A grammatical tale was born adjectives with a very flexible. Linguistic tale "adjective" Linguistic tale about the adjective

Lesson plan:

  1. Compiling the “Adjective” cluster (7 minutes).
  2. Group performance. (5 minutes).
  3. Formation of skills and abilities:
    A) Explanatory dictation (10 minutes). B) Selective dictation (10 minutes). B) Morphological analysis of the adjective (5 minutes). D) Working with a poem (7 minutes). D) Graphic dictation (7 minutes). E) Knowledge control (15 minutes).
  4. Homework.

Abstract: the lesson is a theatrical performance. Characters: author (teacher), tsar, princess, messengers, Ivan the prince, Ivan’s assistants (class students). The Tsar, Princess, and Prince are chosen in advance in order to save time. The prince's assistants are also pre-divided into 6 groups.

Goal: systematization of knowledge about the adjective, development of the ability to find and correctly write spelling in the adjective.

Equipment, visibility: card with the word adjective for making a cluster, a printed excerpt from a poem for stylistic analysis, a key for checking a graphic dictation and texts for testing knowledge.

During the classes

– Once upon a time, in ancient times, in a certain kingdom, a distant state of Parts of Speech, there lived a princess named Adjective. She was good to everyone: she was pretty and smart. And then one day the time came for her to think about marriage. The king-father sent messengers to all corners of his state.

“I command you, messengers, to spread the news that I will give my daughter to someone who will pass a series of tests and show the best knowledge about my daughter, Princess Adjective.”

- Princes from different states came to the kingdom. The princess saw that the suitors were visible and invisible and decided to test them.

– Whoever guesses the riddle will fight further:

Are words artists that make our speech bright and colorful? (adjectives).

“The princes thought and wondered for a long time, different people offered answers, but only Ivan Tsarevich had the right answer.

– My answer to you, princess, is adjectives.

- Well done, Ivan Tsarevich, but this is only the beginning of your trials. Here's your next test (hands him a scroll with tasks).

“Ivan looked at the tasks and realized that he couldn’t do it without assistants. He bowed to the Russian people and said:

- Help, good people, I can’t cope without you. (the class was previously divided into 6 groups, each group receives a keyword associated with an adjective to form a cluster in order to repeat theoretical information about the adjective. The group writes down its answers on a sheet of A4 paper).

Group 1: What does an adjective mean? What questions does it answer? List the morphological features of the adjective, indicate the syntactic role of the adjective.

group: Name the categories of adjectives you know by meaning. groups: Word formation of adjectives. group: Talk about spelling compound adjectives. group: Tell us about the spelling of –Н– and –НН– in the suffixes of denominative adjectives. group: Tell us about combined and separate spelling NOT with adjectives.

- We have completed your task, princess, listen to our answer (group performance, one of the group representatives gives a complete answer to the question, and Tsarevich Ivan records the written answers on the board).

-Are you satisfied, princess?

“I did everything right, Ivan Tsarevich, I see that you and your assistants know everything, but that’s not all.” Show me and your assistants your skills in writing different spellings. We will start with an explanatory dictation. Let your assistants show me their knowledge of writing -N- and -NN- in denominative adjectives. The princess reads the word combinations, and one of the assistants, one by one, goes to the board, writes down and explains the spelling of the indicated spelling: tin soldier, eagle look

“I want to test the loyalty of your assistants.” Which of them will answer me this question: how do you understand the meaning of the phrase eagle look? For what purpose can this phrase be used in speech? A foggy morning, a courageous act, the tramp of a horse, cranberry juice, a silver saucer.

- Well done. So, Ivan Tsarevich, tell me the suffixes of denominate adjectives in which one letter N is written and the suffixes in which two letters NN are written?( Ivan Tsarevich answers the writing rule).

- Well done, Ivan Tsarevich, I see that you coped with this too. And here’s my task for you: perform a morphemic and word-formation analysis of the adjective wood .( The prince at the blackboard performs this task).

“You will turn out to be a good fellow, but for some reason your assistants are depressed and bored, let them also amuse the Tsar-Father.” Here is their task, we will write a selective dictation with them ( writing complex adjectives: students divide the notebook into two columns: 1st column - continuous writing, 2nd column - hyphenated writing; two of the students perform this task at the board).

Machine and tractor plant, southeast wind, fermented milk product, pale pink flower, shipbuilding equipment, early ripening potatoes, Russian-English dictionary, ancient Russian city, kind, kind old man, nearby forest.

Then the tsar checks what was written, explains the spelling in words that caused difficulties, and asks one of Ivan Tsarevich’s assistants to once again summarize the theoretical information about writing complex adjectives.

“We have completed many of your tasks, princess, and we also have a test for you.” People want to be honest and see your knowledge and skills. Don’t be angry, fulfill our request: perform a morphological analysis of the adjective Old Russian (city).

– Where are my faithful messengers, it’s time for them to show their skills to the people. Come on, read to me and the honest people, and not just, but expressively read an excerpt from the poem (a sheet with a printed poem hangs on the board, the messengers read an excerpt from the poem):

Tell the truth, young lady
There really was a queen:
Tall, slender, white,
And I took it with my mind and with everyone,
But proud, brittle,
Willful and jealous.

“And now, messenger, you too will serve the Tsar-Father, indicate the grammatical basis of this sentence and tell us what part of speech the predicate is expressed in it.” And you, people, be attentive and help if something is wrong.

- Why are you, my second faithful messenger, depressed? I have a small task for you too. Write me a graphic dictation together with my people. ( Combined and separate spelling NOT with an adjective. The messenger completes this task on the board. After completing this type of work, students’ answers are checked using a key prepared in advance).

A sad look; not funny at all; not small, but big; sloppy appearance; not a close path at all; nondescript; unknown; careless; uninteresting.


– You coped with this task too. My dear daughter, my beloved daughter, sum up the results of the work, tell us again, when NOT with an adjective is written separately, and when together?

- So the trials of our heroes have come to an end, the fairy tale is coming to an end, but in order to make sure that all its participants remember about the distant state of Parts of Speech and about its princess Adjective, allow me, as the Author, to give you the last task. ( All students in the class are given texts of different levels. Stronger children work with the text to eliminate mistakes made in it. Weak students work with text in which they insert missing letters and open brackets).

1. Correct the mistakes made:

  1. Strong eastern and southeastern winds are well known to residents of the southern regions.
  2. Deciduous trees form an impenetrable multi-tiered thicket.
  3. Very nice big-eyed fish swam around the apparatus.
  4. There was very expensive silverware on the table.
  5. Solotcha is not a deep, winding river.
  6. In our lake there are not large, but small fish.
  7. The bright purple flowers caught my eye.
  8. There were fresh dairy products on the counter.
  9. They bought me a new tin soldier.
  10. The weather is calm outside.

2. Insert the missing letters, open the brackets:

  1. Distant and (in)incomprehensible stars quietly froze in the (immense) heights.
  2. The boy had never (never) seen real white (winged) sailboats.
  3. For a long time the crane's cry was heard.
  4. The pale (yellow) moon is barely visible.
  5. The path to his house was not at all close.
  6. Today is a windy day.
  7. During the lesson you will need a Russian (German) dictionary.
  8. The machine plant is located not far from my house.
  9. Days and nights a (not) strong, but (not) free wind roamed.
  10. Pale (pink) forget-me-nots bloomed in our garden.

– Thank you everyone for your active participation. Homework for you is to repeat previously studied material about the verb.

We want to dedicate our speech to the most beautiful part of the speech, without which everything around would be gray, gloomy and boring. And our speech would be poor.

It is unusual, sonorous,
Special, strong, the best,
Short, long, red, blue,
Multi-colored, bright, very beautiful,
It is diminutive or affectionate,
It is called an adjective.

Today we would like to present to your attention the fairy tale “How adjectives appeared”

    Presentation of a fairy tale.

In a certain linguistic kingdom, in a certain lexical state, there lived His Majesty a king named Verb and a beautiful princess Noun. The king was very strict and daily demanded from his servants: “Clean up! Bring! Prepare! Be silent! Obey!" The princess was softer. She addressed her faithful servants: Gender, Case, Number, only with the request: “Please rewrite all the objects in the kingdom, dividing them into animate and inanimate, proper and common nouns.”

One day, her godmother, the sorceress Pronoun, came to visit the princess. Having visited many countries, she was immediately struck by the boring, monochromatic color of everything that was in the realm of the Verb and the Noun. All the objects around were only gray, black and white, absolutely nondescript in color: gray walls, gray furniture, gray plants grew on the gray ground, gray birds frolicked in the trees, and gray swans swam in the lake. Even all the princess’s luxurious outfits were gray! The godmother decided to change life in the kingdom at any cost.

Pronoun gave the princess a miracle seed and ordered her to plant it in a pot that same day. Noun could not disobey her beloved godmother! She planted a wonderful seed, watered it and protected it.

Miracles began to happen immediately. A sprout immediately emerged from the seed, growing by leaps and bounds! Every now and then leaves appeared on it and, in front of the surprised princess’s eyes, blossomed. Then, one after another, buds began to hatch, which turned into flowers of unprecedented beauty.

The miracles didn't end there!

Amazingly beautiful butterflies began to flock to the flowers. As the magical plant grew, the entire palace was filled with hundreds, thousands of rainbow winged beauties. They were everywhere. Instantly the palace changed beyond recognition: beautiful, richly decorated, sparkling, alive... Miracle - butterflies immediately settled on the princess’s lush gray dress, and it became dazzlingly beautiful. The king shrugged his shoulders in amazement and could only mutter indistinctly: “What happened? What's happening? Explain! The princess said enthusiastically: “Fairy tale, miracle, magic.”

Then the beautiful butterflies spoke in a human voice: “Our dear princess Noun, allow us to serve you forever, to be with you day and night, to become your servants.” Noun, without thinking for a long time, agreed: “But I have one condition,” she said, “you must be like my faithful subjects in everything: Number, Gender and Case.” The butterflies happily waved their wings in agreement. And for their loyalty and devotion, the desire to imitate Her Majesty’s subjects in everything, the princess gave them the affectionate name “Adjectives,” which means those that are attached to a Noun, relying in everything on its Number, Gender and Case.

This is how Adjectives still live in the realm of the Noun. And the kingdom became bright, amazingly beautiful, prosperous...

    Summary of the speech.

If you let these wonderful butterflies into your speech, it will be no less beautiful than this kingdom.

In a certain linguistic kingdom, in a certain lexical state, there lived a king and a queen. His Majesty the king named Verb was very decisive. Sometimes his faithful, permanent ministers Conjugation and Vid were not always able to keep up with his actions. The beautiful queen (and her name was Noun) demanded that her ladies-in-waiting Declension and Number and pages Gender and Case copy down every day all the objects in the kingdom, dividing them into animate and inanimate, proper and common nouns.

One day, her godmother, the sorceress Pronoun, came to visit the queen. Having visited many countries, she was immediately struck by the boring, monochromatic color of everything that was in the realm of the Verb and the Noun. All the objects around were only gray: gray walls, gray furniture, gray plants grew on the gray ground, gray birds frolicked in the gray sky. All the luxurious royal outfits were also gray! The godmother decided to change life in the kingdom at any cost.

Pronoun gave the queen a miracle seed and ordered it to be planted in a pot that same day. Noun could not disobey her beloved godmother! She called her maids of honor and pages and told them to plant a wonderful seed, water it and protect it.

Miracles began to happen immediately. A sprout immediately emerged from the seed and grew by leaps and bounds! The sprout was bright green. Every now and then, fantastic leaves appeared on it and, in front of the surprised eyes of the queen, her ladies-in-waiting and pages, blossomed. Then, one after another, buds began to hatch, which turned into flowers of indescribable beauty. The miracles didn't end there!

Flowers began to turn into fairy-tale Elves. As the magical plant grew, the entire palace was filled with hundreds, thousands of rainbow-colored winged creatures. Each of them was unique in its beauty! The elves sat on the queen’s lush gray dress, and it became fabulously beautiful, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow. Noun could not contain her delight at what was happening!

The elves turned to the queen with a request for permission to serve her forever, to be WITH her both day and night, to become her servants. Noun agreed, but asked to fulfill one of her conditions - the Elves must be like her loyal subjects in everything: Declension, Number, Gender and Case. The elves gladly fulfilled the queen's request!

And for their loyalty and devotion, the desire to imitate Her Majesty’s subjects in everything, the Queen gave them the affectionate name “Adjectives”, which means those that are attached to the Noun, relying in everything on Declension, Number, Gender and Case, bright, touching...

This is how Adjectives still live in the realm of the Noun. And the kingdom became bright, prosperous...

Linguistic fairy tale "Visiting the Name of the Adjective"

Chervyakova Maria, 6th grade of the Orthodox Gymnasium. Alexander Nevsky
Teacher: Malysheva Elena Alekseevna
* * * * *
Target: developing positive motivation in children to learn the Russian language
1. Summarize what was studied in 6th grade on the topic “Adjective”
2. Contribute to the development of students’ speech skills.
3. Continue work on developing students’ imaginative thinking
These materials will be of interest to literature teachers as supporting or illustrative material.

Fairy tale "Visiting the Name of the Adjective"

Part 1
In the far, far away country of Linguistics, in the city of Morphology, there live many, many parts of speech: there is a Noun, and an Adjective, and a Numeral, and a Pronoun, and a Verb, and an Adverb. All of them are served by Particles, Conjunctions, Prepositions.
Let's visit the Name Adjective today. It’s strange, but everything seems to be clear: it’s a name attached to something. But no, if we look into their huge “office”, where everything is in its place, where everyone has their own meaning, we will see... However, why am I telling you, let’s go, I’d better show you everything, as they say, “it’s better once to see is to hear a hundred times.” So, let's begin: adjectives are very different, although they answer similar questions: Which one? What? Whose? But then everything gets more complicated: adjectives are very changeable, although... there are also those signs that never change - this is a category (and now we rise to the 2nd floor). As you noticed, each office is busy with its own work.
1st office- this is the cabinet of Possessive Adjectives - all adjectives work there that denote belonging to any person and answer the questions: whose, whose, whose, whose?
2nd office– Qualitative adjectives. These adjectives have a short form that answers the question, what? These adjectives are combined with the word “very” and you can choose an antonym for them.
In the 3rd office Relative adjectives work and they always refer to another subject.
Only Quality adjectives have access to the office with the inscription “Degrees of Comparison”, because they really like to dress up. For example: for a walk, when they want to look better, they wear “a simple dress with suffixes - her - , -e - , or -sh e-. And when they go to visit, they try to look more or less. Because everyone is comparing them these days.
Well, when it’s their birthday, they try on suffixes -aysh, -eysh -, because on this day they are the most beautiful, the most hospitable, the most charming, in a word, the most excellent. Those adjectives that disdain suffixes choose the best outfit, and also become excellent.
It should be noted here that all adjectives work on nouns and are always attached to nouns. Feminine nouns only take feminine adjectives. The same thing applies to the labor exchange for masculine and neuter nouns. Moreover, all of them must be exclusively singular and in a strictly appropriate case form. Well, if the nouns decide to unite, then the gender does not matter, it is important that the number be plural.
There is the strictest order in the city of Morphology!
Parts of speech, including adjectives, are often asked for help from the city of Syntax. They are asked to perform a required function in the Proposal. The main members of the sentence - Generals - can only be adjectives in short form or in simple comparative form. All the rest have a secondary military rank, they are definitions.

Part 2

Spelling visiting the Adjective

How many "H"s do you need?
Princess Spelling once decided to visit her friends of Adjectives, because rumors had crept into her and they had said all sorts of things.
Before she had time to start collecting her things, the letters “n” and “nn” came running and started shouting:
- Oh oh oh oh.
-What happened? – asked the princess.
“We were at the adjective names and decided to put things in order, and they, and they…” the letters continued to shout.
- So, wait, as I understand: adjectives do not want to agree with your rules.
-Yes, yes, they don’t want to.
-Well, it’s okay, I was just going to visit them. Get ready, we're going to see them. “Okay,” the letters answered.
Several hours passed...
Well, here we are. It’s so beautiful here! - said the princess.
But time doesn't wait, let's go. As soon as they entered, adjectives immediately ran up to them and began to ask that some be given two “n”s, and others one. The princess listened to everyone, but made the decision herself.
- Dear adjectives, I see that you are in trouble. And I will help you. From now on, one “n” will be written in the suffixes –in-, -an- and –yan-, but at the request of the adjectives: tin, wood and glass, I add another “n” to them.
Two “n” will be written in the suffixes –enn-, -onn-. But according to the inextricable friendship of the adjective windy with one “n”, let one “n” be written there. But you also do not forget that you also have words with roots that already have a final -n - these words will have the suffix –n- added. . Well, now everything is fine, and we can start the fun holiday!

On the spelling of compound adjectives.
Princess Spelling has a lot to do. And so Her Majesty Spelling decided to restore order to the very friendly, but capricious complex adjectives. They have long been faced with the question of whether they should be hyphenated or spelled together. The road to complex adjectives is short, so the princess quickly got to them. As soon as she entered, she was very surprised because she saw completely calm and friendly adjectives. The first thing she did was conduct a census. And she saw that if complex adjectives are formed from two equal words and if they denote color, then they prefer to have a hyphen - and she decided that let it be so. And adjectives ask to be written together and inseparably if they are formed from a phrase. And then the princess did not change anything. Apparently, the adjectives were worried in vain!

Not with adjectives.
Spelling has changed a lot of things, but there are still more things to do.
This time there is a problem with the unwilling “NOT”, so to speak. “NOT” really didn’t want to go with adjectives. But Spelling is not only smart and beautiful, but also very wise and, plus, a good speaker. And therefore, no matter how much the unwilling woman resisted, the princess persuaded her anyway. After all, not everything is always good, but there is also NOT good. And so the princess went with “NO” to issue a decree.
“If a word without “NOT” is not used or if it is possible to find a synonym for the word, then we write the word with “NOT” together.
If there is a contrast with the conjunction “a”, then such a word is written with “NOT” and written separately.
And with the words: not at all, not at all, far from - the adjective is also written separately.”

Morphology, a new resident has appeared in the city of Chastirechinsk. He was so weak, so pale, helpless, he only asked: “What am I? Whose am I? “Queen Morphology looked at such a miracle and could not decide what to do with it next. On this occasion, she addressed all her independent masters - parts of speech: “My masters are great and independent. Would any of you take custody of a new resident of our state? “But neither the Verb, nor the Adverb, nor the Numeral wanted to take on such a burden: they say, why do we need this? We lived, lived, did not grieve, and here: here you are, grandmother, and St. George’s Day. Only the Noun felt sorry for the poor fellow: “I’ll take you as my friend, you’ll be attached to me, so to speak. But look, obey me in gender, number, and case! And since I am an object, then you will be my sign! I won't tolerate another! “And the Adjective (that’s what everyone now began to call him with the light hand of the Noun) and is happy to try: as my elder friend says, I’ll do so; to obey, so to obey. If only they didn't drive me away. And the Adjective began to decorate the Noun, singing songs of praise to it: it was kind, and smart, and merciful, and independent... And the Noun liked it so much. So they began to live without knowing grief. That’s the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened, well done.

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