German language scheme of a complex sentence. Complexed and complex proposals in German

What is a German Put supply offer, you can understand by looking at the following scheme with an example:

As you can see, the apparent offer can stand both before and after the main offer.

In the appropriate sentencethe faithful is worth last. If the faeed composite, then the hidden part stands at the latest place, and unchangeable - in front of it. The denial "Nicht" is facing the lean. Separated consoles are not separated. Subject to the union right away.

The order of words in the appling German offer you can see on this scheme:

Thus, it is very important to remember that the pretty sentence is faced at the end. The verb is most often the verb. The immutable and hidden part appears when, for example, we have a modal verb. Ich Kann Kommen. Kann is a hidden part, Kommen - unchanged part.

There are some types of departing offers. Below we give a table of types of departing proposals in which the introductory words (alliances, pronouns) are included, after which the word described words in the presidency are included.

The main types of departures:

1) Causes:

Ich Komme Nicht, weil Ich Krank Bin. I will not come, because I am sick / sick.

ICH MACHE DAS FENSTER AUF, dA ES MIR ZU Heiß Ist. I will open the window, because I'm too hot.

2) Objectives:

Ich Lerne Deutsch, damit. Ich Eine Gute Arbeit Finden Kann. I teach German so that I can / la find a good job.

Ich Arbeite Viel, damit. MEINE KINDER ALLES HABEN. I work a lot so that my children have everything.

If the actors in the main and pressing proposals coincide, then you can use the turn from um ... zu.:

damit. Ich Deutsch Lerne. I arrived / And to Germany to teach German.

Ich Bin Nach Deutschland Gekommen, um. Deutsch. zu. Lernen. I arrived / And to Germany to teach German.

3) Conditions:

Wenn. Es Morgen Nicht Regnet, Gehen Wir in Die Berge. If tomorrow there is no rain, we will go to the mountains.

Falls. Sie Kinder Haben, Bekommen Sie Eine Ermäßigung. In case you have children, you will receive a discount.

4) Time:

Wenn. Du Nach Hause Kommst, Ruf Mich Bitte An. When you come back home, call me please.

Während. Ich Arbeite, Sind Meine Kinder Im Kindergarten. At the time when I work, my children are in kindergarten.

ALS. Ich Acht War, Habe Ich Das Schwimmen Gelernt. When I was eight years old, I learned / learned to swim.

Seitdem. ICH IN MOSKAU WOHNE, HABE ICH IMMER EINEN GUTEN JOB. Since I live in Moscow, I always have a good job.

Wir Haben Noch Eine Stunde Zeit, bIS. Die Gäste Kommen. We have another hour before guests come.

Sobald. Du Fertig Bist, Fangen Wir An. As soon as you are ready / a, we will start.

Bevor. ICH EINKAUFEN GEHE, SCHREIBE ICH MIR IMMER EINE EINKAUFSLISTE. Before you go shopping, I always write a list of purchases.

Nachdem. Ich Die Prüfung Bestanden Habe, Kann Ich Mich Erholen. After I passed / a exam, I can relax.

5) Places and directions:

Ich Möchte Wissen, wO. Wir Sind. I wanted to know where we are.

Ich Weiß Nicht, wohin. DIESER WEG FÜHRT. I do not know where this road leads.

6) concessions:

Obwohl ES REGNET, GEHE ICH SPAZIEREN. Despite the fact that it is raining, I will go for a walk.

7) Comparisons:

Je. MEHR GELD ICH VERDIENE, desto MEHR STEUERN MUSS ICH BEZAHLEN. The more money I earn, the more taxes I have to pay.

Sie Sprechen Besser Deutsch, aLS. Wir Erwartet Haben. You speak German better than we expected.

8) Additional pressing offer:

MAN SAGT, dASS. Benzin Bald Wieder Teurer Wird. It is said that gasoline will soon rise in price.

Können Sie Mir Bitte Sagen, wie DIESES GERÄT FUNKTIONIERT? Can you tell me how this device works?

Ich Weiß Noch Nicht, oB. Ich Morgen Ins Schwimmbad Gehe. I still do not know if I will go to the pool tomorrow.

9) Deterpose Proposal:

Ich Möchte Einen Mann Heiraten, dER Mich Immer Verstehen Wird. I want to marry a man who will always understand me.

Ich Möchte Eine Frau Heiraten, dIE Mich Nie Betrügen Wird. I want to marry a woman who will never change me.

Ich Möchte Ein Kind Haben, dAS. Mich Niemals Enttäuschen Wird. I want to have a child who will never disappoint me.

ICH MÖCHTE DIESEN FILM SEHEN, von. dem.alle Sprechen. I would like to watch this film that everyone says.

And here are those unions thatDo not affect on the order of words input by them:uND, ABER, DENN, ODER, SONDERN

The order of words after these unions is exactly the same as in the main sentence: the hidden part of the responding in second place.

He answered confidently, as well prepared for the exam.

I do not have time, and I will not go on football.

Exercise: Insert suitable unions


2) Ich Muss Viel Arbeiten, ... Ich Genug Geld Habe.


4) Ich Weiß Nicht, ... Wir Machen Sollen.

5) ... Du Das Nicht Machst, Rede Ich Nicht Mehr Mit Dir.


Combined proposals (Destinated) in German and Russian are associated with a number of analogies and therefore are generally not particularly difficult to understand. Run. This type (DAS SATZGEFÜGE) is a grammatical structure, which includes the main plan. (Der Hauptsatz) and, as a rule, one or more often - several apparent (der.) (der nebensatz). The main thing. It always has an independent, independent character, while coming. Always obeyed the main thing. This verification link can be expressed either by the subordinate unions connecting the main range. With pressing, or allied words - relative pronouns and adverbs. If unions perform exclusively service (connecting) functions, then adverbs and pronouns, in addition, which provide a link between VDC. And the main directions are., At the same time, the data members are also members. Proposals. For example:

Katharina War Begeistert, Dass Sie So Schnell Allles Besorgt Hat. - Katharina was delighted that everything was so quickly acquired. (Here the Dass Union performs a purely connecting function).
Klaus Wollte Wissen, Wer Sein Boot Gestohlen Hat. - Claus wanted to know who stole his boat. (Here is the Allied Word WER - who acts as subject to the apparent destination. And connects the main one. With VD.).
Otto WUSSTE GENAU, WANN SEINE VERWANDTEN ANKOMMEN. - Otto knew exactly when his relatives arrive. (Here the relative pronoun WANN is the Union Word - acts as a circumstance in the trial. And at the same time connects both offices. In a single whole).

Vod. Run. Can define or supplement one of the members of the main offer. Or all the main proposal as a whole. For example:
ES IST Noch Nicht Endgültig Entschieden, Wann Wir Umziehen. - It has not yet been finally decided (what?), When we move (come. Additional).
Aus Den Alten Flaschen, Die Üblicherweise Weggeschmissen Werden, Hat Er Eine Schöne Figur Gebastelt. - From old bottles (which?), Which are usually thrown away, he made a beautiful figure (probation. Determined to noun Flaschen).

The main offers. They are independent independent offices. with characteristic of the usual simple range. The order of words is direct (with the first place to be in the first place) or reverse (with the first place to be failed and the complementary or the circumstance). In arrival. Run. The order of words has a number of their distinguishing features: the first place in the appreciation is occupied by the allied words or unions, and the last place remains for the lean. At the same time, in cases with composite, the preferred place occupies a registered part or unchangeable verbid part, and the last - auxiliary verb in personal form, for example:
Helga Erzählte Den Touristen, Was Sie In Erster Linie Besichtigen Werden. - Helga told tourists that they would visit first. (Here is the first bet. - the main thing with the direct order of words; the second - prob. Additional, attached to the main thing with the help of the Allied WAS word, which in this pressing occupies the first place and is a supplement. Taken in VD. Goes to the easiest, and its unchanged The part occupies the penultimate, and the changeable is the last place).
HORST BESTÄTIGTE, DASS ER DIESEN ABEND ZU HAUSE VERBRACHT HAT. "Horst confirmed that he spent this evening at home." (In this example, the situation is similar to the previous considered case with the only difference that parts of the complex deposit. Are connected by the subordinate DASS union, which performs a purely official function and in the role of a member of the penis. Does not protrude).

If in VD. Run. Figures the verb with a separated prefix, the separation of this console from the verb does not occur, for example:
Der Projektleiter Hat Erklärt, Dass Die Weiteren Sozialanlagen Direkt Auf der Baustelle Zusammen Gebaut Werden. - The project manager said that subsequent households would be collected directly at the construction site.

From the above examples it can be seen that the allied words (or unions) are formed in VD. Run. A special framework design, inside which all other members of this offer are located.

In cases where allied words are performed by the functions of a subordinate member of the subordinate to be subordinate to be subordinate to themselves. In the usual for arrival. Run. (See above) by forming a framework design. If the Allied Word is a supplement, then after it, as a rule, should be subject to VD. offers. For example:
Die Tomaten, die in Diesem Jahr SO Schlecht Wachsen, Hat Seine Mutter Gepflanzt. - Tomatoes (what?), That this year we grow so badly, I planted his mother (the Allied word Die acts in this subordinate to you. Subject).
Die Tomaten, die Seine Mutter in Diesem Jahr Gepflanzt Hat, Wachsen Sehr Langsam. - Tomatoes that his mother planted this year, grow very slowly. (Die Tomaten is subject to the main range., The definition of which comes. Determined, form first place in the main range.; Wachsen is a simple verbal legend of the main proposal. - ranks second in the main sentence. The order of words in the highlighted probation. Determined - Characteristic Framework with the union word DIE in the role of additions in the first place, following it to be subject to, the circumstance of time and the simple verbal faithful at the end of the frame).

Another feature of complex betrayal. It is the frequent presence of the so-called correlators in the main one, which correlates with the union of the dependent proposal. Series are a specific pointer to the fact that then it should be found. ranged, and strengthen its connection with the main thing. For example:
Sein Arzt Fragte Ihn Danach, OB Er Irgendwelche Schmerzen Im Rücken Hatte. - His doctor asked him about whether he had any pain in his back.
DEIN BRUDER KANN ERST DANN ANGESTELT WERDEN, WENN ER MIT SEINER WISSENSCHAFTLICHEN ARBEIT FERTIG IST. - Your brother can be accepted into the state only when completes his scientific work.

The purpose of this article was not to consider all numerous types of German complex proposals. It was important to consider general information about before. This type and their main features are: the disconcilient nature of the apparent, the presence of characteristic frameworks with a peculiar word order, as well as functions and role in the VDC. Run. unions and allied words.

The order of words in the main sentence and in complex, and in complex proposals, with the exception of some nuances, coincides with the word of words of a simple proposal.

Complex proposals

As in Russian, a complex proposal in German consists of two equal proposals connected by the writing union. The order of words in all proposals coincides with the word of words of a simple proposal. Writing unions, such as uND, ABER, DENN, ODER, SONDERN Do not occupy places in the proposal and do not affect the order of words introduced by their proposals:

DIE Eltern. fahren. Nach Italien und. dIE Tante. sorgt. Für Die Kinder. - Parents leave for Italy, and aunt will look after the children.

After these unions, as in any simple sentence, inversion may be observed:

DIE Eltern. fahren. Nach Italian Und Für Die Kinder sorgt. dIE Tante.. — Parents leave in Italy, and for children will look at aunt.

However, there are writing alliances that affect the order of words in the leading proposal, as they occupy a place in the proposal, i.e. They are a full member. These unions include : darum, Trotzdem, Folglich, Dann, Anderseits, Sonst and some others. Since they are an equal member of the sentence, in the introduction of them, they may take not only the very first position, but also the position following the hidden part of the facular:

Franz. hatte Sich Sehr Beeilt, Trotzdem kAM. Er zu spät. - Franz very rushing, but still he came too late.

Franz. hatte Sich Sehr Beeilt, ER kAM. Trotzdem Zu Spät. - Franz is very in a hurry, but he still came too late.

It is possible to connect a number of statements in a complex proposal. And if they are connected by the Union und. And subject to these proposals coincides, it may not be repeated. But if the statement is not in the first place, which happens when inversion, its use is necessary:

Here, subject to the second sentence, you can omit:

ER. h. ö rTE NUR KURZ ZU UN war Sofort Dagegen. - He is only this is

Here, subject to the second sentence, it is necessary:

ER. h. ö rTE Nur Kurz Zu Und Sofort war Er Dagegen. . — He is only this is Listened to how immediately against.

In general, all the rules for the words of a simple sentence are fair to the same extent for each of the parts of a complex proposal with any unions, but only it is necessary to remember the unions that are full members of the proposal introduced by them.

Combined proposals

Completed proposals consist of a major proposal and one or more addicts dependent on it. Applying proposals form a single integer with the main and separately from it, as a rule, are not used.

In grammatical terms, pressing proposals are completed, i.e. In their composition there is always subject to both faithful. Even if in the pressing offer to be subject to the subject to the main proposal, it cannot be omitted.

The apparent proposal joins the main one with the help of subordinate unions that give the proposal a certain value.

The main types of departing offers in German, together with the union

Type of Putitive Offer

major unions

pressure offers of Time

wenn, Als, Während, Solage, Bevor, Nachdem, Sobald, Bis Sei, Seitdem

puttinglements Causes

weil, Da, Zumal

conditional petition offers

wenn, Falls.

applying proposals of the investigation

sO DASS; SO ..., Dass

sustainable additives

obwohl, Obgleich, Obschon, Wenn ... Auch Noch So

pressure Proposals

JE ..., Desto; indem.

candidate sentences

damit; Um ... zu.

relative Putitive Offers

der, WEM, WESSE, etc.

In the apparent proposals, the subject is usually behind the union, and the hidden part taken Located at the end of the sentence. The procedure for following other members of the proposal as simple as a simple proposal:

Die Zerstörungen. waren. So Groß, SO Dass Das Land Andrere Nationen Um Hilfe gebeten. hat. . - Destruction was so great that the country asked the help of other countries.

Puttinglements can stand both after the main and in front of it.

Pressing offer comes after the main thing:

ER SCHRIEB SEINER TANTE, ALS ER GELD BRAUCHTE. - He wrote his aunt when he needed money.

Applying proposal comes before the main thing:

ALS ER GELD BRAUCHTE, SCHRIEB ER SEINER TANTE. "When he needed money, he wrote his aunt."

If the apparent offer is preceded by the main thing, then in the main sentence, the hidden part of the facred is at once after the comma, and subject to the third (or fourth place). In this case, the pressing proposal is as if one member of the main supply in the first place, and thus, inversion takes place in the main sentence.

Also, as in the simple sentence, the pronoun in the pressing offer is as possible at the beginning of the sentence - immediately after the Union:

WENN DIR DIE WOHNUNG NICHT gEF. ä lLT. , brauchst du sie nicht zu nehmen. - If you don't like the apartment, then you have no reason to agree to shoot it.

Applying proposals may also relate not only to the main sentence, but also to another appropriate offer or infinitive group:

Er Ärgerte Sich, Weil Sie Ihn Nicht Begrüßtte, Als Er Ankam. He got angry, because she did not say hello to him when he entered.

DER BESUCHER FÜRCHTET, DIE GASTGÄBER ZU KRÄNKEN, WENN ER DAS HAMMELFLEISCH ZURÜCKWEIST. - The guest is afraid that he offends the owner if he refuses to dishes from lamb.

Infinitive rev

German has special infinitive turns um ... zu, ohne ... zu, anstatt ... zu, Which are independent pressing structures and largely determine the value of the infinitive turnover inhibited by them.

Infinitive turn um ... zu. Calling a goal, intention, desire:

ICHA FAHRE NACH MÜNCHEN, um. Dort. zu.studieren - I'm going to Munich to learn there

Infinitive turn ohne ... zu. means that the expected action does not occur or did not happen:

Er Verließ Die Party, ohne. Sich. zu. Verabschieden. - He left the party without saying goodbye.

Infinitive turn anStatt ... zu. means that someone behaves differently than it usually happens:

Er Ging Ins Ausland, Anstatt Das Geschäft Seines Vaters Zu Übernehmen - He went abroad instead of accepting his father.

Such infinitive turns do not have their own subject. They relate to the designation of a person or subject in the main sentence that performs the role of the subject. They can stand both before the main and after the main offer:

ER VERLIEß SEINE HEIMAT, Ausland. zu.studieren - He left his homeland to learn abroad.

Um. Im Ausland. zu.studieren Verließ Er Seine Heimat - To learn abroad, he left his homeland.

But if the main and appropriate design is different, it is not an infinitive turnover, but a full-fledged appendant offer with alliances damit, Ohne ... Das, Anstatt ... Dass.

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Complex offer

Complex sentences

complexed (Satzreihe)


Complex offer

2 or a few simple proposals

z.b. DIESE AUFGABE IST NICHT Leicht, Ich Mache Sie Richtig.

Complex offer



z.b. DIESE AUFGABE IST NICHT LEICHT , ich Mache Sie Richtig.

z.b. Diese Aufgabe IST Nicht Leicht, aber. ich Mache Sie Richtig.

Union Difference Offers

winning unions

Writing unions do not affect the order of words:

und (and, a)

aber (but, however)

denn (since because)

oDER (or)

sondern (but, a)

ES IST Halb Neun UHR und. der Unterricht Beginnt.

Das Wetter IST Heute Gut, aber. iCH GEHE NICHT SPAZIEREN,

denn. ich Muss Meine Hausaufgabn Machen.


WIR LESEN NICHT NUR DEN TEXT, sondern. űBersetzen Ihn.

ins russische.

Writing alliances affecting the order of words:

darum (because)

deshalb (as because)

also (So)

tROTZDEM (in spite on, after all)

sONST (otherwise, and then)

dennoch (however, yet)

eNTWEDER ... ODER (or ... or)

nicht Nur ... Sondern Auch (not only ... but also)

weder ... Noch (nor)

  • Mein Freund Wartet Auf Mich deshalb. mUSS ICH GEHEN.
  • Alle Waren Müde, trotzdem. setzen Sie Ihre Arbeit Fort.
  • Wir Müssen Uns Beeilen, sONST. versäumen Wir Den Zug.
  • WIR LESEN DEN TEXT, dann. analysieren Ihn.
  • Er Muss. nicht Nur. studieren, sondern Auch mUSS ERBEITEN ZUGLEICH.
  • Sie Spricht. weder. Deutsch. noch. Englisch.

German SSPs are equal in grammatical terms of simple proposals (PP), the number of which can be two sentences and more. The connection of proposals in the SSP may be allied and non-union. Unions participating in the construction of SSP are called written. In the absence of unions or their deputies - allied words, which are plain adversaries and adverbs, separate proposals are connected to complex solely by intonation.

Consider examples of SSP:

  • UNSER SOHN SPRICHT JETZT DEUTSCH WESENTLICH BESSER, DENN ER HAT SEINE SOMMERFERIEN IN KÖLN VERBRACHT. - Our son now speaks German is significantly better, because he spent his summer holidays in Cologne (Union).
  • Peter Hat Jetzt Sehr Viel Arbeit, Und Wir Alle Helfen Ihm Dabei. - Peter is now a lot of work, and we all help him in this (Union).
  • MEIN BRUDER IST ZURZEIT ARBEITSLOS, ABER ES WIRD NICHT LANGE DAUERN. - My brother is currently unemployed, but it will last long (union).
  • Kommt Er in Das Hotel Mit Einem Taxi Oder Muss Jemand Ihn ABHOLEN? - He will come to a hotel at a taxi, or someone need to meet him and pass (union)?

Speaking of writing unions, it should be noted that they are not necessarily connected to one simple sentences (PP). They can also associate homogeneous members, for example:

  • HABT IHR HEUTE GEBADET UND EUCH GESONNT? - You have bathed and sunbathe today (homogeneous faithful in the framework of PP)?
  • Willst Du Ein Gedicht Oder Ein Lied Vortragen? - Do you want to read the poem or perform a song (homogeneous additions in German PP)?

German unions can be double - pair. Such unions can also connect homogeneous members, and individual PPs, for example:

  • ZU HAUSE HAT ER WEDER FLEISH NOCH GEMÜSE. - He has no meat, nor vegetables (homogeneous additions within the framework of PP).
  • Dort Wird Sie Nicht Nur Lernen, Sondern Auch Sich Erholen. - There she will not only learn, but also rest (homogeneous faithful in the framework of PP).
  • SOWOHL PETER, ALS AUCHERE BESUCHER HABEN MEINE AUSSAGE FALSCH VERSTANDEN. - both Peter and other visitors incorrectly understood my statement (homogeneous subjects within the framework of PP).
  • Entweder Er Oder Sein Neuer Kollege Muss Diese Arbeit Übernehmen. - either he or his new colleague should take this work (homogeneous subject to PP).
  • Entweder Steige Ich Gleich in Diesen Bus Ein, Oder Fährst du Mich Später Mit Deinem Auto Hin. - Either I'm sitting right now in this bus, or you later take me there on your car (the Union binds two PPs).
  • Bald Versteht Er Alles, Bald Kapiert Er Nichts. "He understands everything, then nothing comes to him (a pair union binds two PPs).
  • Er Hat Teils Aufmerksam Zugehört, Teils Telefoniert. - He listened carefully at times, and at times called by phone (the Union connects two homogeneous fagues).

Unions are connective tools that do not speak members of the proposals. This is their main difference from the union words. Allied words are relevant members of proposals and influence the order of words. Consider examples of SSP with union words:

  • KLAUS MACHT IMMER ALLE HAUSAUFGABEN, DARUM LERNT ER GUT. - Claus always makes all homework, so he learns well.
  • Das Wetter IST REGNERISH, Trotzdem Spielen Die Kinder Gern Im Hof. - Weather rainy, but despite this, children willingly play the courtyard.
  • Ihre Cousine Kann Gut Stricken, Außerdem Näht Sie Traumhafte Kleider. - Her cousin can knit well, and in addition, she sews fabulous dresses.
  • Olga Wollte Noch Einen Kuchen Machen, Jedoch War Sie Knapp Mit Der Zeit. "Olga wanted to bake another pie, but she lacked time.
  • Dort Hat Er Sich Das Bein GEBROCHEN, Deshalb Hockt Er Jetzt Zu Hause. - There he broke his leg, so he now sticks out at home.
  • Monika Hat Noch Einen Groben Fehler Gemacht, Deswegen Schweigt Sie Jetzt. - Monica made another rough mistake, so it is now silent.
  • MEIN BRUDER IST EIN MECHANIKER, ALSO EIN FACHMANN. - My brother is a mechanic, that is, a specialist.
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