How many languages \u200b\u200band what. How many languages \u200b\u200bin the world? Interesting facts about languages

The narratives of how many languages \u200b\u200bin the world have accumulated humanity for the period of its existence. This information worries many so far.

Today there are about six thousand different dialects on the planet. Chinese is considered Chinese, on which more than a billion people. And three decades later, according to experts, this language will be native almost for one and a half billion residents of the world.

It is worth noting that the language of the people of this country has dozens of dialects, including a lot of govors. Seven mains are so different between themselves, that even experienced linguists do not consider them close. Residents of different provinces almost do not understand someone else's talk or poorly understand that they heard.

Amazing world of Africa

There are on the planet and such that in the near future will disappear forever. These include the tongue of the Tribe Tribe. Only one Aborigine is capable of talking on it. In general, on the African continent there are also thousands of languages. There is a tribe of Berber, who lives in Africa, which even does not even have a written form of speech.

Berbers themselves are called Amahag, which means - man. Thus called this people Europeans. Among the numerous tribes of this people are allocated four main.

A Russian example is the language of Kerk, who are only two people.

In the Caucasus, the inhabitants of the mountains use forty languages, but the inhabitants of Papua communicate at seven hundred adverbs. If you take all the ratio, it is about fifteen percent of all languages \u200b\u200bfilling a reasonable world.

Language stock Aboriginal Amazonia

The Amazonian jungle meets the pyrhy tribes, which lies only three words. These sounds indicate the values \u200b\u200bof the numbers.
The tribe uses the Pirandan language, which is known that it does not have common concepts, no pronouns.

But the most multilingual population of the world is the Indian nation. In this state there are two hundred and three languages. Only officially recognized - fourteen. At each dialect, no less than ten million people speak.

Of the total number of recognized languages, five hundred studied is about two thirds of the total number, so it is definitely how many languages \u200b\u200bin the world will be definitely impossible.

If you are asked, in which language most people speak the world, what will you answer? Speak - in English? And you will not right. English, of course, was and remains the most popular language for learning: it is studied in most language schools, they enjoy residents of many countries. We have already written about how to choose the best English teacher - in short, it is really extremely relevant and necessary language. But far from the only and not even first in the ranking of the most popular languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Are you surprised? We are confident that it is English that is a universal communication means - for example,? In this case - yes. As well as for business, study, many areas of professional activities (for example, for lawyers, English for whom). But there are other areas.

Most Popular Foreign Languages

Immediately alleged: "Foreign" these languages \u200b\u200bfor us, we choose them for learning as needed. But for tens and hundreds of millions of people they are native languages. It is this sign - how many people consider one or another native language - is one of the main to determine the popularity of the language in the world. Let's make up the top 10 of the most common native languages \u200b\u200bon the planet in 2017:

    Chinese 1320 million people

    Hindi and Urdu 490 million people

    Spanish 437 million people

    English 372 million people

    Arabic 295 million people

    Bengalsky 242 million people

    Portuguese 219 million people

    Russian 154 million people

    Japanese 128 million people

German and Korean languages \u200b\u200bdivided the honorable 10th place - they are considered by 77 million people by natives.

As you can see, the English language, though he entered the top five leaders, but it is far from the most common in the world according to the principle of "native language". Like other European languages \u200b\u200b- Asian left them far behind. It can even be said that the above rating contains the most common spoken languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Their carriers can know and apply several foreign, but the native language knows each.

Native is a language on which a person speaks from childhood. The first and learned natural way, without a special study. Language on which a person thinks. (ENGUIDE Help)

The most popular languages \u200b\u200bof different countries

The history of mankind regularly contributes its own adjustments to the life of ordinary people, read carriers of a given language. In addition, the story is considered little with geography, thanks to which one and the same language can be official state, conversational and most common in completely different territories that are far from each other.

The conquest of new territories and colonial policy of Great Britain provided English to the first place in the ranking of official languages \u200b\u200bof different countries. We talked in detail about them. And today we will list the most popular languages \u200b\u200bof the world, which are state. The rating looks like this:


In which countries is considered official

Total number of countries


United Kingdom, USA, India, Canada, Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa and other countries Commonwealth (the so-called English-language world, or "Angloofer")


France, Canada, Belgium, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Monaco, Western and Central African countries and other (so-called French-speaking countries)


north Africa and Middle East (general name - Arab world)


Spain, Equatorial Guinea and Ibero-America (except Brazil, about her below)


Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Mozambique, etc. Countries of Commonwealth


Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, Luxembourg

Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan


Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican


Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, Singapore

With this approach, the most popular languages \u200b\u200bhave changed in places, the hierarchy has changed. Please note that the list appeared Italian, which was not among the most common on the basis of the native language. And we are pleased with this - it is very beautiful and melodious!

Most popular languages \u200b\u200bfor study

Studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bon courses in the group, alone with a teacher or independently - the task is responsible and difficult. The high-quality and deep study of an unfamiliar language from scratch will need not one year before you can enjoy them in conversational speech and correspondence. Therefore, nothing surprising that most often the disciples of language schools choose English to study - in most situations it is he who.

Nevertheless, learning English as a foreign is not at all necessary for many inhabitants of our planet. All their reasons. For example, the direction of business, planned emigration or simply passion for a certain culture. For example, we can bring some significant reasons for learning English and / or other common foreign languages:

    English (English-speaking companies and processes) provides the greatest share (approximately 29.3%) of all world GDP. In second place on this basis, Chinese language (more than 12.5%), and its share is constantly growing.

    More than half of all existing websites use English. You may be surprised, but in second place by the number of sites - the runet (about 6.7% of all sites use Russian).

    Chinese people enjoy almost one and a half billion people. And at the same time, it is considered the most complex language in the world. What is not a reason to check your strength and learn Chinese? ;)

    According to some linguists and sociologists, after some relatively short time, Hindi's tongue will be ahead of Chinese and will occupy a language with the largest amount of carriers in the world. Today, the number of his carriers reaches almost half a million people.

    French with its relatively modest number of media ("total" 150 million people) is the official language of such international organizations as the European Union, the International Olympic Committee and the UN.

In a word, every language is interesting in its own way and reflects the culture of the people created by the people. Although only a few languages \u200b\u200bare the status of the world's language. And the entire linguists numbered about 7,000 languages \u200b\u200bon Earth. So learn is what, good luck and inspiration!

How many languages \u200b\u200bin the world?

Linguists cannot come to a single opinion: some believe that there are about 3,000 languages \u200b\u200bin the world, others - that more than 6000. It's all about the very definition of the language and the fuzzy border between the language and the dialect.

For example, if we take such a well-known and familiar language as Spanish, it turns out that even it can be considered differently.

The easiest option is Spanish one, and it is used as a state in many countries of the world.

The option is more comprehensive: there is another common language - Castilsky, they speak in part of Spain. Further worse: residents of Cuba, Argentina, Chile and some other countries consider Castilian.

If this is not enough, there are several more dozen regional dealers of Spanish. Consider them for independent or not count, that's what is the question! And from how we will answer this question, will depend on how much we get languages \u200b\u200bin the world.

In this regard, we are with you lucky: Russian, great and mighty, one. Of course, the South and North of Russia can differ somewhat different, but not so much to consider them with different dialects or different languages.

And what about the languages \u200b\u200bthat do not even have written and the number of speakers on which is limited to one or two hundred people, or even less? For example, the indigenous population of North America had about 700 languages, everything without writing. Count or not count? And how many languages \u200b\u200bin the world?

And how many official languages \u200b\u200bin the world?

Answer this question is easier, because the official language is a language recognized at the state level. Today, 95 official languages \u200b\u200bstand out in the world. At the same time, a surprisingly - Latin language seemed to be a dead language, too, is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the world. This is the state language of the Vatican.

Do you know that the most popular world of the world speaks 1/7 of the world's population? And it is not English at all! In total, there are more than 7,000 languages \u200b\u200bin the world, but 10 of them are the most popular. Is there a Russian language in this top ten? Reply under the cut ...

№10 French language - 150 million media

In French, they speak 53 countries of the world, the main of which is France. About 150 million media in the world. French is the official languages \u200b\u200bof many international organizations: the European Union, the International Olympic Committee, the UN, etc.

№9. Indonesian language - 200 million media

In Indonesian, they speak 16 countries, including Indonesia, has the status of a working language in East Timor. Indonesia is an island state, which has more than 13 thousand islands.

Indonesian language was formed in the 20th century on the basis of Malay and is the most common dialect of the Malay.

№8. Portuguese - 240 million media

In Portuguese, they are spoken in 12 countries of the world. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil.

In the 12th century, Portugal became independent of Spain and distributed its own possessions throughout the world thanks to the navigators. Based on the colony in Brazil, Angola, Macau, Mozambique, Venezuela, etc. The Portuguese countries made their language in one of the most common languages \u200b\u200bin the world. Portuguese is one of the official languages \u200b\u200bof the European Union and other international organizations.

№7. Bengali - 250 million media

In Bengali, they speak Bangladesh and some states of India. For Bangladesh, Bengali is official, and for India is the second most popular language.

№6. Russian - 260 million media

In Russian spoke in 17 countries of the world. Russian is the official language of Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. Widespread in Ukraine, in Latvia and Estonia. To a lesser extent in countries that were part of the Soviet Union.

Russian language is one of the six official languages \u200b\u200bof the UN, the most common language in Europe and the most common Slavic language in the world.

№5. Arabic - 267 million media

Arabic speaks in 58 countries around the world. The largest number of carriers of Arabic focused in Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kuwait, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt.

Arabic language extends to the world also thanks to the main book Muslims - the Quran. Arabic became the sixth official language of the UN in 1974.

№4. Spanish - 427 million media

Spanish speak in 31 countries in the world. Spanish has emerged in Spain in the Middle Ages and spread the world during the times of great geographical discoveries. Spanish is the official language of international organizations: the UN, the European Union, the Union of South American Nations, etc.

Number 3. Hindi - 490 million media

Hindi speaks in India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Many predict that in the near-time Hindi will be a language with the largest number of carriers in the world, and will be out of China, but when it happens and will happen in general, it remains unknown.

№2. English - 600 million media

English is the most common language in the world by the number of countries that it covers - 106 countries. The official and main language English is in the UK. In countries such as India, Ireland, New Zealand, Canada and the Philippines, English use as official, but besides him there are also their official languages.

№1. Chinese language - 1.3 billion media

Chinese is the official language of the PRC, Taiwan and Singapore. Throughout the world, there are over 1.3 billion people on it and therefore it ranks the first line in the list of the most common languages \u200b\u200bof the world.

Chinese is considered the most difficult language in the world. Chinese is part of the Six of Official UN Languages.

A modern person for full-fledged communication is often needed to know a foreign language, or even one, especially if this requires the interests of the business or the presence of a hobby, in which it is necessary to start overseas contacts. The case is costly for many, not only materially, but also intellectually.

In order to obtain the desired result, the correct and strong motivation is required. Do not immediately take on the language that your friend or colleague is engaged in. Choose the one that you like or just need for specific purposes. Your task is to do so to work on yourself and learn the day after day, getting satisfaction from your own achievements. It is difficult to immediately decide what exactly do you need?

Probably your choice will determine our selection of 10 sought-after world languages.

The main selection criteria are popularization, an impact on the economic and political arena, the ease of study and the effects of individual order (travel, study, work, etc.).

1. No doubt in the first place. In its popularity, all the other, the global method of communication in the trade, which explicit many states, when they need to establish communications (even if English is essentially strangers for interlocutors). About a third of a person on the planet, one way or another, understands the speech of the country of Misty Albion. Basically, all entrepreneurs, scientists and diplomats negotiations at international meetings are carried out in this language. In many European countries, applicants for good work should know English. If the goal is to learn how to speak English is not so easy.

2. - The second in demand language of the world, especially this assessment is true in relation to the Americans. In North America (especially in the southern part of the continent), quite a lot of speakers in the Spanish residents, so for more comfortable communication it is simply necessary. For travel lovers, a trip to Latin America or Spain will also be much more interesting, if you understand the conversations of local residents. In addition, Spanish is one of the UN working languages. 700 million people speak Spanish. Want to read in the original Cervantes, Borges and other beautiful authors - it's easy!

3.. In recent years, China has actively apply for the title of new superpower. This contributes to both a powerful cultural reservoir with a centuries-old history and a developed economy, plus an incredible number of residents (1.3 billion). UN working language. He has a huge number of dialects, therefore, if difficult with the choice, pay attention to the official language - Mandarin, which is also understood by the majority of the country's citizens. Learn to speak will be relatively easy if you master the tone nuances. In Chinese, it is very important, because From the height of the tone depends on the meaning of the said. Grammar also should not cause special difficulties. A truly serious problem is the hieroglyphs with which even many residents of China were not completely mastered.

4. also occupies the leading lines in the top of the popularity of global scale. In Eurasia, they enjoy 250 million people, (for pensioners of Eastern Europe, it is also accustomed to the mass). The UN's working language, a large number of scientific and technical materials was published on it. For the Russian language there is a significant cultural series of such titans of literature, like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy. Russia is one of the world's leading world energy and economic powers. Learn Russian is not easy from a grammatical point of view, but the logical of verbal constructions makes it easier.

5. Arabic. The language of the Koran, in the world about 400 million people speak Arabic. Recently, in international security or energy dialogues, Arabic has a lot of weight. Translators from Arabic today in the labor market, gripping and get a decent fee for their work. True, it is not known whether this situation will maintain its stability in the future. Like all of the above, Arabic is included in the UN working language group. In terms of its intricateness, Arabic lips can compete with Japanese and Chinese, to learn all the wisdom of writing and grammar is very difficult. Significantly complicates the case of the number of dialects that little similar one on the other.

6. Among the 10 most sought-after languages \u200b\u200bis little inferior to English, because The historic European arena appeared somewhat earlier. In the world of 130 million media of this language, and half of them are residents of France, and the other part of the countries of Maghreb and West Africa. In Brussels, the Center for the European Union community, they speak French. In North America, French speech can be heard in Quebec and in a number of regions in the south. Of course, he somewhat lost the authority, which was still half a century ago, but there are advantages - simplicity of study, some similarity with English.

7. Portuguese, can be said, now quite in demand language, because His Motherland Brazil as a result of the pace of development claims to be the title of world raw materials and economic empire. 200 million people in the world speak Portuguese. If we mention the complexity of learning, then there will be more difficulties than with a sophisticated Spanish, but not more than with the language of Duma or Shakespeare. Cervantes called him a "sweet tongue." In all countries, where they speak Portuguese, the day of Portuguese is celebrated every year. By the way, it also often encounters words, on writing similar to Russians, but differing in value.

8. Japanese. The country of the rising sun is still firmly holding leading positions on the global economic field. 130 million people on the planet are carriers of the Japanese. This is one of the "strong nuts" in linguistics. Very complicated grammar, a variety of forms of which varies depending on the social status and sex of the interlocutors. Sometimes it comes to funny when foreigners men in the period of studying the language intensively communicate with the representatives of the beautiful sex from Japan. As a result, it may turn out that they start saying "female".

nine. . Turkey has extended its extension in the Middle East. Approximately 100 million people are Turkish. In our rating, he fell because it is quite easy to teach it, there are practically no exceptions in grammatical rules. It has many different dialects, but Istanbulsky is used as a literary basis. In order to fully understand Turkish speech, you will also have to learn some sustainable phrases associated with the religious and cultural traditions of this country.

10. . One of the European languages, popular among those interested in the history of the last century. In the eurozone, Germany has a large economic weight, so in business without German, it is often not to do. Nevertheless, the overwhelming part of young people in the country knows English. The total number of residents of the country decreases, and there is a chance that the influence of German in the business sphere will continue to weaken. It reminds in studying the consideration of English, but the grammatical structure is more complicated.

There are still a number of languages \u200b\u200bthat could not replenish the list as the most popular language of the world, but in their significance and popularity may argue with the most famous:

Korean. In the world, 70 million people speak of it, but the strengthening of positions are essential to limited growth opportunities. Learning it can be as difficult as Chinese or Japanese.

Italian and Polish - although they are quite common European languages, but did not acquire greater importance on the world scale.

Hindi could claim to be in the ranking, because This is the official language of India. Only most of the country's population enjoys English or speaks at one of the local dialects.

Farsi, it is also called Persian - without him can not do anyone who, by virtue of business or other interests, specializes in the countries of the Middle and Middle East. Maybe lovers of beauty and melodicity of sound constructions. To learn it is easy, and in the first stages you can apply knowledge in practice, participating in conversations on Persian.

Whatever choice in the end you did not, the main thing - the result should benefit, satisfaction and pride in your own.

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