Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich The meaning of creativity. Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin - Name of Russia, the name of enlightenment

Date of birth: July 14, 1743
Date of death: July 20, 1816
Place of birth: Sokura village, Kazan province

Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich - Outstanding Russian poet and politician, Derzhavin G.R. - Born third July 1743. His work personifies the peak of Russian classicism. During his lifetime, he managed to visit the Governor of the Tambov province, the ruler of the Olonetsky vicarity, the personal secretary under Catherine II, the Minister of Justice, the President of the Commerce-Collegia and the honorary member of the Russian Academy (from its foundation).

Gabriel was born in a small village of Kazan province. His father, novel, was not too rich nobleman and had an honorary title of major. According to family legends, the genus of the Derzhadins stretched from Tatar Murza Bagrim. He left the Golden Horde in the XV century and switched to the service for the prince (in the reign of Dark Vasily). Prince Murza was baptized and imparted by Ilya. One of the sons of Ilya called Dmitry, and that, in turn, the son of the Power. So there was a genus of Derzhavini. Gabriel lost his father at an early age. His mother was raised, Feda.

Derzhavin initially studied reading and writing at home. He was taught by his clergy. At the age of seven years, living in Orenburg, the Father gives the Son to the Pension German Rose, which did not hear particularly good education or culture. Nevertheless, after four years spent there, Derzhavin began to spend satisfactory in German. A little later, Gabriel is studying in the gymnasium of Kazan (in 1759-1762). Next is sent to serve.

From 1762 he learns the full burden of military service. He started the dewinner from the Preobrazhensky regiment. He was lucky from the point of view of participation in the most important historical events, but was not lucky as a young guiller. From the very beginning of the service, it is necessary to participate in the most important event - the state coup. The result was the sunrise on the throne of Catherine II. Ten years later, he was taken to the rank of officer, and again it is necessary to immediately take an active part in the harm of the Pugachev uprising.

Gabriel prints its first verses in 1773 (at that time he is already thirty years old). Sumankova and Lomonosov and Lomonosov are trying to inherit in their works, but since 1779 understands that it is worth producing his own way of writing. He becomes the founder of a new, original poetic style, which over the years turns into a sample of the Russian philosophical lyrics. In 1778, she takes E. Ya. Bastidon, which at home calls the Plenyra.

In the soul of Derzhavin, there was an excessive vanity, which is why he was constantly confident that the Empress underestimates him as a military. It is for this reason that Gabriel leaves a military position and is completely given to the civil service.

The beginning of the service was in the Senate, in which he failed to settle due to the increased desire to truth.

In 1782, he writes a famous "ODU to Felice", in which, under the light veil, an appeal was observed directly to the Empress. In turn, Catherine II had to do with his work, and she appoints Derzhavin by the Olonets governor, and after some time - the governor of Tambovsky.

It should be noted that Derzhavin struggled in every way with the bureaucracy, defended the interests of the local people, and also put every effort to turn these lands into one of the most enlighted in Russia.

Unfortunately, the energy, directness and a sense of increased justice of the political figure often played with him a dick joke. Its disliked her higher venoms-like, and often places in the field of civil service changed.

In 1791-1793 "It becomes a personal account-secretary with the very Empress Catherine II, however, he could not get along with her politics, because of which he was immediately removed. In the summer of 1794 his wife died, and after a year he takes to his wife D. A. Dyakov, who prefers to call in the homemade circle Mylena.

In 1802-1803 - Minister of Justice, but at the age of sixties (1803) decides to resign.

When Derzhavin moved away from the affairs of state, then completely betrayed creativity. He was also a hospital for various writers of St. Petersburg. A little later, he decided to settle in St. Petersburg, but at the same time visiting the estate of the svanka, which in the province of Novgorod. In 1811, it becomes an honorary member of the literary community "The conversation of lovers of the Russian word". One of the most active poets in the local environment.

Died Delzhavin in July 1816 in the village of Zvanki. He was buried next to the second wife Darya in the Savior-Preobrazhensky Cathedral (Monastery Varlaamo-Khutynsky), located not far from Veliky Novgorod.

During the Great Patriotic War, this monastery was susceptible to a serious artillery shelling. In 1959 it was decided to reburial Derzhavin and his spouse in Novgorod Children. When in the 1993th restoration of the cathedral was over, then their remains were returned to the anniversary (250th anniversary of Derzhavin).

Achievements of Gabriel Derzhavina:

The Creativity of Gabriel Derzhavin was a wonderful basis for Pushkin's poetry, Batyushkova and Decembrists poets.
It is the founder of Russian classicism.

Dates from the biography of Gabriel Derzhavina:

1743 - Birth.
1759-1762 - Kazan gymnasium.
1762 - serves in the Preobrazhensky regiment.
1772 - gets an officer rank.
1778 - Catherine Bastidon takes Wife.
1782 - "Ode to Felice", dedicated to Catherine II.
1784 - comes out of the philosophical slope "God."
1784-1785 - Olonetsky governor.
1786-1788 - Governor of the Tambov province.
1788 - writes "Autumn during the siege of Ochakov".
1791 - The informal anthem of Russia comes out from under the pen of Derzhavina: "Thunder Victory, break!"
1791-1793 - Cabinet Secretary in Catherine II.
1791-1794 - writes "Waterfall"
1794 - He headed the Commerce-Collegue. The death of the first wife. Poems "Welject".
1795 - the second wife, Daria Dyakov.
1799 - the next philosophical Oda "to the death of Prince Meshchersky".
1800 - the poem "bullfinch", which was written in memory of the deceased Suvorov.
1802-1803 - Minister of Justice.
1803 - resigns.
1811 - Enters Lit. Society "Talk of lovers of the Russian word".
181101815 - Works on "reasoning about lyrical poetry or about ODE" (treatise).
1816 - death.

Interesting facts of Gabriel Derzhavina:

Derzhavin was a connoisseur erotica. He loved writing erotic prose. An example of "Aristippova Banya" can serve as an example. He gave her a special softness, excluding, if possible, the hard letter "P". He was pleased when such works were consistent with the lanes in his presence.
The image of the Derzhavin is immortalized in numerous monuments: St. Petersburg, Kazan, Tambov, Petrozavodsk. In Tambov, Derzhavinskaya Street is located, the local State University also carries his name, and even the crater on Mercury planet was named after him.
During his life, Derzhavin managed to know the need, and wealth. History tells that one day, remaining with the last 50 rubles in his pocket, Gabriel decided to play cards, although he never played before. At the end of the evening, Derzhavin leaves with the amount of 8,000 rubles. In the future, he even won 40,000 in a short time, which spent on urgent debts. However, like any wise man, he stopped in time.
In 1815, the Tsarskoselsky Lyceum was in full, expected the arrival of the famous Derzhavin. Everyone was dumbfounded when the first thing was an important guest asked where they had no need.

The writing

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin is the largest Russian poet of the XVIII century. Born in Kazan, in the family of small nobles. Education The future poet was weak, because he studied at the churchings, the German convict in a private school, after he entered the Kazan gymnasium, which he did not graduate. From 1762, Derzhavin enters the service and serves as a soldier in the Guards Transfiguration Regiment. At first, he lived in a barracks with "delivery" soldiers from the peasants and on a par with them performed the most black work. Together with the regiment he participated in the coup, erected to the throne Catherine II.

The service was the hardest period in the life of Derzhavin. Being after the death of the Father in an extremely cramped material situation, Derzhavin was addicted to the card game, was taken by the unfailed Shuler, led to a slitual life, made a number of criminal offenses. Later, being an officer, Derzhavin in his own aspiration took an active part in the ability to Pugachevsky Bunt as a member of the secret investigative commission. The activity of Derzhavin during Pugachevshchina is largely mysterious. He himself put himself in a special merit that, having the opportunity to achieve "total", whatever wanted, did not change Catherine. Despite this, he regained against himself the highest superiors: the commander-in-chief wanted to "hang Derzhadina along with Pugachev". In the future, the future poet entered the civil service, reached high ranks: Governor, Secretary of Catherine II, Senator, State Treasurer, Finally, Minister of Justice. In 1803, in view of the abrupt opposition, Alexander I, the liberal trends of Alexander I, was "dismissed from all cases" and the last years of life lived in full in St. Petersburg.

The activity of Derzhavin, which literally rose to the Minister of Justice, actually represented a number of victories and defeats, uplings and falls.

During Pugachevsky, Derzhavinsky rebellion recognized "unworthy to continue military service," and his stay in the chair of the governor ended with the resignation and a legend of the court. The next step in the career of Derzhavin was the position of the Tsarist secretary, but in this position he did not last long. The Empress complained about him that he was "not only brutened with reports, but also bored."

The rulers who came after Catherine (Paul, and then Alexander), exploring his opaire "for an obscene answer" and for the fact that "he is too jealous."

Contemporaries attributed the misadventures to His sharp, an unimaginable nature ("It's scolding with the kings and cannot get along with anyone"). Derzhavin himself believed that he suffers for his steady commitment to the "truth" always and in everything ("I became useless that it became useless that hot and in the truth is Chort"). In fact, in the history of the official activity of Derzhavin, the features of that social layer of a poor servant of the nobility, which in the era of Palace Doborov, Pugachevishchina, Tilers with exceptional energy moved to the first ranks of the class, pushing a born to know, having made the main "retainer" of the illegal Ekaterininsky throne. All the official activities of the Derzhavin are directed along the line of struggle with the trodovit, "Mishful kings" (by the oldest large-party feudalities) - the struggle in which he relies on the temporarys, "random" people (Potemkin, A. Zudov) and the Empress itself. However, Taraticles for Derzhavin were just more successful representatives of the social layer to which he himself belonged. The Empress of all his autocratic power, again, was obliged to support the socially like droke of the noble "set". Hence that the "Jacobinsky" pathos of independence, personal dignity, which, along with the need to "push in the front" in the temporarys, readiness to be jealously serve as his feather Empress and its "Orlam" so peculiar to the holder, and a holder-poet.

On his literary activities, Derzhavin himself was prone to watch mainly as on an instrument in that struggle he led, from poverty and punching his way to "honorable ranks", waving to the foot of the throne. If you believe it with your own repeated statements, all his poems for the most small exceptions are a steady-picious character, everyone is written "in case", penetrated with acute topical. Being afraid that they will become an incomprehensible to the new reader, Derzhavin subsequently compiled a special "key", a detailed autoommentary, in which explained in detail that it was the purpose or an impetus to writing a particular thing. As for one of the most remote, it would seem, from any of the topical of one Derzhavin, the famous religious OD "God", one of the knowledgeable contemporaries noticed: "There is no line, there is no expression in comic and important poems of Derzhavin, which would be written without intent, Without attitude to persons or circumstances of that time.

Catherine and other people for whom he preferably wrote, understood all this and knew how to appreciate. " This comment acquires a special weight if we turn to the dates of the biography: February 15, 1784, Derzhavin was fired by the prince of Vyazemsky from the service. "God" is printed on April 23 of the same year. On May 22, Derzhavin receives an important appointment - the Olonets governor. Apparently, "God" was perceived by Catherine as a flaper anthem autocracy, and she, as always, in such cases, hurried to generously award his "own author" (the poet also signed some of his letters - "Her Majesty's own author"). And in difficult circumstances, Derzhavin constantly "resorts to his talent." The service career of Derzhavin begins the famous one Felitsa, dedicated to the glorification of Catherine, for the first time after it, who appealing to Derzhavin and complained to him a tobacker, monsted by diamonds, and 500 Chervonians. He corrects his position after the resignation from the governor, he corrects the new one, called "Felitsa", and "Returns himself a favor of favor" Paul I is at the modernity of it for the throne, etc.

His Derzhanin defined his ODD as "trifles", which do not represent any value: "... all this is so, with no importance for the offspring: all this will soon forget." However, it is ODDs that occupy an important place in his work and go far for those officials in which he set them. Poetry of Derzhavin is a monument of Russian literature and Ekaterininsky Russia.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin, whose biography is presented below, - poet, translator, playwright and ... Governor. Years of his life - 1743-1816. After reading this article, you will learn about all these sides of the activity of such a versatile gifted person as Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. Its biography will be complemented by many other interesting facts.


Gabriel Romanovich was born under Kazan in 1743. Here, in the village of Karmachi, there was a generic estate of his family. It passed the childhood of the future poet. The family of Derzhavina Gabriel Romanovich was a poor, nobleman. Gabriel Romanovich early lost his father, Roman Nikolayevich, who served by Major. His mother was Fekla Andreevna (Maiden Surname - Kozlova). Interestingly, Derzhavin is a descendant of Bagrim, Tatar Murza, which was evicted from a big horde in the 15th century.

Training in the gymnasium, service in the shelf

In 1757 he entered the Kazan gymnasium Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. The biography of it already at this time is noted by zeal and the desire for knowledge. He studied well, but it was not possible to finish learning. The fact is that in February 1762 the future poet was summoned to St. Petersburg. He was defined in Derzhavin began service by an ordinary soldier. He spent 10 years in his regiment, and since 1772 he served an officer. It is known that Derzhavin in 1773-74. He took part in the suppression as well as in the palace coup, as a result of which Catherine II climbed into the throne.

Public and literary fame

Public and literary fame to Gabriel Romanovich came in 1782. It was then that his famous Ode Felitsa appeared, praised the empress. Derzhavin, hot from nature, often because of his incontinence had difficulty in life. In addition, he had impatience and diligence to work, not always welcomed.

Derzhavin becomes the governor of Olonets

By decree of the empress in 1773, Olonetsk province was created. It consisted of one districts and two counties. In 1776, Novgorod governance was formed, which included two areas - Olonetskaya and Novgorodskaya. Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin became the first governor of Olonetskaya. Its biography for many years will be associated with administrative activities in this responsible position. According to her, a very extensive range of responsibilities was entitled. Gabriel Romanovich was to observe how the laws are executed and how other officials behave. For Derzhavin, however, it did not prevent great difficulties. He believed that only the guidance of legislation depends on the bonnetic relationship of each to his work and compliance with the law and local government.

Condemious institutions A month after the foundation of the province were aware that all persons in the service of the state and violating the law would be strictly punished, up to the deprivation of rank or place. Steadily tried to restore order in his province Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich. Years of his life at this time were noted however, it led only to conflicts and disagreements with the elite.

Governor in Tambov province

Ekaterina II in December 1785 issued a decree on the appointment of Derzhavin to the position of the governor now the Tambov province. He arrived there 1786.

In Tambov Gabriel Romanovich found the province in full disorder. Four chapters changed over 6 years of its existence. In the affairs reigned the mess, the borders of the province were not identified. Huge sizes achieved arrears. The lack of education of society as a whole was acute, but in the particular nobility.

Gabriel Romanovich discovered the classes of arithmetic, grammar, geometry, vocals and dances for the younger. The spiritual seminary and garrison school gave a very bad knowledge. Gabriel Derzhavin decided to open in the house of Borodin, local merchant, People's School. Theatrical submissions were given in the house of the governor, and soon the theater began to build. A lot of for the Tambov province did Derzhavin, we will not list all this. His activity laid the foundation for the development of this region.

Senators of Naryshkin and Vorontsov came to revise affairs in the Tambov province. Such obvious was the improvement that Derzhavin in September 1787 was awarded the honorable award - the Order of Vladimir's third degree.

How was removed from the post Derzhavin

However, the progressive activities of Gabriel Romanovich in this post faced the interests of local nobles and landowners. Also, I.V. Gudovich, Governor-General, became in all conflicts on the side of the approximations, which were covered, in turn, local fraudsters and thieves.

Derzhavin attempted to punish Dulova, the landowner who ordered to beat the shepherd's fine. However, this attempt failed, but dislike to governor from the provincial landowners strengthened. The actions of Gabriel Romanovich, to curb theft of the local merchant Borodin, were in vain, which deceived the treasury, delivering bricks for the construction, and then at the state unprofitable for the state, he received wine spill.

All the flow of slander, complaints, reports on Derzhavin increased. In January 1789, he was removed from his office. The province brought great benefits to the province.

Return to the capital, administrative activities

In the same year, Derzhavin returned to the capital. He held various administrative posts here. At the same time, Gabriel Romanovich continued to engage in literature, creating ODDs (more about his work we will tell a little later).

Derzhavin was appointed by the State Treasurer under Pavel I. However, he did not reveal with this ruler, since the habit that formed from him, Gabriel Romanovich in his reports often swore and Ground. Alexander I, who replaced Paul, also did not leave the Derzhavin, making it the Minister of Justice. However, a year later, the poet was released since he served "too jealous." In 1809, Gabriel Romanovich was removed from all administrative posts.

Creativity Derzhavina

Russian poetry to Gabriel Romanovich was quite conditional. Derzhavin greatly expanded her themes. Now in poetry a variety of works appeared, from solemn OD to a simple song. Also, for the first time in the domestic lyrics, the image of the author arose, that is, the identity of the poet himself. Derzhavin believed that the basis of art must be high truth. Explain it is capable only a poet. At the same time, art may be imitated by nature only when it is possible to approach the comprehension of the world, to the correction of people's morals and to their study. Derzhavin is considered the successor of the traditions of Sumarok and Lomonosov. He developed in his work the tradition of Russian classicism.

Purpose of the poet for Derzhavin is the renewing of bad acts and the glorification of the Great. For example, in Oda "Felitsa" Gabriel Romanovich glorifies an enlightened monarchy in the face of Catherine II. Fair, intelligent empress is opposed to the work of his mercenary and greatest courtrooms.

He looked at his poetry to his poetry as a tool, given to the poet more than victory in political battles. Gabriel Romanovich even made a "key" to his works - a detailed comment in which it was said which events led to the emergence of one or another of them.

The estate of the svanka and the first methods

In 1797, Derzhavin bought the name of the name and spent several months annually. Next year, the first volume of Gabriel Romanovich appeared. It included poems, embedded his name: "On the death of the KN. Meshchersky", "on the birth of a porphyurged event", ODD "on the" God "," Waterfall "," Vella "," bullfinch ".

Dramaturgy Derzhavina, participation in the literary circle

Having resigned, almost completely devoted his life to the drama of Drazhavin Gabriel Romanovich. His creativity in this direction is associated with the creation of several libretto operas, as well as the following tragedies: "Dark", "Euptraction", "Herod and Mariamna". Since 1807, the poet has taken an active part in the activity of a literary circle, from which the society has been formed, which has gained greater fame. It was called the "conversation of lovers of the Russian word". In his work, "reasoning about lyrical poetry or about ODE" summarized his literary experience of Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich. Its creativity greatly affected the development of artistic literature in our country. Many poets focused on him.

The death of Derzhavin and the fate of his remains

So, we told you about such a great man like Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin. Biography, interesting facts about him, creative heritage - all this was covered in this article. It remains to tell only about the death of Derzhavin and on the further fate of his remains, which was not easy. Only after that we can assume that the biography was presented with a complete Derzhanin Gabriel Romanovich, although briefly outlined.

Derzhavin died in his estate in 1816. The coffin with his body was sent by Volkhov on the barge. The poet gained his last refinement in the Savior Transfiguration Cathedral near Veliky Novgorod. This cathedral was located on the territory of the Varlaamo Khutyn Monastery. Here was buried by the wife of Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich, Daria Alekseevna.

The monastery was destroyed during the Great Patriotic War. The tomb of Derzhavin also suffered. The rebelief of the remains of Gabriely Romanovich and Daria Alekseevna took place in 1959. They were postponed to Novgorod Children. In connection with the 250th anniversary of Derzhavin in 1993, the remains of the poet were returned to the Varlaamo Hutinsky monastery.

In schools, it is not by chance to this day, such a poet, as Derzhavin Gabriel Romanovich. Biography and creativity is important not only with artistic, but also from an educational point of view. After all, the truths that Derzhavin preached are eternal.

G.R. Derzhavin is one of the famous Russian poets, as well as a prominent political figure of his time.

Gabriel was born in 1743 in the Kazan province. His father, nobleman and Major, went away early, so Derzhavin was brought up only by her mother.

The beginning of his training is going to house, then he begins to study in the German guesthouse, after which he enters the Kazan gymnasium. At the end, it is sent to serve in the army. He began his service in the Preobrazhensky regiment, in 1762 he participates in the state coup.

Gabriel begins his writer's activities in the 70s, for the first time his verses were printed in 1773. In the literary sphere, he is the founder of a new direction - philosophical lyrics.

After some time, Derzhavin decides to leave military service to civilian. For a short time worked in the Senate, then on behalf of the Empress becomes the Governor of Olonetsk, and after - Tambov. Derzhavin fought with the bureaucracy, tried to defend the interests of a simple people, because of which she was not happy with the officials and often replaced the place of service. At 60, he decides to resign and devote his life to creativity. He becomes an honorary member of the literary communities and the active poet of that time.

In 1816, G. Pedrojavin dies.

Detailed biography

The fate of Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin is amazing: from a conventional ordinary soldier he climbed the career ladder to Minister of the Russian Empire. He served the post of governor of two areas and was a personal adviser to Catherine II.

Born in 1743 under Kazan in the family of poor nobleman Gabriel could not dream of a brilliant education. His father left her life, the boy grew up in the village of Socura in the genital estate.

Sixteen-year-old Youth Derzhanin arrives at training in the Kazan gymnasium, the world of Lomonosov's poetry opens, Sumarov, he is trying to start writing poetry.

In 1762, Derzhavin enters the Transfiguration Regiment by the ordinary guardsman. The first officer rank he received after 10 years of service. Since 1773, for two years, Gabriel Romanovich participated in hostilities against E. Pugachev's uprising. Considering the work at the headquarters, he had the opportunity to touch the original sources of events of that time, therefore his notes became an invaluable contribution to the study of the history and movement of the events of the peasant war. In the same period, the first poetic works of Derzhavin appeared in the world.

Leading in 1777, Gabriel Romanovich went to work by the State Counselor of the Government Senate. A year later, he married sixteen-year-old Catherine Batidon, with which she lived for 17 years, before the suspicious death of his wife.

From 1784, over the age of one and a half years, Gabriel Romanovich occupied in the Olonets province post of the governor. For its short-term board, he made a great contribution to the development of the province: the first city hospital was built and opened, a system of urban judicial, financial and administrative institutions was introduced. The period of life was reflected in the creations of the poet "Storm", "Waterfall", "Swan".

From 1786, for another two years, Derzhavin holds the post of governor of the Tambov province, where, according to his initiative, printing house, theater, educational institutions were opened.

The active life position of the poet helped in promotion through the career ladder. Since 1791, Gabriel Romanovich serves as secretary of the Empress, after two years he becomes its secret adviser, after two years he is appointed Catherine II by the President of the Community, since 1802, by the moment of his care, it becomes Minister of Justice. All these years, the poet did not stop creating. In 1791, they were written by the first anthem of Russia. During the lifetime of Derzhavin, the four-letter of his works is published.

After graduating from the civil service, Derzhavin moves with the second wife of Darya in his arix of the Zvanki in the Novgorod province. There were no children from the family and since 1800 they took on the upbringing of children of the died friend of the poet P. Lazarev. Some of the sons of Mikhail will later be the discoverer of Antarctica.

The remaining period of the life of Derzhavin dedicated literature, they were founded by a literary circle "Conversations of lovers of the Russian word". A great writer died in 1816.

Option 3.

Gabriel Derzhavin - Great Literary Worker, Russian Politician

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin appeared on July 14, 1743 Family of the untenable noble family. His ancestors were the Tatars who left the Horde lands in the 14th century. As a result, they served as Russian princes. Back in childhood, his father died. Mother could not pull out a seven of a heavy financial situation. Brought up the boy priests who taught him to count and write. At the age of 7, he becomes a student of the Orenburg Pension. Gabriel's academic performance was satisfactory. But he was not equal in knowledge of foreign languages. He spoke especially well in German. As a result, the family moves to Kazan, where Derzhavin enters the local gymnasium.

The moment of learning in the gymnasium is a turning point in the life of the future poet. It was there that he was addicted to the literature. He read the works of Lomonosov, Sumarokov and Tremakovsky. In addition, he liked the visual art. The first attempts to write for him were unsuccessful. As a result, he was encouraged to serve in the Transfiguration Regiment. Army years were painful for Gabriel. A palace coup was added to constant teachings, in which Derzhavina had to participate. It is with him that Catherine 2 climbed into the Russian throne. Time to literature and own creativity catastrophically lacked. Nevertheless, the young man found a minute to edema his own poems. In parallel with this, he is fond of gambling, for which he was deprived of the title and were excluded from the regiment.

Derzhavin decides to start a new life and in 1770 it goes to the capital. Subsequently, it is sent to suppressing the uprising of Emelyan Pugacheva. During this time, he writes ODU "Felitsa" and the poem "Waterfall", "God" and "Vision of Murza". After the victory over dissidents, Gabriel took the post of college adviser. Because of his straightness, the Empress translated him to the Senate. He had a whole sea of \u200b\u200benemies hateing him for liberty. He cried every official and minister. As a result, he is referred to the Olonets and Tambov vicarity. There the writer is engaged in management and management. During his stay in these territories, theaters, schools, shelters and hospitals were built. For merit, he is returned back to the capital. By the end of his life, he already worked at the Ministry of Justice. The first wife of Derzhavin, with whom he lived 18 years old, safely died. After her death, he marries Darya Dyakova. 1803 Gabriel buys the estate near Novgorod and goes there along with his family, where he pays time to his hobbies.

In 1815, Gabriel attended the Tsarskoyel Lyceum, where he performed as an exam. There he got acquainted with Alexander Pushkin, for whom Derzhavin was a real idol. It was according to his verse "Monument", the great figure of Russian literature wrote his work that became reference. On July 20, 1816, Gabriel Derzhavin died in his own estate for an unknown reason.

Grade 7, grade 9.

Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.

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Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin (1743-1816) - Russian literary and statesman of the XVIII century.

His name is not once found in the works of A. S. Pushkin, and it is no coincidence. Heritage of Derzhavin, his personality was provided huge influence on the worldview and creativity of Pushkin. The words of the issuing Russian critic V. G. Belinsky are known that the study of Pushkin needs to be started with Derzhavin.

Gabriel Romanovich is known as an innovative in resentment, an outstanding statesman; a man who was looking for no glory, and truth. Derzhavin promoted the spread of the ideas of enlightenment, argued high civil ideals: honest ministry of the debris and people, defending truth and justice.

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin - Russian poet and statesman.

This message is devoted to the biography of Derzhavin, his heritage.

Life Path G. R. Derzhavin

G. R. Derzhavin was born on July 3, 1743 in a small noble family. His childhood and youth passed under Kazan. Nurse did not allow Derzhavin to get a good education, and in 1762 he entered the military service ordinary. In the same year, together with the Preobrazhensky regiment he participated in the palace coup, which led to power Catherine II.

Because of the poverty, the lack of protection, a non-boring origin, Derzhanin received his first officer rank only in 1772, and the next year his first poems were published.

In 1777, Derzhavin resigned and dedicated himself to civil and literary activities. In 1782 ON. published dedicated to Catherine II "ODU to Felice", What contributed to the rapid career of Derzhavin.

In the public service, Gabriel Romanovich occupied various positions:

  • olonetsky, and then Tambov governor;
  • secretary of Catherine II;
  • commerce College President;
  • minister of Justice.

In 1803, G. R. Dervin was forced to resign, and took up literary activities. Died G. R. Derzhavin on July 8, 1816.

In 1815, the famous meeting of Derzhavin and Pushkin occurred. It happened on the public exam in the lyceum. Young Pushkin read his poems "Memories of the Tsarskoe Selo." Gabriel Romanovich was admired by the talent of the young man, and in this meeting they see great symbolic importance, marking the literary continuity and the brilliant future of Russian poetry.

Everywhere he sought justice differed directly Honesty and belover, which, of course, caused conflicts and discontent with Derzhavin.

Creative heritage

Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin entered the history of Russia as a talented writer, poet, subtlyly feeling wealth of Russian. High state posts and poetic gift he used to distribute the ideas of enlightenment, improvements in morals.

Derzhavin sought to exalt Russian people He believed in the Great Future of Russia and challenged the valiant victories of the past. At the same time, he saw the disadvantages of this: the venel's swelling, interested only in personal enrichment; indifference to the needs of the people and the lawlessness of officials. All this he was indidible in his satirical works.

G. R. Derzhavin is a representative of Russian classicism with his cult of mind and citizenship. He put great hopes for an enlightened monarchy, which Ekaterina II personified for him. In "Ode to Felice", Derzhavin contrasted the fair government of an ignorant courtestrous nobility. However, a personal acquaintance with Catherine II and the service, with her secretar, changed the submission of the poet about the Empress.

Derzhavin - a recognized innovator in Russian literature. His life principle, artistic talent, courage and determination in all allowed to discover new paths in the development of poetry, lay new traditions. He was looking for other means of poetic expressiveness, mixed in his oodas "high" and "low" styles, various genres. His poems are distinguished by the ease and prostate of the syllable, realistic in the image of life. For the first time in Russian poetry, Derzhavin introduced a colorful description of nature.

Monument G. R. Derzhavin in Kazan was established in 1847.

The memory of G. R. Derzhavin will survive the century. His literary and state activities contributed to the development of Russia, paved the road for the further development of domestic literature and poetry. His poetic language was natural and alive, and personality has become an embodiment of the ideal of an enlightened person, Taking care of the homeland, debt and honor.

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