Who made 1 exit to open space. Leonov's sunrise: as Izvestia covered the first way out into open space

The term "activity in open space" (eng. Extra-Vehicular Activity, EVA) is wider and includes the concept of exiting the ship to the surface of the moon, planet or other space object.

Historically, due to the difference in the design features of the first spacecraft, Americans and Russians are differently determined by the moment of entering space. In Soviet spacecraft, from the very beginning, there was a separate closer compartment from the very beginning, because of which the beginning of the exit to space is the moment when the cosmonaut units the gateway and turns out to be in vacuo, and its completion is the moment of closing the hatch. Early American ships of the gateway chamber did not have, and during the exit to space, the entire ship was unloaded. Under these conditions, the beginning of the exit to space was taken by a moment when the head of the astronaut performed outside the ship, even if his body was still continued to be inside the compartment (so on. Eng. Stand-Up Extra-Vehicular Activity, Seva). The modern American criterion takes the switching of the speakerphone on autonomous food as a start and starting upwards for the end of the exit to open space.

Outputs in open space can be performed in different ways. In the first case, the cosmonaut is associated with the Space Costroit Special Insurance Fal, sometimes combined with an oxygen supply hose (in this case, it is called "umbilical umbilical"), while it is enough to return to the ship just muscle cosmonaut's muscle efforts. Another option is a completely autonomous flight in outer space. In this case, it is necessary to ensure the possibility of returning to the spacecraft using a special technical system (see Installation for moving and maneuvering the astronaut).

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    ✪ Cosmonaut tells about access to open space

    ✪ Cosmonaut work in open space

    ✪ Exit to open space Gennady Padalka and Mikhail Kornienko


Historical facts

  • The longest way out in open space was the exit of American Susan Helms on March 11, which lasted 8 hours of 56 minutes.
  • The record for the number of outputs (16) and for the total duration of stay (82 hours 22 minutes) in the open outer space belongs to the Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Solovyov.
  • The first way to open space in the interplanetary space was performed by American astronaut Alfred Warden, a member of the crew of the Lunar Expedition of Apollo-15. Warden went into open space to move the filtered photographs of cartographic and panoramic cameras from the service module into the team.

Danger of Outdoor Cosmos

The potential danger bears the possibility of losing or unacceptable removal from the spacecraft, threatening death due to the consolidation of the reserve mixture. It is also dangerous to damage or punctacles of spaces, the depressurization of which threatens Anoxy and fast death, if astronauts do not have time to return to the ship in time. The incident with damage to the skatender occurred only once, when at the flight "Atlantis" STS-37 a small rod punctured glove one of the astronauts. According to the lucky random of depressurization, it did not happen because the rod stuck and blocked by the resulting hole. The puncture was not even noticed until the astronauts returned to the ship and did not start checking the befexts.

It is significant that the very first enough dangerous incident happened already during the first exit of the cosmonaut in open space. After fulfilling the first exit program, Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov experienced difficulties with returning to the ship, since the swollen Skafander did not pass through the "Sunrise" air gateway. Only the waterproofing of the oxygen pressure in the scaffle was then allowed to fully complete the flight.

Another potentially dangerous case took place during the second exit to the open space of astronauts of the Discovery spacecraft (flight STS-121). A special winch was disappeared from the Seller Pier Squadder, which helps return to the station and does not give an astronaut to fly into open space. In time, noticing the problem, Sellers with a partner were able to attach the device back, and the yield was completed safely.

Despite the fact that there are currently unknown any accidents related to outcomes in open space, the developers of space technology are trying to reduce the need for extremely reliable activity. Eliminating such a necessity, for example, when performing assembly work in space, the development of special television-controlled

46 years ago, March 18, 1965, the cosmonaut of the USSR Alexey Leonov committed the first way to open space in the history of mankind.

The event occurred during the flight KK "Sunrise-2". Ship commander - Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev, Pilot - Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.

The ship was equipped with a Volga inflatable chamber. Before the start, the camera was folded and sized 70 cm in diameter and 77 - in length. In space, the camera was inflated and had the following dimensions: 2.5 meters long, the inner diameter is 1 meter, an external one is 1.2 meters. Mass of the chamber - 250 kg. Before going with the orbit, the camera shot himself from the ship.

To access the space was developed by the Berkut Space. He provided a stay in open space for 30 minutes. The very first exit took 23 minutes 41 seconds (outside the ship 12 minutes 9 seconds).

Interestingly, training in front of this flight was carried out on board the Tu-104Ac aircraft, in which the layout of the ship "Sunrise-2" was installed in a natural magnitude with a real gateway chamber (it flew into space later). When flying the aircraft in a parabolic path, when weightlessness was advancing for a few minutes in the cabin, the cosmonauts have worked out the exit in the safandra through the sluzate chamber.

"Sunrise-2" started on March 18, 1965 at 10:00 Moscow. The gateway chamber was already inflated on the first twist. Both cosmonauts were in the skaandras. According to the program, Belyaev was supposed to help Leonov return to the ship in the event of an abnormal situation.

The exit to space began on the second twist. Leonov moved to the gateway chamber and Belyaev closed the hatch behind him. Then the air from the chamber was pulled and at 11:32:54 Belyaev from his console in the ship opened the outer hatch of the gateway chamber. At 11:34:51 Alexei Leonov left the gateway and found himself in the open space.

Leonov gently pushed himself and felt that the ship fell from his push. The first thing he saw was black sky. I was immediately heard the voice of Belyaeva:
- "Almaz-2" began a way out. Cinema is included? - This question commander addressed to his comrades.
- I understood. I "Almaz-2". I remove the lid. Throw away. Caucasus! Caucasus! Caucasus see me! Began a waste (from the ship).
Before throwing a lid, Leonov thought for a second, where to send it - to the satellite orbit or down, to the ground. Threw to the ground. The cosmonaut pulse was 164 impaired per minute, the output moment was very tense.

Belyaev handed over to Earth:
-Attention! The person went into outer space!
The television image of the steaming against the background of the earth Leonov was broadcast on all channels.

A source

12 minutes ... The total weight of the "weekend costume" was approached 100 kg ... five times the astronaut flew from the ship and returned on the waist, a length of 5.35 m .. All this time, the "room" was maintained in the scaffold, and its outdoor The surface was heated in the sun to + 60 ° and was cooled in the shade to -100 ° C ...

Flight "East-2" entered the story twice. In the first, official and open, it was said that everything went brilliantly. In the second, which was revealed gradually and was never published in detail, there are at least three PE.

Leonov was observed on television and broadcast an image to Moscow. When leaving the ship five meters, he waved his hand in the open space. Outside the Leon gateway was 12 minutes and 9 seconds. But it turned out that it was easier to get out than to return back. The space jump in the space swelled and did not rub in the gateway. Leonov was forced to reset the pressure to "lose weight" and make it softer. Still, he had to climb back not his legs, as it was provided, but his head. All the peripetics of what happened when returning to the ship we learned only after landing astronauts.

After staying in space, I lost my flexibility after staying in space and did not allow the cosmonaut to enter Luke. A.A. Realonov made an attempt to try, but to no avail. The situation was complicated by the fact that the reserve of oxygen in the scaffle was designed only twenty minutes, and each failure increased the risk of risk for the lives of the cosmonaut. Leonov restricted oxygen consumption, but from the excitement and loads of its pulse and the respiratory rate sharply increased, and hence the oxygen required more. S.P. Korolev tried to calm him, instill confidence. On Earth heard reports A.A. Lonov: "I can't, I could not again."

TASS message on March 18, 1965:
Today, March 18, 1965, at 11 am 30 minutes in Moscow time, with the flight of the spacecraft "Voskhod-2", a person's yield was carried out in outer space. On the second round of the flight of the second pilot pilot-cosmonaut Lieutenant Colonel Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich in a special scaffron with an autonomous system of life support made an exit to the outer space, retired from the ship at a distance of five meters, successfully conducted a range of outlined research and observations and returned to the ship safely. With the help of the on-board television system, the comrade of Leonov's comrade into outer space, his work outside the ship and return to the ship was transferred to the ground and the network of ground items were observed. The well-being of Comrade Leonov Alexey Archupovich during his stay outside the ship and after returning to the ship is good. The commander of the ship Comrade Belyaev Pavel Ivanovich feels good.

After returning to the ship, troubles continued.

The second state of emergency was the incomprehensible drop in the pressure of the booth of the cab with 75 to 25 atmospheres after the return of Leonov. It was necessary to plant no later than 17 turns, although Grigory Voronin is the chief designer of this part of the life system - reassured that the oxygen is enough for another day. This is how Alexey Arkhipovich events describe:

The partial oxygen pressure (in the cabin) began to grow, which reached 460 mm and continued to grow. This is at a rate of 160 mm! But after all, 460 mm is a rattling gas, because Bondarenko burned down ... At the beginning we were sitting in a stupor. Everyone understood, but could almost do anything: the moisture was removed to the end, the temperature was removed (it became 10-12 °). And the pressure grows ... the slightest spark - and everything would turn into a molecular state, and we understood it. Seven hours in such a state, and then fell asleep ... apparently, from stress. Then we figured out that I had a hose from the player with a jade for a superpowering toggle ... What happened in fact? Since the ship was stabilized for a long time relative to the Sun, it was naturally a deformation; After all, on the one hand, cooling up to -140 ° C, with the other heating to + 150 ° С ... Luke closing sensors worked, but the gap remained. The regeneration system began to pump pressure, and the oxygen began to grow, we did not have time to consume ... The total pressure reached 920 mm. These several tons of pressure pressed the hatch - and the pressure growth stopped. Then the pressure began to fall in front of her eyes.

Further more. TDA (Brake Movement Installation) did not work in automatic mode and the ship continued to fly. The crew gave the team to plant a ship in manual mode on 18 or 22 turns. Next again quotation Leonov:

We walked over Moscow, inclination 65 °. It was necessary to sit on this twist, and we ourselves chose the landing area - 150 km from Solikamsk with a termal corner of 270 °, because there was Taiga. No enterprises, no power lines. Could sit in Kharkov, in Kazan, in Moscow, but it was dangerous. The version that we got there due to breaking balancing is complete nonsense. We ourselves chose the landing site, as it was safer and possible deviations in the engine work shifted the landing point also into safe areas. Only in China could not be sitting - then the relationship was very tense. As a result, at a speed of 28,000 km / h, we sat down only 80 km from the same calculated point. This is a good result. And then there were no backup places. And we were not waiting for us ...

Finally came the report from the search helicopter. He discovered a red parachute and two cosmonauts 30 kilometers south-west of the city of Bereznyaki. The thick forest and deep snow did not give the capabilities of helicopters to land near astronauts. There were no settlements nearby too.
Landing in a deaf taiga was the last state of emergency in the history of "sunrise-2". Cosmonauts spent the night in the forest of the Northern Urals. Helicopters only could, that fly over them and report that "one chopping firewood, the other puts them into the fire."

With helicopters, astronauts dumped warm things and products, but to pull Belyaeva and Leonov from Taiga failed. A group of skiers with a doctor, landed at one and a half kilometers, got to them in the snow for four hours, but did not decide from the taiga.

For the salvation of astronauts, the present competition launched. The landfill, heated by Tulin and Queen, sent his rescue expedition to Perm, led by Lieutenant Colonel Belyaev and the master of our plant Lygin. From Perm, they at the helicopter reached the platform two kilometers from the "sunrise-2" and soon hugged astronauts. Marshal Rudenko forbade his rescue service to evacuate the astronauts from the Earth on the hanging helicopter. They stayed in a taiga on the second cold night, right now they had a tent, warm fur uniforms and food widow. It came to Brezhnev. He was convinced that the rise of the astronauts in the helicopter hung at the earth - the thing is dangerous.

Brezhnev agreed and approved the proposal to cut the trees nearby for the preparation of the landing site.

When we landed, we did not find us immediately ... We sat in the skaandras two days, we did not have another clothes. On the third day, we were pulled out from there. Because of the sweat, I had a knee of moisture in the scaffle, about 6 liters. So in the legs and bouffallo. Then, at night, I speak Pasha: "Well, I'm frozen." We removed the saffes, undressed, squeezed underwear, put it out again. Then the resolutes of the screen-vacuum heat insulation. All the tough part was thrown away, and the rest was on themselves. This is nine layers of aluminized foil covered on top of the deteron. Top wrapped with parachute pips like two sausages. And so stayed there for the night. And at 12 days the helicopter flew, which sat down at 9 km. Another helicopter in the basket lowered right to us Jura Lygin. Then we were on the skiing of the fame of wolves (Vladislav Volkov, the future cosmonaut TsKBEM) and others. They brought us warm clothes, poured cognac, and we gave them their alcohol - and life became more fun. The fire was divorced, the boiler was set. We were swelled. An hour for two cut down a small hut, where we spent okay normally. There was even a bed.

On March 21, a helicopter landing platform was prepared. And on the same day on board the Mi-4 astronauts arrived in Perm, from where the official report on the completion of the flight was made.

And yet, despite all the problems arising during the flight, it was the first, the very first yield of a person in outer space. Here's how Alexey Leonov describes his impressions:

I want to tell you that the picture of the cosmic abyss, which I saw, my grandiose, the immensity, the brightness of the paints and the sharpness of the contrast of clean darkness with the dazzling shine of stars just struck and fascinated me. At the end of the painting, imagine - Against this background, I see our Soviet ship, illuminated by the bright light of sunlight. When I left the gateway, I felt a powerful stream of light and heat that resembles an electric welding. I needed a black sky and bright non-moving stars. The sun seemed to me like a hot fiery disk ...

And also here you can get acquainted with Alexey Leonov's book "I go out into space." Pictures, by the way, are copyrighted and very colorful!

On March 18, 1965, for the first time in the world, a person's yield was carried out in the open outer space. He was committed by the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Alexey Leonov during the flight on the spacecraft "Voshod-2" (March 18-19, 1965), on which he was the second pilot, and Pavel Belyaev - commander.

To exit a person in an open airless space on a multi-seat spacecraft "Sunrise", a gateway chamber was additionally installed (the code name "Volga"), which had a cylindrical design and consisted of 36 inflatable sections divided into three isolated groups from each other. The camera retained its form even if two of them fails.

The gateway chamber was communicated with the hatch cabin with a sealing lid, which opened inside the germocabines as automatically using a special mechanism with an electric drive and manually. Drive control was carried out from the remote.

To exit the cosmonaut to the outer space, served as a hatch at the top of the chamber, equipped with a sealing lid, which could also open and automatically and manually. Two filmmakers were placed in the gateway chamber to shoot a cosmonaut entry process to the chamber and exit from it, the lighting system, the unit of the gateway chamber system. Outside, a movie camera was installed for shooting the cosmonaut's space space, cylinders with air reserves for the boost chamber and cylinders with an emergency oxygen reserve.

The gate chamber was located outside the rigid casing of the spacecraft. When entering orbit in the folded form, it was placed under the fairing of the ship. In space, the camera was inflated. And after the exit of the cosmonaut into the outer space, it was fixed to the outer space to the outer space, and the ship entered the dense layers of the atmosphere almost in normal form - having only a small thief in the field of the inlet hatch. If a "shooting" cameras for some reason did not take place, then the crew would have to manually trim the gateway chamber interfering to the ground. To do this, they needed to fit into the spacesuit and, depressing the ship, bark in the hatch.

To exit the ship to the outer space, a special Berkut Spacel was developed with a multi-layer hermetic shell, with the help of which inside the square was maintained overpressure, providing normal cosmonaut's vital activity. Outside, the jade had a special white coating for the protection of the cosmonaut from the thermal exposure to sunlight and from possible mechanical damage to the sealed portion of the Speaker. Both crew members were equipped with skaters so that the ship's commander could, if necessary, assist the astronaut, published in outer space.

When preparing for the flight of Belyaev and Leonov, all actions and possible emergency situations were implemented when entering outdoor space during ground workouts, as well as in short-term weightlessness aboard the aircraft flying through the parabolic trajectory.
On March 18, 1965, at 10 o'clock in Moscow time, the spacecraft "Veshod-2" with Cosmonauts Pavel Belyaev and Alexei Leonov successfully started from the Baikonur cosmodrome. Immediately after lifting orbit, at the end of the first turn, the crew began to prepare for Leonov's exit in open space. Belyaev helped Leonov to put on the back of the individual life support system with an oxygen margin.

Department of the gateway carried out the commander of the Belyaev ship from the console set in the cockpit. If necessary, the management of basic layout operations could be carried out by the Leon from the console installed in the gateway chamber.

Belyaev filled the lock chamber with air, and opened the hatch connecting the ship's cab with a gateway chamber. Leonov "floated" into the gateway chamber, the ship commander, closing the hatch to the camera, began its depressurization.

At 11 hours 28 minutes, 13 seconds at the beginning of the second turn, a complete depressurization of the ship's gateway chamber was performed. At 11:30 minutes, 54 seconds opened Luke Slot Camera, and at 11 hours 34 minutes 51 seconds of Leonov left the gateway chamber to the outer space. Cosmonauts with a ship tied 5.35 meters long, which was a steel cable and electrical wires for transmission on board the ship of medical observations and technical measurements, as well as telephone communication with the ship commander.

In the open space of Leonov, it began to conduct a program of observation and experiments. He made five waste and approaches from the gateway chamber, and the very first waste was made at the minimum distance - one meter - for orientation in new conditions, and the rest on the full length of the Fala. All this time, the "room" temperature was maintained in the scaffold, and its outer surface was heated in the sun to + 60 ° C and cooled in the shade to -100 ° C. Pavel Belyaev with the help of the TV cameremen and telemetry followed Leonov's work and was ready if it would be necessary to assist he needed.

After performing a number of experiments, Alexey Leonov received a team to come back, but it was not easy to do. Due to the pressure difference in space, the skatewill swelled strongly, lost its flexibility, and Leonov could not squeeze into the Luke of the gateway. He made several unsuccessful attempts. The reserve of oxygen in the scaffle was designed only 20 minutes that ended. Then the cosmonaut dropped the pressure in the scaffle to the emergency. If by this time he did not have a nitrogen washing from the blood, he would have boiled and Leonov died. The jade has decreased, and contrary to the instructions prescribing to go to the gateway, he squeezed into his head forward. Having closed the external hatch, Leonov began to turn around, as they needed to enter the ship anyway, it was necessary to be legs due to the fact that the cover, which opened inside, eatened 30% of the cab. It was difficult to unfold, since the inner diameter of the gateway is one meter, and the width of the spacesuit in the shoulders - 68 centimeters. With great difficulty, Leonov managed to do this, and he was able to enter the ship with his feet, as it should be.

Alexey Leonov at 11 hours and 47 minutes went to the ship's gateway chamber. And at 11 o'clock 51 minutes 54 seconds, after the hatch was closed, the gateway chamber began. Thus, the cosmonaut pilot was outside the ship in the conditions of outer space 23 minutes 41 seconds. According to the provisions of the International Sports Code, the clean time of the person's stay in the open space is calculated from the moment it appears from the gateway chamber (from the cut off of the ship's outlet) before entering the chamber. Therefore, the time of finding Alexey Leonov in the open space space outside the spacecraft is considered to be 12 minutes 09 seconds.

With the help of the on-board television system, the output process of Alexei Leonov to the outer space, his work outside the ship and returning to the ship was passed on to Earth and was observed by a network of ground items.

After returning to the Leonov cabin, the astronauts continued to perform experiments scheduled for the flight program.

There were several more abnormal situations in the flight, which, fortunately, did not led to the tragedy. One of these situations occurred at return: did not work the automatic orientation system in the sun, and therefore did not turn on the brake motor installation on time. Cosmonauts were supposed to land in automatic mode at the seventeenth round, but due to the failure of the automation caused by the "shooting" of the gateway chamber, had to go to the next, eighteenth round and sit down using the manual control system. It was the first landing in manual mode, and when it was embedded, it was impossible to look into the porthole from the working chair and estimate the position of the ship towards Earth. Starting the same braking could only sit in the chair in the fastened state. Because of this abnormal situation, the accuracy required during the descent. As a result, astronauts landed on March 19 far from the estimated point of landing, in a deaf taiga, 180 kilometers from the North-west Perm.

Found them not immediately, the landing of helicopters prevented high trees. Therefore, the night of the cosmonauts had to spend near the fire, using parachutes and sweaters for insulation. The next day in Melezhet, a few kilometers from the landing site of the crew, a landing of rescuers for clearing the site for a small helicopter went down. A group of rescuers skiing reached astronauts. Rescuers built a log hut-slash, where they equipped bedrooms for overnight. On March 21, the helicopter reception site was prepared, and on the same day on board Mi-4 astronauts arrived in Perm, from where they made an official report on the completion of the flight.

On October 20, 1965, the International Aviation Federation (FAI) approved the world record of the duration of a person's stay in outer space outside the spacecraft 12 minutes 09 seconds, and the absolute record of the maximum height of the flight above the surface of the Earth's Earth's Earth is 497.7 kilometers. FAI awarded Alexey Leonov the highest award - the gold medal "Cosmos" for the first in the history of mankind, the exit to the open space space, the pilot-cosmonaut of the USSR Pavel Belyaev was awarded a diploma and a Fai medal.

The first exit to open space Soviet cosmonauts spent 2.5 months earlier than the Americans. The first American was in space in Cosmos, Edward White, who had access to open space on June 3, 1965, during his flight on the ship "Gemini-4" (Gemini-4). The duration of stay in the open space was 22 minutes.

Over the past years, the range of tasks solved by cosmonauts overboard spacecraft and stations increased significantly. Staged was constantly conducted and modernization of letters. As a result, the duration of a person's stay in a space vacuum in one way out has repeatedly increased. Exit to open space today is the mandatory part of the program of all expeditions to the International Space Station. Scientific research, repair work are carried out during the exits, the installation of new equipment on the outer surface of the station, the launch of small satellites and much more.

On March 18, 1965, the cosmonaut of the USSR Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, the first space in the history of mankind.

The event occurred during the flight KK "Voshod-2". Ship commander - Pavel Ivanovich Belyaev, Pilot - Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov.

The ship was equipped with a Volga inflatable chamber. Before the start, the camera was folded and sized 70 cm in diameter and 77 - in length. In space, the camera was inflated and had the following dimensions: 2.5 meters long, the inner diameter is 1 meter, an external one is 1.2 meters. Mass of the chamber - 250 kg. Before going with the orbit, the camera shot himself from the ship.
To enter the space, the Berkut Spacek was developed. He provided a stay in open space for 30 minutes. The very first exit took 23 minutes 41 seconds (outside the ship 12 minutes 9 seconds).
Interestingly, training before this flight was carried out on board the Tu-104ak aircraft, in which the layout of the Sunrise-2 ship was installed in a real magnitude with a real gateway chamber (it flew into space later). When flying the aircraft in a parabolic path, when weightlessness was advancing for a few minutes in the cabin, the cosmonauts have worked out the exit in the safandra through the sluzate chamber.
"Voskhod-2" started on March 18, 1965 at 10:00 in Moscow. The gateway chamber was already inflated on the first twist. Both cosmonauts were in the skaandras. According to the program, Belyaev was supposed to help Leonov return to the ship in the event of an abnormal situation.
The exit to space began on the second twist. Leonov moved to the gateway chamber and Belyaev closed the hatch behind him. Then the air from the chamber was pulled and at 11:32:54 Belyaev from his console in the ship opened the outer hatch of the gateway chamber. At 11:34:51 Alexei Leonov left the gateway and found himself in the open space.

Leonov gently pushed himself and felt that the ship fell from his push. The first thing he saw was black sky. I was immediately heard the voice of Belyaeva:
- "Almaz-2" began a way out. Cinema is included? - This question commander addressed to his comrades.
- I understood. I "Almaz-2". I remove the lid. Throw away. Caucasus! Caucasus! Caucasus see me! Began a waste (from the ship).
Before throwing a lid, Leonov thought for a second, where to send it - to the satellite orbit or down, to the ground. Threw to the ground. The cosmonaut pulse was 164 impaired per minute, the output moment was very tense.
Belyaev handed over to Earth:
-Attention! The person went into outer space!
The television image of the steaming against the background of the earth Leonov was broadcast on all channels.

12 minutes ... The total weight of the "output costume" was approached 100 kg ... five times the astronaut flew from the ship and returned to the wave, a length of 5.35 m ... All this time, the "room" temperature was maintained in the scaffold, and its outer surface was heated in the sun + 60 ° and cooled in the shade to -100 ° C ...
Flight "East-2" entered the story twice. In the first, official and open, it was said that everything went brilliantly. In the second, which was revealed gradually and was never published in detail, there are at least three PE.
Leonov was observed on television and broadcast an image to Moscow. When leaving the ship five meters, he waved his hand in the open space. Outside the Leon gateway was 12 minutes and 9 seconds. But it turned out that it was easier to get out than to return back. The space jump in the space swelled and did not rub in the gateway. Leonov was forced to reset the pressure to "lose weight" and make it softer. Still, he had to climb back not his legs, as it was provided, but his head. All the peripetics of what happened when returning to the ship we learned only after landing astronauts.
After staying in space, I lost my flexibility after staying in space and did not allow the cosmonaut to enter Luke. A.A. Realonov made an attempt to try, but to no avail. The situation was complicated by the fact that the reserve of oxygen in the scaffle was designed only twenty minutes, and each failure increased the risk of risk for the lives of the cosmonaut. Leonov restricted oxygen consumption, but from the excitement and loads of its pulse and the respiratory rate sharply increased, and hence the oxygen required more. S.P. Korolev tried to calm him, instill confidence. On Earth heard reports A.A. Lonov: "I can't, I could not again."
According to the cyclogram, Alexey had to float into the chamber legs, then, completely entering the gateway, close the hatch behind him and take it. In reality, he had to put the air from the skatera almost to critical pressure. After several attempts, the astronaut decided to "swim" into the cockpit face forward. He succeeded, but at the same time he hit the Glass Hermosham about her wall. It was scary - because the glass could burst. At 08:49 UTC-aumed Luke of the Gateway Camera was closed and at 08:52 UTC began the supervision of a gateway chamber.
TASS message on March 18, 1965:
Today, March 18, 1965, at 11 am 30 minutes in Moscow time, with the flight of the spacecraft "Voskhod-2", a person's yield was carried out in outer space. On the second round of the flight of the second pilot pilot-cosmonaut Lieutenant Colonel Leonov Alexey Arkhipovich in a special scaffron with an autonomous system of life support made an exit to the outer space, retired from the ship at a distance of five meters, successfully conducted a range of outlined research and observations and returned to the ship safely. With the help of the on-board television system, the comrade of Leonov's comrade into outer space, his work outside the ship and return to the ship was transferred to the ground and the network of ground items were observed. The well-being of Comrade Leonov Alexey Archupovich during his stay outside the ship and after returning to the ship is good. The commander of the ship Comrade Belyaev Pavel Ivanovich feels good.

After returning to the ship, troubles continued.
The second state of emergency was the incomprehensible drop in the pressure of the booth of the cab with 75 to 25 atmospheres after the return of Leonov. It was necessary to plant no later than 17 turns, although Grigory Voronin is the chief designer of this part of the life system - reassured that the oxygen is enough for another day. This is how Alexey Arkhipovich events describe:
... Start growing the partial oxygen pressure (in the cabin), which reached 460 mm and continued to grow. This is at a rate of 160 mm! But after all, 460 mm is a rattling gas, because Bondarenko burned down ... At the beginning we were sitting in a stupor. Everyone understood, but could almost do anything: the moisture was removed to the end, the temperature was removed (it became 10-12 °). And the pressure grows ... the slightest spark - and everything would turn into a molecular state, and we understood it. Seven hours in such a state, and then fell asleep ... apparently, from stress. Then we figured out that I had a hose from the player with a jade for a superpowering toggle ... What happened in fact? Since the ship was stabilized for a long time relative to the Sun, it was naturally a deformation; After all, on the one hand, cooling up to -140 ° C, with the other heating to + 150 ° С ... Luke closing sensors worked, but the gap remained. The regeneration system began to pump pressure, and the oxygen began to grow, we did not have time to consume ... The total pressure reached 920 mm. These several tons of pressure pressed the hatch - and the pressure growth stopped. Then the pressure began to fall in front of her eyes.
Further more. TDA (Brake Movement Installation) did not work in automatic mode and the ship continued to fly. The crew gave the team to plant a ship in manual mode on 18 or 22 turns. Next again quotation Leonov:
We walked over Moscow, inclination 65 °. It was necessary to sit on this twist, and we ourselves chose the landing area - 150 km from Solikamsk with a termal corner of 270 °, because there was Taiga. No enterprises, no power lines. Could sit in Kharkov, in Kazan, in Moscow, but it was dangerous. The version that we got there due to breaking balancing is complete nonsense. We ourselves chose the landing site, as it was safer and possible deviations in the engine work shifted the landing point also into safe areas. Only in China could not be sitting - then the relationship was very tense. As a result, at a speed of 28,000 km / h, we sat down only 80 km from the same calculated point. This is a good result. And then there were no backup places. And we were not waiting for us ...
Finally came the report from the search helicopter. He discovered a red parachute and two cosmonauts 30 kilometers south-west of the city of Bereznyaki. The thick forest and deep snow did not give the capabilities of helicopters to land near astronauts. There were no settlements nearby too.
Landing in a deaf taiga was the last state of emergency in the history of "sunrise-2". Cosmonauts spent the night in the forest of the Northern Urals. Helicopters only could, that fly over them and report that "one chopping firewood, the other puts them into the fire."
With helicopters, astronauts dumped warm things and products, but to pull Belyaeva and Leonov from Taiga failed. A group of skiers with a doctor, landed at one and a half kilometers, got to them in the snow for four hours, but did not decide from the taiga.
For the salvation of astronauts, the present competition launched. The landfill, heated by Tulin and Queen, sent his rescue expedition to Perm, led by Lieutenant Colonel Belyaev and the master of our plant Lygin. From Perm, they at the helicopter reached the platform two kilometers from the "sunrise-2" and soon hugged astronauts. Marshal Rudenko forbade his rescue service to evacuate the astronauts from the Earth on the hanging helicopter. They stayed in a taiga on the second cold night, right now they had a tent, warm fur uniforms and food widow. It came to Brezhnev. He was convinced that the rise of the astronauts in the helicopter hung at the earth - the thing is dangerous.
Brezhnev agreed and approved the proposal to cut the trees nearby for the preparation of the landing site.
When we landed, we did not find us immediately ... We sat in the skaandras two days, we did not have another clothes. On the third day, we were pulled out from there. Because of the sweat, I had a knee of moisture in the scaffle, about 6 liters. So in the legs and bouffallo. Then, at night, I speak Pasha: "Well, I'm frozen." We removed the saffes, undressed, squeezed underwear, put it out again. Then the resolutes of the screen-vacuum heat insulation. All the tough part was thrown away, and the rest was on themselves. This is nine layers of aluminized foil covered on top of the deteron. Top wrapped with parachute pips like two sausages. And so stayed there for the night. And at 12 days the helicopter flew, which sat down at 9 km. Another helicopter in the basket lowered right to us Jura Lygin. Then we were on the skiing of the fame of wolves (Vladislav Volkov, the future cosmonaut TsKBEM) and others. They brought us warm clothes, poured cognac, and we gave them their alcohol - and life became more fun. The fire was divorced, the boiler was set. We were swelled. An hour for two cut down a small hut, where we spent okay normally. There was even a bed.
On March 21, a helicopter landing platform was prepared. And on the same day on board the Mi-4 astronauts arrived in Perm, from where the official report on the completion of the flight was made.
And yet, despite all the problems arising during the flight, it was the first, the very first yield of a person in outer space. Here's how Alexey Leonov describes his impressions:
I want to tell you that the picture of the cosmic abyss, which I saw, my grandiose, the immensity, the brightness of the paints and the sharpness of the contrast of clean darkness with the dazzling shine of stars just struck and fascinated me. At the end of the painting, imagine - Against this background, I see our Soviet ship, illuminated by the bright light of sunlight. When I left the gateway, I felt a powerful stream of light and heat that resembles an electric welding. I needed a black sky and bright non-moving stars. The sun seemed to me like a hot fiery disk ...

The beginning of the rapid study of the Universe is considered to be April 12, 1961, when a person went to space for the first time and Yuri Gagarin, a citizen of the USSR became. Year after his flight was given new and new discoveries.

Open space

Find out outside the spacecraft in one Skafandra - a risky lesson. Exactly 52 years ago, the pilot of the Soviet Union Alexei Leonov made an exit to open space. Despite the fact that Leonov stayed in an airless space for only 12 minutes, it was a real feat. The cosmonaut calls these few minutes with absolute silence, he spoke about it in his first interviews. Today year of the exit of man in open space Every schoolboy knows. In 1965, on March 12, the ship "Voshod-2" started on board with Alexey Leonov and the commander of the apparatus Pavel Belyaev, since then this date is important for the history of Russia. Leon Outdoor Cosmos I committed when he was 31 years old.

How it was

The first person in the history of a man walking in space outside the board of the ship caused real delight around the world. Moreover, it happened, it was when the USSR with Yaros with America competed for the title of first in the field of development of university space. Spacewalk He was regarded at that time as the propaganda success of the Soviet Union and a serious blow to the national pride of the Americans.

Leonov exit to open space - This is a real breakthrough in the field of mastering the universe. In fact, there were many dangerous moments during the flight that the cosmonaut experienced. Almost immediately hesitated his spacecraft as a result of strong pressure. To solve the problem, the pilot had to violate the instructions and reduce the pressure inside. That is why he entered the ship is not legs forward, but his head. Cosmonaut Leon Outdoor CosmosDespite all the problems, I made successfully and landed successfully.

Despite the technical inspection of the vessel and its thorough preparation for the flight, the problems still arose. A sharp drop of temperatures led to the fact that the hatch was formulated in the hatch. What would lead to the depressurization of the ship and the death of astronauts. After the first was performed outdoor Cosmos Year During the year, research was carried out more and more active.

At the time of the Soviet Union, the costs of emergency situations were silent, the truth was made public relatively recently, including output of a person in open spacewas imperfect. But today you can tell the whole truth. In particular, that Alexey Leonov Outdoor Cosmos I almost did without a safety cable, and if neither the ship's commander who had noticed it in time, Belyaev's body to this day was in the orbit of the planet.

What Leonov felt

Cosmonaut output in open space - This is a real feat and a breakthrough in science. Alexey Leonov will forever remain the first person in the history of mankind, who saw the planet Earth from a height of 500 km. At the same time, he absolutely did not feel movement, although he flew at a speed, several times the speed of the reactive aircraft several times. It is impossible to feel the giant environment, the surrounding person, is available exclusively from the space on Earth. When Leonov saw Irtysh, he was received by the team to return to the abortion of the ship, but he could not immediately do this due to a bloated player. Fortunately, exit Alexey Leonov in open spaceended successfully.

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