The attitude of the washi from the story in a bad society. The image and characteristics of the father of Vasya the judge in a bad society korolenko composition

Vasya - little boy who lives with a wealthy family in a small town. His mother died, his father closed in on himself, and does not take part in the upbringing of his son. Vasya's father, a well-known judge in the city, is considered the fairest judge. However, he dislikes Vasya, considers him a trashy boy. Vasya tried to get closer to his father, but he did not go to rapprochement.

Vasya has to hang out through the streets. Once, with the help of local boys, he climbs into the old chapel, where he discovers two children - Valek and Marusya. His fellow travelers scatter in fear, but Vasya remains and makes friends with them.

It turns out that these are the children of Tyburtsia, and they are in the so-called "Bad Society", which was expelled from the castle by the evil Janush. He begins to go to them, as well as take care of Marus, who turns out to be a seriously ill girl. One day, he begs his sister for a doll, mother's gift, for Marusya. This doll makes her very happy, she even starts talking and walking.

Vasya's father learns about the loss of the memorable doll and forbids him to leave the house. After several agonizing days, his father summons him to his office, accuses him of stealing the doll and demands an explanation - to whom he gave it. Vasya did not betray his friends, and his father began to behave more and more rudely with him, but then, luckily for the boy, Tyburtiy came.

He told his father that his son did not want to do anything bad, that he gave a doll for a while to a dying girl who had just died. Returning the doll, he left, and the father for the first time since the death of his wife began to look at his son with different eyes. He realized that his son kind heart, and that he is no trashy boy there, but on the contrary, a noble son.


A word about the writer.


Purpose: to acquaint with the life and work of the writer, a person of extraordinary spiritual beauty, the main characters of the work; arouse interest in the topic of the story and evoke a deep emotional response from students to the work; consider the role of portraits, landscapes, comparisons, the environment in which the heroes of the story are, the relationship between Vasya and his father after the death of his mother; to uncover characteristics Images the spiritual world heroes, ideas about life as a struggle between good and evil, suffering and happiness; encourage an optimistic perception of the world around.

During the classes

I. Introductory word about the life and work of V. G. Korolenko (textbook, p. 12).

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko was born on July 15, 1853. His father was a district judge, a conscientious, honest man who did not know how to bend his soul. Father left life early. His family and a whole crowd of poor people saw him off on his last journey. The children of Galaktion Korolenko were left without a livelihood.

V.G. Korolenko graduated from the Rivne gymnasium, entered the Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forestry Academy in Moscow, but was expelled for protesting against the actions of his superiors.

Prisons, stages, exiles become its "universities of life" - these are awards for outlook on life. All this does not interfere with writing, except that he manages to learn how to shoemaker, works on the railway.

In 1885, in the Yakut settlement of Amga, the story “In bad society". It was to Yakutsk that the thirty-three-year-old master of the pen was exiled for refusing to swear allegiance to Tsar Alexander III.

Summing up his life, V. G. Korolenko wrote: “Looking back at this episode of my past, I must say that then I acted exactly as my conscience demanded, that is, my nature, and the calmness that came for me immediately after of the decision taken, proved clearly that in this respect I was right. "

Answers to questions 1, 2 "Check yourself", p. 12-13.

II. A word about the work.

Korolenko's story is one of best works in the literature of the nineteenth century. about friendship between children. Reading the work, you discover the world of heroes' relationships, you understand the importance of mutual understanding in friendship, the value of help, care and support of friends in a difficult moment, you realize the severity of loneliness.

III... Reading chaptersIand II- "Ruins", "Me and my father" (textbook, from 13-19).

IV... Analysis of the read.


1. Did you like the work? What episodes particularly excited you? Why?

2. Who is leading the story? In what works you read the story is told on behalf of a participant in the events?

3. How does the narrator himself feel about disadvantaged people?

4. Can it be argued that the author gives a description of the city at the beginning of the story to create a certain mood in the reader? Which one? (Reread descriptions.)

5. Was the old Yakut right when he dispersed the poor, destitute people from the castle?

6. When reading the text, one gets the impression that Vasya sympathizes with the misfortune of humiliated people. What was the reason that the castle became disgusting to the hero?

8. How can we explain the fact that the author in the first chapter introduces us to Tyburtsiy and his family? (Reread the portrait descriptions of the heroes.)

9. What did the judge and his son think of each other? What were they really like? How do you feel about these heroes? Why is there no trust between relatives? Can you say that Vasya is alone in his family? Is the father lonely? What leads Vasya to vagrancy?

The hard feelings of his father, his isolation repel Vasya, the boy withdraws into himself. But from the text it is clear that behind the gloom, severity, severity is a crystal clear, honest, unhappy person, depressed by the death of his beloved wife. Vasya's laughter and gaiety cause irritation and dislike for his son in his father, he is unaware of the boy's difficult experiences.

Homework: readIII, IVchapters; prepare a third-person retelling of the episodes "In the Chapel" and "Valek and Marusya - Children of the Underground", including a description of nature, as well as portrait descriptions of the heroes.

The role of "bad society" in the life of Vasya - the hero of the story "Children of the Underground" by V. G. Korolenko

Vasya - the main character the story of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko "Children of the Underground". We see the events taking place in the work through the eyes of this boy. He says about his life: "I grew up like a wild tree in a field - no one surrounded me with special care, but no one hindered my freedom." Already from these lines it is clear that the hero was alone. Vasya's mother died, and he is survived by his father and younger sister. The boy had a tender, warm relationship with his sister, but there was an "irresistible wall" between him and his father. With special tragedy, Korolenko describes how Vasya suffers from this. To avoid the "horror of loneliness", the hero is almost never at home, and hopes to find "something" that will change his life.

After the death of his mother, Vasya wanted to find the love that she did not have time to give him in his father's heart. However, his father seemed to him a "gloomy man" who does not love his son and considers him a "spoiled boy." But in his story, Korolenko shows us how Vasya learns to understand other people, how he learns the bitter truth of life, and how, finally, this "insurmountable wall" between him and his father collapses.

Korolenko built the story on contrasts. Vasya was "the son of respectable parents", but his friends became children from the "bad society" - Valek and Marusya. This acquaintance changed both the hero and his life. Vasya learned that there are children who do not have a home and who have to steal in order not to die of hunger. Describing the inner experiences of the hero, the author shows how at first Vasya was surprised by what he saw in a “bad society”, and then he was tormented by pity and compassion for the poor: “I didn’t yet know what hunger is, but with the girl’s last words something turned in the chest ... ".

Vasya became very attached to Valek and Marusa. They are still quite children, and they really wanted to have fun and play with all their hearts. Comparing Marusya with his sister Sonya, Vasya sadly noted that Sonya "... ran so briskly ... laughed so loudly", and Marusya "... almost never ran and laughed very rarely ...".

Acquaintance with Valek, Marusya and their father Tyburtsiy helped Vasya to look at life from a different angle. He learned that there are people who have nothing to eat and nowhere to sleep, and he was especially struck by a gray stone that takes away the strength of a little girl.

Vasya's father is a judge, and we see that the boy himself, in his thoughts, is trying to judge the actions of people from a “bad society”. But this "contempt" was drowned out by compassion and pity, the desire to help. This is evidenced by the chapter "Doll", which can be called the culmination.

People from the "bad society" helped Vasya to recognize and understand his father, to find "something dear" in him. Reading the story, we see that Vasya and his father have always loved each other, but Tyburtsiy and his children helped them express this love. The hero acquired such qualities as compassion, the desire to help people, kindness, courage, honesty. But the “bad society” helped not only Vasya, but also his father: he also looked at his son in a new way.

At the end of the story, Korolenko describes how Vasya and Sonya, together with their father, pronounced vows at the grave of Marusya. I think the main one is the vow to help people and forgive them. Together with the guys, I went through all the events that are told in the story. I really like this book.

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  • writing in bad society
  • what do we learn about Vasya at the beginning of the story? Vasya and his friends their role in Vasya's life? What actions does Vasya do?
  • composition by korolenko in bad society

"In a bad society" - the story of Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko, written by him during his years in exile in Yakut. The work, as the author himself noted, was almost completely recreated from nature. In the city of Knyazhye Veno displays the city of Rivne, where Korolenko studied until the third year of the gymnasium. In the image and character of the judge, the writer put the features of his father.

Vasya's father is a city judge, an honest and fair man. After the death of his wife, he completely surrendered to his grief. Sometimes it seemed to the boy that his father had forgotten about his existence. In his own way, Vasya's father took care of Sonya, the boy's younger sister, in her he found the features of his deceased mother.

Everyone considered Vasya a tramp, a "worthless boy." Father hardly believed in this, at times he took up his upbringing, but each such attempt ended in failure. The judge did not find in himself either the strength or the desire to communicate with his son. Having gone into his grief, he did not want to understand that Vasya was as hard as it was for him.

Once, having learned that his son communicates with "dark people", the pan-judge decides to punish the boy. But at this time, Tyburtiy, the head of the "bad society", comes to the house of Vasya's father and talks about the really big heart of a six-year-old child who tried in every possible way to brighten up the last days dying girl. After Tyburtsiy's story, the judge became very ashamed of his attitude towards his son. For the first time after the death of his wife, he saw in Vasya a child who needed kindness, care and understanding, and at the same time already an adult, able to distinguish good from evil, able to come to the rescue and provide support to those who need her. The wall of misunderstanding between Vasya and his father collapsed, and the judge realized how much bad he brought to his son, pushing him away. The boy was experiencing the bitterness of loss, and all this time he was looking for understanding in the person of a loved one.

The image of Vasya's father reflects the features of a decent and restrained person. The judge has a kind heart, but grief made him move away from really close people who, like him, were hurt and lonely. After the events presented in the story, I want to believe that his relationship with his son, which has changed for the better, will remain so forever.

Option 2

Vasya's father is a local judge, it was in this hero that the author of the work introduced all the character traits and habits of his own father. All this work and its characters are taken from real life the author. The main qualities of a judge are fair treatment of all residents of the city.

The judge is also very honest and hardworking, he loves his children, treated his wife well, but she recently passed away from a serious illness. He has two children, Vasya and Sonya, but the loss of his wife shook this steadfast and courageous man. Because of this loss, he devotes little time to children, so Sonya and Vasya are left to their own devices.

Vasya is very worried about this attitude of his father, Sonya is still young, so she does not understand the reasons for the changed attitude of her father towards her and her brother. Vasya spent most of his time walking around the city, he talked with the children of beggars and vagrants. There he found those who are ready to talk to him, to devote a minute of their time.

After all, the father, even seeing that his son ceases to behave like a boy of his age, did not find the time or energy to simply talk to him and devote more time to him. After the judge finds out that his son maintains relations with poor people, he wanted to come up with a punishment for him, but then one homeless man came and thanked him for raising such a good son who helps disadvantaged people as best he can.

And that he spent a lot of time and energy communicating with the sick girl, helping her as best he could, but she still died. Then the judge realizes that his son is only a child. And it becomes clear to him that he was not the only one who lost his wife, but his son lost his mother forever. He becomes ashamed of his behavior, and he tries to establish contact with his son and daughter.

The judge is a decent, honest and fair person, but at the same time secretive and restrained, so he could not express all the heartache and pain that the loss of his wife brought him, and at the same time come to the aid of his children.

The author very vividly expresses such a steadfast character of a judge who never listened to the instructions of people with a position higher than his. He judged all people according to the law, did not use indulgences for the rich and did not bring acquittals to those who did not deserve it.

Therefore, after he finds out that his son Vasya stole the doll from his sister, and took it away in an incomprehensible direction. This becomes an incomprehensible act for the judge, it requires an explanation, but then a beggar comes to the rescue, where a sick girl with whom Vasya was friends lived. This girl died, and the doll was a gift to her, in order to bring at least some joy on her deathbed.

This is where the judge realizes that his son is growing a good man, but communicates with beggars due to the fact that he does not find understanding in communication with his own father. Using these relationships as an example, the author shows how important trusting relationships in the family are for every person, because if they do not exist, the person becomes lonely, and looks for friends in different strata of society. In order to find support, love and understanding.

Essay on the theme Judge - Vasya's father

The story of Vladimir Korolenko In a bad society was written while in Yakut exile and tells about the personal transformations and changes of the little nine-year-old boy Vasya, who at an early age is left without a mother in the care of his father.

With special interest the author tells the judge about Vasya's father. He is always honest and fair. He never sags under high-ranking people and judges only by the law, and for this he is respected in the city. We see him in a difficult psychological state and in despair, into which he falls after the death of his beloved wife. He has a son and daughter Sonya, whom he loves, as it seems at first glance, stronger. He considers his son a mischievous and a hooligan and without a sense of life, as well as that he is not good for anything. It may seem that after the death of his beloved wife, the father grows cold towards his son.

The story reflects one plot from the life of this family, when Vasya, feeling alienated in his native walls, begins to wander and finds new friends. Thanks to them, he feels needed and happy for someone. He is brave and responsive. All these qualities are felt by his friends and, apparently, therefore, they accept him as their own. And then one day Vasya steals the doll and his sister and carries it to the church. The father is very upset and punishes his son, but it does not occur to him that the boy gave the doll to the terminally ill girl Marusa. She was very sick and this doll brings the girl great joy and happiness, but soon dies. The father forbids him to leave the house for an indefinite period, and because of this, the boy grieves and worries about separation from his friends.

The moment when the father calls his son and begins the interrogation, where he is doing the doll makes us penetrate into the main character. This situation is saved by the mysterious hero Tyburtsy, who brings a doll to the judge's house and tells the whole truth, and we understand that the father is imbued with respect for his son and begins to treat him with respect. It can be noted that the noble behavior of the judge was reflected in the correct upbringing of the boy. All the pampering and disobedience of the boy in the eyes of his father fades into the background.

All this makes us understand that now and throughout life, father and son will be best friends. After all, no better friend than a native person. Vladimir Korolenko in this story shows us a sensitive boy who, under the influence of society and the people around him, changes for the better. So he independently forms his personality and his changes allow him to return again the strong family relations of him, his father and his beloved sister.

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