Pressure Liz Berbo. Heated blood pressure (hypertension)

According to the latest statistical data, more than 20% of the adult population of the globe suffers from hypertensive disease. We are talking about those who have already appealed for medical assistance and received a similar diagnosis.

However, it is possible that many more people continue to live a familiar life, not even suspecting, what disease is developing in their body and than dangerous hypertension - headache, dizziness, rapid pulse, anxious state and aggressiveness Most are used to drowning to pills, write off to fatigue and Stress, instead of going to the doctor, to be examined and start effective treatment.

Despite the fantastic achievements in the field of modern medicine and its constant development, still researchers cannot say for sure, hypertension is still beginning to develop. After all, certain groups of people live in about the same conditions, but the pressure rises far from everyone, but only some of them.

Louise Hay has developed a whole theory that clarifies why and who has increased pressure and for what reasons hypertension begin to develop. Nervous stress, dissatisfaction with its place in life, an emotional shock - here, in her opinion, the perpetrators of all diseases, and hypertension is no exception.

The table, which was Louise Hay, quite clearly differentiates, which organ with what a mental problem is amazed - it will probably be wondering for it.

What is hypertension and why it appears

Hypertension is a state of a person in which there is a consistently increased blood pressure, while it may be accompanied by various disorders from the target organs - brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, organs of vision.

The pressure is increased, in which the indicators of the tonometer rise above 135/80 With a sequential triple measurement for two weeks. Optimal for good well-being and human performance is arterial pressure 120/80

Hypertension is often the result of other diseases, it can provoke it:

  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart pathology;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Osteochondrosis.

At the same time, the arterial hypertension itself can cause other diseases and significantly worsen the quality of the patient's life. The most dangerous complications of hypertensive disease are a stroke and myocardial infarction. Although even if it does not reach it, it is still aware that now until the end of life will have to stick to the diet, constantly measure pressure, take medicines every day, to give up sports and outdoor activities, is sad enough.

But since hypertension is not considered a disease as such, the medicine that could completely be cured, either. You can only control blood pressure with varying success. And continue to look for the universal treatment method, which would help get rid of it forever.

Louise Hay believes that I found it. In her opinion, the cause of all diseases is unrealized dreams and man's aspirations. Based on this, it develops its own method of treating hypertension.

Louise Hay about the causes of hypertension

Blood pressure is created when blood circulates blood and arteries. According to Louise Hay, the blood of a person is a symbol of joy and desire to live. If he lives a monotonous, gray life, he has no prospects, every new day is similar to the previous one and does not bring any joy and hope (as it seems to be a patient in depression), stagnant processes begin.

At the same time, they affect not only the spiritual world of man, but also its body. Blood in the literal sense of the word begins to circulate slower - Louise Hayy is convinced of this. The world around man boils and lives a rapid life, there is a lot of new interesting, joyful and light. But absorbed by the dull life and everyday hassle, the patient will not count this.

He cannot escape from this closed and very dangerous circle, often does not want. Louise Haye believes: emotional injuries, mental impassiveness, dissatisfaction, taught offense not even necessarily on a particular person, and simply to their destiny and the whole world cause increased pressure and arterial hypertension.

When the patient crosses the 40-year-old frontier, he begins to evaluate the past life, analyze what he has achieved and how he lives - and disappoints, because no dream has become a reality. And, as he believes, it will not be. Such thoughts depress themselves, lead to deep depression. And depression - to the formation of diseases of the cardiovascular system, says Louise Hay.

There is a spasm of vessels under the influence of psycho-emotional stress. Blood can no longer circulate on veins and arteries, resulting in pressure increases - and arises.

All diseases that arise in the human body, on the subconscious level, it programms himself - that is what the American writer and researcher are sure. If a person fell ill - it means that he himself wanted in this life stage, he needs it. In this way, it attracts attention to himself, since in other ways cannot solve their internal unresolved problems.

To start treatment, the patient must first understand his illness, realize the fact that he created her himself. And then you understand yourself and find the true reason for which he did.

Here with its solution and the treatment of hypertension on the Louise Hay method begins.

How to treat hypertension by Louise Hay

What does Louise Hay, in order to prevent the progression of hypertension and restore blood pressure indicators? What kind of medicine, in her opinion, will be effective from vascular diseases? Everything is very simple.

It's enough just every day to repeat mentally or out loud: "I gladly forgive past resentments. In my soul, peace and harmony always reigns. " The only way out to get rid of diseases is to be able to easily feel the joy of life. It is necessary to look around and learn to notice positive and good, and not concentrate on the negative.

His method of treating Hypertension Louise Hay is building at such moments:

  1. The day you need to start with sincere thanks to all the people around people and the world for the opportunity to live in it and among them. If it seems that it is very difficult, it is worth remembering all the disabled people and people with disabilities that would give much just for how to walk on two legs, have two hands, to move on their own, work, live and love.
  2. We must try to engage only what really likes, even if for this will have to change your life in the root, change the place of work and the circle of friends.
  3. Wide only with those people who are pleasant and loved. With those who are unpleasant, categorically not to communicate.
  4. Do not give up vacation and weekends at work. They need to be taken necessarily and at least sometimes, at least one day to devote only to themselves, their hobbies and thoughts.
  5. We certainly should be filled out every day. An adult active person in order to fully recover and feel cheerfully, calmly requires at least 8 hours of full sleep.
  6. If required, you can make an appointment to the psychotherapist. Some patients cannot even admit themselves in their true desires and aspirations. A professional doctor will help this and will greatly facilitate existence.
  7. In completion, you should write a list of 100 points, each of which will be a secret desire. Before you contribute your desire to this list, you should think good and analyze, whose it is in reality. Very many desires of people impose parents from childhood, friends, colleagues, bosses, society. You shouldn't think about such desires, because they will not bring happiness and peace.

Louise Hay is convinced - happiness and getting rid of diseases are possible only when all wishes coming from the depths of the soul and heart will be carried out. Or at least a person will be on the way to their implementation.

Table Louise Hay - what is it

The table of the American researcher is quite extensive and bring it in this article is not possible. The table lists the most common human diseases, the psychological reasons that caused them, according to Louise Hay, and the installation that a person must remember and constantly repeat if he wants to recover.

Hypertension and problems with arteries are just small graphs in this table. But since arterial hypertension is very rarely isolated, as a rule, it is accompanied by other pathologies, hypertensive will be interested in to familiarize themselves with this table completely. Find her on the Internet is easy. And it is better to buy one of the books Louise Hay if her theory was seriously interested.

As it was already mentioned above, the arteries of Louise Hay considers the source of joy. And if problems arise with them, disturbances of blood pressure occur in one direction or another - it means that the patient has lost the taste of life, the world has ceased to interest him. How effective in this case will only be settings - it's hard to say.

Arterial hypertension is truly often caused by nervous overvoltage. Because if the patient is reassured by the installation of Louise Hay and configure a positive way, it will definitely not be worse from this - an internal equilibrium to benefit everyone, not only hypertensive.

However, doctors do not deny the harm that is experiencing the human body with constant suppression of emotions. If you restrain your disappointment, anger, insult, sooner or later it will lead to a nervous breakdown. Each person has a different way. Someone really suggests hysteria with beating dishes and screams. And some silently transfer it, lose sleep and appetite.

All this very badly affects the work of the heart, forcing it to work in extreme mode. It ceases to cope with its functions, and additional complications arise from here. So it's not to be surprised if it is completely healthy and well-known for everyone from a person who suddenly comes or infarction.

According to the theory of Louise Hay, he simply suppressed his emotions very much and lived not the life that would wish to live.

As a summary

When the patient is made by such a diagnosis as arterial hypertension, all methods of treatment are good - only at the same time the patient did not become worse and the state remained stable. But at the same time, it is necessary to make aware that if the disease has already raised the target organs and there were irreversible changes in the tissues, without traditional medicine and special medicines can no longer do.

Why then generally need a technique Louise Hay? Everything is very simple. With it, it is possible to stop the progression of the disease and prevent the development of new complications. And this is already a lot. In addition, in a calm, peaceful, positively configured patient is always more chances for recovery than in the sullen and embittered.

A quiet and rejoice in every new day, a person is ready to be distracted from his illness, he is not so difficult to endure a diet and refusing many vitality, he is interested in others and seeks to live like all healthy people, and not as incurably sick.

So, the method of treating hypertension according to the Louise Hay method and all of its books can be recommended to those patients who are inclined to depressions, constancy, restless state, aggressiveness, or, on the contrary, apathy. But at the same time the patient should not forget about drug treatment and regular visits to the doctor. Such an integrated approach will certainly give its results very soon. In the video in this article, Louise Hay will tell you what to do with him and his health.

Specify your pressure

Do you have high blood pressure? Of course, you first need to eliminate the reasons that lead to hypertension. Consider metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of high blood pressure.

This is what world-famous experts in this area and the authors of books on this topic are written about it.

Liz Burbo In his book, "Your body says" love yourself! "" Writes about possible metaphysical causes of high blood pressure problems:
Arterial hypertension (hypertension), or high pressure, is high compared to the norm of blood pressure in the arteries. Hypertension can cause bursts of vessels in the heart, brain, in kidneys and eyes.
Emotional blocking
The name of this disease speaks for itself: the patient has a strong pressure on himself - because of its super-emotionality. It is endlessly experiencing the same situations that remind him of old unattached emotional injuries. He is also inclined to dramatize situations; Intensive mental activity makes him experience many different emotions. This is a very sensitive person: he wants everyone to be happy, and takes on too much weight, increases pressure, trying to achieve this goal.
Mental blocking
You should not assume that your mission on this planet is to arrange the life of everyone you love. This does not mean that you should at all forget about them and not feel any responsibility, you just need to somewhat change your understanding of the words "responsibility". It will save you from unnecessary tension, which prevents you from living with real and enjoy life.
Spiritual blocking It is that in the case of problems with eyes (see eyes: Metaphysical causes of problems with vision and eye disease, subparagraph "Eyes in general and common problems with vision").

Bodo Baginsky and Shalima Charmo In his book, "Reiki" - universal energy of life "write about the possible metaphysical causes of high blood pressure problems:
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
High blood pressure occurs if you do not implement your emotions and thoughts for a long time. You live constantly on the verge of conflict, but you can not solve it and therefore you are under constant not letting a pressure. The Bible - Proverbs, chapter 13, verse 12 indicate such a state of affairs.
Carefully look around: that you are angry or causes problems, - accept and survive it, not tied firmly by anything. You must learn to leave the past behind. So you can release steam and solve the conflict with all the detachment. Reiki will also be a good assistant to you.

Valery V. Sinelnikov
In his book, "Love your illness" writes about the possible metaphysical causes of high blood pressure problems:
Blood pressure reflects the degree and nature of human activity, its attitude towards various events, to obstacles in the life path.
I think that hypertension is not a disease at all. This is a certain reaction to certain events in
They increase their pressure ones that people who have been experiencing internal tensions and resistance for a long time generated by all sorts of fears, distrust, reluctance to take one or another situation. You are tested from trouble with which you can not cope at the moment.
The patient set contact with his subconscious and asked:
- What kind of behavior and what emotions do I raise your blood pressure?
The answer came immediately: "You are angry and offended by my husband."
- Doctor, how can I not angry? she is indignant. "After all, he constantly criticizes me, constantly unhappy with something." I put the long skirt - why did you dress up as the old woman, I put on a short one - you are going to where it is not eighteen. And so in everything. He is so faster.
"Now let's think," I suggest her, "What does your husband behave in a similar way?" What does he want to make it useful for you with his soldiers?
A woman is thinking. After a couple of minutes, she replies:
- I understood. He wants me to look better for me to be flawless.
- But you yourself want it! --De, I have always strived for immaculate in everything: in a relationship, in clothes, in appearance.
"You see, a husband just reflects your picky to yourself." Change your attitude towards yourself, and he will cease to find fault to you. Your benefit of a pleasant reaction to the husband will lead to normalization of pressure.
After graduating from the Institute, I passed the practice in the therapeutic department. Once I was bypassing my chambers, and one man with hypertension asked me:
- Doctor, here you have recently graduated from the institute, and your knowledge is still fresh. Tell me what is the reason for my illness? And then drink these pills, and the state is improved only for a short time. I do not want to drink them all the time.
I must say that when I went to the ward, this man aggressively argued his neighbor. He "expressed" to the government, bosses at work. By envy me, they calmed down, but not long. So far, the turn has not reached them, they discussed something, complained about what a bad life. I was engaged in a survey of the newly received patient and did not particularly listen to their conversation.
- Do you really want to know the causes of your illness? I asked him.
- Of course I want, and who does not want.
"Then listen," I calmly told him. - The disease you created by yourself is caused by your criticism and complaints that you encourage yourself.
- No, doctor, you are wrong. Is it possible to rise from this pressure?
I did not prove it to him. Besides, I had a little knowledge then. At that time, I was just beginning to realize that a non-driving person, non-smoking and even sporting can get sick because it has such vices, like condemnation, criticism, hatred, anger, etc.
Hypertension most often suffer from men, as they are accustomed to suppressing their true feelings for external irrepressibility hid aggressive thoughts. They have internal pressure on you.
Think whether it is worth responding to various life situations to the rise of their blood pressure? Do you change anything?
It is possible to change the situation, and only if you start changing yourself.

According to Sergey S. Konovalova ("Energo informational medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions"), possible metaphysical causes of these problems are: the disease is at the heart of the disease underlie, the main of which is self-confidence. A man is alarming, impatience, suspicion. People with high arterial pressure suppress such emotions as anger, hostility and rage. They take on the unbearable load and work without rest, creating the appropriate internal tension.
Method of cure. Hypertension is desirable to leave chase for a positive opinion of others and learn how to just live and love people. It is necessary to establish the correct way of life (read about it in the book), conduct meditations with a book, to go more often to contact me, ask me, your teacher, healing energy.

Vladimir Zhikaretsev In his book "Path to Freedom. The karmic causes of problems or how to change their lives "indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with high blood pressure:
Long existing unresolved emotional problem.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I'm glad and easily freed from the past. I have a world inside.

Louise Haye In his book, "healed themselves" indicates the main negative installations (leading to diseases) and harmonizing thoughts (leading to healing) associated with high blood pressure:
Unresolved soothed emotional problems.
Harmonizing thoughts:
I am glad to betray the past obligation. In my soul the world.

Alexander Astrogor In the book "Confession of sores. Treatise on the causes of diseases »Writes about possible metaphysical causes of high blood pressure problems:
For example, negative emotions roam in man, the mind will be born, the feelings are poured, then beer will be the best medicine for him. It is not by chance that we say: "Iha, it settled, heaven" like a foam extinguishes fire, and beer is quenched by human passions, which are roaming V. He, creating internal pressure. Everything is lined up here and works on likeness. In the production of beer, it becomes a foamy thanks to fermentation in closed containers in which a certain pressure is created and maintained. So the human body is a closed container, where the feelings roam, the pressure drops and rises.

Sergey N. Lazarev In his books "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Future Man" writes that the main cause of absolutely all diseases, including our topic, is a deficit, a lack or even lack of love in the soul of man. When a person puts something higher than love for God (and God, as they say in the Bible, there is love), then, instead of finding Divine love, it rushes to something else. To the fact that (erroneously) considers more important in life: money, fame, wealth, power, pleasure, sex, relationship, ability, order, morality, knowledge and many to many other material and spiritual values \u200b\u200b... But it's not a goal, But only funds for finding the divine (true) love, love for God, love, like God. And there, where there is no (true) love in the shower, as feedback from the universe, diseases, problems and other troubles come. It is necessary so that the person thinks, realized that he was not going there, he thinks, he says and does something wrong and began to be corrected, became the right way! There are many nuances, as the disease is manifested in our body. You can learn more about this practical concept from books, seminars and video seminars Sergei Nikolayevich Lazarev.

Searches and studies of metaphysical (subtle, mental, emotional, psychosomatic, subconscious, deep) causes of arterial pressure problems continue. This material is continuously adjusted. We ask readers to write your comments and send additions to this article. To be continued!


1. Vladimir Zhikarentsev. Path to freedom. The karmic causes of problems or how to change their lives.
2. Louise Hay. Heal itself.
3. Lazarev S. N. "Diagnostics of Karma" (books 1-12) and "Future Man".
4. Valery Sinelnikov. Love your disease.
5. Liz Burbo. Your body says "Love yourself!"
6. Torsunov O. G. Communication of diseases with character. Human vital energy.
7. Bodo Baginski, Sharamon Shalila. "Reiki" - universal energy of life.
8. Energy information medicine on Konovalov. Healing emotions.
9. Olga Plyowich. .
10. Max Handel. Esoteric health and healing principles.
11. Anatoly Nekrasov. 1000 and one way to be yourself.
12. Loule Vilma. Light source of love.
13. Alexander Astrogor. Confession sores. Treatise on the causes of diseases.
14. Richard Bach. Heal thyself - healed themselves.

According to the latest statistical data, more than 20% of the adult population of the globe suffers from hypertensive disease. We are talking about those who have already appealed for medical assistance and received a similar diagnosis.

However, it is possible that many more people continue to live a familiar life, not even suspecting, what disease is developing in their body and than dangerous hypertension - headache, dizziness, rapid pulse, anxious state and aggressiveness Most are used to drowning to pills, write off to fatigue and Stress, instead of going to the doctor, to be examined and start effective treatment.

Despite the fantastic achievements in the field of modern medicine and its constant development, still researchers cannot say for sure, hypertension is still beginning to develop. After all, certain groups of people live in about the same conditions, but the pressure rises far from everyone, but only some of them.

Louise Hay has developed a whole theory that clarifies why and who has increased pressure and for what reasons hypertension begin to develop. Nervous stress, dissatisfaction with its place in life, an emotional shock - here, in her opinion, the perpetrators of all diseases, and hypertension is no exception.

The table, which was Louise Hay, quite clearly differentiates, which organ with what a mental problem is amazed - it will probably be wondering for it.

What is hypertension and why it appears

Hypertension is a state of a person in which there is a consistently increased blood pressure, while it may be accompanied by various disorders from the target organs - brain, heart, lungs, kidneys, organs of vision.

The pressure is increased, in which the indicators of the tonometer rise above 135/80 With a sequential triple measurement for two weeks. Optimal for good well-being and human performance is arterial pressure 120/80

Hypertension is often the result of other diseases, it can provoke it:

  • Obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Heart pathology;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Osteochondrosis.

At the same time, the arterial hypertension itself can cause other diseases and significantly worsen the quality of the patient's life. The most dangerous complications of hypertensive disease are a stroke and myocardial infarction. Although even if it does not reach it, it is still aware that now until the end of life will have to stick to the diet, constantly measure pressure, take medicines every day, to give up sports and outdoor activities, is sad enough.

But since hypertension is not considered a disease as such, the medicine that could completely be cured, either. You can only control blood pressure with varying success. And continue to look for the universal treatment method, which would help get rid of it forever.

Louise Hay believes that I found it. In her opinion, the cause of all diseases is unrealized dreams and man's aspirations. Based on this, it develops its own method of treating hypertension.

Louise Hay about the causes of hypertension

Blood pressure is created when blood circulates blood and arteries. According to Louise Hay, the blood of a person is a symbol of joy and desire to live. If he lives a monotonous, gray life, he has no prospects, every new day is similar to the previous one and does not bring any joy and hope (as it seems to be a patient in depression), stagnant processes begin.

At the same time, they affect not only the spiritual world of man, but also its body. Blood in the literal sense of the word begins to circulate slower - Louise Hayy is convinced of this. The world around man boils and lives a rapid life, there is a lot of new interesting, joyful and light. But absorbed by the dull life and everyday hassle, the patient will not count this.

He cannot escape from this closed and very dangerous circle, often does not want. Louise Haye believes: emotional injuries, mental impassiveness, dissatisfaction, taught offense not even necessarily on a particular person, and simply to their destiny and the whole world cause increased pressure and arterial hypertension.

When the patient crosses the 40-year-old frontier, he begins to evaluate the past life, analyze what he has achieved and how he lives - and disappoints, because no dream has become a reality. And, as he believes, it will not be. Such thoughts depress themselves, lead to deep depression. And depression - to the formation of diseases of the cardiovascular system, says Louise Hay.

There is a spasm of vessels under the influence of psycho-emotional stress. Blood can no longer circulate on veins and arteries, resulting in the pressure increases - and arterial hypertension occurs.

All diseases that arise in the human body, on the subconscious level, it programms himself - that is what the American writer and researcher are sure. If a person fell ill - it means that he himself wanted in this life stage, he needs it. In this way, it attracts attention to himself, since in other ways cannot solve their internal unresolved problems.

To start treatment, the patient must first understand his illness, realize the fact that he created her himself. And then you understand yourself and find the true reason for which he did.

Here with its solution and the treatment of hypertension on the Louise Hay method begins.

How to treat hypertension by Louise Hay

What does Louise Hay, in order to prevent the progression of hypertension and restore blood pressure indicators? What kind of medicine, in her opinion, will be effective from vascular diseases? Everything is very simple.

It's enough just every day to repeat mentally or out loud: "I gladly forgive past resentments. In my soul, peace and harmony always reigns. " The only way out to get rid of diseases is to be able to easily feel the joy of life. It is necessary to look around and learn to notice positive and good, and not concentrate on the negative.

His method of treating Hypertension Louise Hay is building at such moments:

  1. The day you need to start with sincere thanks to all the people around people and the world for the opportunity to live in it and among them. If it seems that it is very difficult, it is worth remembering all the disabled people and people with disabilities that would give much just for how to walk on two legs, have two hands, to move on their own, work, live and love.
  2. We must try to engage only what really likes, even if for this will have to change your life in the root, change the place of work and the circle of friends.
  3. Wide only with those people who are pleasant and loved. With those who are unpleasant, categorically not to communicate.
  4. Do not give up vacation and weekends at work. They need to be taken necessarily and at least sometimes, at least one day to devote only to themselves, their hobbies and thoughts.
  5. We certainly should be filled out every day. An adult active person in order to fully recover and feel cheerfully, calmly requires at least 8 hours of full sleep.
  6. If required, you can make an appointment to the psychotherapist. Some patients cannot even admit themselves in their true desires and aspirations. A professional doctor will help this and will greatly facilitate existence.
  7. In completion, you should write a list of 100 points, each of which will be a secret desire. Before you contribute your desire to this list, you should think good and analyze, whose it is in reality. Very many desires of people impose parents from childhood, friends, colleagues, bosses, society. You shouldn't think about such desires, because they will not bring happiness and peace.

Louise Hay is convinced - happiness and getting rid of diseases are possible only when all wishes coming from the depths of the soul and heart will be carried out. Or at least a person will be on the way to their implementation.

Table Louise Hay - what is it

The table of the American researcher is quite extensive and bring it in this article is not possible. The table lists the most common human diseases, the psychological reasons that caused them, according to Louise Hay, and the installation that a person must remember and constantly repeat if he wants to recover.

Hypertension and problems with arteries are just small graphs in this table. But since arterial hypertension is very rarely isolated, as a rule, it is accompanied by other pathologies, hypertensive will be interested in to familiarize themselves with this table completely. Find her on the Internet is easy. And it is better to buy one of the books Louise Hay if her theory was seriously interested.

As it was already mentioned above, the arteries of Louise Hay considers the source of joy. And if problems arise with them, disturbances of blood pressure occur in one direction or another - it means that the patient has lost the taste of life, the world has ceased to interest him. How effective in this case will only be settings - it's hard to say.

Arterial hypertension is truly often caused by nervous overvoltage. Because if the patient is reassured by the installation of Louise Hay and configure a positive way, it will definitely not be worse from this - an internal equilibrium to benefit everyone, not only hypertensive.

However, doctors do not deny the harm that is experiencing the human body with constant suppression of emotions. If you restrain your disappointment, anger, insult, sooner or later it will lead to a nervous breakdown. Each person has a different way. Someone really suggests hysteria with beating dishes and screams. And some silently transfer it, lose sleep and appetite.

All this very badly affects the work of the heart, forcing it to work in extreme mode. It ceases to cope with its functions, and additional complications arise from here. So it is not to be surprised if it is quite healthy and prosperous for everyone from a person, a hypertensive crisis or infarction suddenly comes.

According to the theory of Louise Hay, he simply suppressed his emotions very much and lived not the life that would wish to live.

As a summary

When the patient is made by such a diagnosis as arterial hypertension, all methods of treatment are good - only at the same time the patient did not become worse and the state remained stable. But at the same time, it is necessary to make aware that if the disease has already raised the target organs and there were irreversible changes in the tissues, without traditional medicine and special medicines can no longer do.

Why then generally need a technique Louise Hay? Everything is very simple. With it, it is possible to stop the progression of the disease and prevent the development of new complications. And this is already a lot. In addition, in a calm, peaceful, positively configured patient is always more chances for recovery than in the sullen and embittered.

A quiet and rejoice in every new day, a person is ready to be distracted from his illness, he is not so difficult to endure a diet and refusing many vitality, he is interested in others and seeks to live like all healthy people, and not as incurably sick.

So, the method of treating hypertension according to the Louise Hay method and all of its books can be recommended to those patients who are inclined to depressions, constancy, restless state, aggressiveness, or, on the contrary, apathy. But at the same time the patient should not forget about drug treatment and regular visits to the doctor. Such an integrated approach will certainly give its results very soon. In the video in this article, Louise Hay will tell you what to do with him and his health.

Louise Hay: High pressure and hypertension. Treatment of hypertension according to the method of Louise Hay.

From increased blood pressure, according to statistics, suffers more than 20-25% of the population. Louise Hay, suggests that the inner unsatisfied state of man is the reason for this. Simply put, high pressure on Louise Hay, due to the rapid growth of indicators due to the fight against himself and the depressive state. Partly this is, because stresses really adversely affect the entire human body.

Louise Hay is the founder of a variety of theories relating to high pressure. In her opinion, the main causes of this pathology are spiritual disorders, emotional bursts and experiences that man keeps inside itself.

Louise is sure - if a person became a "hostage" of increased pressure, it means that he wished himself. To cure the disease, the sick should take it and understand. At the time when the mental balance will be restored, and the thoughts of the disease will move back to the background, self-synthesis begins to occur. Perhaps, many will treat such allegations with distrust and misunderstanding, but partly Louise Hay Law.

If a person is tormented by any thoughts and an emotional imbalance occurs, the course of the disease can only be aggravated. In the case with constant tranquility and peace, the heart and the brain calms down, which can be a consequence of improving the state of a person.

Note. The writer is convinced that the disposal of the disease is possible only when all the desires of the illness are embodied into reality. These are not necessarily any grand victories. It will be enough that the innermost dreams come from the depths of the soul.

Causes of high pressure on Louise Hay

Louise believes that the blood system (in particular, blood) is the symbolism of joy and the desire to live a happy life. If a person lives in constant stress, does not see the prospects for the future, often dwells in depressive condition, then in its body there are stagnant phenomena. This can later be the cause of high pressure.

This is not the only theory. In addition, there are several other factors that, according to Louise, affect the appearance of pathology:

  • At the time when the world around blooms, life around is filled with joyful events, and technology is progressing, a person, being in a sad condition, this simply does not notice. Against the background of psycho-emotional disorder, he slows the circulation of blood, the state of health deteriorates, and the blood pressure subsequently rises;
  • Upon reaching a man of 40 years of age, he begins to analyze the living life and most often disappointed that he did not achieve conceived heights. This, according to Louise Hay, is the cause of constant depressive state and violation of the work of the cardiovascular system;
  • Many people, being in depressed state, become very wounded and excessively concrete. Louise says that at this moment the person can "program" himself "to program", so self-suggestion becomes often the cause of arterial pressure problems.

Before starting treatment, the patient should deal with his inner world, to understand what could affect the emergence of the ailment, and only after that take measures.

How to treat hypertension by Louise Hay

The first thing that offers the founder of the technique is to learn small verse for autotraining and repeat it daily. These healing lines sound like this: "I am happy to forgive and let go of all the insults. In my soul, calm, peace, kindness and harmony always reigns.

One of the most efficient ways to get rid of the ailment - to maximize it to a positive way and rejoice in what is happening, whatever happens. In addition, Louise offers several more effective ways to eliminate the disease:

  • The day should begin with awareness that everything is wonderful and sincere respect for people who surround the sick. If it is difficult to tune in to such a way, then it is necessary to recall that somewhere there are people much harder. It will help to realize that it is not really so bad as it seems. Positive attitude helps to eliminate the depressed state.
  • Preference is better to give to those classes that bring pleasure. At the time when a person is engaged in his loved business, he gains peace of mind and peace, and this favorably affects the nervous system and the brain.
  • If necessary, you can make an appointment with a good psychologist. It will help restore psycho-emotional state and eliminate nervous overvoltage.
  • You need to communicate only with those who are really pleasant. Negative communication with the enemy can cause nervous disorder and deterioration of well-being.
  • To try more often to relax in the company of close friends, communicate, share your impressions and enjoy the fact that there are people who can support in a difficult moment. Such events help to increase the body's tone and strengthen the cardiovascular system.
  • Another important point is a healthy dream. It is necessary to get enough sleep, because the lack of sleep may cause a set of diseases, including blood pressure disorders.

To distract against negative thoughts, you need to take a notebook, include relaxing music and write down all your most intimate thoughts and desires in the notebook. It will help to relax, calm down and understand that there are still many new achievements and victories in front.

Important! Hypertension is a sufficiently serious pathology requiring certain therapeutic measures. If it is decided to eliminate the disease according to the method of Louise Hay, then it is better to consider it as an additional alternative therapy. If you stop the treatment prescribed by your doctor, you can run a disease to a heavy state.

Reviews of therapeutic techniques Hay

Irina Petrov. Somehow accidentally stumbled upon the book of this writer and decided to try this method of treatment. I can say, a fracture, of course, did not grow faster, but I received pleasure from reading. Cognitive stories are set out competently and interesting. Perhaps, with some nervous disorders, the technique actually helps, but there is no sense with serious diseases.

Victoria, Tver. Good technique. The Louise Hay table helps to cope with various diseases. At the time when I read certain items, something like self-sustaining and the symptoms of the disease actually disappear. Recently increased intracranial pressure, found the desired plot on the table and read it several times. It helped me get rid of headaches and calm down.

Alina, 39 years old. I believe that the treatment of hypertension on Louise Hay is a good alternative to preventive measures. These methods act on me like soothing funds, relax, and also help to understand that life is actually beautiful.

Table Louise Hay - What is it?

Table Louise Hay is extensive enough and outline all its items is not possible. It can be familiar with the methods of healing, as well as with psychoatics of hypertension. Full information is set forth in the form of problems, the reasons that influenced their occurrence and removal methods.

The main "medicine" on the table is the daily repetition of certain conspiracies. They, according to the author, help to hear and look at the world with "new eyes". To understand what is the essence of the technique from high pressure on Louise Hay, you can download the book on the Internet and read it carefully.


In the arterial hypertension of a person, various symptoms are tormented, preventing a full-fledged lifestyle. In such a state, the patient is ready for everything, if only a nolanchie retreated. In this case, it is important to understand that the disease could already affect any vital organs and without medication therapy can not do.

The Lisa Hay technique with hypertension can be good prevention, as some tips help to cope with stressful situations, adversely affect the body.

During treatment, you should not forget about the reception of medicines appointed by a doctor, diet and therapy, a healthy lifestyle and a refusal of bad habits.

Thus, it can be concluded - the method can be recommended to people who are often experiencing, prone to depression, as well as very concrete. If you do everything right, then the technique can become a good addition to the main therapy.

1. Hypertension (hypertension) - (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

Arterial hypertension, or, is high compared with the norm of blood pressure in the arteries. Hypertension can cause bursts of vessels in the heart, brain, in the kidneys and eyes

Emotional blocking

The name of this disease speaks for itself: the patient has a strong pressure on himself - because of its super-emotionality. It is endlessly experiencing the same situations that remind him of old unattached emotional injuries. He is also inclined to dramatize situations; Intensive mental activity makes him experience many different emotions. This is a very sensitive person: he wants everyone to be happy, and takes on too much weight, increases pressure Trying to achieve this goal.

Mental blocking

You should not assume that your mission on this planet is to arrange the life of everyone you love. This does not mean that you should at all forget about them and not feel any responsibility, you just need to somewhat change your understanding of the words "responsibility". It will save you from unnecessary tension, which prevents you from living with real and enjoy life.

2. Advanced pressure - (Louise Hay)

Causes of disease

Unresolved soothed emotional problems.

I am glad to betray the past obligation. In my soul the world.

3. Blood: Increased pressure - (Valery Sinelnikov)

Description of the cause

Blood pressure reflects the degree and nature of human activity, its attitude towards various events, to obstacles in the life path.

I think that hypertension is not a disease at all. This is a certain reaction to certain events in life.

They increase their pressure ones that people who have been experiencing internal tensions and resistance for a long time generated by all sorts of fears, distrust, reluctance to take one or another situation. You are tested from trouble with which you can not cope at the moment.

The patient set contact with his subconscious and asked:

- What kind of behavior and what emotions do I raise your blood pressure?

The answer came immediately: "You are angry and offended by my husband."

- Doctor, how can I not angry? she is indignant. "After all, he constantly criticizes me, constantly unhappy with something." I put the long skirt - why did you dress up as the old woman, I put on a short one - you are going to where it is not eighteen. And so in everything. He is so faster.

"And now let's think," I suggest her, "for what your husband behaves in a similar way?" What does he want to make it useful for you with his soldiers?

A woman is thinking. After a couple of minutes, she replies:

- I understood. He wants me to look better for me to be flawless.

- But you yourself want it!

- Yes, I always sought to be immaculate in everything: in a relationship, in clothes, in appearance.

"You see, a husband just reflects your picky to yourself." Change your attitude towards yourself, and he will cease to find fault to you. Your favorable reaction to the husband will lead to normalization of pressure.

After graduating from the Institute, I passed the practice in the therapeutic department. Once I was bypassing my chambers, and one man with hypertension asked me:

- Doctor, here you have recently graduated from the institute, and your knowledge is still fresh. Tell me what is the reason for my illness? And then drink these pills, and the state is improved only for a short time. I do not want to drink them all the time.

I must say that when I went to the ward, this man aggressively argued his neighbor. He "expressed" to the government, bosses at work. By envy me, they calmed down, but not long. So far, the turn has not reached them, they discussed something, complained about what a bad life. I was engaged in a survey of the newly received patient and did not particularly listen to their conversation.

- Do you really want to know the causes of your illness? I asked him.

- Of course I want, and who does not want.

"Then listen," I calmly told him. - The disease you created by yourself is caused by your criticism and complaints that you encourage yourself.

- No, doctor, you are wrong. Is it possible to rise from this pressure?

I did not prove it to him. Besides, I had a little knowledge then. At that time, I was just beginning to realize that a non-driving person, non-smoking and even sporting can get sick because it has such vices, like condemnation, criticism, hatred, anger, etc.

Hypertension most often suffer from men, as they are accustomed to suppressing their true feelings. For external calmness, aggressive thoughts are hidden. They have internal pressure on you.

Think whether it is worth responding to various life situations to the rise of their blood pressure? Do you change anything?

It is possible to change the situation, and only if you start changing yourself.

4. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE - (V. Zhikarents)

Causes of disease

The long-term unresolved emotional problem.

Possible solution contributing to healing

I'm glad and easily freed from the past. I have a world inside.

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