Physical properties of amino acids. Amino acid reactions

In an acidic environment, α-amino acids act as bases (at the amino group), and in an alkaline environment they act as acids (at the carboxyl group). For some amino acids, the radical (R) can also be ionized, and therefore all amino acids can be divided into charged and uncharged (at a physiological pH value = 6.0 - 8.0) (see Table 4). Examples of the former include aspartic acid and lysine:

If the amino acid radicals are neutral, then they do not affect the dissociation of the α-carboxyl or α-amino group, and the pK values ​​(the negative logarithm indicating the pH value at which these groups are half dissociated) remain relatively constant.

The pK values ​​for the α-carboxyl group (pK 1) and the α-amino group (pK 2) are very different. At pH< pK 1 почти все молекулы аминокислоты протежированы и заряжены положительно. Напротив, при рН >pK 2 almost all amino acid molecules are negatively charged, since the α-carboxyl group is in a dissociated state.

Consequently, depending on the pH of the environment, amino acids have a total zero positive or negative charge. The pH value at which the total charge of the molecule is zero and it does not move in the electric field to either the cathode or the anode is called the isoelectric point and is denoted pI.

For neutral α-amino acids, the pI value is found as the arithmetic mean between two pK values:

When the pH of the solution is less than pI, the amino acids are protonated and, becoming positively charged, move in the electric field to the cathode. The opposite picture is observed at pH > pI.

For amino acids containing charged (acidic or basic) radicals, the isoelectric point depends on the acidity or basicity of these radicals and their pK (pK 3). The pI value for them is found using the following formulas:

for acidic amino acids:

for basic amino acids:

In the cells and intercellular fluid of the human and animal body, the pH of the environment is close to neutral, therefore basic amino acids (lysine, arginine) have a positive charge (cations), acidic amino acids (aspartic, glutamic) have a negative charge (anions), and the rest exist in the form of bipolar zwitterion.

Stereochemistry of amino acids

An important feature of protein α-amino acids is their optical activity. With the exception of glycine, they are all built asymmetrically, and therefore, when dissolved in water or hydrochloric acid, they are capable of rotating the plane of polarization of light. Amino acids exist in the form of spatial isomers belonging to the D- or L-series. The L- or D-configuration is determined by the type of structure of the compound relative to the asymmetric carbon atom (a carbon atom bonded to four different atoms or groups of atoms). In formulas, an asymmetric carbon atom is denoted by an asterisk. Figure 3 shows the projection models of the L- and D-configurations of amino acids, which are, as it were, mirror images of each other. All 18 optically active protein amino acids belong to the L series. However, D-amino acids are found in the cells of many microorganisms and in the antibiotics produced by some of them.

Rice. 3. Configuration of L- and D-amino acids

Protein structure

Based on the results of studying the products of protein hydrolysis and those put forward by A.Ya. Danilevsky's ideas about the role of peptide bonds -CO-NH- in the construction of a protein molecule, the German scientist E. Fischer proposed the peptide theory of protein structure at the beginning of the 20th century. According to this theory, proteins are linear polymers of α-amino acids linked by peptide bonds - polypeptides:

In each peptide, one terminal amino acid residue has a free α-amino group (N-terminus) and the other has a free α-carboxyl group (C-terminus). The structure of peptides is usually depicted starting from the N-terminal amino acid. In this case, amino acid residues are designated by symbols. For example: Ala-Tyr-Leu-Ser-Tyr- - Cys. This entry denotes a peptide in which the N-terminal α-amino acid is ­ is formed by alanine, and the C-terminal - cysteine. When reading such a record, the endings of the names of all acids, except the last ones, change to “silt”: alanyl-tyrosyl-leucyl-seryl-tyrosyl-cysteine. The length of the peptide chain in peptides and proteins found in the body ranges from two to hundreds and thousands of amino acid residues.

To determine the amino acid composition, proteins (peptides) are subjected to hydrolysis:

In a neutral environment, this reaction proceeds very slowly, but accelerates in the presence of acids or alkalis. Typically, protein hydrolysis is carried out in a sealed ampoule in a 6 M solution of hydrochloric acid at 105 ° C; under such conditions, complete disintegration occurs in about a day. In some cases, the protein is hydrolyzed under milder conditions (at a temperature of 37-40 ° C) under the action of biological enzyme catalysts for several hours.

Then the amino acids of the hydrolyzate are separated by chromatography on ion exchange resins (sulfopolystyrene cation exchanger), isolating a separate fraction of each amino acid. To wash out amino acids from the ion exchange column, buffers with increasing pH values ​​are used. Aspartate, which has an acidic side chain, is removed first; arginine with the main side chain is washed out last. The sequence of removal of amino acids from the column is determined by the leaching profile of standard amino acids. Fractionated amino acids are determined by the color formed when heated with ninhydrin:

In this reaction, colorless ninhydrin is converted; into a blue-violet product, the color intensity of which (at 570 nm) is proportional to the amount of amino acid (only proline gives a yellow color). By measuring the intensity of staining, it is possible to calculate the concentration of each amino acid in the hydrolyzate and the number of residues of each of them in the protein under study.

Currently, such an analysis is carried out using automatic devices - amino acid analyzers (see below Fig. Diagram of the device). The device displays the result of the analysis in the form of a graph of the concentrations of individual amino acids. This method has found wide application in the study of the composition of nutrients and clinical practice; with its help, in 2-3 hours you can get a complete picture of the qualitative composition of amino acids in products and biological fluids.

Amino acids.

Amino acids(aminocarboxylic acids) - organic compounds, the molecule of which simultaneously contains carboxyl (-COOH) And amine groups (-NH 2).

The structure of amino acids can be expressed by the general formula below,
(Where R– hydrocarbon radical, which may contain various functional groups).

Amino acids can be considered as derivatives carboxylic acids, in which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by amine groups (-NH2).

An example is the protozoa: aminoacetic acid, or glycine, and aminopropionic acid or alanine:

Chemical properties of amino acids

Amino acids are amphoteric compounds, i.e. Depending on the conditions, they can exhibit both basic and acidic properties.

Due to the carboxyl group ( -COOH) they form salts with bases.
Due to the amino group ( -NH 2) form salts with acids.

A hydrogen ion that is eliminated upon dissociation from a carboxyl ( -HE) amino acid, can pass to its amino group with the formation of an ammonium group ( NH3+).

Thus, amino acids also exist and react in the form of bipolar ions (internal salts).

This explains that solutions of amino acids containing one carboxyl and one amino group have a neutral reaction.

Alpha amino acids

From molecules amino acids molecules of protein substances are built or proteins, which, upon complete hydrolysis under the influence of mineral acids, alkalis or enzymes, decompose, forming mixtures of amino acids.

The total number of naturally occurring amino acids reaches 300, but some of them are quite rare.

Among the amino acids, there is a group of 20 most important. They are found in all proteins and are called alpha amino acids.

Alpha amino acids– crystalline substances soluble in water. Many of them have a sweet taste. This property is reflected in the name of the first homolog in the series of alpha amino acids - glycine, which was also the first alpha amino acid found in natural material.

Below is a table with a list of alpha amino acids:

Remaining name
Amino acids with aliphatic radicals
OH group
Amino acids with radicals containing a COOH group
Amino acids with radicals containing NH2CO-group
Amino acids with radicals containing NH 2-group
Amino acids with sulfur-containing radicals
Amino acids with aromatic radicals
Amino acids with heterocyclic radicals

Essential amino acids

Main source alpha amino acids food proteins serve the animal body.

Many alpha amino acids are synthesized in the body, but some alpha amino acids necessary for protein synthesis are not synthesized in the body and must come from outside, with food. These amino acids are called irreplaceable. Here is their list:

Amino acid name
Name of food

grains, legumes, meat, mushrooms, dairy products, peanuts

almonds, cashews, chicken, chickpeas, eggs, fish, lentils, liver, meat, rye, most seeds, soy

meat, fish, lentils, nuts, most seeds, chicken, eggs, oats, brown rice

fish, meat, dairy products, wheat, nuts, amaranth

milk, meat, fish, eggs, beans, beans, lentils and soybeans

dairy products, eggs, nuts, beans

legumes, oats, bananas, dried dates, peanuts, sesame seeds, pine nuts, milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, fish, chicken, turkey, meat

legumes, nuts, beef, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, milk

pumpkin seeds, pork, beef, peanuts, sesame seeds, yogurt, Swiss cheese

tuna, salmon, pork tenderloin, beef fillet, chicken breasts, soybeans, peanuts, lentils

In some, often congenital, diseases, the list of essential acids expands. For example, with phenylketonuria, the human body does not synthesize another alpha amino acid - tyrosine, which in the body of healthy people is obtained by hydroxylation of phenylalanine.

Use of amino acids in medical practice

Alpha amino acids occupy a key position in nitrogen metabolism. Many of them are used in medical practice as medicines, affecting tissue metabolism.

So, glutamic acid used to treat diseases of the central nervous system, methionine And histidine– treatment and prevention of liver diseases, cysteine– eye diseases.

Based on the nature of hydrocarbon substituents, amines are divided into

General structural features of amines

Just like in the ammonia molecule, in the molecule of any amine the nitrogen atom has a lone electron pair directed to one of the vertices of the distorted tetrahedron:

For this reason, amines, like ammonia, have significantly expressed basic properties.

Thus, amines, similar to ammonia, react reversibly with water, forming weak bases:

The bond between the hydrogen cation and the nitrogen atom in the amine molecule is realized using a donor-acceptor mechanism due to the lone electron pair of the nitrogen atom. Saturated amines are stronger bases compared to ammonia, because in such amines, hydrocarbon substituents have a positive inductive (+I) effect. In this regard, the electron density on the nitrogen atom increases, which facilitates its interaction with the H + cation.

Aromatic amines, if the amino group is directly connected to the aromatic ring, exhibit weaker basic properties compared to ammonia. This is due to the fact that the lone electron pair of the nitrogen atom is shifted towards the aromatic π-system of the benzene ring, as a result of which the electron density on the nitrogen atom decreases. In turn, this leads to a decrease in basic properties, in particular the ability to interact with water. For example, aniline reacts only with strong acids, but practically does not react with water.

Chemical properties of saturated amines

As already mentioned, amines react reversibly with water:

Aqueous solutions of amines have an alkaline reaction due to the dissociation of the resulting bases:

Saturated amines react with water better than ammonia due to their stronger basic properties.

The basic properties of saturated amines increase in the series.

Secondary saturated amines are stronger bases than primary saturated amines, which in turn are stronger bases than ammonia. As for the basic properties of tertiary amines, if we are talking about reactions in aqueous solutions, then the basic properties of tertiary amines are expressed much worse than those of secondary amines, and even slightly worse than those of primary ones. This is due to steric hindrance, which significantly affects the rate of amine protonation. In other words, three substituents “block” the nitrogen atom and interfere with its interaction with H + cations.

Interaction with acids

Both free saturated amines and their aqueous solutions react with acids. In this case, salts are formed:

Since the basic properties of saturated amines are more pronounced than those of ammonia, such amines react even with weak acids, such as carbonic acid:

Amine salts are solids that are highly soluble in water and poorly soluble in non-polar organic solvents. The interaction of amine salts with alkalis leads to the release of free amines, similar to the displacement of ammonia when alkalis act on ammonium salts:

2. Primary saturated amines react with nitrous acid to form the corresponding alcohols, nitrogen N2 and water. For example:

A characteristic feature of this reaction is the formation of nitrogen gas, and therefore it is qualitative for primary amines and is used to distinguish them from secondary and tertiary ones. It should be noted that most often this reaction is carried out by mixing the amine not with a solution of nitrous acid itself, but with a solution of a salt of nitrous acid (nitrite) and then adding a strong mineral acid to this mixture. When nitrites interact with strong mineral acids, nitrous acid is formed, which then reacts with the amine:

Secondary amines under similar conditions give oily liquids, so-called N-nitrosamines, but this reaction does not occur in real USE tests in chemistry. Tertiary amines do not react with nitrous acid.

Complete combustion of any amines leads to the formation of carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen:

Interaction with haloalkanes

It is noteworthy that exactly the same salt is obtained by the action of hydrogen chloride on a more substituted amine. In our case, when hydrogen chloride reacts with dimethylamine:

Preparation of amines:

1) Alkylation of ammonia with haloalkanes:

In case of ammonia deficiency, its salt is obtained instead of amine:

2) Reduction by metals (to hydrogen in the activity series) in an acidic environment:

followed by treatment of the solution with alkali to release the free amine:

3) The reaction of ammonia with alcohols when passing their mixture through heated aluminum oxide. Depending on the alcohol/amine proportions, primary, secondary or tertiary amines are formed:

Chemical properties of aniline

Aniline - the trivial name for aminobenzene, which has the formula:

As can be seen from the illustration, in the aniline molecule the amino group is directly connected to the aromatic ring. Such amines, as already mentioned, have much less pronounced basic properties than ammonia. Thus, in particular, aniline practically does not react with water and weak acids such as carbonic acid.

Reaction of aniline with acids

Aniline reacts with strong and medium strength inorganic acids. In this case, phenylammonium salts are formed:

Reaction of aniline with halogens

As was already said at the very beginning of this chapter, the amino group in aromatic amines is drawn into the aromatic ring, which in turn reduces the electron density on the nitrogen atom, and as a result increases it in the aromatic ring. An increase in electron density in the aromatic ring leads to the fact that electrophilic substitution reactions, in particular reactions with halogens, proceed much more easily, especially in the ortho and para positions relative to the amino group. Thus, aniline easily reacts with bromine water, forming a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromoaniline:

This reaction is qualitative for aniline and often allows it to be identified among other organic compounds.

Reaction of aniline with nitrous acid

Aniline reacts with nitrous acid, but due to the specificity and complexity of this reaction, it does not appear in the real Unified State Exam in chemistry.

Aniline alkylation reactions

Using sequential alkylation of aniline at the nitrogen atom with halogenated hydrocarbons, secondary and tertiary amines can be obtained:

Obtaining aniline

1. Reduction of nitrobenzene by metals in the presence of strong non-oxidizing acids:

C 6 H 5 -NO 2 + 3Fe + 7HCl = +Cl- + 3FeCl 2 + 2H 2 O

Cl - + NaOH = C 6 H 5 -NH 2 + NaCl + H 2 O

Any metals located before hydrogen in the activity series can be used as metals.

Reaction of chlorobenzene with ammonia:

C 6 H 5 −Cl + 2NH 3 → C 6 H 5 NH 2 + NH 4 Cl

Chemical properties of amino acids

Amino acids are compounds whose molecules contain two types of functional groups - amino (-NH 2) and carboxy- (-COOH) groups.

In other words, amino acids can be considered as derivatives of carboxylic acids, in the molecules of which one or more hydrogen atoms are replaced by amino groups.

Thus, the general formula of amino acids can be written as (NH 2) x R(COOH) y, where x and y are most often equal to one or two.

Since amino acid molecules contain both an amino group and a carboxyl group, they exhibit chemical properties similar to both amines and carboxylic acids.

Acidic properties of amino acids

Formation of salts with alkalis and alkali metal carbonates

Esterification of amino acids

Amino acids can react with esterification with alcohols:

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + CH 3 OH → NH 2 CH 2 COOCH 3 + H 2 O

Basic properties of amino acids

1. Formation of salts when interacting with acids

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + HCl → + Cl —

2. Interaction with nitrous acid

NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH + HNO 2 → HO-CH 2 -COOH + N 2 + H 2 O

Note: interaction with nitrous acid proceeds in the same way as with primary amines

3. Alkylation

NH 2 CH 2 COOH + CH 3 I → + I —

4. Interaction of amino acids with each other

Amino acids can react with each other to form peptides - compounds containing in their molecules the peptide bond –C(O)-NH-

At the same time, it should be noted that in the case of a reaction between two different amino acids, without observing some specific synthesis conditions, the formation of different dipeptides occurs simultaneously. So, for example, instead of the reaction of glycine with alanine above, leading to glycylananine, a reaction may occur leading to alanylglycine:

In addition, the glycine molecule does not necessarily react with the alanine molecule. Peptization reactions also occur between glycine molecules:

And alanine:

In addition, since the molecules of the resulting peptides, like the original amino acid molecules, contain amino groups and carboxyl groups, the peptides themselves can react with amino acids and other peptides due to the formation of new peptide bonds.

Individual amino acids are used to produce synthetic polypeptides or so-called polyamide fibers. Thus, in particular, using the polycondensation of 6-aminohexane (ε-aminocaproic) acid, nylon is synthesized in industry:

The resulting nylon resin is used to produce textile fibers and plastics.

Formation of internal salts of amino acids in aqueous solution

In aqueous solutions, amino acids exist predominantly in the form of internal salts - bipolar ions (zwitterions):

Obtaining amino acids

1) Reaction of chlorinated carboxylic acids with ammonia:

Cl-CH 2 -COOH + 2NH 3 = NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH + NH 4 Cl

2) Breakdown (hydrolysis) of proteins under the action of solutions of strong mineral acids and alkalis.

Amino acids are the main building material of any living organism. By their nature, they are the primary nitrogenous substances of plants, which are synthesized from the soil. The structure of amino acids depends on their composition.

Amino acid structure

Each of its molecules has carboxyl and amine groups, which are connected to a radical. If an amino acid contains 1 carboxyl and 1 amino group, its structure can be indicated by the formula presented below.

Amino acids that have 1 acid and 1 alkaline group are called monoaminomonocarboxylic acids. In organisms, 2 carboxyl groups or 2 amine groups are also synthesized and whose functions are determined. Amino acids containing 2 carboxyl and 1 amine groups are called monoaminodicarboxylic, and those containing 2 amine and 1 carboxyl are called diaminomonocarboxylic.

They also differ in the structure of the organic radical R. Each of them has its own name and structure. Hence the different functions of amino acids. It is the presence of acidic and alkaline groups that ensures its high reactivity. These groups connect amino acids and form a polymer - protein. Proteins are also called polypeptides because of their structure.

Amino acids as building materials

A protein molecule is a chain of tens or hundreds of amino acids. Proteins differ in composition, quantity and order of amino acids, because the number of combinations of 20 components is almost infinite. Some of them have the entire composition of essential amino acids, others do without one or more. Individual amino acids, a structure whose functions are similar to the proteins of the human body, are not used as food products, since they are poorly soluble and are not broken down by the gastrointestinal tract. These include the proteins of nails, hair, fur or feathers.

The functions of amino acids are difficult to overestimate. These substances are the main food in the human diet. What function do amino acids perform? They increase the growth of muscle mass, help strengthen joints and ligaments, restore damaged body tissues and participate in all processes occurring in the human body.

Essential amino acids

Only from supplements or food products can you get Functions in the process of forming healthy joints, strong muscles, beautiful hair are very significant. These amino acids include:

  • phenylalanine;
  • lysine;
  • threonine;
  • methionine;
  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • tryptophan;
  • histidine;
  • isoleucine.

Functions of essential amino acids

These bricks perform essential functions in the functioning of every cell of the human body. They are invisible as long as they enter the body in sufficient quantities, but their deficiency significantly impairs the functioning of the entire body.

  1. Valine renews muscles and serves as an excellent source of energy.
  2. Histidine improves blood composition, promotes muscle recovery and growth, and improves joint function.
  3. Isoleucine helps the production of hemoglobin. Controls the amount of sugar in the blood, increases a person’s energy and endurance.
  4. Leucine strengthens the immune system, monitors the level of sugar and leukocytes in the blood. If the level of leukocytes is too high: it lowers them and activates the body’s reserves to eliminate inflammation.
  5. Lysine helps absorb calcium, which builds and strengthens bones. Helps collagen production, improves hair structure. For men, this is an excellent anabolic steroid, as it builds muscles and increases male strength.
  6. Methionine normalizes the functioning of the digestive system and liver. Participates in the breakdown of fats, eliminates toxicosis in pregnant women, and has a beneficial effect on hair.
  7. Threonine improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Increases immunity, participates in the creation of elastin and collagen. Threonine prevents fat deposition in the liver.
  8. Tryptophan is responsible for human emotions. Produces serotonin - the hormone of happiness, thereby normalizing sleep and elevating mood. Tames appetite, has a beneficial effect on the heart muscle and arteries.
  9. Phenylalanine serves as a transmitter of signals from nerve cells to the brain of the head. Improves mood, suppresses unhealthy appetite, improves memory, increases sensitivity, reduces pain.

A deficiency of essential amino acids leads to stunted growth, metabolic disorders, and decreased muscle mass.

Nonessential amino acids

These are amino acids, the structure and functions of which are produced in the body:

  • arginine;
  • alanine;
  • asparagine;
  • glycine;
  • proline;
  • taurine;
  • tyrosine;
  • glutamate;
  • serine;
  • glutamine;
  • ornithine;
  • cysteine;
  • carnitine

Functions of nonessential amino acids

  1. Cysteine ​​eliminates toxic substances, participates in the creation of skin and muscle tissue, and is a natural antioxidant.
  2. Tyrosine reduces physical fatigue, speeds up metabolism, eliminates stress and depression.
  3. Alanine serves for muscle growth and is a source of energy.
  4. increases metabolism and reduces ammonia formation during heavy exercise.
  5. Cystine eliminates pain when ligaments and joints are injured.
  6. is responsible for brain activity; during prolonged physical activity, it turns into glucose, producing energy.
  7. Glutamine restores muscles, improves immunity, speeds up metabolism, enhances brain function and creates growth hormone.
  8. Glycine is necessary for muscle function, fat breakdown, stabilization of blood pressure and blood sugar.
  9. Carnitine moves fatty acids into cells, where they are broken down to release energy, resulting in the burning of excess fat and generating energy.
  10. Ornithine produces growth hormone, is involved in the process of urine formation, breaks down fatty acids, and helps produce insulin.
  11. Proline ensures the production of collagen, it is necessary for ligaments and joints.
  12. Serine improves immunity and produces energy; it is needed for rapid metabolism of fatty acids and muscle growth.
  13. Taurine breaks down fat, increases the body's resistance, and synthesizes bile salts.

Protein and its properties

Proteins, or proteins, are high-molecular compounds containing nitrogen. The concept of "protein", first designated by Berzelius in 1838, comes from the Greek word and means "primary", which reflects the leading role of proteins in nature. The variety of proteins makes it possible for a huge number of living beings to exist: from bacteria to the human body. There are significantly more of them than other macromolecules, because proteins are the foundation of a living cell. They make up approximately 20% of the mass of the human body, more than 50% of the dry mass of the cell. This number of diverse proteins is explained by the properties of twenty different amino acids, which interact with each other and create polymer molecules.

An outstanding property of proteins is the ability to independently create a certain spatial structure characteristic of a particular protein. Proteins are biopolymers with peptide bonds. The chemical composition of proteins is characterized by a constant average nitrogen content of approximately 16%.

Life, as well as the growth and development of the body, are impossible without the function of protein amino acids to build new cells. Proteins cannot be replaced by other elements; their role in the human body is extremely important.

Functions of proteins

The need for proteins lies in the following functions:

  • it is necessary for growth and development, as it is the main building material for the creation of new cells;
  • controls metabolism, during which energy is released. After eating food, the metabolic rate increases, for example, if the food consists of carbohydrates, the metabolism accelerates by 4%, if it consists of proteins - by 30%;
  • regulate in the body due to its hydrophilicity - the ability to attract water;
  • strengthen the immune system by synthesizing antibodies that protect against infection and eliminate the threat of disease.

Products - sources of proteins

The human muscles and skeleton consist of living tissues that not only function but are also renewed throughout life. They recover from damage and retain their strength and durability. To do this, they require very specific nutrients. Food provides the body with the energy it needs for all processes, including muscle function, tissue growth and repair. And protein in the body is used both as a source of energy and as a building material.

Therefore, it is very important to observe its daily use in food. Protein-rich foods: chicken, turkey, lean ham, pork, beef, fish, shrimp, beans, lentils, bacon, eggs, nuts. All these products provide the body with protein and provide the energy necessary for life.

Properties of amino acids can be divided into two groups: chemical and physical.

Chemical properties of amino acids

Depending on the compounds, amino acids can exhibit different properties.

Amino acid interactions:

Amino acids, as amphoteric compounds, form salts with both acids and alkalis.

As carboxylic acids, amino acids form functional derivatives: salts, esters, amides.

Interaction and properties of amino acids with reasons:
Salts are formed:

NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH + NaOH NH 2 -CH 2 -COONa + H2O

Sodium salt + 2-aminoacetic acid Sodium salt of aminoacetic acid (glycine) + water

Interaction with alcohols:

Amino acids can react with alcohols in the presence of hydrogen chloride gas, turning into ester. Amino acid esters do not have a bipolar structure and are volatile compounds.

NH 2 -CH 2 -COOH + CH 3 OH NH 2 -CH 2 -COOCH 3 + H 2 O.

Methyl ester / 2-aminoacetic acid /

Interaction ammonia:

Amides are formed:

NH 2 -CH(R)-COOH + H-NH 2 = NH 2 -CH(R)-CONH 2 + H 2 O

Interaction of amino acids with strong acids:

We get salts:

HOOC-CH 2 -NH 2 + HCl → Cl (or HOOC-CH 2 -NH 2 *HCl)

These are the basic chemical properties of amino acids.

Physical properties of amino acids

Let us list the physical properties of amino acids:

  • Colorless
  • Have a crystalline form
  • Most amino acids have a sweet taste, but depending on the radical (R), they can be bitter or tasteless
  • Easily soluble in water, but poorly soluble in many organic solvents
  • Amino acids have the property of optical activity
  • Melts with decomposition at temperatures above 200°C
  • Non-volatile
  • Aqueous solutions of amino acids in acidic and alkaline environments conduct electric current

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