Government services. Student social card

  • students studying full-time at universities located in Moscow, regardless of where the student himself is registered at his place of residence - including for foreign citizens;
  • students registered at their place of residence in Moscow and studying full-time at universities not located in Moscow;
  • residents studying in residency programs in accredited institutions in Moscow; or having registration at the place of residence in Moscow, but studying outside of it;
  • postgraduate students studying full-time in postgraduate (adjunct) programs in accredited educational institutions in Moscow, or having registration at their place of residence in Moscow, but studying outside of it.

2. Why do you need a Muscovite card for a student?

  • a full-fledged bank card with free service and contactless payment technology. This card can be used to pay for purchases on the Internet, and SMS notifications about transactions are free for the first two months. You can read how to use a Muscovite card to pay for purchases;
  • discounted travel on public transport. You can read how to use a Muscovite card to travel on public transport;
  • discounts in 7,500 stores and enterprises in Moscow and the region;
  • making an appointment with a doctor - using information kiosks in your clinic;
  • a convenient way to receive scholarships and other social benefits. To do this, contact your university or other organization that pays you;
  • a wide network of ATMs and branches throughout Moscow - depending on which bank you choose when applying for a card.

3. How to apply for a Muscovite card for a Russian citizen?

MFC is a multifunctional center engaged in the provision of municipal and government services in the cities of the regions of the Russian Federation. Contacting the organization's social workers saves time in submitting applications, preparing documents, certificates for receiving financial payments, benefits for pensioners, mothers of many children, and low-income citizens.

For your information

You can take a place in the queue by making an appointment through the website of a specific MFC office, by calling the MFC hotline, or after receiving an electronic coupon through a terminal at a branch of the center.

Advantages of a Muscovite social card

For low-income, socially unprotected segments of the population living in the capital of the Russian Federation, it is possible to obtain a discount card in accordance with the order of the Moscow Government dated December 29, 2001 No. 585-RP. The Muscovite social card provides citizens with benefits:

  • free travel on the city's public transport - metro, tram, trolleybus, bus, commuter train;
  • receiving a discount when making purchases in pharmacies, supermarkets, providing services in dry cleaners, car gas stations;
  • free use of a payphone within Moscow;
  • the use of food stamps in specialized institutions;
  • use of the QMS as an identification document when applying for a loan or installment plan.

Each Muscovite social card is linked to a personal account in the Bank of Moscow, Sberbank, VTB 24, from where money transfers are received for use by citizens. This document can be used to pay at electronic terminals of stores, pharmacies, optics, medical centers, insurance companies, and can also be used to write off funds when traveling on public transport. The application gives the right to transfer pensions, social payments: benefits, scholarships to the card. At a bank branch, you can expand the types of possible transactions on a Muscovite’s social card to pay for utilities, kindergarten, and mobile operator activities.

Registration of a Muscovite social card through the MFC

You can get a personalized plastic card at any branch of an organization providing municipal and government services.

To obtain a Muscovite social card, you need to select the nearest branch, check the opening hours, and make an appointment. You can fill out an application on the official page of a particular center on the Internet, by phone, or in person.


The MFC issues Muscovite social cards for any categories of persons who have the right to receive benefits.

Categories of citizens

  1. According to the municipal project “Muscovite Social Card” dated 2001, permanent and temporary registration in the capital region is not the basis for obtaining a document. There is a category of citizens who are included in the social program for issuing cards through the MFC in accordance with the Decree of the Moscow Government of November 18, 2014 No. 668-PP:
  2. School and college students.
  3. Full-time students.
  4. Pregnant women.
  5. Pensioners.
  6. Disabled people of all groups.
  7. WWII veterans.
  8. Participants in combat operations.
  9. Persons receiving housing subsidies.
  10. “Honorary Donors” of Russia, Moscow.
  11. Children left without parental care.
  12. Mothers of many children.
  13. Guardians, legal representatives of orphans and disabled children.

Citizens have the opportunity to apply for a Muscovite social card with the assignment of a personal electronic key containing the owner’s information in multifunctional centers from March 1, 2015.

Muscovite social card user category Services


Disabled people


  • free travel on all types of public transport, except minibuses;
  • making purchases through electronic terminals without charging a commission;
  • receiving benefits when paying housing and utility bills;
  • calculation of pensions, social benefits
  • use of SCM as an identification document when applying for a loan;
  • making an appointment with a doctor

Pregnant women

Mothers of many children

  • receiving a one-time benefit for the birth of a child;
  • transfer of funds for the purchase of children's goods;
  • providing discounts on purchases;
  • making an appointment with a doctor



  • discounted travel on public transport;
  • awarding scholarships;
  • free visits to city museums for schoolchildren and college students;
  • receiving a 50% discount when purchasing a ticket for commuter trains during the training period;
  • reduction of up to 20% of the cost of goods in specialized stores;
  • use of QMS as a library card in city libraries

Step-by-step design

There is an algorithm for obtaining a social card for low-income Moscow residents through the MFC:

  1. Preparation of a package of documents.
  2. Selecting a department of a multifunctional center.
  3. Receive an admission ticket.
  4. Providing documents, filling out an application.
  5. Issuance of a social card.

Required documents

When submitting an application, you must have original documents and certificates with you. For further work, the employee makes photocopies of the necessary pages. To obtain a social card for a Muscovite at the MFC, you need to provide:

  • a document confirming the right to receive a Muscovite social card through the MFC;
  • ID of a pensioner, mother of many children, veteran, combat participant, honorary donor;
  • school or student ID;
  • certificate of disability, pregnancy;
  • death certificates of parents;
  • confirmation of guardianship;
  • photograph – 30*40 mm – on electronic media;
  • passport, birth certificate with a stamp of permanent or temporary registration in Moscow or a city in the region;
  • pension certificate (SNILS);
  • medical policy.

Application for a social card

In addition to the package of documents, when submitting an application, you must provide a completed application for the provision of services by a multifunctional center.

  • You can enter personal data electronically using a sample that is posted on the official website of a particular MFC, or directly at the branch. The form contains the owner’s personal information:
  • Full Name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • actual residential address;
  • place of registration;
  • series, number of Russian passport, medical policy, pension certificate;
  • indication of the preferential category;

personal contacts.

Registration deadlines After submitting documents for issuing a Muscovite’s social card at the MFC, an employee of the multifunctional center issues a temporary coupon granting the right to use public transport services free of charge throughout the entire period of production of the Muscovite’s personal card.

The processing time for an application with a correctly completed application form and confirmation of data is 30 days.

After the established 24 hours, citizens must come to the MFC branch where the documents were submitted and provide a passport/birth certificate and the issued coupon. In the absence of a temporary document, the employee cannot issue a personal copy of the Muscovite’s social card. If the form is lost, the document registration procedure begins again.


Along with a Muscovite’s social card, the MFC specialist issues instructions for use, an individual PIN code, and a catalog of stores offering discounts on goods and services. After receiving a copy, the card must be activated at the nearest bank branch to which the personal account of the document is attached.

Registration cost

The service of submitting an application for the issuance of a new or replacement plastic social card for a Muscovite in multifunctional centers is absolutely free.

Reasons for refusal

  • When applying for a social card for a Muscovite, the MFC may refuse for a number of reasons:
  • provision of knowingly false statements regarding personal data;
  • indication of an invalid document that is the basis for receiving a benefit;
  • availability of a valid social card, the period of use of which has not yet expired;

absence of a photocopy of a pension certificate or health insurance policy when submitting an application.

To obtain a Muscovite social card, you need to select the nearest branch, check the opening hours, and make an appointment. You can fill out an application on the official page of a particular center on the Internet, by phone, or in person.

The document contains personal data of the owner, therefore transfer for use to third individuals is strictly prohibited. If it is discovered that a Muscovite’s social card is being used by other citizens, it is canceled and confiscated.

The procedure for restoring a Muscovite’s social card

If you lose a Muscovite's social card, you must contact the bank branch to which your personal account is linked to have it blocked to avoid illegal use. Without official notification of loss, you cannot obtain a new copy.

If a social document is found, the social security authorities responsible for issuing cards must be notified. To restore, you should contact any branch of the multifunctional center and re-provide your passport, SNILS, compulsory health insurance policy, document certifying your right to receive benefits, and a completed application with a detailed description of the incident.

Additional Information

If the document was damaged by negligence by the owner, the bank may require payment of the costs of producing a new sample of the personal data carrier. The Muscovite social card is valid for 5 years from the date of issue by the MFC . If the document is used by citizens when traveling on public transport, paying for personal purchases in stores, at gas stations, or to receive bonuses, then after 5 years it is automatically updated within 8-10 minutes after the operation. If social payments (benefits, scholarships, pensions) are received on the card monthly, then upon expiration the document is extended. To obtain a new copy, personal information is provided again.

The period for card restoration due to loss, damage, or expiration of the document is 30 days.

Design nuances

Applying for a card through the MFC to receive child benefits requires indicating a birth certificate and a certificate of the child’s place of registration. In the absence of temporary or permanent registration in Moscow, both legal representatives are presented with a document that reflects the actual address of residence of the child. To pay benefits to SCM, a certificate is submitted indicating that one of the parents has not received funds for child care. If the registration of the card is intended to accrue child benefits for the second and subsequent children, then birth certificates and certificates of the place of registration of other family members are provided.

The laws of Moscow establish certain guarantees and benefits provided for university students. Student Social Card (SCS) ensures their implementation in modern realities. It is issued with a plastic bank card, which the student can order at any time. About the list of persons applying for this type of assistance, possible discounts and benefits, as well as on the procedure for obtaining a social card for a student, postgraduate student and resident- further in our material.

Who has the right to issue a student social card?

The right to apply for a student card is available to persons over 18 years of age who are studying full-time at a Moscow university (even if they do not have a residence permit in the capital), or Muscovites registered in the city but studying elsewhere (within Russia).

A higher education institution must have state accreditation. College and technical school students can also apply for benefits, but the issuance procedure will be slightly different from the standard one developed for universities.

Residents and graduate students studying at accredited universities in Moscow apply for student benefits on a general basis.

What does the student's social card give to the owner?

The student card provides the owner with ample opportunities and convenience due to its versatility.

Possibilities Explanations
Involves the use of public ground transport within Moscow and the region at a discount. The list includes: buses, metro travel, electric trains, minibuses. can be done both from home and at the ticket office.
This . The list includes more.
This is carried out thanks to information kiosks in the student’s clinic.
All functions of a bank card You can use it to apply for a scholarship (by contacting your university) or other government social payments, make non-cash payments, and top up your account.
Possibility to choose the bank that will issue the card (VTB, Sberbank...). This concerns the convenience of the location of ATMs and terminals, first of all. The student on this product line is served free of charge throughout the entire period of use.

How to apply for a social card?

Thanks to the Multifunctional Centers operating throughout Russia, the procedure for ordering and receiving benefits has become simple and does not require much time.

Citizens of Russia

For Russian citizens, there is a clear procedure for applying for benefits. The fastest way to do this is using the MFC or on.

Stage 1. Registration begins with filling out personal data - passport or other identification document. The registration address, university, faculty and course of study are indicated.

Stage 2. Enter contact information (telephone), compulsory medical insurance policy number, actual residence address (if it does not coincide with registration).

Below them you should attach a photo in JPEG format.

Stage 3. Selecting the “My Documents” public service center, where it will be convenient to pick up the student’s completed social card. Next, the citizen is checked in the student register.

Important: no payment is required upon registration. Persons who demand payment for a student's social card are legally considered fraudsters. The card will be ready within 30 days. You can check its readiness in your personal account.

It happens that a student is denied registration for a plastic device. This happens most often because there is no data on a particular citizen in the student register. In this case, you need to go to the university, sign a document agreeing to the processing of personal data, wait a while until the information is entered into the register, and repeat the application again.

Stage 4. Upon production of plastic with a number, the student receives a notification about this in his personal account on the website.

Stage 5. Receiving a card. You need to come to the MFC indicated during registration with your passport and application number for issuing a card.

Citizens of other countries

If the student is a citizen of another state, the registration rules have the following sequence:

  1. Submitting an application for a social card at any Multifunctional Center, filling out the data.
  2. You can bring a photo with you (30x40) or take a photo directly at the MFC.
  3. Take a coupon indicating the submission of the application, and after 30 days, with it and your passport (or other identification document), come to the same MFC to receive a completed card. You can also find out about the readiness of the document by phone.

Card operations

Since the card is an almost universal banking product, users are presented with wide possibilities for transactions with it.

How to top up a student's social card?

Topping up a student's social card is possible in several available ways:

  • through a public transport payment office;
  • at the Russian Post office;
  • through State Services ();
  • via terminal;
  • replenishment of a student’s social card via the Internet online (both from another card and from an electronic wallet).

What to do if your card is lost (stolen)?

If a student has lost their card, first, what you need to do is call the bank and block the account so that whoever finds it does not use the funds on it. Next, the registration procedure must be completed again; it will not be possible to restore the plastic card with the same number after loss. As soon as a new application is submitted, the old card ceases to be valid.

When should you change your card?

A student’s Moscow social card is replaced in the following cases:

  1. Upon expiration of the card. As of 2018, its relevance is 5 years.
  2. When changing your passport details. Most often this happens when girls get married and take their husband's surname. In this case, you should first contact the university with a new passport to update the information in the student register, and then go to the State Services portal. In this case, the old card is confiscated.


Applying for a social card via the Internet - what could be easier?

The main thing is to be registered on the website

If you already have a personal account, enter your data and go.

In the list of services you need to select Family Children, then select apply for a social card, press.

After clicking, you will see a description of the service and a button on the right Get a service. This is what you will need to click on.

NB! The service is provided to citizens studying full-time at higher educational institutions in Moscow.

Please note that when selecting the Purpose of the request “Replacement card” due to data changes when the card expires, the current card number must be entered according to the graphic prompt under the “?” sign.

Before submitting your application, check the availability of the prospective cardholder in the online student register.

Now you know who is provided with the card and if you are on the student register, then feel free to proceed to filling out the application.

Step 1. Pre-check

Since you are already registered, your full name and date of birth are entered automatically, all you have to do is check the spelling and select the university and course. And press the button CONTINUE.

Step 2. General information

Here you need to fill in your contact information: phone number, email address. mail, as well as passport details and place of registration in the city of Moscow.

Fill in the registration address and press the button CONTINUE.

Step 3. Photos and additional information

The face must be strictly frontal, the image must be clear, against a uniform light background, without a headdress.

Headdresses are permitted only for those people whose religious beliefs do not allow them to appear in front of strangers without hats.

If you are photographed wearing glasses, then your eyes must be clearly visible, without glare.

Then you need to select a pickup location. Upon receipt, you must have with you a document proving your identity (eg, passport).

Good luck to you in your work on the Moscow service portal!

A schoolchild's social card is a multifunctional document that gives the opportunity to use discounts when paying for trips on public transport, purchasing goods in a store, etc.

To obtain such “plastic”, citizens do not need to waste time traveling to government agencies and waiting in queues. You can submit the necessary documents remotely through the State Services portal.

A social card is provided to school and college students (full-time education) in two cases:

  1. The educational institution is located on the territory of Moscow;
  2. The school is located in the region, but the student has permanent registration in Moscow.

It is necessary that the school or college where a citizen receives education operate on the basis of a state license.

What does a student's social card provide?

The procedure for obtaining a social card online

To obtain a social card, you must use the services of the portal.

To apply online, you will need to complete the following steps:


To register, the user must provide their full name, mobile number and email address. A one-time code is sent to your phone, which is entered in a special window for confirmation.

The next step is to come up with a password of at least six characters and a security question, such as “Mother's maiden name.”

Finding the right service

Go to the service catalog and select the “Social support” section, then click on the “Social benefits and other documents” menu item. On the left we find the service for issuing a social card.

The second option to find a service is to use the internal search on the portal.

The user will see instructions that provide answers to the following questions:

  • how to use the card;
  • what information is required for registration;
  • within what time period the document is provided;
  • Why is a refusal possible?

Read the instructions if you have questions, and click on the “Get a service” icon on the left.

The State Services website states that cards are issued to students free of charge.

Filling out an application

The system automatically redirects the user to a page with an application for issuing a card. At steps No. 1 and No. 2, you need to provide the following information about the future owner of the document:

  • Full Name;
  • name of the educational institution (selected from the drop-down list);
  • purpose of issuing a card: initial receipt or replacement of lost “plastic”;
  • status of the person issuing the card (the applicant himself or his representative);
  • Full name of the representative, date of birth, contact details;
  • passport details of the future card holder, his SNILS number;
  • his permanent registered address.

Important! Applications for persons under 14 years of age are submitted by their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians). Schoolchildren who have exceeded the specified age limit have the right to apply for social cards independently.

After filling out the specified data, proceed to step No. 3. It involves entering information about the educational institution where the child is studying. To add information to your application, select a school from the list using the search by address or name.

Step No. 4 assumes that the applicant needs to upload a photo of the future owner of the social card. If at the first step it was indicated that the document is being issued for the first time, you will need to select a bank from the pop-up list and come up with a code word.

When all the required information has been entered into the form, the portal user needs to check the data and, if correct, click on the “Submit Application” button. The document will automatically be sent for consideration by an authorized authority.

Application status tracking

To find out at what stage the consideration of the application is, just go to the “My notifications” section of your personal account.

To receive a ready-made card, you need to personally contact the nearest MFC. The document is issued upon presentation of the all-Russian passport of the student or his legal representative.

Why can they refuse to issue a document?

A reasoned refusal to provide a card is possible if the photo does not meet current requirements, incorrect information is entered in the application form, and the personal data of the future owner of the “plastic” (for example, passport number, SNILS) is not confirmed.

In this case, it is necessary to correct the mistakes made and resubmit the application or contact the nearest MFC to clarify the details.

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