French will be time. Times and their use

Time, the clock surrounds us everywhere. After all, time is our life. We constantly ask or say: "What time is it? What time are you coming? At ten I need to be at work. I have no free time. " We look at the clock every time we hurry and be afraid to be late.

The French are subject to exactly the same problems! And today, as you already guessed, our conversation will go about the clock, about time and about everything that is connected with this. How to ask a question about the time how to answer such a question - we will talk about this and many other things in our article.


Let's consider with you how you can answer the question of time in French:

We ask a question about the time in French

QUELLE HEUR EST-IL? - What time is it now?

  • 8.00 - Il Est Huit Heures (Du Matin / Du Soir). - 8 hours (Rivne) (morning / evening).
  • 8.10 - Il Est Huit Heures DIX. - 8 hours 10 minutes.
  • 8.15 - Il Est Huit Heures Quinze. \u003d Il Est Huit Heures et Quart. - 8 hours fifteen minutes \u003d 8 hours with a quarter.
  • 8.30 - Il Est Huit Heures Trente. \u003d Il Est Huit Heures Et Demie. - 8 hours thirty minutes. \u003d Half of the ninth.
  • 8.45 - Il Est Huit Heures Quarante-Cinq. \u003d Il Est Neuf Heures Moins Le Quart (Quinze). - 8 hours forty five minutes. \u003d No fifteen nine.
  • 8.55 - Il Est Neuf Heures Moins Cinq. - Five nine.
  • 12.00 - IL EST MIDI. - noon.
  • 24.00 - IL EST MINUIT. - Midnight.
  • 3.00 - IL EST TROIS HEURES DU MATIN (De L'Après-Midi). - 3 hours at night (day \u003d afternoon).

Now friends, pay attention to the following questions about the time and on possible answers to them in French:

  • QUELLE HEUR EST-IL, S'IL VOUUS PLAîT? - Il Est Neuf Heures Et Demie. - What time will be kind? - Now half the tenth.
  • A QUELLE HEUR REVIENS-TU à La Maison? - Je Reviens à la Maison à cinq heures du soir.- In which you come back to hours? - I return home at five o'clock in the evening.
  • PEUX-TU VENIR Chez Moi Demain à Neuf HEURES? - Non, Je Ne Réussirai Pas, Je Viendrai à Dix Heures Moins Le Quart. - Can you come to me tomorrow at nine hours? "No, I will not have time, I will come without fifteen ten."
  • Vous êtes en retard de dix minutes. - Excusez-Moi, Je Me Suis Réveillé à Huit Heures.- You are late for ten minutes. "Sorry, I woke up at eight hours."
  • A QUELLE HEURE DOIS-JE T'ATTENDRE? - J'Arrive à Six Heures. - In which the hour to wait for you? - I will come at six o'clock.
  • A QUELLE HEURE ARRIVE LE TRAIN? - Le Train Arrive à Sept Heures Et Dix Minutes. - What time arrives in one hour? - The train arrives at seven hours ten minutes.
  • Quelles Sont Tes Heures De Fonctionnement? - What are your work hours?

French time

Please note: UNE HEURE ET demie -hour and a half (hour and a half) BUT! Un demi-Heure - half an hour.

And a few more details ...

Dear readers, we want to draw your attention to some details that show the time in French. The fact is that the French time designation is somewhat different from Russian. Remember the following rules:

  • Question: "What time is it?" In French, you can set in several ways: "QUELLE HEUR EST - IL?" and more polite option "Vous Avez L'Heure S'il Vous Plaît? - Do you have a clock? "
  • In French, the time does not have such a thing as "night", that is, there is a division: morning (with a half hour before noon), noon, after dinner (with an hour and up to six o'clock in the evening), evening (from six hours and to midnight). Accordingly, after specifying the time, you can add expressions "Du Matin - Morning", "De L'Après - Midi - Day", "DU SOIR - Evenings"But this is not a prerequisite.
  • In French up to half (for example, up to 10:30), minutes to the previous hour are added, and after half, take away from the next hour. Note: IL EST DEUX HEURES VINGT (14:20). IL EST TROIS HEURES MOINS VINGT (14:40).
  • Word "MINUTE (S)" Not consumed in French time, but it is meant, so we say: «IL EST.cINQ HEURES UNE "(17:01).
  • Quarter "Le Quart"but correct to say: «IL EST DIX HEURES ET Quart» (10:15) whereas "Il Est Onze Heures Moins Le Quart" (10:45) , that is, when a quarter is added, the expression will be used "ET QUART"and when takes place - "MOINS LE Quart".
What are you doing at different times of the day?

Now dear readers, perhaps you are wondering how in French various types of hours:

  • La Montre - Wristwatches
  • LE SABLIER - Hourglass
  • Les Horlogees Murales - Wall Clock
  • La Montre De Poche - Pocket Watch
  • Le Cadran Solaire - Sunshirt
  • Le Coucou - Cuckoo Clock
  • La Comportoise - Outdoor Watches
  • L'Horlo De Table - Desktop Watches
  • LE CADRAN - Dial
  • Régler L'Horloge / La Montre, etc. - Laying hours

Friends, at the beginning of the study of French, beginners may experience difficulties with how to correctly answer questions about time, but in fact, it is not at all difficult.

The main thing is to carefully examine the rules and loud time in French, substituting different numbers. The question is to shit everything well. Good luck to you!

Good afternoon friends! Today I, together with the French language teacher, Catherine, tell you about times in French.

The French are very similar on the mentality on Russian people, but their language is radically different from our. The only thing is that different sources are still arguing about the number of times in French speaks of the versatility and the unusualness of this language.

Sometimes you can hear that the French are used for twenty-five times. But it is not necessary to be afraid, it is absolutely not true and if you consider it in this way, then in Russian you can detect a couple of dozen times. Times in French is actually? Let's count together.

It was, there will be

By and large, we can allocate three main time: the present, which has passed and the future. Just like in our speech, right? But think, we use not only the usual past, but also divide it to the perfect and imperfect.
In French, it is very similar: in each temporary segment there are units that indicate whether the action has been completed to a certain point. Thus, two of these are distinguished:

  1. présent is the usual present.
  2. présent Progressif - Present continued

(It is extremely rare, usually replaced by simple). To compile offer, use in the present time, en TRAIN DE and infinitive. Therefore, there is no need to separately consider its education.

Six past:

  1. Passé Simple - past completed.
  2. Imparfait - past incomplete.
  3. Passé Composé is a complicated past.
  4. Plus-Que-Parfait is a complicated expressive completed action (never used in oral speech).
  5. Passé Antérieur - the completed past, assisted by another past
  6. Passé Immédiat is the nearest past. We get it using Venir in the present DE and infinitive, therefore, the Tables are not taken out.

and three future:

  1. Futur Simple is a simple future.
  2. Futur Antérieur is a composite future.
  3. Futur Immédiat (Futur Proche) - the closest future is formed using Aller in the present and infinitive, therefore, separately in the table is not taken out.

As can be seen from the names, each temporary direction (Les Temps des Verbes) has one simple temporal shape and one or more composite. They also add the past time to the past time, and it turns out to be nine main times.
Yes, it is theoretically, it is possible to increase this figure if you add imperative and subjunctive inclination and personal forms, for example, gerundium. But in Russian, English we do not mix the concepts of temporary objudation words-actions and the rest of their changes. Therefore, and here it is not worth doing.

Although the French call these abscess difficult times, they can also be simple and consisting of two words.
It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that for the French matters whether the action was completed at a certain point in time and is it possible now or earlier to take advantage of the results. Based on this, remember the rules of use of times are very simple.

And one more point, which will facilitate understanding of viewed forms: In simple Les Temps, the main verb varies, and in the composite - auxiliary verb, which shows that the action is completed. Assistants in grammar not much, they are simply taught by heart and so remember seven times at once.
It is easiest to understand the principle of hiding, having studied the table:

In it, you can see the sacrament (on top of the right) and eight simple viewing forms of verb - to have, which is just one of the auxiliary. Below are two more inclination.
I hope I helped you figure out the types of sudium in French. Exercises and training will help you correctly change words in accordance with the meaning of your statement.

Together with his features, skype lessons will help you quickly and for a long time. Choose a convenient course for you and forward, conquer the most romantic language in the world!

Subscribe to blog news and I will tell you a lot of interesting things about languages. Also you will receive as a gift, completely free, an excellent basic phrasebook in three languages, English, German and French. His main plus is that there is Russian transcription, therefore, even not knowing the language, you can easily master the spoken phrases.

I had me, Catherine, French teacher, I wish you a good day!

Do not forget to captivate and your friends, study foreign more interesting together.

For the designation of time, Francophones use a bunch of different prepositions, and sometimes they do without them. With the designation of time in the clock, it is used à, with the day of day, DANS (DANS LA NUIT) can be used or any preposition (Le Matin, LE SOIR). The same with the days of the week. Sometimes a certain article appears in front of them, which is "each" or "according to (Wednesdays)". With months, EN or AU MOIS DE + month is used. With all the time of the year, EN (en Hiver, En Été) is used with the exception of the Spring Au Printemps. Years require EN. Sometimes articles can be added: EN L'AN 2000.

A QUELLE HEURE ARRIVE LA TANTE? - A MIDI. - In which aunt comes to a tete? - At noon.

Je Vais Au Travail à Sept Heures Et Demie. - I go to work in half the eighth.

MON FILS EST VENU à La Maison Tard Dans La Nuit. "My son came home late at night."

Unbeu Matin J'ai EU Une IDée Brillante. - One beautiful morning / one beautiful morning I had a brilliant thought.

Le Matin Tout Le Monde Va à Ses Affaires. - In the morning everyone goes on their affairs.

CE SOIR ON VA PROJETER UN BEAU FILM à La Télé. - Tonight on TV will show an excellent film.

J'ai Des Cours Lundi, Mercredi et Vendredi. - I have lectures on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Le Dimanche Je Vais Me Promener Avec Ma Famille. - On Sundays, I go to walk with my family.

En Janvier Commencent Les Vacances d'Hiver. - In January, winter holidays begins.

Au Mois De Février on Célèbre La Journée Du Défenseur de la Patrie. - In February (month), celebrate the day of the defender of the Motherland.

Les Étudiants ONT DEUX SESSIONS D'Examens Par An en hiver et en été. - Students have two exam sessions per year: in winter and summer.

L'Année Scolaire Commence EN Automne. - The academic year begins in the fall ..

Au Printemps Toute La Nature Change Sous Les Rayons Tièdes Du Soleil La Neige Disparaît, De Petits Ruisseaux Coulet Gaiement Le Long Des Chemins. - In the spring, all nature changes under the warm rays of the Sun: the snow disappears, small streams flow along the roads.

The combination of "this year", "this week", "last year", "last week" and others generally ignore the prepositions.

CETTE ANNÉE NOUUS NE SOMMES ALLÉS NULLE PART. "This year we did not go anywhere."

L'Année Passée J'ai Beaucoup Travaillé. - Last year I worked a lot.

La Semaine Suivante Une Délégation De Spécialistes Français Visitera Notre Fonderie. - Next week our foundry will be attended by a delegation of French specialists.

In the meaning of "through" in the time sense, the preposition of DANS is used, and in the value "for" - the preposition en. The value "on (some time)" expresses Pour. The pretext of Depuis has two values: 1) from some moment and 2) for some period.

DANS TROIS JOURS NOTRE CONGÉ FINIRA ET NOUUS AURONS À REVENIR. - Three days, our vacation will end, and we will have to come back.

Je Lirai Ce Manuel En Six Jours. - I read this tutorial in six days.

In any country, you may need time information. How long does the store work? When should I be written out of the hotel? For what time did the flight suffered?

We offer you a French phrasebook with the topic "Time and weather".

Sorry please, what time is it?

Excusez-Moi, Quelle Heure EST-IL?

exception "-Mou, Caeller these"

3 hours.

IL EST 3 Heures.

il e

5 o'clock.

IL EST 5 Heures.

il E SNK Ear

8 ocloc'k.

IL EST 8 Heures.

il E Yu Tver

half of the tenth (nine thirty).

Il Est 9 Heures ET Demie (9 Heures 30).

il e not ver (not version "NT)

a quarter of the tenth (9 hours 15 minutes).

Il Est 9 Heures et Quart (9 Heures 15).

il u is not ver of ka "p (not verkalz)

within ten (minutes) ten (nine fifty).

IL EST 10 Heures Moins 10 (9 Heures 50).

il E DI ZER MUEN DI "C (not verses Sanka" NT)

a quarter to ten (nine forty five).

IL EST 10 Heures Moins Le Quart (9 Heures 45).

il E DI ZER MUEN LE KA "P (not verker" NT SNK)

quarter of an hour

le Quart D "Heure

le Car Dur

one minute

une Minute.

yun Minut

half an hour

la Demi-Heure

la Dmi Er

Adcharations of time in French. All numbers in French can be found on the link.



sE TO "



sE TA "R



ye "R.


Aujourd "Hui.

ozhore-di "




Day after tomorrow



Day before yesterday



Prepositions of the time in French.

before, before, before


ava "N.

after, by, then, then



then, then


puy "

Weather and Seasons in French

In addition, you may be interested in the weather. In France, it is indicated by the following words.

good weather

il Fait Beau.

il FE B.


il Fait Frid.

il Frua "


il Fait Chaud.

il PE sho "


il Neige

il naz

it's raining

il Pleut.

ile Pret


il Gele.

il Zhel.


D Fait du Vent

il FE du Va "n

sunny day

il Fait du Soleil

il Fa du Sole "th

In French winter - HIVER.

Spring in french - printemps.

Summer in french - été.

Autumn in French - Automne.

And now - a small video with popular phrases about the weather.

In French there are 8 times. Consider them in order from the most consumed to least important.

Le Prèsent et le Futur de L'Indicatif. Present and future time of expressing inclination.

Prèsent and Futur- two major time of spoken speech; Présent is used when it comes to events occurring at the time of speech, and Futur to tell about the events that will happen later.

Je Mange Des Crevettes Et Je Les Aime. I eat shrimp, and I love them. Je Mangerai Demain Au Restaurant. Tomorrow I will eat in the restaurant.

When is the présent de l'indicatif?

- To express the action that occurs when it is said or written:

Le Frid Sèvit Du Nord Au Sud Dela France.Holod is rampant throughout France

Tu Me Fais de La Peine. You make Me Feel sad.

- to express a repeating action

Le Bureau Ferme à dix-sept heures. The office closes at 17 o'clock.

To designate long situations or actions.

Il Devient Dur d'Oreille. He hears worse.

- To express the concepts that are out of time.

Un Home Averti En Vaut Deux. For the broken two unbounds give.

When is FUTUR used?

- To designate actions that will be sure to happen in the future.

Le Marriage Aura Lieu en Juin. The wedding will take place in June.

Gràce à Cette Glacière, Vos Boissons Resteront Fraîches. Thanks to the refrigerator, your drinks will remain cool.

- To express orders.

TU M'ATTENDRAS à la porte. You will wait for me at the entrance.

- To express the assumption.

QUI A RENVERSÉ LES POTS DE FLEURS? CE Sera Sans Doute Le Vent. Who overthrew the flower pots? Probably this wind.

L'Imparfait et Le Passé Simple de L'Indicatif. The incomplete and completed times of expressing inclusion.

The past time expresses duration and incompleteness in the past.

When is IMPARFAIT used?

- to designate unfinished action in the past:

Elle Craignait Les Araignées. She was afraid of spiders.

- In the stories:

Alorrs, Quand Le Vin Remplissait Les Verres, Les Têtes S'échauffaient et Commencaient Les Récits de Chasses Extraordinaires. And so, when glasses were filled and ignited minds, stories began about extraordinary incidents on the hunt.

- to designate the usual repetitive action in the past:

LE DIMANCHE, ILS ALLAIENT À LA PêCHE. On Sundays, they went fishing.

Il Lisait Son Journal Dans Le Train, Sur Le Trajet du Retour. He read his newspaper on the train on the way back.

- To designate the action, simultaneously with another action in the past:

Je Pensais Justement à Eux Quand Ils Sont Arrivés. I just thought about them when they arrived.

Elle Mettait La Clé Dans La Serrure Au Moment Oû L'Orage Éclatait. She inserted the key into the castle when the thunderstorm broke out.

- to designate the action that almost happened:

Un PEU Plus, Tu Manquais Ton Train! A little more and you would be late for the train!

On Allait Connaître Le Nom De L'Assassin Quand L'Image Vacilla, PUIS L'Écran Devint Noir. When the name of the killer has become almost known, the screen flashed, and the image disappeared.

When is Passé Simple?

Passe Simple is a time characteristic of writing:

Indicates the action completed at a certain moment of last:

Nous Arrivàmes Au Sommet un PEU Avant Huit Heures. We have reached a vertex of about eight hours;

- describes an event in the historical or literary text:

On Sonna Le Tocsin, La Foule Assiégea La Maison Du Gouverneur. Nabat sounded, the crowd rushed to the house of the governor.

Impairfait and Passé Simple are times for narration. Passé Simple is most often used in the novels: it is using this time that the events are described. L'Imparfait is given a secondary place: they are resorted to the description of the circumstances, against the background of which proceeds.

Le Passé Composé Et Le Plus-Que-Parfait de L'Indicatif. The past composite and long-lasting time of expressive inclination.

The last composite time is used to express actions or events that are main in the statement. A long-lasting time is used to indicate the action or state preceding another action or state in the past.

When is Passé Composé?

- To designate the action completed by the time of speech.

Le Gouvernement A RemBoursé L'Emprunt Obligatoire. The government has extinguished the loan.

- For the story of the past events.

Devine Qui J'ai Rencontré! Guess who I met!

When is PLUS-QUE-PARFAIT consumed?

Plus-Que-Parfait denotes the action preceding to another past, expressed in Passé Simple, Passé Composé or Impairfait.

Elle Revint S'Installer Dans La Ville Oû Elle Avait Passé Son Enfance. She returned to stay in the city where he had a childhood.

Il A Été Premier Minister Mais Il Avait Été Minister Des Finances Auparavant. He became the prime minister, although it was the Minister of Finance.

C'ÉTAIT UN DÉTAIL QUI AVAIT Retenu Mon Attention. It was a detail that attracted my attention.

Le Passé Antérieur et Le Futur Antérior de L'Indicatif. The preceding and previous future of the expressive inclination.


Futur Antérieur is used in oral and writing speech to designate the action that will be held in the future at the specified time: TU AURAS CHANGÉ D'AVIS AVANT DEMAIN. Even before tomorrow you will change your opinion;

Or to refer to the future action preceding to another future action: Quand Tu Viendras No Voir, La Neige Aura Fondu. When you visit us, the snow is already melted.

When is Passé Antérieur?

- Passé Antérieur, like Passé Simple, is most often used in writing.

- In an independent sentence, it expresses the completed effect relating to the past.

ILS Erent Installé Les Tribunes Pour Le Jour De La Fête. For the holiday, they equipped the stands.

- In the complex sentence, Passé Antérieur expresses the action preceding the other past action expressed by Passé Simple.

Lorsque J'eus Achevé Ce Voyage, Jenmentrepris de Rédiger Mes Mémoires. Having finished the journey, I sat down to write memoirs.

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