Has inland backgrounds. Principles of study of personal helplessness Principle of determinism

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 Slide

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The model of working with gifted children was the primary class teacher Baeva Natalia Oskarovna

2 Slide

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"... We have a lot of work to improve the quality of all units of national education. In secondary education, we need to tighten secondary schools to the level of teaching in Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools. Graduates of schools should know Kazakh, Russian and English. The result of schoolchildren's training should be mastered by the skills of critical thinking, self-searching and in-depth information analysis. "

3 Slide

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It is important to know about 30% of the accommodated schools for academic impressability are gifted children. About 30% of the contributions from secondary schools for the inability to learning, unsuitability and even stupidity are gifted and overwhelmed children. In the UK schools, when identifying gifted children, special attention is paid to unsuccessful schoolchildren and schoolchildren with problems in behavior, since in this group of children the percentage of gifted turns out to be the highest.

4 Slide

Slide description:

Gifting is a systemic, developing the quality of the psyche, which determines the possibility of achieving a higher person in comparison with other people, outstanding results in one or more activities. A gifted child is a child who is distinguished by bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another activity. Children's age - the period of becoming abilities and personality. This is the time of deep integrative processes in the psyche of the child against the background of its differentiation. The level and latitude of integration determine the features of the formation and maturity of the phenomenon itself - giftedness. The progress of this process, its delay or regression determine the dynamics of the development of giftedness.

5 Slide

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Types of genusity Psychologists allocate several types of gifts: academic (ability to learn in the broad sense of the word), intellectual, creative (ability to think original, create a new one), psychomotor (ability to sport or applied art), artistic and leadership. Incorrectly the opinion that gifted people are capable of everything - usually their talent is manifested more than in the same area, but not in all at once

6 Slide

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Relevance at the level of OU Early detection, training, education and support of gifted and talented children is one of the main problems of improving the education system. The need to develop a system of interrelated activities aimed at stimulating the educational and scientific activity of students, formation and strengthening in the relevant social environment of values \u200b\u200bof science, culture and education, creative communication environment.

7 Slide

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Objectives: Determining the strategy of pedagogical interaction in working with gifted children. The creation of a complex of conditions and means aimed at improving the system of identifying, supporting and developing gifted children in the context of OU. Creating conditions and equal opportunities for the development of intellectually, artistic and sporty gifted children.

8 Slide

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Tasks: Conducting diagnostic examinations of children for the identification of giftedness, determination of their creative potential, interests and abilities. Creating conditions for the development of versatile gifts: personnel, logistical, development of regulatory support. Development of a system of motivation measures, moral and material incentives for learning and teachers.

9 Slide

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Approaches and mechanisms for working with gifted children to the number of strategies, the main value-targeted orientations in working with gifted children include the following: identification and development of potential opportunities; Activation is a strategy focused on creating conditions that provide the maximum opportunity for manifestation and development of individual abilities of each child; Overcoming barriers - a strategy aimed at leveling obstacles that prevent children's development; Support and development of high achievements shown by the child.

10 Slide

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Strategies for teaching intellectually gifted students acceleration training (early admission to school, institute, "jumping" through class, private schools, etc.). Deepening training (schools with in-depth study of mathematics, physics, foreign languages, etc.) Enrichment of training (research and project activities; the use of active forms of training; training mines, circles, electives, corrective, developing and integrative programs, etc.) Problematization of training (the use of original explanations, revision of existing information, the search for new meanings and alternative interpretations, etc.)

11 Slide

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The most famous approaches to the development of gifted children changes in the content of education (changes in the curriculum and educational material) and technologies of working with it; changes in the organization of educational, cognitive activity; Development of personal features; Overcoming personal problems of gifted.

12 Slide

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13 Slide

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Forms and methods of organizing work with gifted children Organization of work of creative laboratories and clubs for gifted children in subjects; Elective and special courses in profile classes Individual work with intellectual and creatively gifted children Intellectual marathons participation in the competitions, competitions and intellectual games of various levels; Subject weeks (decades). Development of an additional education system: mugs, sections, association. Student scientific and practical conferences Organization and work of profile classes

what are the "reasons" differ from "prerequisites".

  1. They are often confused. The reason may be alone, but a lot of prerequisites, but they are not enough without this reason, so that something happened. Take at least an example with a fire. We can say: the cause of the fire became a cigarette. And the prerequisites were the negligence of the owners, the lack of a proper place for smoking, regular drunkenness of the guard, etc.
  • Background word. Book, abstract background. It denotes a prerequisite, the initial point of which is N. , eg: proceed from a false background; Create the necessary prerequisites for anything; Rely on some background. Word story word
  • Cause

    1) base, preposition for any action

    Example: a valid reason; Laugh without reason; Due to this ..; For the reason that .., Union (Book.) Due to the fact that.

    2) the phenomenon that causes the occurrence of another phenomenon

    Example: Fire Cause; The reason for the hurry is that there is not enough time.

    A neoplatonic clerk philosopher (in his comments on Plato's dialogue Timeus) has a number of 64 different concepts about the reason, and Aristotle 48. This number can be reduced to two basic concepts of the cause of Plato and up to four of Aristotle.

    1. Prerequisite for something # 9670; This value is not specified an example of use. You can assist the project by adding an example of consumption from a literary work or everyday communication.

    2. Thought, position, judgment taken for the original item in any reasoning # 9670; This value is not specified an example of use. You can assist the project by adding an example of consumption from a literary work or everyday communication.

    3. FIROS. the same thing that the parcel; base for output, conclusion (in logic) # 9670; This value is not specified an example of use. You can assist the project by adding an example of consumption from a literary work or everyday communication.

  • For example: Strong wind is often a rain background, but it does not have it cause.
  • prerequisites - precede events, foreshadow it

    causes - Actually Motivate the event, his influence

  • no, different, although close concepts. The amount of prerequisites \u003d reason. This is an integral part,

    Criminal law. a common part

    Causal communication as a necessary condition for criminal liability in the material compositions of the crime - Page 2

    The causal relationship is developing in time and space. Its feature is that there is always a difference in time between the cause and consequence. Therefore, the first question to which the judge or the investigator should answer, establishing a causal relationship, is the question of the time sequence of the alleged cause. It can be formulated as follows: did the action committed by the subject that has come socially dangerous consequences preceded?

    A negative response excludes the feasibility of further study of the circumstances of the case. A positive answer obliges researchers to go further and determine the presence or absence of any connection between them. It is after establishing a sequence of events and the process of studying the causal dependence begins, since "after that" does not mean "due to this."

    The main criterion for the truth of this study is experience. If we, observe a certain sequence in the development of two phenomena, we will be able to artificially reproduce it, giving it a desirable direction, which means that we correctly determined the causal connection, i.e. Causeable dependence of these two phenomena.

    Development of causes occurs in difficult conditions when interacting with it many other more or less significant or minor relations, and all this affects the formation of the consequences, specifying and individualizing it or excluding the possibility of its offensive.

    It should once again emphasize that it is impossible to confuse the cause and condition for the offensive of a criminal result. The reason generates a consequence of genetically, thanks to the processes occurring inside it. Conditions only externally favor the onset of the consequences, among them there may be those that impede the onset of the consequences, i.e. The reasons for the reason.

    So, there is a qualitative difference between the cause and condition, and not the difference in the degree of causation. It is the reason that serves as a decisive and determining factor of the implications. Mixing causes and conditions leads to incorrect conclusion on the presence or absence of a causal connection.

    The definition of theory of the cause - the conditions is that its supporters consider the presence of the required condition the final point of the causal connection. Supporters of the necessary causation believe that such a statement is only the initial moment in the study of the presence or absence of a causal relationship between the actions of the accused and the consequences.

    It seems that the main defect theory of the cause - the conditions is the denial of the role of an accident in the formation of the final result of criminal activity. But the accident is definitely the real force in the world around us and events. Moreover, any natural phenomenon always carries a stamp chance. However, it cannot be genuine cause of a certain phenomenon.

    Accident is a phenomenon of objective reality, other than the need, although, reaching a certain amount, the accident take the value of stochastic patterns (for example, the law of large numbers). The cause of the same connection expresses the category of necessity. Therefore, only the phenomenon that with internal necessity, the pattern generates, causes another phenomenon, can be recognized as its cause.

    Accident can perform in two types: as a form of manifestation of necessity and as a form of addition of the latter. Accident steps next to necessity and always in one way or another in it, making it individual, i.e. gives her shape. They are opposite to such randomness that are not related to this process, but invaded it from the side.

    So, the accident expresses external, unstable, uncharacteristic for this communication process. Of course, there is no need for anywhere in its pure form, because in the most stringent laws (the necessary) there is always an element of chance and vice versa. Criminal law deals with individual phenomena, and not with global laws, therefore, the ratio of necessity and accidents is significantly only in such a context.

    When we say that the causal relationship is the relationship between the action and the consequence in which the first with necessity generates, it causes the second, then in this context the need cannot be identified with the inevitability.

    It would be misinterpreted and argued that there are necessary and random causal relationships. The latter are not connected cause and effect. If the criminal result came due to a random coincidence, the intersection of two rows of causality, one of which was the actions of the accused, then the responsibility could not be.

    However, this provision is not applied in cases if the accident is one of the forms of manifestation of the need. An accident element is available in almost every developing process, ending with a specific result, for the need manifests itself as a tendency incorporated in the development process, and the accident gives it an individual form. How to practically install whether the connection is necessary or random?

    To do this, it is necessary to mentally establish, to which natural consequences caused the development of a causal relationship if strangers did not intervene for the action of the subject of force, the actions of other persons, - to the fact that they came, or otherwise? In the first case, the result is objectively necessary. In the second - objectively occasion. Here, the actions of the accused may be a necessary condition for the occurrence of a criminal result, but not its reason.

    How should the presence and absence of a causal communications should be carried out in practice? Based on his own experience, the researcher analyzes ordinary patterns. He resorts to the help of expertise if there is insufficient knowledge and experience in the field of science, art or craft.

    Returning to the question of the theory of causal connection, it should be noted that any event matches for a reason as a real opportunity. Its appearance is preceded by certain changes occurring due to. Real should be considered the possibility, for the implementation of which there are all necessary bases and which under certain conditions naturally turns into reality. Most often, the actions of the person create the possibility of one of the consequences of the consequences, and the offensive of this particular result is caused by random circumstances.

    For example, the killer wanted to shoot a victim, and got into the heart. Nevertheless, he must be responsible for murder, since the discrepancy of desire with the result was formal and insignificant; The desired result came in a somewhat modified form, but corresponded to the intention of the killer.

    As a rule, such cases take place when applying strikes in a fight that may entail death and harm to the health of any severity. The fact of the occurrence of one of the consequences is implemented by random circumstances, the possibility of which the guilty forested. Such a result is possible with uncertain intent.

    What is the difference between the "reasons" from "Previxel"?

    prerequisites - reason - reason.

    That is, the prerequisites - the same setting, the conditions favorable for the occurrence of any process. The reason is the deep, concrete base for this process. And the reason is a formality, a catalyst, some event that serves as a push for the development of the process.

    2). The resulting caused by the occurrence of another phenomenon

    Prerequisites, g. (Book.). Prerequisite, the initial point of which. Create the necessary prerequisites for anything. Proceed from the right background. ...

    Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov

    The assumption considered as true. Used as the starting point in the decision-making process. ...

    Dictionary of Terms of Anti-Crisis Management

    g. 1. The preliminary condition for 2. Thought, the position taken for the original item in what-l. reasoning. 3. The same as: parcel (2) (in logic) ...

    Difference between premises and reasons

    Events occurring in life can be viewed from different sides. In particular, the detection of causes and study of the prerequisites has a particular importance of the relatively happening. What is understood by those and others? And how are the prerequisites for the reasons? We will try to figure it out.


    One of the meaning of the word "prerequisite" is a condition or circumstance favorable for the emergence of some phenomenon, the development of any events ( The most important prerequisite for the beginning of the state is the existence of at least the minimum organization of the Company.).

    1. what causes any actions ( Employees of the enterprise committed a collective protest action due to illegal wage delay.), state ( The reason for her joy was to receive a diploma.);
    2. what serves as the basis for the existence of any phenomenon or fact ( The reason for the fault of the potatoes was dry summer.), the occurrence of the process ( The unslerested fire is the potential cause of a forest fire.).


    To better understand what the difference between the prerequisites for the reasons, it should be reflected, which questions are responsible for the study of those and others. For example, a certain event was performed. Having considered its prerequisites, it can be concluded that it foreshadowed what prerequisites had a value in this case, which generally the established situation was.

    At the same time, the study of the cause of the event gives an answer to the question, because of which everything happened, which lies in the root of what happened. Causes are something more deeply than prerequisites. They will necessarily entail a consequence in the form of any actions, phenomena, processes. However, the causes themselves may be phenomena, actions ( The teacher entered the class, and the disciples stopped noise.). In some sense, the cause is sometimes called a person ( You are the reason for all my troubles!).

    To understand what the difference between prerequisites and reasons will help such an example. Petra's parents were lawyers, and it was a prerequisite for the Son to go to their footsteps. However, Peter was fond of painting, due to which a young man chose the profession of the artist. From this example, it also follows that the prerequisites can exist relatively independently and only hint on the possible development of events. The reasons are directly related to what happens.

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    For answers to these questions I will give all our 79 balls.

    Well, if you are not difficult, then here's another task:

    5 reasons for the abolition of serfdom.

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    The reason is a reason that encourages some actions.

    Prerequisite is the current conditions for the occurrence of some process.

    5 Reasons for the abolition of serfdom:

    1. Croprisis of serfdom became one of the main reasons for defeat in the Crimean War

    2. Fortresses held back the development of industry Ie prevented the industrialization of Russia.

    3. Increased unrest of peasants

    4. Improve many land in land tenants because they increased "Barshina"

    5.S / X developed on an extensive principle.

    what are the difference between the reasons from the premises?

    Come in and communicate - it will not be boring!

    take the definitions of the regimen of Ozhegov

    The reasons in the spellings are not vintage: \\ When you know the reason you wish, with a look at the mirror - \\ the riddle this immediately solve: William Shakespeare. R. Badigova Sonnet's translation \\ 103 \\ Alas, which muse poverty

    Causes to find out the reason for your will! \\ Menelai \\ Cause is. Ally and friend \\ we were found in it hoped for us, \\ and for Troy led; Sofokl. Translation F. F. Zelinsky Ajax

    The reasons for he did not call any reasons. He just said, "What is his location," which does not intend to reckon with anyone. William Shakespeare. Troil and Cresan Translation T. Gestich

    The reasons for me the reason - I do not want to come, \\ and that pretty for the Senate. \\ But I love you and therefore I will reveal everything. My wife, \\ Calpurnia, keeps at home. She dreamed like a statue of my \\ jet, like a fountain, from a hundred holes \\ blood clean and many noble Romans \\ in her with a laugh immersed his hands. \\ William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar Translation Mich. Zenkevich

    Causes of the bright prince, restore the magnitude of the reason for this bloody. \\ Romeo's hand is killed and it killed Mercutio himself. William Shakespeare. Boris Pasternak Romeo and Juliet

    The reasons for the sliding attention, you will learn the reason: \\ When our regiment favored the ethno plain \\ and on the ridge of the mountain passes closed, \\ I was in you then, I was standing at the Brecha, \\ where the enemy kept all our fortress the fight. Voltaire 1759 Translation of Nikolai Gallet 1809 Tancred \\ Tragedy

    reasons 4. Talk to the cattle / about the essence of being \\ and find out the cause of the \\ irresistible life. Andrei Polon Translations from Vegetarian

    Causes of Don Gvido \\ (from the balcony, angry) \\ I see everything, freezing. \\ Donna's voice Bianchi \\ (indifferent) \\ yes, you. \\\\ Don Gvido \\ (in the hall, rank with hands) \\\\ how to live further, let you ask you?! \\ The forest is cut down. Hills in the district broken. \\ So, now and the house still demolition?. . Leonid Filatov. New Decameron, or the stories of the plague city \\ story about the jealous spouse

    Reasons when jasmine bloomed in the garden, I was worried about without a reason. \\ About with the stars, at night, \\ I tears Lil - I do not know myself. Sergey Andreevsky 1879 at the beginning of the life road

    Reasons But if you think about the reason \\ that perfume and lights wander, \\ that the animals are incorrect to their chants, \\ that the elders surpassed the minds of the babies, and they all suddenly changed their nature and destiny, \\ William Shakespeare. Julius Caesar Translation Mich. Zenkevich

    Children's gifold: signs, species, features of the child's gifted child

    1.1. Definition of concepts "Gifts" and "Gifted child"Giftedness is a systemic, developing the quality of the psyche, which determines the ability to achieve a person higher, outstanding results in one or more activities compared to other people. A gifted child is a child who is distinguished by bright, obvious, sometimes outstanding achievements (or has internal prerequisites for such achievements) in one or another activity. To date, most psychologists recognize that the level, qualitative originality and nature of the development of gifting is always the result of the complex interaction of heredity (natural deposits) and the sociocultural environment mediated by the activities of the child (gaming, educational, labor). At the same time, the child's own activity is of particular importance, as well as the psychological mechanisms of self-development, underlying the formation and implementation of individual dating. Children's age - the period of becoming abilities and personality. This is the time of deep integrative processes in the psyche of the child against the background of its differentiation. The level and latitude of integration determine the features of the formation and maturity of the phenomenon itself - giftedness. The progress of this process, its delay or regression determine the dynamics of the development of giftedness. One of the most discussion issues relating to the problem of gifted children is the question of the frequency of manifestation of children's gifting. There are two extreme points of view: "All children are gifted" - "gifted children are extremely rare." Supporters of one of them believe that to the level of the gifted can be developed by almost any healthy child, subject to the creation of favorable conditions. For other gifts - a unique phenomenon, in this case the focus is paid to the search for gifted children. This alternative is removed within the following position: potential prerequisites for achievements in different types of activities are inherent in many children, while real outstanding results demonstrate a significantly smaller part of children.

    A particular child can show a special success in a fairly wide spectrum of activities, since its mental capabilities are extremely plastic at different stages of age-related development. In turn, it creates conditions for the formation of various types of gifts. Moreover, even in the same form of activity, various children may find the originality of their dating in relation to different aspects. Giftedness is often manifested in the success of activities that have a natural, amateur. For example, a child who is enthusiastic, a child can build its own at home with enthusiasm, but it does not exhibit similar activity in either school, nor in specially organized out-of-school activities (mug, section, studios). In addition, gifted children are far from always seeking to demonstrate their achievements in front of others. So, the child, writing poems or stories, can hide his passion from the teacher. Thus, judge about the gifting of the child, not only on his school or extracurricular affairs, but according to the forms of activity they are initiated. In some cases, the cause that delays the formation of gifting, despite the potentially high level of abilities, are certain difficulties in the development of the child: for example, stuttering, increased anxiety, conflict nature of communication, etc. When providing such a child psychological and pedagogical support, these barriers can be removed. As one of the reasons for the lack of manifestations of this or that type of gifting, there may be a lack of necessary knowledge, skills and skills, as well as inaccessibility (due to the living conditions) of the subject area of \u200b\u200bactivity corresponding to the declaration of the child. Thus, the gifts in different children can be expressed in a more or less obvious form. Analyzing the peculiarities of the child's behavior, the teacher, psychologist and parents should make a kind of "admission" on the insufficient knowledge of his true opportunities, understanding that there are children whose talent they could not see. A childhood in childhood can be considered as a potential of mental development in relation to the subsequent stages of the life path of the individual. However, it is necessary to take into account the specificity of gifting in childhood (in contrast to the gifting of an adult): 1) Children's gifts often act as a manifestation of age-related patterns. Each children's age has its own ability to develop abilities. For example, preschoolers are characterized by a special predisposition to the absorption of languages, high levels of curiosity, emergency brightness of fantasy; For senior adolescence, various forms of poetic and literary creativity are characteristic, etc. The high relative weight of the age factor in the signs of gifting sometimes creates the visibility of the giftedness (that is, the "mask" of the giftedness, under which - an ordinary child) in the form of accelerated development of certain mental functions, specialization of interests, etc. 2) influenced by changing the age, education, mastering the norms of cultural behavior, such as family education, etc. There may be "fading" signs of children's gifting. As a result, it is extremely difficult to estimate the measure of the stability of the giftedness, which manifested by this child on a certain period of time. In addition, difficulties arise regarding the forecast of the transformation of a gifted child in a gifted adult. 3) the peculiarity of the dynamics of the formation of children's, gentleness is often manifested in the form of unevenness (inculcation) of mental development. So, along with a high level of development of certain abilities, a lag in the development of written and oral speech is observed; The high level of special abilities can be combined with the insufficient development of common intelligence, etc. As a result, by one signs, the child can be identified as gifted, according to others, as lagging behind mental development. 4) the manifestations of children's best practices are often difficult to distinguish from training (or wider - degree of socialization), which is the result of more favorable living conditions for this child. It is clear that with equal abilities, a child from a family with a high socio-economic status (in cases where the family makes efforts on its development) will show higher achievements in certain types of activities compared to the child, for which similar conditions were not created.

    Assessment of a particular child as gifted to a large extent conditional. The most wonderful abilities of the child are not direct and sufficient indicator of its achievements in the future. It is impossible to close the eyes to the fact that the signs of gifted, manifested in orphanage, even with the most seemingly favorable conditions, can either gradually disappear or extremely quickly. Accounting for this circumstance is especially important in organizing practical work with gifted children. You should not use the phrase "gifted child" in terms of setting (tough fixation) of a certain child's status, for the psychological drama of the situation is obvious, when a child who is accustomed to the fact that he is "gifted", at the following stages of development suddenly objectively loses signs of its exclusivity. There may be a painful question about what to do next to the child, who began training in a specialized educational institution, but then ceased to be considered gifted. Based on this, in practical work with children, instead of the concept of "gifted child", it is necessary to use the concept of "signs of child's rigging" (or "a child with signs of gifting").

    Distinctive features of gifted children 1. Higher compared to most other peers intellectual abilities, susceptibility to the ability, creative possibilities and manifestations. 2. Have a dominant, active, not satiable cognitive need. 3. Follow the joy of mental labor.

    Categories of gifted children 1. Children with an unusually high overall level of mental development in other other conditions. 2. Children with signs of special mental giftedness - giftedness in a certain area of \u200b\u200bscience, art. 3. Incidentally, which do not achieve some reasons for success in the exercise, but possessing bright cognitive activity, the originality of the mental warehouse, outstanding mental reserves.

    Problems: 1. Development of training programs for intellectually gifted children. 2. What conditions need to be created for the teaching of a gifted child. 3. Forms and methods of working with gifted children. inherent in a gifted child. 4. Methods, ways to identify and detect gifted children.

    Fir: - to develop interest in research activities, to fulfill complex tasks, the ability to think creatively, and also confidence in them in their forces .. Create conditions for the optimal development of gifted children: - to identify capable and gifted children who are interested in to the subject; - use an individual approach to working with gifted students in the lessons of geography, biology, ecology and in extracurricular time, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children; - Conducting various extracurricular competitions, intellectual games, Olympiads, allowing students to show their capabilities.

    Principles of working with gifted children 1. The principle of differentiation and individualization of training (the highest level of the implementation of which is the development of an individual program of development of a gifted child). 2. The principle of the maximum variety of opportunities provided. 3. The principle of ensuring freedom of choice of additional educational services. 4. The principle of increasing the role of extracurricular activities of gifted children through a circle. 5. The principle of strengthening attention to the problem of interdisciplinary relations in individual work with students. 6. The principle of creating conditions for the collaboration of students with the minimum role of the teacher.

    Forms of events Topics Timing Results Participation Personal Place Urgent and extracurricular activities Participation in the district subject Olympiads of the Olympiad on geography, biology, 1 time per year November participation in the "Youth Geographic Championship" competition. In geography 1 time per year. October participation in school subject Olympiad Olympiad in geography, biology, ecology 1 time per year. November participation in the intellectual manual marathon. Tasks for identifying knowledge on subjects Participation in the competition "Youth Biological Championship" on biology 1 time per year. Participation in scientific and practical conferences of the school level on items Geography, Biology September, May Comers School levels.

    Events occurring in life can be viewed from different sides. In particular, the detection of causes and study of the prerequisites has a particular importance of the relatively happening. What is understood by those and others? And how are the prerequisites for the reasons? We will try to figure it out.


    One of the meaning of the word " premise"- a condition or circumstance favorable to occur some phenomenon, the development of any events ( The most important prerequisite for the beginning of the state is the existence of at least the minimum organization of the Company.).

    Cause interpreted as:

    1. what causes any actions ( Employees of the enterprise committed a collective protest action due to illegal wage delay.), state ( The reason for her joy was to receive a diploma.);
    2. what serves as the basis for the existence of any phenomenon or fact ( The reason for the fault of the potatoes was dry summer.), the occurrence of the process ( The unslerested fire is the potential cause of a forest fire.).


    To better understand what the difference between the prerequisites for the reasons, it should be reflected, which questions are responsible for the study of those and others. For example, a certain event was performed. Having considered its prerequisites, it can be concluded that it foreshadowed what prerequisites had a value in this case, which generally the established situation was.

    At the same time, the study of the cause of the event gives an answer to the question, because of which everything happened, which lies in the root of what happened. Causes are something more deeply than prerequisites. They will necessarily entail a consequence in the form of any actions, phenomena, processes. However, the causes themselves may be phenomena, actions ( The teacher entered the class, and the disciples stopped noise.). In some sense, the cause is sometimes called a person ( You are the reason for all my troubles!).

    To understand what the difference between prerequisites and reasons will help such an example. Petra's parents were lawyers, and it was a prerequisite for the Son to go to their footsteps. However, Peter was fond of painting, due to which a young man chose the profession of the artist. From this example, it also follows that the prerequisites can exist relatively independently and only hint on the possible development of events. The reasons are directly related to what happens.

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