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Many are willing to argue that the tradition of the wedding loaf is originally Russian, since there are references to the loaf in the culture of other states. Similar traditions took place in Europe, and even in Ancient China... Baking took various forms, the rituals associated with wedding bread were also carried out in a variety of ways. V Ancient rome, for example, the bride was thrown with bread cakes. Then the rituals were simplified, changed and acquired a folk flavor, nevertheless, remaining in the history of different peoples. The same Europeans, for example, switched from bread to beautiful wedding cakes.

No matter how different the wedding traditions are, they all have one thing in common - symbolism and a special ritual. The wedding loaf, as everyone knows it now, originates in the Slavic communities. Of course, the rite that has survived to this day has been greatly simplified. The loaf is ordered at the bakery, then the newlyweds break off a piece from it to determine who is in charge of the family. Some even fanatically eat the contents of the salt shaker in order to live the rest of their lives without worries and sorrows.

However, our ancestors acted very differently. Everything related to bread and salt had its own meaning. The very shape of the loaf naturally symbolizes the sun, the quintessence of life. The larger and more magnificent the loaf, the happier and richer the life of the new family will be. Bread was baked by the whole world - they took a handful of flour from seven housewives, took water from seven different wells. This was entrusted to the living in a happy marriage, so that she "charged" the loaf with positive energy and at the same time shared her experience with the future mistress.

The loaf was carefully kneading the dough, giving it a shape and speaking it like a talisman. Bread was traditionally baked in the groom's house. A man, a friend, had to put it in the oven. This was supposed to promise the young numerous and strong offspring. To ward off evil spirits from the loaf, the married lady and the groom's friend were not called by name. The loaf turned out to be large and magnificent. They say that in order to get such bread out of the oven, it was necessary to disassemble it.

They began to decorate the loaf only later, but each decoration had its own meaning. Thus, the young were wished for love, prosperity, many children, health, etc. Depending on how wealthy the families of the bride and groom were, small coins could be baked into the loaf. A man also helped to bring the loaf onto the table. The breaking of the bread symbolized that the bride now completely belongs to her husband, and the first piece eaten is the birth of a new life in her. Then each guest was given a piece of loaf. According to tradition, they took it with them and divided it among all household members. This promised everyone who tasted the wedding bread, health and good luck. This beautiful custom has almost disappeared from memory, turning into a formal ceremony, the meaning of which few people understand. But I want to believe that even now, a loaf, round like the sun, illuminates the newlyweds' steeply salted path to love and harmony.

Which at modern celebrations can be observed or not observed at will. One of these traditions is the meeting of newlyweds with a richly decorated and delicious loaf served on a specially embroidered towel. However, at different times, there were several opinions as to what to do with the wedding loaf after the wedding. The bride and groom need to think about which option is closer to them than the rest.


At modern weddings, more and more often you can find old traditions that. Some couples strive to join the culture of their people, while others follow fashion trends, but in any case, the implementation of such customs makes the celebration harmonious and memorable.

Previously, customs were determined - each of its participants had a clear idea of ​​what to do and say. Now there is no such a clear schedule of the holiday - each couple organizes their wedding as they see fit. In this regard, the observance of old traditions has become only a kind of tribute to their culture, but not an obligatory canon of marriage.

How bread was baked and served

A loaf is a large, most often round bread, which, according to the faith of the ancient Slavs, has a magical power. It is considered a symbol of rich life and fertility, and our ancestors associated the round shape with the sun.

By tradition, the loaf was baked in the groom's family, and his mother brought pastries to the meeting of the young after the wedding. This was to be done by the mother-in-law, since she was the mistress of the house in which the new family member was to settle.

Some nuances were also associated with the baking of the loaf. Childless, unmarried women or widows were not allowed into this business, since it was believed that they could pass on to the newlyweds some of their failures. The loaf was baked by a married relative of the groom with several strong and healthy children. In some cases, a married man with numerous offspring put the finished dough into the oven.

Expert advice. Be sure to put a cup of salt on top of the loaf - according to the signs, it personifies wealth and prosperity.

What to do with pastries after the celebration

At different times, there were different variations of the tradition with a loaf, in addition, differences were observed even within one country, since each area had its own orders.

There are several main options for what to do with the wedding loaf after the wedding:

The bride and groom can choose what to do with the wedding loaf after the wedding, since now there is no rigid framework dictated by religion. In some families, they do not even bake a loaf by hand, but order it in the appropriate store, so talk about strict adherence customs are not necessary.

Modern interpretations of rituals

At modern weddings, there is often a lot of laughter and fun, but there are very few serious and touching stages. The meeting of young people is also most often made a positive event: when the newly-made spouses get from the registry office to a cafe or restaurant, after which they bite off or tear off a piece from it, preferably a larger one. It is believed that the one who retains most of the loaf will be the head of the family. Previously, such a tradition also met, although the girls did not seek to get a larger piece, giving the right of headship to a man.

Useful video: recipe and cooking instructions

A step-by-step recipe for making a delicious loaf for a wedding is presented in the video below:

The loaf was served on a hand-embroidered towel, most often with a pattern with roosters, since these birds, marking the beginning of a new day, symbolized the beginning of a new life for the newlyweds. At the wedding, about 40 types of different towels were used, and only the hospitable were not given strict requirements with regards to design - the ornament could be anything.

Where to put salt

Previously, salt on wedding baked goods was considered a symbol of prosperity, therefore, after the wedding, it was poured into a cloth bag and stored as a talisman against poverty.

What to do with the salt from the wedding loaf now? According to the latest traditions the loaf is presented with salt with such a clarification that the newlyweds should last time spite each other in order to live in peace and harmony in family life. In this case, the salt is eaten along with the bread. How best to proceed is up to the couple to decide.

Old traditions are good because they make the wedding more comfortable and harmonious, so many people strive to observe them at their celebration. Meeting young people with a loaf is a touching and memorable moment, which does not require any special expenses. Therefore, in the absence of obvious contradictions, you can easily use this custom at your wedding, especially since you now know what to do with a wedding loaf after the celebration.

A rosy lush loaf is considered a symbol of the entry of a couple of lovers into a new family life. It has long been said in Russia that bread is the head of everything. Without him, they did not sit down at the table, the wheat crop failure was a tragedy for everyone. That is why bread symbolized wealth, luck, happiness, well-fed life and prosperity. Not a single big holiday was complete without a festive loaf. It had a round shape, like the sun; it was decorated with branches of ripe viburnum berries and spikelets. In the hands of the craftswomen, this bread turned into a real work of art.

By tradition, the groom's parents with a wedding loaf greeted the young at the door of the house. The newlyweds were asked to bite off bread from different parts, whoever bit off a larger piece was the head of the new family. Sly and clever wives, knowing about this tradition, deliberately bit off a small piece so that the husband felt significant and important.

Making a wedding loaf

The festive loaf was baked on the eve of the wedding in the evening. Experienced married women baked it in the groom's house, moreover, the number of craftswomen could be from three to seven, but it must be odd. The godmother of the groom headed the craftswomen. Women who knew the trouble of widowhood, divorce or childlessness were not invited to bake a loaf for a wedding, so as not to "bake" an unhappy fate to it. The process of baking bread was reminiscent of a special ritual, before the start of kneading the dough, the bakers washed their faces, washed their hands, put on scarves on their heads, and a pectoral cross around their necks, girded with red sashes until sunset. Each of the women brought with them baking ingredients.

The dough was kneaded in silence, it was believed that loud sounds will not let the dough come up. A married man put bread in the oven. The loaves had to be skilled in baking, the dough had to be moderately steep so that the loaf would not crack and not spread in the oven. Such craftswomen were highly respected and presented them with special gifts: tablecloths, treats. The size of the loaf also mattered: the richer and larger it was, the more prosperity there would be in the newlyweds' house. Moreover, decorations in the form of swans, flowers, ears of wheat, stars, the sun and the moon were baked separately.

Storage of the wedding loaf

The finished loaf for the wedding was guarded from unkind eyes under an embroidered towel until the wedding itself, it was kept by people close to the groom - his godparents. Towel for a wedding loaf was special, usually. He was decorated with bright roosters - a symbol of a new happy life... After cooling down, the "wedding", as the wedding loaf was called, was carried to the bride's house. And if it was baked in both young families, the parents exchanged bread. The loaf for the wedding was left to spend the night in the house of the young, and in the morning they brought it out to the guests. Now it was divided among all the guests, but the first piece of the middle went to the young. This symbolized wealth and family happiness.

The wedding loaf was called differently in different places: kurnik, and festive bread, and cookies, and pie. He was associated with magic and the power that was given to him during baking, praying and performing a traditional ritual. In some nationalities, it was customary to give a small gift in response to the presented piece of loaf.

There was another old tradition - to bake cones from dough. They were made from the dough left over from the loaf. The dough was rolled out and cut into strips, which were twisted into small cones. At the same time, on one side, the cone remained smooth, and on the other, dough scales. These bumps served as invitation cards. The bride and her bridesmaids walked around the village and handed out similar invitations to the wedding guests. The person who received the bump could no longer refuse the invitation. For young people, different figurines of birds were baked: pigeons, larks or ducklings.

The tradition of meeting newlyweds with a loaf of salt

Wedding traditions are still alive today. Young people are greeted with a loaf of salt, served on a wedding towel. The groom's mother treats the newly-made husband and wife, the father holds an icon in front of him, symbolizing the blessing of their marriage. The loaf is divided in this way: the middle, according to the old tradition, goes to the newlyweds, the bottom is given to the musicians and singers, the rest is equally divided between the invited guests. Moreover, everyone must taste the wedding bread, otherwise the magical power will bypass it, and the guest will not be considered involved in the wedding. It is interesting that the decorations from the loaf were intended for unmarried girls.

A beautiful and old tradition carries a deep meaning, confirmed over the centuries. Now not everyone observes the old traditions, but what kind of wedding can there be without a loaf?

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