NLP. Secret secret service techniques read online - Andrew Robinson

Your success depends only on you. Nature has endowed us with unique capabilities that allow us to achieve everything we dream of. You just need to take responsibility for your actions and thoughts, and control your life. And so that everything you have in mind comes true, study the techniques of neurolinguistic programming. Having mastered them, you will be able to find an easy path to your goal, plan your actions and actions, become the soul of companies, successfully negotiate, correctly perceive failures, and live easily and joyfully.

The work was published in 2014 by Creative Job. On our website you can download the book "Secret NLP Techniques" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 3.83 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper version.

NLP influence techniques are methods of influencing a person that allow you to succeed at work and be successful in your personal life. This is help in establishing contact with another person, a little manipulation for one’s own benefit.

NLP helps to establish effective contact with people

What is NLP

In the modern world, success is associated with well-being. The ability to achieve goals, aspirations, victory over competitors - success in business depends on such factors. Secret techniques are used in companies whose earnings directly depend on the compliance of clients. Network marketing, stores and outlets use simple psychological manipulation to get rich.

NLP (neurolinguistic programming) is a modeling of success. Technology that helps you succeed in any field without natural inclinations. Basic methods will be useful to men and women of different ages and social status. NLP is a small manual, a collection of techniques that allow you to improve your own situation - attract the right people, achieve more at work.

On the Internet or in a bookstore you can find several publications on NLP for beginners. Author Danny Reid reveals the simplest and most necessary techniques that make it possible to correct the behavior of people from close circles. His book "Secret Techniques" is very popular all over the world.

How NLP can help

  • improving communication skills;
  • understanding one’s own thinking, awareness of one’s nature;
  • solving protracted problems;
  • control over one's own condition;
  • setting goals and achieving them without obstacles;
  • improved intuition - you will be able to better understand which people will help and which will only harm;
  • increasing concentration, ability to work, and labor efficiency;
  • promotion.

The essence of programming is modeling someone else's success: this is not stealing other people's achievements, but following the rules that have already been tested by the experience of others. Such programming does not require special skills or talents.

The use of NLP allows you to improve communication skills: improve relationships in a team or better understand loved ones. This is a technique of perception, but it does not necessarily ruin the life of another.

The benefits and harms of the technique

Even safe methods can cause harm. The rumors that circulate about the NLP technique can lead to confusion: manipulation is associated with violent influence on another. Before studying NLP, you should familiarize yourself with its main provisions: this is one of the areas of psychology that has been effectively used for decades. This technology of influence is used by psychologists, psychiatrists, trainers, people who work to achieve a certain result, and motivators. The technique is practiced all over the world and has many fans.

How can exposure methods be dangerous? Any psychological manipulation is contraindicated for people with mental disorders: they have a distorted perception of reality, and they cannot objectively assess the situation. This type of influence is also dangerous for a fragile psyche that is just being formed. Internalization of incorrect attitudes and beliefs may occur.

Promotion is one of the effects of using NLP

Manipulation techniques

Neurolinguistic programming is practical psychology. The technique of influencing another person increases work efficiency and helps in treating complex patients: useful methods of influencing a person are used to correct behavior.

NLP technology is used for discussions, speeches, and negotiations. Such exposure does not lead to serious consequences. The most popular manipulation techniques:

  • deposit trap;
  • three "yes";
  • mixed truth.

Any NLP technique is aimed at others, but with benefit for oneself. This is an increase in success due to the correct perception of the message and actions of the people around you.

Even in a team of ill-wishers, such a technique can increase the efficiency of an employee or employees. Universal techniques can be applied to colleagues, household members or friends.

The deposit trap

Basic manipulation techniques are effective only in the right conditions. The “contribution trap” technique is based on one psychological technique: if you force a person to invest effort, time, and resources in any business, you can get his assistance in the future.

Subconsciously, such a person will feel involved in the matter: he is part of the process, and in the future it will be very difficult for him to refuse to participate in it. The contribution to the common cause may be minimal, but it also obliges the assistant to further assist.

The basic techniques of NLP are simple and require a little trickery to perform them. It is not so important how a person was attracted to the project; if he started work, he will remain in the project until its completion.

Three Positive Answers Technique

NLP techniques allow you to get a positive response from an intractable person. The three “yes” technique works flawlessly. How it works:

  • a person is asked several questions to which he is likely to answer positively - these should be simple questions, without negativity or complaints;
  • As soon as the person answers the distracting questions in the affirmative, you can ask the main question for which the manipulation is used.

The technique works in such a way that a person tunes into a positive mood. He is pleased to answer questions that evoke a positive reaction in him. The three yes method works in most cases.

Problems with the technique can arise in cases where a person is aggressive or has a personal dislike for the interlocutor. In such cases, another manipulation is needed to obtain a positive answer.

Mixed truth

A technique that can be used unconsciously - on an intuitive level. It is useful to use phrases or facts in your speech that are easily verifiable or widely known. During such stories, when the interlocutors have already established trust, you can add unverified facts (dubious), and people will still believe them.

In psychology, this effect is called induced unconditional trust. You can gain favor from people who put pressure on others, because they are too demanding and biased. If you adapt to their pressure, they will begin to trust.

Trusting interlocutors can be presented with untrue facts that they will believe

Methods of influence of NLP

Practical methods will be effective if a person creates additional conditions for the implementation of his plans: the opportunity for professional growth or the prerequisites for achieving a goal.

NLP techniques are used in psychology:

  • reframing;
  • "anchor";
  • rapport and leading;
  • motivational;
  • reinforcing.

Techniques are used to win people over. Examples where NLP techniques are used: negotiations with important partners, a date, a friendly meeting, a business conversation.

You can use one or more techniques to have constructive conversations. It is important that the interlocutor does not catch the manipulation or notice the targeted suggestion.

Conversational reframing

Reframing is a different way of looking at a situation, rethinking its main part. This method helps in communicating with difficult people whose words and actions are difficult to understand. Reframing the meaning changes the perception of everything that happens, because the emphasis shifts. It is used as one of the most effective NLP patterns (repetitive behavior).

The technique of neurolinguistic programming will be useful during a consultation so that its results do not seem negative: during negotiations, when a different perspective on a proposal is needed; for sales, to re-evaluate the product and its value.

The results of the technique directly depend on how naturally a person makes a revolution in the meaning of what is happening.

For any phrase that needs to be reframed, you need an evaluative word - it is the brightest and most informative, it can come from the situation, and you don’t have to come up with it. After this, the word needs to be inspired: imagine in what situations it is most appropriate, what it describes, who it belongs to. The general definition is adjusted, its emphasis shifts to what a person needs. This is how meaning is reframed.

“Anchor” technique

Neurolinguistic programming techniques such as anchoring are based on conditioned reflexes. As long as a certain stimulus is turned on, any desired result can be achieved from a person. The anchoring technique helps in communication, negotiations or concluding contracts.

What is an anchor? This is a stimulus associated with a reaction - a conditioned reflex. Using this technique, you can control behavior (your own and those around you). The method can be used selectively or constantly, and become a useful habit.

Stages of the method:

  • determining the state that is needed at the moment;
  • inducing this state - creating a suitable emotional background, memories;
  • at the peak of the experience, a conditional anchor is established, which needs to be fixed in memory - it will be useful in the future;
  • sudden interruption of the state;
  • examination;
  • using an anchor.

The results of the technique will be visible immediately. The brain is designed in such a way that at the peak of any state (negative or positive), a random situation is remembered most of all - this is a trigger that becomes an anchor. There are many such signals in psychological manipulation schemes. If a person is experiencing joy, an accidental touch will become a trigger. In the future, this gesture will be associated with a peak of joy and can be used to alleviate difficult conflicts.

The rules of NLP-2 define the conditions for the anchor to work - there must be an emotional peak and an unusual trigger. The stimulus is always located within a joyful state: work with the subconscious is carried out especially carefully. The original trigger is selected. It is like a key that will make a person experience positive feelings again.

The “anchor” technique is based on conditioned reflexes

Rapport and leading

Rapport characterizes the relationship between two people as trusting. It is a special connection that has been established over time. Such a pair forms a system: they are one whole and act as one organism. Rapport is the desire to follow a person, to trust him, to follow him without any questions. The subconscious mind perceives this situation as unconditional trust.

Following rapport is leading. These are related concepts: trust arises, which a person follows. Changes in one member of the system entail changes in the second. This technique has three stages that form a cycle: adjustment, rapport, leading. If you build the system correctly (follow the person first), you can take control. Leading is the main tool of influence, especially in close partnerships.

Behavior calibration is necessary in cases where interaction breaks down. People build a common system, and the one who manipulates must maintain rapport - this is an important condition for successful manipulation.

People in the same interaction must have constant contact, otherwise all harmony will be disrupted. This is the main difference between trust and psychological rapport.

Strong motivation

Motivation is a force that you can use to achieve your goals. Its principle is very simple: a person must perform a certain action now in order to receive additional encouragement, reward, and benefit for this in the future. Motivation is the expectation of good things that generates the strength to work hard.

They use it only in relation to their close circle: people whose intentions and secret desires are known. If the motivation is not correct, you will not be able to get a return on it. Working with the subconscious in this case requires knowledge of the habits and aspirations of the person whose behavior needs to be corrected.

Reinforcement technique

Reinforcement is the basis of encouragement. A stable energy message that needs to be reinforced so as not to reduce the effectiveness of the technique. Reinforcement is based on gestures, pleasant little things - these are things that remind you how pleasant it is to perform the actions desired by the manipulator.

Without encouragement, motivation is not enough for a long time: some NLP techniques rely on long-term interaction for the sake of obtaining benefits. You need to select things for reinforcement individually, based on the desires and needs of the other.


Neurolinguistic programming is a system of simple manipulation techniques that will be useful in life. At work, at home, in difficult negotiations, you can use the technique and win over the right person.

The techniques will allow you to achieve your goals, and motivation will help improve family relationships. The selection of techniques depends on the wishes and goals of the manipulator.

NLP techniques have been created to help you manage your subconscious. They are used as therapy, treating a variety of phobias and fears. But these techniques can also be used for harm: for manipulation, suggestion of other people’s desires, etc. To protect the subconscious from interference, people study the NLP technique and apply it in their lives.

The emergence of the NLP system

NLP methods of influencing people were developed relatively recently. About 40 years ago, psychotherapists Richard Bandler, John Grinder, and Gregory Bateson collected data on neurolinguistic programming techniques through research on work on gelstatt therapy, family therapy and hypnosis.

Having summarized the results, they created a scientific theory about the influence on the human psyche by programming the individual’s subconscious. NLP methods of influence include copying verbal and non-verbal language, since the perception of the world is based on receptors and sensory organs, information from which changes during processing under the influence of neurological and linguistic transformations.

Research into the effects on humans is still ongoing. Psychologist Denny Reid, in his work “Secret Techniques of NLP,” examines manipulation in modern society. In the modern world, this technique is used in many areas of life. Examples of its use:

  • NLP technique for working with the subconscious;
  • NLP techniques in communication;
  • combat methods of NLP influence.

The NLP method is in demand in psychology, military affairs, and negotiations. Neurolinguistic programming is one of the most effective ways to influence a person. The tactics that psychologists are taught also work in everyday life.

NLP psychology

NLP influence methods in practical psychology have become a separate branch. Its main techniques are used as psychotherapy to get rid of phobias, depression, fears and painful memories. If only a negative perception of the world is established in a person’s subconscious, then thanks to NLP methods of influence a person can be reprogrammed to a positive perception.

An example of a technician’s work: an employee was offered a new position, better paid, but also with greater responsibility. Under the influence of fear and lack of self-confidence, he abandoned what he wanted.

The subconscious, which stores unpleasant memories of failures at work or bad experiences, has formed an attitude in the individual’s head that he is not capable of more. But the NLP technique is capable of reprogramming a person’s subconscious so that old beliefs have no control over it.

Methods and techniques of influence

NLP methods are designed to help people use the capabilities of their brain.

There are several basic techniques:

  • anchoring;
  • linguistic strategies (accompany the use of others);
  • reframing;
  • NLP swing techniques (basic);
  • rapport;
  • calibration


In NLP, simple anchoring techniques are used constantly; this is one of the most popular techniques. It programs a conditioned reflex, that is, it creates an “anchor” in a person’s subconscious. Conditioned reflexes arise in childhood and are formed throughout life.

They appear on their own: an individual listens to a song during negative experiences. A reflex is established in him, then when listening to the same song, but with a different state, the person involuntarily has the same negative feelings that took root in his subconscious during that period of life.

Practical NLP techniques will help you choose the reflex a person needs, i.e. set an “anchor” with a positive message. It is created in order to record in a person’s memory the right moment of his life. The anchor is reinforced by an association with what a person wants to remember, thereby fixing it in the subconscious - a resource that fixes the reflex in the head. It could be a song, a smell, or images.


The use of reframing in NLP will allow an individual to change the meaning of a phenomenon, change his opinion about it or his attitude towards it. The technique helps to think positively, even if the person is aware of the unpleasantness of the situation.

It works like this: a woman is uncomfortable with the situation when her favorite carpet is always soiled by her children’s dirty boots. She can't control her anger and constantly scolds them.

She is asked to imagine that at one moment she will remain alone, but the carpet will always be perfectly clean. She realizes that a dirty carpet is just a small thing and it will become easier to deal with the offense. The result of reframing will be a change in attitude towards a previously unpleasant situation.

NLP swing

Method of influencing a person NLP swing is a universal technique of influence. It helps to change the life position or role that an individual has chosen. The swing technique carries 2 concepts.

The first is an image, situation or habit that needs to be eliminated.

The second is the state that the individual wishes to acquire. The technique works like this: a person wants to get rid of the smoking habit. He will have to imagine the image or experiences that he associates with smoking. Then he imagines the feeling or image that he wants to get instead of the bad habit.

It happens this way: the person visualizes a huge screen on which a hand with a cigarette is reaching to his mouth. Then a small picture is placed next to it where a happy person is standing without a cigarette. When both images are ready, they are abruptly swapped. The hand appears on a small screen and gradually fades. Such manipulations with consciousness are repeated several times.


Rapport is the establishment of a connection, a trusting relationship between one individual and another through conversations, help and respect. The state of connection with another person is a friendly or romantic relationship, close communication. The rules of the NLP technique for establishing rapport indicate the need to copy the verbal and non-verbal behavior of the interlocutor. It can be:

  • poses;
  • voice;
  • words;
  • facial expressions

The use of rapport techniques is necessary in most cases to create contact with a person. It is also used during psychotherapy to establish rapport with the client, that is, in order to achieve trust on a subconscious level.


Another method of influence - calibration - is a kind of collection of information about an object. The way a person expresses agreement and disagreement is studied.

To do this, the individual is asked direct questions to which he can only answer “yes” or “no.” During the study, changes in the individual's voice, facial expressions and gestures are recorded.

Afterwards the intentions of the subject are determined. The results of observation will help determine how an individual relates to certain proposals.

This technique is in demand in marketing and will be useful in psychology during therapy. With the help of calibration, the desires and reactions of the individual are determined, after which an image is built that operates according to certain patterns of behavior.

Methods of manipulation

Manipulation is used to instill in one individual the desires or thoughts of another. NLP influence methods have positive or negative messages. Manipulation in these ways is used in the market industry and advertising.

It works like this: the company needs customers to buy mineral water from them. Using calibration, they create a sought-after product. The company then establishes rapport between itself and its customers. Afterwards, an advertisement is created, to which anchoring is added.

It will contain an image or situation that will create an “anchor” in the subconscious and attach the necessary association to it. For this, the image of a girl who wanted to drink because of the heat, but nothing quenched her thirst, can be used.

And only by drinking the water that this company sells was she able to satisfy her desire. The installation will force people who have seen this video to buy water, which, as it seems to them, quenches their thirst better than others. To avoid such manipulations, study NLP Secret Techniques by Danny Reid.

Andrew Robinson

Who are special agents? In our understanding, these are people with incredible abilities. They have excellent strong-willed qualities, good physical shape and unique abilities. For them, people are open books, they easily recognize lies and truth, know how to find out information and how to force others to carry out the tasks they set. They manage to belong in any company and at the same time can easily become invisible. They know how to achieve their goals and never deviate from the intended path. It may seem to you that such a hero can only live on the pages of a novel or a TV screen, but this is not so. Such people exist, and you can become one of them. Have you ever heard of neuro-linguistic programming? This is a relatively young science that can change not only you, but your entire life. Once you become familiar with its basics, you can not only take control of your life, but also find the key to solving any relationship problem.

Andrew Robinson

NLP. Secret techniques of special services

© Robinson, E., 2015

© AB Publishing, 2015

Creative Job LLC, 2015

Chapter first. What is NLP?

So what is neurolinguistic programming? NLP is an independent field of knowledge in practical psychology. She studies the structure of people's subjective experience, their mental and behavioral strategies. In other words, NLP studies the connections between people's external behavior and their subconscious and vice versa.

It’s hard to imagine, but our thoughts, mood, and even the way we look at the world can be read without much effort using NLP. Moreover, using NLP methods, you can easily subjugate any person to your will and direct his actions. Moreover, all NLP processes are so natural that we constantly encounter them in our lives.

The concept of “neurolinguistic programming” includes three parts:

“Neuro” means that NLP is based on the five senses of perception (vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste).

“Linguistic” refers to the use of words and sounds to reach the subconscious. An important role in this is played by “body language,” which is often more eloquent than words.

Programming is the formulation of a verbal or unspoken command to control the consciousness, feelings or impulses of both oneself and another person.

History of the discovery of NLP

The question of when NLP originated is a matter of much debate. The knowledge described in NLP textbooks is so natural that throughout the history of mankind, it can be said to have made history. They were used by great orators, brilliant commanders, talented leaders and good psychologists. What is now called NLP was once thought of as good intuition, talent, excellent communication or even genius. At the same time, the very understanding of NLP arose much later - in the seventies of the twentieth century.

In those years, a young mathematics student at the University of California at Santa Cruz, Richard Bendler, was just beginning to think about how actions influence the course of thoughts. An experienced practicing psychotherapist often came to visit the Bandler family. His stories about psychology fascinated young Richard, and he decided to try himself in psychology. Without proper education in this area, Richard enthusiastically talked to him and began to notice an amazing feature. The more he imitated his mentor in behavior, the better he was able to master the knowledge of psychology. This led him to the idea that external behavior is closely related to internal knowledge. In the future, this became his work called “Modeling Mastery.”

Perhaps he alone would not have been able to understand these connections so well if he had not met John Grinder. John Grinder at that time had extensive experience in the field of linguistics, he had the title of professor. At one time he served in Europe and, as part of his duty, studied foreign languages. Like Richard Bendler, he noticed that if in the process of studying you paid attention not only to words, but also to behavior and movements, then it was much better to learn from that person. Finding that their views coincided in many ways, they decided to combine their knowledge to create a new and unique direction.

In those years, there lived a very popular psychiatrist, Fritz Perls. His therapy sessions were very effective and hundreds of people attended his talks with interest. Richard Bendler decided to try to imitate this master in order to understand what exactly in his actions brought success. Richard went to every one of his classes and tried to completely imitate the doctor, his movements, facial expressions, and manner of speech. He even started smoking cigars like Pearls and grew a beard just like him.

Having achieved great similarity in behavior and image, Richard Bendler and John Grinder began to analyze which of the learned experiences turned out to be important and which actions were unnecessary. For example, cigars and a beard had no meaning, but the manner of pronunciation of words, pauses and tempo of speech did the opposite. Gradually, among the chaotic information, moments that gave results emerged. This data subsequently became the starting point for the “Modeling Human Excellence” course.

The course was a great success. Richard Bendler and John Grinder decided not to stop there and continued to analyze outstanding psychologists and psychotherapists of that time. Thus, one of the founders of family psychotherapy, Virginia Satyr, and Gregory Bateson, who made revolutionary discoveries in the field of philosophy and systems thinking, became the objects of their research.

Scientists fully used the acquired knowledge in practical psychotherapy. Without stopping at their existing experience, they began to draw parallels between their patients with similar diseases. In the course of this, it turned out that all people suffering from phobias imagined the causes of their fear as if they were next to them with them right now. As it turned out, in order to get rid of an obsessive phobia, each of the patients only had to change their perception. As soon as they imagined themselves not as a participant in the events, but as an observer from the outside of someone else in a similar situation, their fears ceased to bother them.

At a later time, another extraordinary specialist joined them - Milton Erickson. He was widely known in California as the founder of the American Society of Medical Hypnosis. At the time of their acquaintance, Erickson already had a reputation as a universally recognized master of hypnosis, while Richard Bendler and John Grinder were little known and looked more like enthusiasts than experts in their field. Therefore, when they approached him with a request to participate in their research, Erickson hastened to get rid of them as quickly as possible. He was ready to end the conversation with a refusal, but Bandler uttered just one phrase, forcing him to change his mind.

He said, "Some people, Dr. Erickson, know how to find time." At the same time, he emphasized “Dr. Erickson” and “find time” with his intonation, thereby setting a command that was right there

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fulfilled. Their joint work was very fruitful, as it turned out, Dr. Erickson himself often noticed how certain movements and words hypnotically affect people.

The teachings of the researchers became increasingly popular. They started giving lectures about NLP in colleges. They soon gained many followers. Some of them not only achieved mastery in the use of NLP, but also discovered it from new sides. Among them I would like to mention Judith DeLozier, Robert Dilts and David Gordon, who have written many good books on the topic of NLP. It turned out that NLP, which Richard Bandler and John Grinder talked about, is just the basis; in fact, the scope of use of NLP is limitless.

Nowadays, NLP techniques are widely used in training aimed at increasing sales, building relationships between people and in psychotherapy. People who mastered this ingenious technique were able not only to change themselves, but also to adjust the world to their desires.

Theoretical foundations of NLP

The very first thing you must understand in NLP is that “the map is not the territory itself.” The meaning of this phrase is that our ideas about reality are actually very different from reality. The images that we draw in our heads, imagining any events or different people, are more based on our personal experience, intuitive ideas, or information from open sources. In the process of more detailed study, it may turn out that in fact everything is completely different from what it seemed at the beginning. Every person has their own map, and if someone behaves differently than they expect, it can be discouraging.

The second important point is to understand the phrase “Body and consciousness are parts of a single system.” It follows from this that by changing our appearance, we can change our consciousness. For example, when a person is unhappy, he demonstrates his sadness with all his appearance. You can understand his problem without words. A happy person can also be immediately noticed by his sparkling eyes and emotional movements. You will be surprised, but the connection between consciousness and body is not one-way. Just as consciousness affects body language, body movements can change consciousness!

The third important point to understand is life experience. Our memory stores all the events and thoughts that happened in our lives. With the help of NLP, you can not only easily resurrect old memories, but also recode them into a new desired way. All the information that has come to us over the years shapes our experience, and emotions give us energy. To retrieve the right moment from the depths of your memory, you just need to remember what you felt then: bright light, warmth or cold, the smell of the sea or the light rustle of grass.

The fourth point is communication. It is important to feel your interlocutor, study his movements, facial expressions, words, only in this case will you achieve success. Clearly monitor how he reacts to certain actions of yours. If they do not bring results, then you should change tactics. Remember that there is no such thing as a negative result, only a reverse reaction!

The more tools you can apply to a specific situation, the better. Don't limit yourself to a few effective strategies. Human psychology is limitless, and it is important that your actions are subtle and graceful.

The fifth important point is to strive to look at the situation not only as a participant, but also as an outside observer. Very often one can see from the outside what is difficult to comprehend from within the events.

The sixth point - remember, you have everything to achieve the desired result. Think about it, your real goals are sometimes at arm's length, but you can't reach them. Perhaps you are using your resources incorrectly? Personal qualities, environment, money, energy or even your beliefs, when used correctly, can help you achieve your goal.

The seventh point is good. Any action, as a rule, is dictated by good intentions. No person wants to wish themselves bad. We even explain smoking (you see, a bad, even dangerous habit) by the desire to relax and enjoy a cigarette. If you look closely at all your actions, then the desire to do good towards yourself or loved ones can be traced in every action we take.

The eighth point is that modeling success leads to success. The founders of NLP, Richard Bendler and John Grinder, managed to achieve incredible results by imitating outstanding personalities. If you ask a professional in his field how he achieved success, most likely he will not be able to give you an answer, because everything is so natural for him that he does not even think about the fact that it is possible to think and act differently. But if you take a closer look at him and study how he breathes, moves, what he values ​​and believes in, you can try on the model of his perception and achieve similar success.

How can NLP help in self-improvement?

Now that we know what NLP is, the question arises: “How can NLP help each person specifically?” You will be surprised, but the list of areas in which NLP can help you touches almost every area of ​​our lives.

NLP allows you to learn how to manage your emotions, body and even thoughts. With the help of NLP, you can get rid of old fears, program yourself for success, overcome your bad habits (such as smoking, overeating, untidiness, and so on). NLP will help you become more confident and successful.

Using NLP techniques, you can change the attitude of others towards you. Even more than that, you will be able to control their minds, push them to make decisions that are interesting to you.

Knowing the basics of NLP, you can easily achieve any goal, regardless of what it is related to. For example, you can find a good job or achieve favor with the opposite sex.

The NLP technique will help you rethink not only yourself, but also those around you. You will be able to learn from the valuable experience of your more successful colleagues and acquaintances in order to achieve your heights.

NLP will help you create your ideal future in your mind and confidently move towards its fulfillment.

The biggest advantage of the NLP technique is a minimum of theory and a maximum of practical training. Everything about this technology is so simple that almost anyone can master it, the main thing is to have the desire and perseverance.

To many of you, the idea of ​​programming may seem like something unnatural and forced. You may even feel that this is an infringement on personal freedom. In fact, this is completely wrong. The reality is that we are programmed from birth. Social values, education, social foundations are a kind of mass programming.

Think about it, from childhood you are firmly taught what to do is good and what is bad, what is right and what is not. It is during childhood that a person goes through the main stages of socialization and learns to live in society. Being a member of society is the basic program of every person.

In addition to the fact that we participate in social relationships, we are daily exposed to influences that try to change our minds and induce us to make some decisions.

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For example, advertising is truly the most powerful engine of trade, tirelessly forcing us to buy, programming us to choose exactly those goods that the customer needs, and as much as possible. News announcements program us to have a patriotic attitude and compassion for other members of society.

In stores, competent marketers, having studied human psychology, send program settings from the very first steps. Haven't you noticed that when you go into a store just to buy bread, you come out with a bunch of things that you didn't even intend to buy? All this is hidden programming.

So if we are constantly subjected to other people's programming, why is it bad if we finally decide to manage ourselves and our lives? It is in order to be able to change your life for the better that you should take up neurolinguistic programming.

Chapter two. NLP - the path to success

The famous phrase “If you want to change the world, start changing yourself” perfectly corresponds to the teachings of NLP. Our harmony and self-sufficiency directly depends on how we feel ourselves.

Imagine for a moment what a special agent looks like. What qualities do you think a person in this profession should have? You are more likely to say: confidence, determination, inner strength, strong-willed character. These are the characteristics that many people admire, but at the same time they experience some mental anguish due to the fact that they do not possess such qualities. The most annoying thing is that in order to become such a person, it is enough to take just one step, but most of us simply do not realize it. NLP will help you become who you want to be.

The SMART program is the path to achieving the goal

To start working on yourself, you need to understand what exactly do you want to get by studying NLP? What goal do you set for yourself? After all, as you know, an aimless path leads to nowhere. Think about what in life you are not happy with? What would you like to change?

To correctly formulate a goal, let’s turn to the simple and effective SMART program.

SMART stands for:

specific – specific;

measurable - measurable;

attainable – achievable;

relevant – significant;

time-bounded – correlated with a specific period.

This means your goal should:

First, be clearly defined,

Secondly, have specific measurements,

Thirdly, be achievable in relation to the knowledge and material resources you have,

Fourth, have maximum priority,

And finally, its achievement must be clearly limited in time.

For each person, the choice of goal is individual. For some it is important to get a good position, some dream of starting a family, some want to overcome bad habits, while others want to cope with excess weight. The goal can be anything, the main thing is your cherished goal, to achieve which you are ready to work on yourself.

Once you have identified your goal, look at it from all angles.

Think about the positive impact your goal has. Will you have to sacrifice anything to achieve it? Are there times when achieving a goal will cause harm to someone? Mentally put all the positive and negative points on the scale. What outweighs? If negative aspects predominate, think about whether you have defined the goal correctly; perhaps achieving a different goal will bring you much more benefit.

Determine what resources you will need to achieve your goal. Think about what you are missing and how best to get the missing components. What people can help you with this? Map out the first steps towards your goal. Imagine how you will feel when the goal is achieved.

Think about what secondary benefits the process of achieving your goal can bring you. For example, if your goal is to get a good job, then secondary benefit should be sought in fruitful work on yourself. You may need to learn new skills, but this will undoubtedly bring benefits - broadening your horizons and increasing your competitiveness in the labor market.

Now that the goal has been defined and seems quite achievable to you, it costs you nothing to bring it to life. If the goal is global and there are too many steps towards it, try breaking it down into several stages, each of which will have its own intermediate goal.

Say your goal out loud. Think about it, does it sound right? Remember that the wording should not contain words or particles of negation, such as “not”, “never”, “stop”, “without” and so on. Our brain often perceives such words not as a denial of the meaning of the goal, but as a denial of itself? achieving the goal. As a result, subconsciously we will resist achieving the goal.

Now the fun begins. Let's dream a little.

Imagine how you will feel when you achieve your goal. Enjoy these sensations, mentally draw yourself at this moment of success, visual images, sounds, smells. Take your time, enjoy this moment. The brighter the colors, the more desirable the success.

Now bring yourself to your present position. Feel the difference between the change of events. How do you feel?

Now imagine yourself halfway to your goal. Think about how you work meticulously to achieve your dreams. There are already many steps behind us, but there is also a lot of work ahead. What thoughts do you have?

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Ancient wisdom says that the human soul is darkness. Therefore, until now, there has been no technology to work with the human soul so that it can be influenced, corrected and healed. Of course, brilliant teachers, doctors, priests who could somehow influence subtle matter existed at all times, but such people were rare. Special technologies for working with human consciousness, with our inner “I”, appeared in the twentieth century. Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is considered the most effective technology in the field of psychoanalysis.

Chapter first. What is NLP?

NLP is a new look at your life, which you can live with pleasure, and not as you have to, groaning that such fate or karma befell you. And if you have enough courage and perseverance, then, having mastered NLP techniques, you can even manage your own life.

1.1. NLP - a direction in psychiatry and psychology

The difference from classical psychology is that an NLP specialist does not correct your problems, does not try to correct you. It simply embeds in a person’s consciousness the necessary model of behavior in which problems will have no place, offering the patient a wider choice of solutions to an exciting issue.

For comparison. To rid a patient of a problem or phobia, a psychologist first carefully studies all the causes of its occurrence and the mechanism of their development. Then, to eliminate the problem, he tries to change these mechanisms running in the human mind. Sometimes patients have to go to a psychologist for several years and to no avail. A neurolinguistic programming specialist will not correct your phobia, he will try to change your behavior and thoughts so that it has no place in your life.

NLP studies the structure of human thinking and perception of the world. Of course, this structure is not a strict mathematical formula, but, nevertheless, it can be studied and understood how it works.

Each person has his own individual vision of the world, his own opinion about it and, accordingly, a characteristic reaction to the environment. There is an objective reality, but our senses (touch, smell, vision, hearing) have limitations and are not able to perceive the entire spectrum of sounds, colors, smells, so we only have an approximate idea of ​​the reality around us. Moreover, each of us sees the world through the glasses of our culture, upbringing, and character. Each person has his own vision, different from others, it depends on place of residence, gender, education. For example, people of a different nationality, with a different history, a different culture, will have a different view of the world.

Taking into account all these features, we can conclude that each person’s vision map of the world is limited, unique and individual.

It is his own map that is true, most authentic and real for him. Of course, there may be “friendly” maps of the world that are “convenient” for understanding and provide additional opportunities. As a result, a person, taking as a basis his map and some details from a friendly vision map of the world, chooses the optimal way of behavior for himself. That is, a person’s behavior depends on his internal beliefs and concepts.

In scientific terms, NLP is “the study of the structures of a person’s subjective experience.” To put it simply, NLP specialists study how different people experience and perceive reality, what kind of reaction they have to the surrounding reality.

With the help of NLP, you can direct the client to the result that he needs, help him re-evaluate his behavior, relationships with other people, that is, help him create the image of the person he dreams of. An NLP specialist has a ready-made set of proven techniques in his arsenal that are suitable for any occasion. If, for example, you have a fear of heights, then with the help of NLP a specialist will select a technique for you so that this phobia will no longer have a place in your life. NLP techniques help to understand any problems that arise in the consciousness of the human person, and easily and quickly make deep and lasting changes in both behavior and beliefs of people. NLP has developed techniques that allow you to quickly and very effectively change a person’s thoughts, behavior and beliefs and achieve the desired result.

Of course, this process is complex and lengthy and requires complete mutual understanding and trust between the client and the psychologist.

NLP is a way of perceiving the world; nothing is specially invented in it. All developed methods are the result of long-term observations of human behavior and his reactions to the surrounding reality. Since the beliefs and views of each person are subjective, the task of NLP specialists is to show the client that their world map is not at all the surrounding reality. NLP works with subjective beliefs and perceptions; if you change them, then human behavior will change.

NLP was originally created to study the thinking of talented and successful people; neurolinguistic programming specialists tried to understand how geniuses differ from ordinary, ordinary people. Thanks to neurolinguistic programming techniques, they have identified the essence of successful thinking and are trying to teach other people to use similar schemes to achieve their own personal success.

1.2. Programming for success

“Find out what the great magicians know, and it will no longer be magic.”

(R. Bach “Illusions”)

And truly knowledge is power. The meaning of this epigraph can be expressed differently. If you learn the secret of successful people, then success will come to you. If you master the knowledge of professionals, you yourself will become a great master of your craft. Uncover the secret of geniuses - you yourself will become a genius.

Neurolinguistic programming.

The term “programming” alarms many and pushes them away from this area of ​​practical psychology and psychotherapy. Let's look at the meaning of this word. What is programming? Programming is a sequence of actions with the aim of obtaining some result.

We come across these step-by-step instructions almost every day in our lives, for example, when reading culinary recipes, instructions for household appliances, when we are learning some skill. Recipes, instructions, technologies, job descriptions do not repel us, but the word “programming” immediately puts us on guard. But programming is simply a program or a sequence of actions that will help correct our behavior and change our subjective vision of the world.

We are not afraid of diaries when we plan our working time, and NLP is nothing more than the process of drawing up a program for our activities, our behavior. NLP is the identification of those sequential actions that successful people do in their heads, the generalization and description of their experience for transferring it to other people, that is, the creation of “instructions”, “technologies” of behavior for achieving success in some type of activity.

Neuro-linguistic programming has been around for almost 35 years and is popular in many developed countries. For example, in Austria, Switzerland and Germany, NLP is officially recognized as a field of psychotherapy. In France, some NLP standards are approved at the state level. In the USA there are almost one hundred official organizations involved in NLP, and in Germany there are 70 large NLP centers, there are even institutes that research and develop NLP techniques and apply them in various fields. In the West, many companies, when hiring new employees, give preference to those people who have a certificate as a specialist in the field of NLP.

In Russia, neurolinguistic programming is just beginning to develop, but in Moscow and St. Petersburg there are already official NLP centers that are recognized by the world community. Due to its versatility, neurolinguistic programming has found application in many areas of life of modern people.

The use of NLP gives a huge leap in personal growth, helps to establish or improve personal relationships, develop the ability to persuade, learn to perceive the world around you positively, increase self-esteem, get rid of negative experiences of the past, focus on your goals and direct all your efforts to achieve them, increase productivity, learn to manage your feelings, get rid of negative habits, believe in yourself, take a creative approach to solving problems, enjoy life, and develop the necessary qualities in yourself. Generally speaking, NLP helps to understand the art of living fully. And, most importantly, you yourself change your life!

Chapter two. Basic NLP Terms

2.1. Map and filters. What it is?

What needs to be rethought to make NLP work? Before answering this question, let's remember a little theory about NLP, in which concepts such as map and filters are found.

A map is a person’s personal experience, which is created under certain conditions. Maps are not right or wrong; they can be effective or, conversely, problematic. Some cards sometimes prevent a person from achieving his goals, since living conditions change, but the card remains the same, while the owner of the card stubbornly continues to believe that his card is correct, tries to prove it, and as a result he has a lot of problems.

Filters are our senses, our experience, beliefs, culture, language, nationality, values, interests.

In our world everything is relative. For example, if you ask a teenager: “50 years, is it a lot or a little?” He will, of course, answer that this is very, very much. And an eighty-year-old man will say that this is still a very young age. So are three hairs - if they are on the head, then this is not enough, if they get into food, then this is already too much. In this world, everything is relative, and our perception of the world is not the whole world.

NLP deals with the study of maps, that is, subjective experience. NLP specialists help expand or even change the map and vision of the world to a more effective one.

Why should you change your map? We perceive and study the world around us with the help of our senses. And since we have only six organs for perceiving the world (eyes, ears, tongue, skin, nose, vestibular apparatus), and the world is much more complex, we feel only a small part of it and cannot give it an objective assessment. We pass this part of the reality around us through our filters, as a result, each person has his own map, his own unique reality, built on his impressions and individual life experiences. And his behavior is closely related to his model of the world.

A person with narrow interests and beliefs perceives the world as boring and joyless. But the same surrounding reality can be made exciting if you change the filters through which he perceives the world around him.

In NLP, filters are sometimes also called behavioral frames, which help us understand the reasons for our actions. Analyze what frames you use in your life. Maybe it’s worth adjusting them or replacing them altogether?

2.2. Going beyond

Result Orientation Frame. The essence of this framework is to direct all your actions to achieve results, to find the necessary solutions, but you should not concentrate on problems.

The “Blame” frame, on the contrary, is aimed at finding the reasons for one’s failures and carefully analyzing them. But applying this framework will not lead to anything good, and asking questions such as “Why did I have this problem? Whose mistake? Who is stopping? What is limiting? Why?” will not solve the problem, but will only worsen your mood. Therefore, if you need to eliminate the problem, then you should ask yourself the question “How?” This question will help reveal the structure of the problem and find a way out of the situation.

"Feedback" frame. Remember that there is no such thing as “failure”, there is only “result”. These are completely two different ideas. Failure leads a person to a dead end, but analysis of the result corrects actions and helps to find a way out of the situation, to notice something that was not paid attention to before, that is, it is used as feedback. Therefore, if something didn’t work out for you, analyze the result obtained and look for other ways to achieve your goal.

Opportunities frame. The point of this framework is to change your perspective on solving a problem. You should not think that the obstacles that have arisen in front of you are insurmountable; often these barriers only seem impregnable. Analyze the situation and look for ways out of it. It’s not for nothing that they say: “There are no hopeless situations.”

Neuro-linguistic programming encourages an attitude of wonder and curiosity rather than pretense. Notice how young children learn everything quickly - this is thanks to curiosity. Kids don’t know a lot, and in order to understand how the world around them works, they ask questions on any occasion, they don’t care at all how they look from the outside, whether their actions and questions are funny or not.

There is another very useful idea in NLP. Its essence is that if you want to succeed, then use the tactic of assumption, that is, assuming that all your actions are correct, rather than thinking the opposite.

2.3. Learning, learning, relearning and forgetting

A person is bombarded with a large flow of information every minute, every second, but our consciousness is very limited, and we perceive only the smallest part of this flow. But if we analyze, then unconsciously we still notice much more information than consciously. Let's try to figure this out. Every person has a conscious and subconscious mind. As we have already said, it is limited, it simultaneously perceives and stores plus or minus seven variables (seven pieces of some information) from the external and internal world.

At the same time, the subconscious captures much more, since it covers all the life-supporting processes of the human body, all our accumulated experience. The subconscious turns out to be more aware than our consciousness. For example, if you are currently busy with something, then you see and hear only those images and sounds that are associated with it, and all your thoughts are also directed in this direction. But there is life going on around us, which is full of other information. Your subconscious mind picks up these images or sounds and processes them. For example, it’s raining outside the window, a car has passed by, you don’t need these sounds and images and your consciousness doesn’t notice them until you focus on these sounds. And the subconscious captured them and even processed them, for example, what kind of car drove by, how hard it was raining.

Our culture encourages the belief that what you and I do we do consciously, but it turns out that we do best when we do it unconsciously. Learning any skill goes through four stages: ignorance, limitations, conscious knowledge, habit (forgetting).

Let's look at the example of learning to drive a car. For example, you have never driven a car and you don’t know how it’s done, you’ve never thought about it. Here is the first stage - unconscious ignorance.

You have signed up for courses and are having your first driving lesson. Following the instructor's prompts, you feel your limitations, as it is difficult for you to keep your attention on all the levers, pedals and the situation on the road at the same time. There are two stages here: conscious ignorance and limitations.

But this stage is the most useful. The stage of incompetence when you, without pressing the clutch, engage another gear, thereby breaking the gears in the box, swerve along the road, avoiding potholes, and thereby terrify other road users. It is at this stage that you acquire all the knowledge you need and smoothly move into the stage of competence.

Here you can already keep both the levers and the road in your field of attention. But you get very tired from the process of driving a car, because for now all your attention is focused on the process of driving and you cannot be distracted by anything else.

But thanks to long-term training, you already listen to music while driving, carry on a conversation with a passenger, because all your movements in driving the car have become habitual, they have gone to the subconscious level, you perform them automatically, without connecting your consciousness to it (forgetting stage) , which during the trip began to perceive different information.

All your skills have merged into a single whole, and you have moved to the stage of competence. The same stages must be passed through to learn NLP skills and techniques. First, you will go through the stage of ignorance, then restrictions, conscious knowledge, and when all the techniques become a habit, your life will change a lot, and you will easily get the desired result.

Chapter three. Classic NLP Techniques That Change Your Life

Neuro-linguistic programming has many different techniques to solve a wide variety of problems. Let's get to know some of them.

3.1. Belief Changing Technique

You and I have already discussed the topic that each person has his own individual vision map of the world, and all our actions are based on the beliefs we have. But it is our personal beliefs that limit the achievement of the necessary results. For example, we need to achieve something, we begin to choose ways to achieve our goal, and we pass these chosen methods through the sieve of our beliefs. We consider some methods acceptable for ourselves, and some simply impossible, because they do not fit our beliefs. But our beliefs are a purely subjective thing, and sometimes it is our beliefs that prevent us from starting to live a full life in this world. All our beliefs were formed as a result of some situations, but events or situations cannot be good or bad, we make them that way, passing them through our prism of perception of the surrounding reality.

Therefore, to change your beliefs, rethink the current situation, collect positive facts about it, and carefully work out the negative ones. Perhaps then you will be convinced that your existing views are incorrect. If you still find it difficult to get rid of your beliefs, although you have realized that your belief is wrong, replace them with another principle, focus on it, start repeating it regularly, but with a touch of optimism. By the end of a month of doing this exercise, your beliefs will have changed.

3.2. “Anchoring” technique

You have probably noticed that during everyday worries, when you are immersed in the routine of everyday life, you suddenly suddenly begin to experience a strong emotional upsurge, without understanding where it suddenly came from.

It turns out that everything is very simple. Somewhere nearby, familiar music suddenly began to sound, which evokes pleasant memories in you, hence the emotional upsurge. The “Anchoring” mechanism has worked in your psyche. “NLP anchors” can cause both positive and negative emotions. “Anchors” can be installed artificially. For example, our grandmothers, in order not to forget about some event, tied knots on handkerchiefs. Nowadays you can see how some people draw a cross on their hand so as not to forget something. Knots and crosses are also “anchors” in order to remember the desired event.

This "anchoring" technique is used in many situations. Its essence is as follows. A person always correlates certain actions, circumstances, situations, places, images, music with the emotional states (positive or negative) that they evoke in him. Using this fact, you can specifically learn to induce the necessary state of mind not only in yourself, but also in other people.

The technique is very simple.

First, decide what state, what feelings you want to experience at the moment.

Then remember the situation, image, circumstances under which you experienced these feelings.

Gradually go deeper into your memories, remember all the pleasant details, and you will feel the same emotions that you experienced for the first time in those situations. As soon as you begin to experience feelings rushing over you, scratch, stroke, or pinch some part of your body, for example, your wrist.

Repeat this exercise several times, always touching the same area of ​​your body.

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