Why the Uniform Fighters of the NKVD became leather jackets. Children's shape of the executioner of the NKVD KGB clothing

Organs and internal troops of the NKVD 1935-1937.

Let me remind you that the internal troops over the years have undergone numerous reorganization, renaming, etc.

With the creation immediately after the October coup of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was immediately created as one of the Thirteen People's Commissariats People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Republic (NKVD).

Then he became called the NKVD RSFSR.

Then, as the union republics, the NKVD of the Union republics were added in parallel and NKVD.

Only in 1934, a single allied drug addict of the internal affairs of the USSR was formed.

So, 06/10/1934 The People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD) was formed, which included the former troops of the NEP-GPU-OGPU.

Outfitting of the NKVD officers, border and internal security servicemen remains the same (taken back in 1924): a shirt or a shirt-french colors khaki , blue harees, colored Caps , Cavalry chinel.

This introduced a certain confusion and confusion, and therefore by the Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Prize DSP / 95 of September 10, 1935, all organizations, institutions and persons were Absolutely forbidden wearing shape and signs of differences similar to RKKKA (With the exception of military personnel of the formations of the border and internal protection of the NKVD, compiled by call).

Let me remind you that at this time a very peculiar period of life of the Soviet state begins and the role of the NKVD in the life of the country is significantly increasing.

Note Veremeeva Yu.G. The winged phrase "revolution always devours of their children." The usual stage in the process of revolutionary change of power of any sense (whether the bourgeois, democratic, socialist or Nazi revolution) in any country - those who together stood at the head of the revolutionary forces in the initial period, are beginning to share power now and each of them believes that The head of the country should now stand it. The acute political struggle begins, in which any ways of extrusion, isolation, elimination or destruction (including physical) rivals are in power are started. In addition, in the country, at such a period, quite a lot of those who considered themselves offended posts, and its revolutionary merit is not assessed. Of these, the opposition head shouts are drawn, while the power of the right to suppress the opposition is used by the rule of law ( police , militia, gendarmerie, state security agencies, SS, etc.). Naturally, this unit is endowed in such a period of special authority.

And they will be in power not Stalin, but Kirov, Trotsky, Bukharin or someone else, nothing would happen otherwise. This is the dialectic of any revolution. So it was both in the bourgeois revolution of the middle of the 17th century in England, so it was both during the revolutions of the end of the 18th century in France, so it was after the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933. In today's Russia, this stage is still ahead.

Most of those who are scolded by the HCH-GPU-NKVD, consider and try to convince all that the actions of the staff of these bodies in the thirties were a manifestation of personal malice, personal negative qualities, or that church - the desire of the "authorities" at the head of the state, to Under the party (so claimed by N.S. Khrushchev).

However, in reality "organs" were just a tool for the internecine struggle of the tops of the party and state leadership. For example, an ax may also be in the hands of a carpenter and in the hands of a killer. But the ax - he is an ax, he remains just a tool in all cases.

People's Commissar of God felt the "taste of power" and, apparently, decided to allocate his employees with new uniforms and differences signs. The NKVD leadership immediately developed rapid activities about the introduction of new uniforms. People's Commissar in letters I.V. Stalina put forward a lot of uniform projects and signs of differences.

October 4, 1935 Politburo approved projects of new uniforms. The form for organs and the Troops of the NKVD was decided to make a uniform, and not so diverse as a berry offered.

11/27/1935 Order No. 399 for the NKVD troops were announced dress and insignia Personal composition of internal security.

Due to the low features of the sewing industry, the country was impossible in a short time to move into a new uniformity of all employees of units, organs and parts of the NKVD troops. Therefore, it was noted that the Politburo decision of 29.11.1935) was allowed to land until October 1, 1937 before the expiration socks With new signs of differences and loovers, uniforms of the old sample: - shirt with edging, respectively, assigned rank; - cloak without edging; - Shinel without edging.

The timing of the transition to the wearing of new signs of differences and loovers was determined: for natching the organs and troops - as the special and military ranks are assigned, and for an ordinary and junior natch service of the NKVD troops - from 1.III.1936.

Outfitting by order No. 399 of 11/27/1935.

a) the main headdress of organs and the troops of the NKVD was cap RKKA sample 1935. The cap sewed from the woolen fabric of traditional for the NKVD colors: - Tula of the corpuscular color and the cracker - for the internal troops; At the top of the incolment and Tuli on all types of caps, raspberry kant were stacked. The cap had a little advanced the black Fiber varnished visor, over two small uniform buttons attached the same lacquered the black Sliding picking belt . Higher, Senior and Medium NachsOther Wear a cap all year round, and Private And the younger notice - only in Summer time. Summerly out of installation, with a white form of clothing, it could wear a white cap with a white tissue visor and a selection belt.

b) For wearing in the field, a wool was installed for wearing the land parts of the NKVD troops Pill colors khaki . NKVD troops were assigned wool Pill Dark blue, which was rushing along with a cap with a dark blue fries or a shirt. An ordinary composition All kinds of troops wore a cotton cap color khaki When walking out clothes. In the seams of the cap and sides of all the pilots of the Nachsostav, raspberry kants were sewn, and a closed five-pointed star from the instrument cloth with a diameter of 3 cm was seamed on the front seam.

c) for NKVD military servicemen undergoing service in areas with a hot climate, cotton has been introduced helmet colors khaki With a five-pointed star from dashboard with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

d) as a winter head remove introduced

* Naturally: The hat-of gray or brown fur, with the top (cap) of dark gray wool fabric - was worn only at coat with a fastened fur collar.

Crap - for internal security and air services;

Light green - for border guard.

On the loudshair of caps and on top of the cloth stars on the helmets there was a red enamel five-pointed redarmeysk star of the established sample, a diameter of 3.4 cm with gilded exterior edges and a sickle and a hammer in her center. On the pilot on the orders, only the drone stars were worn.

Instead of accepted in the Red Army, overcoat for the room (except the younger) organs and the troops of the NKVD, a two-breasted coat-raincoat was introduced as the outerwear. raglan "From dark gray woolen fabric, on 4 large shaped buttons, with a postponed collar. In Winter Time K. coat A fur lining and collar on the color of fur hatched shapes was spurred. The collar of the coat of the highest natch of the NKVD troops edged with raspberry cloth.

Note: In addition to the upper clothes, installed orders, the room was allowed to wear out of the circuit, coat and jackets made of black or dark brown, with signs of differences and without them.

The form of clothing of the internal troops of the NKVD was the following items:

a) for middle, senior and higher room:

Sukonnaya gymnaste dark protective color with two breastpid pockets;

Sukonny dark blue balls with raspberry cats;

For the room installed army equipment A single sample of brown leather with white metal fittings. For carrying weapons on the waist belt On the right side was put on holster . With a tuber was a suspended holster attached by trainers to the belt belt. An ordinary composition and the younger room wore belt belt brown or natural color, with a metallic one-shock buckle.

For the ballovostav, the controls and institutions of the NKVD troops with pants of the Breezha type were worn leggings With chrome shoes from black or dark brown leather, or black chrome Boots , for the committees of building parts and schools - black chromium or yalovye Boots , and out of order - Boots with kragami. With pants at an outline (out of order), the whole nachdow wore chrome Boots or Low shoes From black or brown skin. An ordinary composition and the younger room was assigned to wearing talny boots with windings or yalov boot black color.

But all the rest who served in the "bodies" (state security, militia, firefighters, various kinds of business students) were assigned special titles - with the prefix "State Security", "Militia", "Internal Service". For example - lieutenant state security captain Police, Major internal service .

Special titles to military titles are not equal at all. And although many of them wear an army uniform, in fact, neither to the army, nor to the troops of the NKVD ( MVD. ) There are no relations. Let's say, the current Minister of the Interior of Nurgaliyev goes in the form of the army general, although neither in the army, nor in the internal troops serves.

For example, a person served in the army, quit the rank of "Efreitor", after that he went to work in MVD. in administrative and economic bodies. He was assigned a special title, he works many years, gets promotion and eventually dismissed in the special rank of "Colonel of the Internal Service".

So, upon arrival in the Railoenkomat for Military registration, it will be recorded as an efreitor, and not as a colonel, since his military (military) title Efreitor . A special title for the military registration and enlistment office does not matter.

Another example. The officer served under the contract, quit from the army, enters the police (police). In the police, he unconditionally in the order of retests is assigned a special title of militia ( Police ), corresponding to his military rank (i.e. confirm).

But on the contrary it will not work.

Military titles for the military personnel of the internal protection of the NKVD of the USSR (internal troops) were introduced by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars No. 2250 dated October 7, 1935 and declared by order of the People's Commissar of the Interior No. 319 of October 10, 1935.

Command structure: Military rank Private The composition of the Red Archanger junior command and the boss separated commander Junior Comvisavoda Stornish Candidate of the title Middle Command Lieutenant Senior lieutenant Senior teamwork Captain Major Colonel Supreme Command Combrig Committee Commkor

Military political composition: Military rank Middle Military Political Composition Politroh Senior Military Political Composition Senior PolitroCK Battalion Commissioner Regiment Commissioner Supreme Military Political Companies Brigadier Commissioner Division Commissioner Corrugated Commissioner

Military and administrative composition:

Military rank Middle Military and Administrative Commercial Effect 2 Rank Technician-Intens ADTRANT 1 rank Senior Military Economic and Administrative Comparisons Intensified 3 rank intenntener 2 rank intensified 1 rank Higher Military Economic and Administrative Station Briginendant Divintrendant

Military-technical composition: Military rank Middle Military Technical Station Central Equipment 2nd Rank 1 Rank Senior Military Technical Station Miliferger 3 Rank Milnagerger 2 Rank Milnagerger 1 Rank Higher Military Technical Composition

Military medical

Military rank Middle Military Medical Composition Voalfeldsher Senior Voalfeldsher Senior Military Medical Composition Mervach 3 Rank Voi Mervach 2 Rank Voil Mood 1 Rank Higher Military Medical Composition Brigalch Wristvra

Military veterinary composition: Military rank Middle Military Veterinary Store Voilvetheldsher Senior ValveTeldsher Senior Military Veterinary Status Military Warterwriter 3 Rank Warterwitch 2 Rank Warterwriter 1 Rank Higher Naval Veterinary Store Briggvetwatr

Military Legal: Military rank Middle Military Legal Junior Divorrice Migrator Senior Military Legal Jurist 3 rank warrior 2 rank warrior 1 rank Higher Military Legal Bigvoenurer Diviewyurist

Signs of differences in the military ranks served as the stars of various colors in the buttercasters and twisted signs.

Let's start with twisted signs.

In the picture: From left to right: the violating signs of the Middle Komostava, the Senior Commendent, the highest commercial, military-political composition.

The middle command composition was carried on both sleeves over a grind (above the cuff) two or three so-called. "truncated triangle" embroidered with red silk thread depending on the title.

The senior team composition was wary on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a silver edging number in the rank (how many stars in the butters, so much on the sleeves).

The highest command composition was wary on both sleeves over a walker (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a golden edging number in rank (how many stars in the loops, so much on the sleeves) ..

The military-political composition on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff) wore one star regardless of the title. These stars were completely similar to the stars of the polit RKKKA . Red star with golden sickle and hammer inside it.

Military and administrative, military-technical, military medical, military-veterinary and the military-legal composition did not have vague signs.

The main means of distinguishing the ranks of the internal troops (internal protection) of the NKVD were Petters .

4 - Saranameman.

"Candidate of the title" - it was an intermediate stage between the junior and middle team.

This title existed in the internal troops of the NKVD very long. Already in April, the 37th order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 169 dated 21.04.1937, it was abolished as unnecessary.

3 - Polyruk (on the sleeve of a political worker star),

4 -Technics-intenntener 2 rank,

5 -Anchnik-intenntener 1 rank,

6 - Inheritant 2 rank,

7 -Wener equipment 1 rank,

8 -Onevfeldsher 2 rank,

9 -Onefeldsher 1 rank.

It should be noted that if the doctors wore their emblems, which were defined back in 1922 and did not change by 1935, the emblems of veterinarians and technicians here are shown here in 1936. There is no complete clarity, which emblems the bunch of 1935 in the looping of 1935, and wore them in general. It should also be noted that until July 1940, the military-political composition in the buttercups did not wear any emblems at all. As in the NKVD, and in the Red Army, they allocated themselves with commissars on the sleeves.

* Senior team and the reigning composition wore silver lumets and metallic silver sprockets with a diameter of 13 mm.

2 -Myor,

3 -captain,

4 -Polkom Commissioner,

5 - Ballen Commissioner,

6 - Star Politruk,

7 -intendant 1 rank,

8 -intendant 2 rank,

9 -intendant 3 rank,

10 - chairsman 1 rank,

11 - Replacementer 2 rank,

12 - Replacementer 2 rank,

13 - Inventory 1 rank,

14 -Newwite 2 rank,

15 - Inventory 3 rank.

Note. Persons who have higher education and entering military service in the RKKA or the internal troops of the NKVD as a boss (but only the superior!) Composition immediately receive the title of senior boss, bypassing all the downstream titles. Those. Yunosha, who finished the medical institute, immediately receives the title of militaryormality 3 rank, the young man, who finished the technical university - a militarinener 3 rank. Graduate of the Institute of National Economy - Intensudent 3 rank.

* The highest team and the commanding composition wore golden lumens and metal golden stars with a diameter of 13 mm in the buttercups.

The highest title in the internal troops of the NKVD was established "Commander of the 2nd Rank". However, it was never assigned to anyone and remained purely nominal.

In the figure, the signs of the distinction of the commander of the 2nd rank.

1 -comcor,

2 -Comdiv,

3 -combrig,

4 - Cupid Commissioner,

5 -Divizional commissioner,

6 - Britie Commissioner,

7 -Divintendant,

8 -briginendant,

9 -Divinener

10 -briginener,

11 -Divorch

12 -Bigrigvetvrach.

These signs differences existed in the internal security very long - from October 1935 to July 1937. Many military servicemen did not have time to even wear them, because the differences were not simultaneously on new signs, but as the ranks assign. And it was not a mechanical process. Each military personality is a question of assigning a particular title individually in the order of certification. And the younger room at all moved to new signs of differences only in March 1936.

At the same time, I considered it necessary to describe these signs in detail in detail, so that the reader did not get into a dead end, seeing a photo with strange, very rarely encountered butters. With the same purpose, as well as for the reader to see the differences in signs, in the applications I give signs the differences in the personnel of the NKVD bodies and the GULD NKVD

Internal troops of the NKVD 1937-1942

It must be pre-reminded that the internal troops of the NKVD by 1937 were represented.

In 1937, the General Directorate of Border and Internal Protection (NKVD HPVD) was renamed the General Directorate of the Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR.

On February 2, 1939, the USSR SNK adopted a resolution "On the reorganization of border and internal troops", in accordance with which the General Directorate of the Border and Internal Troops of the NKVD of the USSR is divided into six major controls:

Main Department of the Border Troops of the NKVD of the USSR;

Head of the Troops of the NKVD of the USSR on the protection of railway structures;

The main management of the Troops of the NKVD of the USSR on the protection of particularly important industrial enterprises;

Main Management of the Konvoy Troops of the NKVD of the USSR;

The main management of the military supply of the NKVD of the USSR;

The main military-building department of the NKVD of the USSR.

November 20, 1939 Order of the NKVD of the USSR introduced "Regulations on the convoy of the NKVD of the USSR". They performed the conjunction of persons held in custody, carried out external protection of individual prisons. In this position, the tasks for military time associated with the conventionation and protection of prisoners of war were envisaged.

It should notice that the convoy troops carried out their functions in the way with the militarized protection of the Gulag (VCR GULAG NKVD). Some places of conclusion were protected by the fighters of the convoy parts, other WCS.

Below will deal with the form of clothing and signs of differences:

Troops of the NKVD SSR for the protection of particularly important industrial enterprises,

NKVD troops on the protection of railway structures,

Konvoy troops NKVD.

In addition, before the start and in the first weeks of the war, several Rifle divisions of the NKVD internal troops were formed, whose states, the armament were hardly different from RKKA rifle divisions. These divisions took part in the battles on the front on a par with the RKKA divisions.

Yesterday's combrigs in the order of retests were assigned depending on the post or The title of Colonel or Major General. However, this process was delayed and at the time of the beginning of the war in the NKVD troops there were still several combries that were still one rhombus in the butter.

In relation to the brigade commissioners, the then head of the main political management of the Red Army achieved a decision, in accordance with which the title "Brigadier Commissioner" was no longer assigned, but the originated teams kept their rank and signs of differences before the next title (Division Commissioner) assigning them. Thus, some brigadier commissars wore their rank up to the complete cancellation of the rank of political workers in autumn 1942.

In accordance with the changes in the titles are introduced new insignia . The highest command formulation of the NKVD troops (as in the Red Army), the shape of the loop now becomes the same that on the sheel, that on France and the gymnaster. Crap-colored butterfly field, metal or embroidered asteris. On the top edge of the loop, the commander's golden gown is 3 mm wide. The emblems in the petters did not have the generals of the NKVD troops.

Hanging similar to Chevrones of the RKKA generals. and major general and lieutenant general are the same Chevrons .

The rest of the highest supervisory composition has no changes in the signs of differences in comparison with 1937. They continued to wear their diamonds in the ledges of the former shape.

Signs of distinction of the Middle and Senior Command Makeup of the NKVD troops from July 1940g:

For the newly introduced title " Efreitor "The difference is familiar with a horizontal strip of red on a red looper of 1 cm wide, on a gymnaste 5 mm. The same strip on the buttercups other than the triangles and all other faces of the younger team and the superior composition.

Signs of differences and titles of an ordinary and junior command and superior composition:

1 . Krasnoamec. Infantry troops NKVD.

2 . Address. Infantry troops NKVD.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War in August 1941 (Order of the NKO USSR No. 253 from 1.8.1941) In the current army, field buttercups were introduced without kant and without halids. Triangles, cubes, sleepers also purchased green color. However, in parts that do not relate to the current army were preserved insignia .

Thus, in the NKVD troops on the field marks, differences actually moved only in the Rifle divisions of the NKVD troops, fought at the front on a par with the RKKE divisions.

Distinguish the soldier of the Roshkov Division of the NKVD from the RKKK military serviceman when wearing those and other identical field signs of differences cannot be at all.

Ships Command Makeup:

1 -The turnover (rifle units of the NKVD)),

2 - Vodkovnik (cavalry parts of the NKVD),

3 -Myor (armored parts of the NKVD),

4 -Kapitan (cavalry parts of the NKVD).

5 -star lieutenant (armored parts of the NKVD).

6 - Pilaterenant (cavalry of the NKVD).

8 - Lowned lieutenant (Rifle units of the NKVD).

Note. The same epaulets were also carried in the NKVD bodies (state security officers, internal service officers). But there the epaulets were worn without any emblems. But in the BB of the NKVD, the emblems were mandatory.

Ships superior composition (examples):

1 -ingerer-colonel,

2 - Pilate pen of the intenntenant service,

3 - Pilant of medical service.

The officers of the veterinary service emblem silver.

By the way, in 1943 there are Galuns of the officer's challenge with different drawings of weave. Obviously, the pursuit of the pursuit of the tsarist army was taken as the basis (in which there were over 20 different Galun drawings), various factories produced a galun with different drawings, walked the process of searching for a single figure of Galun, which ended only by 1955.

I would like to draw the attention of uniform lovers for another two not very noticeable, but very significant details.

The first is the location of the stars on the shoulder of the Colonel and Lieutenant Colonel. Stars are located not on the lumen, but shifted to the edge of the pursuit. Approximately so worn stars on the pursuit of the royal army, having them on the sides of the encryption. But the point is that in the royal army, all the stars were the same size -11 mm (1/4 of the top), and they were perfectly placed between the lumen and the edge of the pursuit. And the stars of the sample of 1943, the senior officers in size were significantly more -20 mm, and when placed between the lumen and the edge of the pursuit, the sharp ends of the stars often went over the edge of the pursuit and clung to anything - for example, for the lining of the cooler.

These stars will shumely shumely only in about 1947. Apparently, the displacement of the stars on the lumens was first in many ways spontaneous, and was subsequently standardized.

And the second - emblems up to the beginning of the sixties were made from brass and, accordingly, either golden or silver. Since the beginning of the sixties, they began to make it from a white metal, which is anodized to give a golden color (if necessary).

All straps were mounted on an outfit using a longitudinal loop, brought from the reverse side of the pursuit. These epaulets were designed to wear on everyday and frontal shapes of clothing.

Ships generals of internal troops.

Unlike the army, the generals in the internal troops were a bit. During the Great Patriotic War, even the commander of the internal troops of the NKVD did not rise in the ranks higher than the "Major General":

A.I. Gulev (1941-1942)

I.S. Schereg (1942-1944).

And only A.N. Aapollons, who commanded explosives in 1944-1946, was accustomed to the title of "Colonel-General".

Ships GB generals differed from army generals only by the color of the edging of the pursuit (cornflower color), adopted at the time in the internal troops.

Shores are known only everyday. There are no information about field straps for generals of internal troops.

In the picture on the left:

1 . There Major internal troops.

2 . The average lieutenant of the internal troops.

3 . The average colonel of the internal troops.

In subsequent years, the shape and signs of the difference in the internal troops were more and more approaching the army.

In 1955, the soldiers and sergeants of the Soviet Army, the soldiers and sergeants of the Soviet Army, leave the soldiers and sergeants and the pursuit of soldiers and sergeants.

In 1970, with the introduction of a new form in the Soviet Army, a similar is accepted for internal troops. Vasil color finally and completely leaves with objects of form and signs of distinction of explosives. It remains the basic color of the KGB servicemen. This department already at the beginning of the fifties is fully separated from MVD. And it becomes completely independent.

From this time, it is possible to distinguish an explosion officer from the army only on the crap color of the lumen on the chains, and the same grinding color of the loover, Kants on the outfit, and the soldiers and sergeants on the crap color shoulder column and the letters of explosives on the pursuit.

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Leather jacket and cloak - the same cultural symbol of fighters of the state security authorities of the post-revolutionary period, like Nagan and mass executions. Is the leather jacket really official clothes and was it only in the NKVD they wore? Apparently, everything was not quite as it seems first.

Surely when pronuncified by the fighter (or better executioner) of the NKVD, before the eyes of most modern people, a man appears with a gangster in a cap and a leather jacket or a raincoat. It is clear that leather clothes were a certain uniform. It is known that leather jackets were already in Tsarist Russia, where they were mainly used by drivers and air force. It is known that in October 1917, Chekists destroyed all the owners of leather jackets. And then they cut their families to the seventh knee.

The form of military personnel of the Russian imperial army without signs of difference

Okay, jokes to the side. First about clothes. If we say quite briefly, after the revolution over the form of military personnel and fighters of state security bodies, no one bothered. For example, for the army, the uniforms began to be developed only on May 7, 1918 after the order number 326. At the same time, on September 30, 1918, the order of 929 was allowed to wear the form of military imperial army without signs of differences.

In the years of the Civil War, there were no special uniforms in the HCC that (including) is explained by the tasks and realities in which the state security staff had to work. When parts of the Red Army arrived at the disposal of the PK, they simply retained their shape. After its abolition and the creation of the GPU under the NKVD of the RSFSR, the form was very modest: a dark blue gymnaster without edging and a cap. Clothing was installed by order of the GPU number 280 d d dated November 3, 1922.

At the official level, no leather speech jackets did not go. Seriously engaged in the form of troops and NKVD bodies only in 1935. And even then in orders (number 396 in GUGB, number 399 according to the first day of December 27, 1935) there is no leather clothing at the official level. However, it was not forbidden, referring to the category of "non-stop permitted".

Fashionable, stylish, revolutionary

The leather jacket in the post-revolutionary Russia gained great popularity since 1919. They wore it not only in the HCC. Leather jackets wore the RKKK team, as well as employees of the party apparatus. Obviously, the post-revolutionary Russia in the first years has not had the opportunities (including industrial) and time to supply leather jackets on the flow and put in them all the fighters of the TCC. People just "mad" what remains with royal times.

Why did you wear jackets? This is a good question. Partly because why in the United States we wore coats and felt hats. It was fashionable. Much more important that leather clothing is very practical, comfortable, and most importantly, in it do not come true. Finally, leather jackets and raincoats were rare, and therefore represented a certain value, moreover, worked by a "formal uniform" allowing immediately determine the personality of a person to a certain organization. But, even at the same time, you should not forget that the state security officer determined first not clothes, but the signs of differences on it.

I want to know even more interesting about equipment and outfit? Then here, there is such as they are so good.

Part 2.
Organs and internal troops of the NKVD 1935-1937.

Let me remind you that the internal troops over the years have undergone numerous reorganization, renaming, etc.

With the creation immediately after the October coup of 1917, the Council of People's Commissars (SNK) was immediately created as one of the Thirteen People's Commissariats People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the Russian Republic (NKVD).

Then he became called the NKVD RSFSR.

Then, as the union republics, the NKVD of the Union republics were added in parallel and NKVD.

Only in 1934, a single allied drug addict of the internal affairs of the USSR was formed.

So, 06/10/1934 The People's Commissariat of the Internal Affairs of the USSR (NKVD) was formed, which included the former troops of the NEP-GPU-OGPU.

Outfitting employees of the NKVD authorities, border and internal security servicemen remained the same (taken back in 1924): shirt or shirt-french khaki color, blue sharovar, colored caps, cavalry sinel.

Signs of differences in positions (red enamel rhoms, rectangles, squares and triangles) were placed on the buttercups: the grinding with the raspberry edges - for the organs and the troops of the NKVD and the Green - for border guard.

A similar form was worn by employees of other structures included in the NKVD system:
- the main department of correctional labor camps of labor settlements and places of detention (gulag),
- the main department of fire protection (GUPO),
- Administrative and economic management (AhU) and its divisions.

From the author. In that period of the life of the Soviet state, a kind of fashion was formed on wearing military or half-form. All executives, starting from Stalin, wore a semi-long french, foam-"Stalinka", boots. Remember, for example, the film "Volga-Volga".
In addition, many agencies acquired their own uniforms and signs of differences - the police, firefighters, Osoaviahim (predecessor of the DOSAAF), in particular, trade marine and river fleet, civil aviation and even employees of urban electric transport. All these uniforms in one degree or another were based on the Red Army Uniform.

This introduced a certain confusion and confusion, and therefore by the Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) Prize DSP / 95 of September 10, 1935, all organizations, institutions and persons were absolutely forbiddenwe carry out the shape and signs of the difference similar from the Red Army (with the exception of military personnel of the formations of the border and internal protection of the NKVD, compiled by call).

Let me remind you that at this time a very peculiar period of life of the Soviet state begins and the role of the NKVD in the life of the country is significantly increasing.

Note Veremeeva Yu.G. The winged phrase "revolution always devours of their children." The usual stage in the process of revolutionary change of power of any sense (whether the bourgeois, democratic, socialist or Nazi revolution) in any country - those who together stood at the head of the revolutionary forces in the initial period, are beginning to share power now and each of them believes that The head of the country should now stand it. The acute political struggle begins, in which any ways of extrusion, isolation, elimination or destruction (including physical) rivals are in power are started. In addition, in the country, at such a period, quite a lot of those who considered themselves offended posts, and its revolutionary merit is not assessed. Of these, the sovereign heads of the opposition head, while the power of the Opposition turned out to suppress the opposition to use the rule of law (police, police, gendarmerie, state security agencies, SS, etc.). Naturally, this unit is endowed in such a period of special authority.

And they will be in power not Stalin, but Kirov, Trotsky, Bukharin or someone else, nothing would happen otherwise. This is the dialectic of any revolution. So it was both in the bourgeois revolution of the middle of the 17th century in England, so it was both during the revolutions of the end of the 18th century in France, so it was after the arrival of the Nazis to power in 1933. In today's Russia, this stage is still ahead.

Most of those who are scolded by the HCH-GPU-NKVD, consider and try to convince all that the actions of the staff of these bodies in the thirties were a manifestation of personal malice, personal negative qualities, or that church - the desire of the "authorities" at the head of the state, to Under the party (so claimed by N.S. Khrushchev).
However, in reality "organs" were just a tool for the internecine struggle of the tops of the party and state leadership. For example, an ax may also be in the hands of a carpenter and in the hands of a killer. But the ax - he is an ax, he remains just a tool in all cases.

People's Commissar of God felt the "taste of power" and, apparently, decided to allocate his employees with new uniforms and differences signs. The NKVD leadership immediately developed rapid activities about the introduction of new uniforms. People's Commissar in letters I.V. Stalina put forward a lot of uniform projects and signs of differences.

October 4, 1935 Politburo approved projects of new uniforms. The form for organs and the Troops of the NKVD was decided to make a uniform, and not so diverse as a berry offered.

11/27/1935 Order No. 399 for the NKVD troops announced a new form of clothing and signs of differences in the personnel of internal protection.

Due to the low features of the sewing industry, the country was impossible in a short time to move into a new uniformity of all employees of units, organs and parts of the NKVD troops. Therefore, it was not allowed to put one-time socks with new signs to the expiration of socks with new signs to the expiration of socks with new differences and ledgers to 1.10.1935) (Politburo's decision of November 29, 1935) was allowed to keep socks with new signs with new samples: - shirt with edging, respectively, assigned rank; - Cloak without edging; - Shinel without edging.

The timing of the transition to the wearing of new signs of differences and loovers was determined: for natching the organs and troops - as the special and military ranks are assigned, and for an ordinary and junior natch service of the NKVD troops - from 1.III.1936.

Outfit By order No. 399 of 11/27/1935.

1. Headwear:
a) The main headdress of the organs and troops of the NKVD was the booster of the Red Army of 1935. The cap seated from the woolen fabric of traditional for the NKVD colors: - Tula of the corpuscular color and the crap - for the internal troops; At the top of the incolment and Tuli on all types of caps, raspberry kant were stacked. The cap had a slightly advanced black fiber lacquered visor, over two small shaped buttons attached the same lacquered black sliding selection belt. The highest, the eldest and middle natch service wore a cap all year round, and a private and junior notable - only in the summer. Summerly out of installation, with a white form of clothing, it could wear a white cap with a white tissue visor and a selection belt.
b) Woolen khaki color was installed for wearing in the field to wear the land parts of the NKVD troops. The Troops of the NKVD troops were assigned a woolen pylon of dark blue, which was rumped along with a cap with a dark blue fries or a shirt. The ordinary composition of all kinds of troops wore a cotton cap color of the khaki when walking out clothes. In the seams of the cap and sides of all the pilots of the Nachsostav, raspberry kants were sewn, and a closed five-pointed star from the instrument cloth with a diameter of 3 cm was seamed on the front seam.
c) For military personnel of the NKVD troops, undergoing service in areas with a hot climate, a cotton chak color helmet with a five-pointed star from dashboard with a diameter of 7.5 cm is introduced.
d) as a winter head remove introduced
* Noblovayu: The hat-shape made of gray or brown fur, with top (cap) from a dark gray wool fabric - washed only with a coat with a fastened fur collar.
* Private Makeup: Winter helmet - "Budenovka" from a dark gray semigrupt cloth with a five-pointed star from instrument cloth with a diameter of 8 cm in front of the cap.

- crap - for internal security and air services;
- Light green - for border guard.

On the loudshair of caps and on top of the cloth stars on the helmets there was a red enamel five-pointed redarmeysk star of the established sample, a diameter of 3.4 cm with gilded exterior edges and a sickle and a hammer in her center. On the pilot on the orders, only the drone stars were worn.

2. Outerwear.

Instead of accepted in the Red Army, the NKVD bodies (except) of the NKVD organs and troops were introduced as the outerwear, a double-breasted coat "Raglan" from dark gray wool tissue, on 4 large shaped buttons, with a postponed collar. In winter, a fur lining and a collar on the collar of fur hatched shapes was spurred to the coat. The collar of the coat of the highest natch of the NKVD troops edged with raspberry cloth.

Note: In addition to the upper clothes, installed orders, the room was allowed to wear out of the circuit, coat and jackets made of black or dark brown, with signs of differences and without them.

In the photo: Left Major NKVD troops in a coat-raincar with a fur collar and hat-fincke. Difference signs are located on the sleeve. On the right colonel of the NKVD troops in the coat. (reconstruction).

For uniforms of the natch, metal buttons of a special species without a side, with a convex image of a direct five-pointed star with a sickle and hammer, diameter: small-17 mm and large-28 mm; For the highest room, golden; For senior and medium - silver; For the upper clothes of the entire room, oxided, dark gray. Often, ordinary army buttons were also used. Buttons of an ordinary and younger room - an existing Red Army sample, black

An ordinary composition, as well as the younger team and the superior composition, was left the former single-breasted sample sample of the RKKE from the semi-pipe gray-cooler cloth, with a hook clasp.

3. Form of clothing.

The form of clothing of the internal troops of the NKVD was the following items:
a) for middle, senior and higher room:
- a cloth gymnaster of dark protective color with two breastpid patch;
-Conneous dark blue balls with raspberry kants;
- Summer gymnaster made of light cotton fabric protective color with two breast paddling pockets;
- Summer sharovars made of light cotton fabric protective color, without kant;
b) for the younger room and ordinary composition:
-Gimnaster of light cotton tissue protective color with two breast padding pockets;
-Sames of light cotton fabric protective color, without kant;

4. Equipment.

For the room, an army equipment of a single sample from brown leather with white metal fittings has been installed. For carrying weapons on the belt belt on the right side, holster was put on. With a tuber, a suspended holster was rushed, attached by trainers to the belt belt. The ordinary composition and the younger room wore a belt belt brown or natural, with a metal one-shock buckle.

In the drawings: on the left Captain of the internal troops of the NKVD, on the right of the Red Armyman of the NKVD internal troops.

For the room service and institutions of the NKVD troops with bried troops, crags with chrome shoes made of black or dark brown leather, or black chrome boots, for the Komostava building parts and schools - black chromium or talny boots, and out of installation - Crague boots . With pants at an outline (out of construction), the entire notable wore chrome shoes or low shoes from black or brown skin. An ordinary composition and the youngest room was assigned to wearing a yoke shoe with windings or a cathot of black.

From the author. We would like to once again emphasize that this article describes the form of clothing and signs of differences only by the internal troops of the NKVD, which are not related to the protection of the prison (GULAG), or the relationship of the relations of the relationship. The main tasks of the internal troops were the protection of important government facilities and the military support of the internal integrity and security of the state. Of course, since the internal troops belonged to the NKVD system, their form and signs of differences were very similar to the form and signs of the differences in other NKVD structures.
Similar, but no more.
In addition, the rankings of the internal troops almost coincided with the titles adopted in the Red Army, while the titles in the state security, the protection of places of detention and the police differed quite significantly.

Signs of differences in the internal troops of the NKVD.

On March 1, 1936, the signs of the differences of a completely new sample were introduced, sharply different from previously existing, as well as the signs of the difference in the Red Army. And no longer according to positions, but for personal titles.

They existed relatively long - from 1.III.1936 to 1937, so little-known.

Signs of differences were a combination of petrolery signs of distinction and disturbing stars.

From the author. In the Soviet state of the star as the main signs, the differences first appeared in the NKVD (on the petters) signs of the same difference in the military ranks of the Red Army at that time there were geometric shapes - "Roma", "sleepers", "Kubari", "triangles". We will see the stars in the Red Army, and then only on the lets of the top command of the Red Army with the introduction of general ranks in 1940. And only in 43 they will appear on the epaunts of Officers of the Red Army.

I would like to remind you that at the time in the internal troops (as in the Red Army), the command and the commanding staff shared on:
1. Command structure,
2. The Starting Composition:
a) - military-political composition,
b) - Military and administrative composition
c) - Military-technical composition
d) - military medical composition,
e) - military-veterinary composition,
e) - Military legal composition.

Once again from the author. Inside the NKVD system, several ranks existed in parallel:
* Scale titles internal troops NKVD,
* Saving officers of state security staff
* Militia rank scale,
* scale signs of difference in employee positions and conclusion locations,
* Scale of the ranks of fire security staff.

And the signs differences were often very similar, differing only by the color of the loop and the signs of difference. At the black and white photos of that time, it is sometimes impossible to determine who this is a soldier, an employee of GB or Police organs.

On the picture on the right (reconstruction) colonel of the internal troops of the NKVD. Note that three stars in the loovers, but without golden triangles in the lower part of the looper also wore the captain of the state security. However, it does not follow that Captain GB is equal to the colonel of explosives. Too different these scales even by the number of ranks.

First, let's deal with the difference between special and militarytitles.

So, "employees" referred to persons with special titles, "servicemen" - Having military ranks.

Think about the name. What is an "employee" (the concept of the concept is an employee) and how does it differ from the serviceman?
Employee This is a person who comes on his own request to work in any institution, including the NKVD bodies, and in its own desire is fired. It applies to the provisions of the Code of Labor Laws, but does not apply to the provisions of military legislation.
Serviceman, Whatever he did not enter the military service (by call or voluntarily), it is obliged to serve the period established by law on the positions and in areas where he was sent. Refuse to fulfill the duties and quit at wisdom it is not right. Its service is regulated exclusively by military legislation.

Here is this principal difference and imposes a certain imprint on the performance of official duties.

The internal troops of the NKVD is a purely military organization (just military units can be said, only subordinates not to the addict of defense, but the addict of internal affairs), while the NKVD authorities are a semi-visa organization. Discipline, the execution and order in the military organization is many times higher than in the semi-industrial. In the internal troops serve, and in the organs work.

In the NKVD system of that time (and now in the Ministry of Internal Affairs) there were both military and special titles.

Everyone who served in the internal troops was considered and considered to be military personnel and have army military ranks. When dismissing from the service, they are taking into account in the Rivot Committee on a par with army soldiers and their titles are taken into account as well as the title of military personnel of MO.

But all the rest who served in the "bodies" (state security, militia, firefighters, various kinds of business students) were assigned special titles - with the prefix "State Security", "Militia", "Internal Service". For example - Lieutenant of the State Security, Captain of Militia, Major of the Inner Service.

Special titles to military titles are not equal at all. And although many of them wear an army uniform, in fact, none of the army, nor to the troops of the NKVD (MIA) have nothing to do. Let's say, the current Minister of the Interior of Nurgaliyev goes in the form of the army general, although neither in the army, nor in the internal troops serves.

For example, a person served in the army, fired to the reserve in the rank of "Efreitor", after that he went to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the administrative and economic bodies. He was assigned a special title, he works many years, gets promotion and eventually dismissed in the special rank of "Colonel of the Internal Service".
So, upon arrival in Railoenkomat, it will be recorded as a corporal record for military registration, and not as a colonel, since his military (military) rank of the corporal. A special title for the military registration and enlistment office does not matter.

Another example. The officer served under the contract, quit from the army, enters the police (police). In the police, he unconditionally in the order of retests assign a special title of police (police), corresponding to his military rank (i.e. confirm).
But on the contrary it will not work.
Suppose that the lieutenant from the explosives quit from the troops, went to work in the police, served before the police major and then decided to return again to the internal troops. He can be taken to serve only lieutenant.

So since Peter I in the Russian state, military ranks are dominant.

Military titles for the military personnel of the internal protection of the NKVD of the USSR (internal troops) were introduced by the Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars No. 2250 dated October 7, 1935 and declared by order of the People's Commissar of the Interior No. 319 of October 10, 1935.

Command structure:

Military rank
An ordinary composition Krasnoarmets
Junior Command and Study Composition Separated commander
Junior Comvisavoda
Candidate for the title
Middle team composition Lieutenant
Senior lieutenant
Senior teamwork Captain
Supreme Command Team Combrig

Military political composition:

Military and administrative composition:

Military rank
Middle Military and Administrative Composition Independent 2 rank
Intension technician 1 rank
Senior Military and Administrative Composition Intendant 3 rank
Intendant 2 rank
Intendant 1 rank
Higher Military and Administrative Composition Brigintandant

Military-technical composition:

Military rank
Middle Military Composition Voinchnik 2 rank
Voinchnik 1 rank
Senior Military Composition Milifornizer 3 rank
Milifornizer 2 rank
Milnagerger 1 rank
Higher Military Brigineger

Military medical composition:

Military veterinary composition:

Military Legal:

Military rank
Middle Military Legal Junior warrior
Senior Military Legal Moorrister 3 rank
Vagerur 2 rank
Vagerur 1 rank
Higher Military Legal Brigvoienuristic

Signs of differences in the military ranks served as the stars of various colors in the buttercasters and twisted signs.

Let's start with twisted signs.

In the picture: From left to right: the violating signs of the Middle Komostava, the Senior Commendent, the highest commercial, military-political composition.

The middle command composition was carried on both sleeves over a grind (above the cuff) two or three so-called. "truncated triangle" embroidered with red silk thread depending on the title.

The senior team composition was wary on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a silver edging number in the rank (how many stars in the butters, so much on the sleeves).

The highest command composition was wary on both sleeves over a walker (over the cuff), red stars embroidered with red silk with a golden edging number in rank (how many stars in the loops, so much on the sleeves) ..

The military-political composition on both sleeves over the overall (over the cuff) wore one star regardless of the title. These stars were completely similar to the stars of the RKKA politzostav, i.e. Red star with golden sickle and hammer inside it.

Military and administrative, military-technical, military medical, military-veterinary and the military-legal composition did not have vague signs.

The main means of distinguishing the ranks of the internal troops (internal protection) of the NKVD were the loovers.

The LETERS OBR.1935 was a closure valves in the form of a parallelogram, 10 cm long and 3.3 cm wide.
The colors of the loop remained traditional - the crap. The buttercups were trimmed with a raspberry edge of 0.25 cm wide.

Along the middle part of the field on the buttercups, a longitudinal strip was laid (lumen) from a scent cord with a width of 0.3-0.35 cm:
- Golden color - for the highest room;
- silver color - for senior and middle room;
- Raspberry - for an ordinary and younger room.

At the front of the neo-soldered edge of the loovers were housed:
* Command composition equilateral triangles (side 3 cm): Golden (Galuine or Metal)
* Military and administrative composition of dark blue (tissue or metal enameled)

On the pettics of the military-political, military medical, military-veterinary, military-technical and military-legal composition of the Troops of the NKVD of the USSR, the wearing triangles was not established.

The head of the composition (military-technical, military medical, military-veterinary, military-legal) specialized services of the NKVD troops at the edged edge of the looped, according to the specialty, was emblems from white or yellow metal, which were located as from the RKKK specialists .. And before the introduction In 1936, the Emblems of the Red Army of the Red Army of the Red Army (Order No. 33 Order No. 33 of 10.3.1936) were used. 1922 (Order of RVSR No. 322 from 31.1. 1922).

In the picture on the left:
1-major internal troops,
2-rank 2-intensity,
3-chairline 2 rank,
4-battalion commissar (on the sleeve of a political worker star),
5-march 2 rank,
6-period of 2 rank.

Signs Differences on the titles:

* Private and junior team and the commanding composition - metal red enamel squares with silver-planted sides, who had shape of Chevron. The squares were placed on the lets in one row on the longitudinal strip of the vertex to the uncompressed end of the loop. The top of the inner angle of the first square was located at a distance of 4 cm from the edged end of the loop, the distance between the squares of 0.3 cm. The squares had a height of 2.6 cm, the width of the side sections of 0.7 cm. The side length was 1.6 cm, and the width of the plane Enamel 0.4 cm. Red Army wore clean buttercups with a longitudinal strip, without signs of difference.

Neither the emblems nor the signs of the insignia of the team and military-economic composition of the Red Army and the younger commanders in the loovers did not wear.

2 junior comvorvda,
3-separated commander
4-Red Army.

"Candidate of the title" - it was an intermediate stage between the junior and middle team.

This title existed in the internal troops of the NKVD very not for long. Already in April, the 37th order of the NKVD of the USSR No. 169 dated 21.04.1937, it was abolished as unnecessary.

In the picture on the left: signs of the difference in the candidate for the title.

From the author. Actually, any title should relate to a certain position or a group of approximately equal posts and a normal practice when a soldier who has a certain title is raised in office, and then, making sure that he is able to execute new responsibilities for itself, assign another rank. And the titress of a candidate for the title (which in itself is tautology) means that a person is no longer a foreman, but not an officer (I will allow myself for simplicity to express a modern concept for simplicity). And what to do if we decided that the candidate is not enough to assign an officer's title. The senior is simply - returned to the Starshin position and that's it. And what about the candidate? His title is above Starshinsky, but he cannot be an officer.
Obviously, this duality of the situation and prompted the authorities to abandon this title.

* The middle team and the commanding composition - wearing metal red enamel so-called. "Truncated
triangles "with silver-standing sides.

2-senior lieutenant
3-political officer (on the sleeve of a political worker star),
4-technician-intenntener 2 rank,
5-chart-internal internal rank,
6-centuries 2 rank,
7-period of grade 1,
8-paramedle holder 2 rank,
9-Voorfeldsher 1 rank.

It should be noted that if the doctors wore their emblems, which were defined back in 1922 and did not change by 1935, the emblems of veterinarians and technicians here are shown here in 1936. There is no complete clarity, which emblems the bunch of 1935 in the looping of 1935, and wore them in general. It should also be noted that until July 1940, the military-political composition in the buttercups did not wear any emblems at all. As in the NKVD, and in the Red Army, they allocated themselves with commissars on the sleeves.

* Senior team and the reigning composition wore silver lumets and metallic silver sprockets with a diameter of 13 mm.

1 - Colonel,
4-Regiment Commissioner,
5-battalion commissar,
6-senior political
7-rank 7-intensity,
8-intensified 2 rank,
9-intennant 3 rank,
10- Miliferger 1 rank,
11-chairline 2 rank,
12-chairline 2 rank,
13-Voigar 1 rank,
14-warwater 2 rank,
15-crowders 3 rank.

Note. Persons who have higher education and entering military service in the RKKA or the internal troops of the NKVD as a boss (but only the superior!) Composition immediately receive the title of senior boss, bypassing all the downstream titles. Those. Yunosha, who finished the medical institute, immediately receives the title of militaryormality 3 rank, the young man, who finished the technical university - a militarinener 3 rank. Graduate of the Institute of National Economy - Intensudent 3 rank.

* The highest team and the commanding composition wore golden lumens and metal golden stars with a diameter of 13 mm in the buttercups.

The highest title in the internal troops of the NKVD was established "Commander of the 2nd Rank". However, it was never assigned to anyone and remained purely nominal. In the picture on the right signs of the distinguisure of the commander of the 2nd rank.

4-corpped commissioner,
5-Division Commissioner,
6-brigad commissar,

I repeat that these signs differences existed in the internal security very long - from October 1935 to July 1937. Many military servicemen did not have time to even wear them, because the differences were not simultaneously on new signs, but as the ranks assign. And it was not a mechanical process. Each military personality is a question of assigning a particular title individually in the order of certification. And the younger room at all moved to new signs of differences only in March 1936.

At the same time, I considered it necessary to describe these signs in detail in detail, so that the reader did not get into a dead end, seeing a photo with strange, very rarely encountered butters. With the same purpose, as well as for the reader to see the differences in signs, in the applications I give signs the differences in the personnel of the NKVD bodies and the GULD NKVD

Sources and literature

1. Magazine "Tseykhgauz" No. 1 - 1991.
2. Materials of the Central Museum of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR
3. M.I.Sheterbak. "Your military form." The main politicization of explosives. Moscow.1986.
4. J.ruttkiewicz, W.N.Kulikow. Wojska NKWD 1917-1945, Barwa I Broh, Lampart, Warszawa 1998.
5. V.Voronov, A. Shishkin "NKVD of the USSR: Structure, Managing Composition, Clothing Form, Signs Differences 1934-1937" - Moscow. LLC Publishing House "Russian Intellite". 2005
6.L.Tokar. History of the Russian uniform costume. Soviet militia 1918-1991. Exclusive. St. Petersburg. 1995

Valentin Voronov

After the formation of 10.VI.1934 of the People's Commissariat of the USSR, employees of state security bodies, border and internal security servicemen, an uniform was preserved, taken in the OGPU: a shirt or shirt-french khaki color, blue harees, colored caps, cavalry sinel.

Such a form was worn by the Employees of the "Skystsky" structures of the NKVD - the General Directorate of Correlation and Labor Camps of Works and Places of Conclusion (Gulag), the General Directorate of Fire Protection (GUPO), administrative and economic management units (AhU). Signs of differences (red enamel rhombus, rectangles, squares and triangles) were placed on the buttons: grip - for organs and troops OGPU and GREEN - for border guard.

Decree of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPP (6) PZZ / 95 No. 95 from 10.IX.1935 all organizations, institutions and persons, with the exception of the border and internal protection of the NKVD, completed by call, was categorically prohibited by wearing the shape and signs of differences similar from the Red Army. The leadership of the NKVD immediately entered

active correspondence from the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and the Council of People's Commissar on the introduction of new uniforms. In letters to the secretaries of the Central Committee of P.V. Stalin and L.M. Kaganovich, the Russian Federation and his first deputy Ya.S. Agranov put forward a lot of uniform projects and differences signs. Agranov insisted, in particular, on the need to introduce a single system of signs of differences in organs and troops, motivating that all the structures of the People's Commissariat are designed to solve similar tasks. The official form of them saw in the form of a traditional colored cap, a dark blue open peeper with overhead pockets (by the type of open franch of the RPC Air Force), the same color of the pants. In summer, it was assumed to carry such a white outfit set with a white cap. Protective shirt and dark blue breeches were assumed to wear only in the field. For the border and internal security, the introduction of a form to similar uniforms of the Red Army, with the exception of the caps and the signs of difference, was proposed.

Ultimately, 4.x.1935 Politburo approved projects. The dark blue color of the outfit, as the main, the leaders were not taken, the form for organs and the troops was decided to do uniformly. In December, the parties came to agreement and 27.xii.1935 orders of the NKVD of the USSR No. 396 (according to GUGB) and No. 399 (according to NKVD troops) announced a new form of clothing and signs of differences in the personal composition of the GOGB, border and internal security. Due to the inability in a short time to move into a new uniform of employees of all numerous units of the organs and parts of the NKVD troops, the NKBB employment, border and internal security, according to the decision of the Politburo from 29.xi, was allowed to 1.x.1937 to keep with new differences signs and the lets the following objects of uniforms of the old sample: a shirt with edging, respectively, assigned rank; raincoat, without edging; Shinel, without edging.

The timing of the transition to the wearing of new signs of differences and loovers was determined: for the naughty authorities and troops - as they assign special and military ranks, and for ordinary and ml. Nachsostava NKVD troops - C L.III.1936.

1. Headwear

a) The main headdress of the organs and troops of the NKVD was a sample hack for the Red Army in 1935. The cap was fed from woolen fabric traditional for the deplating unit: a Tula of a corpuscle color and a crapped necklace - for GUGB and internal security; Light green Tula with a dark blue gearbox - for border guard. At the top of the incolment and Tuli on all types of caps, raspberry kant were stacked. A little extended black fiber varnished visor, over two small uniform buttons, the same lacquered black sliding selection belt was attached.

The highest, senior and medium-sized (hereinafter referred to as the correspondence) wore a cap all year round, and an ordinary and junior natch (hereinafter) - only in the summer.

Summerly out of construction during the white-shaped clothing, it could wear a white cap with a visor and a selection belt from the fabric of the same color.

Employees of transport departments of regional UGBs, at the time of duty on the marins, districts of railway stations and stations, the earlier forage of the raspberry color with a black velvet sniffer was left.

b) Woolen khaki color was installed for wearing in the field to wear the land parts of the NKVD troops. The Troops of the NKVD troops were assigned a woolen pylon of dark blue, which was rumped along with a cap with a dark blue fries or a shirt. The ordinary composition of all kinds of troops wore a cotton cap color of the khaki when walking out clothes. In the seams of the cap and sides of all the caps, raspberry kants were seen, and a closed five-pointed star from the instrument cloth with a diameter of 3 cm was seamed on the front seam.

c) For the NKVD military servicemen undergoing a service in areas with a hot climate, a cotton-cumulative subtropical helmet of khaki color with a five-pointed star from dashboard with a diameter of 7.5 cm.

d) Women-employees of Gugb as a casual head remove rushed a knitted half-wool takes a dark blue color. In summer, with a white suit, a wearing white beret was allowed.

e) as a winter head, introduced:

Natching: The hat-shapes made of gray or brown fur, with a riding (cap) of dark gray wool fabric - washed only with a coat with a fastened fur collar.

An ordinary composition: a winter helmet of an existing sample from a dark gray semi-vegetable cloth with a five-pointed star from instrument cloth with a diameter of 8 cm in front of the cap.


* Damage Sukno (stars on piloters and helmets): crap - for internal security and air services; Light green - for border guard.

* On the loudshair of caps and on top of the cloth stars on the helmets was located red

emaley five-pointed Red Army star of the established sample, diameter

3.4 cm with gilded outer edges and sickle and hammer in its center. On the pilot

the order was worn only by the clock stars.

* Subtropical helmet and troops of the NKVD troops (except airlines) were introduced for

combined wearing with a steel helmet.

2. Clothes

a) the main object of uniforms of organs and the troops was the shirt of the color of the khaki, with a stand-stuffed collar, straight trimming, graft patch pockets with a valve on a small shaped button, front neck, covered with an open clasp with 3 small shaped buttons:

- notes (with edging on collar and abbreviations): Winter - Sukonny; Summer - from cotton fabric (as a rule, rushed without edging);

- Private composition (without edging): Cotton fabric.

b) Along with the shirt, NKVD's open airlighted airlocks of the NKVD aircraft was worn by a single-breasted Franch adopted in the BACE WWW of a sample from a dark blue wool fabric on 4 large shaped buttons, with intricate trim, chest false pockets with a valve on a small shaped button.

c) Out of building the entire Nachs station was allowed to wear an open single-breasted vane from a dark blue wool tissue, on 3 large shaped buttons.

d) Women-employees of Gugb, in addition to the shirt, rushed outdoor, a single-breasted English-cut costume from the dark blue wool fabric, with a smooth skirt of the same coloring. Women employees of Gugb to wear the form was not necessarily.


* Collars and collars of the shoes, pressurs and Franchi Nachsostav were shattered, 0.2-0.3 cm wide: golden - for higher and silver - for older and mid-line.

* With a tuber and open french, shirts with a stand-stuffed collar and a cuff

mi: Light blue with dark blue tie, white with black tie.

With a female suit - an English blouse with a tie of the same coloring.

* Natching the GOGB, as well as the flight and technical composition of the NKVD troops airlines, were on the left sleeve all types of uniforms installed emblems installed for them.

* In the summer, there was a white shirt, a peeper, a suit (for women), without edging, with removable buttons of the installed sample could wear.

e) With a winter shirt and dark blue, France Nachsostav wore breeches of an existing sample: winter - from dark blue wool fabric. In the summer, the Breeches of Khaki were worn with a cotton shirt, but we were worn and winter bridge was allowed.

e) Pants at a dark blue woolen fabric were believed by the outside of the building with a peeper (dark blue or white) and dark blue open french.


* In the side seams of pants, the edges of the raspberry colors, 0.25 cants, cents of the raspberry color, were sewn, width 0.25 cm. Summer Breeches did not finish.

e) With all types of shape of clothing, the ordinary composition wore the existing harees

sample: in winter from a dark blue half-walled fabric, and in the summer of the cotton fabric, the khaki color, without edging.

2. Outerwear

Instead of accepted in the Red Army, the NKVD nakvdov and the troops of the NKVD were introduced as the outerwear, a double-breasted coat "Razeglan" was introduced from dark gray woolen fabric, on 4 large shaped buttons, with a postponed collar. In winter, a fur lining and a collar on the collar of fur hatched shapes was spurred to the coat. The collar and side of the coat of the General Commissioner and Commissioners of GB 1 rank and only the collar of the coat of the rest of the highest natch service of the GUGB and the troops of the NKVD ended the raspberry cloth.


* In addition to the upper clothes, established by orders, it was allowed to wear out of the order, coats and jackets made of black or dark brown, with signs of differences without them.

An ordinary composition was left a single-breasted overhang of an existing sample from a semi-pipe gray-over-shine cloth, with a hook clasp. Metal buttons of a special type were introduced for headdress and uniform clothing, with a pallet, without a side, with a convex image of a direct five-pointed star with a sickle and a hammer, diameter: small- 17 cm and large-28 cm; For the highest natch, golden; For senior and medium - silver; For the upper clothes of the entire nam-station - oxidized, dark gray. Often, ordinary army buttons were also used.

Buttons of the rank composition - an existing Red Army sample, black.

4. Equipment

For natch, the army equipment of a single sample of brown skin with a white metal fittings is installed. For carrying weapons on the belt belt on the right side, holster was put on. With a tuber, a suspended holster was rushed, attached by trainers to the belt belt. The ordinary composition wore a belt belt, brown or natural, with a metallic one-shock buckle.

5. Shoes

For NKVD NKVD, Office and Institutions of the NKVD troops, worn crags with chrome shoes from black or dark brown leather, or black chrome boots, for the Komostava building parts and schools - black chrome or talny boots, and out of installation - Crague boots . With pants at an outline (out of construction), the entire notable wore chrome shoes or low shoes from black or brown skin. Women employees of Gugb with a suit with a skirt wore shoes or shorts from black or brown skin at low (English) heel. Wearing shoes in French (high) heel - forbidden. White low shoes were allowed to wear in summer out of building with a white suit. An ordinary composition was assigned to wearing talny shoes with windings or talov (kizzoy) boots of black.

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