The composition “What school subjects do I like. What school subject do you like and why? What subject do I like and why

I do well in school and usually get high marks in all subjects. Yet my favorite school subjects are literature and Russian.

Usually it is easy for me to answer in the lesson, because most of the studied works are already familiar to me. I read equally well both in Russian and in Ukrainian, but nevertheless Russian is closer to me, because everyone in my family speaks Russian. And writing beautifully and without mistakes is not so difficult. The main thing is to be careful and not rush to write without thinking.

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Drawing (drawing) is my favorite subject of essay-reasoning grade 5

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Composition Drawing is my favorite school subject

People often ask me: “What is your favorite lesson in school?”, And I proudly answer - drawing lesson!

You might think this is an answer for the sake of an answer, or just that I don't like learning, but far from it. I like drawing lessons because this is where I have my freedom. During a drawing lesson, I am not taught the rules, laws, I am taught to express myself. Self-expression is freedom.

The teacher in the lesson talks about the history of art. About what styles were in different time periods. We also learn about great artists, including Russian ones. The teacher brings copies of their work to the lesson. Looking at the paintings of great artists, there is a motivation to create, a desire to paint. We are taught to draw with a pencil, watercolors, gouache. Personally, gouache is closer to me, because the pictures are bright and memorable. We also learn to sculpt from plasticine. It is very interesting when you can mold an animal or a hero of your favorite cartoon from a sticky lump.

But most of the time we paint with paints. The teacher gives us various themes for the drawings. For example, it can be the Olympic Games of Ancient Greece, and a house in the style of the future, and the nature of the native land. I like drawing animals the most. It could be my cat, who plays with her toy, or the wolf, which hunts in the wild, or the birds that flew from wintering to their nesting boxes.

My favorite lesson was when we drew with pencils on a free theme. As usual, not knowing where to start, I stared out the window. Outside the window was "Golden Autumn". And suddenly, it dawned on me that it was autumn that needed to be drawn. The trees turned out to be very beautiful, on which the leaves were of all possible colors: green, yellow, red. The picture looked like this: a birch alley, painted in the form of resting on benches and birds, which, apparently, were preparing for the flight. The teacher gave me an A. for this drawing. At home, I showed it to my parents, and they also praised it and offered to hang it on the refrigerator, but I didn’t agree. I decided to do it differently. I bought a special picture frame and hung this picture on the wall in my room. Later, the entire wall was covered with my "creations".

The drawing lesson was created not only to fill the hours of the school curriculum. It helps to self-actualize, express your thoughts and emotions on paper.

I do well in school and usually get high marks in all subjects. Yet my favorite school subjects are literature and Russian. I learned to read before school and since then I have read a lot of interesting and exciting books. Of course, most of all I love adventure and fantasy, but I also have time for classical literature.
Usually it is easy for me to answer in the lesson, because most of the studied works are already familiar to me. I read equally well both in Russian and in Ukrainian, but nevertheless Russian is closer to me, because everyone in my family speaks Russian. And writing beautifully and without mistakes is not so difficult: it is difficult. The main thing is to be careful and not rush to write without thinking.

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What school subjects do I like

What school subject do you like best? What subject do you hate?

  1. most of all I like that I graduated from school and even a university a long time ago!
  2. Among all the abundance of school subjects, I choose literature. This is the most interesting subject for me.
    I have always loved to read books, I could not tear myself away from them. I managed to completely immerse myself in history, to visit where the heroes were. I was happy with them and sad. So assignments like: "Read the book" are just for my joy. A lot of interesting things are told in literature lessons. You can listen and not notice how the lesson flew by. I have always been interested in writers, poets. I admire these people. They write such interesting books! Such wonderful poems! Words cannot describe. I really like to reason. Look for hidden meaning in books. And this I just can do in literature lessons. And I get pleasure and appreciation. Fine.
    I will repeat myself again. Literature is my favorite subject.
  3. I hate the history of English and I love the lesson about excursions =)))
  4. She loved Russian, literature, English, music. Among the unloved lessons were physical education, first of all, and then physics and history (because of the teachers). We went to the dentist with the girls in these lessons, I drilled all my teeth.
  5. I love history and geography. I hate chemistry and physics! Beee)))
  6. A standard set of humanities: I love Russian, literature, foreign languages, social studies and history, I hate geometry, physics, biology and other natural sciences.
  7. I like history and society the most. I hate geography and biology a little.
  8. Favorite were the Russian language, literature.
    I hated: algebra, geometry, physics, as well as French, the sound of which still turns me inside out
  9. I loved physics, algebra after the 9th grade))) I hated literature !! ! I hate these books, works !! .. (((uh! ..
    and I still love astronomy !! ! love)))
  10. favorite-eng. , could not stand - geometry and drawing.
  11. I loved Russian, I hated chemistry !! ! 🙁
  12. mmm ... it's you lo so long ago!
    loved history and hated algebra and geometry
  13. The funny thing is that 100% of students' love / dislike for a subject depends on the teacher of this subject. Good luck with your teachers!
  14. I love Russian, English, German, French :)) But I have never been friends with such subjects as algebra, physics and other exact sciences :))
  15. From school subjects ... I don’t even know the most important were the teachers and the director ... well, the security guard is not a bad subject, albeit useless ...
  16. I love geometry the most. I hate chemistry and geography. The nastiest teachers ...
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