The maximum score for the oge is English. What is the OGE - the rules for passing the exam and the scale of the transfer of points

Points transfer rules

Basic state exam (OGE) - This is the final exam for 9th grade graduates in a secondary school in Russia.

By passing the final exams, the student confirms that he has mastered the program of basic general education.

Certification is required for the transition to grade 10 or admission to colleges and technical schools.

    Graduates of 9 classes are taught in 14 subjects.

    The primary scores for the execution of the examination work of the State Inspection Agency are converted into an assessment on a 5-point scale according to the methodology developed by the FIPI.

    The points obtained for the GIA and recalculated into a five-point system affect the marks in the certificate in the corresponding subject. In the certificate, the average indicator is put between the mark received at the GIA and the annual in the subject. Rounding is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4 and 4.5 to 5.

    Graduates can find out the marks for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results are approved.

Scale of conversion of points for the Russian language
(table of translation of OGE points in 2019)

The maximum number of points in the Russian language that an examinee can receive for completing all examination work, - 39 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the GIA in the Russian language


Grading explanation


GK1. Compliance with spelling norms

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 error was made.

2-3 mistakes made

4 or more mistakes were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation norms

No punctuation errors, or no more than 2 errors

3-4 mistakes made

5 errors or more made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

No grammatical mistakes, or 1 mistake

2 mistakes were made

3 or more mistakes were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes made

5 errors or more made

The scale for the transfer of OGE points in mathematics in 2019

Maximum primary score in mathematics in 2019: 32 points, of them - for the module "Algebra" - 20 points, for the module "Geometry" - 12 points.

The recommended minimum result of the examination work is 8 points, scored in total for completing the tasks of both modules, provided that at least 2 points of them were obtained in the "Geometry" module.

Scale for recalculating the total score for the examination work as a whole into a grade in mathematics

The results of the exam can be used when admitting students to specialized classes for training in educational programs of secondary general education. Indicators, the lower boundaries of which correspond to the following primary scores, can serve as a guideline for selection to profile classes:

    for the natural science profile: 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry;

    for an economic profile: 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry;

    for the physical and mathematical profile: 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.

Biology score conversion scale 2019

Maximum primary score: 46 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Letter of Rosobrnadzor dated February 27, 2019 No. 10-151)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.

GIA points conversion table by geography in 2019

Maximum primary score: 32 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 24 points.

Foreign language scoring scale
(English, German, French, Spanish)

Maximum primary score: 70 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

A scale for recalculating the primary score for the examination work into a mark on a five-point scale

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 56 points.

Informatics and ICT score conversion table

Maximum primary score: 22 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 15 points.

History score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 32 points.

Literature conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 33 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 22 points.

Social Studies Scale Transfer Scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

Physics score conversion table 2019

Maximum primary score: 40 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

(work without a real experiment, demo 1)

Maximum primary score: 34 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 23 points.

The maximum number of points that an OGE participant can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

Chemistry score conversion scale
(working with a real experiment, demo 2)

Maximum primary score: 38 points

(there are no changes in 2019 compared to 2016 - 2018 - Rosobrnadzor No. 10-151 dated February 27, 2019)

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 25 points.

The maximum number of points that an OGE participant can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

The article was written on 12.06.2012, supplemented on 29.09.2012, 28.12.2013, 28.05.2014, 12.09.2014, 28.05.2015, 04.09.2015, 05.05.2017, 09.04.2018, 21.04.2019

Useful links on the topic "Conversion of points GIA table and scale of conversion of points"

The points obtained on the OGE and recalculated into a five-point system affect the marks in the certificate in the corresponding subject. In the certificate, the average indicator is put between the mark received at the OGE and the annual in the subject. Rounding off is done according to the rules of mathematics, that is, 3.5 is rounded to 4, and 4.5 to 5. In addition, the results of the OGE of students can be used for admission to specialized secondary school classes.

Graduates can find out the marks for the exam at their school after the work has been checked and the results are approved.

FIPI draws the attention of teachers and school leaders to the fact that the scales for converting primary points to marks on a five-point scale for the OGE are RECOMMENDED.

Scale for transferring points in RUSSIAN LANGUAGE

Maximum points that an examinee can receive for completing all examination work, - 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

* Criteria and explanation for the assessment of the GIA in the Russian language


Grading explanation


GK1. Compliance with spelling norms

There are no spelling errors, or no more than 1 error was made.

2-3 mistakes made

4 or more mistakes were made

GK2. Compliance with punctuation norms

No punctuation errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes made

5 errors or more made

GK3. Compliance with grammatical norms

There are no grammatical mistakes or 1 mistake was made

2 mistakes were made

3 or more mistakes were made

GK4. Compliance with speech norms

There are no speech errors, or no more than 2 mistakes were made

3-4 mistakes made

5 errors or more made

Scale for transferring points in MATH

Maximum primary score: 32 points ... Of these - for the "Algebra" module - 20 points, for the "Geometry" module - 12 points.

Minimum threshold: 8 points (of which at least 2 points in the "Geometry" module).

Overcoming this minimum result gives the graduate the right to receive, in accordance with the curriculum of the educational institution, a final grade in mathematics (if the study of mathematics was carried out by the graduate as part of an integrated course in mathematics) or in algebra and geometry.

The scale for recalculating the primary score for the implementation of the examination work as a whole into a grade mathematics:

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. Depending on the profile, the selection guidelines may be as follows:

  • for the natural sciences: 18 points(of which at least 6 in geometry);
  • for the economic profile: 18 points(of which at least 5 in real mathematics);
  • for the physical and mathematical profile: 19 points(of which at least 7 in geometry).

PHYSICS score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 40 credits

Minimum threshold: 10 points (increased by 1 point)

30 points.

CHEMISTRY score transfer scale

Scale of recalculation of the primary score for the examination work without a real experiment

Maximum primary score: 34 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 23 points.

Scale of recalculation of the primary score for the examination work with real experiment

Maximum primary score for working with a real experiment : 38 points

Minimum threshold: 9 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 25 points.

BIOLOGY score conversion scale

Maximum primary score: 46 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 33 points.

GEOGRAPHY Scale Conversion Scale

Maximum primary score: 32 points

Minimum threshold: 12 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 24 points.

SOCIETY score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 39 points

Minimum threshold: 15 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 30 points.

HISTORY score transfer scale

Maximum primary score: 44 points

Minimum threshold: 13 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 32 points.

LITERATURE Scale Transfer Scale

Maximum primary score: 29 points

Minimum threshold: 10 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 19 points.

Scale for transferring points for INFORMATICS and ICT

Maximum primary score: 22 points

Minimum threshold: 5 points

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to profile classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 56 points.

Item 5 4 3 2
Russian language *


25-33 15-24 0-14
Maths **


15-21 8-14 0-7


20-30 10-19 0-9
Chemistry ***


18-26 9-17 0-8
Chemistry ****


19-28 9-18 0-8


26-36 13-25 0-12


20-26 12-19 0-11
Social Studies


25-33 15-24 0-14


24-34 13-23 0-12


20-26 12-19 0-11
Informatics and ICT


12-17 5-11 0-4


46-58 29-45 0-28


46-58 29-45 0-28


46-58 29-45 0-28


46-58 29-45 0-28

* Russian language

The mark "4" is given if the student scored from 25 to 33 points, of which at least 4 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, the student scored less than 4 points, the mark "3" is set.

The mark "5" is given if the student scored from 34 to 39 points, of which at least 6 points for literacy (according to the criteria of GK1-GK4). If, according to the criteria of GK1-GK4, the student scored less than 6 points, the mark "4" is set.

** Maths

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 32 points. Of these - for the "Algebra" module - 20 points, for the "Geometry" module - 12 points.

The recommended minimum result of the examination work, testifying to the development of the federal component of the educational standard in the subject area "Mathematics", is 8 points, scored in total for completing both modules, provided that there are at least 2 points in the "Geometry" module.

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. Indicators, examples of the lower limits of which are given below, can serve as a guideline for selection to profile classes:

  • for the natural science profile: 18 points, of which at least 6 in geometry;
  • for an economic profile: 18 points, of which at least 5 in geometry;
  • physical and mathematical profile: 19 points, of which at least 7 in geometry.

*** Chemistry 1

Work without a real experiment.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work (without a real experiment) is 34 points.

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 23 points.

**** Chemistry 2

Working with a real experiment.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work (with a real experiment) is 38 points.

The exam results can be used when admitting students to specialized secondary school classes. A guideline for selection to specialized classes can be an indicator, the lower limit of which corresponds to 25 points.

Impact on the certificate

According to the above criteria for giving marks, the test scores of the OGE can be recalculated according to the standard five-point system. Since 2017, the grades for the OGE do not go directly to the certificate, but they affect him.

After checking the tasks of the OGE in the Russian language, a primary score is given for their completion. You can get from 0 to 39 points for the exam. Each task in the exam is evaluated by a certain number of points: the more difficult the task, the more points you can get for it.

After that, the primary score is converted into an assessment on a five-point scale. Transfer of OGE points carried out using a special scale of points. Below is the scale of translation of OGE points in Russian: primary points and assessment on a five-point scale.

OGE points translation scale: Russian

To enter the profile class, you need to get at least 31 points for the exam. The minimum score in various educational institutions may differ from the indicated one, check the specific value at the educational institution itself.

When determining the assessment according to the primary score, the level of literacy of the student is also taken into account (criteria GK1-GK4):

  • If the examinee scored 25-33 points and is applying for a grade of "4", he must have at least 4 points for literacy, otherwise he will be given a grade of "3";
  • If the examinee has scored 34–39 points and is applying for a grade of "5", he must have at least 6 points for literacy, otherwise he will be given a grade of "4".

At the OGE - 2017 in chemistry, ninth-graders will be offered 22 tasks or 24 tasks (depending on the type of exam), for the solution of each of them you can get from 1 to 5 points. Maximum amount primary points will be 34 (if the OGE is submitted without the experimental part) or 38 (if the experimental tasks are performed). The tables below show the maximum points that can be earned for each assignment.

Table 1. OGE without experimental part

Table 2. OGE with laboratory work

The scores obtained are converted into traditional grades. If a ninth grader receives less than 9 primary points, the OGE in chemistry is considered not passed. There is no need to complete all exam tasks to get an excellent mark.

Table 3. Translation of primary scores of the OGE into grades (OGE without the experimental part)

Table 4. Translation of primary scores of the OGE into grades (OGE with laboratory work)

Do not forget that the conversion scale is changing: in 2016 it was different, in 2018 it will also change slightly (at least due to the change in the test structure and the number of tasks). These figures are valid only for 2017 and only for the OGE in chemistry.

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