Topic on self-education in d.s. Topics on self-education for educators: ecology and environmental education in preschool educational institutions

Name: How to formulate a teacher’s methodological theme for self-education
Nomination: Kindergarten, Certification of teaching staff of preschool educational institutions, Self-education

Position: methodologist of the first qualification category
Place of work: GBOU NSH SP kindergarten "Ogonyok"
Location: Samara region, Krasnoarmeysky district, village. Krasnoarmeyskoe

“How to formulate a teacher’s methodological theme for self-education”

A system of methodological support for teachers is being created today in every preschool educational organization. This is due to a number of reasons.

Regulatory legal acts regulating the development of preschool education in the country indicate the need for educators to continuously improve their level of qualifications and professional skills.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, for the effective implementation of the educational program, conditions must be created for the professional development of teachers, including their additional professional education.

Additional professional education is part of a lot of work towards the professional development of preschool teachers. Significant, but not the only part. Advanced training courses often perform an indicative, informational function. And the teacher will have to independently implement theoretical calculations and provisions, new requirements for the organization of the educational process, master modern technologies, and apply new methods and techniques.

In order for educators to be able to successfully cope with professional tasks, and for a preschool educational organization to move from a functioning mode to a development mode, each preschool educational institution builds its own system of methodological support for teachers. The central place is occupied by the individual plan (or program) for the professional development of the teacher. And this is no coincidence.

Self-education is one of the most effective types of education. Its meaning is that a person himself sets a goal, chooses the means, and the optimal pace of assimilation of knowledge and acquisition of skills.

The knowledge gained as a result of self-education is the most preserved, because it is built on an individual project. It is in the process of self-education that the teacher acquires the competencies that he needs in practical professional activities.

An individual professional development plan can be built on the basis of different models. Moreover, the complexity of the model does not guarantee its effectiveness. The main thing is that the plan or program provides answers to the following questions:

  • What problem is identified as the direction of pedagogical work?
  • What professional problems need to be solved?
  • What knowledge and skills are needed to solve the assigned tasks?
  • What actions will be taken?
  • What results are expected?

When developing an individual professional development plan, most educators experience difficulties

Moreover, they begin with the formulation of the topic. And this stage is important, because the formulation of the methodological topic is the determination of the direction of activity. Mistakes that teachers make when formulating a methodological topic for self-education:

  • irrelevance of the problems under consideration;
  • emptiness of wording;
  • incorrect use of pedagogical and psychological terms, use of outdated terminology, etc.

To avoid these mistakes, there is a certain approach that is universal and applicable in any environment. What is it?

The main requirement for a methodological topic is that it must reflect target pedagogical activities and facilities, with the help of which this goal is achieved.

For example, the methodological topic “Experimentation as a means of developing the cognitive activity of children of senior preschool age” reflects the goal - the development of cognitive activity and the means by which this goal is achieved - the organization of experimentation. In addition, the wording specifies within which age category the teacher plans to carry out the work.

The goals are defined in the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. The fact that the targets are formulated in volume is not an obstacle. The necessary formulation can always be “extracted” and specified.

For example:

  • Formation and development of skills for interaction with peers in... through...
  • Mastery of basic cultural ways of working through... through...
  • Development of children's initiative and independence in...
  • Forming a positive attitude towards the world through...
  • The development of children's imagination in the process...
  • Forming the skill of following social norms in... through...
  • Expanding understanding of the natural and social world through...
  • Development of the volitional sphere and self-regulation skills through... in the process...

Each of the formulations is taken from the target guidelines. This can be easily verified if you refer to the text of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

It must be determined by the educational needs of a specific group of children. The correct formulation of the methodological topic guides the teacher in his professional development (allows him to choose one from the variety of areas of pedagogical activity).

Summary of the above

  • The methodological topic must be relevant.
  • The methodological topic should reflect the goal of the teacher’s pedagogical activity and the means by which this goal will be achieved.
  • The target part of the methodological topic is formulated on the basis of the target guidelines of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education and the goals of the educational program of the educational institution.
  • The means of achieving goals are the types of children's activities determined by the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, pedagogical technologies, and individual methods and techniques of pedagogical technology.

Irina Tsviklo
Organization of work on teacher self-education

“My job is to educate myself.”

Experience exchange

Every teacher has a motive for excellence. Today, every teacher and educator must be ready for creative activity, since this, first of all, is the key to his success. One of the most important conditions for a teacher’s creative self-development is the formation of his need for self-education.

Where did I start my work?

The first question arose on its own: How to choose a topic for self-education?

The topic of self-education may be:

One of the annual tasks of the OU;

A problem that causes difficulty for the teacher;

Replenishment of knowledge from existing experience;

My topic is “Speech development in preschool children.” It was born from “a problem that causes difficulty for teachers”

(4 years ago I recruited a group where the children spoke poorly, and then smoothly moved into “replenishing knowledge from existing experience” and acquired a more modern formulation not “Speech Development”, but “Speech Development” according to the Federal State Educational Standard, or more precisely - "Speech development of preschool children in various types of children's activities."

This topic is one of the hot topics at the moment., because in the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, the educational area “Speech Development” is highlighted as the main one. Speech is the basis for the development of all other types of children's activities: communication, cognition, etc.

Thus my topic was determined!

I have been working on this topic for four years, gradually accumulating material and experience.

How to write a plan for self-education?

When writing the plan, I used the following algorithm:

* Self-education topic

* Expected results

For teachers

For pupils

I decided to format my planning in the form of a table.

(The table is a generally accepted methodological rule for any planning)

I used the so-called modular planning (it is very relevant now).

The table consists of 4 modules:

Module No. 1. “Scientific and methodological support”

Module No. 2. “Psychological and pedagogical support”

Module No. 3. “Conditions for the implementation of the methodological topic”

Module No. 4. “Summarizing the results”

In each module I described the areas of activity

If you are confused by this word “module”, then it can be replaced with the word “section”. I took many phrases from the Federal State Educational Standard and Profstandart. I entered task No. 6 in accordance with the new requirements. In order for the plan to have a more specific format, I inserted the names of the activities that I plan to carry out in different modules of the plan.

I will add to the plan throughout all the years of working on it - this is possible and necessary!

Particular attention is now paid to gaming activities. (I have it written down in task No. 3)

In the plan, I planned to “develop didactic games” and “create a card index” of games. In the “dates” column, I write not only a specific date, but also just a month, sometimes two (for example: October-November, you can write the word “constantly”, “during the year”.

In module No. 1 I planned to develop a project on the development of speech of young children in the game activity “It’s fun to play together” (Communicative games)

and develop a project passport. Nowadays it is mandatory to write a project passport, that is, before writing the project stages and content, they make a passport. It is better to write it in the form of a table.

This is the plan I came up with:

General theme for 4 years “Development of children’s speech in various types of children’s activities”

In the 1st junior group (theme for the year) “Development of active speech in young children through communicative games.”

In the 2nd junior group, next year, I continue the topic and plan: “Speech development in children of primary preschool age through oral folk art.”

In the middle group: “Development of communication skills in preschool children through play activities.”

In the senior: “Plot-role-playing game as a means of developing the communicative abilities of preschool children”

Subject:“Speech development of preschool children in various types of children’s activities”

Target: Increasing the level of competence and professionalism in the speech development of preschool children in various types of activities.


1. To study the psychological and pedagogical features and specifics of the development of speech activity in preschool children.

2. Improve the methodology of pedagogical support for students in the process of their speech development.

3. Develop didactic, illustrative and informational material on this topic.

4. Organize and conduct monitoring in all areas of speech development of preschool children: development of the speech and language development, enrichment of the vocabulary, formation of the grammatical structure of speech, development of coherent speech.

5. Create conditions for the speech development of preschool children, providing scientific and methodological support, psychological and pedagogical support, and the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment.

6. Create a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment by ensuring life safety and supporting the emotional well-being of students.

7. Organize interaction with parents on the development of speech in preschool children in the process of various types of children's activities.

8. Summarize and broadcast the accumulated teaching experience among colleagues at the municipal, regional and all-Russian level, in the media and on the Internet.

Expected results

For the teacher:

1. Professionally significant competencies necessary for solving problems of speech development of preschool children in various types of children's activities have been developed.

2. A project has been developed to develop the speech of preschool children through play activities.

3. An educational and methodological set has been developed: didactic games, sensory games, role-playing games, speech exercises, problem and game situations, manuals, illustrative and informational material, consultations for parents and educators, presentations.

4. A developing subject-spatial environment has been created in the group on the topic of self-education.

5. A safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment is organized for each child, taking into account his psychological capabilities and characteristics.

For pupils:

1. The child has a fairly good command of oral speech and can express his thoughts and desires.

2. The child meaningfully selects words in accordance with the speech situation, combines new words with already familiar ones in a sentence.

3. The child has developed phonemic hearing, speech breathing, volume, tempo, and intonation expressiveness.

4. The child has developed speech initiative and speech creative independence in various types of activities - play, communication, cognitive and research activities, etc.

5. The child has the prerequisites for literacy.

Plan of activities on the topic of self-education.

Module No. 1. “Scientific and methodological support”

1. Training on the topic of self-education.

Training through webinars, seminars on the topic

Studying the experience of other teachers in this area:

Internet sources: Zhivaikina Svetlana Vasilievna “Development of speech of preschool children in different types of activities”

Studying materials on the topic on the sites: “Childhood Guide”,

International educational portal MAAM. RU,

All-Russian educational TEACHER PORTAL.

Work with periodicals “Child in kindergarten”, “Preschool education”

Dates: constantly

2. Familiarization with scientific and methodological literature on the topic

Study the teaching aids: 1) Lepskaya N.I. Main directions in the study of speech ontogenesis. (Electronic resource);

2) Tsvetkova T: Speech development of the child. – M: Sfera Publishing House, 2016.

Study and analyze modern approaches to the speech development of preschool children from books:

1) Ushakova O. S. Patterns of mastering the native language. - M: Publishing House "Sfera", 2014;

2) Starodubova N. A. Theory and methods of speech development for preschoolers: textbook. aid for students higher textbook institutions / N. A. Starodubova. – M.: Publishing center “Academy”, 2009.

Develop didactic games based on teaching aids:

1) Arushanova A.G., Rychagova E.S. Games-activities with a sounding word. – M.: TC Sfera, 2012;

2) Guskova A. A. Speech development of children using riddles. - M: Publishing house

Dates: during a year.

October November

3. Development of software and methodological support for the educational process

1. Development of a project for the development of speech of young children in the game activity “It’s fun to play together” (Communicative games)

2. Development of an educational and methodological set, including:

Card index “Games using Russian folklore, aimed at developing speech”;

Card file “Word games for the younger group”;

role-playing games

3. Development of a summary of educational activities on speech development in the 1st junior group (for open viewing in preschool educational institutions)

4. Entertainment, holidays:

Theatrical play entertainment in the 2nd junior group based on the fairy tale “Turnip”

Memos for parents: “Memorizing poems with kids”, “Playing with the whole family”, “Rules that can be followed when working with tongue twisters”,

“Games using Russian folklore aimed at developing speech”; “The influence of finger games on the level of speech development of young children”; “Methodological recommendations for conducting finger games”

Booklets, folders “How to develop a child’s speech”, “Educational games for children in the kitchen”


During a year

During a year

4. Activity design.

Development of a project passport, stages and content of a project for the development of speech in gaming activities;

Development of a long-term plan to familiarize children with small folklore forms;



5. Activity monitoring

Carrying out diagnostic observations, control sections, tests;

Processing of received data;

Tracking intermediate results;

Correlation of the obtained results with the planned results



Module No. 2. “Psychological and pedagogical support.”

Areas of activity on the topic:

1 Creating a safe and psychologically comfortable educational environment


Conducting situations of positive communication - providing non-directive assistance in the process of joint and independent activities of students;

Supporting friendly relations between students and each other;

Supporting the interaction of students with each other in different types of activities;

Focus on the interests and capabilities of each child;

Supporting initiative and independence of students;

Application in educational activities of forms and methods of work that correspond to the age and individual characteristics of children.

Dates: constantly

2. Involving parents in educational activities on the topic of self-education.

1) Participation of parents in joint projects:

- “The Child and the Book”;

- "My hometown".

2) Entertainment “Festival of Polite Words”.

3) Participation in the speech development project “Development of speech of preschoolers in play activities”;

4) Assistance in the production of didactic games and aids; assistance in exhibition design.

5) Parental participation in entertainment and leisure activities

- “Joint writing of stories and fairy tales at home”

Master class “By playing, we develop children’s speech.”

Consultation “The importance of finger games in the development of speech of preschool children”;

Dates: during a year.

Module No. 3. “Conditions for the implementation of the methodological topic.”


Greetings to my dear readers. Tatyana Sukhikh is with you. Today I continue to cover topics on self-education for educators in preschool educational institutions. It is an extremely relevant topic. The form of self-education can be individual, group and collective. I would like to answer a question from a reader who wrote in a comment to the article.

The natural world is extremely diverse and rich. From childhood, any child must be instilled with a love of nature. The main role in educating children about ecology belongs to the development of cognitive interest in everything around them. Children watch domestic animals and plants with pleasure and interest.

The work plan and topics for self-education for educators, environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions can be purchased on the My-Shop website:

  • “Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten”;
  • « Enter nature as a friend";
  • “System of environmental education in preschool educational institutions”.

Preschool children look with great interest at the world around them, but not everyone notices. Therefore, it is necessary to wonder with them, to encourage them to look and see. As a result, the guys will want to learn a lot more.

Interesting observations during walks, first experiments, educational lessons will help children understand the connections between living and inanimate nature.

The table shows the goals, objectives, and results of self-education.

TargetTasksAnticipated resultsReporting type

1. Development of elements of ecology towards nature in children.

2. Formation of practical skills and abilities in children in various activities in the natural world. The activity must be environmentally friendly.

3. Development of an environmentally educated child, to form a humane attitude towards the natural world.

4. Involving parents in instilling an environmental culture of behavior in preschool children.

1. Replenishment of new information and information in the educational piggy bank.

2. Making a card index of walks, a card index of instructive games, compiling notes for classes and games.

3. Providing your own professional education.

5. Formation of knowledge and skills of children.

6. Study of regulatory documents on the Federal State Educational Standard.

7. Study of practical experience.

1. Revision of educational values, skills, desire to improve the educational process.

2. Raising natural defenders.

3. Creative activity of preschool children.

4. Pupils’ positive attitude towards nature.

5. Demonstration of curiosity and desire for deep knowledge of a wide range of objects and natural phenomena.

1. Consultation for teachers and educators on environmental development.

2. Conducting a survey of parents.

3. Production of environmental games, manuals, card files for walks.

4. Making notes for lessons and entertainment.

5. Participation in conferences, seminars, competitions, presentations on the topic.

Five stages of a plan for self-education on the topic of ecology

Stage I – informational and analytical. Selection of self-education topics for educators

At this stage, psychological and methodological literature is studied and environmental topics for self-education for educators are selected. A long-term work plan is drawn up, exhibitions of games and manuals are organized, experiences in environmental education of preschool children are summarized, and an exhibition of crafts made from vegetables, fruits and leaves is organized together with parents.

Stage II – implementation into practical activities

At this stage, software and methodological support for the educational process is developed. The form of dissemination of experience is:

  • calendar and thematic planning;
  • visual material;
  • viewing teaching activities;
  • preparation of leaflets, questionnaires, recommendations and advice for parents, teachers and children;
  • selection of methodological equipment and replenishment of the methodological piggy bank;
  • drawing up a long-term work plan.

Stage III. The self-education plan for ecology at a preschool educational institution is a representation of work experience on an environmental topic.

Notes are drawn up for classes, consultations for parents, teachers, and entertainment for environmental education. Next, self-analysis of educational work is carried out, the results of the work are diagnosed and monitored, reports are drawn up in the form of information sheets in tables with the results.

Stage IV – working with the family

Parent corners are being set up on the topic “Memorizing poems about the seasons.” Folders are made on the following topics: “Forest treasures”, “Bird life in winter”, “Do not harm nature”, “What plants talk about”. They produce family newspapers, photo exhibitions “The best vacation spots in our village,” and also read “The Amazing Book World” as a way to improve parents’ environmental awareness.

Stage V – activities for children

At this stage, events for children “Autumn Gifts”, “The Natural World Through the Eyes of Children” are being held, wall newspapers “The World of Ecology in the Life of Little Ones”, “Take Care of Natural Resources”, “Little Ecologist”, “Green First Aid Kit” are being prepared. Riddles are asked, poems on ecology are recited, observations are made, themed walks are carried out, and posters are made in defense of the natural world.

For preschool children, ecology in Dow and self-education of teachers is aimed at creating and implementing such entertaining ideas as:

  • enriching and systematizing preschool children’s knowledge about ecology, the natural world, objects and phenomena of the outside world;
  • development of memory, attention, imagination, thinking, speech, sensory skills in preschool children;
  • developing a desire to act with various toys and games, encouraging creativity in play, independence and initiative;
  • nurturing creative independence, developing friendliness and discipline;
  • fostering a culture of fair competition in competitions.

Self-education of a teacher at Dow in ecology increases along with reflection on what our kids lack. Many teachers, engaged in self-education, have come to the conclusion that preschool children are indifferent to the world around them, do not notice this or that natural object, and they do not have a sense of oneness with nature.

According to many teachers, to understand ecology and the natural world, a child must be given not only knowledge about it, but also taught to listen and empathize with natural phenomena, taught to see how the grass turns green, how the birds sing, what sound the wind makes. Then the inner world of children will also be enriched. But it is impossible to do without training the teacher himself and enriching his work experience, so the following webinars will be useful for the teacher:

  • “How to organize a nature area in a preschool educational institution: methodological tools for educators”;
  • “Virtual excursions to preschool educational institutions as a means of environmental education for preschool children”.

How can we teach them to recognize and love nature? The answer is simple: games and various fun things will help us. With the help of games, the baby learns to communicate with plants, animals, and also interacts with objects of inanimate nature. While observing the entertainment, teachers discovered that children were not interested in educational games with environmental content. According to a survey of parents, it was found that they do not have knowledge about environmental games. This is wrong, they should improve and systematically use didactic games.

Topics on self-education for educators, taking into account the federal state education standard on ecology, are aimed at increasing professional level, developing creative activity, initiative in methodological, innovative activities in the development of children. The following events and activities are carried out on the topic:

  • study of methodological material and regulatory documents;
  • implementation of your own program;
  • holding open events;
  • results and their generalization at the teachers' meeting.

To make activities with children more interesting, buy a CD "Research activities on walks", as well as an electronic manual "Program for installation via the Internet". Hurry while there are discounts.

I hope, dear reader, that I tried to answer your question. If something is unclear, write. Share the article on social networks with your friends. Good luck!

Sincerely, Tatyana Sukhikh. Till tomorrow!

Topics on self-education for educators: ecology and environmental education in preschool educational institutions

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Goals and directions of education for preschool teachers

Self-education is a conscious, active cognitive, creative activity of a teacher. Through it, the teacher enriches his professional knowledge and improves methodological techniques for working with children, updating them in accordance with the current level of development of pedagogy and psychology.

A preschool teacher should purposefully draw up a plan for his own self-education, including all the main areas of education:

  • awareness of innovations in the base of regulatory documentation for preschool education;
  • familiarization with the latest educational literature and methodological recommendations;
  • awareness of the latest scientific achievements in the field of pedagogical thought, child physiology and developmental psychology;
  • studying the latest technologies in the field of pedagogy, proprietary methods, modern comprehensive and partial programs, as well as the best practices of other preschool institutions;
  • improving the general cultural level; qualitative expansion of the educational horizons of teachers.

To improve their professional level, a kindergarten teacher has access to a variety of forms of self-education, both those requiring special funding and the participation of colleagues, and free independent forms of mastering new information:

  • reading special periodicals and monographs;
  • work with library publications;
  • creation of a personal thematic card index; productive work with other teachers within the framework of methodological seminars, trainings, scientific conferences;
  • cooperation with the regional information center for psychological, diagnostic and developmental techniques;
  • seeking advice from professionals at educational centers for retraining and advanced training, at specialized departments of universities.

Formation and implementation of a plan for self-education of a preschool teacher

A methodologist from an educational institution can help formulate a plan and select an area in which the educator first needs to improve the level of his knowledge and skills. To facilitate planning of the educational program for teaching staff, the education process can be divided into the following stages:

  • Preparatory and diagnostic. At this stage, the teacher realizes the internal motivation for self-education, the need to expand his horizons, expand his sphere of competence, and determines goals and objectives. The senior educator (methodologist) comprehensively analyzes the activities of the teacher, conducts an individual conversation with him, and conducts questionnaires in order to identify creative abilities, interests, and inclinations.
  • Planning stage. The preschool teacher decides on the topic, highlights important aspects, indicates the main stages, forms, methods of his work, and draws up a long-term plan for self-education. At this stage, the senior teacher advises and methodically accompanies the teacher.
  • Stage of educational activity. The teacher gets acquainted with theoretical aspects and studies methodological literature on the chosen topic. The methodologist selects educational and methodological literature, prepares video materials, and, if necessary, designs a thematic stand and exhibitions.
  • Practical activity stage. The teacher prepares and conducts classes, games, projects with children, and produces additional teaching aids. The methodologist attends classes and evaluates the teacher’s practical experience.
  • Summarizing. The teacher fills out a workbook about the work done, a reporting folder with data on the dynamics of the students’ results, organizes an exhibition of children’s works, and prepares a final report. The senior teacher advises the teacher on issues of recording the results of the work done.

To properly organize the process of self-education, teachers are recommended to keep a special workbook. It can record innovative proposals of various educational methods, including proprietary ones.

Features of planning a self-education program for a preschool teacher

A teacher may encounter typical problems that arise in independent learning activities. We offer answers to standard questions that cause difficulties for educators when drawing up a plan for self-education.

  • Problem: It is difficult to define and formulate a topic for self-education.

Solution: The teacher is asked to identify a key topic that will remain significant to him in the near future. At the stage of formulating the topic, you should refer to regulatory documents (curricula, state standards).

  • Problem: Difficulties in choosing the necessary methodological literature.

Solution: Viewing the table of contents and annotations of the book will help the teacher quickly navigate its contents and assess the degree of usefulness. It is recommended to clearly define the range of questions on the topic of self-education in preschool educational institutions according to the Federal State Educational Standard, to which the teacher needs to find answers.

  • Problem: Difficulties in comprehending the teaching material read.

Solution: The teacher is encouraged to use the practice of note-taking and recording key points. In the process of work, you should systematize information: highlight the main thoughts, facts, concepts. To understand the meaning of unclear terms, explanatory dictionaries and reference books will be useful.

The problem of choosing a topic for self-education in preschool educational institutions for educators according to the Federal State Educational Standard

A teacher’s self-education plan requires careful preparation, during which many questions arise. One of the first problems that may arise for a teacher is the problem of choosing a topic. The teacher can always count on the help of the methodologist, but he can also independently analyze the relevance and practical significance of the topic and make his own choice.

  • mastering practical skills for carrying out constructive work;
  • formation of a basic level of professional skill;
  • awareness of the importance and significance of the implementation of the developmental concept and individual model of upbringing and education.

For preschool teachers with more than five years of experience, self-education topics related to:

  • mastering methods of designing the educational process in order to improve quality indicators within the framework of variable education;
  • revealing creative talent;
  • application of educational and methodological knowledge in practice.

For experienced educators and masters of teaching, topics are offered that cover:

  • developing professional flexibility, adjusting professional activities to the realities of modern society;
  • practice of mentoring and assistance to young professionals;
  • disclosure of creative possibilities; research work based on our own many years of experience.

For preschool teachers who do not have a specialized education, the following topics are offered:

  • studying the basics of methodological work with preschoolers of junior groups;
  • adaptation to the educational and educational process in preschool educational institutions;

Conventionally, topics are divided into two types: short-term (implemented within a year) and long-term (implemented from three to five years). The problem of formulating topics on self-education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. Topics on self-education for kindergarten teachers in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard are formulated depending on the area (sphere) of application: social-communicative, cognitive, artistic-aesthetic, area of ​​speech development, area of ​​physical development. Topics for senior educators and methodologists are formulated.

Examples of topic formulations for the socio-communicative area:

  • Advisory support for family educational activities in preschool settings
  • Formation of conscious behavior skills in younger preschool children based on knowledge about life safety
  • Socialization of pupils of middle preschool age in the process of labor activity
  • Formation of moral personality traits in older preschoolers in the process of patriotic education.

Examples of topic formulations for the artistic and aesthetic sphere:

  • Formation of aesthetic perception of the surrounding world by preschoolers
  • Unlocking the creative potential of middle preschool children by mastering modeling and design techniques
  • Development of skills of creative freedom of self-expression and independence skills in older preschoolers in the process of visual arts.

Examples of topics on self-education in kindergarten for teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher can choose the following topics provided for by the Federal State Educational Standard for preschool education:

  1. Activation of the vocabulary of pupils of the younger age group.
  2. The influence of educational activities on the games of younger preschoolers.
  3. Raising preschool children through work.
  4. Education of morality in preschool children through reading Russian folk tales.
  5. Sex education for preschoolers in preschool settings.
  6. Psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents of preschool children in their upbringing and development.
  7. Formation of cultural and hygienic skills in preschoolers.
  8. Formation of self-care abilities in preschoolers.
  9. Methods of stimulating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.
  10. Creating a psychologically comfortable environment in a preschool group.
  11. Teaching preschool students literacy. Methodology for developing correct posture in preschoolers, preventing violations.
  12. The importance of health-improving gymnastics after “quiet hour”.
  13. Methodology of work on patriotic education in preschool educational institutions.
  14. Development of sensory abilities in preschoolers.
  15. Formation of primary knowledge about space in preschoolers.
  16. Development of communication skills in preschool children Methods of environmental education of children in preschool educational institutions.
  17. Cognitive development of preschool children using multimedia didactic games.
  18. Development of creative abilities in preschoolers through puppet theater.
  19. Activation of the vocabulary of children of the younger age group.
  20. The influence of direct educational activities on the play of young children.
  21. The influence of oral folk art on the development of speech in children 3-4 years old.
  22. Education of preschool children through work.
  23. Education of moral qualities of preschool children through Russian folk tales.
  24. Gender education of preschoolers in a kindergarten.
  25. Didactic game as a form of teaching young children.
  26. Didactic games in teaching children the basics of mathematics.
  27. Spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  28. Spiritual and moral education of children through reading fiction.
  29. Game as a means of educational activity in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  30. Game as a means of communication for preschoolers.
  31. Play activity of children at the stage of transition from early to preschool childhood.
  32. The use of health-saving technologies in the first junior (second junior, middle, senior) group.
  33. Using educational games in mathematics classes with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.
  34. Using a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in working with children 2 - 3 years old.
  35. Personality-oriented approach to the education of preschool children.
  36. Methods for developing correct posture and preventing its violation in preschoolers.
  37. Folk outdoor games in the physical education of preschool children.
  38. Enriching the social experience of preschool children.
  39. Health-improving gymnastics after a nap, its meaning.
  40. Organization of work in preschool educational institutions on patriotic education.
  41. Patriotic education of preschool children through the use of fine arts.
  42. Retelling works of art using pictures.
  43. Outdoor play as a means of developing speed and dexterity in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
  44. Cognitive and research activities of preschool children.
  45. Traffic rules for preschoolers.
  46. Techniques for activating mental activity in the process of introducing children to nature.
  47. Project activities with children of primary (middle, senior) preschool age.
  48. Project method in the spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  49. Development of dialogical communication of children in a group of different ages (4-7 years).
  50. Development of play activity in young children.
  51. Development of communicative abilities of older preschoolers through communication with nature.
  52. Development of mathematical abilities of preschool children through play activities.
  53. Development of fine motor skills in preschoolers.
  54. Development of fine motor skills in preschool children through non-traditional drawing techniques.
  55. Development of cognitive activity of preschool children.
  56. Development of search and research activity of preschoolers in the process of experimentation.
  57. Speech development in children of early and early preschool age.
  58. Speech development - rhetoric lessons and speech etiquette.
  59. Development of sensory abilities of preschool children.
  60. Development of sensory abilities through didactic games.
  61. Development of children's creative abilities in visual arts.
  62. Development of creative abilities of preschool children through puppet theater.
  63. Speech development of preschool children 46. The role of motor mode for the health of preschool children.
  64. The role of play in the physical development and health promotion of preschoolers.
  65. The role of riddles in the development of a preschooler.
  66. The role of the family in raising preschool children.
  67. Fairy tale as a means of spiritual and moral education of preschool children.
  68. Modern approaches to the implementation of tasks in the educational field "Cognition".
  69. Theater as a means of forming coherent speech in preschoolers.
  70. Theatrical activities as a means of developing a child’s creative personality.
  71. Physical development of children in play activities.
  72. Physical education and health work with children.
  73. Formation of communicative qualities in children of junior (middle, senior) preschool age.
  74. Formation of communicative qualities in children of senior preschool age through communication with nature.
  75. Formation of a culture of health in preschool children.
  76. Formation of the beginnings of the ecological culture of preschool children.
  77. Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills.
  78. Formation of patriotic feelings in preschool children.
  79. Formation of children's speech in play activities.
  80. Fiction as a means of comprehensive development of a preschooler.
  81. Artistic and speech development of children through joint theatrical activities of children and parents.
  82. Environmental education of children in kindergarten.
  83. Ecological development of children in the younger (middle, older) age group.

Appendix Example of a self-study workbook

Page I .




length of service in the position…….

Page II .


  • topic name:

(justification of the topic)

  • goals:
  • tasks:
  • expected result:

page III .

Stages of self-education:

1. Selection and study of methodological literature

2. Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

Estimated deadlines for each stage

page IV .

1. Studying methodological literature

  • Familiarization with new regulatory documents on issues of preschool education;
  • Study of educational and scientific-methodological literature;
  • Familiarization with new achievements in pedagogy, child psychology, anatomy, physiology;
  • Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies;
  • Familiarization with best practices of preschool institutions;
  • Raising the general cultural level

literature on the topic of self-education

time to work with materials


(website; publishing house,

the year of publishing)


+ What programs, methods, technologies were studied in the process of working on the methodological topic? Who are the authors? What best teaching practices have been studied? What methodological recommendations were used? Clippings, copies, quotes...

Page V .

2 .Participation in events dedicated to the topic of self-education

visiting and participating in city and district events

date and location

type of event



+photos and reports on conferences, round tables, seminars

participation in the methodological work of kindergarten



form of participation

+ photos and excerpts from materials (reports, speeches, abstracts)

Page VI .

3. Formation of experience on the topic. Introduction into practice.

  • Long-term work plan on the topic of self-education (reflection of the topic in all educational areas)

How was the theoretical material applied in practice?

What forms of work and activities were used? (In class, outside class, in joint activities of the teacher with children, in free independent activity of children, in group work, etc.)

What aids did the teacher use when working on this methodological topic? What teaching aids (games, non-traditional equipment, etc.) have you developed yourself? Notes, scriptsand photos (classes, manuals)

  • Analysis of program execution (diagnostics)

How is the result of work on the topic tracked? (Diagnostics: tables, work results, in %.)
Conclusions on the topic. Is there a positive result? (Attach diagrams, comparative analysis)

Page VII .

4. Presentation of work experience on the topic.

  • a way to demonstrate the results of the work done
  • work report form
    How does the chosen topic fit the purpose and objectives of your state educational institution?
    Projection for the future (expected result). What else can be done to make this work more effective? What forms and methods of work should be used?


  1. ON THE. Kochkina, A.N. Chernysheva Portfolio in preschool educational institution - M.: Publishing house "Scriptorium 2003" 2008
  2. G.B. Golub, O.V. Churakova Portfolio in the system of pedagogical diagnostics M., 2005

A teacher at a preschool educational institution (preschool educational institution) is one of the professions that involves constant self-education. Modern preschoolers are different from those who were, for example, ten years ago. For this reason, the educator must structure his activities differently, introduce new techniques, innovative technologies into his work - in a word, develop. At the same time, he must take into account the requirements of federal state educational standards (FSES), and also provide annual reports in accordance with the chosen plan and topic.

Assisting a preschool teacher in planning self-education work

Assisting the teacher in his self-improvement is one of the conditions for the successful operation of any preschool organization. Although the initiative should come, first of all, from the teacher himself, the assistance of the methodologist (or senior educator) also plays an important role in the issue of self-improvement. It helps solve complex issues or issues that interest a particular teacher.

The methodologist formulates a topic for self-education, identifies specific goals and objectives, organizes the teacher’s work for a certain period (sometimes for several years at once), assists in the phased implementation of the plan, and also helps evaluate the effectiveness of the activity.

Annual professional competitions are held for teachers

If it is difficult for the teacher to decide on a topic, the methodologist conducts individual conversations with him, or, as an option, surveys. The methodologist constantly advises colleagues, offering the most relevant methodological sources.

The official title of the position of the methodologist is deputy head/director for educational and methodological work (senior educator/teacher). In most cases, the terms “methodologist” and “senior educator” are synonymous, but it happens that these are two separate positions in the team, and then the senior educator is responsible for part of the groups and reports to the methodologist. Until 1984, in Russia there was also the position of “educator-methodologist” with similar responsibilities.

In addition, the methodologist evaluates the activities of teachers by attending classes and other events related to the organization of preschool education (for example, walks, routine activities), and then helps to summarize the results of the work (arranges consultations for employees, makes a report at the teachers’ council, organizes open viewings).

Objectives of teacher self-education in accordance with federal state educational standards (FSES)

The essence of self-education is the ability to independently acquire new knowledge, as well as acquire skills within the framework of one’s profession.

Self-education of a preschool teacher involves solving problems such as:

  • analysis of age characteristics of the group;
  • identifying problems;
  • introduction of the latest pedagogical developments into practical activities;
  • organization of the educational process taking into account the development of technology and current requirements of society.

Forms of self-education for kindergarten teachers

Self-education of a preschool teacher is a multifaceted and diverse activity that is implemented in various forms. Let us highlight the main ones:

  • work with modern regulatory documents related to various aspects of preschool education;
  • studying methodological literature on your topic, including reading special magazines on the issues of educating preschool children (for example, “Preschool teacher”, “Preschool education”, “Child in kindergarten”, “Hoop”);
  • mastering the latest pedagogical technologies, classical and innovative programs, getting acquainted with the best practices of other preschool institutions;
  • personal self-improvement.

The preschool methodologist regularly holds pedagogical meetings (teacher councils), where all current issues related to the upbringing and education of children in this kindergarten are discussed. They need to be built in such a way that every teacher can learn something new and useful for their work. During the teachers' meeting, it is advisable not only to discuss theoretical issues, but also to conduct trainings and analyze each other's experience.

In addition, as part of teacher councils, a senior teacher can provide consultations to his colleagues on reviewing new teaching literature, familiarizing himself with regulations, and so on. Let us note that it is also possible to involve a speech therapist, a medical worker, as well as a child psychologist (if there is one in the children's institution) in such work.

Working in a kindergarten requires teamwork and creativity from teachers

Another form of self-improvement for teachers is a training seminar, which can be organized both within a kindergarten and at the level of a district methodological association. At such an event, educators train their teaching skills.

From time to time, all preschool specialists must undergo advanced training courses, which usually involve the preparation and defense of a final project. The decision to enroll in such courses and select a program that is relevant for a particular teacher is made jointly with the management. It is important that the educational institution conducting the courses has the appropriate license.

Open viewings are important for the self-education of a kindergarten teacher. They are useful both for the one conducting the lesson (the teacher demonstrates his own work) and for the audience (they borrow teaching experience, learn to analyze what they see).

Reporting documentation (workbook, folder)

The educator’s self-education is consistent with state regulations and involves maintaining certain documentation. The teacher starts a methodological folder where he collects useful articles on the chosen topic, interesting notes on educational activities, samples of fiction (if the topic is related to it), riddles, photographs from events, and so on.

A music director who has mastered additional functionality can also become a methodologist.

Be sure to develop a work plan for self-education for the year: this helps to optimally organize future activities and bring them into a coherent system. When drawing up a plan, first the topic is written, then an explanatory note, which justifies the relevance of the topic. Then all the annual work is outlined: familiarization with current methodological literature, activities with children, as well as parents. Please note that at the end of the school year (May), the teacher also reflects his experience in writing by preparing a special folder. The teacher places there photocopies of articles, consultations, descriptions of experiments, notes from classes with preschoolers, and so on.

Let us note that self-education should not be perceived only as filling out notebooks, plans, preparing consultations, designing stands, etc. First of all, this is the stimulation of professional growth, as well as personal development of the teacher.

In addition to the annual plan, there is also a long-term plan for education, which outlines work on a specific topic for several years in advance.

The teacher’s responsibilities also include regularly filling out a notebook for his self-education. Notes are made there about the events carried out:

  • with students (for example, direct educational activities);
  • with parents (preparing leaflets, stands, preparing consultations);
  • with teachers (report at the teachers' meeting, etc.);
  • about other components of the self-education process (for example, the teacher read a certain book on the topic, purchased a visual aid, attended an event).

Note that such a notebook is usually filled out in any form, for example, with a table.

Table: “Development of coherent speech of preschoolers through play in the context of the introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard” (fragment of the annual plan)

Term Form of work, content Report form Perspective
2016–2017 academic year
SeptemberSelection and study of literature on the topic; didactic games and exercises; plot paintings.Memos for parents on teaching coherent speechCompiling a bibliography
OctoberDidactic games aimed at developing children's ideas about people of different professions.Didactic games for speech development “Cooking soup”Activation and enrichment of children's vocabulary.
November -
Attending open classesCompiling an analysis of classes attendedStudying the experience of preschool teachers. Using the accumulated experience in practice when working with children.
DecemberCompilation work
(inventing) riddles
Consultation for parents: “Using riddles as a means of developing expressive speech” (moving folder).Show the role of riddles in the formation of expressive speech. Teach children to solve riddles using diagrams. Develop children's monologue speech. Develop imagination.
January FebruaryTheater activities. Staging of fairy tales: “The Cat and the Fox”, “Teremok”, etc. (using finger and table theater).Practical screening (theater week)Development of creative independence, aesthetic taste in conveying an image; development of children's speech and emotional orientation. Unlocking children's creative abilities.
MarchParent meeting “How games develop a child’s speech”Screening of the presentation “Speech development of children 5–6 years old”Help parents create a speech environment for constant communication with their child.
April MayLearning counting rhymes and riddles. Finger gamesPresentationImprove speech hearing, consolidate the skills of clear, correct, expressive speech. Differentiation of sounds, words, sentences. Practice tempo, voice strength, diction.

Samples of filling out the plan and other reporting according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Some documents and reports are prepared by the teacher in free form, but there are still some requirements for the structure and content of the documentation.

Annual self-education plan for a preschool teacher according to Federal State Educational Standards

Proper execution of the annual plan also helps with the preparation of final reporting.

Title page design

  1. Full name of the municipal institution (municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten No....).
  2. Name of the document (teacher self-education plan).
  3. Information about the teacher:
    1. FULL NAME. teacher
    2. Work experience.
  4. Topic title.
  5. Academic year.
  6. Age group.

Second page design

Subject: "…".

Target: "…".

Tasks (approximate list):

  • increase your own level of knowledge by... (studying the necessary literature, attending meetings of teachers, self-education...);
  • develop a long-term plan for working with children;
  • prepare diagnostics for the beginning and end of the school year;
  • organize the work of the circle, create a curriculum;
  • create a corner in the group...;
  • prepare (conduct) a consultation for teachers on the topic “...”, a speech at the pedagogical council No.... on the topic “...”,
  • prepare (take part) in the seminar...;
  • prepare material (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”.

Table: work forms by month

MonthForms of work
With kidsTeachersSelf-educationParents
SeptemberDiagnostics of children's knowledge, skills, abilities
  • Organize the work of the circle;
  • create a curriculum;
  • study literature
OctoberClasses, conversations in accordance with the work plan of the circle
DecemberCreate a corner in the group...Design of the transfer folder. Subject: "…"
FebruaryPrepare (conduct) a master class for teachers on the topic: “...”
AprilEntertainment "..."
MayDiagnosticsWriting a report on the work done during the academic year and presenting it at the teachers' meeting.Speech at a parent meeting with a report on the work done during the school year
JuneExhibition of children's worksOrganize the work of the circle for the next academic year, create a curriculumConsultation for parents: "..."

Topic Output (Practical Application Presentation)

The teacher can present the application of acquired knowledge in practice in the following ways:

  • conduct an open lesson (group viewing...);
  • prepare (participate, conduct) a seminar;
  • conduct a master class for teachers on this topic;
  • create a moving folder;
  • compile a collection of consultations for parents;
  • draw up a report on the work done for the academic year.

In each case, it is necessary to indicate the topic used, as well as the date (month) of the presentation.

Registration of the list of references

At the end of the plan, you need to indicate literary sources according to the standard bibliographic principle: author of the manual, title, year of publication, publisher - for each item in the list.

How to design a self-education notebook

This is another companion of a preschool educational institution employee in teaching work.

Title page design

The title page of the document must contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the municipal institution (municipal preschool educational institution - general developmental kindergarten No....)
  2. Name of the document (Notebook...)
  3. Information about the teacher:
    1. FULL NAME. teacher
    2. Work experience.
    3. Qualification category and date of its assignment.
  4. Start date of maintenance.

Internal pages

Each topic must be listed separately. The year and group must also be indicated. For each topic, a special plate is filled out.

Table: work plan by month (form)

Long-term teacher self-education plan

The plan must contain the following information:

  1. Full name of the teacher.
  2. Group.
  3. Work experience.

Table: long-term self-education plan (form)

Academic yearSelf-education topicReport form and deadline

You also need to indicate the date the plan was completed.

Specifics of self-education of a methodologist, senior educator

The methodologist of a preschool institution is also engaged in self-improvement activities, so he must be well informed about all the latest developments in the field of preschool education. After all, for other teachers, a methodologist is a kind of expert in the field of what has been printed and published recently on preschool pedagogy. On store shelves you can now find a lot of literature that does not meet scientific requirements.

The methodologist, like all educators, must periodically improve his qualifications. Every year he works on a specific topic for which he draws up a corresponding plan. The goals, objectives of the activity, a list of specific aspects of self-improvement, and expected results are written there.

As for reporting on completed work, it is often formatted in the form of a presentation. The specialist can also prepare a report for presentation at the regional methodological association.

Self-education topics for kindergarten teachers according to the Federal State Educational Standard for different groups

The teacher chooses a topic for self-education, taking into account his individual experience and level of professional development. It should always be aimed at some specific result, raising the process of education and training to a qualitatively new level.

The methodologist should not rush to impose a topic on the teacher: in a personal conversation, he finds out which aspects are most interesting to the teacher and what is difficult for him. The chosen topic should be relevant, and the work on self-improvement should organically integrate into the pedagogical process of the entire preschool institution.

Sometimes it is allowed to unite several teachers of one kindergarten to work on one topic, especially if its content is close to one of the tasks of the annual plan of the entire preschool institution. Another option is if the organization is preparing for innovative or experimental activities.

Summarizing the above, we can identify the following areas of focus for self-education:

  • any of the current annual tasks of the preschool organization;
  • a question that causes difficulties for the teacher;
  • deepening knowledge and expanding existing teacher skills.

In addition, the topic must be chosen taking into account the age characteristics of the group of preschoolers with whom the teacher works. For example, the following topics will be relevant for a teacher of a nursery and second junior group:

  • Introduction of interactive methods into the educational process in kindergarten.
  • Innovative methods of early development.
  • Integrated classes in the junior group: aspects of preparation and methodology.
  • Environmental education of children three to four years old.
  • Raising children using oral folk art in the educational process in early preschool age.
  • Development of cognitive activity of junior preschool pupils.
  • Nature is a means of educating younger preschoolers.
  • Non-traditional drawing techniques in working with younger preschoolers.
  • Development of mathematical concepts in younger preschoolers.
  • Formation of key self-care skills in younger preschoolers.
  • Development in the second younger group of ideas about inanimate nature (various natural phenomena, seasonality, times of day).
  • Formation of key cultural and hygienic skills in younger preschoolers.

Middle group:

  • Theatrical activities.
  • Formation of desire for a healthy lifestyle in preschool children.
  • Emotional and personal sphere of pupils of the middle group of preschool educational institutions.
  • Speech development is an effective means of understanding the world around us.
  • Non-traditional drawing techniques in the classroom.
  • Cultivating curiosity (in the process of communication, classes, play and work activities).
  • Development of various forms of communication when working with secondary group students.
  • Development of coherent speech in middle group students (in the process of communication, play and work activities).
  • Development of cognitive activity using mathematics.
  • Methods of teaching middle group students to expressively read poems.

Senior group:

  • Development of coherent speech in senior group students.
  • Artistic and aesthetic development of older preschoolers through the national-regional component.
  • Didactic game as a means of speech therapy work in the senior group.
  • Using a student-centered model in teaching older preschool children.
  • Formation of ideas about their small homeland among pupils of the senior group.
  • Teaching children five to six years old basic analysis of a literary work.
  • Traditional drawing techniques in classes with older children.
  • Techniques for developing safe life skills in the senior group.
  • Teaching senior group students how to retell works of fiction.

Preparatory group:

  • The process of teaching literacy in the preparatory group.
  • Development of ecological culture of older preschoolers.
  • Fundamentals of moral education.
  • Formation of cognitive activity and verbal communication through familiarization of kindergarten students with a foreign language.
  • Legal education of pupils.
  • Non-traditional drawing techniques in classes with students.
  • Formation of prerequisites for educational activities among students.
  • Familiarization of pupils with the biocenosis of forests, fields, meadows, and reservoirs.
  • Formation of students' ideas about space.
  • Using health-saving technologies when working with students.
  • Continuity between kindergarten and school.
  • Teaching creative storytelling in speech development classes in a preparatory group.

Examples of topics for a senior teacher:

  • Organization of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Interactive forms and methods of work of the methodological service as a factor of successful professional competence in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education (preschool education).
  • Increasing the professional level of teachers in the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the education and development of students through group forms of methodological work.
  • Professional competence of a preschool specialist in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • An innovative approach to creating a developmental environment in a preschool institution.
  • Improving the quality of education aimed at individualizing the development of students, taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  • Pedagogical diagnostics in kindergarten.
  • Psychological and pedagogical assistance to the family.
  • Computer technologies: application in preschool education.
  • Ways to create psychological comfort in a group.
  • Environmental education of preschool children.
  • The importance of an individual approach in preschool care and education.

Presentation of results and their application in practice

An activity has little meaning if it does not lead to an end product or achievement. The value of the knowledge acquired during self-education lies in its use in practice (the so-called practical output). These include master classes for other specialists, open screenings, various projects, clubs, entertainment and educational events. This also includes compiling a card index (artworks, experiments), an album (for example, on non-traditional drawing), and organizing an exhibition of students’ works. In addition, practical results include abstracts, reports, consultations for parents and colleagues.

Video: Formation of a healthy lifestyle in younger preschoolers (photo report on self-education by teacher N.V. Chernikova)

The presentation of the results can be as follows: a photo presentation against the background of musical accompaniment.

Video: Formation of road safety skills in preschoolers, prevention of accidents (photo report by the teacher on the topic)

The work of a teacher, associated exclusively with the development and education of children, involves constant self-education and self-improvement. This process, first of all, should be a creative search, and not be reduced to filling out notebooks and reports. As a result of such purposeful activity, pedagogical skills grow and an additional incentive to work appears.

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