Class hour on the topic "Mode of the day" (grade 7). The correct routine of the student's day, its rationale and strict observance Lunch on the table

Preparing for the first of September, parents make sure that the child has a beautiful school uniform and good quality study supplies. And, as a rule, they do not think about planning in advance the daily routine for the period of study.

It consists in the rational distribution of the time of day into the phases of activity, rest and sleep, taking into account the growing organism.

Parents are obliged to organize for the student in order to ensure the best conditions, both for his work and for recreation. His health, physical development, and school performance directly depend on this.

The student's daily routine, organized correctly, is built on the basis of a strict alternation of its elements (morning rise, eating, preparing homework, etc.). When they are performed in a certain order, daily in the same period of time, the central nervous system forms bonds that facilitate the transition from element to element, spending a minimum of energy on their implementation.

When composing a student, it is necessary to take into account his age characteristics, first of all - After all, a simple load for middle and older students will be unbearable for primary school students.

Every morning, a schoolchild should begin with exercises that drive away the remnants of drowsiness and give a boost of vivacity for the day. The main activity of children school age- studies. An important point is the introduction of children to physical labor (school workshop, classes in circles, help with household chores, work in the garden and vegetable garden, etc.).

Preparing homework for younger students takes from one and a half to two hours, middle school students spend on it from two to three hours, and older students need three to four hours. It is not recommended to do your homework immediately after returning from school. The break between school and homework should be at least two and a half hours, and most of the time should be devoted to walking and playing in the air. Students of the first shift should begin preparing homework no earlier than at 16-17 hours. And the regime of the day of the schoolchild of the second shift provides for the beginning of homework from 8 - 8.30 in the morning. After completing them - walk in the air. Moreover, the parents of these schoolchildren should ensure that their homework is not done by them in the evening after they come home from school.

When completing tasks at home, it is advisable to take a ten-minute break every 40-45 minutes and ventilate the room. To complete homework for the student, conditions with a calm atmosphere should be created.

The student's daily regimen also provides for time for activities of interest (drawing, reading, music, construction) - from one hour for younger students to two and a half hours for older students. Schoolchildren should also be required to engage in feasible domestic work.

Observance of food intake by schoolchildren at a strictly defined time contributes to the development of conditioned reflex that induces appetite and better absorption of nutrients, and also becomes a guarantee of health.

The schoolchild's day regimen ends with evening hygiene procedures, for which 30 minutes are allotted. During this period, the student must also put his shoes and uniforms in proper shape.

The child's sleep time is approximately 10 hours. It is very important to go to bed and wake up at the same time period. Pupils younger age must go to bed no later than 21.00, and the eldest - at 22.00 - 22.30. Pupils of both the first and second shifts should rise in the morning at seven o'clock.

Approximate daily routine of a student studying in the first shift:

at 7 am - rise;
from 7 a.m. to 7.30 a.m. - exercise, hygienic manipulations, cleaning your bed;
from 7.30 min. up to 7.50 min. - breakfast;
from 7.50 min. up to 8.20 min. - time to get to school;
from 8.30 min. up to 12.30 min. - school lessons;
from 12.30 min. up to 13 o'clock - time to get from school;
from 13:00 to 13:30 - dinner;
from 13.30 min. up to 14.30 min. - sleep or rest;
from 14.30 min. up to 4 pm - outdoor games or a walk;
from 4 pm to 16.15 minutes - afternoon tea;
from 16.15 min. up to 6 pm - work on homework;
from 6 pm to 7 pm - in the air;
from 19:00 to 19:30 - dinner;
from 19.30 min. up to 20.30 min. - hobby classes (reading, quiet games, helping the family, etc.);
from 20.30 min. up to 21 hours - preparation for the next day and sleep (cleaning shoes and clothes, hygiene procedures);
from 21 o'clock - sleep.

An example of a daily routine for a younger student studying on the second shift:

at 7 am - rise;
from 7 a.m. to 7.15 a.m. - exercise, hygienic manipulations, cleaning your bed;
from 7.15 min. up to 7.35 min. - breakfast;
from 8 am to 10 am - homework;
from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. - activities related to interests (music, reading);
from 11h. up to 11.30 min. - second breakfast;
from 11.30 min. up to 12.30 min. - stroll;
from 12.45 min. up to 13h - dinner;
from 1 pm to 13.20 minutes - time to get to school;
from 13.30 min. up to 18-19 hours - school lessons;
from 6 pm to 7 pm - walk;
from 20 h. to 20.30 min. - dinner;
from 20.30 min. up to 21.30 min. - hobby classes;
from 21.30 min. until 10 pm - preparation for the next day and sleep (cleaning shoes and clothes, hygiene procedures);
from 22 o'clock - sleep.

Pupil's day regimen

In order for the child's body to develop correctly, it is important to pay attention to the schoolchild's day regimen.

First of all, you need to organize the sequence different types activities and free time. Not only the mood of the child, but also health in general depends on the daily routine.

With chronic fatigue, the growth and development of the child is inhibited, the health of the student worsens. If the regimen is observed, the child becomes physically more active, passes better learning at school.

Adequate sleep makes it easier to perceive information in the classroom, increasing efficiency.

It is important to properly organize the student's homework. Auspicious time for preparing lessons is 15-16 hours. To restore performance, a break is required every 30 minutes. It is recommended to prepare lessons from easy tasks and move on to the most difficult ones.

First-graders often lack physical and physical activity, which leads to fatigue. Therefore, in the daily routine of a student, morning exercises and physical warm-ups while doing homework must be present.

For homemade homework in day mode elementary schoolchildren need to take 1.5-2 hours, schoolchildren in grades 4-7 2-3 hours, senior classes 3-4 hours.

It is undesirable to do homework before bedtime. Evening hours must be free and devoted to relaxation.

If you follow the daily routine, the central nervous system develops healthy habits that greatly facilitate the transition from one activity to another. This is why it is necessary to strictly adhere to a certain time of getting up and going to bed, eating, doing homework.

Here is an approximate schoolchild's day regimen: table

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What do you need to know?

  1. Daily regime - this is a rational distribution of time for all types of activities and rest during the day.
  2. The daily routine is necessary to ensurehigh efficiency throughout the entire waking period.
  3. A mode is built based on biological rhythm functioning of the body.

Raising efficiencycelebrated from 11 to 13 o'clock .

Second ascent at 16 - 18 hours lower intensity and duration.

The main elements of the student's day regimen

  1. Study sessions at school and at home
  2. Leisure activities with maximum outdoor exposure
  3. Regular and adequate nutrition
  4. Physiologically adequate sleep
  5. Free activity of individual choice.

! When organizing a regimen, one should take into account the state of health and functional features a given age period. With a clear daily routine, a habit is formed when a specific time is a signal for appropriate action.

At 6-7 years old there is an increased sensitivity to unfavorable external factors and rapid fatigue during training.

At primary school age the processes of ossification and growth of the skeleton, the development of small hand muscles and the functional improvement of the nervous system continue.

Age 11-14 years old characterized by sharp hormonal shifts and intense growth. Rapid development is taking place internal organs: the heart grows faster than the vascular lumen, and juvenile hypertension occurs.

At 15-18 years old the completion of puberty occurs, the predominance of general arousal and mental imbalance persists.

Morning work-out

Morning exercises are not accidentally called exercise, it relieves drowsiness and "charges" the body with vigor for the whole day.

Gymnastic exercises strengthen the work of the heart and lungs, improve metabolism, and have a positive effect on the nervous system.

! The exercises must be performed in a certain sequence: firststretching,then exercisefor hands and shoulder girdle, then torso and legs... Finish chargingjumping and runningand then docalming breath. Charging time depending on age from10 to 30 minutes... Exercises are gradually becoming more difficult, and the pace of movements is also accelerating. It is advisable to change the sets of exercises every 7-10 days. It is imperative to provide an inflow of fresh air at the time of class.

Besides charging to physical education relate outdoor games ... The best are outdoor games, as well as sports. The game improves motor skills, increases emotional tone.

In addition, outdoor games have a good health effect. Pay attention to swimming, skiing, cycling and other sections depending on your inclination.

Team games are well disciplined: volleyball, basketball, football. Don't forget about dancing.

It is especially important for the child to stay outside in the evening before going to bed. It has been proven that the best regimen is 3-4 walks with a total duration of 2.5-3.5 hours.

! H I eat the younger the child, the more time he should spend on the street .

Water procedures

After morning exercises, you will have water procedures. For school-age children, after every physical exercise, take comfortable shower .

The temperature is gradually reduced: from 30 to 20-15 degrees at the end. This is a good tempering procedure. A contrast shower with alternating warm and cool streams of water is possible. Nothing drives away sleep like a morning wash with cold water.

The weakest water treatment are rubdowns, therefore, it is necessary to start carrying out water procedures with them.


Breakfast must be hot and fairly hearty, making up a quarter of the child's daily requirement.

Eating should take place in a quiet, calm and welcoming environment. No need to read books and talk while eating.

Lunch around 13-14 hours, dinner no later than 19.30.

Adherence to a eating regimen will ensure family meals, ample variety of meals, and no snacking.

After school, rest

After returning from school, the child must have lunch and be sure to rest ... Afternoon rest will be about 1-1.5 hours, without reading books or watching TV. Weak and often ill children should spend this time sleeping.

During rest, the processes of restoration of substances are intensified in the tissues, the changes in metabolism that have occurred are eliminated and proper working capacity is restored.

The largest Russian scientist I.M.Sechenov proved thatthe best rest is not complete rest, but the so-called active rest, that is, the change from one type of activity to another.

The best outdoor activity is active activity, especially in the air. Fresh, fresh air strengthens the body, improves metabolic processes, the activity of the cardiovascular system and respiratory system, increases its resistance to infection.

The best types of mobile activity are movements chosen by the children themselves, performed by them with pleasure, joy, and emotional uplift. Such movements are outdoor games and sports entertainment (in the warm season - ball games, jumping rope, small towns, etc.; in winter - sledding, ice skating, skiing).

For outdoor games, students in the first shift need to set aside time in the afternoon before starting to prepare home lessons. Total duration stay outdoors, including travel to and from school, must be for junior schoolchildren - at least 3-3.5 hours, for older students - at least 2-2.5 hours.

In day mode, the time should also be allocated for the freely selected creative activity such as designing, drawing, modeling, music, reading fiction... To this during the day for younger students it takes 1-1.5 hours, and for older ones - 1.5-2.5 hours.

Each student should be involved in feasible household chores. The younger ones can be entrusted with cleaning the room, watering flowers, washing dishes; for elders - a walk with the kids, buying food, working in the garden, in the garden, etc.


For homework preparation during the day schoolchildren junior classes need to be allocated 1.5-2 hours, middle classes - 2-3 hours, senior classes 3-4 hours.

With such a duration of homework, as shown by special studies, children all the time work attentively, with concentration and by the end of classes remain vigorous and cheerful.

! If homework is delayed, then educational material poorly absorbed. You can't cook your homework right after school! In these cases, the student, after mental work at school, without having time to rest, immediately receives a new load. As a result, he quickly becomes tired, the speed of completing tasks decreases, memorization of new material worsens.

! The break between classes at school and the beginning of preparing lessons at home should be at least 2.5 hours. For most of this break, schoolchildren need to walk or play outdoors.

! Students who study in the first shift can begin to prepare homework no earlier than from 16-17 o'clock. When doing homework, just like at school, every 45 minutes you should take a break for 10 minutes, during which you need to ventilate the room, get up, walk, it would be good to do a few breathing gymnastic exercises.

In many cases, students have to prepare assignments when they talk loudly, argue in the room, and the radio is turned on.

These extraneous external stimuli distract attention (which happens especially easily in children), inhibit and disorganize the well-established activity of the body.

As a result, not only the time for preparing lessons is lengthened, but the child's fatigue also increases, and besides, he does not develop the skills of concentrated work, he learns to be distracted.

Interest classes

A child can use one and a half to two hours of free time for activities related to interests (reading, drawing, playing, watching television, etc.).

! Duration of TV viewing - no more than 1.5 hours 2-3 times a week. L the best pastime will be a walk in the fresh air. Classes in hobby groups are very useful.

! The child can study in no more than two circles.

An approximate diagram of the daily routine of schoolchildren of the first shift (classes start at 8:30)

Type of activities and recreation

Age of schoolchildren

7-9 years old

10 years

11-13 years old

14-17 years old






Morning work-out

Water procedures

Bed cleaning, toilet

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

7.00 – 7.30

Morning breakfast

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

7.30 – 7.50

Road to school

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

7.50 – 8.20

School lessons





Hot breakfast at school

about 11 hours

about 11 hours

about 11 hours

about 11 hours







sleep or rest



Games and sports

outdoor activities





Afternoon snack














Dinner and free

classes (reading,

music lessons,

manual labor, help

family, classes

foreign language, etc.)




For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


Preparing for bed

(cleaning clothes, shoes,











For 14-15 years old:


For 16-17 years old:


! On weekends and holidays, the student's daily routine should differ from the usual one in that much more time should be allowed for being outdoors, for visiting cinemas, theaters, museums, etc.

! Rest should be active - hiking in the forest, picking berries, mushrooms, medicinal plants, collecting material for collections, a variety of outdoor games, swimming. Also useful is feasible physical labor in the air, in the garden, in the vegetable garden.

! A properly organized schedule of schoolchildren's day during the holidays is the basis for good rest and contributes to the complete restoration of the child's body's working capacity.

Durationvarious types of daily activities(in hours)


years old



at home






in circles














11 – 10,5


1 -1,5




11 – 10,5


1,5 - 2




11 – 10,5


2 – 2,5




10,5 -10


2 – 2,5




10 – 9,5


2,5 - 3




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9,5 - 9


3 - 4




9 -8,5


3 - 4




8 - 8,5

Primary school students, especially first-graders, sometimes find it very difficult to adapt to the conditions of their new school life... Hence the academic failure, and confrontation with classmates, and the child's unwillingness to go to school / do homework, etc. And the main task of the parents is to help the child cope with the difficult load for him. Faced with this problem, each parent is looking for their own ways to solve it. But putting together a good daily routine for an elementary school student from the first day of school would help to avoid most of these problems.

Why do you need a daily routine for an elementary school student

You should not be dismissive of the organization of the working day, especially for children, starting with school years... Compliance with a certain routine leads to the fact that the child's forces are not wasted, they are dosed and they are enough for all types of activities. At the same time, the vitality of the body increases, fatigue is minimized and strength is quickly restored.

Drawing up the correct daily regimen depends on the individual characteristics of the student: the state of health and characteristics of a particular age. The schedule should include, in a certain order, the main elements:

as the child adheres to the daily routine, he will develop the habit of doing everything at a certain time, the body will turn on the internal clock and subsequently all actions will become a habit.

How to make a student's daily routine correctly

Morning exercises: invigorates the body, helps to recharge with efficiency. The duration of charging depends on the health of the student, so this issue must be resolved on an individual basis.

Water procedures: include taking a shower after gymnastics, hardening water dousing with contrasting temperatures and morning hygiene procedures - washing and brushing your teeth. As for the hardening procedure, it is necessary to discuss this issue with a specialist, not to force events in order to avoid colds.

Sports activities: visiting game sports sections, swimming pool, outdoor games.

Food: meals must be organized in such a way that the child has a hearty and hot breakfast, a full lunch of hot dishes and vitamin salads, and a late dinner. Eating at the same time will keep your gastrointestinal tract running smoothly.

Doing homework: they need to be planned without postponing this process until the evening when the child is already tired and there will be no efficiency from work. After a short rest, about an hour after lunch and a walk, you can start doing your homework with renewed vigor. In this case, you need to take breaks to rest for a few minutes.

Completed homework gives every right to take a walk, get some fresh air. You can allocate at least two hours to play in the yard. This is the optimal time to rest your brain by switching to other activities and breathing fresh air before bed. The duration of sleep for a younger student should be 9-10 hours. The time of waking up and going to bed should be set at the same time, as this will teach the body to quickly fall asleep and wake up.

The student's daily routine by the hour for the week

The daily routine, which includes the main regime points:

Student actions Time
Climb 06.30
Gymnastics, water procedures 06.30 — 07.00
Breakfast 07.00 — 07.30
Collection and road to school 07.30 — 07.50
Lessons at school 08.00 -12.00
Walk 12.00 -12.30
Dinner 12.30 -13.00
Walk 13.00 -14.00
Rest 14.00 -14.30
Doing lessons 14.30 -16.00
Walk 16.00 -18.00
Dinner and free time 18.00 -21.00
Going to sleep 21.00

Table of the daily routine of an elementary school student by the hour

Naturally, the schedule must be adjusted in accordance with what the student is doing in addition to school activities (visiting a section, circles, etc.), but the mandatory items must be present in it.

School student's daily routine on weekends

If a family has introduced a daily routine, then it must be performed daily, there can be no days off and holidays... Naturally, on Saturday and Sunday, it will be adjusted without taking into account going to school and doing homework. But it is not recommended to exclude the main points from it. It is allowed to move the wake-up time one hour later, replace the period of attending school with a weekly joint family event, and the hours allotted for lessons can be replaced by going to the movies with friends. But all other points should remain unchanged.

The daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift

There is a very inconvenient form of training for everyone - in the second shift. But this is an objective reason that schools cannot yet refuse due to workload. Accordingly, the daily routine of schoolchildren studying in the second shift will be different. It's just that all the actions that are mentioned in the approximate schedule after lunch must be transferred to the first half of the day, observing their duration: that is, getting up at 7 a.m., gymnastics, shower, breakfast, and then a walk, doing homework, lunch, study sessions, dinner, evening walk and sleep. Having become accustomed to this distribution of time, the student will not feel discomfort from training sessions in the 2nd shift.

When accustoming your child to a certain daily routine, it would be very appropriate for parents to become an example and take part in this process. Then the addiction will pass faster, and the rating of parental authority will increase significantly.

The work was completed by: Grade 8 students Sidelnikova Elizaveta Anna Balandina Supervisor: teacher of fine arts, technology, the highest qualification category, classroom teacher Kuznetsova Elena Evgenievna

To be always healthy And strives for new knowledge, To relieve stress, fatigue Observe the daily routine !!!

Schoolboy awakening 7.00 So morning has come. It is necessary to stretch out together, Smile, yawn. And dare to get out of bed. If the child's awakening is late, then he simply will not have time to wake up completely, and he will walk sleepy for a long time.

Charging 7.00-7.20 I'll turn off the alarm, I'll jump out of bed To warm up: one or two! Even though I still want to sleep! Let's pay attention to the word itself - charging. Even in the name itself, the meaning is already implied that these exercises in the daily routine for the student will give him the opportunity to recharge with energy for the whole day ahead. Exercise prepares the body for the future stresses of the new day, and also facilitates the transition from sleep to wakefulness.

Wash basin! Naked torso! Towels, delicate pile! Hygienic procedures 7.20-7.30 A student is obliged to wash and brush his teeth to maintain his health. Scientists have proven that bacteria from the oral cavity can cause disease in other organs.

After exercising in the morning, you need breakfast. Even if it's very light He won't hurt you, will he? Breakfast 7.30-7.50 Parents demand good grades from their children. But it is an empty stomach that prevents them from getting them. In order to work in the morning, the brain needs to receive nutrition, which it takes from glucose after a meal. After all, the child needs to get involved in the work already in the first lesson and this is a great stress for him. With breakfast, he will already be cheerful and ready to answer any questions from the teacher.

The way to school 7.50-8.05 And in another hour Zipper! - there is a belt on the jacket, And already to my native school Energetic march! The benefits of walking or why you need to walk Prevention of mental illness. Immunity is activated. The ventilation of the lungs is improved. The heart is strengthened. The quality of thoughts improves. The opportunity to think.

Beginning of school hours 8.15 During the lesson, occupation - Everywhere I have to keep up, Because I have a strict daily routine! It will be good if your child arrives at school at least 10 minutes before the start of classes. This will help him prepare for the lesson, communicate with classmates.

School breakfast, How nice. Distracts from worries. And with your comrades next to you Discussing a sandwich. School breakfast 11.10 - 11.30 For life, we need energy, which we get with food. Each product contains its own number of kilocalories that we receive after we have consumed this product. It is as a result of this that our mood rises and our working capacity increases. Especially hot, freshly prepared food contributes to this.

You have refreshed yourself well. You can do it again for a lesson. You will learn a lot and perhaps you will understand everything.

The trill of the bell sounds so loud. The lesson is over. We'll put our backpacks on our shoulders And let's go home. Breathing and walking again Discussing all the cases, Accumulated during the day This is not nonsense! The way home 13.15 -13.45 As in the morning, in the daily routine for a student, there must be time for a daytime walk. The way home can be combined with it.

I had a hearty lunch at home. You can also rest. You can take a little nap. You can read a book, You can just lie around And dream about something. Lunch 13.30-14.00 Daytime rest 14.00 -15.00 After lunch, it is recommended to be lazy. The child spent 5-6 hours in the classroom in a sitting position. In the afternoon, it will be good if he lies down (even if he does not sleep), thereby relieving the load from the spine for a while, resting not only physically, but also psychologically

Rested, slept a little. You can hit the road. To classes outside of school, where they are already waiting for me there. Outdoor games, sections, hobby classes 15.00-16.30 Extracurricular activities gives the child the opportunity to enjoy what he likes. These are positive emotions, a charge of energy. After such a rest, the body is able to perform complex work again, like doing homework.

17.00 -19.00 At home - squatting for homework Because I have a strict daily routine! Prepare lessons every day at the same time. Don't get distracted while preparing your lessons. Always prepare your lessons in a certain place. After 45-50 minutes of training, take a break for rest for 10-15 minutes. It is better to start preparing lessons with difficult subjects, then move on to subjects of medium difficulty and finally to easier subjects. After completing the assignment, carefully check it or answer the questions for the assignment.

Dinner 19.00 - 20.00 Here we dined together with the whole family at the table. We drank tea, talked About the soulful, about the family And kind, and simple. A wonderful time in terms of psychological relief. The child all day solved all his problems on his own and this is the time, the closest people can advise something, listen. Family dinner is a form of communication when the child feels protected.

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