How is the word soul translated. Soul translation and transcription, pronunciation, phrases and sentences

Star der Sechziger: Dionne Warwick Soulmusik oder einfach Soul bezeichnet eine Hauptströmung der afroamerikanischen Unterhaltungsmusik. Sie entwickelte sich Ende der 1950er Jahre aus Rhythm and Blues und Gospel. In den 1960er Jahren war Soul fast ... Deutsch Wikipedia

Soul- The question of the reality of the soul and its distinction from the body is among the most important problems of philosophy, for with it is bound up the doctrine of a future life Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006. Soul Soul ... Catholic encyclopedia

soul- [sul] adj. inv. et n. m. 1962; mot angl. amér., proprt "âme" ♦ Anglic. Musique soul: musique des Noirs américains caractérisée par la pureté d inspiration et la sincérité d expression. Jazz soul. N. m. Jouer du soul. ⊗ HOM. Soûle (soûl). ●… Encyclopédie Universelle

soûl- soul [sul] adj. inv. et n. m. 1962; mot angl. amér., proprt "âme" ♦ Anglic. Musique soul: musique des Noirs américains caractérisée par la pureté d inspiration et la sincérité d expression. Jazz soul. N. m. Jouer du soul. ⊗ HOM. Soûle…… Encyclopédie Universelle

soul- W3S3 n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦ (somebody's spirit) ¦ 2¦ (person) ¦ 3¦ (music) ¦ 4¦ (sense of beauty) ¦ 5¦ (special quality) ¦ 6 be the soul of discretion 7 be good for the soul 8 God rest his / her soul 9¦ (people in a place) ¦… Dictionary of contemporary English

Soul- Soul, n. wel, s [= a] wl; akin to OFries. s? le, OS. s? ola, D. ziel, G. seele, OHG. s? la, s? ula, Icel. s [= a] la, Sw. sj [a] l, Dan. sil, Goth. saiwala; of uncertain origin, perhaps akin to L. saeculum a lifetime, age (cf ... The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

soûl- soûl, oûle (sou, sou l; dans soûl l l ne se prononce jamais, même devant une voyelle; au XVIe siècle, Bèze note que saoul se prononce sou) adj. 1 ° Pleinement repu, extrêmement rassasié. Laisse les, je te prie, achever leur ... ... Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d "Émile Littré

soul- [soul] noun *** ▸ 1 mind / spirit of person ▸ 2 person ▸ 3 strong feeling / emotion ▸ 4 something s special qualities ▸ 5 soul music ▸ + PHRASES 1.) count the part of a person that is capable of thinking and feeling a) the spiritual part of a…… Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

soul- 1 * mind, intellect, psyche, brain, intelligence, wit Analogous words: powers, faculties, functions (see singular nouns at POWER) 2 Soul, spirit can both denote an immaterial entity that is held to be distinguishable from and felt as superior to…… New Dictionary of Synonyms

Soul!- or SOUL! (1967-1971 James Ledbetter, Made Possible By ...: The Death of Public Broadcasting in the United States (1997), Verso, ISBN 1859840299, p. 64.] or 1967-1973 - noun

  1. soul, spirit;
    that man has no soul is a soulless person;
    twin soul soul mate

    Examples of using

      In the course of conversation, she asked him what kind of a day he had had, and how many souls he had got?

      A little later, during the conversation, she asked her grandson how his day went and how many souls did he manage to lasso?

      The devil and his grandmother. The Brothers Grimm, p. 3
    1. To be in danger of being entirely dispersed inclined one to be less apprehensive of the more partial dispersions involved in levies and taxation, while the habit of condemning the impudence of the Germans had led naturally to condemning that of Labor, if not openly at least in the sanctuary of his soul.

      The opportunity to fly up into the air at any moment taught us to be more relaxed about the explosions of small shells in the form of all kinds of taxes and taxes, and the habit of scolding the Germans for their shamelessness naturally degenerated into the habit of scolding the tradeunions - if not openly, then in the secret places of the soul.

      The Forsyte Saga. For rent. John Galsworthy, p. 1
    2. Teachers, you must watch her: keep your eyes on her movements, weigh well her words, scrutinise her actions, punish her body to save her soul: if, indeed, such salvation be possible, for (my tongue falters while I tell it) this girl, this child, the native of a Christian land, worse than many a little heathen who says its prayers to Brahma and kneels before Juggernaut- this girl is-a liar! "

      And you, mentors, watch her: watch her every move, weigh every word, investigate every deed, punish the flesh in order to save the soul - if only salvation is possible, for this is a child (my tongue hardly obeys me), this child, born in a Christian country, worse than any little pagan who prays to Brahma and kneels before Jaganat ... This girl is a liar!

      Jane Eyre. Charlotte Brontë, p. 68
  2. human;
    he is a simple (an honest) soul
    the poor little soul poor thing;
    the ship was lost with two hundred souls on board a steamer with two hundred passengers on board sank;
    don "t tell a soul don't tell anyone;
    be a good soul and help me

    Examples of using

    1. “God knows I have! -A trouble which is enough to unseat my reason, so sudden and so terrible is it. Public disgrace I might have faced, although I am a man whose character has never yet borne a stain. Private affliction also is the lot of every man; but the two coming together, and in so frightful a form, have been enough to shake my very soul... Besides, it is not I alone. The very noblest in the land may suffer unless some way be found out of this horrible affair. "

      Yes, God knows! The trouble is so unexpected and terrible that you can go crazy. I would endure dishonor, although there is not a speck on my conscience. Personal misfortune - it happens to everyone. But both at the same time, and even in such a terrible form! Besides, it’s not just me. If a way out of my plight is not immediately found, one of the most distinguished persons of our country may suffer.

      The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Beryl diadem. Arthur Conan-Doyle, p. 2
    2. We pushed through these towards the railway without meeting a soul.

      We entered the forest at the foot of the hill and reached the railroad bed without meeting anyone.

      War of the Worlds. Herbert Wells, p. 49
    3. In rapid succession we passed through the fringe of fashionable London, hotel London, theatrical London, literary London, commercial London, and, finally, maritime London, till we came to a riverside city of a hundred thousand souls, where the tenement houses swelter and reek with the outcasts of Europe.

      We drove hastily through fashionable London, through the London of hotels, through theatrical London, through literary London, through commercial London, through London by the sea, and finally entered a coastal area lined with tenements.

      The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. Six Napoleons. Arthur Conan-Doyle, p. 11
  3. embodiment, sample;
    she is the soul of kindness

    Examples of using

    1. My own complete happiness, and the home-centered interests which rise up around the man who first finds himself master of his own establishment, were sufficient to absorb all my attention, while Holmes, who loathed every form of society with his whole Bohemian soul, remained in our lodgings in Baker Street, buried among his old books, and alternating from week to week between cocaine and ambition, the drowsiness of the drug, and the fierce energy of his own keen nature.

      My personal cloudless happiness and purely family interests that arise in a person when he first becomes the master of his own hearth were enough to absorb all my attention. Meanwhile Holmes, who hated every form of social life with his gypsy soul, remained to live in our apartment on Baker Street, surrounded by piles of his old books, alternating weeks of addiction to cocaine with bouts of ambition, the drowsy state of a drug addict with the wild energy inherent in his nature.

      Wonder how he keeps body and soul together
      upon my soul! a> honestly !, I swear !, by God !; b> can not be!

The soul is eternal.
The soul is eternal.

May your soul rest in peace.
May your soul rest in peace.

Not a soul was to be seen in the town.
There was not a soul in the city.

Not a soul was to be seen in the street.
Not a soul was visible on the street.

A man "s body dies, but his soul is immortal.
The human body dies, but its soul is immortal.

I love soul food.
I love African American cuisine.

In Hinduism, "moksha" is when the soul self melds with the god sea.
In Hinduism, "moksha" is when the soul merges with the divine sea.

We "re soul mates.
We are soul mates.

Methinks my own soul must be a bright invisible green.
It seems to me that my soul should be a bright yellow-green color.

The soul animates the body.
The soul revives the body.

Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha! Your soul will be mine!
Mua ha ha ha ha! Your soul will become mine!

The soul of such a man is likely as tender as silk.
In such a person, the soul is probably tender, like a silk strand.

Your soul needs to be saved.
Your soul needs salvation.

A person "s soul is immortal.
The human soul is immortal.

The soul is immortal.
The soul is immortal.

The man sold his soul to the devil.
This man sold his soul to the devil.

In each of us there lives the fiery soul of a warrior.
The fiery soul of a warrior lives in each of us.

Brevity is the soul of wit.
Brevity is the soul of wit.

Music is to the soul what gymnastics is to the body.
Music is for the soul, as gymnastics is for the body.

After death my soul turns into nothing.
After death, my soul will turn into nothingness.

Not a soul was to be seen in the village.
Not a single soul was to be seen in the village.

The human soul is built such that a lie works upon it a hundred times better than the truth does.
The human soul is so arranged that a lie affects it a hundred times stronger than the truth.

I don "t want to sell my soul for money.
I don't want to sell my soul for money.

I don "t want to sell my soul to the devil.
I don't want to sell my soul to the devil.

My fatherland is there, where my soul is.
My homeland is where my soul is.

There wasn "t a soul in sight.
Not a soul was to be seen.

It was a cold and rainy night, and there was not a soul in sight in the streets.
It was a cold and rainy night, and there was not a soul on the streets.

Not a single soul knows about it.
Not a single soul knows about it.

Your soul belongs to me.
Your soul belongs to me.

They believe that the soul is immortal.
They believe that the soul is immortal.


soul (səυl) n

1) soul, spirit;

that man has no soul

twin soul soul mate

2) incarnation, sample;

she is the soul of kindness

3) human;

he is a simple (an honest) soul

the poor little soul poor thing;

the ship was lost with two hundred souls on board the ship sank with two hundred passengers on board;

don "t tell a soul do not tell anyone;

be a good soul and help me

4) energy; enthusiasm;

she put her whole soul into her work

5) black music, culture, etc. not to be able to call one "s soul one" s own to be in full submission;

I wonder how he keeps body and soul together

a) an honest word! I swear !;

b) it can't be!

SOULTranslation and examples of use - sentences
Thanks. Kind soul . Alison is very pretty.
At least let his soul be able to return home. I order, Captain Eun Si Gyeong, to immediately return to the troop.Let his soul return home. I order you to return home immediately.
You "re holding another soul . There is another soul within you.
It "s a very weak soul... You should protect it need to protect her.
How many of them would be true soul mates?how many of them are halves of each other? Where we were together.
Just one, us. Well ... I "m not quite sure if you" re my soul mate.Only we. that you are my half.
I told you we "re perfect soul mates. Can "t you tell? I know right?I don’t know ... don’t you feel? Perhaps.
How nice it will be if you have the ability, to tell who "s your lifetime soul mate just by touching here like this?Suddenly, as if by the command of magic And how good it was: who is your soul mate.
But there "s no way there are such things, so even if I happen meet the other soul mate somewhere,We found each other with you. The road of providence has brought us together. they almost always pass by.
The crystal of the soul ! Soul Crystal!
you, the poor soul who knows only the fact that you don "t know anything.that knows nothing.
Is he taking out his anger on some innocent soul ? Doesn't pour out his anger on innocent souls?
Is there a way to exorcise another soul from a body?Is there a way to expel someone else's soul from the body?
Is there no method for exorcising a soul from another person "s body?Is there no way to expel a spirit from someone else's body?
It "s not precise, but ... typically, when the thing that the person considers most precious enters the body, the soul that entered later can be separated. Right at the moment when that soul is separated, if you stab that later soul with the Jade Emperor "s knife, that soul can be destroyed. but still, it "s not anyone who can do the stabbing to make this work.but ... the spirit can be driven out. but still, not everyone can do it.


1. (səʋl) n

1.1) soul, heart

that man has no ~ - this is a heartless / soulless / human

he put his heart and ~ into his work - he put his whole soul into his work

with all my ~ - a) from the bottom of my heart, from the bottom of my heart; b) with all my heart

2) rel. soul, spirit

departed ~ s - souls of the departed

God rest his ~ - rest, Lord, his soul

2.1) essence, inherent property, basis

brevity is the ~ of wit - brevity is the soul of wit

discipline is the ~ of the army - there is no army without discipline

2) symbol, impersonation

to be the ~ of punctuality - to be the personification of precision

he is the ~ of honor - he is the embodiment of nobility

3) central figure, mastermind

she is the (life and) ~ of the party - she is the soul of society


poor ~ - poor fellow

simple ~ - simpleton, simple-minded person, simple soul

a kindly ~ - kind, kind soul

poor little ~! - poor thing!

be a good ~ and say nothing about it - do mercy, do not say anything about it

there were 300 ~ s on board - there were 300 people on board / shower /

English-Russian translation SOUL

transcription, transcription: [səul]

1) spirit, soul; heart to save smb. "s soul ≈ to save smb. soul artistic soul ≈ creative nature immortal soul ≈ immortal soul kindly soul ≈ kind soul kindred, twin soul ≈ soul mate lost soul ≈ lost soul; lost person poor soul ≈ poor timid soul ≈ a timid soul That man has no soul ≈ This is a soulless person.

2) face, person, person

3) a) embodiment, sample, impersonation b) inherent property of Syn: incarnation, embodiment

4) energy; power, strength, enthusiasm Syn: enthusiasm

5) soul, sincerity (about performance)

6) soul, black music ∙ not to be able to call one "s soul one" s own ≈ to be in complete submission I wonder how he keeps body and soul together ≈ I wonder what his soul keeps upon my soul!

soul, heart - that man has no * this is a heartless person - he put his heart and * into his work he put his whole soul into his work - with all my * from the bottom of his heart, from the whole heart; (religion) soul, spirit - departed * s souls of the departed - God rest his * rest, Lord, his soul is the essence, inalienable property, basis 1brevity is the * of wit brevity - the soul of wit - discipline is the * of the army no discipline army symbol, personification - to be the * of punctuality - to be the * of punctuality - to be the * of punctuality - to be the * of punctuality - to be the * of punctuality - to be the * of punctuality - he is the * of honor, he is the personified nobility, the central figure, the inspirer - she is the (life and) * of the party, she is the soul of society. * simpleton, simple-minded person, simple soul - a kindly * good-natured, kind soul - poor little *! poor thing! - be a good * and say nothing about it do mercy, don't say anything about it - there were 300 * s on board there were 300 people on board - don "t tell a * don't tell anyone - I don" t know a * here I don't know anyone here - I did not see a * in the street there was not a soul on the street (rare) inclination, gravitation - I have a * for music I love soul music, sincerity (performed by music) soul (blues style) (Americanism) the spirit of the Negro people; identity of African Americans soul, black music (also * music) black cuisine (also * food)> * pence (church) money for the commemoration of the soul> not to be able to call one "s * one" s own not to be his own master ; don't dare to cry> (up) on my *! I swear !, honestly !, by God! - S. City Harlem - * brother brother by skin color, black brother - * sister sister by skin color, black sister - * food Negro dish; black cuisine - * rock rock blues - * music soul, black music owned by blacks - * shops stores owned by blacks

don "t tell a ~ don't tell anyone; be a good soul and help me be kind, help me

I wonder how he keeps body and ~ together

not to be able to call one "s ~ one" s own to be in complete submission

~ people; he is a simple (an honest) soul the poor little soul

soul incarnation, sample; she is the soul of kindness

~ energy; enthusiasm; she put her whole soul into her work

the ship was lost with two hundred souls on board

soul incarnation, sample; she is the soul of kindness she is the embodiment of kindness ~ soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul soul mate ~ human; he is a simple (an honest) soul the poor little soul poor thing ~ energy; enthusiasm; she put her whole soul into her work

~ soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul soul mate

~ soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul soul mate twin: ~ double; double, coupled; consisting of two homogeneous parts; being a twin; twin soul joke. soul mate

upon my ~! can not be! upon my ~! honestly !, I swear !, by God!

New large English-Russian dictionary. New large English-Russian dictionary. 2011

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More meanings of the word and the translation of SOUL from English into Russian in English-Russian dictionaries and from Russian into English in Russian-English dictionaries.

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word "SOUL" in dictionaries.

  • SOUL - I Immaterial aspect or essence of a person, conjoined with the body during life and separable at death. The concept ...
    English dictionary Britannica
  • SOUL - I. ˈsōl noun (-s) Etymology: Middle English soule, from Old English sāwol, sāwl; akin to Old High German ...
    Webster "s New International English Dictionary
  • SOUL - - soullike, adj. / sohl /, n. 1. the principle of life, feeling, thought, and action in humans, regarded as ...
    Random House Webster "s Unabridged English Dictionary
  • SOUL - I. ˈsōl noun Etymology: Middle English soule, from Old English sāwol; akin to Old High German sēula soul Date: before ...
    Merriam-Webster "s Collegiate English vocabulary
  • SOUL - adj sole. 2.soul adj sole. 3.soul noun a pure or disembodied spirit. 4. soul · vi to afford suitable ...
    Webster English vocab
  • SOUL - n (bef. 12c) 1: the immaterial essence, animating principle,…
    Merriam-Webster English vocab
  • SOUL - in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity, often ...
    Britannica English vocabulary
  • SOUL - soul, Soul BrE AmE səʊl ⇨sɒʊl AmE soʊl (= sole) ▷ souls səʊlz ⇨sɒʊlz AmE soʊlz ˈ soul ˌ ...
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  • SOUL - / səʊl; NAmE soʊl / noun SPIRIT OF PERSON 1. [C] the spiritual part of a person, believed to…
    Oxford Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • SOUL - soul S3 W3 / səʊl $ soʊl / BrE AmE noun [Language: Old English; Origin: sawol] 1. SB'S ...
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  • SOUL - n. 1 the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, often regarded as immortal. 2 the moral or emotional ...
    Concise Oxford English Dictionary
  • SOUL - n.1 the spiritual or immaterial part of a human being, often regarded as immortal. 2 the moral or emotional or ...
    Oxford English vocab
  • SOUL - (souls) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your soul is the ...
    Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner "s English Dictionary
  • SOUL - noun COLLOCATIONS FROM OTHER ENTRIES heart and soul (= all your feelings) ▪ She loved Peter with all her ...
    Longman DOCE5 Extras English vocabulary
  • SOUL - (DEEP FEELINGS) [U] - the quality of a person or work of art which shows or produces deep good…
    Cambridge English vocab
  • SOUL - n. Immaterial aspect or essence of a person, conjoined with the body during life and separable at death. The concept ...
    Britannica Concise Encyclopedia
  • SOUL - n. Function: noun 1 an animating essence or principle held to be inseparably associated with life or living beings FF1C; ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocab
  • SOUL - noun 1. an animating essence or principle held to be inseparably associated with life or living beings philosophers who teach ...
    Collegiate Thesaurus English vocabulary
  • SOUL - n. 1 (vital) spirit or force, being, (inner or true) self, essence, psyche, heart, mind, intellect, reason, anima He finally ...
    Oxford Thesaurus English vocab
  • SOUL - noun 5) 1) spirit, soul; heart to save smb. "s soul ≈ to save smb.'s soul artistic soul ≈ creative nature immortal ...
    Large English-Russian Dictionary
  • SOUL - soul.ogg 1. səʋl n 1. 1> soul, heart that man has no soul is a heartless / soulless / human he put ...
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  • SOUL - 1. səʋl n 1. 1> soul, heart that man has no soul is a heartless / soulless / human he put his ...
    Large new English-Russian dictionary
  • SOUL - noun 1) spirit, soul; heart to save smb. "s soul - to save smb. soul artistic soul - creative nature immortal soul ...
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  • SOUL - noun 1) spirit, soul; heart to save smb. "s soul - to save smb. soul artistic soul - creative nature immortal soul - immortal soul kindly soul ...
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  • SOUL - _n. 1> soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul - soul mate 2> human; ...
    Muller's English-Russian Dictionary - 24th edition
  • SOUL - n. 1.soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul - soul mate 2. person; ...
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  • SOUL - _n. 1> soul, spirit; that man has no soul is a soulless person; twin soul soul mate 2> human; he is ...
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  • SOUL - 1. see soul music 2. watered related to the spiritual brotherhood of the Negro people Black Americans call representatives of their race "blood brother", ...
  • SOUL - 1. see soul music 2. polit. related to the spiritual brotherhood of the Negro people Black Americans call members of their race "brother ...
  • SOUL - anim, spiritu; (person) hom
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  • SOUL - I. noun Etymology: Middle English ~ e, from Old English sāwol; akin to Old High German sēula ~ Date: before 12th ...
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  • SOUL - (n.) A pure or disembodied spirit.
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  • SOUL - (n.) A human being; a person; - a familiar appellation, usually with a qualifying epithet; as, poor soul.
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  • SOUL - (n.) Energy; courage; spirit; fervor; affection, or any other noble manifestation of the heart or moral nature; inherent power or ...
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  • SOUL - (n.) The leader; the inspirer; the moving spirit; the heart; as, the soul of an enterprise; an able general is ...
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  • SOUL - (n.) The seat of real life or vitality; the source of action; the animating or essential part.
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  • SOUL - (n.) The spiritual, rational, and immortal part in man; that part of man which enables him to think, and which ...
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  • SOUL - (a.) Sole.
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  • SOUL - (a.) Sole.
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  • SOUL - (v. T.) To indue with a soul; to furnish with a soul or mind.
  • SOUL - (v. I.) To afford suitable sustenance.
    Webster "s Revised Unabridged English Dictionary
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