How to find where someone who died in the war of 1941-1945 is buried. How to find out where my grandfather fought in the Second World War? Is it possible to search by awards?

ABDRAKHIMOV Batyrgarey Akhmetovich,

Born in 1911, sergeant, discharged in 1944.

Born 1907, born. D. Novousman, sergeant, demobilized in 1945.

ABDRASHITOVA Kamila Sultangaleevna,

Born 1922, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, sergeant, dismissed in 1945.

ABDULLIN Gaifulla Khamitovich,

Born 1923, born. With. Makar of Ishimbay district, sergeant, dismissed in 1945.

ABDULLIN Minnulla Abubakirovich,

Born 1925, born. With. Mrakovo, Kugarchinsky district, private, demobilized in 1949.

ABDULLIN Mukhametzarif Yusupovich,

Born 1913, born. Kugarchinskogorna, lieutenant, discharged in 1946.

Born 1914, born. Baygazy village, st. Sergeant, discharged in 1945

year of birth __.__.1904, Guards. Red Army soldier,

ABDULLIN Khusnutdin Sharafutdinovich,

Born 1909, born. village of Syrtlanovo, Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1945.

ABDULMANOV Khusnetdin Sharafutdinovich,

Born in 1909, private, demobilized in 1947.

ABZELILOV Ibragim Ishbulatovich,

Born 1911, born. Orenburg region, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1945

year of birth __.__.1908, Guards. ml. lieutenant, in the Red Army from 03/06/1942,

place of service (unit name): 33rd Guards. SP 11th Guards sd.

ABUBAKIROV Badretdin Khairetdinovich,

Born 1913, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

ABUBAKIROV Mingazh Gallyamovich,

private, discharged in 1946

ABUBAKIROV Khazhimukhamet Garifovich,

Born 1896, harvest. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1945

AVKHADEEV Shagali Avkhadeevich,

Born 1911, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1945.

AGAMULIEV Ashraf Hasan-ogly,

Born 1911, born. Baku, private, discharged in 1943

Born 1918, harvest. village of Kulgana, private, discharged in 1943

Born 1925, born. d, Atik, private, demobilized in 1948.

Born 1925, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1946

AETBAEV Ishbuldy Mutallapovich,

Born 1921, born. village Novosubkhangul, dismissed in 1944

Born 1925, born. village of Novosubkhangul, private, demobilized in 1949

AETBAEV Mukhamet Murtazovich,

Born 1922, born. D. Muradym, private, discharged in 1943

AETBAEV Nuriakhmet Murtazovich,

Born 1925, born. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

AETBAEV Sultangali Khalilovitch,

Born in 1905, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

AETBAEV Ulmasbay Khalilovitch,

Born 1896, private, demobilized in 1945.

AETBAEV Yumaguzha Sadrievich,

Born 1901, born. village Muradym.

AETKULOV Gafur Shirgaleevich,

Born 1903, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1946

AZANGULOV Mukharryam Davletovich,

Born 1921, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1945

AZANOV Sharif Gataulovich,

Born 1926, born. Sverdlovsk region, private, demobilized in 1946.

AITKULOV Salman Khabirovich,

Born 1902, born. village of Baynazar.


Born 1896, harvest. village of Irgizla.

year of birth __.__.1923, Red Army soldier, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

AKNAZAROV Gaizulla Sagitovich,

Born 1907, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1945


born 1901, p. Starosubkhangulovo.

ALEXANDROV Dmitry Prokhorovich,

Born 1926, born. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1950

ALIMGULOV Gabit Khaibullovich,

Born 1911, born. d. Suyush, private, discharged in 1944

Born 1903, born. village Suyush, private, demobilized in 1945

ALLABERDIN Abdulhak Mukhamedyanovich,

Born 1916, born. Yumaguzinsky district, private, demobilized in 1946,

year of birth __.__.1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from May 10, 1943,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

ALLABERDIN Mutagar Nazhmetdinovich,

Born 1924, born. d. Timir, sergeant, demobilized in 1947

harvest D. Timir, lieutenant, discharged in 1950

ALLABIRDIN Ibrahim Galyautdinovich,

Born 1899, harvest. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

ALLABIRDIN Khazhmetdin,

Born 1904, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1946

ALLABIRDIN Murtaza Galliamovich,

Born 1924, born. village Timir, private, demobilized in 1941

ALLAGULOV Rajap Dautovich,

Born 1921, born. Akbulat village, private, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1916, born. D. Timir, captain, dismissed in 1945

ALTYNBAEV Nigamat Galievich,

Born 1901, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized due to injury in 1944.

ALTYNBAEV Fashetdin Gadelevich,

Born 1901, born. D. Timir, private.

ALTYNBAEV Fatkhulla Yagafarovich,

Born 1919, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1942

ALTYNBAEV Afzal Faskhetdinovich,

Born 1927, harvest. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1951

ALTYNBAEV Faskhetdin Gadelovich,

Born 1892, harvest. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1942

ALTYNSHIN Muzhavir Gibatovich,

Born 1895, harvest. Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1926, born. Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

1918 r., harvest Kiekbai village, private, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1927, harvest. d. Kiekbay, private, discharged in 1951

ALTYNCHURIN Timirgali Munasipovich,

Born 1905, born. village of Kulgana.

AMINEV Nazhmetdin Fazletdinovich,

Born 1908, born. d. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1948

AMINEV Nurmukhamet Sultanovich,

Born 1906, harvest. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

AMINEV Wildan Gilmanovich,

1917 r., harvest d. Galiakber, sergeant, dismissed in 1942

AMINEV Shakir Iskanyarovich,

Born 1924, born. Atik village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1947

AMINEV Sharifulla Iskanyarovich,

Born 1926, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1950

AMINEV Eganur Gilfanovich,

Born 1927, native. village of Galiakberovo, private, discharged in 1951

AMINEV Akhmatulla Salakhitdinovich,

Born 1905, harvest, Galiakberovo village.

AMIROV Zinnur Yulmukhametovich,

Born 1920, vintage. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1941

AMIRKHANOV Mukhametdin Kirametdinovich,

Born 1901, born. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1944

Born 1925, born. d. Aralbay, sergeant, demobilized in 1948

year of birth __.__.1912, Art. technical lieutenant, in the Red Army from __.06.1941,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

AMIRKHANOV Khakimyan Mukhametdinovich,

harvest village Staromunasip, private.

ANANEV Mikhail Ivanovich,

Born 1922, born. Kuyurgazinsky district, corporal, demobilized in 1946,

ANDREEV Pavel Frolovich,

Born 1916, born. Voronezh region, private, demobilized in 1945.

ANTONOV Grigory Ivanovich,

Born 1915, born. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1945

ANTONOV Mikhail Ivanovich,

Born 1922, born. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1945

ANTONOV Fedor Ivanovich,

Born 1925, born. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1945

year of birth __.__.1920, Guards. Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from 01/01/1941,

place of recruitment: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district

duty station (unit name): 43 oiptad 222 SD 49 A 1 BelF.

ARALBAEV Nuriman Kasimovich,

Born 1899, harvest. village of Kildigul, private, demobilized in 1945.


1906 r., harvest village Yakshigul, private, discharged in 1943

Born 1912, born. village of Kulgana, private, demobilized in 1947

Born 1925, born. d. Kutan, private, discharged in 1944

ASKAROV Muzhavir Askarovich,

Born 1908, born. village of Kulgana, private, demobilized in 1946

ASYLBAYEV Garif Sharafetdinovich,

Born 1897, harvest. village of Yaumbay, private, demobilized in 1945

ASYLBAYEV Ilyas Shayakhmetovich,

Born 1921, born. village Yaumbay, private, discharged in 1945

ASYLBAYEV Shagimardan Shayakhmetovich,

Born 1926, born. D. Sargaya, corporal, called up on March 15, 1945, discharged on November 10, 1950.

Born 1925, born. village Kutan, private, demobilized in 1946

Born 1908, born. village of Yaumbay, private, demobilized in 1946

ASYLGUZHIN Akhmadulla Gubaidulovich,

Born 1911, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, demobilized in 1946.

ASYLGUZHIN Kunakbay Gubaidulovich,

Born 1927, harvest. Verkhniy Nugush village, sergeant, demobilized in 1951.

ASYLGUZHIN Mukhamadulla Gubaidulovich,

Born 1906, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, demobilized in 1945.

ASYLGUZHIN Khabibrakhman Gubaidulovich,

Born 1924, born. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, discharged in 1944.

AKHMETOV Khaibulla Gaifullovich,

Born 1924, born. d. Galiakber, private, discharged in 1942

harvest d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

AKHMETOV Khalil Ataullovich,

Born 1905, born. d. Galiakber, private, demobilized in 1945

AKHMETOV Nabiulla Akhmetovich,

AKHMETOV Gaizulla Khayrullovich,

Born 1899, harvest. village of Galiakber.

year of birth __.__.1924, Guards. ml. sergeant,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

place of service (name of unit): 136 Guards. SP 42 Guards sd.

year of birth __.__.1925, Red Army soldier, in the Red Army from __.01.1943,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

Born 1908, born. village of Gadelgarey, private, demobilized in 1945

AKHTYAMOV Saifulla Gubaidulovich,

Born 1925, born. Mindigul village, st. Sergeant, demobilized in 1950

Born 1921, born. D. Mindigul, private, discharged in 1944

AYUPOV Khusnetdin Khusainovich,

Born 1923, born. village of Novomunasip, private, discharged in 1944.

AYUPOV Nuritdin Nurgaleevich,

Born 1927, harvest. village of Staromunasip, private, discharged in 1951

BADAMSHIN Vahit Zaripovich,

Born 1900, harvest. village Timir.

BAYGAZIN Minnigani Hammatovich,

Born 1925, born. Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1948.

Born 1902, born. Meleuzovsky district, private, discharged in 1945.

BAYGUZIN Aglyam Nizamovich,

Born 1927, harvest. Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1951.

BAYGUZIN Shakir Nizamovich,

Born 1916, born. Buzdyaksky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

BAIGUZHIN Zakir Fatkhetdinovich,

Born 1900, harvest. D. Nabi, private, demobilized in 1945

Born 1923, born. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1947

BAYGUSKAROV Gimalitdin Bagautdinovich,

Born 1926, born. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1950

BAYGUSKAROV Sayfetdin Zainetdinovich,

Born 1914, born. village Staromusyat, private, demobilized in 1945

year of birth __.__.1918, art. lieutenant, in the Red Army from October 16, 1938,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

duty station (unit name): headquarters 15 A 2 Far Eastern Fleet.

BAIMURATOV Salimgarey Khaibrakhmanovich,

Born 1924, born. Burzyansky district, private, discharged in 1945.

BAYMURZIN Afzal Abubakirovich,

Born 1910, born. village of Staromunasip, lieutenant, demobilized in 1945.

Born in 1897, born in the village of Timir, private, demobilized in 1945.

BAYMURZIN Zainulla Gizzatovich,

Born 1904, born. village of Muradym, private, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1914, born. village of Staromunasip, corporal, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1911, born. village Staromunasip, ml. Sergeant, demobilized in 1945

BAYMURZIN Shagigali Kinyagulovich,

harvest village of Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1945

BAIMUKHAMETOV Gali Abdulgalimovich,

Born 1918, harvest. D. Kulgana, lieutenant, discharged in 1946

Born 1902, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

BAIMUKHAMETOV Giniyat Khidiyatovich,

Born 1904, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1946

BAIMUKHAMETOV Saifulla Gibatullovich,

Born 1925, born. d. Atik, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

BAYMUKHAMETOV Sibagat Khidiyatovich,

Born 1926, born. D. Atik, foreman, dismissed in 1950

BAIMUKHAMETOV Gadiyat Gazizovich,

Born 1907, born. village Atik.

BAIMUKHAMETOV Yusup Zinnatullovich,

Born 1900, harvest. village Atik.

BAINAZAROV Aetbay Giniyatovich,

Born 1925, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1950

Born 1903, born. d. Abdulmambet, foreman, demobilized in 1945.

Born 1906, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1944

BAINAZAROV Saitgali Zulfarovich,

Born 1922, born. village Baynazar, private, demobilized in 1945

BAINAZAROV Abdrazak Giniyatovich,

Born 1923, born. d. Baynazar, private, discharged in 1946

Born 1921, born. D. Baynazar, senior lieutenant, discharged in 1946

BAYRAMGULOV Yusup Abdulkhakovich,

Born 1914, born. d. Abdulmambet, private, discharged in 1944.

Born 1924, born. D. Abdulmambet, junior sergeant, dismissed in 1949

BAISHEGUROVA Zulhiza Galeevna,

Born 1924, born. d. Kutan, corporal, demobilized in 1945

BAKANOV Vasily Sidorovich,

Born 1927, harvest. village Irgizla, private, discharged in 1951

Born 1925, born. village Novosubkhangul, private, discharged in 1945

BALDYBAEV Salyakhetdin Gilazhetdinovich,

Born 1925, born. d. Novosubkhangul, sergeant, demobilized in 1950

BALDYBAEV Valit Gallyamovich,

Born 1893, harvest. Novosubkhangulovo, private, discharged in 1945

Born 1900, harvest. village of Novosubkhangulovo.

Born 1922, born. D. Atik, captain, dismissed in 1944

year of birth __.__.1907, Guards. Major, in the Red Army from __.08.1941,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district,

place of service (unit name): 47 Guards. ap 21 gv. SD 3 Ud. A.

BASHAROV Adigam Gazizovich,

Born 1910, born. village Yaumbay, foreman, demobilized in 1945

Born 1924, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1943

Born 1918, harvest. village of Baygazy, sergeant, demobilized in 1945.

BAYAZITOV Ishdavlet Zainullovich,

1901, born, born. village of Novomunasip, private, discharged in 1943

BAYAZITOV Migran Fazulovich,

Born 1921, born. village of Baygazy, foreman, demobilized in 1946.

BAYAZITOV Mukhametzakir Halfetdinovich,

Born 1914, born. d. Timir, private, demobilized in 1945

BAYAZITOV Mukhametsalikh Halfetdinovich,

Born 1919, born. Timir village, conscripted by the Burzyansky RVC in 1940, Kuban Cossack Regiment , Private, demobilized in 1946.

BAYAZITOV Sitdik Fazulovich,

Born 1909, born. village of Baygazy, private, discharged in 1943

BAYAZITOV Yarulla Fazulovich,

Born 1911, born. village of Baygazy, private, discharged in 1943

Born 1918, harvest. Tuymazinsky district, ml. lieutenant, discharged in 1946

Born in 1925, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (unit name): 361st joint venture 156th rifle division.

BERDIKAEV Badretdin Shaikhutdinovich,

Born 1909, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1946.

BERDIKAEV Minnigali Birgaleevich,

Born 1909, born. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, discharged in 1945.

year of birth __.__.1909, art. Sergeant, in the Red Army from __.__.1941,

place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district.

BIEMBETOV Ahmadi Atangulovich,

Born 1923, born. d. Atik, private, demobilized in 1947

Born 1921, born. Atik village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1946

BIEMBETOV Zaki Atangulovich,

Born 1898, harvest. village Atik.

BIKBAEV Hakim Yusupovich,

Born 1925, born. Burzyansky district, private, demobilized in 1947.

BIKBULATOV Bagautdin Abdrakhmanovich,

Born 1908, born. Akbulat village, st. lieutenant, discharged in 1945

BIKBULATOV Galimyan Abdullovich,

Born 1924, born. d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1949

BIKBULATOV Magafur Gatich,

Born 1913, born. Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

BIKBULATOV Wildan Gilmanovich,

Born 1924, born. d. Novousman, private, demobilized in 1947

BIKBULATOV Harras Gatich,

Born 1901, born. Makarovsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

BIKBULATOV Garif Gatich,

Born 1903, born. Makarovsky district, private, demobilized in 1946.

BIKISHEV Bulyakbai Nabiullovich,

Born 1918, harvest. Verkhniy Nugush village, private, discharged in 1945.

BIKKININ Gilman Suleymanovich,

Born in 1908, sergeant, discharged in 1943.

BIKMUKHAMETOV Zagretdin Khairulovich,

Born 1914, born. D. Timir, private, discharged in 1943

BILALOV Fazylgumar Sharafetdinovich,

Born 1906, born. village of Gadelgarey, dismissed in 1945

BIRGANOV Ibragim Shagiyanovich,

harvest village of Staromunasipovo, private.

BIRDEKAEV Khusain Halfetdinovich,

Born 1927, harvest. With. Starosubkhangulovo, private, demobilized in 1951.

Born in 1918, place of conscription: Burzyansky RVK, Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, Burzyansky district, place of service (unit name): 1032 joint venture 293 infantry division

BOTIN Petr Lavrentievich,

Born 1909, born. village of Irgizla, private, demobilized in 1945

BULYAKBAEV Mukhametkhan Davletkildinovich,

Born 1906, born. village of Novomusyat, private, demobilized in 1945.

BULYAKOV Nurulla Nigamatovich,

Born 1916, born. Aurgazinsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1946.

BURANBAEV Sultangarey Lutfullovich,

Born 1920, born. d. Novomunasip, private, demobilized.

BURANOV Abdulla Ataullovich,

Born 1929, born. village of Staromunasip, private, demobilized in 1946

Born 1920, born. D. Staromunasip, senior sergeant, dismissed in 1946

BURANOV Sufiyan Mingazhetdinovich,

Born 1900, harvest. village Staromunasip, dismissed in 1945

BURANOV Mutallap M.,

Born 1893, harvest. village Staromunasip.

BYKOV Afanasy Evdokimovich,

Born 1900, harvest. Beloretsky district, sergeant, demobilized in 1945

The feat of the Soviet soldier who defeated fascism is difficult to overestimate even in today's difficult times.

The names of many, many heroes remained unknown or forgotten, and the further we go, the more difficult it is to find traces.

Which could reliably fill in the gaps in the heroic history of the Soviet Union during the Great Patriotic War.

The portal of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is intended to restore the pages of military history, at least with the names of unknown soldiers who forever became heroes.

The portal of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense is an electronic resource available at the link

Which contains information about documents relating to the course of the war, senior and junior commanders and privates, army compositions and smaller structural units.

The scientific department is engaged in the restoration of historical events of those times using documents and artifacts that, although rare, continue to be found.

The main goal of the portal and the Central Archive is to provide assistance to the relatives of soldiers and officers who participated in hostilities and died in them or went missing.

The portal itself was created in order to facilitate and simplify the submission of a request to the archive about fallen soldiers.

The second equally important purpose of the archive is to search for people who at that time were awarded orders and medals for services to the Motherland, but did not have time or for some reason were unable to receive them.

A separate small subsection of the site is dedicated to this, where a list of soldiers and officers who have not been awarded their awards is presented.

This list is small and probably does not include everyone who is yet to receive their reward, but as new information becomes available, it is constantly updated on the site.

Structure of the portal of the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense

The portal is quite large and has many “structural divisions”. It consists of three parts, for which their own menu items are provided.

The top menu represents sections of the archive portal itself. From this menu you can submit an application to search for a relative who died in the war.

The scientific reference apparatus, the archive's reading room are also described, links to electronic resources are provided, and contact information is also provided.

Generalized database "Memorial"

The project Generalized Data Bank “Memorial” deserves special attention.

It is with its help that you can search and find the person of interest who participated in the Great Patriotic War.

The main sources of information used for the search are described in the “Sources of Information” section at the bottom of the page.

  • These are reports of personnel losses after large-scale and more local battles;
  • Information about the reorganization of troops;
  • Descriptions of burials and certificates of the dead or missing;
  • Military medical documentation, other documents;
  • Including prisoners of war of our army and the enemy.

All materials amounted to more than 20 million records on more than 10 million sheets.

All this information was systematized and presented in electronic form.

To get general brief information about a specific serviceman, you need to fill out a search form, which has a short and extended version.

If only the last name, first name and patronymic are known, it is enough to use the short form.

If you have more detailed data, it is better to use the advanced search.

Documents searched for.

After entering all known data into the expanded search form at the bottom of the page, you need to click the “Search” button.

Based on the search results, a list of names of soldiers and officers is displayed, among which may be the person of interest.

Note! Despite the fact that this resource was created by the Russian Ministry of Defense, the archive contains information not only about Russians, but also about residents of other former republics, since they all belonged to the same army - the Soviet one.

The icons at the end of each line allow you, respectively, to view summary information about a specific person, view a document, or download its electronic version.

Submitting a request to the archive and electronic reception

You can submit a request to search for information about a person through the “Services” section.

They are divided depending on the affiliation of the person of interest to a particular unit or formation.

The forms provided are automatically downloaded and can be printed and completed manually, or completed electronically and then printed completed.

You can submit a request in two ways: by mail or by personally coming to the Central Archives of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

An electronic form of the questionnaire is also provided, which is filled out online. From those offered, you need to select the appropriate one and click the “Create” button.

After this, a form with required fields will appear.

They need to include the relevant information, as well as the contact details of the person making the request and to whom the response will be sent.

Electronic reception

You can also log into your Personal Account, get background information or get acquainted with the most popular questions and answers to them.

If it is necessary to send a message or appeal to the Ministry of Defense, the citizen must register a Personal Account.

This can be done using the link “Citizen’s Personal Account”. This link takes you to the login form, where there is a link to register.

To register, you need to enter your personal data, email address and come up with a strong password.

After which you can freely use your personal account.

Military History Library and Reading Room

The section “Military Historical Library” provides information about the library itself and its activities, management, announcements about events and activities that are planned in the library.

The “Gold Fund” section contains several links to the most extensive works on the history of the military glory of Russian weapons, about military men and sailors, and historical personalities.

Note! The site does not present electronic versions of books and printed publications, except for books from the “Golden Fund”.

However, the latter are only available for reading and not for downloading.
The library also displays small exhibitions of military uniforms of Russian army soldiers from different times.

The “Reading Room” section of the portal contains instructions on using the exhibits in the reading room, working with documents and literature, and the procedure for making copies of documents.

Attention! The reading room is open only on certain days, and to work with documents you must first make an application.

Other sections of the portal

The portal is a rather large and complex structure.

Some of its sections contain reference and informational information, and the literary and documentary fund itself is not available online.

The other part is of the nature of searching and educating patriotism and a sense of historical memory and feat accomplished by our ancestors.

To study in more detail all the capabilities of the portal or solve a specific issue, you need to devote more time and, possibly, contact the user support service.

Attention! All information on this site is presented for informational purposes only. The site does not collect or process personal data. Federal Law No. 152-FZ of July 27, 2006 “On Personal Data” is not violated.

Many of our readers are interested in the question of how to restore biographical information about their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War. Time inexorably separates us from loved ones, sometimes before we are able to realize their merits. Sometimes our relatives pass away during our childhood or even before we are born. In addition, people who survived the war, as a rule, rarely talk about the past. But one day we understand that restoring the biographies of our dear relatives means paying a debt to their memory...

Our guest is a famous historian - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of General History, Historiography and Archeology at Penza State University.

Sergei Vladislavovich, in recent years interest in genealogy has increased noticeably. Why do you think?

Belousov S.V.: Genealogy is one of the historical disciplines that deals with the study and compilation of genealogies, ascertaining the origin of individual clans, families and individuals. Genealogy opens up very broad prospects. The life of an individual and family is inextricably linked with the history of society and the state. A person is a witness to various epoch-making events, and sometimes a direct participant in them. Consequently, through the history of one’s own family one can come to the study of the Small Motherland and the history of the Fatherland.

For many people, the starting point of a genealogical search is the Great Patriotic War, which, without a doubt, left its mark on the history of every family. Establishing the historical facts of the participation of our fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the events of this heroic time allows us to come as close as possible to the issue of forming an active life position in the younger generation and, using the example of family history, to instill a sense of patriotism.

Do you think patriots are born or made?

Belousov S.V.: The etymology of the word “patriotism” goes back to the Latin words “pater” (father) and “patria” (fatherland) and means a person’s moral position, which is expressed in love for the Motherland, pride in it, respect for its historical past and readiness for self-sacrifice in the name of her independence and freedom.

Patriotism cannot arise instantly with the wave of a magic wand. Its formation is a long process in which everyone should be involved: the state, school, public organizations, and the media. But we must not forget that patriotism, an understanding of one’s involvement in the Fatherland and its constituent people, is brought up, first of all, in the family. Therefore, the importance of studying family history and turning to the heroic past of our ancestors can hardly be overestimated.

How can we establish the fate of a person who took part in hostilities or forged victory in the rear?

Belousov S.V.: The answer to this question is much more complex than it might seem at first glance. Time is inexorable, and the events of that time are moving further into the past. In many families, the real events of the war in which their ancestor took part have long been intertwined with facts based on stories, memories, family traditions, which leads to the emergence of myths, and therefore a distortion of reality. At the same time, information about the person, if preserved, is scattered across various archives. Genealogical research can sometimes take many years, and sometimes a lucky break can immediately reward you for your efforts.

Where to start searching for information about relatives who were contemporaries of the Great Patriotic War?

Belousov S.V.: Let's look at some aspects of genealogical research. After all, when starting to solve any search problem, you must have a given algorithm of actions. You need to start your research by identifying the last name, first name, patronymic, year and place of birth of the person who participated in the war. Without this primary information, further search will be very difficult. A person’s place of residence on the eve of the war, for example, will help to find out which RVC he was drafted to. Then you should interview all relatives to establish various facts from his life (for example, marital status, place of work, etc.), and familiarize yourself with the surviving documents, letters and photographs. Studying them can also provide the researcher with important additional information about the person of interest. For example, an image on a photo card in a military uniform can help determine the branch of service, rank and awards, and a field mail stamp on a letter can help determine the number of the military unit. The main task at this stage is to find out the number of the military unit in which the serviceman was a member for at least some time. This will undoubtedly help in further searches.

What help can the Internet provide in finding information about a relative’s military journey?

Belousov S.V.: The Internet can provide invaluable assistance in collecting primary information, where there are military historical forums that can answer some questions of interest to the researcher, and various databases are posted (for example, the structure of the Red Army on the eve of the war, tables of correspondence of field post numbers to military units, locations and numbers
evacuation hospitals). See, for example, forums and materials posted on the websites,, etc. When studying the history of the participation of grandfathers and great-grandfathers in the Great Patriotic War, if their fate is connected with the history of the Penza region, you can use the information posted on the website ""No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". National Book of Memory of the Penza Region", the administrator of which is S.A. Dvoryankin.

The cruel Great Patriotic War left its mark on every family. Everyone's grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers fought. Many of them died or went missing. And of those who survived, few have survived to this day. And, as a rule, they do not like to talk about war. The phrase “he (she) did not like to talk about the front” is found in almost half of the memories of children and grandchildren. Therefore, the only way to find out about the fate of relatives is to study documents.

Don't be afraid. It's not difficult at all and you may not even have to go to the archives. All you need is a computer with Internet access. In this article I will tell you about several sites that I personally used to find my great-grandfather. I really hope that they will help you too. First, I will talk about the main search bases, and then about how I managed to find all the information about my missing great-grandfather.

Why Internet?

Using existing databases, you can trace the main events of the military path: the date and place of conscription, wounds, captivity, exploits and awards. If a person does not return from the war, information about the place of his death and burial can be found in the databases.

In 2007, a database was created in which you can find documents from the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense, the Russian State Military Archive, the State Archive and all its branches. The site is updated with new documents from time to time, but most have already been processed.

Award orders can be found here.

This resource allows you to track the movement of the unit in which your relative served on a map. These are just the main databases, but there are others.

What information is required for the search?

It is important to know your first and last name. But it often happens that this information is not enough at all, so you should indicate the date of birth, place of birth and place of recruitment.

How did I find the information?

My great-grandfather was considered missing since 1945. Absolutely nothing was known about him. There were no documents, there was nothing except an old worn photograph that my great-grandmother saved. About 5 years ago, I became very interested in finding out at least something about my relative. I didn’t bother going through the archives and decided to trust Google. Having typed into a search engine: “How to find someone who disappeared during the Second World War?”, the OBD Memorial website appeared in the first list. And it was he who helped me.

Let me remind you that I had absolutely no information except my first and last name. But! Everything worked out! On the site I found documents that contained information about the place of conscription, the date of birth, about the wife (my great-grandmother), and the most important information for me was the date when my great-grandfather went missing (January 1945) and the number of the military unit and field mail (hereinafter referred to as military mail and p/p).

It would seem that this information should be enough, but it was not enough for me. Believing in the power of the almighty Google, I entered the number of the military unit and telephone number, and - a miracle! - I managed to find out that this is number 21 of the Guards Regiment of the 5th Infantry Division. Next, good old Wikipedia came to my aid.

There I learned that the 21st regiment participated in the Koenigsberg operation, during which it crossed several rivers. Since my great-grandfather is considered missing, it would be quite logical to think that he drowned during the crossing. Of course, it was very sad to realize this, but most likely it is so.

Thanks to the site, our family received information about a relative about whom nothing had been known since 1945.

If you have relatives who served (and I'm sure they did), then you can easily find documents, awards, and maybe even photographs. And if you already know everything about a relative who served, then it wouldn’t hurt to look at the documents from 1945. Believe me, it's very interesting!

Don't be lazy and look for information. Knowing about relatives who served is very important. After all, thanks to them, you now live in peace, tranquility and enjoy life.

If you already have all the data and know very well the history of your family who fought, then don’t sit at home with your laptop watching TV series, but be sure to congratulate the veterans on Great Victory Day. We owe them our lives.

Thank you for the peaceful sky above your head.

“The Combat Path” is designed in the form of a bound report and contains photocopies of real archival documents: military tickets, order books, registration and service records, award sheets, orders, various statements, certificates, questionnaires, photographs.

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The results of this research in the future may serve as the basis for creating the book “The Glory of the Family,” which will be an excellent gift for a grandfather, father, son or grandson.

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"Antique set"

The Great Patriotic War, being a huge test for the entire Soviet people, affected almost every family in our country, which gave their fathers, brothers, sons or daughters to the holy feat of arms. Victory in it was paid at a high price, which has to be paid even today, since the fate of thousands of people still remains unknown.

And although more than seventy years have passed since the end of the fighting, we, living today, still need and need the truth about the fate of our loved ones. To continue to preserve the memory of the courage and heroism of those who did not spare their lives in our name. To pass it on to those who follow us.

Today, thanks to the fact that many military archives have been declassified, the documentary restoration of the military path of our ancestors in the Great Patriotic War has become a truly real opportunity to pay our debt to the memory of our family and friends who will no longer be able to tell about themselves.

Military information search and its features

In order to help find traces and find out the combat path of a participant in the Great Patriotic War by last name, there are many different military archives (including closed departmental ones) that have data on fronts and groups, divisions, regiments and companies of all branches of the military.

Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

However, the Military Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO), which works on the basis of departmental instructions, is considered the most important custodian of information on this period. You can contact it with a written request (compiling it extremely competently and clearly, providing as much as possible all available information and identifying all the questions that need an answer) or by appearing in person.

Specialized sites and forums

Today, the Internet can also provide great assistance in searching for soldiers of the Great Patriotic War, where (with the help of an intelligent search system) it is possible to find and recreate the history of an individual front-line soldier. This is, for example, a unified electronic database " Memory of the people", created on the basis of earlier projects " Memorial" And " Feat of the people"and works extremely simply and clearly. There are also many generalized data banks about the fates of not only WWII participants, but also home front workers. There are also resources where you can learn about those killed in captivity on the territory of European countries and about those who are listed as missing.

In addition, various military-historical forums can help in recreating the military path of a WWII veteran, where you can find tables of correspondence to military units with field post numbers or find the numbers of evacuation hospitals and their locations. However, when working impersonally with sites, it is always worth remembering the presence of such a problem as the reliability of the information received there. Therefore, preference should be given to official Internet resources.

Information used for searching

Of course, the search for truthful data about the life and heroic past of our relatives in those times that are already far from today is a rather complex and lengthy algorithm. And it begins with a search by name in the military archive of the Second World War. Although just a surname, as a rule, is not enough.

There is a list of so-called primary information, with the help of which the process of finding the right person will become much faster and easier. In addition to the surname, it includes information about the name of the wanted person, the date (or at least year) and place of his birth.

Place of residence before the war also plays an important role, since this will help to find out which district military registration and enlistment office a person was called to the front. On the basis of which, as a result, the main thing becomes clear - the number of the military unit where the wanted person served for at least some time.

  • where and in what ranks the service took place (stage by stage);
  • in what military operations and in what areas did the military take part;
  • when, what and for what exactly was it awarded;
  • if necessary, the place, time and circumstances of the death, the presence and location of the burial are also clarified.

Thus, slowly and gradually a single chain of a person’s fate is born from the moment he is drafted into war until the day he returns (or fails to return) home.

Search for unknown ancestors

In addition to searching for front-line soldiers by name in military archives, it is possible to find many other threads of family history lost in time.

With each passing year, it becomes more and more common for a person to turn to the past. And not only to your personal, about which your own memory keeps memories, but also to the past of the family, clan. To the past of a whole series of generations of people related to the family, who lived before him and, willingly or unwillingly, came into contact with the most interesting events in which the history of our country is so rich.

Genealogical search, as a rule, is carried out by studying and analyzing information obtained from various sources (a variety of archives, data from local history museums, metric and church books, formal lists and much more). Of course, you can do this on your own, since studying your own genealogy is an extremely exciting, albeit difficult, task.

However, ideally (or rather, in order to save time and nerves), this labor-intensive process is often entrusted to those who understand it as professionals. Professionals who have access to and are able to analyze huge amounts of complex and specific information.

The results of this extensive work can be presented in several versions at the customer’s request.

Design of found search materials in the form of panels

One of the possibilities for visual presentation of the most significant and interesting facts from the combat past of a war veteran, offered by the Christian House of Family Traditions, can be a specially designed unique memorial panel.

It is a wooden frame, handmade for each specific order. It contains behind faceted glass the main documents and evidence of military service: photographs, copies of award sheets or an order book, fragments of letters or extracts from a registration card. This can be anything that most accurately and vividly reflects the main milestones of the path traversed by the serviceman, and will allow him to preserve a long and bright memory.

In general, the study " Battle path"consists of structured and step-by-step information on the biography of a WWII participant, obtained as a result of the work of company specialists, in the form of a brochure-report with attached photocopies of all actually found documents.

Family tree

In addition, based on various genealogical studies, a family tree can be created and a family pedigree compiled. As a rule, these are large projects offered by the unique line of services of the Christian House of Family Traditions, which involve several professional researchers (historians, archivists and genealogists) under the auspices of a personal curator who is responsible to the customer for the quality and speed of the work, as well as for optimizing its budget.

The result of these painstaking research is the compilation of a complete family tree, which helps you get in touch with your roots, the achievements and values ​​of your own ancestors and their wisdom.

The family tree, as a result of the work performed, can also be presented to the customer in several options:

  • in the form of a design diagram or a picturesque tree;
  • like a folding tree or a carved wooden panel;
  • and in the shezhere version (traditional Turkic genealogy, documented in writing).

Order a service « Military search" and its cost

House of Family Traditions “Christian” offers a whole range of work to search for the most comprehensive and reliable information about the family, its founders, brightest representatives and traditions.

And given that the company’s activities are based on the use of modern technologies and business models, the cost of services of the House of Family Traditions “Christian” is an absolutely competitive value, ultimately depending on many parameters of the order: its complexity, features, terms and conditions of execution. And it is best to clarify it in the process of direct communication with a company specialist.

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