lose heart. She was 21 years old, and one of her fans was a certain Oleg, a 40-year-old talented musician. The beautiful Natalya became his common-law wife, and in gratitude he paid for her studies at the theater department at the Institute of Humanitarian Education, which Natalya had dreamed of for so long and fruitlessly. And now - it has come true! She is a student at a theater university, a future actress. The girl plunged into her studies, as they say, headlong - so much so that she completely forgot about her benefactor. Oleg tactfully suggested that she break up. Natalya agreed immediately: a dorm room was waiting for her, and besides she was in love again! But who? It's scary to say - in Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, course leader.

Gray-haired Romeo

He stood in front of the students in a dark suit, glasses and, lowering his gray-haired head to the floor, talked about lofty things, often reciting poetry by heart. There were few students in the paid group, and he immediately noticed the young long-haired blonde who literally ate him up with her huge gray eyes. Ivan Ivanovich was not indifferent to the female sex, especially to such pullets. But he didn’t show it. Soon I saw a blonde in my own dressing room in the theater after the performance. What kind of persistence do today's youth have?! And Krasko jokingly said:
- Well, now I have to marry you!
I couldn’t even imagine that a prophecy had come out of my mouth. And Natalya, encouraged by the teacher’s attention, has since become literally his shadow. She did not have a father, she deliberately or unconsciously looked for older men. And it doesn’t matter that Ivan Ivanovich was old enough to be her grandfather, not just his father! He was sixty years older than her. But he combined everything at once: St. Petersburg intelligence, education, romanticism, acting talent and... experience.

Behind Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, in addition to hundreds of roles in cinema and theater, there were three official marriages. He married his first wife, Ekaterina Ivanova, at the age of 21, and was married for only 4 years. From this union Krasko has a daughter, Galina. With his second wife, Kira Petrova , Ivan Krasko lived forty-one years. Kira gave birth to his daughter Yulia and a son - the future famous Russian actor Andrei Krasko, who tragically died on the set of heart failure.

Three years after the divorce, Ivan Ivanovich entered into an alliance with a young girl, Natalya Vyal, who was fifty years younger than him. During ten years of marriage, Natalya gave birth to her husband two sons, Ivan and Fyodor. The initiator of the divorce was the wife: she admitted that she was in love with a man of the same age, with whom they had a youthful romance, but now the feelings flared up again. And Krasko did not hold her. They parted as friends. Ivan Ivanovich often communicates with his sons and provides them with financial support. By the way, he left them an apartment and all his property. And he settled in the house of the widow of his son Andrei Margarita and grandson Kirill. I brought Natalya here one day. From the threshold he said loudly and clearly: “This is my future wife. Please treat her accordingly!” Most of all, this statement confused Natalya herself. Left alone, she whispered in Ivan Ivanovich’s ear: “What if we don’t succeed?” In response, he reassured her: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine!”

Housing problem

It so happened that Natalya had nowhere to live, and she settled in Krasko’s house, in the same room as him. Fortunately, they quickly found a common language with Margarita and Kirill and became friends. I had to sleep on the same sofa with Ivan Ivanovich: there were no more beds in the room. But as the actor notes, everything was chaste: Natasha did not want a close relationship before marriage. Played, flirted, teased?.. But one day Krasko made up his mind: he dialed the Sevastopol phone number of Natasha’s mother to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage. Natalya carefully hid her affair from her relatives. Therefore, the future mother-in-law first tensed when she heard the voice of her daughter’s course leader on the phone, and then simply fell into a stupor. I didn’t know what to say, so I said sternly: “Ivan Ivanovich, I ask you: stop this before it’s too late!” She never came to the wedding.

Ivan Krasko's novel is a real sensation for everyone

They prepared carefully for the Ceremony. But then Natalya suddenly realized that there was not enough romance. Somehow it turned out that Ivan Ivanovich never proposed marriage to her. She immediately reproached him for this. And one day, at the most crowded St. Petersburg metro station, Krasko suddenly got down on one knee, kissed her hand and said: “Madam, be my wife!” And around there is a crowd of people, many are already casting curious glances, turning their heads in search of the camera, and some are pointing with their fingers - they recognized the famous actor... Natasha quickly nodded and drew the groom away from prying eyes.

There seemed to be more journalists and photographers at the wedding than guests. She was too attractive with her piquantness: teacher and student, grandfather and granddaughter. Ivan Ivanovich surprised everyone, including the bride. He appeared not in a purchased suit, but in a ceremonial naval uniform. “So I’ve waited for my Gray...” Natalya probably thought. And she said out loud: “Vanyushka, what kind of uniform is this?!” The groom explained that he wore the same one when he was 23 when he served in the Navy and decided to relive his youth.

Wedding of Ivan Krasko and Natalia Shevel

The actor was very worried and tirelessly hugged and kissed the bride: after all, the wedding night was ahead! However, in a conversation with journalists, Krasko specifically emphasized that there was no sex between him and his bride. Natalya even had to justify herself: “Ivan Ivanovich sometimes gives interviews and doesn’t know what he’s saying. If we talk about physical intimacy, then let's look at it from a philological point of view. What is sex? Sex is a relationship between two sexes. Kissing or touching is already sex. Did Ivan Ivanovich kiss me? Of course he kissed me. So there was sex!”

Honeymoon on stage

The guests, like everyone around them, were divided into two camps. Some looked at the couple with emotion, thinking that all ages are submissive to love. Others condemned: Krasko - for “coveting a young body”, Natalya - for self-interest, love of money and fame. Even before the wedding, the bride changed her last name on social networks from Shevel to Krasko. She repeatedly emphasized that the groom does not have any millions: he gave away all his apartments to his children long ago, and that he is going to build a country house - so he still has to live up to that!

Wedding of Ivan Krasko and Natalya Shevel

Is it true, immediately after the affair with Krasko, Natalya’s acting career took off: There is no end to job offers. The newlyweds even had to cancel their honeymoon: the stage cannot wait.

Recently, the center of discussion on social networks was a selfie posted by Natalya Krasko: in a tight red dress, her rounded belly is clearly visible. There were rumors that the young wife was preparing to give Krasko the daughter he so dreams of - the actor repeatedly stated this in interviews. Natalya, not yet accustomed to being the center of attention, again had to make excuses: they say, the angle is wrong and the style is wrong... What a daughter - she can’t even afford a kitten: she’s busy at the theater, rehearsals, doesn’t have her own home... Well, Why condemn her? After all, that's not why she got married...

Ivan Ivanovich Krasko, through hard work, earned the right to be called People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In recent years, the actor has become the hero of gossip columns; the topic of discussion is his personal life. His marriage to 24-year-old Natalya Shevel caused quite a stir. The difference is exactly 60 years.

A little about life's journey

Let us dwell in more detail on the biography of Ivan Krasko. Born in 1930 in the Leningrad region, the village of Vartemyagi. I had a passion for it since early childhood. He really liked to watch films and then retell the story in vivid colors to his village friends. The dream of becoming an actor was very strong, but Ivan did not tell anyone about it - he was afraid that they would laugh.

However, after school the young man did not dare to follow his dreams, but entered the military “sailor ship”. Until the age of 27, Ivan served in the navy, commanded a ship in the Danube Flotilla, and received the rank of lieutenant.

Krasko leaves the service to devote himself entirely to acting. Realizing that without certain knowledge and skills it is unlikely that he will be able to enter a creative university, Ivan enrolls in a theater studio, where he studies acting for a fairly long period (several years). In 1957, he became a student in the acting course at the Ostrovsky Theater Institute.

Viewers remember him as a talented actor who played many roles in film and theater. For his creative activity in 1992 he received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

He was married four times. The last wife was Natalya Shevel, who was a student of Ivan Ivanovich. This wedding caused a flurry of conflicting reviews among the public, because the artist’s chosen one is 60 years younger than him. Ivan Krasko with his young wife in the photo for a long time haunted journalists who speculated about the upcoming one.

Creative path

After receiving an acting degree, Ivan Krasko had the opportunity to show his acting talent. The first step was the Bolshoi Drama Theater named after Gorky. In this institution, for four years, the actor tried himself in the difficult craft of acting. He explained his dismissal from the fact that here he was in the supporting roles, in the episodes.

After that there was a theater on Liteiny, but even here Krasko did not acquire the desired roles. Only at the Komissarzhevskaya Theater did Ivan get everything he wanted. The actor has been playing on this stage for about 45 years. He was remembered by the audience for the performances “The Prince and the Pauper” and Soothe My Sorrows.”

According to critics, Ivan Ivanovich has his own unique acting style. It is equally organic both in a political parable and in a psychological drama. He also showed himself brilliantly as a comedian. He has a wonderful voice and a unique sense of humor. Each of his roles is precise, plastically structured, laconic and extremely emotional at the same time.

For the first time in cinema, Krasko appeared in the film “Crash” - it was a very small role. For a long time he did not have a brilliant chance to prove himself in the leading role; there were only supporting roles and episodes. Luck smiled on the film “The End of the Taiga Emperor,” where Ivan Ivanovich played his best role. Later he took part in the films “Wheel of Love”, “Calendula Flowers”, “White Weather Vane”, “Red Bees” and others. The actor also took part in the TV series “Deadly Force” and “Streets of Broken Lanterns.”

Ivan Ivanovich enjoys acting in films even when he is no longer young. On the threshold of his 70th birthday, he took part in the film “Hello, Baby.” The artist admits that for him cinema is a new experience, interaction with other partners and, of course, the character of the character that you pass through yourself, charging with new sensations.

Ivan Ivanovich told the public about his creative life in 2009, when his book entitled “My Friend Pyotr Shelokhonov” was published. In it, the artist spoke about his meetings with many actors and about his theatrical work. A year later, another book was released - “Tales. And not only”, where interesting life stories, significant life episodes and meetings were told.

Personal, new marriage, children

The personal life of Ivan Krasko is very diverse. He tied the knot four times. The first wife is Ekaterina Ivanovna Krasko. The actor lived with her for four years, until 1955. The marriage produced a child - daughter Galina.

For the second time, the artist married Kira Petrova. She gave Ivan a daughter, Yulia, and three years later a son, Andrei, was born into the family. Andrey became a famous actor. However, his life was tragically cut short in 2006 on the set of the film “Liquidation.” Andrei's son Jan lives in Poland with his family, they all often come to visit their grandfather.

In 2001, the People's Artist married for the third time, when he had already crossed the 70-year-old mark. Natalya Vyal became the new wife of Ivan Krasko. This marriage brought the spouses a new addition - sons Fyodor and Ivan. Ten years later there was a scandalous divorce. According to news reports, Natalya preferred a young man to an older actor. By the way, the difference between Ivan Krasko and his young wife was about 50 years.

In 2015, the media literally exploded with the news that the 84-year-old artist was marrying his 24-year-old lover. The public reacted to these rumors with bewilderment. However, they soon became a reality: on September 9, the couple got married in St. Petersburg. The public wondered who this girl was - a “naive child” or another calculating “predator?” The girl herself claims that she has no calculations, because Krasko does not have his own home, he left everything to his former wife. Ivan Krasko and his young wife are very happy. Natalya Krasko took her husband’s last name, at least she changed the data on the social network. On Instagram, she periodically publishes poems of her own composition, dedicating them to her beloved husband.

Natalya Krasko and Ivan Krasko are one of the most discussed couples on the pages of gossip columns. Several times the lovers appeared in programs on central television channels, talking about their relationship. Ivan Ivanovich believes that this marriage of his will be very happy. The artist admits that mutual understanding reigns in their family, although from time to time the husband arranges “scenes of jealousy” for his young wife.

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