The history of the military department was full of drama. What you need to know about the military department of VGU military department admission list

Military journalists will again be taught at the Faculty of Journalism of a classical university.

Voronezh State University is the only university in the country that will train military journalists starting in September 2016.

Let us recall that in the USSR, military journalists were trained at the Lvov Higher Military-Political School; today the department of military journalism exists only at the Military University (Moscow), but it deals not with basic, but with additional education and retraining. Since 2006, VSU has had successful experience in training officers in the specialty “Public Relations”; graduates of the Faculty of Journalism are still serving in active military service in the press services of the Ministry of Defense structures.

It is possible that the choice of Voronezh State University as a flagship university of the Ministry of Defense was influenced by the successful service experience of our graduates,” says Professor Vladimir Vasilyevich Tulupov, Dean of the Faculty of Journalism. – At one time, when the state standard for military journalism was adopted, I was its reviewer. Later, we were included in an experiment to train students in two specialties for the Ministry of Defense: “Public Relations” and “Information Support of Activities.” Then our graduates were highly appreciated. I think this was one of the reasons that our university was again chosen to train military journalists.

When enrolling in the field of military journalism, it is not necessary to have any super skills and knowledge, says the head of the public relations department of the VSU Military Training Center, Colonel Andrei Borisovich Chernyshov, who, by the way, is also a master’s student at the Faculty of Journalism. – The Unified State Examination results in Russian language, literature and history are submitted to the selection committee. Plus, applicants demonstrate physical fitness (PHYS), as is done when entering military universities.

Training in journalism at the Military Training Center differs from training in this area directly at the undergraduate journalism department. Applicants will study the specialty “Military Journalism” for 5 years. Every week the schedule includes a day during which the guys will undergo military training; during the remaining days, future military journalists will study as part of a separate group at the journalism department. Moreover, here they will study a number of special courses, along with traditional disciplines. After the 4th year, students in the “Military Journalism” direction will have a planned two-week training camp with swearing-in; in the 5th year, in February, a month-long internship in a future position.

In the first semester, students will study general military academic disciplines: general military regulations of the RF Armed Forces, combat training, and small arms fire training,” explains Colonel Chernyshov. – In the second semester, priority will be given to tactical disciplines. From the third semester, military special disciplines begin, devoted to the organization of information activities of the RF Armed Forces and public relations activities of the RF Armed Forces, and also issues of information and psychological support for the armed forces.

As for accommodation, we do not provide barracks accommodation, but nonresidents are required (if they so desire) to be provided with a hostel. Military discipline on the day of classes at the Educational Training Center is mandatory, as is compliance with the provisions of the general military regulations of the RF Armed Forces. Dressing up as duty officers and orderlies at the Faculty of Military Education - all this will happen on the day of military training. Children are required to wear a uniform with UVC stripes, and monetary compensation is provided for its purchase. By the way, UVC cadets will receive a stipend that is 5 times higher than the usual one.

Upon completion of training, cadets will be awarded the rank of lieutenant. Further growth depends on successful service. Thus, the head of the Press Service and Information Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Igor Konashenkov, has the rank of major general.”

To the question of our correspondent about what is the priority in the future profession: a military man or a journalist, because in the professional code of ethics there is a provision that a journalist must realize “that his professional activity ceases at the moment when he takes up hands weapons,” Colonel Chernyshov answered: “In the military industry there is such a concept - “non-combatants,” i.e. non-combatants. We are talking about persons who are members of the armed forces, whose functions are limited to serving and ensuring the combat activities of the Armed Forces, and who have the right to use weapons only for the purposes of self-defense. Non-combatants, in addition to correspondents, include doctors, quartermasters, military lawyers and clergy.”

In general, journalists do not cease to be journalists first and foremost during hostilities. Even if they are military.

For many guys, the choice of faculty is complicated by one more parameter - the military department. The department helps to obtain a military ID in parallel with studying at a university. But not everything is so simple and transparent. Let's tell you why.

What is a military department?

This is an educational formation of the Ministry of Defense within the university. It may have different names: military department, military training center or military training department. But the government wants to unify all structures and call them “Military Centers.” Not all universities have departments; a complete list can be found on the Ministry of Defense website.

Now such formations can train not only reserve officers. You can also become a sergeant and a reserve soldier. In this case, the training period will differ.

Students study in parallel with their main classes. At VSU, for example, one day a week is allocated for the military department. Training lasts from 1.5-2.5 years, depending on the rank. Officers study longer.

At the university they are recruiting for the military training center. It is the same?

No, if you see the UVC directions in the admissions office, this is different. In fact, this is special training for officers for contract service. Usually the guys study there for five years under a contract with the Ministry of Defense. They must then serve 3 years of their contract. That is, military personnel are trained in this direction at the university, by analogy with military academies.

How to proceed?

For admission to military departments at different universities, the requirements are approximately the same:

  • Study full-time
  • Have no outstanding criminal record
  • Have a category A or B group
  • Do not register with psychoneurological institutions and undergo a drug test
  • Fill out a form or CV
  • Pass physical fitness standards
  • Be a successful student (this rule is not found in every university)

Usually most attention is paid to passing the standards. Since different universities train different military personnel, standards may differ. For example, at ITMO they take swimming to become a torpedo operator. In other cases, it is usually running, pull-ups or push-ups.

Can girls study there?

Depends on the university. The Ministry of Defense does not limit this. At VSU, for example, girls cannot enter the military department. The situation is the same at St. Petersburg State University. But girls can enter MGIMO. This information needs to be clarified specifically for each university. By the way, girls pass the standards on the same basis as boys - no concessions.

What will they teach?

First, check the specialty taught at the military department of your university.

I asked a reserve officer I know to tell me a little about training. He graduated from the military department with a specialty as commander of a combat vehicle with anti-tank guided missiles:

“While you go to classes, you don’t really notice any advantages. I don’t want to get up early, put on my uniform and go to university. But when you come to the training camp, you begin to understand whether you want to be a military man. You will better understand the specialty for which you studied: instruments, weapons, tactics. You get experience in construction and digging trenches.”

What's next?

At the end of their studies, students of the department undergo military training. They usually last about a month in the field. You live in tents or barracks at some unit and apply your knowledge in practice. Then you pass the exams and return home. Upon completion of training, you go to the military registration and enlistment office - there you are assigned a day when you must pick up your military ID.

The banner of Voronezh State University is carried out by cadets of the military training center. Photo courtesy of the author

This year is a doubly anniversary for us. On October 1, 1926 (90 years ago), military training was introduced in higher educational institutions of our country. And on September 11, 2006 (10 years ago), the training of career officers began in civilian universities in the new post-Soviet Russia. The almost century-long history of Voronezh State University (VSU), like a drop of water, reflects the enormous work done by generations of teachers who trained defenders of the Fatherland. Moreover, the development of military education in a civilian university is inextricably linked both with the history of the educational institution itself and with the history of our army. However, this is typical for all universities in the country where military training of students was practiced.

The creation and development of the university in the city of Voronezh is closely connected with the fate of Yuryev (Dorpat) University, opened back in 1802 by decree of Emperor Alexander I. In March 1918, after the occupation of Estonia by the troops of the Kaiser’s Germany, the university found itself in a critical situation. In July and September of the same year, students and teaching staff arrived from Dorpat (now Tartu) by special trains to Voronezh. It is symbolic for the future of military education at the university that the university is located in the buildings of the former Mikhailovsky Cadet Corps. On November 12, 1918, classes began at the university.


The facts of military history testify to the exceptional importance of such a task as training military personnel. This is natural, since the leading role in the life and activities of a military organization has always belonged to the officer corps, which served and continues to serve as the backbone and organizing force of any army. On August 20, 1926, the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted a Resolution approving the “Regulations on the procedure for completing higher pre-conscription military training and active service in the Red Army by citizens studying at universities and technical schools and graduating from them.” In August 1926, Order No. 565 of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR was signed on the beginning of military training for students. The decree obligated universities and technical schools to create military departments, which were initially called military offices. The military director of the educational institution was required to head the department. The military office (from 1939 began to be called only the military department) at Voronezh University was created in September 1926. Its first commander (military commander) was a career military man - brigade commander A.K. Karpov.

The formation of the military department took place in difficult conditions. For the university administration, military training was a new matter and was not immediately perceived as one of its own. The reasons for this are: a reduction in hours for the educational process at faculties due to their allocation to military training disciplines; allocation of teaching space at the expense of the educational institution; additional burden on students. And yet, despite all the difficulties, on October 1, 1926, normal classes began at the military department. This date became the birthday of the military department.

All military training was divided into two stages. The first stage included theoretical training in the amount of 180 academic hours at the university. The second stage (two months) consisted of practical training in military units of the corresponding branch of the armed forces. By the Decree of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR of August 14, 1930, “On Compulsory Military Service,” higher pre-conscription military training (VDVP) was replaced by higher non-military training (VVP). The rank of military training was raised and equaled to active military service. In total, military training according to the new requirements was allocated, depending on the profile of training, from 430 to 580 hours of study at universities and 3-4 months of camp training in the troops.

At the beginning of 1931, the OGPU authorities arrested almost the entire staff of the military department of VSU. Thirteen people, including the head of the military department, were shot, the rest received various prison terms. A few days after their arrest, the rector issued an order to dismiss these teachers. Soon he himself and his three successors will also be shot...

In the summer of 1937, the government decided to replace higher non-military training with preparation for active military service. This decision provided for the preparation of students for military service as privates. And only on April 13, 1944, to compensate for the losses of the officer corps during the Great Patriotic War, the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR adopted Resolution No. 221, on the basis of which military training was introduced in civilian universities. Already on October 1, 1944, classes began at VSU on new programs for training reserve officers. The head of the military department from October 1949 to December 1957 was Major General V.V. Boloznev.

In 1961, radical changes occurred in the fate of the military department. In accordance with the order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the USSR dated February 8, 1961, the military department of the university was subject to disbandment. But a large shortage of officers in the troops, especially in primary positions, forced the government in 1967 to restart military training in universities. By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR dated February 24, 1967 No. 051 and by order of the Minister of Higher and Secondary Special Education dated April 30, 1967 No. 30, the military department was restored at VSU.

4 military specialties have been established for the training of reserve officers: anti-tank artillery, anti-tank guided missiles, specialists in topographic and geodetic training, as well as radiation, chemical and biological protection. A veteran of the Great Patriotic War, holder of five military orders, Colonel V.A., was appointed head of the military department of VSU. Ekimenko.


On September 1, 1967, classes began at military departments. In the same year, the USSR Law “On Universal Military Duty” established a number of important provisions. Students were granted a deferment from military service for the entire period of study at the university. University graduates who successfully completed their studies at the military department were called up to serve in the Armed Forces according to quotas established annually by the government - for a period of 2 years. Training at the military department was mandatory for all students fit for military service due to health reasons.

The entry of Soviet troops into Afghanistan in 1979 and their participation in hostilities required additional recruitment of the army. The Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee decided, as of January 1, 1984, to stop providing deferments from conscription to young men entering higher education institutions.

Since 1986, the conscription of students for active military service began. Students were conscripted for two years. Dozens of them went through the crucible of the Afghan war. Later they will publish wonderful books. Officers with military awards came to the department.

Officers of the military department will write reports and volunteer to go on business trips to carry out government assignments to eliminate the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. The liquidators, as they will later be called, will be Colonels Savvin V.G., Konovalov V.V., Lieutenant Colonels Bovgerd A.P., Trofimov V.V., Tabachnik A.Sh., Shamaev V.G. They will work at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant together with their own graduates of the military department, reserve officers of the RCBZ troops.

The liquidation of the Chernobyl accident was still ongoing, and here was a new tragedy. On December 7, 1988, at 11:41 a.m. local time, a devastating earthquake with a magnitude of 7.2 occurred in Armenia. On the initiative of the VSU Komsomol Committee, by decision of the rector, a bacteriological detachment is formed from volunteer students of the military department to be sent to the area of ​​the tragedy. Goal: removing the bodies of the dead from the ruins to save a safe sanitary and epidemiological situation.

Meanwhile, the military training of students in military departments was viewed ambiguously by the top military leadership of Russia. As a result, on July 20, 1993, the Government of the Russian Federation issued Decree No. 690, by which a number of military departments in universities, including VSU, were subject to disbandment. But less than two years passed when, by decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 596 of May 26, 1995, the military department of VSU was again restored.

In general, 1995 became a very dramatic year for military departments. On April 29, the State Duma adopted the Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service.” On July 20, the Duma will adopt three difficult-to-pronounce laws relating to military departments. We will cite only one Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions to the Federal Law “On Amendments and Additions” to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service”. And so three times. They will be followed by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation No. 626 of June 23, 1995 and No. 18 of January 9, 1996. Briefly, their meaning was as follows: we had to teach students at the military department under the program for training reserve officers, and graduate them as soldiers.

It is appropriate to recall here that on November 30, 1994, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 2137c “On measures to restore constitutional legality and order in the territory of the Chechen Republic” was issued. These events affected graduates and teachers of the military department with their dark wing. In the North Caucasus, a graduate of the military department, Colonel Yu.M. Anokhin became a holder of three orders of courage and earned the title of Hero of Russia. Graduate of the military department O.G. Shevtsov, acting as part of a column of the 245th motorized rifle regiment, risking his life, pulled a soldier out of a burning infantry fighting vehicle, and with another soldier began to fire at the enemy from under the burning vehicle. He died from multiple shrapnel wounds to the chest, abdomen and sniper hits to the neck, having fully fulfilled his duty as an officer. He was awarded the Order of Courage posthumously.

Officers of the military department, in accordance with the orders of the commander of the district troops, went on an “internship” with the troops, finding themselves in the very thick of the Caucasian events. Seven officers, including the head of the military department, Colonel A.I. Seredin, they fulfilled their duty with honor.


In 2004, an educational and methodological manual was published, prepared by the Main Directorate of Educational Work together with Voronezh State University. It became mandatory for 292 military departments in the country. VSU’s experience in preparing students has become a model for other universities.

However, the troubles did not stop. In July 2005, there was another reform: to stop recruiting for military departments. And, here: to identify universities where officers will be trained for contract service. The order of the Federal Agency for Education will write that, in pursuance of the instructions of the Minister of Education and Science and the letter of the then head of the personnel and educational work service N.A. Pankov to define VSU as the only civilian university in the country for training journalists in the interests of the Russian Ministry of Defense. In October 2005, the Voronezh military department was allowed to resume recruitment...

This was the beginning of a great restructuring of military education. An impetus was given to laying the groundwork for the fundamental training of career officers at a civilian university. New, unknown, through experiment, in the absence of a legislative framework and world experience. In December 2005, an interservice meeting on the problems of military education in civilian universities was held in Yekaterinburg.

On April 4, 2006, the Ministry of Defense commission inspected the organization of training for students in the reserve officer training program at the military department at Voronezh State University. Based on the inspection, the chairman of the commission of the RF Ministry of Defense, Lieutenant General S.E. Davydov reported to the Russian Minister of Defense that “the leadership of Voronezh State University is actively involved in the implementation of one of Russia’s state priorities (in the field of education) regarding the reform of the military education system, and is generally ready to begin training officers for service in the Armed Forces Russian Federation under a contract from among students from September 1, 2006."

On October 11, 2006, the Deputy Chief of Staff of the RF Ministry of Defense - Head of the Information and Public Relations Directorate of the RF Ministry of Defense, Major General S.E., arrived at the university. Rybakov with two management officers. In his speech at the ceremonial meeting, Major General Rybakov emphasized: “Here, on Russian soil, one might say, in the center of Russia, in the city of Voronezh, we are conducting an experiment that in many ways, I’m not afraid of this word, will determine the shape of the future, future Russian Armed Forces".

Everything went by trial and error. We survived. Even in the Directive of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, we were noted for the better. Cadets of the Faculty of Journalism attended educational and practical courses “Bastion”, aimed at special training for representatives of information structures working in extreme conditions.

Thanks to participation in the formation of a personnel order for the training of specialists at the direction of the Deputy Head of the 2nd Directorate of the Main Personnel Directorate, Colonel V.V. Romanov, in addition to humanitarian specialties, artillery specialties were also included in the military training center (MTC). His far-sighted decision was dictated by the goal of keeping cathedral officers in uniform by reassigning them to officer positions in the Educational Center instead of “dispersing them.” Not everyone remembers this (or did they even know it at all), thanks to whom they have the opportunity to continue serving.

By the decision of the Academic Council of VSU dated December 26, 2008, the university created the Faculty of Military Education, which united two structural divisions: a military training center that trains cadre officers, and a military department that trains reserve officers. Reserve Colonel A.A. became the dean of the faculty. Shcherbakov.


The spring of 2010 brought another spring thunderstorm... The team of the then Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov ordered: no orders should be placed at military training centers of civilian universities... Enrollments were stopped. The Russian Armed Forces are in a period of “dispersal.” We thought then: “Nothing, we’ll survive, because there are sets from 2006–2009. We’ll finish teaching them, and then…”

However, in May, a new instruction was received: expel those who were recruited earlier... Help came unexpectedly from Lubyanka. We were offered not to expel translators, but to train them in the interests of the Border Service of the FSB of Russia. Indeed, in 2010, the VSU Educational Center was visited by the head of the border control department of the PS FSB of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General V.V. Mochalov with a group of officers.

The New Year 2011 brought significant changes to the content of military education. On July 1, the first graduation of cadets from the military training center took place at Voronezh State University. In particular, a unique program of its kind was implemented to train public relations specialists for the Russian Armed Forces. It won't be long before many people become in demand. They are in demand not only in the Russian Armed Forces, but also in other executive authorities where military service is provided. Moreover, in 2010, Anatoly Serdyukov decided to terminate the training of career journalist officers at the Military University in Moscow. This was the end of a unique military specialty, which in Soviet times was taught at the famous Lvov Higher Military-Political School, and after the collapse of the USSR - at the Military University. For almost half a century, officers of this specialty worked excellently in all military publications and information structures, and in many media outlets at the all-Union and then federal level. But for some reason the Ministry of Defense no longer needed them. And it turned out that practically only Voronezh State University can continue the history of professional military journalism.

On September 18, 2011, His Holiness Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus', during the ceremony awarding him the degree of Doctor Honoris causa at Voronezh State University, said: “I think that there are two social systems, the activities of which are vital for the country and the state. The names of both begin with the letter “o”, and some may find it strange that I bring together these two areas of public life, namely defense and education... Indeed, education is as important as defense, and it can be just as important only a national matter."

In 2013, by order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the first military rank of officer was awarded to 39 UVC graduates. 17 graduates of the military training center with specialties in artillery and linguistics received officer shoulder straps and were released for further service, 22 graduates of the faculties of humanities were enlisted in the reserve with a personal number and the military rank of “lieutenant”. After a four-year break, enrollment at the UVC has been resumed.

By the way, VSU was one of the first in the country to get involved in creating a system of scientific companies and military training of university students under the training program for reserve soldiers and sergeants. Thus, on July 4, 2013, the rector of VSU, Professor Dmitry Endovitsky, took part in a meeting of rectors of leading universities in Russia, dedicated to the issues of creating scientific companies. The meeting was chaired by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. The result of the meeting was the signing of an agreement between the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and rectors of universities on cooperation in the creation of such scientific companies.

On July 30, 2013, VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky and Voronezh Region Governor Alexey Gordeev took part in an event held by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, Army General Nikolai Pankov, together with the Deputy Minister of Defense, Colonel General Oleg Ostapenko. They checked the progress of work on the creation of a scientific company on the basis of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Air Force (VUNC Air Force) “Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin" (Voronezh).

On December 16, 2013, VSU Rector Dmitry Endovitsky took part in a meeting held by the Russian Minister of Defense, Army General Sergei Shoigu, with the rectors of leading Russian universities. And in February 2014, a meeting of VSU students with Defense Minister Shoigu took place in Moscow. And again, on September 10, 2014, the rector of VSU took part in a meeting with rectors and students of the country’s leading universities, held at the Bauman Moscow Higher Technical School by Defense Minister Shoigu. And everywhere the experience of Voronezh residents in preparing students for service was the subject of consideration.

VSU has developed a clear system of military education:

– The UVC trains career officers – 5 years;

– the military department trains reserve officers – 2.5 years, reserve sergeants – 2 years, reserve soldiers – 1.5 years.

Last year, 2015, remained in memory as the year of the 70th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. At VSU, by this date, a non-standard Znamenny platoon (honor guard platoon) was formed, a dress uniform, and models of weapons (carbines, checkers) were purchased. The UVC cadets strived to join this group and practiced drill techniques until exhaustion. Their training became spectacular. And when at the solemn meeting dedicated to Victory Day, at the main building of VSU, this platoon solemnly carried a wreath, tears appeared in the eyes of not only the veterans... And the solemn march with banners instilled a feeling of pride and elation. This was not just a protocol event on the occasion of the holiday.

Work on military-professional orientation of youth has intensified at VSU. For example, a significant meeting was with a graduate of the military department of Voronezh State University in 1974, retired colonel Alexander Luchaninov, who retired from military service as deputy head of the Information and Press Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The training of career information officers has resumed at the Faculty of Journalism of Voronezh State University.

And there is one more very remarkable thing. By decision of the university rector, the VSU banner is kept at the military department.

Today we will talk about what universities there are in our city, how much it costs to study at them and how their specifics will affect the future that you are planning for yourself. We will also touch upon the problem of so-called ineffective universities.

Earlier, in a review of technical schools, I wrote that, in my opinion, higher education is sometimes inferior to a well-chosen special education. But, on the other hand, having the coveted crust has a number of advantages:

  • Unfortunately, in our country there is still a strong prejudice against people without qualifications, so education “like a tick on a resume” can be useful;
  • there are organizations where you do not have the right to be enrolled if you do not have a higher education degree, at least some;
  • education can be a good foundation for the future; perhaps you decide to write a PhD thesis in retirement - that’s where your diploma will come in handy.

Voronezh, as you know, is a city of students. One all-knowing Internet resource with the letter “B” told me that 127,000 (!) students study simultaneously in the capital of the Black Earth Region. Of course, a significant part of them are college students, but, all the same, several district cents can be populated by Voronezh students. Where do they all study, and what do they hope to become? Go ahead, explore? Where is the best place in Voronezh?

Study, study and study again: popular universities in the city

There are several dozen universities in Voronezh. They all have their own specifics, let's see what prospects different educational institutions can open up for different people.

State. Founded in 1918.
95 specialties.
Phone: 220-85-93.
Address: Universitetskaya sq., 1.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Mechanics;
  • Faculty of Geography, Geoecology and Tourism;
  • Faculty of Computer Science;
  • Faculty of Physics;
  • Faculty of Mathematics;
  • Faculty of Romance-Germanic Philology;
  • Faculty of Biology and Soils;
  • Faculty of Geology;
  • Faculty of Journalism
  • history department;
  • Faculty of International Relations;
  • Faculty of Pharmacy;
  • Faculty of Philology;
  • Faculty of Philosophy and Psychology;
  • chemical faculty;
  • Faculty of Economics;
  • Faculty of Law.

The undoubted advantage of VSU is that no matter what career you choose for yourself, you can very well start it from the university, well, except for those cases when you feel that the pathologist is sleeping in you or the taxidermist is dozing. And jokes aside, VSU is confidently included in the top hundred best universities in Russia, which is very significant.

Voronezh State Medical Academy named after. N.N. Burdenko

State. Founded in 1918.
6 specialties.
Phone 252-03-80.
Address: st. Studencheskaya, 10.
Faculties and directions:

  • medical Faculty;
  • Faculty of Pediatrics;
  • Faculty of Dentistry;
  • Faculty of Pharmacy;
  • Faculty of Medicine and Prevention.

It seems to me that it is not even customary to speak well of doctors in Russia and, in my opinion, absolutely in vain. The Voronezh Academy has been training excellent specialists for many years (naturally, I am talking about those who want to be excellent specialists). It’s not for nothing that so many foreign students study here. The institution is very prestigious, but, despite rumors, I heard from current doctors that it is quite possible to enter there without bribes and connections.

Voronezh State Pedagogical University

State. Founded in 1931.
Phone 255-57-47.
Address: st. Lenina, 86.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Physics and Mathematics;
  • Faculty of Natural Geography;
  • Faculty of Humanities;
  • Faculty of Foreign Languages;
  • Faculty of Physical Culture and Life Safety;
  • Faculty of Psychology and Education;
  • Faculty of Arts and Art Education.

In my time they used to say: “If you have no intelligence, go to college.” It is difficult to say how substantiated this statement is, but I encountered one of the problems of this university when I was finishing school. The fact is that a huge number of applicants, to whom Agricultural Institute and LesTech seem too strange, and VSU and VSTU too inaccessible, automatically switch their attention to the Pedagogical University. Needless to say, they do not aspire to be teachers, which means that a significant part of the training course is spent shaking the air. Perhaps this is why pedagogical education is not overrated, which, of course, will not play any role if you have excellent experience and unique skills.

Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I

State.Founded in 1912.
34 specialties.
Phone: 253-78-74.
Address: st. Michurina, 1, room 177.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Agricultural Engineering;
  • Faculty of Agronomy, Agrochemistry and Ecology;
  • Faculty of Land Management and Cadastre;
  • Faculty of Humanities and Law;
  • Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock Technology;
  • Faculty of Technology and Commodity Science;
  • Faculty of Accounting and Finance;
  • Faculty of Economics and Management.

This university recently celebrated its centenary. Our region, with its exclusive black soils, was chosen as a research base for the development of agriculture at the beginning of the 19th century. That is why it is sad that the most popular today is not the agricultural engineering faculty, but the ubiquitous faculties of law, accounting, economics and management. Of course, agriculture needs managers, but something tells me that VSAU graduates are in no hurry to leave for the countryside.

Institute of Management, Marketing and Finance

Non-state. Founded in 1991.
Phone: 235-55-19.
st. Karl Marx, 67.
st. Druzhinnikov, 8.
Areas of study:

  • management;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • trading business;
  • personnel Management;
  • economy;
  • economics (master's degree).

The university is more than 20 years old (other state universities are younger). I haven’t heard any bad reviews about it, and I didn’t find any when searching on the Internet. On my own behalf, I can add that the institute has excellent buildings with excellent gyms.

International Institute of Computer Technology

Non-state. Founded in 1992.
11 specialties.
Phone 239-00-69.
Address: st. Solnechnaya, 29b.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Information Systems;
  • Faculty of Energy;
  • Faculty of Economics.

In 2010, the university signed an agreement with Arcadia University on joint Russian-American training of specialists in several areas. In general, this university is the first that I have heard about that it provides a higher quality education than state universities.

Perhaps that opinion was subjective, but it was expressed to me by a graduate who occupies a very comfortable position in a large company that is very careful in selecting employees.

Universities with a military department

What is a military department? Generally speaking, this is the right of an educational institution to train specialists for the armed forces. I learned from the Internet that since 2008, graduates of military departments are not drafted into the army, but they can be invited to military training at the most inopportune moment.

Voronezh State University

I wrote about him at the beginning of the review.

Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies

State. Founded in 1930.
41 specialties.
Phone: 255-28-35.
Address: Revolution Ave., 19.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Process Automation;
  • Faculty of Food Machines and Automatic Machines;
  • Faculty of Ecology and Chemical Technology;
  • Faculty of Technology;
  • Faculty of Economics.

The university, better known in Voronezh as Tekhnolozhka, massively attracts former college graduates who want to continue their education. I heard a lot of praise about the university from my friends belonging to different generations, mainly due to the well-structured curriculum. That is, after this university it is quite easy to find a job.

Russian Academy of Justice, Central Branch

State. Founded in 2001.
4 specialties.
Phone: 271-54-15
Voronezh, st. 20th anniversary of October, 95
Faculties and directions:
Faculty of Law.

The founder of the academy - the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation - agree, inspires. Here they train specialists for the 3rd branch of government. In general, among my friends who work in the field of law, this educational institution is considered prestigious and respected.

Voronezh State Technical University

State. Founded in 1955.
79 specialties.
Phone: 246-40-67.
Address: Moskovsky pr-t, 1
faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Security;
  • Faculty of Engineering and Economics;
  • Faculty of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering;
  • Faculty of Energy and Control Systems;
  • Faculty of Radio Engineering and Electronics;
  • Faculty of evening and distance learning.

A university better known in our city as Polytechnic. It is also known for its high quality of education. This is what many of the current heads of large departments of numerous Voronezh enterprises graduated from (yes, there are still many enterprises). I would also like to add that if you plan to connect your life with the technical field, then, of course, polytechnic is an excellent solution, but if you want to go into the humanitarian field, then maybe you should choose a university without the word “technical” in the name.

Voronezh State Forestry Academy

State. Founded in 1930.
31 specialties.
Phone: 253-73-65.
Voronezh, Timiryazeva st., no. 8.
Faculties and directions:

  • Faculty of Forestry;
  • Automotive Faculty;
  • Faculty of Forestry;
  • Faculty of Mechanics;
  • Faculty of Economics.

The Forestry Academy is, in my opinion, a very fun place. A close friend of mine had the honor of studying there. I called her a forester, and she called herself a “lestechkolkhoznik”. The forest, in one way or another, runs through all the curricula of all faculties, sprouting here and there with lush shoots.

Every student at this university is required to learn that forests must be regularly thinned and even study the types of felling. Some will be honored to fly on a corn farm to explore the forests, and most will certainly while away the time on duty at the arboretum during the New Year holidays in order to protect rare varieties of Christmas trees from poachers.

Of course, here you can get a profession that is rare, but in demand in its own way, but such a specific one that before you go to unite with nature, think: are you ready to do this all your life.

The sensational list of ineffective universities

Last year, many of us heard the frightening phrase “ineffectiveness of universities.” After monitoring the Internet, I tried to figure out what it was. It turned out that the performance assessment was carried out to determine whether the university had the potential for development. Factors such as:

  • amount of space per student;
  • number of foreign students;
  • university income.

And some other aspects.

Based on the analysis of all this, a conclusion was made that the universities showed signs of inefficiency and a diagnosis was made of the need for reorganization. According to the results of this study, 5 useless universities were discovered in the Voronezh region:

  • Borisoglebsk State Pedagogical Institute;
  • Voronezh State Forestry Academy;
  • Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter I;
  • Voronezh State Institute of Physical Culture;
  • Voronezh State Pedagogical University.

On the one hand, these are the very universities where they go when there is nowhere else, but, on the other hand, the problem, probably, the problem is that working as an agronomist, trainer or teacher is not very profitable in our time, these professions are not taken seriously .

By the way, the participation of private universities in monitoring was purely voluntary, otherwise, it seems to me, the result would have been different. However, the performance assessment procedure itself has caused a lot of criticism and this year will be carried out taking into account the regional characteristics of universities.

This ends our instructive review. Finally, I would like to say a few more words about the role education plays in a person’s life. In order to answer this question, I, of course, turned to the Internet for help and also talked with several “older comrades” who consider their lives to be fulfilled. I asked: what did the “tower” become for you? The answers were approximately the following:

  • work is not your whole life, but simply a non-disgusting source of income;
  • education should help work, that is, “earning” money;
  • it is better to get some banal but in-demand specialty and have a stable income and allow yourself any kind of rest and lifestyle, than to constantly survive with a specialty “to your liking”;
  • if at 25 it will be easy for you to work “for an idea”, then by 40 you will already want comfort;
  • If you're afraid of becoming an office plankton by following these tips, then you're probably just in the wrong office and spending your weekends wrong.

Well, this point of view also has a right to life. It’s not for nothing that it arose in several people at once.

What do you think: education and future profession - for money or for the soul? Is it possible to choose two in one and, if you have to choose, what will you put at the forefront? Be sure to write. Let's discuss? It would be especially interesting to know how your views changed as you grew older. I am waiting!

cadet Vakhrenev A.V.


Appendix 6



student of the military department of Voronezh State University Andrey Vasilyevich Vakhrenev on completing an internship as an assistant commander of military unit 31895 for legal work

(from ___ July to ___ July 200__).

In accordance with the directive of the State Secretary-Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of June 16, 2009 No. 173/2/7357 and the order of the Commander of the Moscow Military District of November 17, 2009 No. 395, he completed an internship as an assistant regiment commander for legal work .

The main objectives of the internship and its purpose were set out in the Individual Assignment, approved by the head of the military department of Voronezh State University a month before leaving for the internship (Appendix 1).

Based on the Individual assignment, with the help of the internship supervisor, legal assistant of military unit 31895 G. Miroshnichenko, I drew up an Internship Plan, approved by the commander of the guard regiment, Colonel I. Lysenko.

All points of the Individual Assignment and the internship plan were fully worked out, which, in my opinion, made it possible to increase the level of military and special knowledge, to achieve further improvement of skills in organizing military-legal work in the troops.

During the internship, under the guidance of the assistant for legal work of the commander of military unit 31895 G. Miroshnichenko and with the assistance of the regiment officers ________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________, the following work was done:

1. Studied:


IIIPractically mastered:



Student of the military department of Voronezh State University, trainee assistant commander of military unit 31895 for legal work

cadet Vakhrenev A.V..



cycle of humanitarian training

military department of VSU

Protocol No.___

from "____" July 200__.

1. The internship achieved its goal.

2.The main tasks of the individual plan have been completed.

3. Cadet Vakhrenev A.V. may be allowed to take the final exam.

Appendix 7 (option)

I approve

Commander of military unit 31895

Guard Colonel I. Lysenko



During his internship at military unit 31895 from June 29 to July 20, 2010, as assistant commander of military unit 31895 for legal work, he showed good, fairly solid theoretical training, as well as skillful application of existing knowledge in practical work.

Completed the internship program and individual assignment completely and efficiently.

I got acquainted in detail with the organizational and staffing structure of the military unit. He handled the assigned work responsibly, showed the ability and ability to work with official documents, initiative and diligence.

Showed a good level of legal training, the ability to correctly apply legal norms and good methodological skills in carrying out legal work and preventing crime. He is careful in his work and complies with all elements of staff culture.

He is well prepared in military and special disciplines and knows how to apply theoretical knowledge in practical activities. At the same time, he demonstrated a solid knowledge of governing documents, as well as the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

He conducted classes and conversations with personnel methodically and competently.

Disciplined, hardworking, efficient, careful in work, honest, sociable. Reacts correctly to comments received. Can defend his point of view. Always ready to help resolve problematic issues.

Knows and fulfills the requirements of general military regulations.

The overall score for the internship is good.

Assistant commander of military unit 64307

for legal work G. Miroshnikov

"__" _____________ 20__

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