Program yourself for success. Programming yourself for a long and happy life self-program for good luck

Want to know absolutely free to find out the method of programming your own subconscious on wealth? And it will take you only 5 minutes a day ... You do not need to meditate, you do not need to read mantras, you don't need startup capital, you don't need to ask anything and go anywhere, and you also do not need to have experience to do program yourself. The program will begin to work anyway, since our brain is a computer, and only the productivity depends on the quality of the software of this computer - the volume of our success in life. Well, it's interesting? ..

Do you remember what World Furior produced the book and the movie of the "Secret"? At the beginning of the article, you can see the video principles of the law of attraction of one of the authors - Ronda Bern. This is a kind of, program to attract the attention of the universe to your personality and desires. Actually its essence: for any desired result in the life of itself it is possible to program and this will happen.

There are many methods explaining what kind of rituals are needed for this: NLP technologies, Erickson hypnosis, visualization of the law of attraction ... But they all reduce to one - how successful you will be successful and satisfied with your life depends on how good your programmer is Subconscious.

Most of us sincerely believes that all the joys in the life and the disappearance of all problems lies in the presence of money, the accumulation of wealth, since it is precisely money for most of us security in modern society consumption.

Well, ... and for wealth you just need that your own brain. Here is a simple-tested programming method that works for well-being.

Step 1. Any program is written on slices - small logical blocks

First, you have to choose a goal of your own welfare growth and it must be concrete. And secondly, this goal should force you to act for its implementation, and not just hang out the pocket and wait for it from the sky a piece of gold will fall into it.

Many teachers and cooperations on motivation, self-development and setting goals usually urged the grand goals. Like, the higher the goal, the higher and take off ... and most of those who are trying to learn from them usually put an incredibly big goal, which are ten times the above that they will ever be able to achieve. The fact is that it can work well for people who are already confident in their forces who have already been able to achieve something thanks to their own efforts. But for beginners or for people who are not yet familiar with tangible success, such an approach is like a catastrophe.

For example, if you never flew to Deltaplane, then you are unlikely to agree to be cut on it from the edge of the abyss, no matter how great this achievement seem for your self-development. For the same, who had at least somehow experience in the air on the air on this thing (albeit with the instructor) is just the next legitarian step in development.

Yes, in theory, all the goals are definitely achievable! But in reality, you probably won't believe in your own strength (the subconscious will not believe in it), no matter how you fare yourself that you can "roll the mountains." Instead of choosing a goal, in which you do not believe internally, choose a goal that seems to you bye. This goal that you will consider complex, but not impossible.

So, in relation to our conversation ... Do not put one goal by the end of the year to earn a million dollars. Internally, you won't believe in this opportunity. It is better to program yourself that it is quite capable of happening in the next three months. Let's say, put yourself a goal
increasing your salary (or sales) by 10 percent. I understand that it looks not quite exciting, but it is important to start to start - start writing "working blocks of the program", which then you combine into a powerful well-established software package that will actually work without failures.

So, the first step is to program a small subconscious block to the goal in which you internally believe and consider it to you. After you force your brain to implement this program, you will acquire the necessary confidence in your own strength and see that this is exactly what works. It is from the small you will start moving to the big one.

Step 2. Any program must be recorded - see readable

No programmer keeps the program being created only in my head. I do not know how Mendeleev had a periodic table of chemical elements, but simple mortals usually record their ideas, then they are analyzed, corrected errors and so on until a working product. That is what you have to do.

Once a day, every morning, write down the goal you chose. What would you like to achieve? Just write down your mini goal every morning in your diary - let every day begins with this goal. At the same time, each program has its own language that will be understood by the computer. Your program should be understandable to your brain and, as teaches the law of attraction - the universe is clear. Therefore…

A good format for programming its subconscious is to use such proposals in the wording as "I am configured ...", "I choose ...", "I intend ..."
For example:
"I am configured to increase by position."
"I choose a job - now I will sell 10 percent more."
"I intend to close this deal in the coming month."

It is vital so to formulate your goal so that the subconsciousness is in accordance with your installations and applications. For example, the approval "I will become richer every day" does not work, because if it is not confirmed, then subconsciously you will feel that you feel yourself even before you finish writing your own thought. If you record the installation, as: "I intend to achieve a salary increase for so much for 2 months," this formulation has no contradictions in your goals, emotions and the situation around you.

That is, the main principle - your installation should not contradict the life situation, should not lie, because this dissonance will be immediately discovered by your subconscious and you, naturally, will not work.

Step 3. Programming is always known expected result - visualize your future success.

After you recorded our goal, you must imagine the result to which you are striving. In general, how are the programs begin to write? First, the result is known to which they seek, even the technical task is designed in such a way that it becomes clear how everything should look and work at the exit. The same with the programming of your own mind. You should see the ultimate goal - visually imagine what you want. You must clearly imagine yourself in the future, when your goal will be achieved, and the sense of satisfaction will fill you.

For example, you must clearly imagine that, say, you close a profitable deal. You must clearly imagine that moment when the signatures of the stakeholders are raised, and you will see the desired figure on your own account. You must clearly imagine this moment and those feelings of satisfaction that you will experience.
What is this for?
You must believe it, your subconscious should believe that it is possible, which means to remove all possible contradictions and doubts. And just send you to this event, to this purpose.

Joy, a sense of success, self-confidence is all the terms of the motivation of the subconscious. You are with a stretch, but you can convince something in something, but the subconsciousness cannot be convinced. The subconscious should believe you so that no contradictions arise. If the subconscious will be visible to the result, the program will correctly start. How to do it?

Just generate constantly positive emotions within a few minutes after you have made a daily goal entry in your diary. Even better if you learn some positive anchor to this. For example, you can easily be on a positive when you drink a big cup of coffee by closing it between your palms (this is an abstract example). So, and carry out the visualization of the goal of this way - immediately after you write down your program in notepad.

Step 4. Increase the power of the program - ask for help

Now that you enjoy a positive sense of visualization of your own goal, Okin looks up your coming day and ask yourself: "What can you do today to help your own goal faster?"

Your subconscious is configured, the program is running, but whether it works correctly, you don't know yet. Your mind still does not know what steps need to be taken to come to the result in you. Therefore, your brain-computer needs to help optimize the program execution process. You have to ask yourself: "What is the next most practical action that you can take to bring your goal?"

For example, you know perfectly well what to grow in a career, you should demonstrate to your superiors of a certain activity in which they need for the position that you apply. No one will give you the position just because you launched some kind of program in my head. Your bosses work completely different own programs ... Well, help your mind to realize the need to "be active" in the workplace to get an increase.

When you get an answer, write it down on your notepad where the goal is set. And then take targeted actions in the help of your own success program. Your actions strengthen their own subconsciousness in the fact that you did not just wish something, but really act towards this. As a result, you will not deceive yourself and you will not interrupt your own program to achieve the desired one.

As a result, you will find that your actions that previously managed to go with creak, from now on, they go like oil, and most importantly, let's say in our example, the management notices your efforts and puts yourself positive cuts about your person ...

Step 5. The program should work constantly

In this paragraph, this programmer would have written only one phrase: "Go to step No. 1". I will clarify a little more ...

Do the above steps daily, that is, constantly until you reach the desired one. Moreover, do not suffer from the disease of Julia Caesar, who made several cases at once. Program yourself only for one purpose and work daily only with her! Also - do not change your goal and your program! Scientists say we use your brain only by 20%. Therefore, do not load these 20% of what you can not handle. Well, or learn how to use the brain at least 80%. True, then, you will teach others and give advice. I then first to you in the student ... 🙂

If you change your goal or you don't strive for her, then choose a new goal and start everything first. Any change in purpose is a new goal and you need to start everything first. If you don't do this, you again become deceiving yourself, and the subconsciousness is quickly "shaking".

No perseverance is the reason for the number one, why so many people do not reach their goals.
If you give yourself a slack before you reach your goal, then, obviously, you didn't really want to achieve it ... isn't it?
Choose such a goal, without which you can't, which you are just needed - and act! Program yourself and act!
This technique takes about 5-10 minutes with morning coffee and works flawlessly if you practice in it.

I tested it on myself. It works for me.
It will work and you!
Be confident in yourself and reach the desired! For example, wealth ... :))


How to program yourself for success: 5 ways to influence the subconscious

Our consciousness is not something permanent. It is flexible, it can be changed, improved, rebuilding. Another thing is that it can accommodate different amounts of time, but here we are almost powerless.

Psychologists say that the subconscious of every person is unique. Our inner world is bottomless, endless and beautiful for everyone in their own way. One way or another, but many of our victories are impossible without the right attitude. It is necessary to program yourself for success. At least due to the fact that in the opposite case, your consciousness can capture negative viral programs that pull the rope in the other side - towards failures, poor well-being, depression, and so on.

Success is an internal struggle

You did not notice that successful people are successful almost in everything? The reason lies in their setting, and not only in genes. They won in their inner struggle when the possibility of failure began. Most of the famous athletes say that their victories they saw long before it became a reality.

Burn with negative thoughts so that they do not embody in defeats and failures. No one says that it is easy to walk in life with confidence in his victory, but you need to at least try. Itself does not happen anything - every success implies at least a small one, but the war inside each of us. Consciousness builds the world around us. Thoughts are material, so we seem to draw them on the pure canvas of life. Thoughts are paints, and reality is a sheet of paper.

Without effort, you will not have anything. You need to configure yourself correctly and do not forget that only the conversion consciousness you transform your life.

5 ways to influence consciousness

Specialists in bioenergy and psychologists allocate only 5 basic and most effective ways of exposure to humans. Each method can be used by you separately, but if you enjoy the combination of these techniques and techniques, then the chances of success will be even more.

The first method: affirmation. This is the longest, but very easy way. Its essence consists only in constant repetition of special motivating phrases. When you tell yourself that you are successful, good luck in the money itself finds you. Of course, time will need a lot to turn negative programs in positive, but it will be worth it. This is a flexible way, since you can tell yourself anything.

You can take advantage of affirmations from Natalia Pravdina, Louise Hay or any other biodenergetic specialist or psychology. There is a simpler option - you can come up with affirmations yourself, according to your requests. Need love? Speak yourself that you are beautiful and worthy of love, the attention of the opposite sex. If you wish to lose weight, then tell yourself that you are strong and your strength is enough to become slim and beautiful. Over time it will come. The main thing is not to give up. The only minus of affirmations - you will not be able to see success distinctly, because the transition from unhappy life to happy is a long and continuous process.

Method of the second: meditation. This is no longer psychology, but pure work with the subconscious, bioenergy of your body. The essence is deeply immersed in itself. This is something like hypnosis, trance. You forced yourself to go inside the subconscious and look at your life as it were from the side. Meditation can be the most different. Audiomedizing, for example, can be used directly during running, walking or walking. It may be thematic immersions in order to find a way out of a difficult situation, improve the mood, gain peace of mind, self-confidence, understand something complex. They are also better to use as often as possible.

Method Three: Positive Thinking. This technique has a lot of subparagraphs. For example, you need to get rid of any use of the word "no". It deprives you of positive energy, interfere with contacting the center of abundance of the universe. Also positive thinking implies the use of several postulates, rules that are similar to affirmations. Their difference consists only in the fact that they do not require repetitions. You just need to take them for the truth:

  • you can always achieve everything you wish;
  • you yourself owners;
  • everyone forms his own happiness.

Think more often about what you want to achieve. If you need a victory in sports competitions, then think so as if it had already happened. If you need a good job, then do not stop her search, because this work is. You, as it were, happy, but just have not reached it. You are on the way. You can.

Method Fourth: Sports. You might think that this is nothing to do with the subconscious, but it is not. It is not necessary to try to put records or become the most stronger. It's enough just to run in the mornings or evenings, to do charging and not be afraid of physical work. According to statistics, people with obesity or health problems due to a sluggish way of life achieve success at 80% less often than active individuals. This includes the harmful habits of the type of smoking or alcohol abuse. You can drink, smoke too, but it is impossible to build it into the degree of necessity. Sometimes you want to relax everyone - there is nothing wrong with that, but you don't need to do so that you have a habit of rules and pulling money from you.

Fifth method: hobby. Remember that only busy people have a chance for success. Your consciousness is configured to positive when you are doing something pleasant. Let it be embroidery, reading books, watch movies or something else. It can be anything. Go for your dreams and give your subconscious what it wants, but will not harm you.

Good luck in any of the spheres of life depends on many factors, but the most important is your mood. Live as if you are there no one more in this world, but do not forget about loved ones who need your heat. You can change destiny right now, because you have a desire. Let your life become another from this second. Successes to you, and do not forget to press buttons and

Good day! Today I want to tell you how you can move forward to success with self-sustainment. After all, programming for success is the ability to influence your subconscious mind with the power of thought in order to achieve the desired results.

In the article "Why a success curls only from the person himself and from anyone more" we considered the fact that a prosperous result in all endeavors depends only on person. And rather, from his internal mood, responsibility and development of certain qualities. Therefore, the ability to program itself will be programmed leads to success. Which means moving forward, self-development, the ability to put goals and step by step to implement them.

Well, ready to start? First, select time and place so that no one disturbs you. Accordingly, turn off the phone and warn your close to not distract. Choose the most attractive methods and follow them as often as possible.

Programming methods for a prosperous result

1. »Director of Life»

Imagine the most important situations for you. As if it is a movie or performance. And in the form of a director and at the same time actor. Then, take each situation from all roles in 4 genres: first in the form of a tragedy, then philosophical parables, comedy, and militant.

This technique shows that only our attitude to the same situation matters and influence on the outcome. We ourselves define, in which genre we want to move towards the goal, while it is important to be able to look at life at different angles. And rewrite the script that has not arranged.

2. »Good luck magnet»

Remember the condition when you felt we are lucky, confident, and try to keep it as long as possible. And at the same time, imagine yourself with a magnet that attracts this feeling from everywhere. After all, the outside world is the continuation of your inner "I", while you attract favorable circumstances as a guarantee of successful implementation of the planned plans.

Positive thinking is very effective. I am sure you noticed that there are cases when luck followed by luck, or vice versa, even there is a saying "The trouble is one". This is exactly due to our internal mood. After all, if we will notice every small favorable moment, even in the form of a detected ruble on the floor or purchased last bread in the store - we will subconsciously consider ourselves the winner. And if at the same time we will assign a proud title of a lucky person, then luck is guaranteed.

3. »Float»

Imagine the sea during a storm, like waves rolling alone on the other, with such a force that the roar is heard. And in the water, the rocking float, which is at the most crest of the wave, is hidden under it, over time, popling again on the surface, despite the entire power of the blow. And now imagine that it is in the midst of raging life, and, despite the strength and magnitude of difficulties and problems, you pop up again, without giving yourself to sink. Finally, the sea, failing to defeat you, calms down, stands the calm and the sun that looked out because of the clouds, fills you with happiness and confidence.

4. Four options

Take one significant situation for you, which causes an alarm for the outcome. And consider the four options for the development of events not in your favor. That's what a terrible thing can happen? Fantasize the possible consequences. Then, for each negative outcome, come up with several options for positive completion.

Thanks to this exercise, you will think of the strategy for solving difficulties, you will feel more conscious and prepared. And the ability to present failure legalizes the energy of fear, as a result of which you will feel much more confident. In addition, we often doubt and worry, especially not understanding what it is. That's scary to lose, it seems clear.

But if you think about, and so what will happen then or what will happen to happen to me in case of loss? And most often, it turns out that in principle you can live, the world will not collapse ... then fear is much smaller and we move more confidently, and this is the key to success.

5. »Anchor»

Recall the brightest moment of life when you have achieved the goal, despite the obstacles. Try to live the emotions that you have experienced at that moment. As soon as they are clearly noting, squeeze the fist, "bogging" is a state. And in the future, when difficulties will arise on your way, squeeze the fist, remembering the sensation of the winner. And then you will handle any difficulties.

This technique is borrowed from NLP, more details you can read here: "NLP what it is and how it can help you without learning and practice.

6.Leble color

Think what color you are associated with confidence. Then close your eyes, and let this color on the body. Clearly imagine how to inhale its point between eyes on the forehead, and it extends to each cell of your body. Each muscle, every nerve is filled with this color, he fills you and attract confidence.

7.Technics "Tank"

Imagine that your goal is on top of a high mountain. And on the way to it there are many obstacles in the form of fallen trees, mountain rivers, canyons and steep cliffs. Mentally overcome each, allowing your subconscious to issue a flow of options that you can use. And then refer to each barrier to the question of how it is possible to overcome it. Thus, you will learn to find a compromise and negotiate with those who created complexity. Giving him recognition of his strength, and at the same time continuing to move towards his goal.


After performing any exercise and in general at the end of the working day it is very important to give your body the opportunity to relax. In life there are a lot of stressful moments, after which exhaustion may come. It is necessary to take care of yourself and its resources. Take a convenient position. Breathe slow and deep. Inhale and exhale make out of the abdomen, which when inhaling should be bought.

Then remember some place where you were very good and comfortable. Imagine all the details, thoughtly look back and consider everything around. Each minute, the picture will be more clear and brighter. Spend 20 minutes in this place, as calmly, deeply breathing and exhausted. Then slowly open your eyes. You will feel how the energy and strength charged.

  1. Use daily affirmations. These are such formulas of positive self-sustaining, which must be repeated daily. Best of all, they work when you utter them immediately after awakening or immediately before bedtime. Examples: "I am calm and confident in myself", "I have everything perfectly", "I am always accompanied by luck," "I realize and feel my power" and in such a spirit. Come up with a positive statement or choose from the offered, and after 21 days you will see and feel the result. You can read more about affirmations here: "How to program yourself to success with the help of affirmation."
  2. Do on the sport every day. And it does not matter what kind you choose, the active lifestyle and physical exertion will stimulate the receipt of satisfaction from life. Cheerfulness and energy charge will give confidence and activity.
  3. Learn to manage your time. To detect your desires, set goals, define tasks, plan, and also correctly arrange priorities. How can you read all this in the article "What is a time management or how to efficiently manage your time."
  4. Surround yourself with your favorite things, pleasant and positive people. Comfortable atmosphere and positive emotions will cause your life satisfaction with you.
  5. Visualize. Imagine the effect in the slightest details you want to achieve. This will serve as motivation to actions, activity, and will also help in the process of achieving the goal. After all, if you have not decided what you want, but only vaguely imagine the result - it will be difficult to plan the process of implementing the tasks.

That's all, dear readers! Look for opportunities, not excuses, risk and act as the leaders of large corporations that I wrote in the article "The real stories of the success of a big business worldwide name and how they started." Recommend to your internal resources. Using the above exercises, you can open your own unique features that will help you reach the vertices.

How to program yourself for good luck

Look around. Here is the table - the idea of \u200b\u200bsome designer, which the joiner embodied. Here is the TV and remote control - even recently it seemed fantastic. Here is an interesting film - he was invented and removed the director. Once this did not exist. Everything that surrounds us is the embodiment of someone's thoughts. After all, the word and thought is material. Sometimes we do not think about it.

When everything goes in life, everything is going on, it's easier for us to say: "On me, the evil eye or damage", what to take responsibility for yourself and think that you do in your life, where is the reason for certain events. The man is so arranged that he thinks about it more often than good. As a result, his life is full of stress, quarrels, trouble. But the formula "Thought - action" works in the opposite direction. In order to go to your life, you need to put your thoughts correctly. Psychologists advise in any event to look for positive parties. This does not mean that you need to rejoice in trouble. For example, if prices in the store rose, it is stupid to speak to everyone that you are not upset. However, the Chinese hieroglyph "Crisis" has a double meaning: "Danger" and "Opportunity". Prices for gasoline increased - you will walk more on foot, and therefore you will be sporty, healthier, skins a couple of kilograms. You never got ready to buy a subscription to the gym?

Affirmations for good luck

Our subconsciousness is so arranged that it only perceives the direct value, without any "not". That is, if you think: "I don't want to get sick," the brain will perceive it as "I want to get sick" - the consequences are obvious. Properly formulate the idea: "I want to be healthy, strong, rich." In attraction of good luck, affirmations will help you - brief verbal formulas that are forced our subconscious mind positively, attracting positive changes in life. Repeat these settings every morning.

You can come up with your affirmation, and you can take advantage. For example: "I was lucky. I attract good luck in my life. I am a happy and lucky man. All I do, brings me success. " Do not grab everything - use one or two allegations every day for a month. You will see how life will change for the better.
Another subtlety - avoid your future time. You must think and say so as if successful and luck has already entered your life, they are accomplished by the fact, reality. Believe in what you say.

Our brain is the most difficult computer in the world. If you write the right program, you can instantly change your life for the better. You can do it yourself with simple installations.

You will understand exactly where to watch the Luck line on the palm

Look around. Here is the table - the idea of \u200b\u200bsome designer, which the joiner embodied. Here is the TV and remote control - even recently it seemed fantastic. Here is an interesting film - he was invented and removed the director. Once this did not exist. Everything that surrounds us is the embodiment of someone's thoughts. After all, the word and thought is material. Sometimes we do not think about it.

When everything goes in life, everything is going on, it's easier for us to say: "On me, the evil eye or damage", what to take responsibility for yourself and think that you do in your life, where is the reason for certain events. The man is so arranged that he thinks about it more often than good. As a result, his life is full of stress, quarrels, trouble. But the formula "Thought - action" works in the opposite direction. In order to go to your life, you need to put your thoughts correctly. Psychologists advise in any event to look for positive parties. This does not mean that you need to rejoice in trouble. For example, if prices in the store rose, it is stupid to speak to everyone that you are not upset. However, the Chinese hieroglyph "Crisis" has a double meaning: "Danger" and "Opportunity". Prices for gasoline increased - you will walk more on foot, and therefore you will be sporty, healthier, skins a couple of kilograms. You never got ready to buy a subscription to the gym?

Affirmations for good luck

Our subconsciousness is so arranged that it only perceives the direct value, without any "not". That is, if you think: "I don't want to get sick," the brain will perceive it as "I want to get sick" - the consequences are obvious. Properly formulate the idea: "I want to be healthy, strong, rich." In attraction of good luck, affirmations will help you - brief verbal formulas that are forced our subconscious mind positively, attracting positive changes in life. Repeat these settings every morning.

You can come up with your affirmation, and you can take advantage. For example: "I was lucky. I attract good luck in my life. I am a happy and lucky man. All I do, brings me success. " Do not grab everything - use one or two allegations every day for a month. You will see how life will change for the better.
Another subtlety - avoid your future time. You must think and say so as if successful and luck has already entered your life, they are accomplished by the fact, reality. Believe in what you say.

33 ways to reprogram yourself and events

Your ideas about yourself program secure

Thoughts programmate life. I think you have heard about it more than once. First, they are creative reality, which is then gradually embodied as sensitive.

If you think about Sebekk about the uncomfortable person, a loser, then unfavorable events are samplesed to you. You really won't take, because they have lost these events with their thoughts and expectations of Chegoto negative.

And if you are open to Mirui, consider yourself lucky, then in most cases events will be favorable for you, because you are sure that life loves and prepared for you only the best. Compared by a sleep fingerboard, you live in another world, because you feel about salvage and are convinced that the world is created for you.

Wednesday in which you grew up

Why dependes the wonders? On the one hand, from temperament and warehouse of character. For example, Sanguins program themselves on a positive outcome of events, Amelancholics - to negative.

Our thoughts dependent on which environment we have formed. If the parents have been hijacked, approved, supported, then we grow up with healthy lovers to yourself and the feeling that we are worthy of happiness, and all in our life will well. If the parents constantly won us, Kritikalina every step, emphasized our worthlessness and awkwardness, then with the frightened people who are not worthy of getting anything good.

In addition, the casual environment: kindergarten, school, institute, colleagues for work, and pr. Isli in your surroundings reign negative stereotypes ("Life-free!", "Around one thiest and scoundrels! .." . d.), they laughing their negative contribution to the formation of your personality.

You can change the program!

However, there is goodness. We have the mind, and therefore capable of directly transmitted. We can "erase" the bad program of it, to introduce a positive, creative, which will make completely different paints in Mountains and will open the way to joy and happiness.

This book is dedicated to the competition - reprogramming the three components of the united person: the body, souls, reason. I will tell you how to configure yourself for happiness and success and start getting pleasure from life.

Your attitude to myself, and you will begin to perceive what is happening around, reinforcing the angle of view. As a result, your life will be transformed. Are you sure? Then forward!

Thoughts can work wonders

I travel a lot of Asia. During these travel, I saw with my own eyes, the strength of thought and some striking results are reached by people who can program themselves. They healed overweight (sometimes even from the most difficult), it is noticeable, their eyes are noticeably, and the body is characterized by force and slightness. The properly registered people develop unprecedented body flexibility, joints, with the result that such people are capable of performing exercises that seek other impracticable. They can withstand huge loads, inaccessible to many.

And all this is achieved with the help of the strength of thought.

A little patience and everything will turn out

Of course, it was naive to have a pity that everything will turn out right away: once, two, and ready. For achievement, you need to work a lot, sometimes not one year, you will achieve incredible.

Traveling in Asia Issues with people who have achieved tremendous success in programming conceptions, I learned very much. However, I will not immediately write all the secrets, otherwise you can not believe me. Gradually, step by step, I will tell about it in my new books.

I strive to teach the vascript consciousness, show that it is possible, and you will see how it works like it.

33 ways to work on oneself

In this book I give a 3rd work on myself with the aim of reprogramming consciousness. We are in the world thanks to the physical body, the soul and mind. Intercom with this proposed methods are reprogrammed for three groups: 11 for each of these components.

The book is given to the definition of the solutions of most bodily, mental and intellectual problems. The settings are not difficult at all, and there is nothing mystical, everyone is able to perform them. The only condition: ethminasts need to be engaged regularly. You yourself know perfectly well, the achievement of the result is needed. It is mistaken to expect everything to be immediately. Enthusiastic arousal is neither king. On the contrary, you will need calm, constant efforts, and successfully.

How to conduct ritual reprogramming

For ritual, reprogramming requires an appropriate setting. Creatible privacy, peace and silence. Disable the phone, TV, doorbell (if possible).

Sit on a comfortable stool of a direct back. Calm your breath. In order for new things to think in the depths of your being, you need to relax the body and muscles. If the muscles are tense, it will be to interfere, it will not work thoughts and reprogramming.

Start counting the breaths of the sameness: once, two, three, four, etc. If you bet, Nachnitesov. Imitate the slow deep breath of the sleeping person. When you feel that completely relaxed, start voting the words.

As you have gained, you can spend rituals anywhere, even with clusters, but first it is necessary to privacy.

The ritual is programmed to spend from one to three times a day. I do not try to check the minute: well, how does it work or not yet? I will handle the task, and it will cope with it. It identites how to prepare a new program and when to enter it into action.

Do not rush yourself. Just do exercises, and gradually the new program will enter the consciousness and starts to change your life. Impatiently eliminating the beginning of the distance, and those who do not hurry, reach the finish and receive.

How to bore setting

Say to myself: "Now I give my body a new program, I enter the code on the tentary, strength, energy, cheerfulness." By this you give yourself, let your body perform it.

Take a deep breath. At the exhalation, utter words setting. Feel how they are on each cell of your body, impregnate it from top to bottom.

The ritual must first be for 5 minutes (during this time, repeat the mood with the solar times, how much will it turn out), then increase the time up to 10 minutes, then Dskareca.

Use low-key proposals, "not" particle will exclude, the wizes need positive programming. For example, it is impossible to say: "I'm not sick". This statement should be replaced by positive: "It is healthy", etc.

You can talk to a tape recorder: Sit down, relax, soothing, turn on the tape recorder, close your eyes and listen. The effect of the same.

Do not be afraid of resistance

At first, the mission can have resistance to you. For example, you pronounce the words: "Sound all is well, I am healthy, cheerful and perfectly looking." Apparent voice whispers: "Why is that good? Look in the way: you look disgusting and health staggered. " Ethonormal phenomenon - the struggle of old and new programs is fighting. If the new programs are so easy to be introduced into consciousness, life was perhaps easier. The old defends his frontiers, there is a fighting and evil.

Do your job, continue to pronounce. And the result is gradually started. The smaller you wait for it, the faster it will appear.

Watch the help, let's dare to him: "I see that they pull me off the way. Will not come out, and do not try. I am all the equal to program yourself on health, joy, positive! "

Ignoring resistant, then it will gradually surrender and leave.

Working with the body. We program yourself on health

Body - Temple of the Soul

You probably have a hearing physius: "The body is the temple of the soul." And indeed it is. We live on this earth thanks to our findphysical body. From what state it depends on, much. It all depends on the quality of our life, its duration, joys, which are experiencing, pleasures that we get.

When the body is healthy, it works well to deep old age and we live happy, filled with life. And if a person does not care about his body, harm by unhealthy habits and lack of recreation, then the postpartum becomes suffering. And not only for him, but also for people who surround it. In addition, such a person deteriorates the workshoot, since the latter switches to problems associated with the body.

Healthy, obediently is the best tool for our soul. After all, only the soul can manifest himself in this world. If you are healthy, vigorous, energetic, you can make a lot of good deeds, maximize creative abilities, to benefit yourself and people.

Fix the previous errors

Why does our body be partitioned by not the way Mathpriroda conceived him? This is the occurrence of our mistakes and neglecting the needs of your physical shell.

Want to make a healthy? Consume healthy food, crystal clear water, breathe fresh air. Do physical exercises, duplicates needed the necessary load. Without this, the effect of the settings, the rituals of the IPRogramming will be incomplete.

When you start reprogramming yourself, you will have a Kdorov lifestyle. It will come to themselves, besides your efforts. Government will begin to pull to healthy nutrition, physical activity, you will become more likely to be in the fresh air.

1. Caution for excellent health

Create a calm installment so that no one disturbs you. Highlight for this 15 minutes.

Sit down, calm down, relax. In this you will help in deep, slow breathing by the appearance and exhalations. When you feel that we relaxed, start led a new program.

My health will be very much better.

My body is a spell, how to make me strong and healthy.

I listen to the adjustment and following him.

MY is enheavingly improved.

All my organs work.

I easily with anticipate infectirations and viruses.

I am always the rest.

I thank you dear for excellent health.

May it be so!


Many people interfere with the Lesvess. It is nothing more than a way of self-defense against nuclear. We accumulate the layer of fat, subconsciously believing that on the windows of us from external "blows". But consuming excessiveness of food, we are applied to your health.

Excessiveness of the heart of the heart gives an additional load of a radiation, bones, joints.

As a result, instead of torture, it is possible to deal with external problems and effectively solve them, we are able to hide the "fatty" blanket, sputtering and crushing your life. It's time to reprogram yourself NNNOV.

Sit down comeback, relax. Start correcting the words of the new program.

The world is safe.

He is friendly compete.

I easily cope with scrauds and problems.

I easily solve any favor.

I get rid of fancy weight.

My figure with each little thing becomes slimmer.

3. Cold for the preservation of youth

Of course, the biological clock is not completely stopped, but their move can be taken.

My organisms young and healthy.

My body allows me to eat, what exercises to do.

I feel myself, vigorous and young.

I am overfiled and energy.

Any favor to me.

I enjoy the treatment and youth.

May it be so!

4. Caution for beauty and attractiveness

The beauty of all the nature of all we gave a different way. Nevertheless, it can be attractive. The basis of external attractiveness is good health, cheerfulness, positive attitude. If we are open to the world, if we take life and yourself, then we are beautiful. We expect from the Moith all good, and it makes us attractive in the eyes of the enemy.

I opened my life, Iave the world.

I take life, Ion takes me.

I like people, they approve of me.

I look great.

Every day it is also attractive every day.

I radiate charm.

I like me to eat them.

May it be so!

5. Crack for endurance

Endurance helps to cope with many vitality. But this does not mean, the Chet has the right to overload their body so that it is premature. The body needs to be restored, to him in time, work and work, and rest, then he will serve us for a long time and well.

My body is strong healthy.

It is able to play the tasks.

I feel when you need a vacation, and give it the body.

My physical signals when you can work and when you need to rest it.

Giving a television-modern vacation, I increase my stamina.

I am a strong, healthy, hardy person.

May it be so!

6. Crack on the fortress of muscles and bones

The bones and muscles are allowed to move in space, to be active and do anybody. To do this, they must be healthy and strong.

My muscles are strong friction.

They retain their wildlife for many years.

My bones areclee and healthy.

Every day they are all stronger.

My body is a spell, how to keep bones and muscles healthy.

Every day it is tight and healthier every day.

Every day there are more and more strength.

May it be so!

7. Cute to the strength of the arms and legs

Thanks to your hands, we make yourself. With the help of hands, we can create, create, crackle and children, to take care of people. Feet give us able to spare spaces, see the land in all its diversity by Ikrasot.

My hands are, reliable and strong.

They keep the steering wheel.

They allow you to repeat any ideas.

Every day they are all stronger.

My feet are strong friction.

With their help, I can easily go where to want.

I give my own nogas and rest.

I shore my legs, I care about them.

Every day they are all stronger and healthier.

My hands and feet are -sil, young and healthy.

May it be so!


Spine - Easterns of Our Body. It binds the bottom, earthly, part of the body with the brain, that is, the connecting link between the worldly and spiritual breed.

With the help of multiple endings, the spine is associated with all the bodies of our body, so his health is so important for us.

My well-friendly, strong, healthy and flexible.

I give him a day in time.

Every day, the MoiStrosonchuk is becoming stronger and flexible.

My joints are tight and healthy.

Thanks to the bundle body flexible and obedient.

Every day, Moisonstava is becoming stronger and healthier.

I love a tender, healthy body.

May it be so!


Musculusive and excretory systems in the body are exchanged. Both are responsible for life, therefore must be resistive and clean.

My digestive accommodation works great.

He is healthy, strong clean.

I give him better products.

I deliver himself and clean food.

My selection system works flawlessly.

She is strong, young healthy.

It supports the ideal purity to the water.

She immediately displays won.

My digestive system excretory systems work better every day.

May it be so!


For men, premature, potency is important, it depends on the possibility of continuing the kind. For women, the ability to get pregnant, to take the fruit of the child to get the baby.

It is clear that in the industry of confusion for men and women vary. However, in total, it is aimed at the health of the organs necessary for the generation of the genus.

Coffee for women:

My bodies are strong and healthy.

I can conceive, endure the fruit and give birth to a healthy child.

Every day, Mensensky organs work better.

Every day they are all stronger and healthier.

I enjoy the ingenious essence.

I am proud that a jaw.

I am proud of topics, it's great to fulfill my female task on Earth.

May it be so!

Coffee for men:

My urointestinal system works great.

I am capable of conceiving strong children.

I can help your genus.

I am proud of the onmost one.

I enjoy the fact that I am a man.

My man's organs, strong and healthy.

Every day they are all better.

I am proud of the onmown strength.

May it be so!

11. Crack for the fortress and health of teeth, nails, leather, hair

The teeth and nails were originally homing to a person to defend themselves from the external danger, to live and survive, teeth help to process food. The skin and hair protect us the windscreensions of the environment.

My teeth and nipple and healthy.

They help to mnive.

I consume the useful teeth and nail food.

My skin and hair, young, healthy.

Every day they are all healthier and more beautiful.

I take care of them, I give them a healthy, useful food.

I enjoying the painful and health of your hair and skin.

May it be so!

Working with soul. Program yourself on joggy

Soul - This is a link between us and the endless universe or God (call how you like it more). The harmony of the soul gives a hustling life and the joy of being. If you want to enjoy life, you must develop a positive approach to her, understand that you are izhizn - this is a single whole.

Our soul of the original staff, there are no vices and sins. We are born beautiful, kind, aspiring to harmony and light. Look at the small children. You prove to your species that it is so.

When the soul of the Leschengarmonia, there is an internal disorder in it. All implications suffer from this. Diseases begin, we cease the tests from life. Therefore, it is so important to put order in the custody, set up its harmony.

1. Caution for defense against negative

Take a negative or it is our personal choice. At first, this statement may be controversial. Who wants to catch a negative in sound reason? He himself hurts!

In fact, it is slow. We can refuse to take negative promises, turn away OTN, then negative PingPong will stop themselves.

Fill consciousness of thought thoughts. Imagine that you have been released from the pool with hearth, muddy water, then filled it crystal clear water.

Perhaps it is now embarrassed to accept this statement, and your entire creature opposes him. It often happens (the struggle of good with evil). Start aware of your consciousness, and gradually negative will leave.

The world is full of good. !

He is friendly compete.

I am in all the Vizhudoobood, bright, good.

I am conscientious about the positive attitude towards the world.

Every day, the Moir is getting better.

Every day there are more and more good people and events.

My world with each small one is becoming lighter. May it be so!

2. Crack for good intuition work

Intuition - However, from the main manifestations of human spiritual power. It is believed that that input is the voice of God in the soul. It saves us into difficult sighter minutes of life, prompts solutions in difficult situations, allows you to make the right choice.

Some people people are that their intuition is silent and does not tell you anything. Onjoint: "I do not hear the voice of my intuition!" Why is this happening? Because some people drown out her thin, hard voice. When the intuition of something tells them, they tell her: "Socket!" And they begin to list the arguments of reason, they say, they will follow. Over time, intuition is completely silent. It simply cannot break through hard obstacles erected.

If you want to havewicked intuition, you need to listen to it, catch its very first imaging. In order to hear intuition, it is necessary to configure how we are wearing the radio receiver on the desired wave.

My intuition comes me.

She protects and carries me.

I always enlist my intuition.

I always follow Ir..

Thanks intuition that she tells me the right solutions.

Thank you to atowting me in life.

May it be so!

3. Fiction to get rid of useless

Life - Long-Totor. There are plots on this road, smooth, when the shocks, birds sing, fragrant flowers. And there are plots difficult, stony, when with difficulty looking for a path in the dark.

It is necessary to treat a difficult progressive path, respectively: trying to go to the wide, safe road and leave behind, to forget about them.

But some people are in memories, for a long time they carry them into themselves. What for? It is still life. It's time to stop looping on bad experiences to forget about them. It's time to lay a new program - it's getting rid of the negative.

I am a minimal difficulty path and shakes the memories of him.

I run out the comprehension and move forward.

I absorb the values-pepper and forget about the problem.

Unnecessary experiences with me, as with a goose water.

I easily get rid of negative experiences.

My life is wonderful.

May it be so!

4. Candidage to get rid of refrainability

Irritability - This is an excessive sensitivity to trifles of life. MowTamets of power and energy, distract from affairs, spoils health. Alternatively get rid of it.

I calm the little things in life.

I know that on appearance without a trace.

I leave fiddling attention.

My life is fleshy events.

Empties pass me.

I see how they are.

May it be so!


Anger and anger - Developed emotions, speaking that you do not take the world, reject it. It's pointless. If the world sends you a negative situation, then only so that you have gained experience and learned a lesson. There is an exemption situation - our teachers, so we must be importance for those lessons that they are presented to us. It is meaningless to be angry with them meaningless, for in this case we are angry with ourselves.

I get rid of dismisses.

Instead of me, I ask myself a question: what should I learn from this?

I am answering this vehicle and freed from anger and anger.

In my peace and peace are staring.

Bad situations are my teachers.

They help me to make aware of what is happening and climb to a new step.

Thanks to them, it is more interesting and wiser.

I am calm, everything is fine in mymemir

May it be so!

6. Cold for self-confidence

We come to the world to get confidence in yourself. We believe that we are good, favorite worthy of all the best. Let us remember young children, because they are ones, they believe that the world is spinning around.

Where is this faithful over time? As soon as we start walking and talking, Namsraza begin to give marks: you are good, you are bad, you are smart, stupid, beautiful, ugly, right, guilty, etc.

But we have long grown. Why do we take other people's assessments? Of course, it is possible to live to them, because we live among people, so we strive to understand what they want to see us.

But what does the relationship take to our self-confidence? She should not leave us.

I am good, I dlyopy the life of all the best.

I love life, but onalhibits me.

I am confident to myself so that it happens.

Life itself knows what I need.

She stores and inhabited.

I am committing avoing actions.

If I am mistaken, letting my mistakes.

I believe in myself, that everything will be fine.

May it be so!

7. Candidage on confident estimation of vision

In life, sometimes to defend your opinion. It happens that at the same time we experienced feelings: we are afraid that we will deliver the trouble to someone, to spoil relations with people.

Of course, it is better to fully find a compromise. But sometimes it is impossible and the choice is required, at this moment it is necessary to insist on its point of view. It does not have to be afraid of this.

If they have noticed themselves, they will still end. And if they are durable, it does not hurt in views.

I defend my own view to move forward.

I try to findcompromis, who suits everyone.

If you need to be awesome.

If necessary, I am made a choice.

I boldly choose sick and go ahead.

My life is going on.

May it be so!

8. Cold for the ability to say "no"

This is a continuation of award theme. But now it is about the ability to refuse. I will repeat: you should always try to find a compromise that arresses both sides. Help to help people, to fulfill their requests, etc. But when this is it, you have to say solid "no". Learn how to do. It is necessary to be able to stand up for their interests, especially if they protect their loved ones, their well-being.

I try to help.

I try to avail.

But sometimes you have to consider.

If this is impossible, I still wish you a man of good.

Refusal - Etogenivity to choose your way.

I have to choose the way. My life goes correctly.

May it be so!

The subconscious strength is difficult to overestimate. This is unanimous and scientists, and mystics. Subconscious is a magic wand that has each of us.

Each of us has certain problems with which it is very difficult to cope. It lacks time, then there is no sufficient knowledge. In such a situation, the best is to turn to the subconscious, because there are keys from all secrets and dormant inexhaustible energy reserves.

So, to practice! How to program yourself for happiness?

When you have already finished your day, they gave civil, marital and parental debt, but they have not yet fallen asleep, you have a chance to give a few minutes and yourself. Forgive me my irony, but most people really live just like this.

Warn loved ones so that you are not disturbed. Lie into bed, the bed must be comfortable, the blanket is not too hot, the pillow is not high.

Go on your back. Close your eyes. Your task completely relax your body. We start with eyes. You say yourself: "My eyes are closed. Eyelids hard. Eye apples are relaxed. All eye muscles are completely relaxed. "
Now go to the fingers of the legs. Also in detail and slowly relax your fingers, all the muscles and the joints of the feet. Next, we turn to the muscles of the shin, knee joint, the muscles of the thigh, etc.

From time to time we return to the eyes and add them a portion of relaxation. You can use the phrase to enhance the effect: "I relax all the strongest with each exhalation."

Mentally moving from the bottom up, relax the whole body. Especially it is worth linger in the muscles of the face and relaxation of the entire spine.

When you finish with the relaxation of the body, the time of deeper immersion in silence comes, for this purpose you mentally begin to conduct a countdown from 100 to 1.

Having reached the unit, you will feel that I have no opportunity to move the body. Do not be scared, it means that you have everything turned out. What you are experiencing, indian yogis is called the "corpse's posture". Full relaxation, you actually have no sleep consciousness inside the sleeping body.

Now you are the master of the situation. Time to give orders and instructions to your body and see all these orders will be fulfilled accurately and on time.

For example, you suffered a hair loss. In this case, you say yourself: "My hair becomes strong, healthy and grow rapidly. I feel like the roots of my hair becoming strong. Now they will become healthy every day. "

Work in this topic until you feel some movement in the scalp. This means that the recovery process is turned on.

You can also get rid of wrinkles on your face, excess weight, nervousness.

Whatever your order, the body will perform it. It will look for all the ways for this. Perhaps you will have new habits or addictions in food and communication. But if your hair is needed olive oil, your subconscious will find a way to push you to this.

At the end, do not forget to say to yourself: "In the morning I wake up cheerful, full strength! And now I will dream of an amazing sweet dream! " Now occupy a convenient position and fall asleep.

I assure you, surviving it once, you will want to repeat it every night. And the effect will not wait long for a long time. Good luck!

It is unlikely that any of those present will be doubtful in the power of self-sufficiency, another Buddha said - "You are what you believe."

Unfortunately, most often we inspire anything unconstructive, we say to ourselves again and again the derogatory monologues, scolding themselves for mistakes or let them go to the microphone of our inner skeptics, which fades the most beautiful gusts on the root.

Why not stop this sad practice and not start to inspire something useful and inspiring? It is this principle that followers of the School of Affirmation - Directions in psychology, whose representatives use self-imposition as a tool for achieving goals.

"I am the most charming and attractive"

The idea is simple: the subconscious is a powerful driving force in our lives, we often make decisions based on feelings, fears and depressed emotions, whose roots are located there.

Affirmations - Repetition of energetic inspirational phrases - in theory help to establish direct relationship with their own subconscious and program themselves.

So it is or not so - you do not take judge, you can try and decide yourself, it works this method specifically for you or not. But the number of fans of the method of affirmations proves that the rational grain in it, after all, is available.

Affirmations: how it works

If you have never tried to use affirmations before, start from the simplest way - select Several phrases from the list below, and simply say them in the morning in front of the mirror. Confidently calmly, looking into my eyes. Repeat one more time. And go to do your own business, pronouncing them to yourself again and again until you get away to the routine of the day.

This method helps to set the mood, drown out non-constructive voices that take strength from you. You can or use other people's affirmations, or write your list - find the words that you want to tell yourself and which will inspire you every morning.

Rachel Cadiel, a psychologist and an affirmation specialist, advises to write its lists of short energetic phrases for a variety of situations. You can use some phrases in the days when you lack confidence in yourself, others - when you need to tune in to an important thing, etc. The main rule, writes Rachel - the proposal must be extremely clear, without denying (without the use of a particle " ") And finished first person. That is, from you.

Affirmations from Rachel, helping to focus on the achievement of the goal

  • I know what I want
  • I know I can change my life for the better at any time.
  • I will not allow anyone to kill my dreams
  • I know that today I can bring the achievement of your dream
  • I am worthy of success
  • I attract luck
  • I have everything you need to overcome any difficulties that I encounter today
  • I'm open to new acquaintances
  • Around me many opportunities, and today I use one of them
  • I focused on what is important to me
  • I love myself

Self-confidence - affirmation for the morning of an important day

  • I have everything you need for success
  • I easily transfer criticism, I take a useful and discarding too much
  • I calmly accept what you can not change
  • I accept any challenges with interest
  • I'm always calm, because in me a lot of love for yourself and to the world
  • I easily cope with those tasks that are assigned to me
  • I am a professional in what I do
  • I am ready to get a new experience, rely on it and go on
  • I listen only to constructive criticism
  • I am worthy of success
  • I love myself

overcome the fear of new - affirmations on the eve of important changes in life

  • I am brave and strong
  • I love change
  • I have enough strength to cope with any challenges
  • I feel my dreams inspire me
  • I know that today I get a new experience and this fills me with energy
  • I feel how the energy of changes fills me
  • I know that today my life will change for the better
  • I attract luck
  • I am worthy of success
  • I love myself

For the correct mood, it is enough to choose (or write yourself) 3-4 phrases, it is important that you can easily remember them and pronounce about yourself while going in the morning, Rachel writes. Try for a variety to defeat yourself in something useful, and look at the result.

Who knows, suddenly you can tell yourself those words that all change? ..

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