Comma before or in English. English grammar - punctuation in English

Listed below are the main cases in which commas should be used, i.e. those cases when a comma is required in English:

1. A comma must be placed if 2 independent subordinate clauses are connected using one of the following linking words: and, not, for, but, yet, or, so. Each independent clause can be a separate clause. When at least 2 such sentences are combined into one sentence using any of the above words, a comma is used to separate them. But, if these sentences are quite short, then a comma may not be used, as for example - I was swimming and caught a cold (I swam and caught a cold).

Paul wanted to say something, but he was interrupted. – Paul wanted to say something, but he was interrupted.

2. A comma in English is used when listing 3 or more items.

I brought skates, skis, ski poles. – He brought skates, skis, ski poles.

3. When there are 2 or more adjectives that describe an object or person.

Example: My mother is a beautiful, kind woman. – My mother is a beautiful, kind woman.

4. If we put a dependent subordinate clause before the main clause.

A dependent clause is a clause that cannot be used separately from the main clause.

For example:

Unless you are rested, we are not going anywhere. “Until you rest, we won’t go anywhere.”

Because it was cold, we did not go out of town. – Since it was cold, we didn’t go out of town

5. A comma is used when providing additional information about an object or person (adjective clause)

For example: Jorge, who is a clever man, answered this question. – Jschrj, a smart man, answered this question.

6. When asking a direct question or quoting.

For example: Helen said, “I want some juce.” – Helen said I want to drink juice.

7. If you want to draw the attention of another person to something.

For example:

Golf, Jorge, is a very interesting game – Golf, Jorge, this is a very interesting game

You, sir, are not very smart. -You, sir, are not very smart.

8. When using connecting words such as: therefore(therefore therefore) consequently(as a result, as a result), etc.

For example:

Mary didn't go to geography lessons. Therefore, she didn’t say where the northern part of the country is. Mary didn’t go to geography lessons, so she didn’t say where the northern part of the country is.

9. When highlighting an address, just as we do in Russian:

John, where's your bookbag? - John, where is your briefcase?

10. A comma is also placed before the signature in a letter after the last phrase, such as Sincerely yours (Sincerely yours); Yours faithfully - devoted to you, etc.:

For example:

Sincerely yours, - Sincerely yours,

George. George.

11. Sometimes a comma is used when writing multi-digit numbers or dates:

11.1. to designate cardinal numbers using numbers, every 3 digits (from right to left) must be separated by a comma: 4.564; 3,873,000. Although in mathematics, according to the SI system, instead of a comma after every three digits, spaces are placed: 4,625; 5,531,000;

11.2. When writing dates, you can use a comma to separate the date from the year. Eg:

11.3. A comma is not used in writing dates if there is already another comma next to it. Example:

We´ll go to New York on Tuesday, - We will go to New York on Tuesday,

12. You should never put a punctuation mark in indirect speech after the following verbs: to say, to tell, etc.:

My mother said that I could not go to this lesson. – My mother said that I cannot go to this lesson.

Our teacher told that the lesson was over - Our teacher said that the lesson was over.

13. A comma in English is placed before direct speech immediately after introductory words, whereas in Russian in this case it would be necessary to put a colon:

My brother said, ‘I’ll be at home at 6’. “My brother said: “I’ll come home at six.”

As in Russian, English punctuation uses a comma. However, the rules for placing this punctuation mark differ from those in Russian. It is needed to prevent something like this from happening:

(Let's eat grandpa. - Let's eat, grandpa.)

1) A comma is placed when listing homogeneous members of a sentence:

I bought 1 kilo of apples, 2 tomatoes, 1 steak and 3 bags of crisps.
I bought 1 kilo of apples, 2 tomatoes, 1 steak and 3 packs of chips.

However, if different properties of an object are listed, then a comma is not needed:

She bought an expensive big red sofa.
She bought an expensive big red sofa.

2) Commas highlight words such as however, moreover, for example, as a matter of fact, in other words at the beginning or middle of a sentence:

Apples are delicious. Moreover, they contain lots of vitamins.

Apples are delicious. Moreover, they contain many vitamins.

3) A comma is placed before words and, but, or, nor, so And yet to separate simple sentences within a compound sentence:

He is kind boy, but he is a bit greedy.
He's a good boy, but a little greedy.

4) Dates at the beginning of the sentence are set off with commas:

On May 2, 2016, he first came to London.
On May 2, 2016, he came to London for the first time.

5) Commas highlight introductory constructions and phrases:

As for me, I don’t think it’s a good idea.
As for me, I don't think this is a good idea.

6) Also, introductory constructions that contain a participle or gerund are highlighted with a comma:

Extremely tired, he fell asleep immediately.
Extremely tired, he immediately fell asleep.

7) The comma is used in sentences where there is direct speech:

“I’ll come tomorrow”, he promised.
“I’ll come tomorrow,” he promised.

8) Also, a comma will highlight the address:

John, where were you last night?
John, where were you last night?

9) Commas highlight non-defining relative clauses ( non-defining relative clauses– the part of the sentence separated by commas can be omitted without loss of meaning):

My sister Julie, who is 26, likes ice-cream.
My sister Julie, who is 26 years old, loves ice cream.

However, if the relative clause is determining ( defining relative clause- we cannot omit this part of the sentence without losing the meaning), then the comma is not placed:

A spoon is a tool that we use to eat.
A spoon is a tool we use to eat.

10) The comma is not used in complex sentences with words when, unless, before, if, since, after, until, as soon as:

I'll call you as soon as a get home.
I'll call you as soon as I get home.

11) A comma is also not used in complex sentences before a word that:

Peter suddenly realized that he had forgotten his umbrella at home.
Peter suddenly realized that he had forgotten his umbrella at home.

12) In conditional sentences, a comma is placed only if the sentence begins with if:

If she comes, we'll go to the cinema.
If she comes, we will go to the cinema.

However, if the sentence begins with the main part, then the comma is not used:

We'll go to the cinema if she comes.
We'll go to the cinema if she comes.

The comma in the English language is the most common and, therefore, the most difficult to write. It is in cases with the use of a comma that there are the greatest number of different difficulties and questions, which is often determined by the opinion of the author, personal emotional perception and interpretation of a particular case and situation described in the text. A comma in English, unlike Russian, is not always placed to separate it from the main clause, while in Russian subordinate clauses are always separated by a comma.

When a comma is not used

Commas are not separated in English:

  • subordinate subject / predicate / object:

It is important that she should be there on Wednesday.It's important that she be there on Wednesday.

My rule is that you should not drink.My condition is that you don't drink.

I insist that you call him soon.We insist that you call him quickly.

  • subordinate clauses, where there is a circumstance when they come after the main clause:

She told her all when she went downstairs.She told her everything as she walked down the stairs.

I had to end my work earlier to aid mother.I had to finish work early to help my mother.

The police may take your car if you park it there.The police may confiscate your car if you park there.

The most typical situations of using a comma

The most typical situations of using a comma.

  • The comma in English is always used when addressing.

Waiteress, I would like a menu, please.Waitress, bring menu, Please.

Father, there is no one here.Father, there is no one here.

  • The comma in English is used to separate individual items of enumeration:

Purple, lily, red flowers filled several vases.The vases were filled with purple, lilac, and red flowers.

Notrose, went around the table, leaned down and took the little armchair.He stood up, walked around the table, bent down and took a small chair.

She laughs, drinks and speaks too much. He laughs, drinks and talks too much.

It should be remembered that in this case a comma before and can be used, but not necessarily.

  • Used (but not necessarily) between 2 main clauses connected by conjunctions and / as / but / and others. The comma is especially often used in English when the first sentence is long:

He will affirm it, and I will help him with his problems. He will confirm it, I will help him with his problems.

They stopped to look at each other, and she asked about this hard day.They stopped to look at each other and she asked about this difficult day.

The crowd was stupefied, as the clown tried to entertain with his jokes.The crowd was mesmerized as the clown tried to entertain with his jokes.

  • Used after circumstances in subordinate clauses coming before the main clause:

When she went downstairs, she told him that Selena had already come.When she went downstairs, she told him that Selena had already arrived.

To support my sister, he had to leave Moscow.To help my sister, he had to leave Moscow.

Having called Sara, she quickly went to the station.After calling Sarah, she quickly drove to the station.

When in doubt, you should come to see me.When in doubt, come to me.

If you park the car there, the police will seize it.If you park your car there, the police will confiscate it.

  • Used after any part of a sentence where there is additional information about the subject:

The waiter, who was old, told that he knew me. .

Subtleties of use

The strict principle of the English language is that the use of a comma between the subject (several subjects) and the predicate is prohibited. This case represents one of the few situations where it is possible to use a comma, but keep in mind that only additional information is underlined by a comma, and on both sides:

The girl who was so pretty, assured that he saw me. / The girl, who was so pretty assuared that he saw me. — Both sentences are incorrect. No second comma .

The girl, who was so pretty, assured that he saw me - Right.

The man, who aided me that night, told that he recognized me.The man who helped me that night said he recognized me. — Incorrect, there is no additional information about the subject here, but only an explanation, no commas are required.

Right : The man who aided me that night told that he recognized me.

The strike at the nuclear plant, which lasted theree days, is already over. — D Additional data is separated by commas, as there is additional information. Strike on nuclear factory, lasted three day, finished.

The woman with whom Tom was in love left him after five years. - P clarification, no commas required . Woman, V which Volume was in love, left his later five years.

The manson, which was empty for three years, has been sold out.The mansion, which had been empty for three years, was sold.

The girl whom I desired to meet was away on vacations.The girl I wanted to meet went on vacation.


An apostrophe, or in common parlance a comma (in English it is placed at the top) goes together with the letter s in all cases of use of the possessive case, except for the plural of objects and things, it is formed according to the standard rule (then the apostrophe goes without s):

father's look;

the princess's ring;

men's gloves (man-men);

students" tasks.


The comma in English is on top when forming the possessive case of proper names ending with a letter -s, you can use both options:

King Charles's wife/ King Charles' wife.

Used in abbreviated forms to indicate missing letters or numbers:

I "m - I am;

he "s - he is / has;

"86 - 1986.

The apostrophe is placed together with the letter -s when forming the plural of letters, numbers or abbreviations (with numbers and capital letters the apostrophe can be omitted):

In the 1970's /the 1970s;

VIP's / VIPs;

He could not distinguish his L's. He did not clearly pronounce the letter L.

Separation upon handling

The comma in the English language when addressed is used in the English dialect (in the American dialect a colon is used) when preparing business correspondence, as well as in simple everyday speech.

Dear Mr. Frendick, We have received your letter...

Used in official or business correspondence after the last phrases of the greeting, separating it from the surname and position (between which there is no punctuation):

Yours faithfully, / Yours sincerely, Ranason-.Ltd.A. Simpson Manager.

A comma is used in addresses on an envelope or in the upper zone of a letter (above the text), emphasizing the addressee's last name / organization name / address / (a ​​comma is not required between house numbers and street names):

Stephen P. Denny, 5678 Starling Avenue, Harlem, L.A. 10857.

Also used to separate explanatory words from direct speech if there is no other punctuation:

"How were you?" Nick asked. "He was ok," she replied. "Do you still hurt?" he asked. "No", she said, "not much." He said, "I am not aware."

Comma for introductory phrases and other words

There is no comma before because in English.

He can't get into the house because she had lost the keys.

Because he was strange, I broke up with him.Because he was strange, I broke up with him.

Comma in English after so, well, however, probably, certainly, naturally)

In fact, I had a little chance to do it.

Probably, Tom would come to Paris at 8 pm.

In the presence of those having a participle or gerund:

Heartbroken, he has gone to his cottage.Heartbroken, she went to the cottage.

Used before the word for , if it comes as a conjunction (secondary clauses joined by this conjunction extremely rarely go ahead of the main one):

I begged her to be there, for I had some information to tell her.I asked her to be there because I needed to give her some information.

I Could tell about this woman, for I had seen him before.I could talk about this woman because I have seen her before.

Features of use

This is just a fraction of the rules that need to be used in everyday life. And this has always helped to be on top when communicating with educated people and, without hesitation, to make contact and discuss topics on forums.

In the English language, or more precisely, in the American dialect used in the United States, everything is much simpler. Americans do not pay as much attention to this grammatical issue as, for example, in Russian grammar.

The fact is that two different teachers can tell you different rules about the correct use of a comma in an English sentence, and both may be right. And all because in America there is no strict, organized system for using commas. But still, there are general rules by adhering to which a person can gain basic knowledge about English punctuation.


In standard English, the comma is a multifunctional punctuation mark, and its modern use is an example of not only transformations in the use of punctuation, but also how the entire target concept of what counts as a normative sentence in English is being modified. Until the very end of the 19th century, authors and writers used a semicolon where a single comma is now usually used, and a comma in cases where no punctuation is now required at all. Throughout the 20th century, dramatic changes have occurred in the punctuation rules of modern English.

Hello friends! I discovered one interesting fact - punctuation in the English language is a topic that does not receive due attention. Often, students of English are so caught up in the goal of “speaking” this very language that they forget about such supposedly “not the most important” nuance as English punctuation. Naturally, there is some truth in this. This is really not an initially necessary topic to study. However, the need to know it arises with the first letter to your, for example, foreign-language friend. This letter, no matter how grammatically correct it is composed, in the absence of proper “formatization”, will completely distort the overall “composition”. And in general, any written work needs the correct placement of punctuation marks. Punctuation marks create very important strokes, without which the “picture of the text” would lose its clear outlines.

The rules of punctuation in the English language are simple, but necessary. So, today we will study the rules of punctuation in the English language.

English punctuation using example sentences

Punctuation marks in English:

Rules for placing commas in simple sentences

How to place commas correctly in English
  1. If a sentence contains an enumeration, that is, a number of homogeneous members, they are separated by commas. Usually there is a conjunction “and” before the final homogeneous member, which is also preceded by a comma if there are three or more members in total in the sentence.
    • I want to buy milk, chocolate cake, and brad. - I want to buy milk, chocolate cake and bread

    However, if the so-called final homogeneous term consists of several words, then the comma is omitted

    • I want to pass my exams, to travel and to find common language with my relatives. — I want to pass exams, travel and find a “common” language with my loved ones
  2. In English, as in Russian, introductory words need to be highlighted.
    • Unfortunatly, the doctor was late. - Unfortunately the doctor was late
    • His brother, I’ve forgotten to mention, works in the Ministry of Education. — His brother, I forgot to mention, works at the Ministry of Education
  3. Again, as in Russian, explanatory words are highlighted.
    • Ion Creanga, the great Moldavian writer, died on December 31. — Ion Creangă, the great Moldovan writer, died on December 31
  4. The independent participial phrase is also separated by commas.
    • The director being absent, the resolution of the problem was postponed. — Since the director was not there, the solution to the problem was postponed
  5. After words that introduce direct speech.
    • She said, "I will write an essay." — She said, "I'll write an essay."
  6. Address is emphasized in English, as in many other languages.
    • — Kate, I’m waiting for you. — Kate, I'm waiting for you
  7. After contacting by letter.
    • Dear Tom, I want to tell… — Dear Tom, I want to tell you...

    Please note: in Russian, an exclamation mark often follows an address in a letter:

    • Dear Andrey! I want to tell you...

    In English, the address is always separated by a comma.

  8. At the end of the letter, after words like “with respect”, “with love”.
    • Yours faithfully, Rotari Olga — Best regards, Rotar Olga
  9. When designating dates, the date and year are separated by a comma.
    • This decision was taken on the 13th October, 1993. — This decision was made on October 13, 1993
  10. Parts of the address such as the name of the street, city, postal area are separated by commas

Rules for using commas in compound sentences

  1. Several simple sentences combined into one compound sentence without any conjunctions are separated by commas.
    • A light breeze was blowing, the sun was shining brightly, a wonderful day began. — A light breeze was blowing, the sun was shining, a wonderful day had begun
  2. Simple sentences joined using coordinating conjunctions other than and (and), or (or), require the use of a punctuation mark.
    • I asked her for help, but she didn’t want doing any tries to help. — I asked her for help, but she didn't want to make any attempt to help.

Complex sentence and missing comma

The rules of the Russian language regarding the punctuation of complex sentences differ in many ways from those in English. If in Russian the “law” states that the main clause is separated from the subordinate comma, then the rules of English often reject the need to use it.

  1. Subject, additional and predicate clauses are not separated by punctuation.
    • How this happened is clear to me. — It's clear to me how it happened
  2. Individualizing and classifying attributive clauses are not separated by a comma.
    • I saw the documents which were lying on that table. — I saw the documents that were lying on that table

    However, descriptive ones, which provide some new details about an already known object or subject, stand out.

    • They went to the river, which was stormy last week. - They went to the river, which had been very wild for the past week.
    • We spoke with the director, who was very tired because of the problems existing in the company. — We spoke with the director, who was very tired due to problems in the company
  3. If the adverbial clause comes before the main clause, only then does it stand out.
    • If you decide to leave the house, close the windows and door. — If you decide to leave the house, close the windows and door

    Close the windows and door if you decide to leave the house

Use of other punctuation marks in English

Where should the colon be placed?
Apostrophe in English

A punctuation mark such as an apostrophe indicates an abbreviation of one or more letters in the following cases

  1. When shortening several words
    • So as = so's
    • Don't = don't
  2. When abbreviating one word
    • Them = ‘em
    • Today = t'day
  3. In date abbreviations
    • Summer of 1998 = summer of "98
  4. When forming the possessive case
    • Mother's pen - mother's pen
    • Parents" car - parents' car
The need to use a dash

The dash is more often used in informal texts. The rules of formal writing are not so favorable to this punctuation mark.

  1. An unexpected clarification in the middle of a sentence
    • Nick - he is Kate’s brother - was very glad to see his old friend. - Nick (Kat's brother) was very happy to see her old friends
  2. Additional thought in a sentence
    • He will be here by Friday - at least, he promised to be. — He'll be here by Friday, or so he promised.
  3. An unfinished thought in English is also indicated in writing by a dash, which is completely alien to Russian speakers, since the ellipsis plays this role.
    • If you want to understand me - If you want to understand me...
When we need a question mark

We need a question mark in interrogative sentences, respectively.

  • Why did she cry? — Why was she crying?

But do not forget that questions translated into indirect ones do not need a question mark.

  • He asked where his portfolio was. — He asked where his briefcase was
Rare need for a semicolon
  1. Place a semicolon between sentences that are grammatically separated
    • The house needs renovation; the shed needs painting. — The house needs renovation; the barn needs painting
  2. Complex sentences which, due to their grammatical complexity, cannot be separated by a comma
Using an exclamation point

The rules for using an exclamation mark in English are no different from the rules for using this punctuation mark in Russian.

  1. Orders
    • Don't answer! - Do not answer!
  2. Greetings
    • Hi! — Hello!
    • Glad to see you! — I'm glad to see you!
  3. Sentences accompanied by strong emotions (joy, admiration, annoyance)
    • What a beautiful dress! — What a beautiful dress!
Hyphen - connector

A hyphen (dash) is a punctuation mark used to connect parts of compound words.

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