Batyushkov, Konstantin Nikolaevich - biography. Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov: biography, interesting facts, poems. Scotty life of a sick person


Russian empire

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Konstantin Nikolaevich Batyushkov (18 (29) May ( 17870529 ) , Vologda - 7 (19) June, Vologda) - Russian poet, Pushkin's predecessor.


Born in the genus Batyushkov, Father - Nikolai Lvovich Batyushkov (1753-1817). Years of his childhood spent in the genital estate - the village of Danilovskoye. At the age of 7, he lost his mother who suffered a mental illness, by inherited by the one who came to Batyushkov and his older sister Alexandra.

The poem of the first period of the poet's literary activity is imbued with epicureism: a person in his lyrics passionately loves earthly life; The main topics in Poetry Batyushkova are friendship and love. Rebuilding moralism and manners of sentimentalism, he finds new ways to express feelings and emotions in verse, extremely bright and vital:

Slender mill, circle accused
Hop with a yellow crown
And burning lands
Roses with a bright bagres
And mouth in which melts
Purple grapes -
Everything in the frantic chooses!
The heart pours fire and poison!

In response to the events of the Patriotic War, Batyushkov created samples of civil poetry, the patriotic attitude of which is connected to the description of the deep individual experiences of the author:

... while on the field of honor
For the ancient hail of my fathers
I will not suffer from revenge
And life and homeland love;
While with the hero wounded
Who knows the glory path,
Three times do not put the chest
In front of enemies closed
My friend, Dotole will be me
All alien muses and harites,
Wreaths, hand of loving suite,
And the joy is noisy in fault!

In the post-war period, Poetry Batyushkova is romanticism. The theme of one of his famous poems, "dying TASS" () is the tragic fate of the Italian poet Torquato Tasso

You remember how much tears babe I spilled!
Alas! Since then, extraction of evil fatery,
All sorry learned, all the poverty of being.
Fortuna Oze, Puchini
We turned out under me, and thunder did not stop!
From the weight in the whole, from countries in the country is striking,
I was looking for the lands of the heads:
Everywhere finger is irresistible!



  • Batyushkov K. N. Works / entry Art. L. A. Ozerov; Podg. Text and Notes N. V. Friedman. - M.: State. Publishing house art. Lithing, 1955. - 452 p. Circulation 75000 copies.
  • K. N. Batyushkov Complete assembly of poems / will join. Art., Text preparation and notes N. V. Friedman. - M., L.: Sov. Writer, 1964. - 353 p. Circulation 25,000 copies. (Library of the poet. Big series. Second edition.)
  • Batyushkov K. N. Works / entry Art. and Sost. V. V. Gura. - Arkhangelsk: Sev-Zap. kn. Publishing house, 1979. - 400 s. Circulation 100000 copies.
  • Batyushkov K.N. Selected Works / Sost. A. L. Zorina and A. M. Peskov; Hitch Art. A. L. Zorina; Comm. A. L. Zorin and O. A. Proskurin. - M.: True, 1986. - 528 p. Circulation 500,000 copies.
  • Batyushkov K.N. Poem (Sost., Entry Art. and notes. I. O. Shaitanova. - M.: Art. lit., 1987. - 320 p. Circulation 1,000,000 copies. (Classics and contemporaries. Poetic Library)
  • Batyushkov K. N. Works in two volumes. T.1: Experiments in verse and prose. Works that have not included in the "experiments ..." / Sost., Podgom. text. hitch Article and comment. V. A. Kosheleva. - M.: Art. lit., 1989. - 511 p. Circulation 102,000 copies.
  • Batyushkov K. N. Works in two volumes. T.2: from record books; Letters. / Sost., Precision. Text, comments. A. L. Zorin. - M.: Art. lit., 1989. - 719 p. Circulation 102,000 copies.


  • Afanasyev V. Achilles, or the life of Batyushkova. - M.: Children's literature, 1987.
  • edit] Links
    • K. N. Batyushkov. Batyushkov: Eternal Dreams Collected Works, Common Work, Memories of Contemporaries, Poet Life, Pedigree, Creativity, Bibliography, Album
    • K. N. Batyushkov on Feb-Web. Full Collection Works, Monographic Studies
    • K. N. Batyushkov Biography, criticism, monographic works are widely represented
    • Batyushkov in the library of poetry collected works, translations, criticism
    • Konstantin Batyushkov. Poems in the "Anthology of Russian Poetry"
    • Batyushkov K. N. Collection of poems on Stroki.Net

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Part of the text: Mikhail Nikitich. And M. N. Muravyev himself, the poet, Prosisaic and the enlightener of the late XVIII century, had to Konstantin Batyushkov's cousin Uncle. Uncle about the famous, but forgotten poet of the XVIII century M. N. Muravyev exists extensive literature 1: Most studies refers to recent times. Only in the late 1930s literary crowns paid serious attention to this original poet Novator. Biography of his brief is as follows. Mikhail Nikitich Muravyev was born on October 25, 1757. His father, Nikita Artamonovich, who served in military engineers, often changed the monastery of his seat: Smolensk, Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Orenburg, Moscow, again Vologda, Petersburg, Tver ... his son and daughter, Fedos Nikitichna, a military engineer with him, And due to frequent movements, the future poet of systematic education did not receive: only a year and a half he studied at the gymnasium at Moscow University and several months (until early 1770) - at the university. However, this lack of one and whole education prevented M. N. Muravyev to become one of the educational people of his century. Still in Orenburg, the five-year-old Mikhail studied the German language at the local man in Kalau, and with his father began to study ...

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Part of the text: 5 B. V. V. Tomashevsky drew attention to the fact that the antique "idylly" delusions, and his Russian songs, which were very popular, did not set themselves the goals to transfer the authentic spirit and forms of the ancient and Russian oral-poetic creativity. Even sizes, "similar" to antiquity or a Russian song, was invented by Delvig. This, of course, is far from randomly. See the introductory article B. V. Tomashevsky to "poems" Deligus, Soviet writer, L. 1936 ("B-Ka Poet". Small series). 6 gyine, travel paintings, h. III, ch. Xxx. 7 Spirit of Ferran's History (Franz.). 8 K.N. Batyushkov, Op., Ed. L. N. Maikova, vol. III, St. Petersburg. 1886, p. 136. Next, this publication is quoted everywhere. 9 K.N. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. II, p. 121. 10 ibid., Vol. III, p. 305. 11 ibid. ., Vol. III, p. 342. 13 ibid, p. 205-206. 14 K. N. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. III, p. 208-210. 15 K. II. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. II, p. 131-132. 16 "Ostaphievsky archive of princes of Vyazemsky", vol. II, St. Petersburg. 1899, p. 295. 17 Speech will be on the "Robber Brothers". - "Ostafyevsky archive of princes of Vyazemsky", vol. II, p. 322. 18 K. N. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. III, p. 63. 19 There are in mind Petrov reforms. 20 K. N. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. III, p. 58. 21 K. N. Batyushkov, Op., Vol. II, Petrarka article (1815). Batyushkov treated with great respect to European philology and, like Pushkin, regretted that it was not yet well developed (Pushkin wrote about this A. Bestuzhev at the end of May - early June 1825). Batyushkov was very proud that he had independently made a historical and literary discovery, finding Tasso in the "liberated Jerusalem" many expressions and poems of Petrarchi. 22 ...

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Part of the text: By the way Pushkin, accumulating in the lyrics, the whole history of his life, from the lyceum to reference and official captivity. Baratynsky, even such a decisive event, as Finland Exile, serves as a predominantly background for Eleginic lyrics, gives it a painting, but does not define its creatures. If the image of the poet exile in the southern lyrics of Pushkina always stands in the foreground, always shall be drawn by the magnitude of the landscape, then the Baratic meditation itself includes itself in another frame. His "Finland" (1821) is built as a chain of thinking about eternity absorbing all temporary. In this frame and the image of the poet - Mal, "stupid", "not eternal." The similarity of their own participation with the fate of others is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe Elegy "Finland". How unlike it, on the one hand, in the language, on the other - on Pushkin! It is characteristic of the judgment of the poet contemporary, P. A. Katrenina, about the intonation, about the speech color of the poems "Eugene Onegin": "I found you here yourself, your conversation, your cheerfulness" 279, - wrote Katenin Pushkin. As for the Baratyansky, the style of his conversation "in life" was undoubtedly different than his literary style. The author of the "Autumn" and "Nonons" fascinated with a soft charm of calm secular speech. Displeased with his interlocutors, Pushkin somehow noticed: "Can people be so ...

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Part of the text: The first biographer of the poet, L. N. Mikov, compares Batyushkova with the Podhonovsky hero of the beginning of the century - Rena from the novel of Shatubrita 1. Batyushkov was deeply typical of the feeling of the disaster between the ideal and reality. His worldview and creativity have a pronounced humanistic foundation that relied on a wide tradition of European thought. From these positions, the poet regarded his modernity. It's painfully experiencing recent events, Batyushkov believed that the French revolution destroyed the very opportunity to build a vital ideal based on political activity. He wrote N. I. Gestchu in 1811: "And here in front of me lies on the table the third volume of Esprit de l'Histoire, Par Ferrand 2, which proves that people cut each other then to base the state, and the states themselves We are collapsed from time, and people need to cut themselves again and will cut them, and the monarchical, and the monarchies are always born, and the monarchies are unhappy, and Evil everywhere, and the science of politics is a consoletive, instructive, editing ... and Another God knows what! I close a book. Let these bloody extracts read those that do not have any heart or soul 3. In the first half of his creative life, before ...

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Part of the text: He has his torment, "said the late ants, very fair. And I, the right, was pronounced without taking pressure. K. N. Batyushkov. From the letter to Vyazemsky, from February 1815, Batyushkov sincerely considered his life "non-societic": "Three wars, all on horseback, and in the world on a big road." She was such - performed wanderings, dissatisfaction, literary failures, and noisy success, and the subsequent refusal of their own success, and a constant oppressive state, feelings that something basic is not done, something particularly important and necessary, passed by "On a big road," I did not notice and did not grab ... "I ask myself," adds Batyushkov, "in such a turbulent, non-permanent life is it possible to write something perfect? Conscience answers: no! " (III, 447-448). He sincerely envies the creative-living Zhukovsky, purposeful Gallet, wisely wings: these writers found themselves and their calling, they stopped under the chosen banner and live harmoniously. Batyushkov never could choose his own once ...

Not everyone knows the name of the classic Konstantin Batyushkova, but his contribution to Russian literature is very large. It is thanks to the verses of Batyushkov, the language acquired such flexibility and harmony, which made it possible to form new trends in the domestic literature.

Topics of poems Batyushkova Konstantin Nikolayevich:

At the same time, the poet tried in all his poems to be sincere, avoid tension and uncertainties. The poet was guided by one principle - "Live, as you write, and write, like you live," which helped him achieve extraordinary skill in his works, expressed his thoughts with poetic lines.

Konstantin Batyushkov sincerely believed that the Russian language was really mighty and rich that with the help of it can be expressed absolutely everything. At the same time, even Alexander Pushkin agreed with how many patius, a verbal "wonderworker".

If you are not yet familiar with the work of the poet, we invite you to assess the poems placed by the list below. We collected the best works of Konstantin Batyushkova, while regularly replenishing our site by his own poems.

All the Vologda poet Konstantin Nikolayevich Batyushkov is known. Biography of his bright and tragic. The poet, whose creative finds brought to perfection Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was a pioneer in the formation of the singers of the Russian language. He first noticed in it, "somewhat harsh and stubborn", wonderful "strength and expressiveness". The creative developments of Batyushkova are recognized as classic in his life with all the modern Russian poetic world, and first of all Karamzin and Zhukovsky.


The dates of the poet's life - 05/18/1787 - 07.07.1855, he belonged to the ancient nobility of Batyushkov, in which there were generals, public figures, scientists.

What can tell about the poet's childhood Biography Batyushkova? Interesting facts will be later, but for now it is worth noting that the child suffered from death with a hot beloved mother. Alexander Grigorievna Batyushkova (in the Maiden Berdyaev) died eight years after the birth of the bone. Were the years spent in the genital estate in the village of Danilovsky (modern Vologda region) happy? Unlikely. Konstantin Father, Nikolai Lvovich Batyushkov, a male and nervous man, did not pay due attention. He had a brilliant education and suffered from what was unclaimed by the service due to an Opt relative participating in the palace plots.

Study, self-education

However, according to the will of the Father, he studied in expensive but non-specialized St. Petersburg Pensions Konstantin Batyushkov. The biography of his youth marks the act of volitional and far-sighted. He, despite the protests of his father, threw the squale in the guesthouses and Ryano began to self-education.

This period (from 16 to 19 years) is marked by the transformation of the young man in a humanitarian humanitarian person. His influential Uncle Mikhail Nikitich Muravyov, Senator and Poet, Trustee of Moscow University turned out to be a benefactor and light Svoda Konstantin. He managed to inspire a nephew respect for antique poetry. Thanks to him, Batyushkov, having studied Latin, became a fan of Horats and Tibulla, which became the basis of his future work. He began to seek endless edits from the Russian singer's language classic.

Also, thanks to the protection of uncle, eighteen-year-old Konstantin began to serve as a writing with the Ministry of Education. In 1805, his poem was published for the first time in the magazine "News of Russian Literature". He gets acquainted with St. Petersburg poets - Derzhavin, Kopny, Lviv, Velenine.

First wound and recovery

In 1807, benefactor dies and the first adviser Konstantin - Uncle. Perhaps, if he was alive, only he would say the nephew not to expose his fragile nervous system to military service. But in March 1807, there is a volunteer in the Prussian campaign Konstantin Batyushkov. He is wounded in a bloody battle near Geilsberg. He is sent for treatment at first in Riga, and then released into the generic estate. Staying in Riga, falls in love with the merchant daughter, Emily of Young Batyushkov. This passion inspired the poet to poems "Memories of 1807" and "Recovery".

War with Sweden. Mental injury

After recovering, Konstantin Batyushkov in 1808 again leaves as part of the Hungary Regiment on War with Sweden. He was a courageous officer. Death, blood, loss of friends - all this was hard to transfer Konstantin Nikolaevich. It did not cut his soul in war. After the war, the officer came to rest in the estate to the sisters Alexander and Varvar. Those with anxiety noticed that the war imposed a heavy imprint on an unstable psyche of his brother. He became excessively impressionable. He periodically observed hallucinations. In letters to the Gallet, his friend in the service in the ministry, the poet writes directly that it fears in ten years to finally go crazy.

However, friends tried to distract the poet from duma. And they will partly succeed. In 1809 it will dip in St. Petersburg salon and literary life Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolayevich. A brief biography will not describe all the events that happened in the life of the poet. This time comes with personal dating with Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky. The cousin of the nephew with them Ekaterina Fedorovna Muravyova (the widow of the Senator, who at one time provided Batyushkov help).

In 1810, Batyushkov resigns from military service. In 1812, with the help of the friends of Galot and Olenin, he is satisfied with the assistant guarder of manuscripts in the St. Petersburg Public Library.

War with Napoleonic France

At the beginning of the Patriotic War, France sought to get into the operating army of the retired officer Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolayevich. He makes a noble act: the poet accompanies Muravyev E. F. to Nizhny Novgorod to Nizhny Novgorod. Only from March 29, 1813, he serves as an adutet in the Floa Infantry Regiment. For courage in the battle under Leipzig officer awards the 2nd degree. Under the impression of this battle, Batyushkov writes a poem "Shadow of Friend" in honor of the deceased Comrade I. A. Petina.

His creativity reflects the evolution of the poet's personality, from romanticism to be the era of the enlightenment to the greatness of the Spirit of the Christian thinker. His poetry of war (poem "on the ruins of the castle in Sweden", "Shadow of a friend", "Transition through Rhine") is close to the spirit of a common Russian soldier, it is realistic. Sincere, without an embellishment of reality writes Batyushkov. The biography and creativity of the poet, described in the article, are becoming more interesting. K. Batyushkov begins to write a lot.

Unfalcable love

In 1814, after the Military campaign, Batyushkov returns to St. Petersburg. Here it is waiting for disappointment: his feelings are not responsible for reciprocating the pupil of the house of the deer beauties Anna Furman. Rather, she says yes only at the request of his guardians. But the scrupulous Konstantin Nikolayevich cannot accept such Erzats-love and, offended, refuses such a marriage.

He expects translation to the guard, but bureaucratic wires are endless. Without waiting for an answer, in 1816, Batyushkov resigns. However, 1816-1817 turn out to be for the poet solely fruitful in terms of creativity. He actively participates in the life of the literary society "Arzamas".

Revelation period in creativity

In 1817, his collected works of "Experiments in verses and prose" published.

Its rhymes are infinitely ruled, seeking the limness of words of Batyushkov. The biography of this man's creativity began with professional learn antique languages. And he managed to find in the Russian poetic echoes of the Rhymes of the Latin language and the ancient Greek!

Batyushkov became an inventor of that poetic Russian language, which was enthusiastic Alexander Sergeevich: "Slog ... trembles", "Harmony is charming." Batyushkov - the poet who found a treasure, but could not use it. Its life is clearly divided at a thirty-year-old age on "before and after" a black strip of paranoid schizophrenia, manifested in the mania of persecution. Siah's disease was hereditary in his family. She suffered from the eldest of his four sisters - Alexander.

Progressive paranoid schizophrenia

In 1817 it is immersed in the spiritual longing Konstantin Batyushkov. Biography suggests that there was a difficult relationship with the Father (Nikolai Lvovich), which ended with complete discord. And in 1817 the parent dies. This served as the impetus for the appeal of the poet into deep religiosity. Its moral during this period supports Zhukovsky. Another friend, A. I. Turgenev, exhaust for the poet diplomatic position in Italy, where Batyushkov stayed from 1819 to 1921.

A strong psychological breakdown of the poet occurred in 1821. He called him a Hamsky lunge (Paskvilny poems " from Rome") against him in the journal "Son of Fatherland". It was after this that sustainable signs of paranoid schizophrenia began to appear in his health.

The winter of 1821-1822 spent in Dresden, periodically falling in madness, Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich. The biography of his creativity is interrupted here. Batyushkova swan songs becomes poem "Melchizedek's will".

Scooty life of a sick person

Further life of the poet can be called the destruction of the person, progressive madness. At first he was trying to take care of the widow of the Muravyov. However, it was soon impossible: the attacks of the persecution were increasing. The following year, Emperor Alexander I allocated his treatment in the Saxon psychiatric institution. However, four-year effects of the effect did not give. Upon arrival in Moscow, Konstantin whom we are considered, feels better. Once he was visited by Alexander Pushkin. Shocked by a sanguage view of Konstantin Nikolayevich, the follower of his melodic rhymes writes a poem "Do not let me go crazy."

The last 22 years of the existence of a mentally sick person passed under the house of his guardian - the nephew of Gresych G. A. Here, Batyushkov died during the title epidemic. The poet was buried at the Vologda Savior Prilutsky Monastery.


The work of Batyushkova in Russian literature occupies a significant place between and Zhukovsky and the Epoch of Pushkin. Later, Alexander Sergeevich will name K. Batyushkova with his teacher.

Batyushkov developed the genres of "light poetry". In his opinion, its flexibility and smoothness are able to decorate Russian speech. Among the best elegions of the poet should be called "my genius" and "Tavrida".

By the way, Batyushkov left behind several articles, the most famous - "Evening of Cantemir", "Walk to the Academy of Arts".

The main lesson from Konstantin Nikolayevich, who adopted the author of Evgenia Onegin, became the creative need to "survive the soul" of the future work, before being taken for the feather.

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich lived such life. A brief biography, unfortunately, cannot cover all the details of his hardest destiny.

Batyushkov Konstantin Nikolaevich (1787-1855), poet.

Born on May 29, 1787 in Vologda in the ancient noble family. The poet's childhood was overshadowed by mental illness and early death of the mother. He received upbringing in the Italian guesthouse in St. Petersburg.

The first well-known poems of Batyushkov ("God", "Dream") refer to about 1803-1804, and he began to be printed since 1805

In 1807, Batyushkov began his grandiose labor - the translation of the poem of the Italian poet XVI century. Torquato Tasso "liberated by Jerusalem". In 1812, he went to war with Napoleon I, where he was seriously injured. Subsequently, Batyushkov came to military service again (he participated in the Finnish campaign of 1809, foreign hits of the Russian army 1813-1814), he served in the St. Petersburg Public Library, he lived in a resignation in the village.

In 1809, he became friends with V. A. Zhukovsky and P. A. Vyazemsky. In 1810-1812 Written poems "Ghost", "false fear", "Vakhanka" and "My Penates. Message from Zhukovsky and Vyazemsky. " Contemporaries they seemed to be fulfilled by joys, glorifying a serene pleasure of life.

The collision with the tragic reality of the Patriotic War of 1812 produced a complete coup in the consciousness. "The terrible deeds ... French in Moscow and in its surroundings ... at all upset my little philosophy and quarreled me with humanity," he admitted in one of the letters.

The cycle of the Batyushkov Elegy 1815 opens by Gorky complaint: "I feel my gift in poetry went out ..."; "No no! I have a burden life! What is in it without hope? .. "(" Memories "). The poet then hopelessly thoroughly about the loss of his beloved ("awakening"), then it is in mind its appearance ("My genius"), it dreams how he could hide with her in the idyllic solitude (Tavrida).

At the same time, he is looking for consolation in faith, believing that he is certainly expecting "the best" ("Hope", "to a friend" behind the coffin. This confidence, however, did not remove the alarms. The fate of every poet Batyushkov now perceives as tragic.

Batyushkova was tormented by the disease (the consequences of old wounds), out of hand, the economic affairs were bad. In 1819, after a long hassle, the poet was appointed to the diplomatic service in Naples. He hoped that Italian climate would benefit him, and the impressions of the country's beloved since childhood will inspire. Nothing from this came true. The climate was harmful to Batyushkova, the poet in Italy wrote a little and almost everything written to destroyed.

Since the end of 1820, severe nervous disorder began to appear. Batyushkov was treated in Germany, then returned to Russia, but it did not help: the nervous disease passed into mental. Attempts to treat nothing. In 1824, the poet fell into full in impognte and spent about 30 years in it. By the end of his life, his condition improved somewhat, but a sound reason never returned.

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