Presentation on the Congo River in Africa. Presentation on the topic "Rivers of Africa"

K ngooo (Za rio, Lual ba)ao K ngo oo (Za rio, Lual baao) is a river in Central Africa, mainly in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (partially flows along its borders with the Republic of the Congo and Angola), the deepest and second largest the longest river in Africa, the second most water-rich river in the world after the Amazon. In the upper reaches (above the city of Kisangani) it is called Lualaba. The only major river that crosses the equator twice. The basin area is 4,014,500 km². Length - 4374 km. It originates from the settlement of Mumena.

In late 1481, King João II of Portugal sent a fleet of caravels along the west coast of Africa to the Gold Coast (modern Ghana) to open gold mines there. The expedition was led by Diogo de Azambuja. The mine needed slaves, so in 1482 Azambuja sent Diogo Cana to explore the then unknown west coast of Africa. At 6° south latitude, the Portuguese discovered the mouth of a large river and landed on the shore, where they were met by black Bantu people. They said that the river is called Nzari - “Big”, and the state through whose territory it flows is ruled by a king bearing the title Mani-Kongo (English) Russian. As a sign of the discovery of these lands, the Portuguese installed a padran (stone pillar) near the mouth, and named the river the Padrão River (Rio do Padrão). The upper reaches of the Congo (Lualaba) were discovered by David Livingstone in 1871. Most of the current of the Congo from Niangwe downstream was explored in 1876-1877 by Henry Stanley. The Kassai tributary was explored by Wissmann in 1885.

Geography of the river Congo The length of the Congo from the source of Lualaba is 4374 km (from the source of Chambeshi - over 4700 km). The basin area is 4,014,500 km². The source of the Lualaba originates in the southeast of the DRC, on a plateau near the border with Zambia. The steepest drop (475 m at a distance of about 70 km) of Lualaba is in the Nzilo Gorge, with which it cuts through the southern spurs of the Mitumba Mountains. Starting from the city of Bukama, the river flows slowly, strongly meandering, along the flat bottom of the Upemba graben. Below the city of Kongolo, Lualaba breaks through the crystalline rocks of the Port d'Enfer (Hell's Gate) gorge, forming rapids and waterfalls; further downstream, several more groups of waterfalls and rapids follow one after another. Between the cities of Kindu and Ubundu the river flows calmly again in a wide valley. Just below the equator, it descends from the edges of the plateau into the Congo Basin, forming the Stanley Falls.

Shipping The total length of shipping routes along the rivers and lakes of the Congo Basin is about 20 thousand km. Most of the navigable sections of the rivers are concentrated in the Congo Basin, where they form a single branched system of waterways, which, however, is separated from the ocean by the Livingston Falls in the lower reaches of the Congo. The river itself has 4 main navigable sections: Bukama-Kongolo (645 km), Kindu-Ubundu (300 km), Kisangani - Kinshasa (1742 km), Matadi - mouth (138 km); the last section, the so-called offshore pool, is accessible to ocean-going vessels. The navigable areas of the Congo are connected by railways. The main river and lake ports in the Congo basin: in the Congo - Kinshasa, Brazzaville, Mbandaka, Ki Sangani, Ubundu, Kindu, Kongolo, Kabalo, Buk ama; on the Ubangi River - Bangui; on the Kasai River - Ilebo; on Lake Tanganyika - Kalima, Kigoma, Bujum Bura; on Lake Kivu-Bukavu. In the lower reaches of the Congo there are the seaports of Matadi Boma and Banana.

Cities on the Bukama River (beginning of navigation) - a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (Katanga province), a river pier in the upper reaches of the Lualaba River, a railway station on the Lubumbashi - Ilebo line. Kongolo is a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Airport. Kindu is a city in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The administrative center of the province of Maniema. It lies on the western bank of the Congo River at an altitude of 500 m above sea level. It is connected by rail to the south of the country and has an airport. In the city you can find features of Islamic and Swahili cultures. Port in Kisangani Kinshasa (until 1966 - Leopold in Lii) - the capital (since 1960) of the Democratic Republic of the Congo is located on the Congo River, opposite the city of Brazzaville, the capital of the Republic of the Congo. Although the city's population in 2009 was 10,076,099 people, 60% of its territory is sparsely populated rural areas, which, nevertheless, were included within the administrative boundaries of the city. Densely populated urban areas occupy only a small part of the territory in the west of the province. And a number of other cities.

"Angara River" - Burbot. About 800 km. Sable. Kobchik. Diversity of flora. Sterlet. Peregrine Falcon. Valuable fish species. Sturgeon. Black stork. Flows within the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Pike. Angara pine. Diversity of the animal world. Perhaps the Lower Angara region contains the most valuable species of plants and animals. Musk deer.

“River Skhodnya” - Pollution of rivers in the Moscow region. The gangway freezes in November - early December, and opens at the end of March - April. During the war years, the Moscow region lost a fifth of its forests. The food is predominantly snowy. Plain type. Project by Konstantinova Alexandra. Over the past 70 years, life in small rivers near Moscow has become especially difficult.

“River in Kazakhstan” - 1989. For the conditions of Kazakhstan, several groups of specific problems should be identified. The total volume of water is 190 km?. The waters of the Caspian Sea wash the Western part of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Length 4248 km. Some aspects of environmental problems in Kazakhstan. Ertis) is a river in Asia (Siberia), the main tributary of the Ob River. It flows through the territory of China (525 km), Kazakhstan (1835 km) and Russia (2010 km).

“Volga River” - Characteristics. The average fall is 7 cm per 1 kilometer. Computer presentation for a 8th grade geography lesson on the topic: “Rivers of Russia.” Therefore, the annual river level is characterized by high and prolonged spring floods. The total drop from source to mouth is 256 meters. The basin area is 1380 thousand square kilometers.

“Geography 6th class river” - Yangtze (Asia) 5800 km. America) 4740 km. 8. Mekong (Asia) 4500 km. 9. Amur with Argun (Asia) 4440 km. 10. Rivers in the works of poets. Rivers. Nile with Kagera (Africa) 6671 km. Mississippi with Missouri (Northern parts of the river. Volga (Europe) 3531 km. Ob with Irtysh (Asia) 5451 km 6. Yellow River (Asia) 4845 km 7. Missouri (North.

“Lakes and rivers” - 1) tectonic 2) glacial 3) dammed. Finish the sentence... Correct answer options. What lakes have coordinates? 5. An annual repeating rise in the water level in the river: a) tide b) flood c) flood. 8. The boundary between two river basins is called: a) threshold b) floodplain C) watershed. Rivers are fed by _______________ _______________ _______________ _______________.

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Presentation on the topic: GEOGRAPHY OF CONGO

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KO NGO, Republic of the Congo (French Republique du Congo), a state in Central Africa, washed in the southwest by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Area 342 thousand km2. Population 3.8 million people (2007). The capital is Brazzaville. The largest cities are: Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire Nkayi (formerly Jacob), Loubomo, Mosenjo. KO NGO, Republic of the Congo (French Republique du Congo), a state in Central Africa, washed in the southwest by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. It borders the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Area 342 thousand km2. Population 3.8 million people (2007). The capital is Brazzaville. The largest cities are: Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire Nkayi (formerly Jacob), Loubomo, Mosenjo. The Republic of the Congo consists of 12 departments, including the capital city of Brazzaville and the city of Pointe-Noire. The region with the highest population density is Pointe-Noire 18,813 thousand people/km2; the largest administrative center by population is Brazzeville, by area – Likouala. The Brazzeville region is home to 1,408,150 people, and the area of ​​Likouala is 66,044 km2

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The Republic of the Congo stretches for almost a thousand kilometers on both sides of the equator along the right bank of the Congo River. In the extreme southwest, Congo has access to the Atlantic Ocean, although the coastline is relatively short. The central part is occupied by the Bateke plateau (height up to 1040 m). The coastal lowland is bordered by the Crystal Mountains (the edge of the plateau), 500-1000 m high. In the northeast of the country lies the periodically flooded flat alluvial plain of the Congo Basin, along which the main river, the Congo, flows, forming the eastern border of the country. The climate is hot and humid, in the north it is constantly humid equatorial, in the south it is subequatorial with one or two rainy seasons. OK. 50% of the territory is covered with moist equatorial and subequatorial forests. In the rest of the territory, forests were destroyed at different times and replaced by secondary savannas. The Republic of the Congo stretches for almost a thousand kilometers on both sides of the equator along the right bank of the Congo River. In the extreme southwest, Congo has access to the Atlantic Ocean, although the coastline is relatively short. The central part is occupied by the Bateke plateau (height up to 1040 m). The coastal lowland is bordered by the Crystal Mountains (the edge of the plateau), 500-1000 m high. In the northeast of the country lies the periodically flooded flat alluvial plain of the Congo Basin, along which the main river, the Congo, flows, forming the eastern border of the country. The climate is hot and humid, in the north it is constantly humid equatorial, in the south it is subequatorial with one or two rainy seasons. OK. 50% of the territory is covered with moist equatorial and subequatorial forests. In the rest of the territory, forests were destroyed at different times and replaced by secondary savannas.

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Hot and humid, in the north - equatorial, in the south - subequatorial. Average monthly temperatures in the area of ​​the country's capital Brazzaville in April are about +26C, in July - about +22C, but daytime temperatures in all months often exceed +30C, and night temperatures drop to +17C. Almost everywhere, except for a narrow strip north of the equator, the year is divided into dry (May-September) and wet seasons (in some areas - two dry and two wet). The heaviest rains occur in March-April and October-December. January-February is the so-called short dry season, when it rains less often. However, air humidity remains very high in all months. The usual amount of precipitation is 1400-2000 mm per year, and only slightly less falls on the coast. Hot and humid, in the north - equatorial, in the south - subequatorial. Average monthly temperatures in the area of ​​the country's capital Brazzaville in April are about +26C, in July - about +22C, but daytime temperatures in all months often exceed +30C, and night temperatures drop to +17C. Almost everywhere, except for a narrow strip north of the equator, the year is divided into dry (May-September) and wet seasons (in some areas - two dry and two wet). The heaviest rains occur in March-April and October-December. January-February is the so-called short dry season, when it rains less often. However, air humidity remains very high in all months. The usual amount of precipitation is 1400-2000 mm per year, and only slightly less falls on the coast.

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About half of the Congo's territory is covered by tropical forests with rich flora: limba and okume, sapeli, various types of mahogany, chitola, ayus, oil palm, raffia palm and copal tree. About half of the Congo's territory is covered by tropical forests with rich flora: limba and okume, sapeli, various types of mahogany, chitola, ayus, oil palm, raffia palm and copal tree. The fauna of the Congo has suffered greatly from predatory extermination, but in areas poorly developed by humans, a fairly rich fauna has been preserved: elephants, hippos, buffalos, leopards, numerous monkeys, and forest species of birds. There are a variety of reptiles, especially snakes.

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By population: Population - 4,233,063 people. (estimated as of February 2015) Annual growth - 2.8%. Birth rate - 40.09 per 1000. Mortality - 11.25 per 1000. Emigration - 2.18 per 1000. Infant mortality - 74.22 per 1000. Average life expectancy - 54 years for men, 57 years for women. Urban population - 62%. Literacy - 83.8% as of 2003. Ethnic composition: Congo 48%, Sanga (English) Russian. 20%, Mboshi 12%, Teke 17%, Pygmies 10%, Europeans and others 3%. Languages: French (official), Lingala and Monokutuba (languages ​​of interethnic communication), many local languages, of which Kikongo is the most widespread. Religions: Christians 50%, aboriginal cults 48%, Muslims 2%. Most Christians are Catholics By population: Population - 4,233,063 people. (estimated as of February 2015) Annual growth - 2.8%. Birth rate - 40.09 per 1000. Mortality - 11.25 per 1000. Emigration - 2.18 per 1000. Infant mortality - 74.22 per 1000. Average life expectancy - 54 years for men, 57 years for women. Urban population - 62%. Literacy - 83.8% as of 2003. Ethnic composition: Congo 48%, Sanga (English) Russian. 20%, Mboshi 12%, Teke 17%, Pygmies 10%, Europeans and others 3%. Languages: French (official), Lingala and Monokutuba (languages ​​of interethnic communication), many local languages, of which Kikongo is the most widespread. Religions: Christians 50%, aboriginal cults 48%, Muslims 2%. Most Christians are Catholics

Africa: my seventh graders and I are studying the geographical location of the continent. It is in 7th grade, during geography lessons, that we begin the broad topic of Continents and Oceans. Therefore, during the 7th grade course, we need to completely cover all six continents, among which Africa stands out not just because of its geographical location, but because of its nature, which is so diverse! Amazing Africa, in which natural zones change from hot deserts to humid forests. The hottest continent, the second largest in area after Eurasia, the Congo River, the second largest after the Amazon, the Sahara, the largest of all the deserts in the world, and much more attracts our eyes and thoughts to this continent.

Nutrition and regime of the river is a very interesting question. Think about it, if in winter the river is covered with ice and there is no rain, then why does it flow under the ice? That’s right, it’s the groundwater that feeds it, although in winter there is low water on the river, that is, the lowest water level, although this does not affect the human economy, because in winter we don’t irrigate the fields, and we don’t sail on ships on the river. But in the spring this will begin, so much water will flow into the river that it may overflow its banks. And if in a geography lesson in the 6th grade you tell something like this to those children who live in the middle zone on the plains, then they and the teacher will agree.

The general characteristics of the rivers of Africa for seventh graders are quite important, since they are now large, and in geography lessons in the 7th grade they need to virtually walk around the world, since they need to study it urgently! Everyone would like not to sit at their desks, but to travel around the world on planes and ships in order to get to Africa and see for themselves this very Nile, which is the longest river in the world. But all this does not always work out, because we want one thing, and our capabilities determine our behavior in life. And since we can’t go anywhere from school for now, we have to download the presentation and just use the slides to walk around the entire planet, including the rivers of Africa.

Inland waters - rivers and lakes of Africa - are studied by our seventh-graders as part of the school curriculum in geography, and therefore they should receive this information in full. Of course, it is difficult to organize a trip to Africa, and even more so with personal and school funds, and the state will not give money for your only school for a trip to Africa, which is a pity. But something will have to be done, and we must think that sitting in the classroom we will have to get acquainted with African rivers and lakes from the slides of the presentation compiled by Elena Ivanovna Laricheva, and we just need to download it for this.

Knowledge control in geography lessons is often carried out in the form of tests. This grade 7 geography test is designed to test students' knowledge after completing the topic Africa. The tests are presented in the form of two versions of work, and an essential point of testing is the presence of graphic material - it is necessary to correlate the questions of the test with a picture showing a map of Africa. The archive contains a geography test on the topic Africa in two versions, but the text here is presented in only one version.

The Congo River (or Zaire) is a large river in Central Africa. Most of the channel is located on the territory of the Democratic Republic of Cong. The river is a natural border between the DCR and the Republic of the Congo, as well as the DCR and Angola. This is the deepest and second (after the Nile) longest river on the mainland. In terms of flow, the Congo is not inferior to any other river in the world except the Amazon. Another similarity between the Amazon and the Congo is that there is a terrible fish here (the Congo River monster), which is probably second only to piranha in terms of bloodthirstiness. Among other things, the Congo is the only large river that crosses the equator twice.

Length: km. Drainage basin area: sq. km. Where it flows: The Congo originates at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, between lakes Niassa and Tanganyika in Zambia. According to other sources, the source is located on the Shaba Plateau in the DKR, near the border with Zambia to the west of the city of Kolwezi. Up to Stanley Falls (near the city of Kisangani) the river is called Lualaba, further down the river it is already called Congo. In the middle reaches, the mountainous terrain gives way to flat terrain and the river overflows, forming a wide valley with a large number of channels and lakes. The width of the valley in some places reaches 20 km. In the lower reaches of the river, the path is blocked by the South Guinean Upland, and the river is squeezed into a deep narrow gorge, the width of which in some places reaches 300 meters. The depth of the river in some places is 230 m and even more. This makes the Congo the deepest river in the world. The total drop in this area is 270 m. In this area there are a large number of rapids and rapids, which are called Livingston Falls. The mouth of the river is located at the city of Banana, where the Congo flows into the Atlantic Ocean, forming an estuary. The Congo River is truly an extraordinary river. It has the greatest potential for economic use in hydropower among all the rivers in the world. This is explained both by the full flow of the river and by the large drop in the riverbed throughout its entire course. Unlike the Congo, other large rivers in the lower reaches are flat. The total hydropower reserve is estimated at 390 GW. Livingston Falls alone contains approximately ~113.4 GW or ~994 TWh of electricity per year. To appreciate this figure, it is worth saying that in 2007, the output of all power plants in Russia (including thermal, nuclear, hydro...) amounted to 997.3 TWh. But the problem is to curb this power. In 2014, construction of the Grand Inga hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 39.6 GW is expected to begin. The construction cost is estimated at $80 billion. Grand Inga will be 2 times larger than the currently most powerful Three Gorges hydroelectric power station in China, and more than 100 times larger than the Kakhovskaya hydroelectric power station with a capacity of 351 MW. The water flow at the mouth can vary from m³/sec to m³/sec depending on the season and averages m³/sec. The average annual flow is 1450 km 3. Solid flow is about 50 million tons per year. The river also has a relatively flat water regime, which is caused by intermittent rainy seasons in different parts of the river basin. The ocean in the area of ​​the mouth is desalinated over a distance of 76 km. from the shore.

The Goliath tiger fish is also called the monster of the Congo River, although it is also found in other rivers of Africa. This fish is considered one of the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world. Perhaps only the Amazonian piranha can compete with her in bloodthirstiness. Of the 5 currently known species of tiger fish, the largest lives only in the Congo Basin. The fish can reach 1.8 meters in length and weigh more than 50 kg. Its huge size and 32 razor-sharp teeth make it an ideal predator. But today, the predator himself has become the victim. Anglers from all over the world come here to test themselves in tiger fishing. Jeremy Wade managed to catch a giant specimen. Jeremy is a freshwater fish expert and host of River Monsters. In order for his fishing to be successful, he had to spend 8 days in hard-to-reach places in the Congo. But his patience was rewarded. Jeremy caught a fish weighing 70 kg and one and a half meters long. The fish owes its name, “tiger,” not only to its size, but also to the dark horizontal stripes on the sides of its body. The Congo River, due to its strong current, is a kind of evolutionary cauldron, since many fish cannot cope with such a strong current and find themselves isolated in certain parts of the river. This leads to the appearance of a large number of unusual fish. And it is not Goliath that calmly swims throughout the river and, perhaps, is the only fish capable of overcoming the strong current of the Congo River. There have been cases of attacks not only on humans, but even on crocodile! In addition to well-developed hearing, this fish can also find prey using low-frequency vibrations.

Perhaps no one has captured the nightmarish essence of the Congo River more vividly than the novelist Joseph Conrad, who wrote in Heart of Darkness that being on it “is like going on a journey to the beginnings of the world, when the vegetation was rampant on the earth and gigantic giants soared.” trees... It was the peace of a ruthless force, immersed in the contemplation of incomprehensible intentions. She turned her vengeful face towards you.”

The Congo, the deepest river in Africa, is second only to the South American Amazon in terms of water content, writes National Geographic. But the African river is remarkable in that its depth cannot be compared with any other river on Earth. According to some estimates, the depth of the Congo reaches 230 meters or more! For comparison, the height of the main building of Moscow State University on Vorobyovy Gory, including the spire, is 240 meters. Even the Amazon is significantly behind the Congo in this regard: the greatest depths, according to researchers’ measurements, do not exceed 125 meters. Why is an African river so deep? It's all about the structure of the valley. In its lower reaches, the river had to navigate its way through a narrow gorge in the Crystal Mountains of the South Guinea Plateau. The river bed, which is up to 15 kilometers wide in flat areas, narrows here to a few hundred meters - in some areas no more than 300 meters. Therefore, the river, whose flow in this area usually exceeds m³ per second, is forced to flow through a narrow gorge, hence the record depth. It is curious that record depths are not the only unique feature of this waterway. The Congo is also the only major river to cross the equator twice.

Congo is a river in Equatorial Africa. It flows through the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Angola and Congo. It flows under the name Chambesi between lakes Nyasa and Tanganyika at an altitude of 1590 meters above sea level, Lake Bangweulu flows and Lake Mweru under the name Luapula, connects with Lualaba, from the city of Kisangari already under the name Congo flows into the Atlantic Ocean. The Congo is the second longest river in Africa. Its length is 4700 km, the basin area is sq. km. Large tributaries: Lualaba, Lindi, Lomati, Aruvimi, Lulonga, Ruki, Ubangi, Kasai. The cities are located: Kindu, Kisangani, Yangambi, Mbandaka, Kinshasa, Matadi, Boma (DR Congo), Brazzaville (Congo). The river is fed mainly by rain. Since there are many rapids and waterfalls on the river, the river is navigable in places. The Congo is the only major river in the world that crosses the equator twice.

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