Turgenev singers images of heroes. Characteristics of the main characters of the works of the singers, Turgenev

Yashka-Turk - the hero of the work "Singers" I.S. Romegenev. "Singers" are included in the cycle of the stories "Notes of the Hunter". In Yashka, an unmatched voice, surprising the listeners with its excellent timbre. The story of the story tells about the talent of the hero, who wins in the contest of his rival.

The mother of the hero is Nationality of Turkhanka: her captive brought from Turkey. For this reason, the character received his nickname. Golter walks about the yashka, as about one of the best singers in the village of Kotlovka. The hero of about twenty-three years old, he is a thin, slender body, serunose, and his hair is curly light blonde. The face of Yashka seems to be an impressionable and passionate author. He is working as a harom in a paper factory, which owns one notable merchant. In the soul, Yashka feels like an artist and a creative man.

The author shares his impressions from meeting with a yashka. The storytellor happened in one July day to visit the "Pitted" restaurant, where everything was gathered to listen to the wonderful voices of a row and yashkashki. A row sang a dance song: He managed to light the audience and raise her mood. Most viewers were confident that the victory in the competition would be behind a rill from Syno.

Then I dug Yashka-Turk, which looked like a factory small, showing before the listeners in the blue caftan. The hero was very worried. At first, from excitement, he closed his face with his hand, then gathered, took a deep breath and sabotage. His singing was fascinating. The author celebrates a deep passion, youth and strength in the voice of Yashka. Particularly liked the listeners of exciting careless, sad notes in his performance. In the singing of the bash, people caught touching notes of the Russian soul, such an extraordinary, mysterious and sad. The people, confined to Yashkin's voice, froze, and some peers were made on the face. She was touched by even a miser on emotions. Wild barin.

Yashka-Turk did not want to like the public, unlike a row. He just sang for people from all soul. A row surprised by the opponent's talent realized that he lost to the competition. In the evening, the village celebrated the victory of the Yashki Turk.

With his skill of performance, the hero conquered the heart of the storyteller and delivered great pleasure to the residents of Kotlovka. By performing a sad song, in which Russian longing felt, the yashka touched the deepest strings of the author's soul.

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Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is an outstanding classic who made a huge contribution to Russian and world literature. So far, many of his works are included in school ProgramAnd the children are studying them in schools.

A special place in his work occupies a cycle of stories called "Hunter's record". These stories are devoted to mainly peasants, or rather, the description of their life, embezzlement, problems. The basis of works lay down genuine stories and cases.

One of these works from this cycle is the story "Singers", the action of which passes in a small village of Kolotovka, which lies on the skate of the mountain hill, which is crossed by several hills and ravines. In this village, in a small four-trigger hut and all events occur.

Short description

The hut itself is a Kabach "Pitted", the place is popular and in demand. His Nikolai Ivanovich holds him, respects in the district. Despite the fact that the owner is not distinguished by special courtesy or his institution is chosen more often than others. The thing is that Nikolai Ivanovich knows the needs of the Russian man and offers the requested. In addition, the owner of the institution does not have the habit of talking about other people's secrets, although he knows everything that happens in the district.

Visitors to Kabaka

In this afternoon, an unexpected event occurs in this zucchka, which came to lay stagnant this institution. This was the best local singer under the name of the Turk-Yashka and, together with the rill from the life, they decided to start the competition who she sings better. Guests of the Kabaka gathered around and expect a spectacle, they need to somehow brighten up these sullen days. Evgorief Ivanov also came here, he was still nicking, because without this copy, not a single battlefield. There is also a broadcaster Tatar, his name is the wild barin, in appearance it is very terrible.

How many times he came here and he always had money. True, no one did not know exactly what he was industrial, but everyone was afraid to ask. However, he was respected everywhere, even though he was evil, but he was fond of singing, which made him a bit kinder. Also, Morgach came to this eatery, it was a small, fat man who had cunning eyes. Of course, there were still many people in this institution, but they were less involved in these battles. Everyone was absolutely different, but united their one, namely, the love for singing and music, it is this writer who wanted to emphasize in this story.


And the contest began.

The first to show your skill took a row. It was a small man, about thirty years old from the family with a small beard, a dense physique. The voice gave him a little hoarse, but it did not spoil the pronunciation at all and liked the listeners. During the speech, he performed a cheerful live song, where there was a lot of overflows and transitions, the audience liked it all, and they were caught. After the execution, looking at the audience's reaction, the row was already confident in his victory.

But Yashka-Turk was also made. Yashka was a young guy, he was 23 years old, he was well and stored, his eyes are big gray, and the brown hair, in general, he was a pretty cute junc. He worked near the local factory. This speech was so strong that even the opponent admitted his defeat. Everyone who heard the performer was amazed by the power of the singer's voice, everyone was "sweet" and "terribly" at the same time. Yakov himself forgot that he competes, completely given to his own emotions.

In the work, everything is described quite and brightly, all the experiences of performers and listeners are very well transmitted, so the reader immediately arises a sense of personal presence.


Before the performance, Yashka was angry slightly. He tried to cover the audience with his hand. And when someone removed his hand, he seemed completely pale. Such strong excitement was tested by a young man.

But love for the song did his job! With each note, the voice of the yashki was fixed. The sound at first seemed weak, gained strength with every note, became a call every second. The performer has invested the whole soul in his song. Yashka was able to express everything in the soul of a Russian man. It was both pain, sorrow, youth, passion, strength. The song was so fulfilled that the author himself forgot that the audience was located here.

When the song was finished, he saw that many viewers made tears. Someone even sobbed, turning away from all. Victory was unconditional!

Analysis of the story

As you know, the story "Singers" is included in the whole cycle of "Hunter's notes", which was created for four years, but in ten years the author decided to add three works there. The whole collection began with the story about the peasants "Horing and Kalinich", which Turgenev wrote under the impression of a walk around the surroundings of the Oryol province. Perhaps the collection is so called, because the writer himself was fond of hunting.

In 1850, the story "Singers" was written, which, like the other works, described the life of a simple people, and the plot itself was dictated by seen and heard. The story "Singers", like the other texts, was published in the magazine "Contemporary" and had a great success. Readers have already been familiar with the work of Turgenev and waited for its new publications. The reader liked that every Turgenev character was described in detail, all his manners, habits, preferences are shown.

At the same time, the author told about the serious fate and difficult conditions of the existence of his heroes, he tried to convey the poetry and talentedness of the people. For him, the main thing is that it arose from nowhere and without extra sublimation. Although many characters are shown with a share of humor or irony, however, everyone was something individual.

In this work, you can consider images of a whole village of Kolotovka. At the beginning of the story, the company's soul stands out, the owner of the local peteer. It is also noted a person on nicknamed Oballa, based on the nickname that it can be understood that it represents, balabol and stretchable. An interesting character Wild Barin, it seems so terrible and terrible, everyone is afraid of him, however, at the same time, he causes respect for society. Individuality and row itself with good voice and cheerful songs, and of course the winner named Yashka.

The story comes on behalf of the Barin, which as it were, from the side of what is happening. It is not difficult to find out the author himself - Turgenev. This plot unfolds in the proportionate, local peteed shop. In the work, most of the description of people present in this eatery is paid to the work. In this place are walking and as a result, comes here a large number of People for the pastime, the participants for singing competition arrive here, in this case it is an derbashka and a row from Slitra. To begin with, the participants throw lots, which falls on an anniversary.

All competition is described by the author with special love and respect for all heroes. The first artist deserves the highest praise, not only because he has a song talent, but also because it is able to honestly recognize the defeat and express their delight competitors.

The speech of the Yashka is disarmed at all. It did not leave a single person indifferent. Speech touched all to the depths of the soul. Even the wild barin, which no one saw during emotions, never cried and did not laugh, then he was letting a tear. Yashka his song turned every soul, hurt for living, showed by their sullen and difficult life from their side.

The final of the work deserves special attention. The author transferred the feelings that experienced, becoming a witness to this amazing phenomenon In the depths of Russia. He described in detail what effect was. But not in the rules of Turgenev was aware of reality. After the described song Triumf, the narrator left the Pitery establishment, and looked there very soon, I saw how again the whole people were drunk and stupid.

The end of the work remained open. Some kind of boy was looking for an anthropku, who had to walked for the provinity, and the reader remains only to guess about further events in this village.


In his story, Turgenev showed that against the background of the wretchedness of the life of a simple people, despondency and despair, a miracle of creativity and beauty traced.

The writer pleases the fact that people who are accustomed to persecution and poverty are able to see the talent in man, to penetrate him and make even gloomy men cry.

I can not be better expressed Ivan Sergeevich about art, which has repeatedly confirmed by his wonderful works.

\u003e Characteristics of heroes

Characteristics of the main characters

One of the main characters of the story, a city traders from Slitra, Opponent of Yashka. In appearance he is thirty years old. It is low growth with "alive" brown eyes and a liquid beard. His face is rumbling, curly hair. In Kabaska Nikolai Ivanich, he was not accidental. A row competed in singing with a yashkoy-Turk, the best singer in the district.

One of the main characters of the story. Yakova's mother was a captive Turkish, why he got his nickname. Everyone in the district knew that he was the best singer in the folot. In appearance he was 23 years old, slender, thin, with big with gray eyes and light rusia curls. He had an impressionable and passionate.

Nikolai Ivanovich

The owner of the Kabaka is a barbed, where the contest of singers took place. He is a pretty fat and gray man, married, there are children. It has a huge influence in the district, knows all secrets and news. I can arrange a visitor to myself, so it's more often than to others.

Nikolai Ivanovich's wife

Family and brisk woman, respected by her husband. Does not like noisy, loves quiet people. Stores family money under the key.


Low and fat man, chrome. When it was fastened, but then got freedom and even rich. One of the spectators of the fight between singers, whose conversation with Wallad was overhearding the author before entering the Kabak.

Oballau (Evgraph Ivanov)

One of the spectators of the fight between singers, whose conversation with Morgache was overhearding the author. Local drunkard, from yard. At all, without having his own money, he, however, managed to drink every day for someone else's account.

Wild Barin (PVES)

A man of about forty years, strong physique and with a ferocious look. One of the spectators of the fight between singers. He almost did not drink wine, did not drive with women and loved singing very much. He had a huge influence in the district.


Yashka-Turk (Jacob) is one of the heroes of the story I. S. Turgenev "Singers" from the "Notes of the Hunter" cycle. Yakova's mother was a captive Turkish, why he got his nickname. Everyone in the district knew that he was the best singer in the folot. In appearance, he was 23 years old, slim, thin, with big gray eyes and light rusia curls. He had an impressionable and passionate. The artist in the soul, in fact, he worked as a bias on a paper factory at the merchant. In one July day, in the Kabachka "Podtnaya" in the village of Kotlovka, he competed in singing with a rustician and life. Yashka put on his blue caftan and looked in it a remote factory small. He was very worried.

The first sang a row. His song was dancer with endless decorations and transitions. His voice was sweet and pleasant. He tried his best to like the audience to the audience. When he finished singing, everyone was confident that the victory for a dodgy rill. It is the turn of Yakov. He closed at first with his hand, then deeply sighed and sang. All around frozen. The narrator was amazed by his voice, such a ringing, obscure and complete sad grief. His voice grabbed every soul. Many of the eyes rolled tears. Even the wild barin did not resist and let a stupid tear. Unlike a row, Yakov did not try everyone to please. He just sang all the soul, giving up full of his happiness. When he finished singing, a row and he himself understood that he lost. And in the evening in the kabaska, all celebrated Yashkina victory.

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In the story "Singers", the author talks about what impression is producing singing on a Russian person, and at the same time gives the image of a talented singer from the folk medium. In Korchm, there is a contest in singing between the rill from the life and a yashkoy Turk.

The first delays the sleeper song, abundant by all sorts of curls and risks; Common delight serves him award. Performs on the scene of the second; He begins the guy song "Not alone in the field of the Road ran." At first he sings timidly, but gradually inspired, he masters himself and the sad Russian song sounds wide, "blows something relatives and is uninstalled, as if the familiar steppe spreads to the listeners, leaving the endless distance ..."

This song acts the most stunning way on the listeners: Some stand, as numb, others are sobbing; They affected them, then the deep feeling that the song of Talented Yakov was penetrated. In the kabaska, a kind of tournament is arranged between singers. Here is a row to die a cheerful, dance song.

He begins to finish such curls, so snagged and banned the tongue, so furiously played the throat, that when he let the last, dying voice, the overall fusion cry of the listeners responded to him by a frantic explosion. But Jacob appears on the scene. He leaned against the wall; His eyes barely flicker through the lowered eyelashes.

He took a deep breath and sighed ... We grabbed and expanding it, he faded his guy song: "Not one thing in the field rang ..." "He sang, and it became sweet to everyone," says Turgenev, - and sweetly ... His song Grew, poured. Yakov, apparently, the exhaustion took possession ... He gave all his happiness. Breaking blood on the heart and climbed towards tears. The deaf, restrained sobs, "Turgenev continues," I struck me ... I looked around - the wife of the Coroller cried, turning his breasts to the window ... "Jacob cumshot. The listeners stood all as discovered. The row rose quietly and went to Yakov. "You ... Your ... You won," he said with difficulty and rushed out of the room. Yes. Not delete and not a fun song touches the Russian man, although it has a lot of space in it. Russian man needs impaired. "

In the "singers", Turgenev depicts a stunning action of music, songs on the most heterogeneous in the characters of their Russian people. In the unsightly atmosphere of the Kabak, there is a contest of two singers, and the pure art of art cleans and enlightens around. A row from the Slady and Yashka of the Turks compete, and listeners with fading heart participation follow the outcome of the noble struggle. The winner is Yakov.

Here's how to draw Turgenev his singing: "We gradually get angry and expanding, it was hammered by a guy song. The listeners with all my heart responded to inspired singing: the author felt that he was "boiled on his heart and climbed towards tears"; He saw that "the wife of the crowded crying, having fallen into the window"; Nikolai Ivanovch kisnabol attended; The frivolous and irrepresentation, an extraneous and random witness witness, and the harsh "Wild Barin" himself was a raster.

Opponent Yakova, a row, first recognized himself defeated. A sensitive and gentle-responsive art is depicted by Turgenev in the "singers" of the Russian soul, and subtly noticed the author of the people's features, folk traits of a wide and free Russian song.

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