GIA results. GIA results Presentation on the results of preparation for the GIA

Results of the OGE 2014 Based on the results of the unified state exam, 101 graduates of the 9th grade (100%) were admitted to the exams and received certificates of basic general education. Seven 9th grade graduates - 7% (2013 - 7%) received certificates with honors: The quantitative analysis of 2014 graduates is as follows: 9th grade students took the unified state exam in two forms: 1) in the OGE pers. (99%), 2) in the form of GVE - 1 person. (1%). According to the results of 2014 in the OGE form, the level of training: - in the Russian language%, quality of training - 92%; The average score for the school is 4.46 (2013 - level of training - 100%, quality of training - 72%, average score - 4.0). - in mathematics was %, quality of training - 41%, average score at school - 3.6 (2013 - level of training - 100%, quality of training - 85.7%, average score at school - 4.10). 4 people took exams again in 2014 in mathematics, which is 4%.

Class Number of students in the class who passed the exam in the form of the OGE Number of students in the class who passed the exam in the form of the GVE Subject Russian language Received a grade: “5” “4” “3” “2” 9A25120 (80%) 5 (20%) - - 9B23-15(65%)7(31%)1(4%)- 9В27-5(19)%)16(59%)6(22%)- 9G26-15(58%)10(38%) 1(38%)- Total (55%)38(38%)8(7%)-

Confirmed the annual assessment - 36 (35%) Did not confirm the annual assessment - 65 (65%) Above the annual assessment - 63 (63%) Below the annual assessment - 2 (2%) Confirmed the annual assessment - 36 (35%) Did not confirm the annual assessment -65 (65%) Above the annual estimate-63 (63%) Below the annual estimate-2 (2%)

Class Number of students in the class OGE form Passed the exam in the OGE form Passed the exam in the GVE form Subjects Mathematics Algebra Geometry Received the grade: “5” “4” “3” “2” “5” “4” “3” “2” 9A ( 24%)18(69%)1(4%)-6(24%)18(72%)1(4%) 9B23 -1(4%)8(38%)14(61%)-1(17 %)8(35%)14(61%)- 9B (41%)14(52%)2(7%)-11(41%)14(61%)2(7%) 9G26 -3(12% )12(46%)10(38%)1(4%)3(12%)12(46%)10(38%)1(4%) Total (4%)37(37%)56(55% )4(4%) 37(37%)56(55%)4(4%)

According to the results in the OGE form, the level of training in 2014 is as follows: - in mathematics - %, quality of training - 41%, average score at school - 3.6 - (2013 - level of training - 100%, quality of training - 85.7% , average score – 4.1). - Russian language %, quality of training - 92%; average score - 4.46 - (2013 - level of training - 100%, quality of training - 72%, average score - 4.0). Of the elective subjects in the form of the OGE, this academic year students were offered 8 subjects: history, biology, social studies, physics, computer science, literature, geography, and a foreign language. The choice of students was distributed as follows: 7 (7%) ninth-graders took social studies, 5 (5%) took biology, 4 (4%) took physics, 3 (3%) took history, 4 (4%) took computer science, and 4 took geography. (4%), The least popular subject was history, the share of those who chose this subject was only 3%. 3 people took the OGE in history. The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 100%, the average score is 4.0. 5 people took the OGE in biology. The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 60%, the average score is 3.6. 4 people took the OGE in Geography. The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 100%, the average score is 4.75. 4 people took the OGE in computer science. Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 50%, average score – 3.5. 7 people took the OGE in social studies. The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 86%, the average score is 3.43. 4 people took the OGE in physics. Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 50%, average score – 3.5. 1 person took the OGE in English. The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 100%, the average score is 5. 4 people took the exams again in mathematics, which is 4% of the number of 9th grade graduates who passed the state final certification in the form of the OGE.

Analysis of the results of the OGE in elective subjects (physics, computer science, geography, biology, chemistry, history, social studies, English) 2014 OGE results in physics: 4 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9A - 1 (“4” - 1) ; 9B – 2 (“4” - 1; “3” -1); 9B – 1 (“3”-1), average score for the school – 3.5 (average score for the district – 3.6). Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 50%. Results of the OGE in computer science: 4 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9A – 1 (“3”-1); 9B – 2 (“4”-2); 9B – 1 (“3”-1), percentage of quality – 50%, average score for the school – 3.5 (average score for the district – 4.1). Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 50%. Results of the OGE in geography: 4 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9B – 1 (“5”-1); 9G – 3 (“5”-2; “4”-1), the average score for the school is 4.8 (the average score for the district is 4.0). The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 100%. Results of the OGE in biology: 5 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9B - 2 (“4”-1; “3”-1); 9B – 2 (“4”-1; “3”-1); 9G – 1 (“4”-1), average score at school – 3.6 (average score in the district – 3.5). Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 60%. Results of the OGE in chemistry: 4 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9B – 3 (“4”-3); 9B – 1 (“5”-1), the average score for the school is 4.3 (the average score for the district is 4.2). Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 100%. Results of the OGE in history: 3 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9A – 1 (“4”-1); 9B – 1 (“4”-1); 9G – 1 (“4”-1), average score in the school – 4 (average score in the region – 4). The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 100%. Results of the OGE in social studies: 7 people took it, received a grade in the subject: 9A – 2 (“4”-2); 9B – 1 (“3”-1); 9G – 4 (“5”-1; “4”-3), the average score for the school is 4.0 (the average score for the district is 3.5). The level of training is 100%, the quality of training is 86%. The results of the OGE in English: 1 person took it, received a grade in the subject: 9A– 1 (“4”-1), the average score for the school was 5.0 (the average score for the region was 3.9). Level of training – 100%, quality of training – 100%.

OGE in physics class 9A: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). Grade 9B: taken by 2 people: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (50%). Grade 9B: passed by 1 person: percentage of knowledge quality – 0 (0%). ____________________________________________________________________ Total in physics: 4 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality –2 (50%). OGE in computer science grade 9A: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 0 (0%). Grade 9B: passed by 2 people: percentage of knowledge quality – 2 (100%). Grade 9B: passed by 1 person: percentage of knowledge quality – 0 (0%). _____________________________________________________________________ Total for biology: 4 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality – 2 (50%). OGE in geography grade 9B: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). 9G grade: 3 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 3 (100%). ________________________________________________________________ Total for geography: 4 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality –4 (100%).

OGE in history, grade 9A: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). Grade 9B: passed by 1 person: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). 9G grade: 3 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 3 (100%). ___________________________________________________________________________ Total for history: 3 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality –3 (100%). OGE in biology grade 9B: 2 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (50%). 9B grade: 2 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (50%). 9G grade: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). ____________________________________________________________________________ Total for biology: 5 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality – 3 (60%). OGE in chemistry grade 9B: 4 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 4 (100%). 9B grade: 1 person passed: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). ____________________________________________________________________ Total in chemistry: 5 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality –5 (100%).

OGE in social studies class 9A: 2 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 2 (100%). 9G grade: 4 people took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 4 (100%). Grade 9B: passed by 1 person: percentage of knowledge quality – 0 (0%). ___________________________________________________________________ Total for social studies: 7 people took the test: percentage of knowledge quality –6 (86%). OGE in English, grade 9A: 1 person took it: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%). ___________________________________________________________________ Total in English: 1 person passed: percentage of knowledge quality – 1 (100%).

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 of Ershov, Saratov region"

  • Using the results
  • assessment procedures (OGE, Unified State Exam)
  • for making management decisions
  • in order to increase
  • quality of education
  • G.N. Lepyokhin,
  • Director of Municipal Educational Institution "Secondary School No. 1 in Ershov"
  • 2016
  • Ershov
  • ISO-9000 principle:
  • "Fact-Based Decision Making"
  • obtain information about the level and quality of training of graduates of general education institutions;
  • assess the degree of mastery by secondary school graduates of the content of educational subjects tested during the exam, reflected in the mandatory minimum content and requirements for the level of training of graduates;
  • determine directions for improving the educational process and educational and methodological support of educational subjects;
  • highlight separate levels in student training (basic, advanced and high);
  • obtain information about the state of educational achievements of students in academic subjects;
  • determine the typology of typical mistakes made by graduates;
  • compare State Examination results by year, etc.
  • State Examination Results
  • and their interpretation
  • provide the opportunity:
GIA results are indicators of the quality of education
  • the number of people who passed the exam in the subject is an indicator of the demand for the subject among graduates of the educational institution;
  • average score on a 100-point scale, results on a 5-point scale – an indicator of training;
  • the solvability of each work task is an indicator of the degree of mastery of a particular topic;
  • the solvability of part C tasks is an indicator of the quality of in-depth training, etc.
  • 33,(3)%
  • positive dynamics
  • 33,(3)%
  • indifference to therapy
  • Tyurubaeva Kamila:
  • the best result in the region on the Unified State Exam in biology;
  • Federal Medal “For Special Achievements in Education”;
  • student at Saratov State Medical University. IN AND. Razumovsky (budget).
You cannot demand the same results from schools operating in different conditions.
  • You cannot demand the same results from schools operating in different conditions.
  • You cannot demand the same results from schools that have different resources and development opportunities.
  • Principles
  • objective assessment of school activities
  • “The quality of education is the relationship between the goal and the result, despite the fact that they are set only promptly and predicted in the zone of potential development of the student
  • Mark Potashnik
Mandatory criteria by which educational institutions are assessed (clause 4 of article 95.2 of the Law on Education in the Russian Federation)
  • openness and accessibility of information about organizations engaged in educational activities;
  • comfort of the conditions in which educational activities are conducted;
  • friendliness, politeness, competence of employees;
  • satisfaction of service recipients with the quality of educational activities of organizations
  • Indicators detailing these criteria were approved
  • By Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 5, 2014 N 1547 .
The quality of education is not the same as the quality of training
  • The quality of education reflects the readiness and capabilities of an individual
  • to be in demand on the labor market,
  • to be successful in professional activities
  • and capable of self-realization.
  • Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets:
  • “Only a third of the country’s population needs higher education; the remaining 65 percent do not need it”
The average salary is when one person ate two chickens, the other - none. On average, everyone seems to be full. Quality of achievements = quality of goals + quality of conditions 1. Increasing the professional level of teachers through the system of intra-school methodological work
  • 1. Improving the professional level of teachers through the system of in-school methodological work
  • 2. Improving the school system for monitoring academic and extracurricular achievements
  • 3. A radical change in the school’s work on interaction with the parent community
  • 4. Improving the content and methods of working with students:
    • Introduction of a program for working with certain categories of students (gifted children, disabled children, children with learning difficulties).
    • Development of tutor support for students, building individual educational trajectories
    • 5. Changes in approaches to organizing pre-professional and specialized training of students.
  • Problems solved at the school level
Possible reasons for low results of assessment procedures
  • Instability of the teaching staff due to low wages compared to other city schools (due to low class sizes, which has its roots in the learning conditions in the old school building)
  • The territorial remoteness of rural branches from a basic school located in the city, in connection with this - differences in the socio-economic conditions of education, difficulties in building a school-wide management system in order to improve the quality of education
  • Lack of specialists in the subject at the Yuzhny branch
  • There is an objectively large number of children with a low level of intellectual development in the village of Yuzhny
  • For technical reasons (including the lack of modern computers and equipment for remote interaction, low Internet speed), it is impossible to organize systematic methodological work with teachers and consulting work with children in rural branches.
  • Insufficiently developed infrastructure of the basic school compared to a competing school located in the same microdistrict as ours: lack of a gym, assembly hall, licensed medical office. As a result, more socially successful parents, and therefore children, pass by our school.
The Department of State Policy in the Sphere of Education has developed a model for assessment (self-assessment) of general education organizations (Letter No. 08-1633 dated August 10, 2016), one of the goals of which is to contribute to improving the quality of education in the Russian Federation. 1. Mass achievement of basic results
  • The number of students who scored at least 10 points in the sum of 3 OGE subjects (in a 5-point system) and did not receive a “D”
  • The number of students in 4 classes who scored at least 11 points in the sum of 3 subjects of the CD and did not receive a “D”
  • Number of students who scored at least 160 points in the sum of 3 Unified State Exam subjects
2. Talent development 3. Transparency and objectivity of the educational process
  • Participation in independent diagnostic procedures (for example, VPR, regional monitoring or diagnostic work, etc.):
  • Frequency of participation in VPR per year
  • Frequency of participation in regional monitoring work per year
  • Frequency of participation in regional diagnostic work per year
  • Number of VPR participants
  • Number of participants in regional monitoring work
  • Number of participants in regional diagnostic work
  • Availability of internal regulations that provide conditions for carrying out objective diagnostic and monitoring procedures
  • Availability of an NGO website with information:
  • - rules for admission to the public organization
  • - number and size of classes
  • - results of the State final certification (in grades 9 and 11)
  • - results of participation of public organizations in independent procedures for assessing the quality of education
  • Availability on the NGO website of the opportunity to leave a public review
  • Number of self-examination reports published on the NGO website
4. Quality of the educational environment
  • - Area per contingent
  • - Computerization of OO
  • - Internet access
  • - Availability of a swimming pool
  • - Availability of a gym
  • - Availability of a stadium
  • - Accessibility of the educational environment for students with disabilities
  • - Proportion of teachers with pedagogical or university education
  • - Proportion of teachers with the highest qualification category
  • - The share of teachers who have passed independent certification with high results
  • - Availability of competitive selection for admission to any classes
  • Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 1 in Ershov"
  • Branch of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 in Ershov”
  • in the village Semyono-Poltavka
  • Branch of Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 1 in Ershov”
  • in Yuzhny village
2. Talent development
  • Number of winners at the regional stage of the VSOSH
  • Number of winners of the regional stage of VSOSH
  • Number of winners of the final stage of the VSOSH
  • Number of winners of the final stage of VSOSH
  • Number of subjects at the regional stage of VSOSH
  • Number of subjects at the final stage of VSOSH
5. Individualization of the educational process
  • Number of students taking additional OGE
  • Number of students taking additional Unified State Exams
  • Number of graduates who continued their education in the secondary vocational education system
6. Results of participation in regional and federal graduate training programs Preliminary self-assessment in the direction of “Massive achievement of basic results”
  • The number of students in 4 classes who scored at least 11 points in the sum of 3 subjects of the GCSE and did not receive a “D” - 16 people (50%)
  • The number of 9th grade students who scored at least 10 points in the sum of 3 OGE subjects (according to a 5-point system) and did not receive a “D” - 27 people (90%)
  • The number of students who scored at least 160 points in the sum of 3 Unified State Exam subjects is 8 people (23%) of the number of students who passed 3 or more exams.
  • Student and teacher success
  • in the 2015-2016 academic year
  • Kokoreva Yulia Yurievna,
  • teacher of Russian language and literature, winner of the municipal competition “Teacher of the Year – 2016”,
  • winner (2nd place) of the regional competition “Teacher of the Year 2016”
  • Voronina Anna Sergeevna, senior counselor,
  • 1st place in the municipal counselor competition
  • "To the heights of excellence"
  • Kulkova
  • Liliya Alexandrovna,
  • senior counselor at the branch
  • in the village Semyono-Poltavka,
  • 2nd place in municipal
  • counselors competition
  • "To the heights of excellence"
  • Mikhalkina
  • Oksana Konstantinovna,
  • class teacher of grade 7a, – 2nd place
  • in the municipal competition
  • “The coolest class 2016”
  • Kibitkina
  • Olga Gennadievna,
  • class teacher of grade 6b - winner
  • municipal competition
  • "The coolest class 2015"

“GIA and Unified State Exam” - Organization of the work of methodological associations of the gymnasium to prepare teachers for the State Academy and Unified State Exam. Monitoring student attendance at consultations to prepare for the final certification. Schedule of rehearsal exams and training work. Monitoring the choice of final certification subjects by students in grades 9 and 11.

“Evaluation of GIA” - Semantic integrity, speech coherence and consistency of presentation (IC3). Source text compression (IC2). Contents of presentation (SG1). Presentation. Essay p2.2. Literacy assessment. Understanding the meaning of a piece of text. Essay p2.1. Scale for converting the primary score into a mark (Russian as a native language).

“GIA Form” - The “Additional Information” section lists the names of educational courses, subjects, disciplines studied by the graduate in less than 64 hours over two academic years. GIA in traditional form. The following is assessed: - the quality of basic, basic knowledge and skills acquired by students in primary school; -level of readiness of graduates for further education in high school.

“Conducting state inspection” - Information work. Regional. Availability of regulatory documents. OU documents. Monitoring the work of teachers - prev., class. manager Subject teacher. Working with low achievers. Classroom teacher. Administration. In-school control (graduate classes). Students. Preparation for the State Examination 2010 (main directions).

“Unified State Examination State Examination Russian Language” - Russian language in the form of Unified State Examination; April 2011 – 11th grade. 108 students (2.5%) from 30 educational institutions did not start working on the essay. The format of task A29 has been changed. Results of city diagnostic work in the Russian language in the form of GIA-9 dated January 26, 2011. Structure of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language and distribution of tasks by level of difficulty.

“GIA in the Russian language” - Result of the trial exam in INFORMATION SCIENCE (USE) 12/17/2010. The work of a teacher in preparing students for the state final certification. The result of the trial exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (USE) 12/16/2010. Result of the trial exam in BIOLOGY (GIA) 12/23/2010. The result of the trial exam in the RUSSIAN LANGUAGE (GIA) 12/17/2010.

Dynamics of academic performance Study for “5” year 2-4 grades 4th grade 5-9 grades 8th grade 9th grade 10th grade 11th grade, 6% 12.9% 6.4% 3.9% 4.8% 4.6% % 12.5% 4.8%3.4%4.2%3%5.6% Study at “4” and “5” %47%28.2%22%19.8%25.5%33% .9%43 ,6%29%21.5%22.1%25.4%26.3% Study at “2” level 20120.7%0.6%3.1%4.6%2%2.6%3, 2% (certificates) 20111.3%1%4.1%6.3%2.6%5.5%3.7% (certificates)

Academic year – 161 (1%) students left for re-training academic year – 228 (1.4%) students academic year – 211 (1.4%) students academic year – 185 (1.2%) students

Number of IX grade graduates who participated in the state (final) certification in the new form, graduation 1485 Repeated training-40 Quality of knowledge in Russian 50.6% In mathematics 63.0% 2011 Passed in the new form Retaken in the traditional form Mathematics (6, 6%) Russian language (7%) graduation 1426 Repeated training -23 Quality of knowledge in Russian 65.5% In mathematics 45, year Passed in the new form Retaken in the traditional form Mathematics (8%) Russian language (2.4%)

Mathematics ranking table Average for the district 16.74% Total schools Urban schools Rural schools Below the average Above the average 1257

Rating table for the Russian language Average for the region 33.48% Total schools Urban schools Rural schools Below the average Above the average 1367

Schools leaders GIA 2012 Mathematics Naro-Fominsk school 7 Selyatinskaya school 2 Aprelevskaya school 5 Vasilchinovskaya school Kamenskaya school Nazarevskaya Novo-Olkhovskaya Naro-Fominsk school 4 Selyatinskaya school 1 Volchenkovskaya school Marshkinskaya school Russian language Naro-Fominsk school 7 Selyatinskaya school 2 A prelevskaya oosh 5 Vasilchinovskaya school Kamenskaya school Nazarevskaya Novo-Olkhovskaya Petrovskaya Aprelevskaya school 3 Vereiskaya school 1 Kokoshkinskaya school 1 Bekasovskaya school Kuznetsovskaya school

Practical stage (3-4 quarters) Study of demonstration options Workshops on solving tasks of the State Examination and Unified State Examination Speeches on effective forms of work and the system of training students Development of lesson plans for preparation for the State Examination Study of certificates on the results of rehearsal work

Subjective problems: - insufficient development of universal mental operations among students; - insufficient development of students’ skills to strictly follow instructions for assignments; - insufficient psychological preparation of teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives) for passing the State Examination and the Unified State Exam.

Objective problems: -lack of clear criteria for assessing students that coincide with the requirements for assessing the results of the Unified State Exam; - insufficiency of testing and measuring materials for individual educational tasks within academic disciplines; -thematic planning has not been developed, focused on practicing the educational tasks necessary to pass the Unified State Exam.

Tasks for preparing participants in the educational process for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam: studying the legal framework governing the conduct of the state exam; development of an algorithm for the management activities of school administration in preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam; familiarization of teachers, students and parents with the requirements and features of the state final certification of graduates of grades 9 and 11 in the form of State Examination and Unified State Examination; modification of existing programs taking into account new educational standards and requirements of the State Examination and Unified State Examination; the use of extracurricular and elective forms of work in subjects to correct the discrepancy between the current curriculum and the requirements of the State Academy of Sciences and the Unified State Examination;

Tasks for preparing participants in the educational process for the State Exam and the Unified State Exam: selection of the most effective criteria for assessing students in accordance with the format of the State and Unified State Exams; systematization, accumulation and analysis of control and measurement materials on subjects; addition and adjustment of thematic planning in subjects, taking into account the content of test materials and the development of universal mental operations; development of a system of psychological preparation of teachers, students and their parents (legal representatives) for passing the State Examination and Unified State Examination

Forms of work in preparation for the final certification in the form of the GIA and Unified State Exam. The main forms of work of the school administration. The main forms of work of the school administration in preparation for the final certification in the form of the State Academy and Unified State Exam: in preparation for the final certification in the form of the State Academy and Unified State Exam: Conducting thematic pedagogical councils. Conducting thematic parent meetings. Organizing individual consultations for students. Preparing a schedule of consultations with students on subjects. Organization of the work of school methodological associations to prepare teachers for the State Examination and the Unified State Examination. Organization of activities of the school’s psychological service to support the process of preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. Sending subject teachers to courses to prepare for final certification in the form of State Examination and Unified State Examination

Teachers: Study and analysis of KIMs of the final certification in the form of the GIA and the Unified State Examination. Selection of materials to prepare students for the final certification. Conducting consultations on the subject. Teaching 9th and 11th grade students how to fill out Unified State Exam answer forms. Training in courses on preparing and conducting final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam. Working with online resources to prepare for the final certification. Formation of a program to prepare for the final certification of graduates. Preparation of supporting notes on the main issues of the course and types of learning skills.

Psychological assistance Study of the professional orientation of students in grades 9, consultations on choosing the State Exam and the Unified State Exam. Identification of patterns associated with the choice of subjects for final certification. Psychological diagnostics of students in grades 9. Individual consultations for students, their parents (legal representatives), and subject teachers. Carrying out auto-training for students before the final certification

Class teachers of grades 9 and 11 Preparation of documents for the formation of a regional database of graduates. Familiarization of students and their parents (legal representatives) with regulatory documents on the organization of final certification in the form of the Unified State Exam. Monitoring the choice of final certification subjects by students in grades 9 and 11. Monitoring student attendance at consultations to prepare for the final certification. Conducting individual consultations with students and their parents (legal representatives). Interaction with the school psychological service.

Contents of the thematic stand “Preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam” Regulations on the conduct of the unified state exam. Stand “Preparing for the Unified State Exams.” Form of certificate of Unified State Examination results. Schedules for subject Olympiads and competitions. Form of forms for final certification in the form of State Examination and Unified State Examination. Regulations on the state final certification. Schedule of consultations on subjects in preparation for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. Schedule of rehearsal exams and training work. Reference information from the site,,

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Results and analysis of the GIA results in mathematics for graduates of grades 9 and 11 in 2016. Current tasks and areas of activity for organizing high-quality preparation of students in grades 9 and 11 for exams. Prepared by: mathematics teacher of MKOU "PSOSH" Shitikova N.V.

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State final certification of graduates is an integral part of the educational process, its natural completion. It allows us to identify the general level of intellectual development of students, their ability to operate with acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The structure and content of the examination work meet the goal of building differentiated education in a modern school, which includes two tasks: 1) the formation of basic mathematical training in all students, which forms the functional basis of general education; to identify the most prepared part of graduates who make up the potential of high school students

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The GIA of primary school graduates was carried out in two forms: 1) in the form of the main state exam - OGE - using control and measuring materials, which are sets of tasks of a standardized form 2) in the form of the state final exam - GVE - written and oral exams using texts, topics ,tasks. In our region, 105 people took the mandatory exams in Russian language and mathematics in the form of the OGE, and 6 people in the form of the GVE. To conduct the State Examination, 4 points were organized on the basis of schools in the district.

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Brief content analysis of the OGE in mathematics Compared to last year, the results decreased: average score - from 17.4 to 15.19 average mark - from 3.7 to 3.57 - quality of knowledge of students - from 61.8% to 50.5% With tasks of a basic level of complexity of the first part of the examination paper in mathematics 6.7% (7 people) of graduates were able to fully cope (last year - 13%) Only 18% (19 people) of ninth graders partially completed the second part of the examination work (last year - 25%) No one scored the maximum possible points of 32

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The reasons for the decline in results are lack of motivation; low abilities; pedagogical neglect of students; lack of proper control on the part of parents; deterioration of the health of the younger generation, including the negative impact of bad habits on the health and mental activity of students; insufficient monitoring by the teacher of falling topics in the subject. The system of total cheating that has developed over the years reduces the level of responsibility in children, and they stop preparing for exams. It is also necessary to note the adolescence of ninth-graders (according to statistics, at this age there is a reassessment of values, children are focused on communication, and not on learning). The lack of a labor education system in modern schools and various sources of ready-made and accessible information lead to the fact that children do not know how and no longer want to work, make any efforts, and there is no motivation to learn.

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When completing the tasks of the second part of the work, most of the errors were not of a computational nature. Students provided incomplete justifications for their actions, omitted solution steps, and incorrectly wrote down the answer, which led to a decrease in points for completing the task according to the presented criteria. The results of the second part of the work revealed a problem associated with the need for special preparation of some schoolchildren to complete tasks of a high level of complexity, and the use of tasks of different levels of complexity in the learning process on all topics of the mathematics course. Errors when performing the second part of the GIA

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In 2016, the Unified State Examination in mathematics was conducted at two levels. The exam participant had the right to independently choose either of the levels, or both levels, depending on his educational needs, as well as the prospects for continuing his education. To enter higher education institutions in a specialty where mathematics is one of the entrance requirements, the applicant had to fulfill the examination requirements at the profile level. For admission to specialties not related to mathematics, as well as for obtaining a certificate of secondary education, it is enough to fulfill the certification requirements at the basic level. Results of the Unified State Exam in mathematics in the 2015-2016 academic year

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Brief content analysis of the Unified State Examination in mathematics According to the results of the examination in mathematics at the profile level, tasks with a short answer were performed significantly better than tasks with a detailed answer. High success rates were demonstrated in solving the first six tasks of the basic level, which indicates that the exam participants have developed basic mathematical competencies for the mathematics course of basic and secondary schools.

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MAIN CONCLUSIONS Particular attention must be paid to improving the computational skills of students, using for this purpose mental calculation and a system of individual tasks. When preparing for the State Examination, systematically include tasks to repeat basic actions, such as: calculating the values ​​of expressions, transforming algebraic expressions, working with fractions, working with powers, solving linear equations, inequalities and their systems. When repeating a geometry course, systematically check students’ knowledge of basic formulas, theorems, and properties of geometric objects that are often used in solving problems. When repeating mathematics, special attention should be focused on achieving awareness of students' knowledge, on the ability to apply acquired knowledge in practical activities, on the ability to analyze, compare, and draw conclusions.

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It is necessary to pay attention to the formation of the foundations of knowledge during training and not to force progress by skipping or minimizing the stage of introducing new concepts and methods. It is important to use visual aids to ensure understanding, for example: a coordinate line when solving inequalities and systems of inequalities, a graph of a quadratic function when solving quadratic inequalities, graphs when explaining the meaning of the concepts of an equation with two variables, solving a system of equations with two variables. It is important to constantly teach self-control techniques. For example, when factoring a polynomial, it is useful to teach students to perform the inverse operation to check; When constructing a function graph, control yourself based on the known properties of the graph. In other words, preparation for the exam is carried out not in the course of a massive solution of options - analogues of exam papers, but during the entire educational process and consists in the formation of certain general educational actions in students that contribute to a more effective assimilation of the issues being studied. MAIN CONCLUSIONS

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At the stage of preparation for the exam, work with students should be differentiated. The teacher should set a goal for each student that he can achieve in accordance with his level of preparation, while possibly relying on the self-esteem and aspirations of each student. In the context of a two-level exam, in order to organize the educational process, educational organizations must take into account the presence of two groups of students who have different prospects for professional activity and formulate different educational needs. Work programs in mathematics of educational organizations should reflect the emerging trend. It is necessary to fill work programs with practice-oriented tasks, to build a system for studying practical, vital mathematics throughout all school years. This includes elements of financial and statistical literacy, the ability to make decisions based on calculations, self-control skills by estimating the possible values ​​of physical quantities based on life experience and studying other school subjects. MAIN CONCLUSIONS

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