Test determination of the psychological age of a person. Psychological concept of age

No matter how old you are. It is important what you are in the shower.

But how to find out what exactly is there? For this, all sorts of tests were invented, with which you can easily and simply determine your inner age. You can

Before starting to go through the test for the psychological age, it is worth a little to deepen in the very concept. If a biological age shows how many years our body, the internal determines the state of the soul. Such an indicator characterizes our attitude to life and to the most diverse events, things, actions, our perception of the world and the surrounding people, a totality of vital principles and obstacles. It's no secret that children are distinguished by their ease, immediacy. And more mature people are sometimes so burdened with their experiences that they cannot fully enjoy simple things.

Why go through the test?

  • If you learn your psychological age, you can appreciate your inner state and understand how much it matches you.
  • You will get the opportunity to find out if you do everything correctly, whether your actions live a normal life and receive pleasure from it.
  • You find out if you can soberly assess the situation and use you have experience in cases where it really needs.

Probably your soul is so "old" your body that you look at everything like a gray old man. And it is not good, since the ease of thoughts and the immediacy is simply necessary. But if in 30 years to think like a ten-year-old child, then you can also spoil your life, because without experience and adequate and thorough assessment of the situation sometimes it is impossible to make the right decision.

How to get a test?

You can go through such an interesting psychological test online and completely free, which is very and very convenient. You will only need to answer the proposed questions. No calculations and deep reflections from you will need, all questions are simple and relate to your relationship with life and to certain specific situations.

Answer questions honestly, practically without thinking, in this case the results will be more accurate and appropriate. For each answer you give for a few seconds, no more. Guide your first thoughts and perceptions. You will be given a few options, so just read them and understand for yourself that you are closer.

When you pass the entire psychological test online, just spend simple calculations by estimating the answers (each of them will correspond to a certain number of points). Calculating the final amount of points, you can proceed to the analysis of the results.

We estimate the results

The latest stage is the evaluation of the results. Immediately it is worth noting that they should not sound for you as a diagnosis or sentence. These are just recommendations that will allow you to correctly adjust your behavior and learn how to adapt to life better, the pace of which today is very rapid.

For example, if psychologically you are older than biologically, try to treat life more easily and when the situation allows you to listen to your heart, and not mind, express emotions.

If the other way is, it is worth thinking about treating some situations more seriously, think about what you are doing.

If the difference is insignificant, this suggests that you are comfortable in life that you are doing everything right.

Probe the test and find out who you are actually!

In psychology, the concept of psychological age differs from biological. Psychological maturity is achieved by people in parallel physiological, but can significantly lag behind or out. Knowing your psychological age, a person can consciously correct the behavior, to engage in the development of the person, accelerate or slow the psychological maturity.

The concept of age in psychology, features of phased development of the individual

In psychology, the definition of "psychological age" means periodization of mental development during the life of a person. The development of the psyche define 2 factors:

  • biological - inherited from parents features transmitted by genetic means;
  • social - the influence of the medium in which the child grows and develops.

The relationship of factors affecting the personality rate of psychological development is explained by 4 main theories:

  1. Biogenetic. Features of the personality are formed only under the influence of genes, education cannot change them.
  2. Socionetic. The baby is born without deposit, and all the features acquire from the environment.
  3. Convergence theory. Combines the impact of social and biological, considering their influence equivalent.
  4. Domestic theory. The Development Theory proposed by L. Vygotsky assumes that heredity and educational environment are equally important for a person, but the social factor has a greater influence.

To determine the compliance of biological age, psychological use of the age periodization of elconomic. It highlights:

  1. Early childhood. Includes the period from birth to 3 years. It is characterized by the development of basic neoplasms: speech, situational personality communication, subject activity.
  2. Childhood. Begins after the crisis of 3 years, includes preschool and junior school period. The main indicator of normal development is an orientation of educational activities.
  3. Teenage years. It is a turning point for the formation of a person, characterized by an orientation for intimate-personal communication and professional-learning activities.
  4. Early maturity. The main need is love and adoption, orientation to build a career and family creation.
  5. Middle maturity. The need for professional implementation is brought over the rest, a person strives to benefit society.
  6. Genuine maturity. Adoption of a new social role, integrity and wisdom of the person.

The stages of physical development in most people pass equally: the people of the same age have similar physical indicators and look like. But the psychological age may differ for decades. Psychological age is an internal state that determines the relationship to life. Taking decisions, a person focuses on the inner age. He regulates behavior, relationships with other people, plans and goals.

Psychological age is an objective characteristic that can be determined using tests. It is necessary to know it in order to understand the cause of actions in time, not to delay the period of psychological immaturity.

How to Determine the Inner Age of Human: Popular Test

To accurately determine the level of internal state, only proven tests developed by professional psychologists should be used. In Russian psychology, the questionnaire S. Stepanova is taken as the basis. With it, it is possible to determine at what stage of development is a psyche: adolescent or mature.

You can use testing yourself, without the help of a psychologist, it is enough to read the instructions carefully. The questionnaire includes 25 statements. Approvals are attached to the answer options from fully agree to fully disagree. The subject must cause the appropriate option that is most appropriate to its relation to the statement. Approval is simple, even a schoolboy can understand them.

To get a reliable result, you need:

  1. Answer questions honestly. Over the statements, it is impossible to meditate for a long time - it reduces the concentration and prevents the correct option.
  2. Select only one option. The key answer must be chosen by internal sensations, without trying to choose a more faithful option.
  3. After some time, the test is reused. Often, the results may differ for several years due to the fact that the first time the test was excited or inattentive.

Results may be unexpected. But in any case, it is not necessary to treat them too seriously, because the inner age can always be changed.

S. Stepanov: biography, scientific achievements

The author of the most popular test for the definition of internal age is Sergey Stepanov, Associate Professor of the Moscow PPU. In the scientific circles of Russia, he is known thanks to extensive research on the psychological state: factors affecting the rate of personality development, internal motives, behavioral features.

Stepanov was educated at the Psychological Faculty of Moscow State University, immediately after graduation came to work. Simultaneously with the work at the Institute began writing books on psychology. From 1984 to 1997 he worked as a scientific editor in the publishing house "Big Russian Encyclopedia". In addition to basic research, there are more than 100 articles. Also engaged in translations of the works of famous psychologists who studied psychological development.

The age test of Stepanov created on the basis of research results. He entered his book "Psychological tests", which was published in 2002. The full bibliography of Stepanov has more than 30 books.

Who should be tested for the definition of real age?

Testing to define internal age should be held when:

  1. A person doubts the choice of profession. Choosing a future specialization, the graduate often doubts and cannot decide on one area of \u200b\u200bactivity. This may be due to the inconsistency of the internal development of physical. Early development assumes that a person will be comfortable in responsible serious work, internal infantilism warns about the need for an easy profession.
  2. Problems in the intimate sphere. If a person psychologically immature, even his discomfort is caused about intimate intimate proximity. Physical contact seems frightening, there is no need for proximity. To understand the cause of immaturity, it is first necessary to undergo testing that will determine the level of internal development.
  3. It is difficult to deal with your own emotional reactions. Often a person faces the situation when feelings and emotions are manifested inadequately. Sometimes the reason for this is a contradiction caused by age inconsistency.

If the test results cause doubts and questions should be referred to as a psychologist. His recommendations will help determine the methods for the correction of the internal state and the further path of development.

How in psychology consider the difference in physical and mental development?

Studying, which includes the concept of "psychological age", psychologists emphasize, for the normal development of the personality, it is necessary for the harmonious compliance of the chronological state internal. The discrepancy causes difficulties in adaptation:

  1. Inner immaturity. Guarantees a high level of vital energy, focus on the future, friendliness and openness.
  2. Conformity. A harmonious combination that allows to enjoy life, but not to make rash actions.
  3. Development advance. This happens when a person passes through many events and acquires life experience.

The situation with strong development distance can be corrected. To bring the correspondence, follows:

  • take advising at the psychotherapist;
  • strive for self-development;
  • avoid external pressure.

At any age, the main thing is to adhere to optimism. At each stage of psychological development, you can fully enjoy life.

Useful video

In the video you are invited to go through a small test for the definition of your psychological age.

You probably have met such people who have managed to carry younger energy until old age, or a young man who was serious and not responsible for the years? Why does this occur that a person behaves and feels in inconsistency with his age?

In fact, the chronological age is not so important as psychological. Psychological age is a state of internal perception and attitudes towards life, which affects human behavior and making life decisions. It does not always have to coincide with the actual number of years and over time it may vary in any direction, as towards youth and towards maturity. It is thanks to this that the old man can behave like a teenager, and a young man as a mature, hardened by a man.

Psychological age is not just some kind of regular characteristic. It is important to know your psychological age, since it determines our interests and hobbies, affects the setting of goals and even on the lifestyle.

Test for the psychological age S. Stepanova

It is possible to determine your psychological age without special problems with the help of a special test developed by the Russian psychologist Sergey Stepanov. He will help to deal with who you feel inside: a teenager, thirsty adventures, or a mature man that took place.

At the moment, Stepanov's questionnaire on the definition of its psychological age is one of the most common.

Biography of the author dough

Sergei Sergeevich Stepanov is a famous Russian psychologist, a writer, associate professor of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, is a developer of a test for determination of psychological age.

He entered the psychological faculty of Moscow State University and after graduation, he began his career of a psychologist there. In the period from 1984 to 1997, he worked in the "Large Russian Encyclopedia" publishing house as a scientific editor and is the author of a multitude of articles in various areas of psychology. Actively engaged in translations into Russian books of books of famous psychologists as A. Oil, K. Rogers, G. Yu. Eizenk, P. Ekman, F. Zimbardo.

Who can take a test for the psychological age?

Psychological age is the ability to understand the thoughts of other people, as well as their own emotions and feelings. You can pass the test to people of any age and gender. He will help you better understand your worldview; decide what to change in life and attitude to her so that you feel easily and freely; And also to understand if you have forgotten how you enjoy work and different situations.

Test Instructions

The test for determining psychological age consists of 25 understandable statements, each of which you need to express your attitude:

  • fully agree;
  • partially agree;
  • rather disagree;
  • categorically disagree.

The passage of the test does not take much time, and you can always make it comfortably and quickly right on our website!

Responding to test questions:

  1. Do not be afraid to choose answers. There is nothing difficult in questions and you will definitely handle it;
  2. Be honest with yourself. Do not attempt to answer correctly, answer as you think right, and then get a truthful result;
  3. Do not be discouraged if the results of the test test were not as expected. You can try to pass it later again.

Test results

If your psychological age is less chronological, then, with a high probability, regardless of when you were born, you are full of confidence and filled with vital energy. Sociable, with optimism, look at the world, friendly. An old man certainly will not be soon.

If the sum of the years behind the back corresponds to your psychological age, then on the way to maturity, you donated to the joys of youth. Various stresses abundance of worries undermined your ability to rejoice, instead they taught seriousness and responsibility. You are "medium" adult, not particularly puzzled by the problems. But adding at least some of the activity and optimism you will not hurt.

If your psychological age has turned out to be more chronological, it means that you have experienced a lot and passed through the tests of life, you know everything. But is it all early? After all, so much in the world has not yet seen and unknown!

Following the test, you can also get recommendations on what books to read in order to better understand your psychological age, its advantages and disadvantages.

Register and pass the test right on our website

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Olga Astakhova
Psychological age as the central concept of age psychology


Age(in psychology) - Category that serves to indicate the temporal characteristics of individual development. Unlike chronological ageexpressing the length of the existence of an individual from the moment of his birth the concept of psychological age It denotes a certain, qualitatively peculiar step of ontogenetic development, which is caused by the laws of the formation of the body, living conditions, training and education and having a specific historical origin.

Psychological age - physical agewho corresponds to a person in terms of his psychological development.

The relevance of the topic is high, since many researchers today pay attention to the value psychological age, dependence of the incidence rate of state psycheThe fact of how man feels.

The purpose of the work is a study psychological age

Objectives of work - learning the concepts of age psychology

Study of the main periods of human development and theory age;

Consideration of the principles of diagnosis and research psychological age.

Psychological age may not coincide with chronological aged individual childrecorded in his birth certificate and then in the passport. Age The period has certain boundaries. But these chronological boundaries can move, and one child will join the new age period earlierand the other later. Especially strong "Swim" borders of teenage ageassociated with the sex ripening of children.

Laws, mechanisms and driving forces mental Development;

Childhood - subject age psychology On Obukhova - a period of reinforced development, changes and training.

In most sources age-related psychology Defined as a science of facts and patterns psychic Development of a healthy person.

1.2. Problems of modern age psychology

The problem of organic and traceability psyche and human behavior;

The problem of the impact of natural and organized training and education for the development of children (that more influences: Family, Street, School);

The problem of the relationship and detection of deposits and abilities;

The problem of the ratio of intellectual and personal changes in mental development of the child.

Age-related psychology Learn development process psychic functions and personality throughout the human life.

3 sections stand out age psychology:

Children's psychology(from birth to 17 years);

- psychology of adults, mature age;

Gerontology or psychology of elderly.

The concept of age includes a number aspects:

1) Chronological age, determined by the lifetime of a person (by passport);

2) Biological age - a set of biological indicators, the functioning of the body as a whole (blood, respiratory, digestive system, etc.);

3) Psychological age - a certain level of development psyche, in which turns on:

a) mental age

To determine mental age Children from 4 to 16 years old are used the test of the promissory, which includes verbal and data in visual (figurative) The form of the task. When applied it is obtained total "Common Intelligent Indicator". Psychologist Calculates IQ - Intelligent coefficient:

mental age x 100%

IQ \u003d chronological age

b) Social maturity - SQ - Social intelligence (a person must be adapted to the environment that surrounds it)

c) emotional maturity: Arbitration of emotions, equilibrium, personal maturity.

In real life, individual components age does not always coincide.

L. S. Vygotsky highlighted 3 groups periodizations:

I. For the 1st group, the construction of periodization is characterized on the basis of an external, but associated criterion development process.

1) Periodization Rena Gazzo (Education and training systems coincide with the childhood stages):

0-3 years early childhood

3-5 years old pre-school age

6-12 years old school education

12-16 years high school training

17 and older higher or university education

2) Pavel Petrovich Blonsky chose an objective, easily accessible observation associated with the essential features of the constitution of the growing organism a sign - the appearance and change of teeth.

0-8 months - 2.5 years - toothless childhood

2.5 - 6.5. years - childhood of dairy teeth

6.5 and older - childhood of permanent teeth (before the appearance of the tooth wisdom)

1) Sigmund Freud considered the main source, the engine of human behavior the unconscious, saturated with sexual energy.

Children's sexuality is understood by 3. Freud is widely, like all that causes bodily pleasure - stroking, sucking, intestinal liberation, etc.

0 - 1 Year Oral Stage (Erogenic zone - mouth mucosa and lips). The child enjoys when milk sucks, and in the absence of writing - own finger or some item. People are beginning to share on optimists and pessimists, insatiability, greed can be formed. Besides unconscious "It" Forming "I").

1 - 3 years Anal stage (Erogenic zone shifts into the intestinal mucous membrane). Heat, accuracy, secrecy, aggressiveness is formed. There are many requirements and prohibitions, as a result of which the last, third instance is beginning to be formed in the identity of the child - "Just-I" As an embodiment of social norms, internal censorship, conscience).

3 - 5 years phallic stage (Higher Stage of Children's Sexuality). Genitals become the leading erogenous zone. If the children's sexuality is still aimed at himself, now children begin to experience sexual attachment to adult people, boys to the mother (Edips Complex, girls to father (Electra complex).

This time is the most stringent prohibitions and intensive formation "Just-I".

5 - 12 years old Latent stage as if temporarily interrupts the sexual development of the child. Invidence outgoing from "It"well controlled. Children's sexual experiences are supplanted, and the interests of the child are sent for communication with friends, school training, etc.

2) Stages of development of intelligence according to J. Piaget.

The process of development of intelligence is a change of three large periods during which the formation of three main intellectual structures occurs.

First form sensor structures - systems of consistently performed material action. Then there are structures of specific operations - a system of actions performed in the mind, but with a support for external, visual data. Even later, the formation of formal logical operations occurs.

The main criterion is intelligence.

From 0 to 1.5-2 years Sensor stage. The child begins to separate himself from the outside world, an understanding of the constancy, sustainability of external objects arises. At this time, it is not developed and there is no idea, and the behavior is based on the coordination of perception and movement (hence the name "Sensor").

From 2 to 7 years old, a preoperative stage - thinking with the help of ideas. The strong threaded principle with the insufficient development of verbal thinking leads to a kind of children's logic. At the stage of preoperative representations, the child is not capable of proof, reasoning. Thinking focuses on the external signs of the subject. The child does not see things in their inner relationship, he considers them as they give direct perception. (He thinks the wind blows because the trees swing).

3) Polbergue periodization based on the level of moral development of man.

Revealed in the studies of Kolberg 3 levels and 6 stages of moral development correspond to the biblical ideas about human orientation for fear, shame and conscience when choosing a deed.

I level: Fear of punishment (up to 7 years).

1. Fear of the right of force.

2. Far of being deceived and notice of benefits.

II level: Shame in front of the surrounding people (13 years).

3. Shame in front of comrades, the nearest environment.

4. Shame of public condemnation, negative assessment of large social groups.

III level: Conscience (after 16 years).

5. The desire to comply with its moral principles.

6. The desire to comply with its system of moral values.

There are other periodization of development.

Age man is one of its main criteria psychic life and character characteristics. Depending on the age A person perceives various life situations, including the disease.

Age Usually divided by different periods. In general, in the life of a person you can highlight the following age periods: Childhood, youth, maturity and old age. Each of these periods can be divided into smaller and accurate age steps. Special meaning age has in childhood, so on. At this moment the main features of the person are laid.

Study age Features of human psychology and distortions of psychological age are engaged in age psychology.

Every person perceives his own way age and refers to itAlso, a person perceives the disease and its manifestations in different ways.

Age to be diagnosed as biological and psychological. This problem was also affected in work. Many scientists engaged in research age of manThanks to which we have a rich scientific legacy in this area.


Psychological age - An interesting and extensive topic for learning. It is worth noting two very closely connected phenomenon - personality personality and life path concept.

Knowledge of features psychological age can help not only in medicine, psychology or pedagogy, but also in many other areas.

Psychological age - the most important characteristic of human psycheHowever, not well-studied and used in science.

Future of medicine for psychologySo research psychological age and age The characteristics of the personality is not only desirable, but also in order to ensure that medicine can rely on new scientific data in this area and apply them for its own purposes.

In this paper, I analyzed the features of human development, at all stages of his life. Special attention is paid to development psyche of the child, as well as teenagers. In the course psychic The development of the child occurs not only the assimilation of various actions and formation mental processes and qualitiesnecessary for their execution. The child gradually seizes its characteristic forms of behavior in society and, most importantly, those internal features that distinguish a person as a member of society and determine his actions.

Adult man is guided in behavior mainly conscious motis: He is aware of why in this case he wants or he should do this exactly, and not otherwise. The motives of the adult behavior are a certain system depending on what is more and less significant for it. It may, for example, abandon the attractive proposal in the financial transaction, if he foresides a sufficient degree of risk, and it is not ready to do adventurously, or he can land himself for the necessary work, although he is tired and today he earned the right to relax.

The goal and the tasks set were achieved and implemented.

The practical significance of my work is possible

use the proposed material in the educational process of DOU.


1. Abramova G. S. Age-related psychology. -M., 1997

2. Age and pedagogical psychology / ed. A. V. Petrovsky. -M., 1979

3. Golovakha E. I., Kronik A. A. Psychological time of personality. - K.: Nukova Dumka, 1984. - P. 173-175.

4. Kulagina I. Yu. Age-related psychology. -M., 1997;

5. Nomov R.S. General foundations psychology. T. 2.-M., 1994;

6. Obukhova L. F. Children's psychology. -M., 1996;

7. Mukhina V. S. Age-related psychology. -M., 1998;

8. Children's Readings psychology / Sost. G.V. Burmenskaya. -M., 1996.

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