With love for nature. The environmental campaign "Let's Help Nature" again invites everyone to clean up garbage.

09/30/2017 Points: 27

Environmental protection, environmental standards, conservation of natural resources for posterity - these problems have now become of great relevance. But in order to successfully protect our forests, water bodies, land and air from depletion, and the animal world from extinction, we need to know nature, deeply understand its laws and true value.

On September 30, 2017, in the adjacent territory of the Desnyansky Reservoir (territory of the educational and training complex "Climbing Wall"), the environmental campaign "Clean Coast" was held. The event took place as part of the implementation of the “Citizen of the Country Rosatom” project, when young, active, caring citizens come up with public initiatives and take a direct part in their implementation.

The initiator and organizer of this action was the Interregional environmental public organization “Green Cross”. The coordinators of this event in Desnogorsk were employees of the City Center for Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations, who, together with volunteers, representatives of the Youth Council of the municipal formation and concerned residents of our city, came out for a cleanup day.

Going to a cleanup means proving by action that we love and value our city and the surrounding areas!

The picturesque shore of the Desnyansky reservoir is a place of active recreation for Desnogorsk residents and city guests. Every year many cultural, mass and sporting events and hikes take place here.

After the end of the summer season, a large amount of household waste accumulated on the territory: plastic glasses, broken bottles, bags. Armed with gloves and garbage bags, the cleanup workers carefully cleaned the area entrusted to them.

They worked cheerfully, with enthusiasm, understanding the full significance of their work.

The objectives of the action were:

Establishing and maintaining sanitary order on the banks of the Desnyansky Reservoir and the surrounding area;

Development of the volunteer environmental movement;

Fostering love for one’s native land and respect for nature;

Formation of sanitary-hygienic and environmental culture skills;

Formation of an attitude towards active environmental protection activities;

Creating conditions for organizing outdoor recreation and preserving natural resources.

The purpose of the environmental action was not only to clean the banks of rivers and reservoirs from garbage, but also to cultivate an environmental culture among citizens, to attract public attention to environmental issues, and citizens’ caring attitude towards nature.

As part of the action, participants planted trees. Planting trees on the banks of reservoirs has many benefits - it not only strengthens the banks, they enrich the layer of air above the water surface with oxygen, which is so necessary for reservoirs.

“Planting trees is not just about helping to improve the environment, it is about preserving life on earth. Only those people who care are able to create their own future,” this is how the action participants commented on planting trees on the banks of the reservoir. The youngest participants promised not to forget these trees and monitor their growth.

The result of our work was a clean shore of the reservoir. We had a good time, the work brought satisfaction. The cleanup showed that we have people who love their city and its surroundings. We all want to see them clean and well-groomed. Each of us made our own contribution to establish and maintain sanitary order on the shore of the reservoir, because it is in our interests and in our power to preserve the nature around us.

On July 20, 2018, the international rally marathon “Silk Way” started in Astrakhan. With the support of the SIBUR Group of Companies, throughout the entire route of the rally, the rally will be accompanied by an environmental campaign for the separate collection of plastic bottles, aimed at respecting the environment.

In 2017, the federal initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment “Separate Correctly” for environmentally friendly management of municipal waste was launched, the goal of which is to create an association of public organizations, businesses and government bodies to develop and implement the best new effective practices for separate collection, as well as to educate the population about the need for proper waste disposal for making your contribution to preserving the environment.

The organizers of the international Silk Road Rally Marathon, together with SIBUR, which for the second year in a row acts as a technological partner of the Silk Road Rally on innovative materials, decided to support the initiative of the Ministry of Natural Resources and are launching an environmental marathon during the race.

Garbage is a valuable resource. The problem of plastic waste ending up in nature - its share is 10-15 percent - is associated with the unpopularity of separate collection among the population. From an environmental point of view, one of the main advantages of plastic is the possibility of its almost 100% recycling and reuse. Moreover, due to its lightness, a plastic bottle is more environmentally friendly for transportation, including during a race, than containers made from other materials. That is why the goal of the action is to inform the public about best practices for separate waste collection and disposal.

Throughout the entire rally raid from July 20 to July 27, 2018, SIBUR’s partner, the EcoTechnologies Group of Companies, will organize separate collection of plastic bottles in bivouacs, where the world’s leading racers, the most famous teams, and journalists from all over the world will be accommodated during breaks between the most difficult sports stages. world, rally organizers and support vehicles. After the collection process is completed, recyclable materials will be removed and sent by regional partners for processing.

The winners of the race, finishing on July 27, 2018 on Red Square, will receive an unusual prize from SIBUR and EcoTechnologies - T-shirts made from recycled plastic bottles collected during the race.

Participants of the Silk Road, as part of the official presentation of the rally route, supported the holding of an environmental marathon - both foreign and Russian racers expressed their desire to take part in it.

Luc Alphand, Advisor to the Directorate of the Silk Way Rally (France): “We must collect garbage separately not only at races, but also in life. If we can spread this idea to the entire planet, it will be wonderful. My wife is from Sweden and a similar method has been used there for a very long time. Unfortunately, many still do not do this, so our race can become an example for them. It is very important. There are still people in France who do not collect their waste separately, and we are trying to convey to them the usefulness of this initiative.”

Nani Roma, pilot of the X-raid team (Spain): “During the race we are an example for the whole world, so separate waste collection is a great initiative. We already collect waste separately at various races. Issues of cleanliness are extremely important to us."

Vladimir Vasiliev, pilot of the VRT team (Russia): “I am a fighter for cleanliness, for the environment. We never throw away empty water bottles on the track - only in special places. Therefore, we are happy to support SIBUR’s initiative.”

Maria Oparina, driver of the SUPROTEC Racing team (Russia): “I have a positive attitude towards separate waste collection. I’ve been thinking about this myself for a long time, because I often visit friends in Europe and they collect garbage separately into seven different containers. I understand that if we haven’t started today – or rather, we haven’t started yesterday – to collect garbage separately, then tomorrow our children, our grandchildren and the next generations will simply be covered in dirt and this will not end well. Therefore, this is a good initiative. I am for it!"

Airat Mardeev, driver of the KAMAZ-master team (Russia): “Garbage collection is a big problem for the whole world. And if such an initiative of the SIBUR company appears, then we will be only happy to support it, we will try to comply with all the rules that will be established. In our country, not enough attention is paid to environmental problems - much more could be done. Just look at the Western countries nearby. And it is very pleasing that they have begun to pay attention to these problems, are working on them, and are investing both money and resources. “Everything will be fine with us – we just need a joint desire to make the world cleaner.”

Sergey Karyakin, driver of the Snag Racing team (Russia): “Unfortunately, in Russia we pay very little attention to this problem, although it would be worth it. I believe that respect for nature is respect for oneself. And in this regard, SIBUR’s initiative to separate waste collection is very correct. I hope that all participants in the race will support it and respect this initiative. I can say from myself that our team will implement it 100 percent!”

Vladimir Chagin, head of the international rally "Silk Way": “One of the goals of the marathon, which is traditionally widely covered in the media, is to tell people that the race organizers support the initiative of our partner, the SIBUR company, aimed at separate waste collection at bivouacs and further recycling of plastic.”

Source: ecoyear.ru

The environmental campaign “Clean Elbrus” to clean up tourist sites was held in Kabardino-Balkaria. 150 volunteers from the public organization “Help Your Neighbor” took part in cleaning up the areas. They cleared the Azau clearing and the mountain slopes to the Mir station.

Those who hand over waste paper will receive a receipt for a certain amount, depending on the volume of paper handed over. With this receipt, the participant will be able to receive a seedling. For example, to get one seedling with a height of 10 to 40 centimeters, you need to bring from 10 to 20 kg of waste paper to the collection point (depending on the prices for the tree).

“We plan to purchase seedlings from our enterprises in order to support both the domestic producer and to green the city. Now we are preparing letters of invitation for schools, kindergartens and other institutions of the city with a convincing request to participate in the action and we hope that the townspeople will like it and in the future it will become an annual event,” said Berik Aktailakov, head of the Clear Sky company.

On the eve of Earth Hour, when millions of people around the world simultaneously turn off the lights in their homes, Climate of Russia presents a selection of eco-actions that you can now add to your calendar.

The largest environmental event on the planet, Earth Hour, organized by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), will take place on Saturday. Every year, about two billion people around the world join this initiative. The goal of the global event is to attract people to the problem of resource depletion. What do you need to do to become a member? It is enough to turn off the lights and all household electrical appliances for one hour (20.30-21.30).

But the upcoming eco-action is far from the only one: “Climate of Russia” presents the top 8 international events aimed at protecting the environment - from cleaning water bodies, planting trees to giving up the car for one day.

Protect water

In 1993, the UN General Assembly proclaimed March 22 as World Water Day. Since then, every year on this date a specific topic related to the conservation of water resources is set. For example, this year's celebration will focus on the role H2O plays in creating high-quality jobs. Today, according to the UN, half of the world's working population - 1.5 billion people - are employed in areas related to water resources. Thematic events will be held in major cities of Russia on March 22: exhibitions in museums, forums and educational lectures.

Make way for seedlings

All-Russian d Forest planting day in Russia was held for the first time in 2011, when the UN declared the year the International Year of Forests. On that day, about 25 million seedlings were planted in the country on seven thousand hectares. The trees were planted by almost 200 thousand volunteers from 60 regions of Russia. This environmental initiative was under d erzhan by the government of the Russian Federation, and it was decided to hold national forest planting day annually.

It proceeds as follows: forestry enterprises prepare in advance for the holiday, allocate areas for landscaping and the required amount of planting material. Then they recruit a group of volunteers who want to participate in eliminating the disastrous consequences of widespread deforestation, give them the required tools and tell them about the rules for planting young trees. By taking part in this action, you can feel like a creator, not a destroyer.

Parks, let's start

The March for Parks is an international large-scale environmental campaign that takes place every year on April 22. The holiday is of a public nature, uniting all caring people around the idea of ​​supporting protected natural areas. During the “March of Parks”, nature reserves, national parks, game reserves and other environmental and non-governmental organizations initiate and hold environmental events, thematic exhibitions, volunteer campaigns and fundraising in support of protected areas.

Mother Water

More than 20 years ago, the professional Association of Diving Instructors (PADI) came up with the idea of ​​holding International Water Cleanup Day around the world. In Russia, the association’s representative office also operates; the main date for the large “underwater” cleanup was chosen as June 5, World Environment Day. The main event is large-scale cleaning of the banks and bottom of reservoirs. The main ideological inspirers, organizers and participants in the “celebratory events” of the International Water Cleanup Day in Russia are divers from regional clubs.

On my own two feet

The name of the campaign “Car Free Day” speaks for itself. On September 22, in many countries, people put their car keys on the shelf and move around the city all day long by public transport, bicycles, roller skates, scooters or on foot. The first such action took place in England in 1997. In just a few years, it has grown to the scale of an international event: every year, residents of hundreds of cities in dozens of countries around the world refuse to travel by car. In 2015, Car Free Day in Russia was held in 24 cities. There are pleasant bonuses for participants of the promotion: on this day, at most bicycle rental points in Moscow you can get a two-wheeled vehicle for free.

Save the tree

The last Thursday of October is International Paper Free Day. Representatives of large and small businesses are urging employees to give preference to electronic documents instead of using another stack of white sheets. “Let's learn to use paper rationally!” - this is the main message of the international paperless campaign in October. In Russia, the organizer of this holiday event is the DOCFLOW Information and Analytical Project in the field of electronic document management and information management.

Trash, goodbye

In 1993, Australian residents came out en masse to clean up ocean beaches. Other countries followed their example, and today about 100 countries participate every year in the international campaign “Cleanse the Planet from Garbage.” Subbotniks take place throughout the week - from September 21 to 27 in all corners of the globe. In 2004, the action was held for the first time in Russia, in St. Petersburg. It was a theatrical waste sorting with the aim of demonstrating to city residents the benefits of separate collection of household waste. And at the same time, the possibility of producing useful products from recycled materials.

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