Dialogue on major systems of the world. CHAPTER XI.

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"Dialogue about two major systems of the world" (Ial. "Dialogo Sopra I Due Massimi Sistemi Del Mondo"lat. "SYSTEMA COSMICUM") - The main essay of Galilee, the result of almost 30 years of scientific work, one of the key milestones in the Copernikovsky revolution. Published in early 1632 in Florence with the dedication to the Grand Duke Ferdinand II.

The book is a dialogue between the three fans of science - Copernican Salviati, a neutral participant in Sagredo and the "simpler" simplicity, who is observed by the Soxes, Aristotle and Ptolemy's Suede Postules. The author refrains from judgment that the system of the universe is true - geocentric (Ptolemeyev) or heliocentric, but invested in the mouth of Salvati arguments in favor of the latter speak for themselves.

Initial passage of Catholic censorship

Inclusion in the index of prohibited books

One of the first copies of the Galilee book was presented on February 22, 1632 to his patron, the Great Duke of Tuscany Ferdinando II Medici. Thirty copies he sent prominent prelates who perceived such a gift with perplexity. Unlike most scientific treatises of the XVII century, the book was written not on the Scientist Latin, but at the publicly accessible Italian, which strengthened its "subversive" effect: everyone who wishes could be familiar with the corporal views of Copernicus.

Having read the treatise, Dad Urban VIII immediately recognized himself into a simplicity (although in reality a prototype of this character, apparently served by Cesare Cremonin, refused to look at the sky in the Galileev telescope) and initiated the persecution of Galilean inquisition. In 1633, a ban on publication in the Catholic countries of the New Works of Galilee was published, and Dialogue was placed in the index of prohibited books, in which he remained for 200 years (until 1835).

At the same time, in Holland and other Protestant countries continued to be printed in the Latin translation of the treatise (LAT. "SYSTEMA COSMICUM"), who (at the request of the author) performed in 1635 Mattias Bernegger en.


In the future, the principle of relativity is first obtained in the future.

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Excerpt characterizing a dialogue about two systems of the world

"On Vous Demandera Quand On Aura Besoin De Vous," When you need, you will be called, "he said. Soldiers came out. The Bunner, who had time to visit the kitchen, went to the officer.
"Capitaine, ILS ONT De La Soupe et du Gigot de Mouton Dans La Cuisine," he said. - Faut Il Vous L "ApporTer? [Captain They have a soup and fried lamb in the kitchen. Orders to bring?]
- OUI, ET Le Vin, [Yes, and Wine,] - said Captain.

French officer, together with Pierre entered the house. Pierre considered his debt again to assure the captain that he was not a Frenchman, and wanted to leave, but the French officer did not want to hear about it. He was taking such a degree, kindly, good-natured and truly grateful for the salvation of his life, that Pierre did not have the spirit to refuse him and sat down with him in the hall, in the first room, in which they entered. For the statement of Pierre that he is not a Frenchman, the captain, obviously not understanding how it was possible to give up such a flattering title, shrugged and said that he certainly wants to hear Russian, then let it be so, but that he, despite That, still forever connected with him a sense of gratitude for the salvation of life.
If this person would have been gifted at least any ability to understand the feelings of others and guess the feelings of Pierre, Pierre, probably he would have left him; But the lively impermeability of this person to all that he did not have, the Pierre won.
- Francais Ou Prince Russe Incognito, [French or Russian Prince Incognito,] - said the Frenchman, Looking down, though dirty, but Pierre's thin underwear and a ring on his hand. - Je Vous Dois La Vie Je Vous Offre Mon Amitie. UN FRANCAIS N "OUBLIE JAMAIS NI UNE INSULTE NI UN SERVICE. JE VOUS OFFRE MON AMITIE. JE NE VOU DIS QUE CA. [I owe you life, and I offer you friendship. The Frenchman never forgets any insult or services. I suggest You have my friendship. I don't say anything else.]
In the sounds of voice, in the expression of the face, in the gestures of this officer, there was so much good nature and nobility (in the French sense) that Pierre, answering an unconscious smile on the smile of the Frenchman, shook his hand.
- Capitaine Ramball Du Treizieme Leger, Decore Pour L "Affaire du Sept, [Captain Rambal, Thirteenth Light Shelf, Cavaler of the Honorary Legion for the work of the seventh of September,] - he was replaced with a smug, uncpendless smile, which wrinkled his lips under the mustache. - voudrez Vous Bien ME DIRE A PRESENT, A QUI "J" AI L "HONNEUR DE PARLER AUSSI AGREABLEMENT AU LIEU DE RESTER AL" AMBULANCE AVEC LA BALLE DE CE FOU DANS LE CORPS. [Will you be so kind to tell me now, with whom I am I have the honor to talk so nice, instead of being on a dressing point with a bullet of this crazy in the body?]
Pierre answered that he could not say his name, and blushing, began, trying to invent a name, talk about the reasons why he could not tell this, but the Frenchman hastily interrupted him.
"DE GRACE," he said. - Je Comprends Vos Raisons, Vous Etes Officier ... Officier Superieur, PEUT ETRE. Vous Avez Porte Les Armes Contre Nous. CE N "EST PAS MON AFFAIRE. Je Vous Dois La Vie. Cela Me Suffit. Je Suis Tout a vous. Vous Etes Gentilhomme? [Fullness, please. I understand you, you officer ... Headquarters officer, maybe. You served against us . This is not my business. I owe you life. I am pretty enough, and I am all yours. Are you a nobleman?] - He added with a touch of the question. Pierre tilted his head. - Votre Nom De Bapteme, S "Il Vous Plait? Je Ne Demande Pas Davantage. Monsieur Pierre, Dites Vous ... Parfait. C "EST TUT CE QUE JE Desire Savoir. [Your name? I am no longer asking anything. Mr. Pierre, did you say? Perfect. That's all I need.]
When there were fried lamb, scrambled eggs, samovar, vodka and wine from the Russian cellar, which the French brought with him, Rambal asked Pierre to take part in this dinner and immediately, greedily and quickly, as a healthy and hungry man, began to eat, quickly chewing With its strong teeth, indifferently smoking and sentencing Excellent, Exquis! [Wonderful, excellent!] The face flushed and covered later. Pierre was hungry and gladly took part in dinner. Morel, Renta, brought a saucepan with warm water and put a bottle of red wine into it. In addition, he brought a bottle with a kvass, which he took to the sample in the kitchen. This drink was already known to the French and got a name. They called Kvas Limonade de Cochon (Pork Lemonade), and Morel booked this Limonade de Cochon, which he found in the kitchen. But since the captain had wine, mined during the transition through Moscow, he provided Kwas Serel and took the Bordeaux bottle. He wrapped the bottle of neck to the napkin and poured himself and pierre wine. Hunger and the wine and wine more revived the captain, and he did not stop talking during lunch.

Dialogue about two main systems of the world - Ptolemaeva and Copernicon *

Second day

<...> Salvati. I also want you to continue to firmly keep the fact that the phenomena on Earth must correspond to the phenomena on the ship; After all, if it turned out to be inappropriate to your goal, you would not sorry to change the opinion. You say: since, when the ship stands still, the stone falls to the foot of the mast, and when moving, falls away from the foot, then, therefore, and on the contrary, from the fall of the stone it follows that the ship stands motionless, and the fall of the stone is on some The distance proves that the ship is in motion; And since what happens on the ship is equally occurring on Earth, then from the fall of the stone to the foot of the tower flows with the need for the imperfectness of the globe. Isn't your reasoning?

Simplicity. It is quite right, that is what is presented in a simple form, which makes it highly comfortable for assimilation.

Salvati. Tell me if the stone, released from the top of the mast floating with a high speed of the ship, fell exactly at the same place where it falls when the ship stands still, which service would serve this experience with a fall to solve the issue, Is the ship standing motionless or floats?

Simplicity. Resolutely no; In the same way, for example, on the beat of the pulse, it is impossible to find out whether anyone or awakes is sleeping, because the pulse beats the same way both in the sleeping and awake.

Salvati. Excellent. Have you ever made experience on the ship?

Simplicity. I did not produce it, but it is quite confident that those authors who were produced carefully examined him; In addition, the reasons for the differences are so clear that they do not leave space for doubt.

Salvati. It is possible that these authors referred to experience without producing it; You yourself are a good example when, without producing experience, declare it with reliable and offer us for the word to believe them; absolutely not only possible, but it is reliable that the authors came in the same way, referring to their predecessors and never reaching the one who did this experience himself, for anyone who would do it, would find that experience shows a completely reverse written Namely, that the stone always falls into the same place of the ship, whether he is immobile or moves at some speed. Hence, since the conditions of the Earth and the ship are the same, it follows that from the fact there is always a sheer fall of the stone to the foot of the tower can not be made any conclusion about the movement or rest of the Earth 1.

A stone falling with the ship mast always falls into the same place, whether the ship is moving or stands on the spot.

Simplicity. If you sent me to other arguments, and not to the experience, our disputes, I think it would not have ended so soon, for this subject seems to me so inaccessible to the human mind, which excludes the ability to assert or assume.

Salvati. And, however, I consider it possible to do it.

Simplicity. How is it, without doing a hundred tests, nor even one, do you appear so decisive way? I return to my disbelief and to the conviction that the experience was made by the initial authors who refer to him, and that he shows what they claim.

Salvati. I am and without experience I am sure that the result will be like I tell you, because it is necessary for him to follow; Moreover, I will say that you yourself also know that it can not be otherwise, although pretending or pretending to do not know it. But I am a sufficiently good catcher of the minds and forcibly scoring you recognition. However, Signor Sagredo is completely fallen, although it seems to me, I noticed some kind of movement, I wanted to say something.

Sagredo. I really wanted to say something, but curiosity caused by your statement that you will force Signora Simpribios to open a knowledge intentionally hidden from us, made me postpone any other care; Please implement the promised.

Salvati. If only Signor Symphiziosically seducted to answer my questions, and I would not become a case for me.

Simplicity. I will answer what I know, and I am sure that I will have little difficulty, since about things that I consider false, it is impossible to know anything, because science has a science about true, and not about false.

Salvati. I do not want anything, in addition, so that you speak or responded only what you yourself know. Therefore, tell me: if you have a flat surface, completely smooth, as a mirror, and from a solid substance, like steel, not parallel to the horizon, but somewhat inclined, and if you put a completely round ball from the substance of heavy and very solid, for example From bronze, what, do you think, will he be done, being granted to himself? Do you think (how do I think), what will he be fixed? 2.

Simplicity. If this surface is tilted?

Salvati. Yes, as we suggested.

Simplicity. In no way I don't think it remains fixed; On the contrary, I am sure that he himself would move by the slope.

Salvati. Think about it well in your words, Signor Symphaysios, for I am sure that he will be in immobility anywhere, wherever you put it.

Simplicity. If you, Signor Salviati, will use this kind of assumptions, I will stop wondering what you make perfect false conclusions.

Salvati. So, do you consider it completely reliable that the ball will move at the inclination by itself?

Simplicity. Is it possible to doubt this?

Salvati. And you consider it indisputable not because I inspired it to you (because I tried to convince you nasty), but on the basis of my own judgment?

Simplicity. Now I understand your trick; You said to test me or climb, as they say in the surprise, but not at all because they really thought so?

Salvati. Exactly. And how long would the ball go and at what speed? Note that I spoke about the ball completely round and about the plane completely smooth to eliminate all the external and random obstacles. I also want you to be distracted by resistance to air to your separation, and from all random interference, which can meet.

Simplicity. I all understood perfectly and I will answer your question like this: the ball continued to move to infinity, only such a plane continued, and with the movement of continuously accelerating, because such is the nature of heavy moving bodies that Vires Acquirant Eundo 3; And the more the tilt will be, the more the speed will be.

Salvati. But if someone wanted to move the same ball on the same plane up, do you think that he would go thus?

Simplicity. Independently no, but you can throw it up or with force.

Salvati. And if it were shown in such a movement of a rapidly transferred to him by impulse, what was how long would his movement be?

Simplicity. The movement would be gradually weakening and slowing down, since it is unnatural, and it would be more prolonged or more brief depending on the greater or less rims.

Salvati. As if you explained to me now cases of movement on two different kind of planes: on the plane, the inclined moving body spontaneously lowers, moving with continuous acceleration, so that it is necessary to apply force to keep it alone; On the plane rising up, the force is required to move the body up, and even in order to keep it alone, and the traffic reported by the body continuously decreases, so that in the end it is completely destroyed. I will also add that, in addition, in the other case there is a distinction, depending on whether it is greater or less or the lifting of the plane, and with a greater slope there is a high speed, and vice versa, with the lifting plane, the same body, movable the same The most power is moving at the greater distance, the less lifting height. And now tell me what would happen to the same moving body on the surface that does not rise and does not omit?

Simplicity. Here I need a little thought over the answer. Once there is no tilt, then there can be no natural tendency to move, and once there is no lift, there can be no countering movement, so the body would be indifferent in relation to both a tendency to move and counteract him; It seems to me, therefore, it should naturally stay fixed. However, I completely forgot that Signor Sagredo still recently stretched me that it should be so.

Salvati. So, I think I would, if the ball would put motionless; But if you give him an impulse of movement in some direction, then what would the exude?

Simplicity. It would be possible to move in this direction.

Salvati. But what kind of way would this move: continuously accelerating, as in the plane inclined, or gradually slow down, as on the plane rising?

Simplicity. I can not open here the reasons for acceleration or for a slowdown, since there is no tilt, nor lift.

Salvati. So, but if there is no reason for a slowdown, then the reason for peace can be here. Therefore, how long do you think, would the movement of this body?

Simplicity. So long, how great the length of such a surface is not descent and lifting.

Salvati. Consequently, if such a space was impossible, the movement at it equally would not have the limit, that is, would it be permanent?

Simplicity. It seems to me that so if the body was from durable material.

Salvati. It is already assumed, since it was said that all the inclusion and external obstacles are eliminated, and the destructiveness of the moving body is one of the intrinsic obstacles. Tell me what exactly you consider the reason that this ball is moving along the inclined plane on its own, and on the plane it is not different, as forcibly?

Simplicity. The fact that heavy bodies have a property naturally move towards the center of the Earth and only forcibly up to the periphery, the inclined surface is as follows, which brings to the center, and the rising removes.

Salvati. Consequently, the surface that would not have a tilt, nor the rise, would have to intensively defend the center in all its parts. But from such planes is there any such in the world?

Simplicity. There are such - at least the surface of our globe, be only she is quite smooth, and not that it really is, i.e., uneven and mountainous; Such, for example, the surface of the water, when she is quiet and calm.

Salvati. Consequently, the ship moving on marine stroy is one of those moving bodies that glide on one of these surfaces without tilt and lifting and which therefore have a tendency in the case of eliminating all random and external obstacles to move with times the resulting pulse constantly and evenly?

Simplicity. It seems that it should be so.

Salvati. And the stone that is located on the top of the mast, does he move, carrying a car around the circle circumference, around the center, consequently, the movement, in it not destroyed in the absence of external obstacles? And this movement is not as quickly as the movement of the ship?<...>

* In the book: Galilee. Selected works in two volumes, t. 1. M., 1964, p. 242-247.
1 Here and then Galiley uses the fact of relative peace and uniform movement for evidence of the possibility of the annual movement of the Earth.
2 Galilee proceeds to present the principle of inertia.
3 acquire forces on the way (Lat.).


Dialogue about the two main systems of the world Ptolomeva and Copernikovoi

Translation A.I. Dolgova Oziz - USSR State Publishing House of Technical and Theoretical Literature Moscow * 1048 * Leningrad


Almost four hundred years ago, on March 24, 1543, lying on the mortal apparent, few people known until that afraid Kanonik Nikolai Copernicus from Thorns touched upon the hand of a freshly printed copy of his brilliant work in six books De RevolutioniBus Orbiumo Celestium (i.e. "about circulation Heavenly Worlds "), which summed up his observations and reflections on this issue for more than thirty years and containing the foundations of the Heliocentric system of the world. The ideas of Copernicus, set forth in strictly mathematical form and developed on the basis of the richest actual material, only slowly and gradually began to spread into a circle of scientists of various countries, meeting with their part different assessments. Thus, the most famous Astronomer observer under consideration of the era quietly Brage (1546-1601) did not recognize the Copernicus system and in contrast to it in 1588 her own, according to which all the planets rotated around the Sun, with the exception of the Earth; The latter remained fixed and the sun with planets and the moon appeared around it. It was some step forward compared to the PTO L OEM system, but a decisive step back compared to Copernicus system (De Mundi Aetherei Recentiori- BUS Phenomenis Liber Secundus, 1602). At the same time, Kepler (1571-1630) was not only a convinced supporter of the heliocentric system, but also in a brilliant scientist, who managed to develop Copernicus's teachings, setting the three law of planetary movements, carrying his name (the first two were published by them in Astronomia Pot, 1609; The third was installed in May 1618). The opinion of other, less noticeable scientists of the Mid-European countries does not represent substantial interest for us; One can only state that the doctrine of Copernicus, however, late for 50-60 years, it became familiar to them and they were interpreted as a serious * scientific theory. As it was originally perceived by the doctrine of Copernicus in Italy, Galilee narrates very colorfully at the beginning of the second day of "dialogue", investing in the mouth of Sagredo's description of his conversation with visitors of Christian lectures (1544-1588), in which the latter promoted this teaching. However, and C by this country were, although small, adherents of the Pythagorean teachings. Among them, a deep thinker Jordan Bruno (1548-1600), burned in Rome on a fire by the sentence of the Inquisition, deserves. The same views adhered to Jacobo Mazzoni, Galilee teacher, the only one of the professors of the University of Paduan, who did not belong to the post of Peripatetics. It is also interesting that, under the influence of new facts and evidence, i.e., much later, hesitated in the infallibility of the PToloya system and such a well-deserved scientist, as keys (1537-1612), the author of many times reprinted comments to the "sphere" of Sakrobosko, which Throughout his long life was dealt with and protecting it. 1 * 4 Preface As for Galilee, he, he, who hesitated, leaned very early to the ideas of Copernicus. This is evidenced by his letters of Mazzoni and Kepler, and in a letter to the last (dated August 4, 1597), Galilein indicates that he continues to work on the teachings of Copernicus, which he has been held "for many years." The fact that, being from 1592 by Professor of Mathematics in the University of Paduan and as a result of this, the lecturer of spherical astronomy and the theory of planets, Galilee in the initial, at least period expressed these items in the established form (as evidenced by partially published after his death Trattato Delta Sfera's lectures about Cosmografia, 1656) should not be considered as a fact that is in contradiction with its own statement of Galilea. Hardly any other presentation was at the time at all possible in the university's walls; In addition, Galilee has not yet had a finally established mechanical views (see, for example, its even earlier work of Sermones de Motu Gravium, published only in 1854 and related to the Pisa period of its activities, i.e. 1589-1592 .) Nor such visual arguments to zero * Copernicus system, as the presence of Jupiter satellites, Venus phases, solar spots, etc. So, slowly and gradually the ideas of Copernicus found a recognition of few large and independent scientists. Otherwise, the church treated them. The books of Copernica, who were really deeply frightened by the Basic of the Geocentric System of the world, and at the same time not only narrowly astronomecas, but also significantly further reaching the general provisions of the Aristotle philosophy, were well-known reformation figures: Luther (1483-1546) and Melanchton (1497-1560). The first named Copernicus a fool, who intends to turn up the bottom of the whole universe, and the second, who was a scientist ideologist of the Reformation, considered it necessary that civil authorities tame an astronomer, which forced the land to move, and the sun stand still. There is no significant difference between these judgments and later acts of the Catholic Church. The latter was only more consistent in his conclusions, as it appears from the "Saint Congregation Decree" of March 5, 1616 and the sentence announced by Galilean on June 22, 1633, but it was their own, special, reasons. The nature of the official science of the end of the XVI and the beginning of the XVII centuries, cultivated in universities, in particular Italian, is well known. The authority of Aristotle stood even highly high; The study of real phenomena of nature has long been sent to the background and was replaced by comparing the opinions expressed about them by Aristotle or other authorities from among its commentators and followers; scientific work therefore was therefore the character of only scholastic philological exercises; New discoveries and scientific data on which it was impossible to close their eyes was explained by summing up them for already ready-made formulas borrowed from the same rich book arsenal without a new experienced verification. To this, it is necessary to add that the philosophy of Aristotle and his followers was officially divided by the Catholic Church, and a very influential Jesuit Order, founded in 1534, paid a lot of attention to ensuring that all new scientific data would not be in the visible contradiction with the teachings of peripatetics and in order to Ensuring the unity of the direction of thought did not allow anyone from the members of the Order to publish their work without the sanction of his higher spiritual administration. Thus, the criticism of the philosophy of Aristotle bordered with a performance against church canons, and the controversy of the preface 8 with separate Jesuit patema affected the interests and dignity of this Order, as a whole. It is clear how difficult and dangerous was the scientific activity of those innovators who, under the influence of deep shifts throughout the structure of modern economic relations and the development of technology, was inevitably involved in conflict with scholastic doctrines. Galilee's life and scientific activities, we see how the initial struggle against the individual delusions of Aristotle concerned about the laws of falling bodies, their swimming, etc., it flared up everything was fierce and captured all the B6l *\u003e Wheels of Knowledge, until it broke out In the collision of two worldviews. Ultimately, Galilee was tried and condemned for the promotion of Copernicus's teachings not those ten monks who were appointed for this, and not those seven who signed the sentence, but the Catholic Church, as such, who saw an extremely dangerous essay in the dialogue, strongerly undermining her authority . In this she was not mistaken: Despite the reservations made by Galileem (as we say somewhat lower), the dialogue is an exceptionally bright document directed against the provisions with which the Catholic Church solidized. Indeed, the latter took under his defense the Geocentric Aristotle-Ptolemy's geocentric system, declaring that the recognition of the Sun by the fixed center of the world is stupid and absurd from the point of view of philosophy and heretically essentially, as clearly contrary to many of the texts of the Holy Scripture. Giving the land of the daily movement is at least reliance in matters of faith. Meanwhile, the entire main text of the dialogue indicates that the only real system of the world of Galilee considered the Heliocentric Copernicus system, in defense which gathered a large number of diverse convincing arguments. This is the power of dialogue as writings, which is objectively an antireligious nature, not lost to this day. The full name of the work under consideration of the Galilee, placed on the title page, can introduce an insufficiently prepared reader to delusion. It is possible that it will take it to her as a large, classic-style mathematical work and will search for a detailed presentation of the teachings of Ptolemy and Copernicus, an explanation of the advantages that gives the latter compared to the theory of epicycles, an indication of the weak points of this teaching, maybe , partial improvement of it, interpretation of the laws of Kepler, etc. But almost nothing of this is not contained in the dialogue. Galilee in his presentation to the extreme simplifies the Copernicus system, considering the movement of the planets, as perchainant exactly in concentric circles, and only in one case he slipks the expression - the average distance from the ground to the Sun; About Kepler he mentions only in passing and not at all in connection with his laws; The theory of epicycles leaves almost not affected. Instead, he summarizes all the data from the field of mechanics, physics and astronomy at its disposal, to prove as an immutable kids that the Earth has a daily and annual movement, and the Sun stands still, workshops breaking the opposite arguments and consciously allowing reasoning that may be The glance seems to be retreats from the main movement of thought, but who are actually subordinated to one holistic idea. True, addressed to the reader, and in the final part of the fourth day of the dialogue, and in many places of the text, Galilee speaks about the Copernicus system only as a hypothesis; However, these 6 preface formal and forced expressions to no extent to the extent to the extent of the most convincing arguments in favor of its reality and do not allow the reader to doubt the true intentions of the Creator of Dialogue for a minute. The content of its essay of Galile breaks for four days. The first one is given by the criticism of the doctrine of peripatetics about the completely different nature of the heavenly bodies and land and evidence of their large similarity; The second day is devoted to the proof of the compatibility of the movements of bodies on Earth, with the daily appeal of the latter around its axis; During the third day, the question of the appeal of the Earth around the Sun is mainly dealing, and the proof of a large removal from the Earth of a new star, which appeared in 1572 in the constellation of Cassiopeia, although this question, as affecting the changeability of the sky, rather concerns the topics of the first day; Finally, the fourth day is paid to considering how the phenomena of tides and sings are easily explained by the presence of the daily rotation in the first place ...

Price Realized: $ 173 000

Galilei, Galileo. Dialogo ... Sopre i Due Massimi Sistemi Del Mondo Tolemaico, E Copernicano. Florence: Gian Battista Landini, 1632. PMM 128.

Care: $ 173,000. Christie auction "s. Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts Including Americana. December 4, 2014. New York, Rockefeller Plaza. Lot number 216.

Lot description:

4 ° (221x158 mm.). Etched Frontispiece by Stefano Della Bella, Italic Type, Shoulder Notes in Roman Type, Printer "S Woodcut Device On Title-Page, 31 Woodcut Illustrations and Diagrams in Text, Woodcut Initials, Type Ornament Head- and Tail-Pieces and Factotum Initials, Errata Leaf FF6, Manuscript Addition of Letter H to Diagram on M8V (P.192), with the printed correction slip pasted in margin of f6v (p. 92). CONTEMPORARY RED MOROCCO, SOME LOWER EDGES UNTRIMMED, GILT-PANELED SIDES WITH FLEURONS AT the corners, spine in six compartments with five raised bands, gilt and gauffred edges, marbled pastedowns (upper and lower spine compartments with some slight worming, some minor rubbing) Provenance: Raicewich (inkstamp on front flyleaf); sold Sotheby "s London. , 17 JULY 1967, LOT 148.

The full name of the polemical work in Russian:

Dialogue Galilee and Disgrace Inquisition

On Tuesday, April 12, 1633, in the Palace of the Inquisition, Florentine Galileo Galileo was asked the question:

"Does he know or assumes, for what reason he ordered to appear in Rome?"

"I think - the scientist answered,- What is the reason for which I ordered to appear in Rome to the Holy Inquisition, is to give a report on my recently printed book, the same I think about the prescription filed by the book to serve and me a few days before the order announced to me to appear in Rome, do not publish More named books, as well as about the order of the Inquisitor, to present the original of my Book of Holy Inquisition in Rome.

Galilee showed the book "Dialogue", printed in Florence, asking whether he recognizes her his own. The answer read:

"I recognize the book presented to me for one of the printed in Florence, and all contained in it, I recognize the complicated me."

So began a disgraceful lawsuit over an outstanding book and its Creator, who ended with the prohibition of the "heretical" book and the conclusion of Galileo. Until the end of his days, the greatest scientist - astronomer, mathematician, poet, philologist and critic - remained a prisoner of the Inquisition. Having finished the Pisan University, Galileo Galilee at the 25th age took here the Department of Mathematics. Then for almost two decades (1592-1610), he taught mathematics in Padua. From 1610 he lived and worked in Florence, where he became the "first philosopher and the mathematician of the Great Duke Tuscany." In addition, he translated from Greek to Latin, studied the classics of antiquity, left the sketches of the play, wrote "Satira on the wearing Togu", sonnets, was co-author of the Chancests "On the Stars of Medica" - Jupiter satellites. ... What was the intolerance of the Catholic Church so scared? Galilee daring - after the official prohibition of the revolutionary teaching of Copernicus and the "delay of his book henceforth to the correction" - to stand on his defense, kept to propagate this teaching in every way. Throughout his life, he argued that the discovery of Nikolai Copernicus was not distracted mathematical hypothesis, but the truth ... With the teachings of Copernicus Galilee, he met in student years: his notebook was preserved, where there is a mention of Polish astronomer. Becoming a professor of the University of Paduan, Galilee in his lectures concerned the problems of astronomy, following the official point of view on the device of the Universe. However, the facts indicate that at that time Galilean was a supporter of the Heliocentric system of the world. Having received his first book "Cosmographic Mystery" (1596) from Johanna Kepler (1596), Galiley in a letter to its author admits: "... I got up to the point of view of Copernicus many years ago, and I managed to find an explanation of many phenomena on the basis of it Nature, which, no doubt, cannot find explanations based on generally accepted positions. I recorded a lot of evidence and many refutations of reasoning based on the opposite point of view; But I didn't decrease all this to the light, frightened by the fate of Copernicus, our teacher, who, although he earned herself the immortal glory in a few, but on the part of the countless number of people (for so large the number of fools) was only a mockery and Ovvist. " A letter has a date - August 4, 1597. And after thirteen years, Galilee, with the help of his visual pipe, makes amazing astronomical discoveries, "unknown to the present day there is no person." It turns out that there are mountains and deep depressions on the moon, Jupiter has four satellites that appeal around this planet; Solar spots move along the solar surface. Moreover, the Milky Way is a huge white strip in the sky - this is a cluster of individual stars. And every discovery visually confirmed the teachings of Nikolai Copernicus. Now Galiley decided. He proceeds to his "star messenger", where a relaxed business tone gives a report on his observations and makes general conclusions. There is no praise of the Creator or links to the texts of Scripture. Galilee was in a hurry that the first sheet of the "Bulletin" was printed and sent earlier than the entire book, published in Venice on March 8, 1610. On the first day of March, a censorship resolution was obtained, which indicated that the "Star Bulletin" of Galilee "did not contain anything nasty Holy Catholic faith, laws and good nravam. " The book made a stunning impression on contemporaries. And the great scientist was fairly named "Columbus of the sky." Some contemporaries, comparing his discovery with the opening of America, said that if the expired century is rightly proud of the opening of new lands, then this century forever makes himself a fan of the opening of new heavens ... When Tommaso Campanella learned in his dungeon about the Star Bulletin, he He turned to his author with an enthusiastic letter. The enemies did not sleep, having sharply condemned the "Bulletin". Every louder was the voices of ignorance and obscurantis. Galilee was not going to fold weapons. In connection with the description of the Moon, he mentions the "system of the world", in which he "six hundred evidence and natural philosophical arguments" confirms that the Earth "moves and superior to the Luna." This is the first mention of Galilee in the press about the heliocentric system of the world, and the "system of the world" is the first sketch of "dialogue ...". Meanwhile, the first grade of Galilee with the Inquisition approached. In May, 1610 gave a pamphlet "The shortest travel against the" Star Bulletin ". His author - Czech Martin Gorki - argued that Galilee "sold mortals likely instead of the true". Attacks on Galilee soon accepted a public character. Began to chase about banning the treatise of Nikolai Copernicus. Galilee with bitterness wrote:

"My opponents demand a ban on the book that has long been admitted to the Holy Church, which they never saw, not to mention that they read it and understood."

The Inquisition received denunciations on Galilee, accused of him that he proves the movement of the Earth and the immobility of the Sun. The Inquisition requested the conclusion from its censors in two main provisions of Copernicus theory, which defended and developed Galilee. The question about the fixedness of the Sun censors was unanimously answered that this statement was "stupid and absurd in philosophical and heretically in formal relationship"; It is just as unanimously censors-theologian rejected the idea of \u200b\u200bthe movement of the Earth. Conclusion This was signed on February 24, 1616. Shortly before that, Galiley wrote:

"To prohibit Copernicus now, after in numerous observations and in the studies of his work, scientists from the day are increasingly revealed by the truth of his statements and its doctrine is increasingly strengthened; To prohibit it after it was allowed for several years ...- It would be a crime against the truth. "

On March 5, 1616, the doctrine of Copernicus as "false and entirely nasty sacred Scripture" was prohibited, and his treatise fell into the index of prohibited books "in the future before correction." However, given the enormous influence of Galilee, the Inquisitors decided to achieve agreements with Galileem. On March 5, the name of Galilean is not mentioned on March 5, and in the list of detainees and convicted books there is not his "Star Bulletin" nor "letters about sunbursts". Galilei was called to Cardinal Bellarmino for the "exhortation" - so that he would continue to at least in public, did not speak with the defense of the Heliocentric system of the world, Bellarmino issued a scientist testimony, where it was said that Galilee declared a decree - "Copernicus's teachings are disgusting to the Holy Scripture and it cannot be Neither protect nor adhere to. And again, T. Campanella spoke in defense of Galilee. For many years he was imprisoned, the commandants of prisons in Naples received an order: "Take measures to make Tommaso Campanella to be deprived of any opportunity to write." But the convicted "Heretic" managed to write. He wrote "the apology of Galilee." In 1622, one of the students of Campanella published in Frankfurt am Main "APOLOGY". Inquisition immediately banned the book; And her author fell into even more terrible conditions. He was thrown in the dungeon. Total darkness, dirt, water, squating under their feet, chains are such a "apology" fee. (We note that the world has several first printed copies of the "Apology of Galilee". One of them is stored in the Foundations of the Public Library. M. E. Saltykova-Shchedrin. This rare copy belonged to the Polish Astronomom of the XVII century. Jan Hevelia, they are carried out on It is inscription.) Galile, despite the prohibition of the heliocentric system, decided on a bold step - to complete his big essay, promised in the "Star Bulletin" and in some letters. On May 7, 1610, he spoke of his desire to "bring to the end" book "On the system of the world". Over time, the form of labor - dialogue appeared. One of the friends he wrote: "So far I am promoting my" dialogue about tides and lowers ahead, and, together, I am moving to the Copernaya System. "Sea rows and lowers Galilee considered the irrefutable proof of the earth's movement. Galilean's friends and even the secretary of Pope Chiampoli Hurried academic to finish the work began. In 1624, the scientist gave a brief sketch of "dialogue ..." in the famous message to F. Ingoli, scientist-theological from Ravenna. Curious the author's argument about the one why he decided on this answer. (reasoning it Repeated and preface to "Dialogue. .. ")" Copernicus's doctrine, "says Galilee, is now banned in Italy and in Catholicism countries; But let them not think others that this happened only because in Rome is unable to understand the doctrine of Copernicus; No, erudition and talents are alive in Italy. An Italian scientist cannot leave an unsucer of ignorant statements issued for scientific refutations of Copernicus. " A few more years of intense labor, and the book is completed. In a letter, Galilee dated December 24, 1629 says:

"I brought my" dialogue "to almost the pier and revealed quite clearly much, which seemed to me almost inexplicable."

Now it was necessary to achieve permission to publish a grandiose work - the fruit of the author's thoughts for three decades. Labor, where she defended convincingly and proof, the right point of Copernicus. Galileo had to make a lot of strength, excerpts, wisdom and tricks to put the vigilance of the authorities. Suffice it to say that on the book - five permits (two of them are obtained in Rome, three - in Florence). In early May 1630, Galilee went to Rome and began to strangle his "dialogue" hardly; It was helped by the Ambassador of Nikkolini and other friends who had a lot from Galilee. He was favorably accepted by Dad himself, he also had meetings with a papal censor M. Riccardi and Papal secretary of Chiampoli. The manuscript was transferred to the view Dominican Shepherd R. Visconti. A month later, he sent Galilean a note, which said that "the book to him (that is, Riccardi) like it and that tomorrow he will speak with the dad about the title page." Referring to the dad, the censor suggested changing the title, throw out the words "tides" and "ok" from it. Riccardi also demanded that in the preface and the final part of the book it was clearly emphasized by the hypothetics of Copernicus, and the thesis is developed about the omnipotence of God. Suggested and others are already small - amendments. They had to do Wisconti. After that, the preface was sketched. In mid-June, the scientist returned to Florence with the resolution of the Papal Censor Riccardi. Here, at home, Galiley intended to make a table of contents, write dedication and finally refine the text. Suddenly, Galiley received a notice from Rome from his oldest student B. Castelli: it is necessary to print a book in Florence and is possible faster - there are serious causes. Galilee used Roman permission to put the vigilance of Florentine Inquisition. He quickly found the publisher and already on September 11, he achieved the consent of the spiritual and secular authorities (on the book there is a resolution of the Florentine Inquisitor, the G. Vicar and the Duccian Censor). There was a real danger that Florentine Inquisitors can spoke, because Riccardi's resolution did not have legal force in Florence. It was necessary to resolve coming from the dad itself. On September 21, 1630 B. Castelli told Galilee that Riccarde asks the Dialogue manuscript. But she did not take risked - she could have lost when shipping. Later, Riccardi requested preface and conclusion. Only making sure that they comply with the requirements, he will be able to confirm that the book is approved by them. Galilev without hesitation agreed to place the preface drawn up at the direction of Riccard and change the end of the "dialogue". He made something against which he spoke all his life. But the great scientist is important for any price to publish your work. Sending an introduction and conclusion sketch in Rome, Galiley wrote that "high-ranking can at their behavior to add, omit and make comments that they will find necessary." After a rather long correspondence between Florence and Rome, the papal censor sends, finally, the approved texts of the beginning and the end of the "dialogue", and in the accompanying letter to Florentine Inquisitor K. Egidio says that it does this "on the command of our Mr." (i.e. Pope) . All formalities are observed, and the printing of the book went to the full course. Finally, in February 1632 in Florence, the book was published. On her front-site depicted a consessive Aristotle, Ptolemy and Copernicus. Their names are engraved at the bottom edge of the mantle. At the top - the ducal crown, down - the publisher's brand of the publisher Batista Landini. Engraving was performed by the artist Stefano della Bella.

Frontispis of the first edition of Dialogue Galilee. Florence, 1632.

On the title page - the full name of labor:

"Dialogue Galileo Galilee Academician of Lincons, extraordinary mathematics of the university in Pisa, philosopher and senior mathematics of his lightness of the Great Duke of Tuscan, where in meetings, four days ongoing, there are reasoning about the two most prominent systems of the world, Ptolemaeva and Copernikova, and the arguments are indefinitely proposed For one of them, how much for another. " And on the title, the publisher's brand was repeated, under it the inscription: "Florence, Batistan Landini Edition, 1632".

Even below, under the line:

"With the permission of the authorities."

In Dialogue, all the works of Galilee - "Star Bulletin", "Treatise on Accelerated Movement", "Sunbuts Letters", "Message to Ingoli", "Message to Cardinal Orsini about tides and lowers" - Word, all created by him From 1590 to 1625, the goal of a scientist is not only astronomical, but also mechanical arguments in the proof of Copernicus truth. The venue for Dialogue, the author elected the "amazing city of Venice" - the pearl of the Adriatic. In the palace four days in a row are going to three. One (fictional person) is a representative and defender of Aristotle and Ptolemy; His name is pretty symbolic - Symphability (Italian "Prostac")., Other - Sagredo (the owner of Palazzo, where the conversations are held) -Un, Galilea, who died in 1620, the ego of the "very sharp mind". The third - Salviati was a student of Galilee in Padua (died in 1614), possessed the "noble mind that did not know the pleasure of a higher than research and reflection." Galilee's point of view develops and proves Salvati; Sagredo all quickly absorbs, sometimes complements; Symphability - certainly a fan of old looks. The interlocutors are talking about the Galilee itself: "Academician" or "Our General Friend". The dialogue convincingly argued the truth of the Copernicus World System and Ptolemaee False. Summing up, for example, the results of the results of telescopic discoveries, Sagredo exclaims: "Oh, Nikolai Copernicus! How would you have rejoiced if he could live to new observations, so brilliantly confirming your thought! " And Salviata adds:

"All diseases nest in the Ptolemy system, still medicines are in the teaching of Copernicus."

Galilee not only crushed the dilapidated geocentric system. He improved the dimensions of the universe. The book is characterized by clarity of presentation and wit, it is written in the form of a lively conversation on the conversational Italian adverb.

"I wrote on the folk language because - explained Galilee, - What I need so that every person can read my work. "

Dialogue is a monument not only the scientific genius of Galilee, but also his brilliant literary talent. This is one of the outstanding works of scientific prose. The high scientific significance of "dialogue" and the extraordinary literary gifting of his author also noted A. Einstein in the preface to Dialogue. After the release of the book, Galilee presented several copies of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Ferdinand II and its court, sent two copies in Rome - Cardinal Barberini and the Papal secretary of Chiampoli. Copies designed for high specimens were intertwined into the skin with gold embossed. The remaining copies were more modest and had a paper cover. Then another 30 copies went to Rome, one of them for Campnell, 52 - in Bologna. Part of the circulation was sent abroad ... Dialogue had an unprecedented success. For this work - a book in five hundred pages - and answered the author before the Inquisition. Light in February came out in February, and at the end of September the scientist was transferred to the commandment of the papal inquisition in October to appear in Rome. Galiley was ill and asked to consider his business in Florence. He was able to get only a few delay. Finally, he was threatened to be delivered to the shackles, and he went voluntarily in Rome, where he arrived on February 13, 1633 and stopped at the Palace of the Florentine ambassador ... Tommaso Campanella was safely made in defense of Galilee. Now he was free and boldly demanded that his book "Apology Galilee" was considered by the Holy Service. Alternatively, the decree of March 5 in "Apology" was proved that in the commitment of the ideas of Copernicus there is nothing criminal. After receiving a refusal, Campnellla stated that he would perform on the process of the defender of the accused. Against the scientist, several accusations were put forward.

"Galilee without permission put on the book Roman permission without informing it who signed it";

"He printed the preface to another font, and thus made it useless, separating from the text of the book itself."

"In many places of the book, he goes beyond the limits of the hypothesis, absolutely asserting the movement of the Earth and the immobility of the Sun."

At the interrogations of Galilee chose a cautious tactics: contrary to the evidence, he categorically denied that he divided Copernian doctrine after the Inquisition announced his heretical. Galilee firmly stood on the fact that in a discussion order about the heliocentric system of the world and not to write and not forbidden. And the book itself was released with the permission of censorship. It turned out that a formally scientist is not to blame. Then he recalled the decision of the court of 1616, in which it would be forbidden in any way to speak and write about the teachings of Copernicus. In response to this, Galiley stated that the words "in no way" were not announced. In proof, he showed a letter to Bellarmino, where he made sure that Galilee was not subjected to an official prohibition procedure. According to modern researchers, the document of February 26 is falsified. The clergy was important for all means to pull out the renunciation from Galileo, and they went to the flag. After the interrogation of Galilee was arrested and imprisoned in the Palace of the Inquisition. Within 18 days of the scientist "exhorted" the Commissioner of the Inquisition ... After that, he presented a written statement by a consequence. He once again re-read the "dialogue" and admitted that many places of his book were expressed in such a way that the "false opinion" rather can strengthen their "false opinion" than to alleviate his refutation. But at the same time, he resolutely rejected evil intent:

"My error has an empty vanity, complete ignorance and negligence."

Galilee further offered to supplement the "dialogue" to completely refute the arguments in favor of false and convicted opinions. It was, of course, trick. After that, Galiley was released and waited for his participation in the Palace of the Florentine ambassador. Meanwhile, the junction approached. At the meeting of the Inquisition on June 16, 1633, the fate of Galilee was solved; Public renunciation, imprisonment of the author and prohibition of the book. The act has a rather curious amendment. Where says that the Book of Galilee "must be prohibited", originally stood the words "should be publicly burned." I wonder what a scientist thought about this:

"If they decide to burn my" dialogue ", I do not know where they will find at least one instance. Well, if they printe it again to have what to burn. "

At this meeting, Pope Urban VIII (a former friend of the scientist) commanded that Galilee was interrogated under the threat of torture, which was done on the last interrogation on June 21. Galilei at the interrogation insisted on his preceding explanations and therefore was recognized as "strongly suspicious in heresy", and not "an incorrect heretic." Moreover, he agreed that the opinion of Ptolemy is indisputable. And he threatened not a bonfire, but a prison sentence. The sentence was announced the next day with a large coherence of the people in the Church of St. Mary. Galilee read his "renunciation". The sentence said:

"We ruled the book under the title" Dialogue "Galileo Galilee to ban, and you are in prison in prison with St. Court for an indefinite time. "

"It is from now on," said Professor N. Idelson, "Dialogue" of three interlocutors will enter the history of culture not only as one of the wonderful works of Italian literature and world science, but also as a book marked by the stamp of personal suffering of Galilee, as a symbol of struggle Advanced science with dilapidated doctrines that do not give without the battle of their latest positions. "

It is believed that Galilee did not show enough courage that he "retreated" that he had to "proudly close the bonfire", etc. But for Galileo, it was important to defend the objective truth. And in his mind, "conversations and mathematical evidence" were already evolved, in which the ideas of "dialogue" were further developed. The Soviet researcher, Professor B. Kuznetsov, argues that Galilev foresaw the further evolution of classical science. He was convinced that the battle between tradition and science has already ended with the victory of science that the renunciation is the episode of those terrigard fights that can no longer change the battle finale. He's writing:

"Galilee, despite the renunciation, was a martyr of science, but for the historical assessment of this renunciation and the fate of the scientist, the possibility of further objectification of the new science was essential, which was implemented after the process of 1633 in" conversations and mathematical evidence "- This is the real equivalent of the legendary: "Nevertheless she is spinning."

All last years, Galilee works hard. On the instance of the first edition of his "dialogue" he makes the amendment, new comments and additions. So, in one place of "dialogue" a replica simplicity in the main text was missed, it was given on a separate sheet. The Galilean did not have this liner, and he restored the text by memory. The most significant addition to the "dialogue" shows the true attitude of Galilee to the prohibitions of the Inquisition not to talk about the new theory:

"Beware, theologians wishing to make a question about the movement or peace of the sun and the earth dogma faith; You are dangerous to condemn in your time as heretics of all those who claimed that the land is still, and the sun changes the place; I say "in due time", when it is clear and irrefutably it will be proved that the Earth moves, and the sun is motionless. "

(The original text of the note is published in the seventh Tome of "National Edition", a copy of the "dialogue" with the marks of Galilea is stored in the library of the Paduan seminary.) It is known that there was a decree of the Inquisition, prohibiting the scientist to print whatever essay. With this decree Galilee neglected. The famous firm Elzevirov in 1635 in Strasbourg was published Latin Translation of Dialogue. Professor Mathematics M. Bernegger writes in the preface that the publication has been published without the author's knowledge. The publication was carried out at the initiative of the scientist E. Diodeati, which was close to Galileo, communicated and rewritten from T. Campanella. Galiley wrote diodatty that the release of the book is to revenge His enemies: now everyone will see their ignorance, "the source of anger, envy, rage and all other monstrous and disgusting defects and sins." In the same period of 1635, an English translation of the "dialogue" came out. A year later, the French Ambassador de Noail was visited in the year of the Inquisition. Galilee handed him his manuscript "conversations", which were published by the same company (1638). It was the "conversations" are the best proof of the intransigence of the Great Scientist: "Stubborn Galilee" (the words of Pushkin) introduces the previous heroes to the previous heroes, and in deleasing deeper emphasizes that it is inspired again to fight with his opponents. "Conversations" begin a new era in science - era of mathematical science. Academician A. Ishlinsky noted that Galilee "mathematical methods for the study of nature put forward to the fore Wound" with amazing turnout. " For six months before the death of Galilee received from the representative of Florence in Venice F. Rinnucini a letter in which he expressed doubt in the truth of Copernicus theory. Galiley replied hardly and ironically:

"The fart of the Copernicus system is out of suspicion after declared by the highest authority of the church. All Copernicus arguments and his followers are refuted by the argument about the omnipotence of God, for which everything is possible, even what is ridiculous. But the Aristotle and Ptolemy system is still erroneous, for for their refutation there is no need to resort to the authority of the church and to the omnipoperation of God, but a fairly simple human mind ... "

At 78, Galilee's life was not. One of the most ingenious thinkers, a great astronomer, a mechanic, a physicist and a mathematician left his life. The tragic fate of the prisoner of the Inquisition, his great books, which began the science of new time, attracts all new and new generations to the image of Galilee, which personifies in the eyes of our contemporary the struggle against prejudices for new ideas about the universe, land, space, time and movement. An open speech against the medieval worldview, started by Galileem, was supported by Dutch, German and French scientists. From their environment, Guygens, Newton, Euler, D'Alber, Laplace came out ... For the first time, Dialogue was printed in Italian in Florence in 1632, after three years he was published in Strasbourg on Latin, and then in English and Flemish language. After that, the work of Galilee was published repeatedly. In 1842, in Florence, the first edition of the full collection of the writings of the Great Scientist was undertaken; The first volume entered the "dialogue". Pilve from this volume was made to the German language (Leipzig). Finally, the 20-Tomny Collection of Galilee Works, the so-called "National", is published in Florence. Dialogue "entered the seventh volume (1896). At the end of Toma - the mark of Galilee, made by him on the book of the first edition. In America, the translation came out in 1953 with Preface A. Einstein (Los Angeles). In Russian, the preface can be found in 16 issuing "questions of the history of natural science and technology" (M., 1964). For the first time, Russian translation of "dialogue" was published in 1948 (translation of A. I. Dolgov). There were other publications. It must be said that the Galilee and discoveries knew already in Moscow Rus. In the astrological compilation of the "tale of King Solomon" (also known as the "Wisdom of Solomon"), when describing the Zeus planet (Jupiter), it is said that she "goes in four stars, the fifth one." It is clear that we are talking about four satellites of Jupiter, open by Galileem in 1610. The compiler of the "legend" was familiar with the "Star Bulletin". The "Wisdom of Solomon" was drawn up in 1633 in Petrovsky times a variety of translation books appeared in Russia. In some of them, Galilets are referred to as a follower of Copernicus. The last edition of the "chosen works" of Galilee (in 2 volumes) was carried out in our country in 1964. His biography was known from many books, including the "Life of Wonderful People" in the Pavkov series. In the same series, Bitter-founded, Galilee's book E. Zeitlin was published in 1935. Fifth-brushed outlet. Such is the history of the famous "dialogue" Galileo Galileo, which shook the foundations of the church worldview so much that the clergymen, to condemn it, went on a straw of a straal and to the "Crime against Truth." The torch of scientific knowledge, grilled by Galileem, picked up Isaac Newton. In his "mathematical principle", the business of the Italian scientist has found its brilliant completion. Article author: Alexey Glukhov.

Chapter XI. Dialogue about two main systems of the world: Ptolemyevskaya and Copernikovskaya

Of the worthy study of natural things in the first place, in my opinion, a study of the device of the Universe should be put. Since the universe does everything contains in itself and exceeds everything in size, it defines and directs everything else and dominates everything. If any of the people managed to rise in mental attitude over the general level of humanity, then it was, of course, Ptolemy and Copernicus who managed to read, see and explain so much high in the structure of the universe.

Galileo Galilei. "Dialogue about two main systems of the world", 1632

In 1597, in the Latin correspondence between Galileem and Kepler, caused by the Publication of the "cosmographic mystery" of Kepler, the Italian professor Catholic recognized that he had long been a "secret Copernantic", but could not openly support his faith in the moving land from fear to be a raised colleagues. In his reply, the German Lutheran called for him to join the processed movement: "Isn't it better to pull the wagon to the destination by combining the effort?"

Galiley replied Copernicus silence. Only in 1610, after improving the optical instrument, which he called the telescope, and detects through his lenses of such heavenly miracles, like satellites of Jupiter, Galilei in all stated his support for the concept of Copernicus.

Galilee's detection using the four largest satellites of Jupiter in January 1610, described and schematically illustrated here by his own hand, served as one more proof that the earth is not the only center of movement in the Universe

Before the innovation of Galileeus made it possible to improve the primitive pylon tube, the tools helped astronomers to determine only the position of heavenly bodies. Galilee telescopes allowed observers to learn something and their composition. For example, the lunar landscape raised by the rocky mountains and fell into the deep gorge, approximately as the surface of the Earth. The sun highlighted dark spots, which collected and sliding along its surface, as if strolled clouds resembling wind. The telescope has further violated the tranquility of heaven, showing unknown body - not "new" education, such as a supernova star quietly in 1572 (or Kepler in 1604th), suddenly become a noticeable unarmed look, and never previously observed objects beyond the possibilities of human Vision, including the ears of Saturn Saturn and hundreds of dull stars filling the borders of constellations. In addition, the planet Venus showed a change of phases (from the sickle to the full disk), which, without any doubt, testified to her rotation around the sun. Phases of Venus equally fitted well into the system of Quiet Brage and Copernicus, but the Universe of Ptolemy could not explain such a phenomenon. Galilee published his conclusions. Thin "Star Bulletin", in which the "Message of Stars" explained, went around the week after he was printed in Padua in March 1610. After that, Galileo did not have time to build telescopes to satisfy demand.

Information about new discoveries spread quickly and under the loud exclamations of approval, but Galilee simultaneously became a threshold for all the criticism, ridicule and rage, which Copernicus was afraid. In part, because of the generous praise, Galilee "On Rotations" fell to the suspicion of the Sacred Congregation of the Index - created in the XVI century of the supervisory body of the Church, which prohibited the book, which, in his opinion, threatened faith or morality.

Copernicus foresaw the trouble from "Boltunov, who consider himself connoisseurs of astronomy, but absolutely not disassembled in this subject," which will distort the meaning of the Holy Scripture to condemn it. The retik also expected the flow of slander and tried to keep it, adding the position of the Copernicus system by heads and verses of the Bible from the sincere approval of the bishop Giza. Even Osiander, whose anonymous appeal "to the reader" so hurt Giza and Kepler, probably wanted only to protect the book by writing off the bold statements of Copernicus on ingenious computing techniques. And indeed, as expected, "about the rotations" almost immediately provoked the anger of religious authorities.

Pavel Paval III, who was devoted to the book, established the sacred Roman and universal inquisition in 1542, that is, a year before the publication of the book, as part of the campaign to combat Lutheran Heres. His holiness received an instance of "on rotations" by the efforts of the river or Giza. He handed him a personal Bartolomeo Spin from Pisa to the prefect of the Sacred and Apostolic Palace. However, the back fell ill and died, did not have time to reflement the book, and this task was handed over to his friend and brother Dominican Giovanni Mario Toloran. In the appendix to the treatise "On the truth of the Holy Scriptures", published in 1544, Tolzani called the late Copernicus Bastan and Fool, who risked to move away from faith.

"Gather people honeying in all sciences, and let them read the first book of Copernicus about the Moving Earth and Real Star Sky," Tololian challenged. - Undoubtedly, they will discover that its arguments lack strength and can be easily refuted. For it is stupid to contradict the conviction, accepted by all very long on extremely good reasons, unless the skeptic uses more serious and indisputable evidence, completely refuting the opposite arguments. About Copernicus this can not be said. "

The book "On Rotations" thus criticized for a time avoided official condemnation. However, all the works of the retik, along with the works of Martin Luther, Johann Schöner and many other Protestant authors, in 1559 they fell into the Roman "index of prohibited books". The name of Petreus in the same year was included in the attached list of prohibited printers, which prompted some Catholic fanatics to destroy their copies "On Rotations" because of their connection with the Opt Publishing. Fortunately, in 1564, his name from the "index" disappeared. Two years later, when his relative Petri released his Basel edition, several readers Catholics submissively cut out the text of the "first narration" with scissors and knives. Some also deleted the name of the retik from the title page, crossing it or taking a piece of paper.

In the Protestant Territories, where the index had no weight, "about the rotations" was still attacked for religious reasons. Therefore, Kepler defended the idea of \u200b\u200bCopernicus in joining his "New Astronomy" of 1609. He argued that the Sacred Scripture that is spoken, the poetic language speaks of ordinary things, such as the visible movement of the Sun in the sky, "about which he has no goal to learn humanity." Given the focus of the Bible in salvation, Kepler advised readers to "consider the Holy Spirit of the Divine Messenger and refrain from being to pull it into the physical area without any reason.

Galilee supported Kepler in the interpretation of the Bible. "I believe that the purpose of the Holy Scripture was to convince people in the truths necessary for salvation, he explained his position in 1613, - who could not make any science or any other funds, but the only voice of the Holy Spirit. But I do not consider it necessary to believe that God, who puts us with feelings, speech and mind, would take us such things instead of us, with their help, know the device of nature. This is especially true of the sciences, about which in Scripture only a few words, and especially the astronomy, which is not paying attention at all, because even the names of the planets are not mentioned in it. Obviously, if the sacred texts had to teach people of astronomy, they would not go around the party. "

Galiley has greatly expanded his comments two years later, in 1615, in response to rumors that the Inquisition plans to make "about rotations" to the index. Turning to the Great Duchess of Tuscany Christine Larring, he pointed to the short-sightedness of such actions:

"To prohibit Copernicus now, when his doctrine is reinforced by many new observations and scientists reading his book; After this opinion is allowed for many years and failed, not yet very popular or confirmed, in my opinion, contradict the truth and attempt to hide and suppress it, who found himself so clearly and undoubtedly. If you do not destroy and not prohibit all of his book, but only to condemn how false individual parts, it would cause it (if I am not mistaken) even more damage to the consciousness of people, because it would allow them to see the proven statement, to believe that heresy is considered. And to ban all the science - it is hardly the same as to betray the censorship hundreds of excerpts of the Holy Scriptures that we teach us that the glory and the greatness of the Almighty God are miraculously distinguishable in all of his creations and are read in the open book of heaven. "

Galileo Galilee, philosopher and mathematician at the court of the Great Duke of Tuscan. Picture Ottavio Leoni.

Galiley resolutely spoke about Jesus Navina. He reviewed this miracle first from the Ptolemyev (geocentric and geostatic) point of view, and then stated that the Copernicus Universe is much more able to respond to Jesus's prayers.

"Now let's look at what extent is the fact that the famous passage from the book of Joshua Navina can be understood literally, and under what conditions the day could be very elongated as a result of the Sun execution by the Sun of this Jesus to him to stop.

In the Ptolemyev system it is generally impossible. The fact is that in it the movement of the sun on ecliptic comes from the west to the East, and therefore it is opposite to the direction of movement primum Mobile. (the farthest of the Earth of the Heavenly sphere, which was considered the cause of the entire system of heaven), which in this system causes a change of day and night. Thus, it is obvious that if the sun stopped his own movement, the day would be shorter, and not longer. Extend the day could be, having accelerate their own movement of the Sun; And so that the sun remains over the horizon for a while in one place, not clone to the West, it would be necessary to customize this move while it would not be equal to speed primum Mobile.. For this, the generally accepted speed of the Sun would have to increase by about 360 times. Therefore, if Joshin wanted his words to be understood literally in their true and accurate sense, he would have ordered the Sun to accelerate his movement so that the driving force primum Mobile. did not entitled him to the West. But since his words were intended for people who probably did not know anything about the movements of the heavenly bodies, except for the movement of the Sun from the east to the west, he descended to their abilities and spoke their understanding, respectively, because he intended to explain the location of the spheres, but only show them the greatness of their miracle. "

Following this, Galilee reviewed the possibility that Josin's Javin meant stopping primum Mobile., and with it and all the celestial movements. "And indeed, Jesus meant that the entire system of heavenly sprays stopped. This is clear from his simultaneous order of the Moon, who is in no way connected with the elongation of the day. And the order of the Moon applies to other planets, although here they are not mentioned here, as well as anywhere else in the Bible, which was not written in order to teach us astronomy. "

Returning to Copernicus theory, Galilee reminded the Great Duchess of Christine about his own discovery that the sun revolves around his axis with a period of about a month, which he described in his "Sunflow letters."

"If we take into account the greatness of the sun and the fact that it is a font of the light (which I am going to convincingly prove), which illuminates not only the moon and the earth, but also other planets, the dark themselves, then, I suppose it will be from the philosophical point Vision is permissible to say that the sun is like a Supreme Lord of Nature and in a certain sense, the heart and soul of the Universe - its rotation transfers to other bodies surrounding it, not only light, but also movement. And just as if the heart of the animal ceased to beat, it would paralyze and all his members and the cessation of the sun move would cause the stop of all the planets. "

So, the sun stop was enough to immobilize the "whole system of the world." As a result, all the rotations of heavenly bodies stopped and "the day miraculously lengthened." For consupportiveness, Galilee noted, as "elegantly" his scenario corresponded to the "literal meaning of the sacred text."

Vividly continuing, Galiley moved to the question that the sun stood motionlessly "in the midst of the sky," as written in chapter 10, verse 13 of Jesus Navina, and carefully disassembled "authoritative theologists raise the question about this passage, because it seems very likely that When Jesus wanted to lengthen the day, the sun clone to the sunset, and not in Zenith ... because if it were in Zenith, it would not be miracle, or it would be enough to pray for some delay. " This puzzle forced several researchers of the Bible, whom Galilee called namely, shy away from the interpretation of the phrase "in the midst of the sky." But all the contradictions were filmed, "if in accordance with Copernikovskaya system we put the Sun" in the middle ", that is, the center of the celestial orbits and circular movements of the planets, as and necessary. Then at any time, at least at noon, at least in the evening, the day would be lengthened and all the heavenly rotations stopped as a result of the sun's stop in the midst of the sky, that is, in the center where it is located. "

He was carried away by the Copernicus system, Galilee, apparently forgot that the Catholic law forbade the Miryans to engage in the interpretation of religious texts. Only the holy fathers were allowed to explore the depths of biblical meanings. Protestant Kepler in his country could be impunity to follow Luther's footsteps to a personal understanding of the Holy Scriptures. However, Galilee, in accordance with the decrees issued in 1564, the decrees of the Treatent Cathedral did not dare to interpret the Scripture "Other than in accordance with the unanimous agreement of the fathers."

The "fathers" included not only the vintage saints and martyrs, but also the Cardinals-Inquisitors of the Galilean, among whom was the adviser on theological issues of Pope Jesuit Roberto Bellarmino, who hit Galilean's arguments with his authoritative statement:

"The words" the sun rises, and the sun comes. Lream, hurries to the place in its own way, where it rises, etc. " belong to Solomon, who not only spoken by the moment, but was wiser of other people, knowledge of human sciences and knew about all the created things, and his wisdom was from God. Therefore, it would hardly be to assert anything contrary to the proven truth. And if you tell me that Solomon spoke only about the visible side of the phenomena and what only seems to us, as if the Sun revolves around the Earth, whereas actually the earth is moving, as the ship standing on the deck it seems like a shore moves away from the ship, I will answer, That, although the traveler may have an impression, he still knows that this is an illusion, and is able to fix it, because he clearly understands that the ship is moving, and not the shore. But as for the sun and land, the smart person does not need to correct his opinion, because his experience does not leave doubt that the earth rests, and the eyes do not deceive him when they say that the sun, the moon and stars are in motion. "

On February 23, 1616, the Commission from eleven theologians put the idea of \u200b\u200bCopernicus to vote. They came to the conclusion that "the idea of \u200b\u200bthe stillness of the Sun in the center of the world" is "from a formal point of view of heretical", as it contradicts Scripture. In addition, they decided that the concept of the heliocentric universe from the philosophical point of view of "stupid and absurd". Although the movement of the earth seemed to them no less ridiculous idea, they called it simply "erroneous conviction," since she did not show the truths of the Holy Scripture. These judgments were based on the basis of the Edictic adopted on March 5, in which Copernicus's doctrine was called "false and contradictory Scripture." "On the rotations" will be later mentioned in the decree associated with the index of prohibited books. But instead of destruction (the fate of other prohibited books), the further dissemination of the book "On the Rotations" was suspended before making corrections. For several decades after the publication, this book has become so useful that the church could not openly condemn it. In fact, such a necessary calendar reform, which Copernicus was engaged, has since been implemented not without the help of this text. "On the rotations" and "Prussian tables" provided data on the average duration of the tropical year and the synodic month, which allowed Jesuita Father Christopher Kele from the Roman Board of Jesuit Create the so-called Gregory calendar, who changed Julian in 1582, during his stay in the authorities Pope Gregory XIII .

In 1619, another decree was adopted, which had a relation to the index, which prohibited the "epitome of Copernican Astronomy" Kepler and "All other works of this author". Next year, the next decree listed ten corrections for making in "On Rotations". These few changes (for only ten items for more than four hundred pages) coordinate the text of Copernicus with the appeal of the Osian. They paraphrassed every proof of the earth's movement so that it sounded as purely hypothetical. Czensors removed the part of the preface, where it was argued that "astronomy is written for astronomers," because they assigned this science to themselves. A line appeared in the paragraph that embodied the fears of Copernicus on "Boltons, who consider themselves the connoisseurs of astronomy, but absolutely not disassembled in this subject", which can distort the "some excerpt of Scripture for their benefit" and hit them by the author.

In its most famous work, "dialogue about two main systems of the world" Galiley described a four-day conversation of three intellectuals. On the front of the first edition, these men appear in the images of Aristotle, Ptolemy and Copernicus (right, with a symbol of heliocentric space in hand)

Each owner "On Rotations" was supposed to make the indicated changes in his copy of the book. Galilee obediently made them all possibly fearing checks from the church authorities. He himself, being in 1616 in Rome, received from Cardinal Bellarmino, an indication of stop teaching and writing about Copernicus and obeyed him. However, in a few years, in 1624, the new Dad Urban VIII, a person seems to be wide views, inspired Galilee to write a detailed comparison of the Ptolemy and Copernicus systems. The Galilee Book "Dialogue about the two main systems of the world, Ptolemeevskaya and Copernikovskaya", published in Florence in 1632, soon entailed the charges of heresy. The formal court of the Inquisition over Galileem took place for the next year and ended with his renunciation. Then the "dialogue" took its place next to "about the rotations" in the prohibited book index. Both works that caused continuous discussions and comments remained in it for two centuries.

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