Seven years of oblivion: how Vasily Stepanov escaped from depression and poverty. Where is Vasily Stepanov now - the latest news from the life of the actor Vasilyev’s creative career

The once popular actor, star of the film “Inhabited Island,” celebrated his 30th birthday in Khrushchev. A dark streak continues in the artist’s life. Stepanov is not even hired by the police.

Actor Vasily Stepanov, who played the main role in Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island,” celebrated his 30th birthday. True, the artist’s anniversary was celebrated not on a grand scale in an expensive restaurant in the capital, but in his parents’ Khrushchev building.

In addition, the actor did not look at all festive. Stepanov met the big date in a dirty T-shirt. There was not even hope for the most modest festive feast. The actor admitted that after filming Bondarchuk’s sensational film, which brought the director almost $28 million in box office receipts, a dark streak came in his life. It is noteworthy that even close relatives did not throw a holiday for Stepanov. Only representatives of the press remembered the once popular artist. And they took him by surprise. When the doorbell of the actor’s apartment rang, Vasily’s father shouted indignantly at him: “Open it yourself, b****!”

Stepanov in the film “Inhabited Island”

Balcony of Vasily’s parents’ apartment, where he lives

Despite the fact that Stepanov’s name was on everyone’s lips, he was unable to find a new winning project. Vasily went to castings for a long time, but kept hearing refusals. In this regard, the actor had problems with money.
“I’ve been to a bunch of auditions, but they don’t take me anywhere. I negotiated with the producers, but in the end everything went quiet. I was offered to star in a video in Germany, but, unfortunately, I didn’t have a foreign passport, and I didn’t have the connections to get one in three days,” said Vasily.
Stepanov admitted that he is now ready to get any job. “I’m looking for any job, I even tried to get a job in the police,” he noted.
Let us remind you that, in addition to the difficult financial situation, Stepanov also has health problems. Last August, he was urgently hospitalized due to a blood clot in his left leg. In the intensive care unit, doctors “caught” the blood clot: this had to be done as quickly as possible so that it did not go to the heart. If the actor had not been taken to the hospital on time, the problem with the blood vessels could have been fatal. In addition, Stepanov’s ex-fiancee Daria Egorova said that Vasya suffered psychological trauma that lasted for several years. According to the girl, he was diagnosed with manic depression.

In the first photo, the late star of the film “The Island” is shown sitting in a chair, and Alexander Todchuk himself cuts his wet dark hair with a serious look. “The hands of a master are making a masterpiece!😀“ - Stepanov commented on the photo. Next, Vasily published a frame where he already demonstrates the result obtained. Todchuk gave the actor a typical male haircut, adding only one playful element - he lifted the hair on the top of his head for volume, laying it to one side. “Sanya, thank you!!!👏🏻😀,” wrote the satisfied actor. In the last photo, Stepanov and Todchuk are photographed standing next to each other.

At the same time, no emotions can be traced on Alexander’s face. But in Vasily’s eyes there is world sadness. This was noted by numerous subscribers of the actor. “Vasily, smile more! You have a beautiful smile!👍🏻😉”, “Vasily, I’m so glad that you came out into the world, began to “come to life”... I’ll be waiting for new works”, “Sweet and sad) .💋👈🏻airy for luck, I don’t believe in it but I really want her to smile at you with all her golden 32, baby.))) Don’t give up, please,” “Sad look!”, “Why so sad? I don’t like the result?”, “What sad eyes,” the actor’s fans came to the unanimous opinion.

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Apparently, Stepanov began to gradually emerge from the protracted depression that overtook him after the success of the film “Inhabited Island,” where he played the main role. So, the artist was involved in the filming of a new film.

Vasily Stepanov. The actor survived, but received serious injuries: a fractured pelvis, right shoulder, both heel bones and numerous bruises. The actor was hospitalized and is now at home.

“The 31-year-old actor Vasily Stepanov, who gained fame after the film “Inhabited Island,” fell from the window of an apartment on Davydkovskaya Street, as a result of which he received numerous fractures,” a source in medical circles told the TASS agency.

In turn, the press service of the Moscow Department of Internal Affairs confirmed the fact that a person fell from a height. Currently, an investigation into the incident is being carried out, based on the results of which a decision will be made.

The victim himself has already stated that the fall was not an accident and no one pushed him.

“Yes, I fell, it was not an accident. And no one pushed me... Now I’m doing well, they put a cast on me and sent me home. It’s just a pity that he let people down with the filming and missed the deadlines,” said Stepanov.

Three years ago it was reported that the actor was in a bad mood due to the fact that he was not invited to play in theaters or offered roles in films. The artist’s ex-girlfriend Daria said that the couple never got married after two years of marriage - Stepanov was waiting for new roles and multimillion-dollar contracts, while Daria agreed to play in episodes just to provide for herself and the groom, NTV reports.

At the same time, information appeared in the media that Stepanov had stopped attending star parties and was in a clinic diagnosed with manic-depressive psychosis, and also had problems with alcohol. He is registered at a clinic where he is being treated for depression.

"Inhabited Island" Photo: Still from the film


Vasily Sergeevich Stepanov was born on January 14, 1986 in Moscow. Vasily comes from a simple family. His mother worked as a salesperson, having previously been an ordinary teacher. My father worked as a policeman.

After school, the future actor entered the College of Physical Culture and Sports. There Stepanov received the specialty of a physical education teacher, despite the fact that he did not have a healthy lifestyle and was an experienced smoker.

While studying at the technical school, the young man attended classes in hand-to-hand combat and even received the title of Master of Sports. But soon he wanted to change his life and move away from sports competitions. That is why Vasily entered law school. Despite his desire to obtain a law degree, Stepanov was unable to constantly take classes and learn complex concepts, terminology, etc. Therefore, after studying for only a short time, Vasily left the educational institution.

One day, a tall - 192 cm - athletic young man was noticed by the creators of a public service advertisement dedicated to contract military service. After this, Vasily began his acting career. He enrolled in acting courses and also applied to several universities, including the B. Shchukin Theater Institute and the Moscow Art Theater School.

He entered the first, and in the second a fateful meeting took place - he was seen by people searching for actors for the film “Inhabited Island,” based on the novel of the same name Strugatsky brothers. Although Vasily Stepanov was just beginning his journey in art, director Fyodor Bondarchuk was impressed by Stepanov.

The choice was approved and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky. The author of the novel, critics, and viewers highly appreciated the picture for its accurately conveyed atmosphere in general and the character and appearance of Maxim Kammerer in particular.

Bondarchuk himself, as well as Alexey Serebryakov, Gosha Kutsenko, Sergey Garmash and other famous representatives of Russian cinema.

Critics had mixed reactions to the appearance of the first part of The Inhabited Island. In general, the film received positive reviews for its special effects, visuals and scale, but many experts reacted negatively to the editing of the film and the performance of the main role by Vasily Stepanov. However, a number of experts said that the actor even surpassed other celebrities who participated in the filming with his acting and professionalism.

After filming, Stepanov decided to devote himself entirely to studying at a theater university. However, he did not leave cinema - during this period he was noted for his participation in the films “The Insured Event”, “The Kiss of Socrates”, “Okolofootball”, the television program “Long time no see!”, and the play “Veronica Decides to Die” based on the novel of the same name by Paulo Coelho.

In addition to working in cinema and theater, he also tried his hand as a television presenter. So, in 2011, Stepanov hosted the TV show “Long time no see” on the TV Center channel. But the actor managed to appear in only a few programs, after which he ended his career as a presenter.

After participating in the film “Inhabited Island,” many social network users began to wonder where Vasily Stepanov disappeared to? In 2014, the actor appeared in the program “We Talk and Show.” It turned out that fate was unkind to Vasily. After participating in the film, the actor suffered a creative and personal crisis.

Stepanov's relatives turned to specialists for medical help. In order to pay for the expensive course of treatment, Stepanov’s family was forced to take out a loan. A blood clot in his left leg almost led to death, and only a timely surgical operation saved Vasily’s life.

At the end of 2016, Vasily began filming. Photos from the filming of the film “Tank Men”, in which the film actor participated, even appeared on Instagram. His relatives and colleagues were already able to notice how inspired Vasily was and strived to realize himself again in cinema.

After the release of the blockbuster “Inhabited Island” in 2009, directed by F. Bondarchuk, it seemed to many that the star of this actor, who shone so brightly in the film, would shine for a long time on his creative path. His piercing blue eyes drove millions of fans crazy; all glossy publications considered it their duty to interview the model-looking young man.

How did it happen that a talented artist, who became a hostage to one role, disappeared from view? In our article we will tell you what really happened to the 30-year-old star of the science fiction film based on the novel by the Strugatsky brothers.

From bartender to artist

Actor Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986. After 9 grades of school, he enters a technical school and receives the specialty of a physical education teacher. Later, the young man studies to become a lawyer, however, he failed to graduate from college, and he leaves his student days to become a bartender.

Interesting fact: Stepanov, who evaded the army, is invited to star in a small advertisement for a contract service, after which he thinks about an acting career. The handsome guy had the right appearance, but routine work as a bartender did not bring the desired income and sense of self-realization. He enters the Shchukin Theater School, where he is noticed and invited to a casting with Bondarchuk, who dreamed of finding, in his words, “the most handsome man.”

The only known project

Beginning actor Vasily Stepanov becomes a real find: his masculine charm and bottomless eyes fit perfectly into the image. This picture remains, unfortunately, the only significant project of the young actor. After “The Inhabited Island,” he starred in several films, but they went unnoticed by audiences and critics.

Escape from popularity

The collapsed popularity negatively affected the artist’s delicate mental organization. Having made a statement that he is leaving the world of acting forever, actor Vasily Stepanov disappears from even his closest friends.

His ex-girlfriend, with whom he was going to tie the knot, said that Vasily went home to his parents to hide from the burden of fame. The increased interest in his person did not please the young man, especially since he could not find a worthy project for himself.

Broken Silence

Two years ago, after forced seclusion, Vasily Stepanov himself truthfully spoke about what happened. The actor decided to break the silence and dispel all the rumors around his name. He admitted that during all this time he did not have a permanent job; he was invited to work as a model in advertising campaigns, but later refused the services, citing the fact that his appearance was “no longer the same.” After the release of two parts of the blockbuster, the most fashionable publications interviewed the actor, but did not even pay him for photo sessions.

He is under terrible pressure from his family because the young man is not earning money. Sitting on the neck of elderly parents is very difficult, but no one needs the previously popular actor Vasily Stepanov. After going through a huge number of castings, he decides to retreat from his dream of realizing himself as a creative person.

Reason for failure

Vasily blames Fyodor Bondarchuk directly for his failures, believing that he is not a director at all, but an ordinary video director. Nevertheless, the careers of other actors who starred with him went uphill.

But the eminent director himself came out with very harsh criticism of Stepanov, admitting that other artists did everything for him. Inspired at first by the young man’s handsome appearance, Bondarchuk became disillusioned with his acting, which drove everyone to a nervous breakdown. Replacing the main actor meant incurring significant financial losses, which the venerable director could not afford. “He played so poorly that we had to edit scenes from different takes,” he said after the release of the second part of the film.

Prolonged depression

Recent photos of the actor, recognized several years ago as a Russian “sex symbol,” amazed everyone. Having crossed the 30-year-old mark, the young man bore little resemblance to the handsome Kammerer. He lives in his parents’ small “Khrushchev”, doesn’t work, doesn’t even have money to celebrate his birthday.

The previously popular actor Vasily Stepanov, whose personal life is still unsettled, is lonely and no longer dreams of continuing his career. And to the psychological trauma was added a health problem: last year the young man almost died due to, as his ex-fiancee admitted, he is in depression, which has lasted for many years.

Vasily Stepanov is an actor who was unable to realize his creative potential. The reclusive life did not give him the reward he received for the blockbuster, but no one offered him a new job. Unfortunately, his life continues...

An incredible handsome man, a blue-eyed brunette with a wonderful physique... Viewers remember him from his role in Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island.” I can’t even believe that such a person could experience problems in his personal life and have an unwillingness to continue this life. Where did depression come from for such a beautiful young and talented man?! The purpose of this article is to try to understand this. And also cover the latest news related to actor Vasily Stepanov. His entire biography should be considered from the very beginning.

Actor Vasily Stepanov was born in 1986. His biography began in Moscow. No one in his family was involved in the art world. My father worked as a policeman, and my mother was a teacher. In addition to Vasily, there was one last child in the family. Vasily was a mediocre student and was often punished for violating school discipline. It was unpleasant news for parents that their son became addicted to smoking in high school.

At one time, Vasily was fond of wrestling. He even became a master of sports in this sport. After finishing the ninth grade, the young man decided to enter the technical school of physical education and sports.

Vasily decided to become a physical education teacher. After graduating from college, Vasily wanted to enter a law school. However, he soon realized that this was not his calling at all.

After this, the young man, in order not to listen to the constant reproaches of his parents, began to look for work. By the way, the situation in their family was always far from peaceful. The boy did not receive enough love and care. By the way, when a correspondent of one of the newspapers came to the home of the already famous actor Vasiliev in order to congratulate him on his big anniversary and interview him, he heard his father swearing on the other side of the door. When the hero of the day opened the door, he was wearing a worn T-shirt. There were clearly no plans to celebrate his birthday at their house. There were no guests, no flowers, no gifts.

Let's return to the actor's biography. The young man, after dropping out of university, began working as a bartender. Then, thanks to his good looks, he was hired to shoot video clips. For example, he campaigned for service in the armed forces of the Russian army, although he had never been there himself.

Many noticed his artistic talent along with his external beauty. Then they began to advise him to go to study at a theater university. Vasily decided to try and applied to the Shchukin School. Imagine his surprise when he was accepted the first time!

Creative career of Vasiliev

Vladimir Poglazov became Vasily Stepanov’s mentor. While studying at Shchepkinsky, Pavel Kaplevich noticed a young man with a Hollywood appearance. He was just looking for a suitable candidate for the role in Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island”. The director of this film liked Vasiliev’s candidacy, and he took him for the role.

For this role, Vasily had to change his hair color using highlights. The director decided that girls liked blondes more.

During the filming of the film, Stepanov had to take academic leave from the university. After returning to study, Vasily’s mentor changed. It was Yu. Ovchinnikov.

The first film with the participation of Vasily Stepanov was released in 2008. The main character of the film, based on the work of the Strugatsky brothers, is an inhabitant of planet Earth in the future tense. He is thrown onto a new planet, where he must fight militant aliens. The latest news of that time called the young actor a sex symbol. A lot of girls went crazy about him. Everyone was waiting for the continuation of his dizzying career. After all, with such an appearance you can go to Hollywood. However, for some reason Vasily chose to leave the big screen. There were many rumors about this.

Stepanov on the set of the film “Inhabited Island”

However, he starred in the sequel to the film “Inhabited Island” in 2009. And also in several other films: “My Boyfriend is an Angel”, “Kiss of Socrates”, “Insured Event”. In 13, the film “Okolofutbola” was released, where Vasily Stepanov plays a small role as an announcer. According to the latest news, the actor is starring in a movie about the war, “Tank Men,” which will be released in 2017. There he plays the cameo role of an officer. Vasily is glad to have at least some offer to act in films. He posts photos in his new look on social networks.

Later, Vasily Stepanov tried to work as a TV presenter. He hosted the show “Long time no see.” In 2009, the actor starred in a photo session with Olga Golovina. The latest news started talking about their romance and their upcoming wedding. However, this did not happen.

There was also an assumption that Vasily Stepanov will star in the domestic version of “Twilight” according to the latest news. But the actor did not confirm this fact.

Still from the film “Insured Event”

In 1111, Vasily Stepanov was invited to the Yuri Vasiliev Theater. There he played in the play “Veronica Decides to Die.” His hero suffers from schizophrenia. Many believe that this role turned out to be prophetic. But more on that later. By the way, the latest news called the actor’s performance of this role very talented.

Personal life

The handsome young man, of course, always had a constant crush on the fair sex. With one of them, Daria Egorova, he spent the most time in his life. This was the most serious relationship. Vasily met Dasha while still studying at a theater university. He liked the girl and they started dating. Soon Daria moved to his home.

And then strange things began to happen. Dasha began to notice with horror the mental problems of her lover. He was at times withdrawn, taciturn, as if he was seriously thinking about something.

Then suddenly he was attacked by attacks of aggression. At night, Dasha woke up from noise. It was Vasily who knocked on the door with his fist. This happened quite often. One day Daria tried to stop him by hanging on his arm. But she shouldn't have done it. The guy hit her, pushed her away and continued to hit the door.

Dasha decided that the unfavorable situation in the apartment was to blame for everything. Once, when Vasily was not at home, Dasha woke up from noise. Someone was walking around the apartment and talking. But when she turned on the light, trembling with fear, she was surprised to see that she was completely alone in the apartment.

When the fee from filming the film ended, they had to leave the dysfunctional apartment; Vasily’s attacks of aggression continued. Dasha put forward the version that he suffers from the bad attitude of his relatives towards him. It's like they're spreading bad rumors about him. The guy was literally shaking as he sat and repeated the hurtful words his parents said to him. In the end, the girl could not stand it and left him. Now she says she has no regrets. But for Vasily it was a real blow below the belt.

Black line

The guy was left alone in terrible mental distress. There was no one to support him, to say a kind word. At work, he also faced complete failures. After the resounding success of the film “Inhabited Island,” there was not a single successful offer. He went to many auditions. But he was not accepted anywhere. Once there was an offer to appear in a video, but for this it was necessary to urgently fly to Germany. And he didn’t have a passport. But there were no connections to get it quickly.

Vasily began to experience material need. He even got a job as a bus cleaner and loader. At that time, health problems began. Doctors diagnosed him with manic depression.

And in 2015, a young man suffered a blood clot. He was lucky that the doctors managed to catch him in time, otherwise death would have been inevitable. Further more. When he and his friends were returning from the store with purchases on New Year's Eve, he suddenly slipped and fell. It turned out that Vasily had a spinal fracture. For a long time he lay motionless in the hospital. Doctors even doubted that he would ever be able to walk.

But everything worked out. Vasily got to his feet and began to walk again. In April a new disaster occurred. The guy's heart sank and he called an ambulance. However, doctors noticed strange changes in the actor’s mental state. As a result, he ended up in a psychiatric hospital with a diagnosis of schizophrenia. Although the latest news allegedly denies that Stepanov is being treated as a psychopath. hospital.

It is difficult to understand the many rumors circulating around the actor's name. Some of them claim that the spinal injury received in December last year was a suicide attempt.

And then in April of this year there was another terrible event. own apartment. Since she is on the fifth floor, there was little hope of finding him alive.

However, again the Providence of God left him alive. The guy just suffered multiple fractures. The latest health news shows that Vasily has been discharged from the hospital and is feeling well.

According to one version, which Vasily himself spreads, he tried to get the cat, but could not resist, slipped and fell out of the window. According to another (which is often mentioned by the media), it was an unsuccessful attempt to commit suicide. Moreover, at that time Vasily was suffering from a severe attack of depression. And after the fall, he underwent treatment in a psychiatric clinic.

But again, this is unconfirmed information. However, the same as those that the guy has a new passion. She regularly visited him in the hospital, bringing him food and clean things. We can only hope that the poor sufferer was finally visited by true love. And that everything in his life will now change for the better. It's time for the black streak to end.

Now he is financially poor. Vasily lives with his parents and younger brother in a two-room apartment.

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