Lost Generations read. Book: “Lost Generations”

Eve Preston is the creative pseudonym behind which our compatriot Nadezhda Kochetkova hides. According to a representative of the publishing house, who was also present at the meeting, the books of each author included in the series will be published under pseudonyms.

In Russia there is some kind of stereotype about the author's name. It is especially common among young people. Readers are more willing to buy and read a book from some foreign writer, even a completely unknown one, than to appreciate the work of their compatriots.

Nadezhda Kochetkova is a 4th year student at the Faculty of Philology of Voronezh State University, born and raised in Voronezh. Today's meeting with readers is her first appearance as a writer.

- “Lost Generations” is a dystopia with elements of science fiction. At the moment, works of this genre are put on a par with dystopias, but I adhere to the point of view according to which dystopia and dystopia are different genres, albeit related ones. Each of them represents the interaction between man and society in his own way. If we talk about the title of the book, it is, of course, no coincidence. It is ambiguous – the “generations” present in the text are lost in many ways. Of course, there is also an appeal to the phenomenon of the “lost generation”, which is reflected in the works of a number of writers, including Hemingway, Remarque, Fitzgerald. The “lost generation” included young people who were called to the front at a very young age. The war traumatized them, and even after surviving, they were unable to adapt to peaceful life. In my book they are just preparing for war, it has not even begun yet, but it is already capable of crippling destinies, its influence on the characters is already obvious,” Nadezhda Kochetkova shared with the audience.

More than 20 people came to the meeting with the writer, taking into account the fact that the book only began arriving on the shelves of Voronezh stores this week. The bulk were Nadezhda’s friends and acquaintances who came to support her, but there were people attracted both by the mysterious pseudonym and by excerpts from the novel that can be read online.

At first, I had the prejudice that if you publish your texts online, the publishing house will never publish you. Why take something that is already freely available? But after talking with people who worked on the publication of my book, I realized that the Internet now plays a major role in attracting an audience. It is important for publishers to know whether your book is interesting to the public, whether they will buy it, and such verification can be carried out, despite all prejudices, on the Internet. Therefore, now I believe that the Internet is a young author’s best friend,” said Nadezhda Kochetkova.

There were also enough questions. The audience was interested in everything: from the contents of the book to the author’s future plans.

- The last stage of work on the book very “successfully” coincided with the winter session and the delivery of coursework, so due to the catastrophic lack of time, the process of literary editing turned out to be very difficult for me. I had to work too much and sleep too little. But I got a wonderful literary editor, with whom we worked through the entire text. The editor made more than 1,000 notes, each of which required editing by the author's hand. It was a wonderful experience, thanks to which I was able to see and, what is very important, independently correct my shortcomings and take them into account in my future work. "Lost Generations" is planned as a duology, and now I'm writing the second part, which should be released in the fall. I’m also going to enroll in a master’s program to continue theoretical research into the genres of dystopia and dystopia,” explained Nadezhda Kochetkova.

The meeting ended at 20:00 and by this time everyone could buy Eve Preston’s debut book with a 30% discount, which in honor of “Library Night” was valid in the Amital store for all books.

But these were not all the surprises that Amital prepared for its clients. Immediately after the end of the meeting with Eve Preston, all attention turned to the special guest of “Library Night” Dmitry Pukasev, who introduced store visitors to the unearthly musical instrument KeyRa, created by Voronezh master Alexander Vinokur, and its cosmic sound.

“Library Night” ended at the Amital store at 23:00 to the sounds of a “singing cello.”


Do you need to varnish your printed materials? This is done using special equipment. One of them is presented to your attention -

Eve Preston


Crowd. He couldn't see her - the walls of the cell were still a dull milky white color. But he knew that all the inhabitants of the city had already gathered there, outside.

They came to see his execution.

He did not feel fear, because he was ready for this, he knew that he could be caught. But so many years have passed - and he relaxed, lost his vigilance, allowed himself to think that they had stopped looking for him.

The white surrounding the prisoner receded, dissipated, and the chamber became transparent. He jumped to his feet. His body became numb - he had been lying in one position for too long - and he stretched with pleasure until his bones crunched. Why worry about etiquette if you're going to be executed in a few minutes? It's not a good time to deny yourself a little pleasure.

He was right: all the levels were filled to capacity, they even brought children from the School, of course, such a reason...

The whole city is here. This means that he has a chance to see her, she must be with the Overseers. He glanced at the levels: School, Council balcony, Generation Zero, Corps levels... He must find her, see her for the last time... Here is the Overseer level.

Hiss. Procin was released into the chamber. Now there is almost no time left.

There are not so many of them, people in green overalls, so he quickly finds the Caretaker he needs. He had to tell her so much, he had to warn her somehow... But all these years he simply watched her, thought that it was not the time yet, could not muster up the courage - and put off this conversation over and over again.

He looks at her, for the first time in recent years seeing her not on a video surveillance screen, but in person, albeit from such a distance. She's already eighteen. The dark brown hair has lengthened, the expression of her pointed face has become more serious... For some reason she turns her head, looks around, although now everyone’s attention is focused on the Minister reading the speech, as if she is looking for someone. She turns and he meets her gaze. Memory fills in details that he cannot see: large gray-blue eyes, a mole under his left eye...

He finds himself smiling and quickly looks away. It’s too dangerous to look at her now, when the whole city is watching him, because she could be figured out...

It’s becoming more and more difficult to breathe, thoughts are already losing coherence. He breaks into a coughing fit, each convulsive breath bringing the end of the whole action closer. It seems that everything will end quickly - they didn’t skimp on procin today. His head is spinning and he sits on the floor. The eyes close on their own. He is tired, so tired...

They won't find her because they don't know anything about her. He could not warn her - but he managed to do everything to ensure that she would not be found. She's safe.

As long as she is among the Overseers, she is safe. He hid her secret.

The long-awaited letter.

The envelope bears the round seal of the Council of Argolis. I look closely, trying to read what is written on it, but it is useless. The ink had blurred - the paper was too bad, but even this dirty brown one, made from raw materials recycled for the second or third time, was hard to get in the underground city.

I open the envelope. "Councillor Moreau has reviewed your request." So the letter begins. “There is currently no way for the Council to respond positively. We appreciate your attention to this problem, but due to circumstances...”

Damn it. I was rejected for the fifth time. I don’t read further because I already know what is written there, because every time they write the same thing, just in different words. “We appreciate your concern for the Silents, Arnika, but you are doing just fine there without outside help. Oh, yes, over the past six months there have only been three serious injuries in your working group of Silents, but these are very, very low figures. And not a single death in the group in recent years - but look what’s going on with others! You are an excellent Caretaker, dear Arnika, keep up the good work, you don’t need an assistant at all, so we won’t give one to you.”

Something rustles behind me.

Turning around, I hit the cup on my desk with my elbow. I manage to catch her and only then realize: she would not have broken, because this is a greenhouse, here under my feet is not a concrete floor, but earth, soft earth. But I cannot allow myself to relax, I must always be on guard, because this is my job.

Setting the cup down on the table, I turn my gaze to the Silent standing next to me. Gaspard is clearly worried about something. He raises his right hand, tapping his chest twice with his open palm, and then touches his temple with two fingers. Look at me. Then he turns his head, and following him I look at the rest of the Silents. They all stopped putting away their inventory and stood and looked at me. They should never see how upset I am. This will scare them. So now I need to show that everything is okay. Taking a deep breath, I repeat Gaspar's gesture and smile as sincerely as possible - first to Gaspar, and then to the rest of the Silents, and they return to cleaning.

Silents. They are all much older than me, the oldest is sixty, the youngest is twenty-nine. But to me they are like children. Just as naive and sincere, just as defenseless. Each of them previously had their own life, their own story, but all their stories end in the same way.

Procine, a poisonous gas that has poisoned our atmosphere. Procyn deprived them of their voice and memories.

Silents are often called "extinguished" because all their emotions have faded away and they no longer feel anything. But that's not true. After working with them for four years, I learned to distinguish the slightest manifestations of their emotions - they are still there, they have just become much quieter. Every day I try to talk to the Silents as much as possible. They cannot answer me - but, peering into their faces, I see a reaction - barely noticeable, but I see it, I see how they frown or smile.

My group always works in greenhouses. The work they do is important not only to all of Argolis, but also to the Silents themselves. Inaction significantly worsens their condition - they seem to withdraw even deeper into themselves, completely ceasing to react to the world around them. In addition, sealants are not always careful and can get hurt while working. My duty is to watch over them, help them, guide them and protect them. I became a Warden at fourteen, straight out of School. At that time, this group of Silents was small, only fifteen people, and another Overseer helped me. Now, four years later, there are twenty-three Silents in the group. I'm alone.

I check that the equipment is folded correctly, and then, raising my hands, I clap my hands twice. This is also a signal - the Silents line up in a column of three. I glance at them, checking that everything is in place, and then we leave the greenhouses.

When we go down to the residential levels, Dina, an awkward blonde girl, meets us at the elevator. She is almost fourteen and finishing her last year of school. Dina watches my Silents when they are not busy with work. She even lives in a common block with those Silents who have no family. Dina is not a Caretaker yet, but she plans to become one.

And I respect her for this decision.

We go to dinner, and only at the door of the dining room do I remember that I left my work tablet in the desk drawer. It’s very bad timing, because today you need to go to the technical department for a mandatory check. Hastily apologizing to Dina, I run to the elevator. I don't usually suffer from forgetfulness, but today is definitely not my day. I can’t afford to lose my tablet: it contains all the group’s personal files, all my notes. I got the tablet miraculously - with great difficulty I negotiated it from Efim, the head of the technical department, promising that I would bring it in for inspection every month.

But I had to fulfill one more condition - to take a new sealant. “I will worry much less about my mother if she is transferred to your group,” Yefim said then. And he's not the only one who noticed that I'm a good Overseer.

I approach the dining room. A girl passing by brushes her shoulder against me. After taking a couple more steps, she stops and returns to me, smiling. I have to suppress the urge to roll my eyes - right now, when my mood is ruined by another refusal and I don’t want to see anyone, I meet Rita.

“A-arnica,” she says drawlingly, looking at me. - Long time no see.

Under her gaze I feel a little awkward. Oh, I can imagine what I look like now - after a day in the greenhouses I didn’t even have time to wash myself properly. My Warden work uniform, made of rough green fabric, is already very worn and faded from numerous washes. There are patches and stains on it that cannot be removed with anything - and I will only be able to ask for a new uniform at the end of next month. Rita is wearing a light recruit training suit with the Corps emblem on the sleeve. Her friend, who came up to us and is now looking at us both with curiosity, is wearing exactly the same costume.

“I didn’t know that you were friends with the Caretaker,” she turns to Rita.

We studied together for the last school year. “You go, I’ll catch up with you,” Rita responds absentmindedly, and her friend leaves.

We live in anticipation of war. We lost our families and home when the enemy took over our city, weakened by a childhood epidemic. But we, the children, who had managed to be protected from the virus, were rescued and hidden in a system of abandoned bunkers. Our return has been prepared for many years, and now the Corps' army is almost ready for battle. I had good reasons to dislike Kop p yc, but I could not even imagine that one day I would join its ranks of my own free will... Lost Generations is a novel about a world that has lost its past and lives only in hope for the future. About a war that has not yet begun, but has already affected everyone’s life.

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Reviews about the book:

I liked the book. There are many things that are reminiscent of other stories, but there is also a twist that no one else has. I'm looking forward to the continuation.

There is nothing new in this book, all the same “hunger games” mixed with “divergent”, the author tried to intrigue and abandoned the story halfway... the impression is that it is either a thirst for money or a lack of imagination. The series is increasingly disappointing.

book with soul 0

So. Eve Preston and her book "Lost Generations". What can you say about this book? This is a beautifully written fantasy and dystopia. I just started getting acquainted with books of this genre and it turned out great. I liked the plot, the characters, the character of the main character. I read it quickly and, as it turned out, there was very little. There were a lot of questions left to which no answers were found. I hope in part 2 I will answer all my questions. But what about the first one... the volume is very small. After reading it, it felt like I was reading fan fiction. But this did not spoil my impression of the book, because the 2nd part will be released soon and I think that this small nuance will be exhausted. In general, it seems to me that it would have been entirely possible not to divide the book into 2 parts, but to immediately release it as one. For me, the first one came out too small. What about the content: the book is written with humor (in some moments) and at the same time with all seriousness, and naturally, there was some kind of mental wound of the main character received at the very beginning of the book, and haunting memories that stirred that mental wound and pain until the very beginning of the book. end. 5 points for the plot, but if it weren’t for the expected 2nd part of the book, it would have been an ordinary fan fiction published in paper form.

Veronica Kirichenko 0

After a war with a neighboring state, the inhabitants of Argolis are forced to live in a bunker underground. Where they prepare cadets for war. But the fact is that mostly children and teenagers live in the bunker, and it is they who have to liberate their city. Arnica worked as a Caretaker all her life, looking after the Silents - people who, having been poisoned by the poisonous gas procin, became helpless like children. But when one of the Silents dies in her hands, Arnika gives him the word to lead everyone to the top, and in order to keep her word, she enters the Corps. Of all the books I have read from the ONLINE bestselling series, this is the weakest. No, she is interesting in her own way, but compared to others she loses. I liked the world created by the author, I liked Arnika as the main character, the guys from her squad, especially their training. But there is absolutely no love line in this book. Well, the book ends in the middle, so to form a complete opinion about this story, you need to read the sequel. Overall, it's an easy and fun read. I'm waiting for the second part to finally find out all the secrets and get the full picture. In the meantime, 5 points in advance :)

Disadvantages: If it were just online, then one could call it “fan fiction” on the Hunger Games and Divergent, otherwise it would be plagiarism Comment: Another book in the “online bestseller” series. Another author with a fashionable, foreign name that pleases the ears of any modern teenager. All the characters in the book are teenagers, they also have Western-style names, and all of them, one way or another, have their prototypes from other authors of popular youth books. That is, this teenage girl who composed this dregs did not come up with anything new. She read numerous sagas that are now at the height of fashion, and composed her own. This is, of course, completely normal, many children do this, it’s even commendable. But why sell it? This is secondary (even worse - a copy taken from a copy), not literary, tongue-tied, poor and simply very, very banal. But teenagers devour identical books with identical characters one after another, and cannot stop. This is fast food for brains that become covered with dust and mold.

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    Wikipedia has articles about other people with this surname, see Yakir. Jonah Emmanuilovich Yakir, commander of the 1st rank I. E. Yakir Date of birth August 3 (15), 1896 (1896 08 15 ... Wikipedia

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