The poet, no expensive folk love. The poet you are pleased with a recognition artist

Poet! Not expensive love of folk.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise;
You will hear the court of fool and the crowd of the crowd cold,
But you will remain hard, calm and sullen.

You king: live alone. Expensive free
Go where the free mind entails you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,
Not requiring an award for a feud noble.

They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;
You know how to appreciate all your work.
Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd of his brash
And spits on the altar where your fire burns,
And in the children's suction hesitant your tripod.

Analysis of the poem "Poet" Pushkin

Pushkin has repeatedly appealed in his work to the role of the poet in society. For early poems, it was characteristic of the poet of the leadership role, his civil calling. The poet performed an angry speaker, beating public vices and calling for justice. After the suppression of the uprising of the Decembrists Pushkin experienced a huge disappointment in society. He realized that the majority could not understand the high ideals. The poet acutely feels his loneliness. This feeling intensified after the attacks of the reaction critics that Pushkin rewarded a loud praise. Particularly acute controversy was at the poet with Bulgarine (the editor of the Northern Bee). The Pushkin's response to critical comments was the poem "Poet" (1830).

The author refers to a fellow by Peru. This appeal can be considered a conversation of Pushkin with himself. In it, he expresses his main views on the fate of the poet. From the very beginning, the author declares the impermanence of people's love. Stormy delight and fame can suddenly change the misunderstanding and ridicule. Moreover, the poet himself will not be to blame. "Court of Fools", which is respected in society, can radically influence the changeable human opinion. Calling the crowd "Cold", Pushkin means that it cannot have any solid beliefs. The human mass is not peculiar to an independent judgment, it will obey the call of their leaders who are most often guided by their own interests. The poet from nature is given free character. He must indispensively refer to negative statements and follow only his beliefs ("Stay hard, calm").

Pushkin compares the poet with the king, which is subject to the whole world. All paths and roads are open to him. The poet should not wait for a worthy remuneration for his work. His award is his own creativity, which can only be appreciated by the poet. If he is pleased with his work, then the crowd can react as you like, even "spit on the altar" of the poet.

In the poem "poet" Pushkin, one of the first in Russian literature approves the intrinsicity of creativity. The poet or writer, creating another work, spends a huge amount of forces, invests his own soul. Therefore, the result in any case has a considerable value. Only the Creator himself know about her magnitude, but not the reader. Any opinion will be subjective and far from true meaning.

He's writing:

There is no law in Russia:

In Russia, the pillar is worth

To the post, the law is nailed,

And on the crown post.

(Epigram A.S. Pushkin does not belong. Earlier, A.S. Pushkin was attributed, was included in the collection, ed. R. Vagner, Berlin, 1861, for which M. Gorky quoted - Ed. Ed.)

It should be remembered that for each of these poems at that time you could get a booth, link, prison.

In relation to the Government of Pushkin, he was completely open: when he came to the courtyard to the courtyard, his epigrams on the ministers and the king and when he found out that he had shown the portrait of Luvel, who killed the Duke of Berry, - Count Miloradovich called him And in the apartment ordered to make a search.

"Search is not needed," Pushkin said, "I have already had everything that it was, burned." And immediately wrote all his oppositional poems to the memory. Only thanks to Karamzin and other nobles, it ended for Pushkin by a flight from St. Petersburg, - Alexander first assumed to send a poet to Siberia or Solovki.

Now consider the charge of Pushkin in a contemptuous attitude towards "Cherni", - as you know, on the basis of this relationship, our reactionaries recorded Pushkina in their ranks, and our radicals, like Pisarev, denied the poet all the meaning.

First of all, it is necessary to know that the contemptuous attitude towards "Cherni" was characteristic of all romantics, starting from Bairon, it was one of the slogans of the literary school.

Recognized as you know that the poet is the essence of the highest order, absolutely free, standing outside the laws of human. From this point of view, of course, society, and the state, and the people have drawn sharply as soon as they presented any social requirements for the poet.

Our writers of the allowchant era were also infected with this gaze; For example, Derzhavin said:

Tempery desire and you are a chant,

Znoklovna, square mobile ...

Silent, black is not difficult,

Blind light wise men! ..

Away, Buchene Mobile is unbleached

And despised by me! ..


Be indifferent to condemnation

Crowd of Zoilov and Fools ...


Do not listen to the screaming of mobile wild ...

You can bring another dozen of such cries, but I generally doubt that these shouts belong to the folk crowd, to the people.

The reasons for doubt are as follows: poets to Pushkin did not know the people at all, they were not interested in his fate, rarely wrote about him. These are courtesy people, Velmazby, they spent their entire lives in the capital and even attended their villages very rarely and for a short time. When they portrayed a man in their verses, the village - they painted people of meek, believers, obedient Barina, who loving him, good-naturedly submitted to slavery; Rustic life has been drawn by them as a solid holiday as a peaceful poetry of labor. About Rasin, Pugacheva - did not remember, it did not merge with the established submission of the village, about the man.

Pushkin also began with romanticism. This is how it determines his position of the poet:

[Poet, do not robus lovely folk!

Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise,

You hear the fool's noise and the crowd of a crowd;

But you will stay hard, calm and sullen.

You king: live alone. Expensive free

Go where the free mind goes

Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,

Not requiring an award for a feud noble.

They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;

You know how to appreciate all your work.

Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd of his brash

And spits on the altar where your fire burns,

And in the children's suction hesitant your tripod.

"Poet (Sonnet)".]

[Not expensive I appreciate Loud rights,

From koi, not one spins the head.

I do not pour about the gods refused

I need to challenge taxes

Or interfere with the kings to do with each other;

And little grief me - whether to print free

Ferriching Olukhov, Ile sensitive censorship

In journal plans, Balaguore is constrained.

All this, you see, words, words, words! (Hamlet. -Prim. A.S. Pushkin)

Other, the best way to me right,

Other, the best demand me freedom ...

Depend on the authorities, depend on the people

Is it all equal to us? God with them! .. Nobody

Report not to give; Only yourself

Serve for power, for livery

Do not bend no conscience, nor thoughts, nor neck;

By whim, your wander here and there,

Divine Divine Beauty

And before creating arts and inspiration

Silently drown in the delights of dying

That's happiness! Here are the right! ..

"From Vi Pindmont."]

Finally, he has an even more sharp definition of his attitude towards "Cherni".


Flight away - what business

Poet peace to you?

In debauchery Kamenit boldly;

Lyras will not revive you!

Your soul is disgusting, like coffins;

For your stupidity and malice

Have you had to this time

Beach, dungeons, axes,

Pretty with you, slaves crazy!

In the hails of your noisy streets

Sweese Sor - useful work!

But, forgetting my ministry,

Altar and sacrifice,

Does the priests do you take a broom?

Not for everyday wave

Not for a peel, not for battles,

We are born for inspiration,

For sounds of sweet and prayers.

But - Who is this mobile? Did you mean Pushkin who is the people?

Consider the question.

First of all, Pushkin was the first Russian writer, who drew attention to the folk art and introduced it into literature, not distorting in favor of the state idea of \u200b\u200b"nation" and the hypocritical trends of court poets. He decorated the folk song and a fairy tale with the brilliance of his talent, but left not changed their meaning and strength.

Take a fairy tale "About the Pop and Bald Worker", "About the Golden Cockerel", "About Tsar Saltan" and so on. In all these fairy tales, mocking, the negative attitude of the people to the Popam and the kings of Pushkin did not hide, did not cut down, but, on the contrary, he was even more sharply.

He translated from Serbian several folk legends from the Karadzhich collection; When the Merim "Songs of Western Slavs" faked by the French writer was released - Pushkin immediately translates them into Russian. He recorded the fairy tales and songs during his travels and more than fifty pieces gave Kireevsky for his famous compilation. OM assembled a whole cycle of songs about the walls of Razin, who called "the only poetic person in Russia," notice that the difference in its intentions and in spirit was incomparably democratic than Pugach, with sadness of a raised Pushkin.

Benkendorf told Pushkin: "Songs about the walls of Razin, with all the poetic dignity, it is not decent in content to printed. Moreover, it curses razin, as well as Pugacheva."

Pushkin directly came across the people, asked the men about life and - these records did in his travel notebooks ...

Pushkin knew the life of the peasants: Take from the "Chronicle of the village of Guliukhina" passage "Customer's Board" - this is a typical picture of the village ruin.

But the village picture, written as if Nekrasov:

[My rosy critic, mockery Tolstopus,

Ready-made century work over our languid muse

Come here, sit down with me,

Try, we are allemen with Curse Clay.

What did you frowned? Is it possible to leave

And the song is cheerful to steal us?

Look what kind of look is: hut rows are poor,

Behind them, the black mill, the plains of the slope of the slope,

Above the gray clouds are a thick strip.

Where are the Niva bright? Where are dark forests?

Where is the river? In the yard, at low fence,

Two poor trees are in a repell of gaze,

Two only a tree, and then one of them

Rainy autumn is completely naked,

And the leaves on another splash and, yellow,

To puddle to clog, wait for the first Borea.

You yourself your highest court

You yourself your highest court
From the poem "Poet" (1830) A S. Pushkin (1799-1837).
You king: live alone. Expensive free
Go where the free mind entails you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,
Not requiring an award for a feud noble.
They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;
You know how to appreciate all your work.
Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: "Lock-Press". Vadim Serov. 2003.

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    artist - A, m. 1) He who works creatively in what l. Areas of art. The artist can express his thoughts and feelings in the word, music, in the game of paints, in stone, in the architectural construction. Poet! Not expensive love of folk ... You yourself are your highest court; All ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

"Poet" Alexander Pushkin

Poet! Not expensive love of folk.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise;
You will hear the court of fool and the crowd of the crowd cold,
But you will remain hard, calm and sullen.

You king: live alone. Expensive free
Go where the free mind entails you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,
Not requiring an award for a feud noble.

They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;
You know how to appreciate all your work.
Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd of his brash
And spits on the altar where your fire burns,
And in the children's suction hesitant your tripod.

Analysis of the poem Pushkin "Poet"

Sonnet "Poet (poet! Not expensive Loving People ...)" A. S. Pushkin was written on July 7, 1830. It is known that the reason for the creation was the quirks, published in the magazines "Moscow Telegraph" and "Northern Bee". Before the pages of these editions were printed benevolent reviews on the works of Pushkin. Now the poet very acutely felt how the change of the views of critics and as a capricious public.

Sonnet has a classic shape that can be represented as ABAB ABBA CCD EED scheme. The poetic size is a six-color yamb. The author speaks from the first person, turning to a colleague on the literary workshop. The first sentence persistently requires the attention of the interlocutor: "Poet! Not expensive love of folk. "

Such a loud statement seems absurd with superficial look. We are accustomed to what exactly recognition is that, for which any creative person works. For this, he shares his achievements with society - publishes works, arranges exhibitions of works, etc. But A. S. Pushkin encourages not to fall on the fishing praise. He warns that the sympathy of the audience is temporary. In addition, among the crowd of fans, nearby people can be swingled, and their assessment can not be pleasant. This phenomenon of the poet gives the epithet "Court of Fool" and advises the interlocutor to remain calm and hard before his face.

As in some other works ("poet and a crowd", the "crowd is deaf") the central place in the sonnet is occupied by the relationship of the Creator and Society. Here, for the crowd, the poet uses various epithets showing that his opinion about it remains unchanged. Using the expressions of the "laughter of the crowd cold", "the crowd ... In childhood, the author shows that society is reckless and insensitive; Instead of any reasonable actions and thoughts, it prefers to destroy everything that seems to him wrong.

The crowd is opposed to the Creator. It is above all, so Alexander Sergeevich utters an inspiring phrase: "You're king: Live one."

Drawing the image of the poet, the author resorts to elevated epithets: "Free Mind", "Declaring Artist". Describing the work of the Creator, he uses such expressions as "the fruit of favorite dum", "the feat of the noble". The poet in the image of Pushkin is a light sort of mind. No wonder the author applies the metaphor "Altar, where your fire is burning." It indicates a divine source of poetic inspiration, which is so important to save. Alexander Sergeevich encourages the poet to focus on this campaign gift and not to pay for the miscarius of loans.

This poem can be considered a manifesto self-sufficiency of a creative person. It is an instruction for other writers. But it seems that this work is drawn, rather, to Alexander Sergeevich himself. His lines - an attempt to support himself, help survive attacks of dissatisfied critics.

The poem "Poet" was one of the most significant works of Pushkin in a number of those who are devoted to understanding the path of the poet and the extraction of lessons from creative attempts to realize themselves. Pushkin Alexandra Sergeevich Pushkin Pushkin verse is to be transferred during his period, when he traveled F. Bullharin, and the accusations of oppositionality of views became more serious. The freedom-loving poet was taught to be restrained, but did the real Muse allow to be silent? He poured his thoughts on the relationship between the creator and society on paper.

Pushkin reflecting a lot about the role of the poet in public life - it is easy to make sure if you download samples of its winsted lyrics. However, it is in the poem "poet" it is approved in thought that creativity gives real freedom. Regardless whether the work will be read in the classroom or online, it will bright demonstrate the desire of the "Sun of Russian Poetry" to understand the purpose of the poem,

hence the changeability of the mood that is easy to catch the poem of Pushkin "Poet" in the text: the first part is filled with pessimism, fear for man and his talent, and the second is completely the opposite. In it, the poet is joyful, because he sees that it is the literature that turns it into the present superman, ready to confront the ordinaryness.

Poet! Not expensive love of folk.
Enthusiastic praise will pass a minute noise;
You will hear the court of fool and the crowd of the crowd cold,
But you will remain hard, calm and sullen.

You king: live alone. Expensive free
Go where the free mind entails you,
Improving the fruits of your favorite mind,
Not requiring an award for a feud noble.

They are in you yourself. You yourself are your highest court;
You know how to appreciate all your work.
Have you been pleased with the recognition artist?

Satisfied? So let the crowd of his brash
And spits on the altar where your fire burns,
And in the children's suction hesitant your tripod.

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